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APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES: León Molina Nicole Alejandra

CEDULA: 175060607-9
DIRECCIÓN: Calle 13 de abril e Imbabura
TELÉFONO: (02) 2110082
CELULAR: 0979407113

FACULTAD: Facultad de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (FECYT)
CARRERA: Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros
MODALIDAD: Presencial
NIVEL: Sexto


“Integrating Rural Communities of Imbabura and Carchi into the English Language Learning

Descripción de la situación de la organización, después de la transferencia de


Los alumnos de la escuela Humberto Valenzuela de la comunidad “El Baboso”,

después de las clases impartidas por los estudiantes de sexto semestre de Pedagogía
de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros poseen con una noción más clara acerca del
idioma, con un conocimiento básico acerca del mismo. De igual manera, se
encuentran encaminados hacia los conocimientos establecidos por parte del
MINEDUC a través de los módulos pedagógicos y el MCER en el que deben estar los
alumnos de acuerdo con el grado en el que se encuentren.

Total de horas ejecutadas durante el proceso de vinculación.


Octubre 8

Noviembre 17

Diciembre 18

Enero 12

Febrero 12

Total horas 96


1. En cuanto a infraestructura, la institución no cuenta con apoyo

gubernamental, donde los estudiantes no poseen servicios básicos o
espacio suficiente para recibir las clases, así mismo, no se evidencia la
incidencia positiva por parte del Ministerio de Educación en la comunidad.
2. No hay un equilibrio entre la cantidad de docentes y estudiantes, un solo
profesor tiene que dar clases a un gran número de alumnos de diferentes
niveles, lo cual puede presentar una barrera a la hora de impartir las clases.
3. La unidad educativa no cuenta con docentes de inglés, por lo cual los
alumnos tienen un conocimiento escaso del idioma.
4. Pese a que la asignatura de inglés debe constar en el currículo, los
estudiantes no tenían esta asignatura dentro de su horario.


1. El Gobierno y el Ministerio de Educación deberían prestar atención

prioritaria a las unidades educativas que se encuentran en estado de
vulnerabilidad, para de esta manera garantizar que los estudiantes tengan
la oportunidad de acceder a una educación de calidad.
2. El MINEDUC debería asignar más profesores a los sectores rurales, para
que no exista este desbalance entre docentes y estudiantes y a su vez que
los niveles estén divididos correctamente para llevar a cabo un proceso
efectivo de enseñanza-aprendizaje.
3. Es prioritario la asignación de un docente de inglés de forma permanente
en la institución, ya que de esta manera los niños no se atrasarán en los
conocimientos que deben adquirir en dicha asignatura.
4. Todas las asignaturas son importantes y deben tener a misma prioridad
dentro del aula de clase, sería importante generar los espacios adecuados
dentro del horario para que se lleven a cabo.


Proceso de Vinculación en Lita


Evaluación final de los conocimientos





Desarrollo de guías pedagógicas



I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Apple /ˈæpəl/

Lemon /ˈlɛmən/

Orange /ɔrənʤ/

Banana /bəˈnænə/

Grapes /greɪps/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or,

example, short answer, thendefinition if possible!) for the meaning of this
language point:

1. What is this? = Group game

2. It is a banana? = Show real fruit
3. Touch and observe the fruit = all students
4. A or E?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that

has a similar meaning.When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• The fruits are not the same as vegetables. (Show the fruits)

4. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Pronunciation of vowels and some consonants

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

1. Pronunciation:
Apple Grapes

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of some fruits because it is a new sound that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the fruits
2. Show the real fruits
3. Repeat a couple time the fruits while pass one by one

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of Fruits
• Show real fruits
• Pint the fruits = worksheets
• Playtime= pass the apple
• What is this fruit? = game group
• Listen the name of the fruit


Jazz chant

This is the dance / dæns/ of the fruit, apple, apple, apple / ˈæpəl/
This is the dance of the fruit / frut/, lemon, lemon, lemon
This is the dance of the fruit, orange, orange, orange /ɔrənʤ/
This is the dance of the fruit, banana, banana, banana.
This is the dance of the fruit, grapes, grapes, grapes / greɪps/

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


USE: Real Fruits

- Correctly pronunciation of the fruits

Teacher: What is this?

Student: An apple
Another student: Is an orange
Teacher: It is a lemon?
Student: Yes, Is a lemon.
Teacher: It is a fruit or vegetable?
Students: Yes, it is a fruit.

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Apple /ˈæpəl/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items)
Culture Lemon /ˈlɛmən/
Speaking Listening Orange /ɔrənʤ/
Reading Writing
Banana /bəˈnænə/

Grapes /greɪps/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Learn fruits in English and at the same time expand they vocabulary.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Distinguish the pronunciation of some letters and correctly produce the sound of them.
them. USE: Images, flashcards or real fruits
TO: Mention them in case you have fruits
IN: Play dough activity

Assumptions: - Relationship with colors

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Jazz chant
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) This is the dance / dæns/ of the fruit, apple, apple, apple / ˈæpəl/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

This is the dance of the fruit / frut/, lemon, lemon, lemon

This is the dance of the fruit, orange, orange, orange /ɔrənʤ/This
is the dance of the fruit, banana, banana, banana.
This is the dance of the fruit, grapes, grapes, grapes / greɪps/



Teacher: What is this?

Student: An apple
Another student: Is an orange
Teacher: It is a lemon?
Student: Yes, Is a lemon.
Teacher: It is a fruit or vegetable?
Students: Yes, it is a fruit.

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open the mouth correctly when pronouncing the fruits.
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Show the real fruits.
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple times the fruits while pass one by one.

Assessment: 1. What is this? = Group game

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. It is a banana? = Show real fruit
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Touch and observe the fruit = all students
learning objective?) 4. A or E?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “tingo tingo tango” T-S - A small ball
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. to pass
from one
student to

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Fruits (5)

ON Ss / T
Showing real fruits

Teacher: Students:
- Showing each fruit to students 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Teach to pronounce it correctly

2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

PRACTICE Jazz chant

8’ This is the dance / dæns/ of the fruit, apple, apple, apple / ˈæpəl/
This is the dance of the fruit / frut/, lemon, lemon, lemon
This is the dance of the fruit, orange, orange, orange /ɔrənʤ/This
is the dance of the fruit, banana, banana, banana.
This is the dance of the fruit, grapes, grapes, grapes / greɪps/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: S-S - Play dough

PRODUCTIO - Play dough activity

Teacher: Students:
Explain the play dough activity that are in groups. Pay attention to the teacher
The play dough activity consists of molding the fruits that Form small groups and work.
were learned in class.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Colors (Red, blue, yellow, orange, green)

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Red /red/

Bue /bluː/

Yellow /ˈjel. oʊ/

Orange /ˈɔːr. ɪndʒ/

Green /ɡriːn/

What color is

it? This color


2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Color identification
2. Song about colors
3. Coloring objects
4. Matching colors

3.- Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M, or U) and why?

The most difficult part of this lesson is the form, as the children have problems in the
pronunciation of several vowels because they associate them with those of their mother

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learningthis
particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

Red /red/

Bue /bluː/

Yellow /ˈjel. oʊ/

Orange /ˈɔːr. ɪndʒ/

Green /ɡriːn/

2. Meaning

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation
2. Drawing and painting
3. Relate colors and objects

4. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the
learner might use this kind of language:

1. Relate different objects to colors

2. Identify colors by looking at pictures

5. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both formand
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Practice pronunciation with a song about colors
- Worksheet to match colors with objects

- Identify colors using pictures
- Painting objects using the 5 colors of the lesson

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Using the mother tongue at certain times in the classroom to improve comprehension.
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Make use of students' prior knowledge and enhance their understanding with visual resources.
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main Red /red/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Bue /bluː/
Culture Yellow /ˈjel. oʊ/
Grammar/Vocabulary Orange /ˈɔːr. ɪndʒ/
Speaking Listening Green /ɡriːn/
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Recognize and pronounce colors correctly.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Correctly pronounce five colors (yellow, blue, red, orange, green) and identify the color in
them. objects.
USE: name the colors: This color is green, red, yellow, blue, orange.
TO: identify them in different objects.
IN: drawing and painting activities.

Assumptions: They may know the basic colors and recognize them in different objects.
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Red /red/
difficult?) Bue /bluː/
Yellow /ˈjel. oʊ/
Orange /ˈɔːr. ɪndʒ/
Green /ɡriːn/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: - Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in - Drawing and painting
your lesson?)
- Relate colors and objects

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final - Color identification
learning objective?)
- Song about colors
- Coloring objects
- Matching colors

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

4–5 Warm-up Song of the colors T-S V-A-K

5´ PRESENTATI 1. Colors (yellow, blue, green, red, orange) T/Ss V-A

ON Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
- Presents the five colors of the lesson through Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Models the pronunciation of each color so that
students understand and can repeat it aloud.

2. Activity or task: V-A-K

PRACTICE Jazz chant

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song about colors and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

Yellow, yellow, yellow

Yellow, yellow, yellow
What color is it?

3. Activity or task: V-K-T

PRACTICE Worksheet
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
The teacher provides a worksheet on the lesson colors Students make small balls of paper and glue them in the space
Explains how to work using colored crepe paper corresponding to each color.

PRACTICE 4. Activity or task: V-K


Teacher: Student:
The teacher gives them a worksheet containing objects and They match the objects with their corresponding color.
colors to match.

5. Activity or task: V-A-K

PRODUCTIO Group activity

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will form pairs and they will work with the Students will make use of the materials created in class and
following question: What color is it? choose the one they like the most to ask their partner what color
They will also use the following sentence to answer: This it is.
color is
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I 4 Institute for
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I 4 Institute for
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I 4 Institute for
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Practice 1: Fill in the spaces with crepe paper balls according to each color
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Practice 2: join with lines objects of the same color

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):Good

morning /ɡʊd/

Hello /heˈləʊ/

Hi /haɪ/

Good bye /ɡʊd/

See you next class /siː/
See you tomorrow /təˈmɒr.əʊ/
Good night

My name´s …. / I´m
… What´s your name…
2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

Hi = Hello = Good
morning Bye = Good
bye = See you

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Good morning /Hi = friends = picture / toy

2. Bye / good bye / See you = picture
3. J or H?
4. Images

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to language that has a similar meaning. When do
we choose to use this form? Why?)
Informal : Hi, hello, bye, see

you Formal: Good morning,

Good night

5. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis
The use of the target language because it has different sounds and it mix two sounds in one

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learningthis
particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:
2. Meaning:
They misunderstood the meaning of the words because they look and sound similar as the
Spanish ones.
3. Use:
➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation, performance
2. Wood sticks with images
3. Monkey mirror

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Role play-performance
2. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both formand
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Greetings between classmates and teacher.

• Songs greetings.
• Presentation (My name is….)
• Wood sticks with greetings
• Use of puppets
• Performance - role play

Jazz chant
Good morning /ɡʊd/
Hello /heˈləʊ/
Hi /haɪ/ Goodbye

My name is …. / I am
… What’s your name…

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis
Good morning, good morning,
Teacher. Hello, hello, hi my
What’s your
name? My name
is ……...
Goodbye, goodbye everyone!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

MEANING: Hi-Hello-Good morning; Bye- Goodbye-see you

USE: Use of puppets
-Different greetings
-Formal and



Student: Good morning,

Teacher! Teacher: Good
morning! Come in... Student:
Hello friend!
Another student: Hi, What’s your name?
Student: My name is Juanito and what’s your
name? Another student: I am Pablito.
Few hours later
Teacher: See you
tomorrow! Student 1:
Bye Teacher.
Student 2: Goodbye Teacher.

