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 Te me declaraste

y no te puedo decir

ni un pero, aunque

los dos sabemos que

de verdad te quiero.

you declared to me

and i can't tell you

not a but, though

we both know that

I really love you.

 Las aves en la montaña

anidan en algodón:

yo en cambio quiero anidar

dentro de tu corazón.

birds in the mountains

nest in cotton:

instead I want to nest

inside your heart.

 Son tus manos dos palomas

Y tu boca es un primor

Pero si tu atención no me brindas

A otra entregaré mi amor

Your hands are two doves

And your mouth is a beauty

But if your attention does not give me

To another I will give my love

 Cuando pase por tu casa,

te he de pegar un silbido;

si tu mama te pregunta,

dile que es un pajarito.

When I pass by your house

I have to pay you a whistle;

if your mom asks you,

tell him it's a little bird.

 El anillo que me diste

fue de oro y se rompió;

el amor que me tuviste

duró poco y se acabó.

the ring you gave me

it was gold and it broke;

the love you had for me

It didn't last long and it was over.

 Quisiera decirte cosas lindas

en esta noche esplendorosa

que si un beso tú me dieras

yo te regalaría una rosa.

I would like to tell you nice things

on this glorious night

that if you gave me a kiss

I would give you a rose.

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