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropriately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main Good morning /ɡʊd/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Hello /heˈləʊ/
Culture Hi /haɪ/
Grammar/Vocabulary Good bye /ɡʊd/
Speaking Listening See you next class /siː/
Reading Writing See you tomorrow /təˈmɒr.əʊ/
Good night
My name´s …. / I´m …
What´s your name…

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: The use of greetings in class in formal and informal way.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Distinguish between formal and informal greetings.
them. USE: the expressions hi, hello, bye, goodbye, good morning, and the question what´s your name? and answer I´m .
TO: greet three classmates
IN: a 4 ´ mingling activity.

Assumptions: -Relationship with gestures and greetings.

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Good morning /ɡʊd/
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Hello /heˈləʊ/
difficult?) Hi /haɪ/
Good bye /ɡʊd/
See you next class /siː/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan
See you tomorrow /təˈmɒr.əʊ/
Good night
My name´s …. / I´m …
What´s your name…

Hi = Hello = Good morning
Bye = Goodbye = See you

Informal: Hi, hello, bye, see you
Formal: Good morning, Good night

Solutions for challenges: ◆ Implementation of activities involving realia.

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in ◆ Role play games
your lesson?) ◆ Flashcards

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
1. Jazz chant
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final
learning objective?)
Good morning /ɡʊd/
Hello /heˈləʊ/
Hi /haɪ/ Goodbye
My name is …. / I am …
What’s your name…

Good morning, good morning, Teacher.

Hello, hello, hi my friend.
What’s your name?
My name is ……...
Goodbye, goodbye everyone!

2. MEANING: Hi-Hello-Good morning; Bye- Goodbye-see you

3. USE: Use of puppets

-Different greetings
-Formal and Informal
4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan

Student: Good morning, Teacher!

Teacher: Good morning! Come in...
Student: Hello friend!
Another student: Hi, What’s your name?
Student: My name is Juanito and what’s your name?
Another student: I am Pablito.
Few hours later
Teacher: See you tomorrow!
Student 1: Bye Teacher.
Student 2: Goodbye Teacher.

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S; S-S; VAKT
objectives T; T-S

-Picture of the
- Teacher is going to give instructions for students in order to understand the activity.
5´ Warm up T-S greeting to the
- The students collaborate with the teacher to set up the puzzle.

1. Activity or task: -Puppets (3)

- Puppets T/Ss -Visual,

Ss / T Kinesthetic

7’ Teacher: Students:
1. Performance the role play. 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan

2. Activity or task:
Jazz chant
Good morning /ɡʊd/
Hello /heˈləʊ/
Hi /haɪ/
Goodbye /ɡʊd/

My name is …. / I am …
What’s your name…

Good morning, good morning, Teacher.

Hello, hello, hi my friend. - Speakers
8’ T-Ss
PRACTICE What’s your name? -Auditory
My name is ……...
Goodbye, goodbye everyone!

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat
4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan

3. Activity or task:
Mingling activity.

-Little ball
5’ Teacher: Students: S-S
- Divide the students in groups of 3-4. - Greeting and then asking their peer for their
- Give instructions about the activity. name using the target language.
What’s your name?

4. Activity or task:
Wood stick (students, teacher)

-Wood stick
5’ T-S student-
Teacher: Students: Teacher)
- Give the material for the students. - Follow the teacher’s instructions with the wood -Kinesthetic
- Ask questions about how to greet the Teacher stick.
and classmates. - Apply the formal and informal greetings
according with the Teacher instructions.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis
Action Verbs

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

cut kʌt
draw drɔ
color kʌlcr
read rid

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Show the pictures and ask them what is this

2. Worksheets, point the finger that is (cut-draw-read-color)
3. give puzzles with different action verbs and ask which one do you have?
4. Mime and ask what action verb is

1. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

At the beginning, the biggest challenge is to associate the word with the image, for
this reason, it is important to repeat the vocabulary several times with the pictures.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

1. Pronunciation:
cut kʌt
draw drɔ
color kʌlcr
read rid

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Play Simon says
3. choose the picture you here

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which
the learner might use this kind of language:

1. When the teacher makes them do class work or homework.

3. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

surprise box (choose a paper and see what action
verb it is) Mime and guess who the action verb is.

Point the finger that is (cut-draw-

read-color) Picture = presentation

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:
content/uploads/2020/11/INGLES_2_MODULO_1.pdf English Pedagogical
Module 1

I 4 C L
I4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan
Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. I will try to make the classes entertaining since children of this age get bored easily.
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers 2. Make sure students have understand the topic of the day, I will ask questions.
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main cut kʌt
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) draw drɔ
Culture color kʌlcr
Grammar/Vocabulary read rid
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: students will be able to recognize action verbs when they see the pictures.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Correctly pronounce the action verbs and recognize them.
them. USE: In the future when they can form sentences
TO: expand their knowledge and practice in class
IN: activities in class

Assumptions: - Recognize action verbs and they can follow instructions

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the cut kʌt
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / draw drɔ
difficult?) color kʌlcr
read rid

MEANING: Associate the names (action verbs) with pictures

4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan
Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Play Simon says
your lesson?) 3. choose the picture you hear

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final
learning objective?) 1. Show the pictures and ask them what is this
2. Worksheets point the finger that is (cut-draw-read-color)
3. give puzzles with different action verbs and ask which one do you have?
4. Mime and ask what action verb is

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S; S-S; VAKT
objectives T; T-S

- Teacher is going to give instructions for students in order to understand the activity.
3 -Visual
Warm up - The students listen and collaborate with the teacher T-S
minutes -Tactile
- Play Simon Says ( show me the pencil, color, notebook, scissors, book)

1. Activity or task: -Visual

- Flash cards related to the Action verbs


5 Teacher: Students:
-Show the flash cards related with action verbs 1. Pay attention to the teacher
- Says the name of each action verb and repeats 2. They repeat after him/her
several times.
-Then ask students to repeat after him/her
4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan

3. Activity or task:
- What do you hear?

Teacher: Students:
-Pay attention to the teacher -Auditory
5 - Give the instructions about the activity - Listen to the teacher about action verbs T-Ss
- Select the students who participate - select the picture you hear

3. Activity or task:
On a sheet of paper, they will draw, paint, and then cut out their drawing.

8 Teacher: Students: S-S -Tactile
- Gives the instruction - Pay attention to the teacher
- asks if everyone understand - take out your class material
- Goes through each row checking that - Do their classwork
everyone is doing their classwork.
4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Learning Lesson plan

4. Activity or task:

4 T-S
Teacher: Students: -Visual
- Puppet asks What am I doing? - Answer the questions
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Phonics Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Apple /ˈæp. əl/

Box /bɑːks/

Cat /kæt/

Dog /dɑːɡ/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. use visual aids to help students find and color the correct object according to the vocabulary.
2. identify the object or animal according to the audio
3. flash cards
4. group game

5. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

I think the most difficult part of this lesson is the form, because the children relate the
Spanish vowel sounds to the ones presented in class and can make pronunciation errors.

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I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learningthis
particular language point.
1. Pronunciation:

Apple /ˈæp. əl/

Box /bɑːks/

Cat /kæt/

Dog /dɑːɡ/

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation
2. Flashcards
3. Modeling pronunciation using audios

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Associating images with vocabulary
2. Listen to the audio and recognize the correct object or animal

6. TASK DESIGN: List “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both formand
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- An audio is played for students to repeat the pronunciation of the words correctly
- Worksheet that reinforces listening and relates vocabulary to images


- Include flashcards for students to identify objects and animals

- Listen and trace the letters presented in the lesson.

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I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

1 Color the correct option

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Using the mother tongue at certain times in the classroom to improve comprehension
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main Apple /ˈæp. əl/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items)
Culture Box /bɑːks/ Cat
Speaking Listening /kæt/
Reading Writing
Dog /dɑːɡ/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: identify and relate images with the learned vocabulary
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: to pronounce correctly the vocabulary of the lesson
them. USE: Vocabulary (apple, box, cat, dog)
TO: to name and identify objects and animals correctly if they are presented in future lessons and also to build vocabulary bases
IN: Worksheets

Assumptions: They may know how to name and identify the vocabulary of the lesson in their mother tongue
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Apple /ˈæp. əl/
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) Box /bɑːks/ Cat


Dog /dɑːɡ/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. Presenting the topic with images to improve students' comprehension
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Using flashcards
your lesson?) 3. Modeling pronunciation using audios

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. use visual aids to help students find and color the correct object according to the vocabulary.
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. identify the object or animal according to the audio
learning objective?) 3. flash cards
4. group game

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

2 – 3´ Warm-up Simon says T/S V-A-K

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

5´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/S V-A

ON Forms and pictures

Teacher: Students:
1. The teacher They pay attention to the teacher
introduces the new They repeat the words following the teacher's instructions
vocabulary (box,
apple, cat, dog)
through pictures
2. Explain and model
the pronunciation of
each word for
students to repeat.

4 2. Activity or task: T/S V-A

PRACTICE Worksheet S/T

Teacher: Students:
The teacher gives them a worksheet to fill in. Fill in the dashed line of the sounds learned in the lesson.

5 3. Activity or task: T/S V-A

PRACTICE Find the object S
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
The teacher plays an audio for the students to develop a Students color in the corresponding object or animal according
worksheet. to the audio

4 PRACTICE 4. Activity or task: V-A-K-T

Flash cards T/S

Teacher: Student:
The teacher shares flash cards with students to work Follow the teacher's instructions and when the teacher asks
together them to show a specific flashcard, they will raise their hand and
show it together to all their classmates.

6 5. Activity or task: T/S V-A-K-T

PRODUCTIO Group game S/S

Teacher: Students:
Form groups Pay attention to the demonstration
The teacher will demonstrate the activity Taking turns, students will take a card from the box and
the teacher will give them a box with all the vocabulary correctly name the corresponding animal object they found.
flashcards of the lesson.

Please add more rows if you need them!

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I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


Understanding Commands

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Sit down /sɪt daʊn/

Stand up /stænd ʌp/
Line up /laɪn ʌp/
Be quiet /bi ˈkwaɪət/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Show the pictures and ask them which command it is.

2. Represent with gestures the commands so that the Ss can differentiate each one.
3. Do the commands wrong so the students can correct to the teacher.
4. Dice activity

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

For children the most challenging point is the pronunciation because these commands
involve some sounds that doesn’t exist in Spanish, so it is easy to get confused.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when they are
learning this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

Sit down /sɪt daʊn/

Stand up /stænd
ʌp/ Line up /laɪn
Be quiet /bi
2. Meaning:

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C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation
2. Dice activity
3. Mouth and body gestures.

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. Simon says = involving commands

2. Gestures related to the commands

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Give to the Ss a worksheet with black and white pictures about commands so that they can color them.This
worksheet should be including the name of the commands under the pictures.

-Put an audio with the pronunciation of the commands in that way the students can internalize
the pronunciation by the repetition of it.


-Create a dice with different pictures related with commands.

-Relationship between body gestures with commands.

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!
Reference image

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Reference image

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Manage the time to fulfil with all the activities without overloading students with work.
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Create an interactive class where the students do not get bored and use the target language.
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Sit down /sɪt daʊn/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Stand up /stænd ʌp/
Line up /laɪn ʌp/
Speaking Listening Be quiet /bi ˈkwaɪət/
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Recognize commands though the application of different activities.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Understand/pronounce commands and associate them with gestures.
them. USE: the expressions: sit down, stand up, line up, be quiet.
TO: Apply it with the Teacher during the classes.
IN: Instructions or games.

Assumptions: They may recognize some vowel sounds, as some of them were applied in the previous classes.
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Sit down /sɪt daʊn/
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Stand up /stænd ʌp/
Line up /laɪn ʌp/
Be quiet /bi ˈkwaɪət/
MEANING: Association of meaning with pictures and gestures.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Dice activity
your lesson?)
3. Mouth and body gestures
Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions
(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Show the pictures and ask them which command it is.
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Represent with gestures the commands so that the Ss can differentiate each one.
learning objective?) 3. Do the commands wrong so the students can correct to the teacher.
4. Dice activity

Framework Focus: S;
Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Materials/Aids
Time and stage S-S; T; T-
What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? VAKT
objectives S

2 – 3´ -Visual,
Monkey mirror Kinesthetic
Warm up - The teacher is going to do some activities including funny ones, using only gestures.
- The students are going to imitate teacher’s action and try to guess which action was the teacher doing.

1. Flash cards related with the commands. -Flash cards

- Visual and
T/Ss Auditory

Ss / T

5 Teacher: Students:
- Show each flash card to the students. - Pay attention to the teacher.
- Slowly pronounce all the words for better - Repeat the pronunciation of the commands.
comprehension. - Observe the pictures in detail.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

2. Gestures
Ss / T
-Visual and
PRACTICE Teacher: kinesthetic
- The teacher performs some gestures and mimics Students:
to link them with the commands already learned. - Listen to the teacher and imitate his/her gestures.

3. Dice game

5 - Kinesthetic
Teacher: Students:
- Rolls the dice and select a few volunteers to say the name -Actively participate in the activity.
aloud for each command.

3. Worksheet and audio

- Auditory,
6 T-S
PRACTICE Kinesthetic
Teacher: Students:
- Hands out the worksheet to the students to color, while -Color the worksheet and listen to the correct pronunciation to
they paint the teacher plays an audio with the correct internalize it.
pronunciation of the commands.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

5. Simon says

3 - Auditory, Visual
Teacher: Students: S-T
-Gives the commands for the students. -Listen to the teacher and do the commands.
- Sometimes he/she does the activity wrong so that the -Differentiate when the teacher does the commands good and
students correct him/her. wrong to correct his/her.

Please add more rows if you need them!

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis
Asking for permission

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

May I go to the restroom? meɪ aɪ goʊ tu ðə ˈrɛˌstrum pliz?

Sure you may go ʃʊr ju meɪ goʊ

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Show the pictures and ask What can you see?

2. Where do you think are they?
3. What is the child worried?
4. Who is Mrs.?

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is
the pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:
May I go to the restroom? meɪ aɪ goʊ tu ðə ˈrɛˌstrum pliz?
Sure you may go ʃʊr ju meɪ goʊ

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I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Performances
3. Repeat several times

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Every day when they want to go to the restroom
2. They can teach their family too.

4. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free

practice Include both form and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the
learner internalize this language.

1. Performances
2. Sing a Son

1. Puzzle
2. Stick little paper balls on a worksheet (it must have written the phrases May y go to the
restroom and Sure you may go)

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

content/uploads/2020/11/INGLES_2_MODULO_1.pdf English Pedagogical

Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: ✓ My instructions have to be clear

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers ✓ I must keep in mind that not everyone learns equally and look for strategies to help those who have the most
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this difficulty.
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main ✓ Vocabulary
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) ✓ Speaking
Culture ✓ Listening
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT:
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT:
them. USE: When they are at school
TO: They can ask their teacher for permission to go to the restroom
IN: activities in class

Assumptions: ✓ Now they Know how to ask permission to go to the restroom.

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the ✓ May I go to the restroom? meɪ aɪ goʊ tu ðə ˈrɛˌstrum pliz?
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) ✓ Sure you may go ʃʊr ju meɪ goʊ

✓ One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is the
pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother tongue.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

and may be to remember the complete sentence


Solutions for challenges: ✓ Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in ✓ Performances
your lesson?) ✓ Repeat several times

Assessment: Comprenhension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 1. Show the pictures and ask What can you see?
learning objective?) 2. Where do you think are they?
3. What is the child worried?
4. Who is Mrs.?

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

3´ Warm up Symon Says “stand up, sit down, turn around, jump, claps your hands, make a sad, angry, scared happy face”. ST Kinesthetic
We all say we did good, now claps your hands. Auditory

6 PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss Visual

ON ✓ Flash card related to asking for permission Ss / T Auditory
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher: Students:
✓ Show the flash card related to asking for ✓ They see the pictures
permission ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher TS
✓ Asks. What can you see in the pictures? ✓ Answer the questions
✓ Asks question would you like to know how to ask ✓ Repeat the Phrase “May I go to the restroom”
permission to go to the restroom?
✓ Tells them the phrase “May I go to the restroom,
please and the answer the teacher Sure, you may

5 2. Activity or task: TS Kinethetic

PRACTICE I Want to go Auditory

Teacher: Students:
✓ Asks who wants to go to the restroom ✓ Listen to the teacher and pay attention
✓ Select the participants ✓ Answer the question each student
✓ Asks them how to say, puedo ir al baño? in English ✓ They go to the restroom
✓ Repeat several times

5 TS Tactile
PRODUCTIO 3 Actitvity or task ST Visual
N Worksheet

Teacher Student
✓ Decorate the restroom by gluing little paper balls ✓ Do the task
on the worksheet . ✓ Ask permission to go to the restroom and wash your
✓ Finish doing their task, go to the restroom and hands
wash your hands.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

3 EVALUATION 5. Activity or task: Auditory

Sing a song TS

Teacher: Student:
Teach song: Learn the song
Excuse me excuse me, May I go to the restroom, please Excuse me excuse me, May I go to the restroom, please
Sure sure, You may go Sure sure, You may go
Sure sure ,go ahead Sure sure, go ahead
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


Oral Communication

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Do you have a question? /du ju hæv ə ˈkwɛsʧən/

Teacher, How do you say ? / tiʧər, haʊ du ju seɪ /

You say / ju seɪ /

You are welcome / ju ɑr ˈwɛlkəm /

Thank you! / θæŋk ju/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Do you have a question? = Asking to students

2. How do you say? = Group game
3. Listen carefully = all students
4. A or E?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• How do you say? (Pointing at different objects)

4. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Production of vowel and consonant sounds

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

1. Pronunciation:
How Say Do

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of some letters because it is a new sound that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the words
2. Making gestures while asking
3. Repeat a couple time the words

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Listen to a dialogue and make gestures.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Listen a dialogue
• Show images
• Playtime= Tingo tingo tango
• Making gestures while asking
• How do you say? = game group
• Take some objects and ask



T: Yes, Mary! Do you have a question? /du ju hæv ə ˈkwɛsʧən/

S: Yes, teacher! How do you say libro? / haʊ du ju seɪ /
T: Book! You say book! / ju seɪ bʊk/
S: Oh, thank you! / θæŋk ju/
T: You are welcome! / ju ɑr ˈwɛlkəm /

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C L Collaborative Language Analysis


USE: Oral Communication

- Correctly pronunciation of words and questions

Teacher: How do you say ?

Student: You say
Teacher: Thank you
Students: You are welcome
Student 1: How do you say ?
Student 2: You say
Student 1: Thank you
Student 2: You are welcome

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Do you have a question? /du ju hæv ə ˈkwɛsʧən/ Teacher,
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items)
Culture How do you say ? / tiʧər, haʊ du ju seɪ /
Speaking Listening You say / ju seɪ /
Reading Writing
You are welcome / ju ɑr ˈwɛlkəm /

Thank you! / θæŋk ju/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Learn to correctly pronounce some phrases and at the same time expand they vocabulary.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Distinguish the pronunciation of some letters and correctly produce the sound of them.
them. USE: Images and flashcards
TO: Recognize the different characteristic in the objects or things
IN: a mini-Dialogue

Assumptions: - Relationship with greetings, colors, and fruits pronunciation

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Jazz chant
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) Dialogue
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T: Yes, Mary! Do you have a question? /du ju hæv ə ˈkwɛsʧən/ S:

Yes, teacher! How do you say libro? / haʊ du ju seɪ /
T: Book! You say book! / ju seɪ bʊk/ S:
Oh, thank you! / θæŋk ju/
T: You are welcome! / ju ɑr ˈwɛlkəm /



Teacher: How do you say ?

Student: You say
Teacher: Thank you
Students: You are welcome
Student 1: How do you say ?
Student 2: You say
Student 1: Thank you
Student 2: You are welcome

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the words
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Making gestures while asking
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple time the words

Assessment: 1. Do you have a question? = Asking to students

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. How do you say? = Group game
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Listen carefully = all students
learning objective?) 4. A or E?
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Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “tingo tingo tango” T-S - A small ball
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. to pass
from one
student to

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Images (4)

ON Ss / T
Showing a real oral conversation with the help of images

Teacher: Students:
- Use a question How do you say? 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Teach to answer the question and other words that are
connecting with the question

2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

T: Yes, Mary! Do you have a question? /du ju hæv ə ˈkwɛsʧən/ S:
Yes, teacher! How do you say libro? / haʊ du ju seɪ /
T: Book! You say book! / ju seɪ bʊk/ S:
Oh, thank you! / θæŋk ju/
T: You are welcome! / ju ɑr ˈwɛlkəm /
I 4 Institute for
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Teacher: Students:
Play the dialogue and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: S-S - Classroom

10´ N - Take some objects and ask

Teacher: Students:
Explain the activity that is in pairs. Pay attention to the teacher
The activity consists of taking some objects and ask How do Form pairs and work.
you say?
I 4 Institute for
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Numbers from 1 to 10

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

1 one /wʌn/
2 two /tu/
3 three /θri/
4 four /fɔr/
5 five /faɪv/
6 six /sɪks/
7 seven /ˈsɛvən/
8 eight /eɪt/
9 nine /naɪn/10
ten /tɛn/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

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C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Identify numbers according to the

audio. 2.Use fingers to represent the
3. Use pictures related to some topics they already learn (fruits) and then identify: How many are there?
4. Giant dice

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

In this lesson I consider that the most challenging points are form and meaning because
they are very young and some of them do not know how to count yet and for children the
pronunciation is also another difficulty due to there are some letters that doesn’t exist in
Spanish and their mother tongue.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when they are
learning this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

1 one /wʌn/
2 two /tu/
3 three /θri/
4 four /fɔr/
5 five /faɪv/
6 six /sɪks/
7 seven /ˈsɛvən/
8 eight /eɪt/
9 nine /naɪn/10
ten /tɛn/

2. Meaning:

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➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation
2. Giant dice
3. Using hands to show the numbers.

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. Listen the numbers and identify which one is the correct.

2. Association of the fingers with numbers.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Present the numbers 1 to 10 with pictures.
- Listening worksheet- mark the numbers according to the audio.

-Include realia in the class, they can be their own hands, rosettes, balls or mullos.
-Giant dice for them to identify the numbers.

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7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

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Reference images
8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

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Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Include, as much as possible, realia to help students understand the topic.
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Students can use the target language during the class with the different activities.
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the 1 one /wʌn/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) 2 two /tu/
3 three /θri/
Speaking Listening 4 four /fɔr/
Reading Writing 5 five /faɪv/
6 six /sɪks/
7 seven /ˈsɛvən/
8 eight /eɪt/
9 nine /naɪn/
10 ten /tɛn/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Associate the numbers with their fingers.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Count from 1 to 10 using their hands or with other elements (realia)
them. USE: the numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
TO: Count different kind of elements that may involve the numbers they already learned.
IN: Draw activities and some games.

Assumptions: They may know how to count using their fingers, educational toys (balls or rosettes) and beans.
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)
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Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / 1 one /wʌn/
difficult?) 2 two /tu/
3 three /θri/
4 four /fɔr/
5 five /faɪv/
6 six /sɪks/
7 seven /ˈsɛvən/
8 eight /eɪt/
9 nine /naɪn/
10 ten /tɛn/

Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Giant dice
your lesson?) 3. Using hands to show the numbers.
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Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Present the numbers 1 to 10 with pictures.
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Listening worksheet- mark the numbers according to the audio.
learning objective?) 3. Include realia in the class, they can be their own hands, rosettes, balls or mullos.
4. Giant dice for them to identify the numbers.

Framework Focus: S;
Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Materials/Aids
Time and stage S-S; T; T-
What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? VAKT
objectives S

Worksheet with the numbers. T-S Kinesthetic
4-5´ Warm up
Students follow the dashed line to fill in numbers. (End of the document) S-T

-Flash cards
- Visual and
1. Fruits and numbers (Reference image at the end of the document) Auditory

Ss / T

5 Teacher:
- Shows the pictures about the numbers from 1 to
10 using fruits (vocabulary they learned in another
- Pay attention to the teacher.
- Repeat the pronunciation of the numbers.
- Explains them by one by in detail. Making sure that
- Observe the pictures carefully.
the pronunciation and the numbers are clear

-Visual and
5-6 2. Realia time (Worksheet reference at the end of the document) Ss / T
PRACTICE kinesthetic
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- The teacher gives the students a sheet of paper Students:
with the numbers with a circle on it. - Listen to the teacher’s instruction.
- They are going to glue the beans according to the - They are going to stick the beans according with the
numbers. For example: on number 1 (glue 1 bean), number.
on number 2 (glue 2 beans), and so on.

3. Giant dice

5 - Kinesthetic
- Rolls the dice and ask everyone: What number is it?
-Actively participate in the activity.
- If there aren’t participants the teacher should select some

4. Listening the numbers

1,2,3,4,5----Jump----6,7,8,9,10 ---Jump
1,2,3,4,5----Spin around----6,7,8,9,10 ----- Spin around
1,2,3,4,5----clap, clap----6,7,8,9,10 ----- clap, clap

1-2 Ss; S-T

Teacher: Students: -Auditory
-Sing a song with the number 1 to 10. -Listen to the teacher’s songs and imitate him/her actions.
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5. Matching Activity/ Game

3 Ss; S-T -Visual
Teacher: Students:
-Gives a sheet of paper with some numbers. -Listen to the teacher’s instruction.
- Match the number of the fruits with each the numbers.

Warm- up
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1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Elephant ɛləfənt
fox fɑks
gift gɪft
hat hæt
2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Show the pictures and ask What can you see?

2. How many animals are there?
3. How many things are there?
4. who has a hat at home?

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is
the pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother
tongue, and memorize the vocabulary.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

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1. Pronunciation:
Elephant ɛləfənt
fox fɑks
gift gɪft
hat hæt

2. Meaning:

(Ee)elephant (Gg) gift (Ff) fox (h) hat

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Do a review of the previous class and remember what they learned
3. Use the vocabulary in different concepts

4. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the
learner might use this kind of language:

✓ The vocabulary will help you in the future to make sentences or to have a conversation.

4. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free

practice Include both form and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the
learner internalize this language.


1. Magic box (Put the pictures in the box and ask the students to take it out, the teacher asks what is
2. I see (students have to say what they see)
1. Give the worksheet color the object you hear
2. Give a worksheet and match the picture with the letter that corresponds to it. (give an example)


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7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form

and/or meaning of the language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do
this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!


TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

content/uploads/2020/11/INGLES_2_MODULO_1.pdf English Pedagogical

Module 1

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C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: ✓ Look for material that attracts children’s attention
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers ✓ Improve writing and learn to draw better
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main ✓ Vocabulary
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) ✓ Speaking
Culture ✓ Listening
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT:
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT:
them. USE: to better pronounce words
TO: to be able to speak correctly
IN: activities in class

Assumptions: ✓ learn new vocabulary and the pronunciation of some letters

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Elephant ɛləfənt
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / fox fɑks
difficult?) gift gɪft
hat hæt
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
✓ One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is the
pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother tongue
and memorize the vocabulary.

Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Do a review of the previous class and remember what they learned
your lesson?) 3. Use the vocabulary in different concepts

Assessment: Comprenhension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 1. Show the pictures and ask What can you see?
learning objective?) 2. How many animals are there?
3. How many things are there?
4. who has a hat at home?

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

4 Warm up Sing a song ST Auditory


6 PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss Visual

ON ✓ Flash card related to vocabulary (Phonics) Ss / T Auditory
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Teacher: Students:
✓ Show the flash card-related Phonics (E,F,G,H) ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher
and new vocabulary ✓ See the pictures TS
✓ Repeat after me (E,F,G,H)Then (elephant, fox, ✓ Repeat after her/him
gift, hat) ✓ Try to say the words
✓ Make sure students pronounce the words better and better

5 2. Activity or task: TS Tactile

PRACTICE Magic box Auditory

Teacher: Students:
✓ Give the instructions ✓ Listen to the teacher and pay attention
✓ Puts the pictures in the box ✓ take out one picture and they have to say what it is.
✓ Chooses a child to participate in class
✓ Asks What is this?

5 TS Tactile
PRODUCTIO 3 Actitvity or task ST Visual
N Worksheet
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Teacher Student
✓ Tells them take out the pencil and colors ✓ Listen the instruction
✓ Match the picture with the correct letter ✓ Take out the pencil and color
✓ Paint the letters the color your choice ✓ Do the task

3 EVALUATION 5. Activity or task:

Mime TS

Teacher: Student:
✓ Chooses the student who will mime and another ✓ Listen and pay attention
has to guess What he is doing ✓ Answer the question
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C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Spelling Numbers

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

One /wʌn/
Two /tuː/
Three /θriː/
Four /fɔːr/
Five /faɪv/
Six /sɪks/
Seven /ˈsev.ən/
Eight /eɪt/
Nine /naɪn/
Ten /ten/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. What is this number? = Group game

2. It is a number ? = Show images of numbers
3. Work with fingers = all students
4. I or A?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

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• What is this number? (Show the numbers)

4. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Production the of vowels sounds

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

1. Pronunciation:
Five Three

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of some numbers because it is a new sound that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the numbers
2. Show numbers with images
3. Repeat a couple time the numbers while use fingers

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of numbers
• Show flashcards of numbers
• Paste crepe paper in numbers = worksheets
• Playtime= play hide and seek
• What is this number? = game group
• Writing numbers


Jazz chant

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This is the number 1, the number 1, the number 1, and number 1 /ˈnʌmbər wʌn/
This is the number 2, the number 2, the number 2, and number 2 /tuː/
This is the number 3, the number 3, the number 3, and number 3 /θriː/
This is the number 4, the number 4, the number 4, and number 4 /fɔːr/
This is the number 5, the number 5, the number 5, and number 5 /faɪv/
This is the number 6, the number 6, the number 6, and number 6 /sɪks/
This is the number 7, the number 7, the number 7, and number 7 /ˈsev.ən/
This is the number 8, the number 8, the number 8, and number 8 /eɪt/
This is the number 9, the number 9, the number 9, and number 9 /naɪn/
This is the number 10, the number 10, the number 10, and number 10 /ten/


- Correctly pronunciation of the numbers

Teacher: What is this number?

Student: This is number
Student 1: It this the number ?
Student 2: Yes, this is number

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

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8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

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C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the One /wʌn/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Two /tuː/
Culture Three /θriː/
Grammar/Vocabulary Four /fɔːr/
Speaking Listening Five /faɪv/
Reading Writing Six /sɪks/
Seven /ˈsev.ən/
Eight /eɪt/
Nine /naɪn/
Ten /ten/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Learn to count numbers and the correct pronunciation.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Count the numbers from one to ten and at the same time recognized them
them. USE: Question what is this number? Using flashcards
TO: count numbers from one to ten
IN: Worksheet activity

Assumptions: - Relationship with colors and fruits

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of thelesson Jazz chant
do you anticipate they might find challenging / difficult?)
nʌmbər wʌn/
This is the number 1, the number 1, the number 1, and number 1 This is/ˈthe
number 2, the number 2, the number 2, and number 2 /tuː/
This is the number 3, the number 3, the number 3, and number 3 /θriː/ This is the
number 4, the number 4, the number 4, and number 4 /fɔːr/ This is the number 5,
the number 5, the number 5, and number 5 /faɪv/ This is the number 6, the number
6, the number 6, and number 6 /sɪks/ This is the number 7, the number 7, the
number 7, and number 7 /ˈsev.ən/ This is the number 8, the number 8, the number
8, and number 8 /eɪt/
This is the number 9, the number 9, the number 9, and number 9 /naɪn/ This is the
number 10, the number 10, the number 10, and number 10 /ten/



Teacher: What is this number? Student:

This is number Student
1: It this the number ?Student
2: Yes, this is number
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the numbers
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Show numbers with images
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple time the numbers while use fingers

Assessment: 1. What is this number? = Group game

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. It is a number ? = Show images of numbers
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Work with fingers = all students
learning objective?) 4. I or A?

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “Simon says” T-S - Classroom
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. materials to

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Images of

ON Ss / T numbers
Flashcards of numbers (10)

Teacher: Students:
- Showing each number flashcard to students 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Teach to pronounce it correctly
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2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

PRACTICE Jazz chant

8’ This is the number 1, the number 1, the number 1, and number 1 /ˈnʌmbər wʌn/ This is
the number 2, the number 2, the number 2, and number 2 /tuː/
This is the number 3, the number 3, the number 3, and number 3 /θriː/ This
is the number 4, the number 4, the number 4, and number 4 /fɔːr/ This is the
number 5, the number 5, the number 5, and number 5 /faɪv/ This is the
number 6, the number 6, the number 6, and number 6 /sɪks/ This is the
number 7, the number 7, the number 7, and number 7 /ˈsev.ən/ This is the
number 8, the number 8, the number 8, and number 8 /eɪt/
This is the number 9, the number 9, the number 9, and number 9 /naɪn/ This
is the number 10, the number 10, the number 10, and number 10 /ten/

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: S-S - Worksheet

PRODUCTIO - worksheets - Crepe
N paper
- Glue

Teacher: Students:
Gives instructions of the worksheet activity. Pay attention to the teacher
The worksheet consists in paste crepe paper in numbers Work individual.
with different color according to the instructions
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

How many? /haʊ

ˈmɛni/ There is /ðɛr ɪz/
There are /ðɛr
ɑr/ Elephant
/ˈɛlɪfənt/ Foxes
/ˈfɒksɪz/ Cakes

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Matching activity
2. Relate objects to vocabulary
3. Using realia to facilitate students' understanding of counting objects or animals
4. Wood sticks with images

4. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

I think that both form and meaning can be challenging for students in this lesson, as they
must be able to count different elements and name them.

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C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learningthis
particular language point.

1. Pronunciation

How many? /haʊ

ˈmɛni/ There is /ðɛr ɪz/
There are /ðɛr
ɑr/ Elephant
/ˈɛlɪfənt/ Foxes
/ˈfɒksɪz/ Cakes

2. Meaning

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Wood sticks with images
3. Drawing activities

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. Students can count objects by making use of visual resources

2. Make a list of objects by counting how many of these objects there are

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4“practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Correctly counting and naming objects or animals learned in the lesson

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- Reinforcing pronunciation with listening activities

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C L Collaborative Language Analysis

- Using images and pasting them on palettes to enhance vocabulary practice in class
- Counting objects, they can see correctly

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Enable students to work in groups

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers 2. Give students the chance to use the target language appropriately
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main How many? /haʊ ˈmɛni/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) There is /ðɛr ɪz/
Culture There are /ðɛr ɑr/
Grammar/Vocabulary Elephant /ˈɛlɪfənt/
Speaking Listening Foxes /ˈfɒksɪz/
Reading Writing Cakes /keɪks/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Identify visual objects and count each one of them
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Count the objects or animals in the lesson and name them
them. USE: There is and there are
TO: correctly counting and naming objects that students observe
IN: worksheet activities

Assumptions: They may know how to count objects in their mother tongue
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the How many? /haʊ ˈmɛni/
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / There is /ðɛr ɪz/
difficult?) There are /ðɛr ɑr/
Elephant /ˈɛlɪfənt/
Foxes /ˈfɒksɪz/
Cakes /keɪks/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Wood sticks with images
your lesson?) 3. Drawing activities

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Matching activity
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Relate objects to vocabulary
learning objective?) 3. Using realia to facilitate students' understanding of counting objects or animals
4. Wood sticks with images

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

2 – 3´ Warm up The group game S-S V-A-K-T

A game in which students form groups of four and greet each other in English

5´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

ON Storytelling Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
1. The teacher Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
performs storytelling
using visual
resources to
introduce students to
the topic and
vocabulary of the

5 2. Activity or task: T-S V-K-T

PRACTICE Wood sticks with images

Teacher: Students:
- The teacher provides material for students to paste They work with the material provided by the teacher.
images on palettes. Listen to the teacher and repeat.
- The teacher makes use of the material to explain and
model the pronunciation of the vocabulary of the lesson
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

3 3. Activity or task: T-S V-A

PRACTICE Listening activity

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will provide them with a worksheet to join with Students will join the objects with lines according to the audio.

3 PRACTICE 4. Activity or task: T-S V-K

Drawing activity

Teacher: Student:
The teacher will show different objects for the students to Students will draw on the sheet the objects they observe and
draw on a piece of paper. write their number on it.

3 5. Activity or task: T-S V


Teacher: Students:
The teacher will use a box from which he/she will take out students will observe the object to name it correctly and say
different objects and will ask each student the name and how many they can observe.
number of objects they observe.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Please add more rows if you need them!

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Big /bɪg /
Small /smɔl/
Long / lɔŋ/
Short / ʃɔrt /
New / nu/
Old /oʊld /

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Which animal is ? = Group game

2. Can you name a animal? = Show real fruit
3. Touch a pencil = all students
4. A or O?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• Which animal is ? (Show the classroom materials and flashcards)

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Pronunciation of vowels and consonants

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

1. Pronunciation:
Small New

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of adjectives because these are new sounds that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the adjectives
2. Comparing using classroom materials
3. Repeat a couple time the adjectives while they look the difference in the

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of adjectives
• Show the differences between objects
• Drawing adjectives= worksheets
• Playtime= “Tingo tingo Tango”
• How do you say ? = game group
• Which animal is ? = individual


Jazz chant

Big, big, big is the elephant /bɪg ˈɛləfənt/ Small,

small, small is the mouse /smɔl maʊs/Long,
long, long is my hair /lɔŋ hɛr/
Short, short, short is your hair / ʃɔrt /
New, new, new is my ball /nu bɔl/
Old, old, old is this ball /oʊld/

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


USE: Real Fruits

- Correctly pronunciation of the adjectives

Teacher: Which animal is small?

Student: the cat
Teacher: Can you name a big animal?
Student: Yes, the elephant
Student 1: Which ball is new?
Student 2: the short ball
Student 1: Which pencil is big?
Student 2: the red pencil

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Big /bɪg /
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Small /smɔl/
Culture Long / lɔŋ/
Grammar/Vocabulary Short / ʃɔrt /
Speaking Listening New / nu/
Reading Writing Old /oʊld /

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Learn adjectives and at the same time expand their vocabulary.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Through adjectives they can recognize the characteristics of the things.
them. USE: Images and flashcards
TO: Point the correct adjectives
IN: a Worksheet

Assumptions: - Relationship with colors numbers and oral communication

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Jazz chant
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) Big, big, big is the elephant /bɪg ˈɛləfənt/ Small,
small, small is the mouse /smɔl maʊs/Long, long,
long is my hair /lɔŋ hɛr/
Short, short, short is your hair / ʃɔrt /
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

New, new, new is my ball /nu bɔl/

Old, old, old is this ball /oʊld/



Teacher: Which animal is small?

Student: the cat
Teacher: Can you name a big animal?
Student: Yes, the elephant
Student 1: Which ball is new?
Student 2: the short ball
Student 1: Which pencil is big?
Student 2: the red pencil

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the adjectives
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Comparing using classroom materials
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple time the adjectives while they look the difference in the objects

Assessment: 1. Which animal is ? = Group game

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. Can you name a animal? = Show real fruit
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Touch a pencil = all students
learning objective?) 4. A or O?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “pin the donkey's tail ” T-S - Poster
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. - The
tail toy

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Flashcards

ON Ss / T (3)
Present flashcards

Teacher: Students:
- Showing flashcards to students 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Teach to pronounce it correctly and the difference of
each adjective

2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

PRACTICE Jazz chant

8’ Big, big, big is the elephant /bɪg ˈɛləfənt/ Small,

small, small is the mouse /smɔl maʊs/Long, long,
long is my hair /lɔŋ hɛr/
Short, short, short is your hair / ʃɔrt /
New, new, new is my ball /nu bɔl/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

10´ 3. Activity or task: S-S - Worksheets

PRODUCTIO - Worksheet

Teacher: Students:
Explain the worksheet activity that is individual Pay attention to the teacher
The activity consists of drawing objects or animals Ready to draw individually
considering the adjectives.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


I like

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

I like to /aɪ laɪk

tuː/ Read /riːd/
Draw /drɔː/
Cut /kʌt/
2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Matching pictures
2. Relate gestures with the new vocabulary
3. Represent different actions of the learned vocabulary images
4. Using realia to facilitate student’s understanding

5. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

I consider that the difficult part of this lesson is the form since the new words contain
many new vowel sounds.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learningthis
particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

I like to /aɪ laɪk

tuː/ Read /riːd/

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Draw /drɔː/
Cut /kʌt/

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis



➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation
2. Flash cards
3. Performance activities

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. identify an action and name it

2. the student can say which activity he/she likes to do most during the lesson

6. TASK DESIGN: List “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both formand
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Use flash cards to identify actions and practice pronunciation with the teacher's guidance
- Use realia for students to name the activities corresponding to the new vocabulary

- Worksheet to link images with the vocabulary according to the indications
- Represent several of the actions of the new vocabulary in groups

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. to involve students more in the learning process
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers 2. Give students the chance to use the target language appropriately
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main I like to /aɪ laɪk tuː/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Read /riːd/
Culture Draw /drɔː/
Grammar/Vocabulary Cut /kʌt/
Speaking Listening
Paint /peɪnt/
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Identify what activities they like to do during class.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: name and pronounce correctly the actions that they like to perform during the lesson.
them. USE: talk about personal tastes or hobbies.
TO: share in class about their likes.
IN: Activities and games

Assumptions: They may know and express what their favorite activities are using their mother tongue
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / I like to /aɪ laɪk tuː/
difficult?) Read /riːd/
Draw /drɔː/
Cut /kʌt/
Paint /peɪnt/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Flash cards
your lesson?) 3. Performance activities

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Matching pictures
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Relate gestures with the new vocabulary
learning objective?) 3. Represent different actions of the learned vocabulary images
4. Using realia to facilitate student’s understanding

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

2 – 3´ Warm-up The group game T/Ss V-A

Ss / T

4´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

ON Figures and pictures Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
1. The teacher will Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
introduce them to the
new vocabulary and
the lesson phrase "I
like to".
2. Explain the use of
the phrase I like to
and how it relates to
the new vocabulary
using visual

2. Activity or task: T/Ss V-K

PRACTICE Worksheet

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will provide a worksheet with activities for Students will color the pictures of the activities they like to do
students to color the activities they like to do best (cutting, the most
reading, drawing or painting).
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

3. Activity or task: T/Ss A-V

PRACTICE Listening activity Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will play an audio and model the pronunciation Students will pay attention and repeat aloud the words learned
of each of the words in the lesson and how to form a in the lesson.
sentence with the phrase "I like to".

PRACTICE 4. Activity or task: K-V-A

Performance activity

Teacher: Student:
The teacher will act out each of the activities (cutting, Students will guess which activity the teacher is performing and
reading, painting, drawing) for students to guess and name say it out loud with good pronunciation.
these actions correctly in English.

5. Activity or task: S-S V-A-K-T

PRODUCTIO Performance game in groups

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will form groups so that students can take turns Students will act out one of the activities presented in class for
acting out each of the vocabulary activities in the lesson. their group mates to guess.
Make use of visual materials such as real objects They will have at their disposal real materials to act out their
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Please add more rows if you need them!

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Big /bɪg /
Small /smɔl/
Long / lɔŋ/
Short / ʃɔrt /
New / nu/
Old /oʊld /

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Which animal is ? = Group game

2. Can you name a animal? = Show real fruit
3. Touch a pencil = all students
4. A or O?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• Which animal is ? (Show the classroom materials and flashcards)

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Pronunciation of vowels and consonants

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

1. Pronunciation:
Small New

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of adjectives because these are new sounds that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the adjectives
2. Comparing using classroom materials
3. Repeat a couple time the adjectives while they look the difference in the

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of adjectives
• Show the differences between objects
• Drawing adjectives= worksheets
• Playtime= “Tingo tingo Tango”
• How do you say ? = game group
• Which animal is ? = individual


Jazz chant

Big, big, big is the elephant /bɪg ˈɛləfənt/ Small,

small, small is the mouse /smɔl maʊs/Long,
long, long is my hair /lɔŋ hɛr/
Short, short, short is your hair / ʃɔrt /
New, new, new is my ball /nu bɔl/
Old, old, old is this ball /oʊld/

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


USE: Real Fruits

- Correctly pronunciation of the adjectives

Teacher: Which animal is small?

Student: the cat
Teacher: Can you name a big animal?
Student: Yes, the elephant
Student 1: Which ball is new?
Student 2: the short ball
Student 1: Which pencil is big?
Student 2: the red pencil

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Big /bɪg /
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Small /smɔl/
Culture Long / lɔŋ/
Grammar/Vocabulary Short / ʃɔrt /
Speaking Listening New / nu/
Reading Writing Old /oʊld /

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Learn adjectives and at the same time expand their vocabulary.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Through adjectives they can recognize the characteristics of the things.
them. USE: Images and flashcards
TO: Point the correct adjectives
IN: a Worksheet

Assumptions: - Relationship with colors numbers and oral communication

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Jazz chant
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) Big, big, big is the elephant /bɪg ˈɛləfənt/ Small,
small, small is the mouse /smɔl maʊs/Long, long,
long is my hair /lɔŋ hɛr/
Short, short, short is your hair / ʃɔrt /
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

New, new, new is my ball /nu bɔl/

Old, old, old is this ball /oʊld/



Teacher: Which animal is small?

Student: the cat
Teacher: Can you name a big animal?
Student: Yes, the elephant
Student 1: Which ball is new?
Student 2: the short ball
Student 1: Which pencil is big?
Student 2: the red pencil

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the adjectives
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Comparing using classroom materials
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple time the adjectives while they look the difference in the objects

Assessment: 1. Which animal is ? = Group game

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. Can you name a animal? = Show real fruit
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Touch a pencil = all students
learning objective?) 4. A or O?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “pin the donkey's tail ” T-S - Poster
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. - The
tail toy

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Flashcards

ON Ss / T (3)
Present flashcards

Teacher: Students:
- Showing flashcards to students 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Teach to pronounce it correctly and the difference of
each adjective

2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

PRACTICE Jazz chant

8’ Big, big, big is the elephant /bɪg ˈɛləfənt/ Small,

small, small is the mouse /smɔl maʊs/Long, long,
long is my hair /lɔŋ hɛr/
Short, short, short is your hair / ʃɔrt /
New, new, new is my ball /nu bɔl/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

10´ 3. Activity or task: S-S - Worksheets

PRODUCTIO - Worksheet

Teacher: Students:
Explain the worksheet activity that is individual Pay attention to the teacher
The activity consists of drawing objects or animals Ready to draw individually
considering the adjectives.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis
Parts of the body

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):
head hɛd
hand hænd
arm ɑrm
knee ni
ˈ fingers fɪŋgərz
leg lɛg
foot fʊt
toes toʊz

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. How many hands do we have?

2. How many fingers do we have?
3. How do you say dedos de los pies en English?
4. Do you know how to say pie and pies?

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is
the pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother
tongue, and write because it is not written the same as it is pronounced.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:
head hɛd
hand hænd
arm ɑrm
knee ni
ˈ fingers fɪŋgərz
leg lɛg
foot fʊt
toes toʊz

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Use the vocabulary in different concepts
3. Sing a song

4. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the
learner might use this kind of language:

✓ The vocabulary will help you in the future to make sentences or to have a conversation.
4. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

✓ Students can give instructions to their classmates (touch your arms, knee etc)
✓ Sing a song

✓ Draw the body parts and color
✓ Tear paper and paste on the worksheet about body parts

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form

and/or meaning of the language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do
this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!


TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

content/uploads/2020/11/INGLES_2_MODULO_1.pdf English Pedagogical

Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: ✓ Learn songs from the syllabus themes
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers ✓ Make sure of the pronunciation of the words before giving the class
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main ✓ Vocabulary
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) ✓ Speaking
Culture ✓ Listening
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT:
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT:
them. USE: Anywhere this topic is discussed
TO: to be able to speak correctly
IN: activities in class

Assumptions: ✓ Learn vocabulary about body parts and pronounce correctly

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the head hɛd
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / hand hænd
arm ɑrm
knee ni
ˈ fingers fɪŋgərz
leg lɛg
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
foot fʊt
toes toʊz


✓ One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is the
pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother tongue
and memorize the vocabulary, but this situation improves when they become familiar
with English

Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Use the vocabulary in different concepts
your lesson?) 3. Students should listen to music and sing

Assessment: Comprenhension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. How many hands do we have?
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. How many fingers do we have?
learning objective?) 3. How do you say dedos de los pies en English?
4. Do you know how to say pie and pies?

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
3 Warm up Give the instructions ST Auditory
Say hello, bye, Stand up, sit down, turn around, claps your hands, jump, stretch out your arms, raise you hands. Kinesthetic

5 PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss Visual

ON ✓ Flash card related to vocabulary (body parts) Ss / T Auditory

Teacher: Students:
✓ Show the flash card-related Body parts (head, ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher TS
hand, arm, leg, knee, foot, toes, fingers) ✓ See the pictures
✓ Make sure students pronounce the words ✓ Repeat after her/him
correctly ✓ Try to say the phrase
✓ Teach the phrase touch your …
✓ Repeat several time

5 2. Activity or task: TS Tactile

PRACTICE Magic box Auditory

Teacher: Students:
✓ Listen and sing the song (My body parts), touch ✓ Listen, sing the song touch their body parts
your body parts ✓ Answer the questions
✓ Asks What is this?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
5 TS Tactile
PRODUCTIO 3 Actitvity or task ST Visual
N Worksheet

Teacher Student
✓ Tells them to take out the glue and scissors ✓ Listen the instruction
✓ cut and paste the body parts in the corresponding ✓ Take out the glue and scissors
place ✓ Do the task
✓ makes sure that everyone has understood what to

5 EVALUATION 5. Activity or task: Visual

Draw the body TS

Teacher: Student:
✓ Listen and pay attention
✓ Draw the human body and color the parts of the ✓ Draw and color the body parts
human body that you learn ✓ Say a part of the human body
✓ Tell me one of them
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Commands “hands up”

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Hands up /hændz ʌp/

Hands down /hændz
Clap your hands /klæp jɔː
hændz/ Turn around /tɜːn
Stamp your feet /stæmp jɔː fiːt/
Stretch out your arms /strɛʧ aʊt jɔːr ɑːmz/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Playing Simon says for students to perform commands

2. Using flashcards for students to identify the commands
3. Using jazz chant
4. With a roulette game

4. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

I think that the most complicated part of this lesson is the form since the commands are not
only words but phrases that are a bit longer and more difficult for the students to pronounce.
I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learningthis
particular language point.

1. Pronunciation

Hands up /hændz ʌp/

Hands down /hændz
Clap your hands /klæp jɔː
hændz/ Turn around /tɜːn
Stamp your feet /stæmp jɔː fiːt/
Stretch out your arms /strɛʧ aʊt jɔːr ɑːmz/

2. Meaning

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation
2. Roulette game
3. Simon Says

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. Simon says = involving commands

2. To follow the teacher's instructions

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Using a jazz chant for students to improve the pronunciation of the commands and also to perform them.
- With the presentation of images and modeling the pronunciation of the commands

- Using a game of roulette for students to perform the commands
- Using the Simon says game to get students to perform the commands in a fast and playful way.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Involving students in the learning process
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers 2. Give students the chance to use the target language appropriately
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main Hands up /hændz ʌp/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Hands down /hændz daʊn/
Culture Clap your hands /klæp jɔː hændz/
Grammar/Vocabulary Turn around /tɜːn əˈraʊnd/
Speaking Listening
Stamp your feet /stæmp jɔː fiːt/
Reading Writing
Stretch out your arms /strɛʧ aʊt jɔːr ɑːmz/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: identify the commands of the lesson by listening to them
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: identify, name, and carry out the commands with the whole body
them. USE: the expressions: hands up, hands down, clap your hands, turn around, stamp your feet, stretch out your arms
TO: perform them in class in different activities
IN: Roulette games and simon says

Assumptions: They may know these commands in their native language

(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Hands up /hændz ʌp/
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Hands down /hændz daʊn/
difficult?) Clap your hands /klæp jɔː hændz/
Turn around /tɜːn əˈraʊnd/
Stamp your feet /stæmp jɔː fiːt/
Stretch out your arms /strɛʧ aʊt jɔːr ɑːmz/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Roulette game
your lesson?) 3. Simon Says

Assessment: Comprenhension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Playing Simon says for students to perform commands
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Using flashcards for students to identify the commands
learning objective?) 3. Using jazz chant
4. With a roulette game
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

2 – 3´ Warm up Song about parts of the body T-S V-A-K

Nose, nose, touch your nose

Nose, nose, touch your nose
Nose, nose touch your nose
Touch your nose with me

Hands, hands, clap your hands

Hands, hands, clap your hands
Hands, hands, clap your hands
clap your hands with me


4´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

ON Picture presentation, flashcards Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
1. The teacher will Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
present each
command using
visual aids and
model the
pronunciation of
each command.

2. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

PRACTICE Worksheet Ss / T
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will provide students with a worksheet to link Students will follow the teacher's instructions to complete the
the paired commands with lines. worksheet and line up the paired commands.

3. Activity or task: Ss / T V-A-K

PRACTICE Roulette game

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will present a roulette containing all the Students will form groups of 3 to perform the commands they
commands in the lesson for the students to perform in get on the roulette wheel and name the command aloud.
different groups.

PRACTICE 4. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

Flash cards Ss / T

Teacher: Student:
The teacher will show flashcards with all the commands of Students pay attention to the pronunciation of each command
the lesson for the students to repeat aloud each one and and then repeat it aloud. If they make a mistake, they can listen
practice the pronunciation of these commands, relating them to the teacher's correction.
to the images they see.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

5. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A-K

PRODUCTIO Simon Says Ss / T
N Ss / Ss

Teacher: Student:
The teacher will apply the Simon says game to check that Students will perform the commands according to the teacher's
the students have internalized the vocabulary of the indications, and if they make a mistake, they can correct
commands. themselves as a group.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


Storytelling time- Let’s Move Our Bodies

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Stretch / strɛʧ/
Tired /ˈtaɪərd/
Move /muv/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Make the gestures as in the pictures and the students have to name the action.
2. Do the activity wrong, the students have to correct the teacher.
3. Use the target language correctly in the different activities.
4. Mention the words and the students have to represent them with their body.

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

During this lesson the most challenging point is the form because the words have other
sounds, a little different from the others previously learned.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when they are
learning this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

Stretch / strɛʧ/
Tired /ˈtaɪərd/
Move /muv/

2. Meaning:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Using pictures or flashcards.
2. Make a relationship with the gestures.
3. Research for kinesthetic activities.

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. During a P.E class

2. Before/after doing exercise.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

-Glue crepe paper inside the words
-Repetition of the activities aloud to improve pronunciation.
-Relationship between the words and their body (gestures)
-Perform the activities in group, students should guess which gesture is into their groups.
(Groups of 3)

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

Glue the pictures on the

pallets Reference image

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Be more active during the classes.
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Create interactive activities for the students, so that they can’t be bored.
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Stretch / strɛʧ/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Tired /ˈtaɪərd/
Culture Move /muv/
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Apply the target language in short sentences.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Associate the target language with gestures and apply it in different activities.
them. USE: Stretch, tired, move
TO: Form short sentences according with their level.
IN: Storytelling

Assumptions: They have learned the parts of the body so that they can associate the target language with them to internalize the knowledge.
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Stretch / strɛʧ/
difficult?) Tired /ˈtaɪərd/
Move /muv/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. Using pictures or flashcards.

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Make a relationship with the gestures.
your lesson?) 3. Research for kinesthetic activities.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 1. Make the gestures as in the pictures and the students have to name the action.
learning objective?) 2. Do the activity wrong, the students have to correct the teacher.
3. Use the target language correctly in the different activities.
4. Mention the words and the students have to represent them with their body.

Framework Focus: S;
Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Materials/Aids
Time and stage S-S; T; T-
What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? VAKT
objectives S

- Song Head, Shoulders, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. - Kinesthetic
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
2 Warm up Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. https://www.yout
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. =RuqvGiZi0qg
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

1. Storytelling- Images with sticks

Ss / T
-Printed pictures
- Visual and
4 Teacher: Students: Auditory
- Tells the story with printed pictures. (Iguana, - Pay attention to the teacher.
kangaroo). - Repeat the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.
- Explains the meaning of the new vocabulary with

2. Worksheet time!
Ss / T -Worksheet
Teacher: Students: -crepe paper
6-7 - Gives a worksheet to the students. - Pays attention to the teacher’s instructions. -Glue
PRACTICE - The worksheet has the new vocabulary and some - They are going to make small balls with the paper and -Kinesthetic,
pictures related with them. then glue them inside the letters of each word. Auditory
- With crepe paper he/she is going to make small - Repeat the pronunciation of the words with the
balls to show to the students how to do it. teacher.
- Repeats the pronunciation again with the students.

3. Moving T-S - Kinesthetic and

PRACTICE Ss visual
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students: -Worksheet or

- With the worksheet or the images with wooden sticks the -Look at the teacher. images with
teacher is going to rehearse with the students the words -Repeat the teacher’s actions and movements. wooden sticks.
again and how to relate them with the body.
Ex: Tired with your arms and face down, stretch your arms
with your arms up and move as if you were jumping or move
your bodies as if you were dancing.

4. Group work

3-4 T-S
PRACTICE -Only their body
- In groups they are going to guess which of the words is
- Divides the class in groups of three students.
performed by each partner (each student have to make different
-Gives them instructions.
gestures and the other two guess it).

5. Applying the knowledge.


2-3 -Pencil or colors.
Teacher: Students: -Visual
-Gives to the students another worksheet and the instruction. -Join images that resemble each other
(Match the images.)
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Move your

Each image should be glued on wooden sticks.

Practice 1 (next page)

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C L Collaborative Lesson plan
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson pl


I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Parts of the body

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

What is this? wʌt ɪz ðɪs?ɪt

ɪz jʊər tɜrn
ɪt ɪz eɪ/æn

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. What do you see?

2. What is the child holding?
3. How many lemons does the tree have?
4. What do you think the boy is doing?

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is
the pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother
tongue, and write because it is not written the same as it is pronounced.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

What is this? wʌt ɪz ðɪs?

ɪt ɪz jʊər tɜrn
ɪt ɪz eɪ/æn
2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Use the vocabulary in different concepts
3. repeat several times and review the next class

4. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the
learner might use this kind of language:

✓ With the little phrase you can already ask many questions.

4. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free

practice Include both form and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the
learner internalize this language.

✓ Work in pairs and ask your classmate what is this?
✓ each of the student take out an object and asks what is this?
✓ Bring fruits at school and ask the students what is this?
✓ Point the door, window, or any object in the classroom and asks what is this?

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form

and/or meaning of the language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do
this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis



TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

content/uploads/2020/11/INGLES_2_MODULO_1.pdf English Pedagogical

Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: ✓ Seek and learn activities that are fun to learn
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers ✓ Investigate the behavior of children to understand them and know how to act in delicate moments.
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main ✓ Vocabulary
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) ✓ Speaking
Culture ✓ Listening
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT:
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT:
them. USE: students are able to ask what is this at school, at home etc
TO: Children are inquisitive so they will use it to find out what they want to know
IN: activities in class, at home or anywhere

Assumptions: ✓ Learn vocabulary about body parts and pronounce correctly

(What do your students already know? What can they ✓ students already know the parts of the body now they could play asking each other What is this?
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the What is this? wʌt ɪz ðɪs?
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / It is your turn ɪt ɪz jʊər tɜrn
difficult?) It is a/an ɪt ɪz eɪ/æn

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
1. One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is the
pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother tongue
and memorize the vocabulary, but this situation improves when they become familiar
with English

Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Use the vocabulary in different concepts
your lesson?) 3. repeat several times and review the next class

Assessment: Comprenhension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. What do you see?
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. What is the child holding?
learning objective?) 3. How many lemons does the tree have?
4. What do you think the boy is doing?

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

4 Warm up • Sing a song (my body parts) ST Auditory

• Put together a puzzle Kinesthetic

5 PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss Visual

ON ✓ What is this? Ss / T Auditory
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher: Students:
✓ teach the question What is this? and the answer ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher
IT IS A/AN ✓ See the fruits and objects TS
✓ Answer the question
✓ Brings fruits and ask what is this?
✓ Make sure students pronounce the words
✓ Show the objects of the class and asks what is

5 2. Activity or task: TS Visual

PRACTICE Work in pairs Auditory

Teacher: Students:
✓ Gives the instruction ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher
✓ Work in pairs, one asks (What is this?) and the ✓ Work with side classmate
other answer ( It is a/an) ✓ ask and answer the questions
✓ change the Role and say is your turn asks the ✓ change the role

5 TS Tactile
PRODUCTIO 3 Actitvity or task ST Visual
N Worksheet
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher Student
✓ Gives the worksheet with pictures about ✓ Listen the instruction
vocabulary they already knew. ✓ color the pictures
✓ color the pictures ✓ answer the questions by looking at what object the
✓ asks what is this? teacher points to

5 EVALUATION 5. Activity or task: Visual

Magic box TS tactile

Teacher: Student:
✓ Listen and pay attention
✓ Put the pictures in the box ✓ take out the pictures
✓ choose the students ✓ answer the question
✓ what is this?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

I, i /aɪ/ J,
j /ʤeɪ/K,
k /keɪ/L, l

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. What is this letter _? = Group game

2. This is letter ? = Drawing the new letters
3. Using body language = all students
4. I or A?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• What is this letter ? (Show the classroom materials and flashcards)

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Pronunciation of some consonants

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learned
this particular language point.

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

1. Pronunciation:

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of new letters because these are new sounds that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the letters
2. Used body language or gestures
3. Repeat a couple time the letters while they look the flashcards

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of alphabet
• Used objects in relationship with letters
• Drawing letters = worksheets
• Playtime= Guess the letter
• What is this letter? = game group
• Listen and trace the letters


Jazz chant

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la

Give me the letter I, I, I, I /aɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter J, J, J, J /ʤeɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter K, K, K, K keɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter L, L, L, L /ɛl/


I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

USE: Real Fruits

- Correctly pronunciation of letters

Teacher: What is this letter?

Student: is letter K
Teacher: This is letter L?
Student: Yes, it is
Student 1: What is this letter?
Student 2: is letter J
Student 1: This is letter I?
Student 2: Yes, it is

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 2

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the I, i /aɪ/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) J, j /ʤeɪ/
K, k /keɪ/
Speaking Listening L, l /ɛl/
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Develop the skills to draw all kinds of lines needed to later make the first letters and link them.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Identify and use the spelling of letters along with their pronunciation
them. USE: Images, flashcards od letters
TO: Count using your fingers
IN: a 4 ´ Play dough activity

Assumptions: - Relationship with the preview vocabulary to correctly pronounce the new letters
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Jazz chant
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter I, I, I, I /aɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter J, J, J, J /ʤeɪ/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la

Give me the letter K, K, K, K keɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter L, L, L, L /ɛl/



Teacher: What is this letter?

Student: is letter K
Teacher: This is letter L?
Student: Yes, it is
Student 1: What is this letter?
Student 2: is letter J
Student 1: This is letter I?
Student 2: Yes, it is

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the letters
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Used body language or gestures
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple time the letters while they look the flashcards

Assessment: 1. What is this letter ? = Group game

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. This is letter ? = Drawing the new letters
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Using body language = all students
learning objective?) 4. I or A?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “Guess what's in the box” T-S - A small ball
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. to pass
from one
student to

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Board

ON Ss / T - Flashcards
What is this letter? (4)

Teacher: Students:
- Drawing the new letters in the board 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Showing flashcards and teach to pronounce it correctly

2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

PRACTICE Jazz chant
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
8’ Give me the letter I, I, I, I /aɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter J, J, J, J /ʤeɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter K, K, K, K keɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter L, L, L, L /ɛl/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: S-S - Worksheets

PRODUCTIO - worksheets

Teacher: Students:
Explain the worksheet activity that is individual. Pay attention to the teacher and then they work.
The activity consists of listening and trace the letters.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis



1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Sight /saɪt / Eye

/aɪ / Hearing
/ˈhirɪŋ / Ear /ir /
Taste /teɪst /
Tongue /tʌŋ/
Touch /tʌʧ /
Hands /hændz /
Smell /smɛl /
Nose /noʊz/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Giving instructions like: Touch your eyes, your nose, etc. To check if they are doing right.
2. Touching (tongue, hands, ears) incorrectly, the students have to correct the teacher.
3. Use the target language correctly in the different activities.
4. Association of the senses with sensory organs.

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

In this lesson the most challenging point will be the form, because here the
pronunciation of the words is a little different from the way of writing, so students may
get confused in the way of pronouncing them.

List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when they are
learning this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

Sight /saɪt / Eye

/aɪ / Hearing
/ˈhirɪŋ / Ear /ir /
Taste /teɪst /
Tongue /tʌŋ/
Touch /tʌʧ /
Hands /hændz /
Smell /smɛl /
Nose /noʊz/

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C L Collaborative Language Analysis

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Include realia in the classroom such as candy, paper, songs to relate to the senses.
2. Interact with learners in a dynamic environment.
3. Research for developing the target language.

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. Recognize which organs and senses are involved in the activities they perform.
2. Be conscious about how the senses allows them to interact with the world.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Big pictures with the senses.
-Repetition of the target language aloud to improve pronunciation.
-Present real objects into the class for association them with the senses.
-The use of each sense an interaction with the teacher and students.

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C L Collaborative Language Analysis

-Relationship between different activities and senses.

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Reference images

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Include realia in the class.

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Research for kinesthetic activities and be more active during the class.
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Sight /saɪt / Eye
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) /aɪ / Hearing
/ˈhirɪŋ / Ear /ir /
Speaking Listening Taste /teɪst /
Reading Writing Tongue /tʌŋ/
Touch /tʌʧ /
Hands /hændz /
Smell /smɛl /
Nose /noʊz/

I can …

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Associate the sensory organs with the senses.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Use the modal verb can in simple sentences using the target language.
them. USE: sight, eye, hearing, ear, taste, tongue, touch, hands, smell, nose
TO: Form short sentences according with their level.
IN: Storytelling

Assumptions: They may know the senses in Spanish in that way it could be more easy for them to understand the class.
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Sight /saɪt / Eye
difficult?) /aɪ / Hearing
/ˈhirɪŋ / Ear /ir /
Taste /teɪst /
Tongue /tʌŋ/ Touch
/tʌʧ / Hands
/hændz / Smell
/smɛl / Nose

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Solutions for challenges: 1. Include realia in the classroom such as candy, paper, songs to relate to the senses.
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Interact with learners in a dynamic environment.
your lesson?) 3. Research for developing the target language.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 1. Giving instructions like: Touch your eyes, your nose, etc. To check if they are doing right.
learning objective?) 2. Touching (tongue, hands, ears) incorrectly, the students have to correct the teacher.
3. Use the target language correctly in the different activities.
4. Association of the senses with sensory organs.

Framework Focus: S;
Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Materials/Aids
Time and stage S-S; T; T-
What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? VAKT
objectives S

- Kinesthetic
-The teacher is going to sing the song and making the movements that the song says. T-S
2 Warm up
-The students imitate the teacher’s actions and sing along. S-T

1. Discovering the senses together!

Teacher: Students: T/Ss -Candies

- Is going to bring to the class some elements for the - Pay attention to the teacher. Ss / T -Song
students to identify the senses. For example: a - Participate in class. -Paper with
7 perfume, candies, paper with texture, colorful - Smell the perfume, eat the candy, listen to the song texture
pictures, and a song. and answer the teacher’s questions. -Colorful pictures
- In that way he/she can use these elements for the - Making connections with the sensory organs with the - Kinesthetic,
presentation, he/she apply some perfume and ask external incentives. auditory, visual.
the students with which part they can smell the
perfume or with a candy she/he can ask with which
part they can taste the candy and so on.
- Stablishes an association and creates the
knowledge with the students’ help.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

2. Senses and Simon says!

Ss / T
Teacher: Students: -Pictures or flash
5 - Presents big pictures with the senses and - Pays attention to the teacher’s explanation.
PRACTICE cards with the
associate them with the sensory organs. - Repeat the pronunciation aloud. senses and
- With the previous explanation they are going to - Do the actions the teacher says with the game: sensory organs.
reinforce the pronunciation of the target language. Simon says.
- After that to check the understanding, they are
going to play Simon Says.

3. Song time!

- Kinesthetic and
2-3 -Human
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
-The teacher is going to sing the song and making the -Look at the teacher.
movements that the song says. -Repeat the teacher’s actions and movements.
-Sing along

4. I can….

3 Students: T-S
PRACTICE Teacher: resources
- After the song they are going to apply the modal verb can, - Answer to the teacher’s questions and complete the phrases.
the teacher is going to say to the students with the eyes I
can…. and they complete the phrase.

5. Final Worksheet

5 -Pencil or colors.
Teacher: Students: -Visual
-Gives to the students a worksheet to evaluate if they - Relate the senses with the things they can perceive with each
understand the lesson or not. one of them.
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I 4 Institute for
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I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis
What do you see?

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

What do you see wʌt du ju si?

I see aɪ si eɪ/æn

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. What do you think the children are doing?

2. How many birds are there?
3. What color is the boy´s t-shirt?
4. Are the children sad or happy?

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is
the pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother
tongue, and write because it is not written the same as it is pronounced.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:
What do you see wʌt du ju si?
I see aɪ si eɪ/æn

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Use the phrases learned in each class
3. Review the topic of the previous class

4. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the
learner might use this kind of language:

✓ With the little phrase you can already ask many questions.

4. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free

practice Include both form and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the
learner internalize this language.

✓ Make a circle with all the children and put objects inside, children ask what do you see
each one
✓ Teacher projects the picture of a family, the children have to work in pairs and ask each
other what do you see.
✓ Bring objects to class that children like and ask them what they see
✓ Point the door, window, or any object in the classroom and asks what is this?

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

WHA do you see?


TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

content/uploads/2020/11/INGLES_2_MODULO_1.pdf English Pedagogical

Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: ✓ Give children the confidence to ask questions and learn
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers ✓ be patient and help them not to have fear of speaking and making mistakes
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main ✓ Vocabulary
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) ✓ Speaking
Culture ✓ Listening
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT:
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT:
them. USE: students are able to ask without fear what do you see
TO: improve their English
IN: activities in class, at home or anywhere

Assumptions: ✓ Learn a little phrases and pronounce correctly

(What do your students already know? What can they ✓ students already know a lot vocabulary they can practice with all that and the phrase What do you see.
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the What do you see wʌt du ju si?
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / I see aɪ si eɪ/æn
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
1. One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is the
pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother tongue
and memorize the vocabulary, but this situation improves when they become familiar
with English

Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. review the next class and play with the topics you learn
your lesson?) 3. Use the phrases learned in each class

Assessment: Comprenhension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 1. What do you think the children are doing?
learning objective?) 2. How many birds are there?
3. What color is the boy´s t-shirt?
4. Are the children sad or happy?

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

4 Warm up Worksheet ST Auditory

Give the worksheet and color the eyes and the phrase tactile
What do you see, cut all that and paste in your notebook
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
5 PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss Visual
ON ✓ What do you see? Ss / T Auditory

Teacher: Students:
✓ teach the question What do you see? and the ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher TS
answer I see a/an ✓ See the objects
✓ Answer the question
✓ Show markers, book, pencil, eraser, notebook and
ask what do you see?
✓ Make sure students pronounce the words

5 2. Activity or task: TS Visual

PRACTICE Outside Auditory

Teacher: Students:
The students and the teacher leaves the class ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher
and take a tour of the school and ask them what ✓ pay attention to the things that are on the way
do you see? ✓ answer the question

5 TS Tactile
PRODUCTIO 3 Actitvity or task Visual
N Worksheet
I 4 Institute for
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Teacher Student
✓ Give the instructions ✓ Listen the instruction
✓ Take out notebook, colors, pencil ✓ Take out notebook, colors, pencil
✓ Draw and color what they saw on the school tour ✓ draw and color the pictures
✓ see everyone work

5 EVALUATION 5. Activity or task: auditory

Play the roles TS

Teacher: Student:
✓ Listen and pay attention
✓ Give the instruction ✓ They try to play their role well
✓ Some students will ask and others will answer ✓ answer the question
✓ Ask a question What do you see?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

M /ɛm/
N /ɛn/
O /oʊ/
P /pi/
Q /kju/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. What is this letter _? = Group game

2. This is letter ? = Drawing the new letters
3. Using body language = all students
4. M or E?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• What is this letter ? (Show the classroom materials and flashcards)

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Pronunciation of some consonants

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learned
this particular language point.

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

1. Pronunciation:

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of new letters because these are new sounds that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the letters
2. Used body language or gestures
3. Repeat a couple time the letters while they look the flashcards

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of alphabet
• Used objects in relationship with letters
• Drawing letters = worksheets
• Playtime= Guess the letter
• What is this letter? = game group
• Listen and trace the letters


Jazz chant

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la

Give me the letter M, M, M, M /ɛm/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter N, N, N, N /ɛn/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter O, O, O, O /oʊ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter P, P, P, P /pi/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter Q, Q, Q, Q /kju/

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


USE: Real Fruits

- Correctly pronunciation of letters

Teacher: What is this letter?

Student: is letter M
Teacher: This is letter P?
Student: Yes, it is
Student 1: What is this letter?
Student 2: is letter N
Student 1: This is letter O?
Student 2: Yes, it is

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 2

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the M /ɛm/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) N /ɛn/
Culture O /oʊ/
Grammar/Vocabulary P /pi/
Speaking Listening Q /kju/
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Develop the skills to draw all kinds of lines needed to later make the first letters and link them.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Identify and use the spelling of letters along with their pronunciation
them. USE: Images, flashcards od letters
TO: Pronounce the letters
IN: What is this letter?

Assumptions: - Relationship with the preview vocabulary to correctly pronounce the new letters
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Jazz chant
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter M, M, M, M /ɛm/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter N, N, N, N /ɛn/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Give me the letter O, O, O, O /oʊ/

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter P, P, P, P /pi/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter Q, Q, Q, Q /kju/



Teacher: What is this letter?

Student: is letter M
Teacher: This is letter P?
Student: Yes, it is
Student 1: What is this letter?
Student 2: is letter N
Student 1: This is letter O?
Student 2: Yes, it is

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the letters
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Used body language or gestures
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple time the letters while they look the flashcards

Assessment: 1. What is this letter ? = Group game

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. This is letter ? = Drawing the new letters
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Using body language = all students
learning objective?) 4. I or A?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “Simon says” T-S - Classroom
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. materials

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Board

ON Ss / T - Flashcards
What is this letter? (5)

Teacher: Students:
- Drawing the new letters in the board 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Showing flashcards and teach to pronounce it correctly

2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

PRACTICE Jazz chant
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
8’ Give me the letter M, M, M, M /ɛm/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter N, N, N, N /ɛn/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Give me the letter O, O, O, O /oʊ/

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter P, P, P, P /pi/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter Q, Q, Q, Q /kju/

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: S-S - Worksheets

PRODUCTIO - worksheets

Teacher: Students:
Explain the worksheet activity that is individual. Pay attention to the teacher and then they work.
The activity consists of listening and trace the letters.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


Storytelling time

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

I Feel Great /aɪ fiːl greɪt/

Do /duː/
Exercise /ˈɛksəsaɪz/ Eat
/iːt /
Good /gʊd/

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Jazz chant to check the pronunciation of the vocabulary

2. Roulette game for students to perform the activities by using gestures
3. Flashcards to identify each of the vocabulary activities
4. Enclose the images according to the audio

4. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

I consider that in this lesson the most difficult is the form and meaning because the
pronunciation of the new vocabulary contains vowels that combine two sounds and the new
vocabulary can be confusing in its meaning since they have a bit of a relationship.
➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learningthis
particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

I Feel Great /aɪ fiːl greɪt/

Do /duː/
Exercise /ˈɛksəsaɪz/ Eat
/iːt /
Good /gʊd

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Picture = presentation
2. Wood sticks with images
3. Roulette game

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities/situations/contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. Develop activities during the class

2. Follow instructions on action verbs

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4“practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Jazz chant containing all the words to be taught in the lesson
- Enclose the images according to the audio

- Roulette game for students to perform the activities by using gestures
- Flashcards to identify each of the vocabulary activities

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Involve students in the learning process
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use the target language appropriately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main I Feel Great /aɪ fiːl greɪt/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items)
Culture Do /duː/
Grammar/Vocabulary Exercise /ˈɛksəsaɪz/
Speaking Listening Eat /iːt /
Reading Writing Good /gʊd/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: identify by means of gestures the actions of the vocabulary of the lesson
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: identify, and name each of the actions in the vocabulary and finally perform them
them. USE: perform action verbs
TO: Apply it with the Teacher during the classes.
IN: Roulette games

Assumptions: They should know the vocabulary of the lesson in their native language and recognize it through gestures
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the I Feel Great /aɪ fiːl greɪt/
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Do /duː/
difficult?) Exercise /ˈɛksəsaɪz/
Eat /iːt /
Good /gʊd/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Wood sticks with images
your lesson?) 3. Roulette game
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Jazz chant to check the pronunciation of the vocabulary
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Roulette game for students to perform the activities by using gestures
learning objective?) 3. Flashcards to identify each of the vocabulary activities
4. Enclose the images according to the audio

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

2 – 3´ Warm up Simon says T/Ss A-K

Ss / T

4´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

ON Presentation of vocabulary with flashcards Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
1. The teacher will Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
present the
vocabulary using
visual resources
such as flash cards.
In addition, the
teacher will model
the pronunciation of
each word for
students to repeat
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

2. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A-K

PRACTICE Jazz chant Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

PRACTICE Listening worksheet

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will provide a worksheet and play an audio for Ss will follow the teacher’s instructions in order to enclose the
students to identify the correct action and circle it. images according to the audio.

PRACTICE 4. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

Performance activity Ss / T

Teacher: Student:
The teacher will act out each of the new vocabulary actions Students will follow the teacher's instructions and guess each of
and encourage students to participate and name them. the actions that the teacher is acting out
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

5. Activity or task: T/Ss

PRODUCTIO Roulette game Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will present a roulette that contains the Students will follow the teacher's indications, they will have to
vocabulary of the actions of the lesson. The teacher will form carry out the activities they get from the roulette.
groups and give them indications on how to participate.

Please add more rows if you need them!

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

I, i /aɪ/ J,
j /ʤeɪ/K,
k /keɪ/L, l

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. What is this letter _? = Group game

2. This is letter ? = Drawing the new letters
3. Using body language = all students
4. I or A?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• What is this letter ? (Show the classroom materials and flashcards)

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Pronunciation of some consonants

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learned
this particular language point.

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

1. Pronunciation:

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of new letters because these are new sounds that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the letters
2. Used body language or gestures
3. Repeat a couple time the letters while they look the flashcards

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of alphabet
• Used objects in relationship with letters
• Drawing letters = worksheets
• Playtime= Guess the letter
• What is this letter? = game group
• Listen and trace the letters


Jazz chant

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la

Give me the letter I, I, I, I /aɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter J, J, J, J /ʤeɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter K, K, K, K keɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter L, L, L, L /ɛl/


I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

USE: Real Fruits

- Correctly pronunciation of letters

Teacher: What is this letter?

Student: is letter K
Teacher: This is letter L?
Student: Yes, it is
Student 1: What is this letter?
Student 2: is letter J
Student 1: This is letter I?
Student 2: Yes, it is

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 2

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Sandy Castañeda Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Nicole León
Mishell Montenegro
Diana Nicaragua

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Delivering instructions

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use target language appropiately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the I, i /aɪ/
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) J, j /ʤeɪ/
K, k /keɪ/
Speaking Listening L, l /ɛl/
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Develop the skills to draw all kinds of lines needed to later make the first letters and link them.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Identify and use the spelling of letters along with their pronunciation
them. USE: Images, flashcards od letters
TO: Count using your fingers
IN: a 4 ´ Play dough activity

Assumptions: - Relationship with the preview vocabulary to correctly pronounce the new letters
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the Jazz chant
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging /
difficult?) These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter I, I, I, I /aɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter J, J, J, J /ʤeɪ/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la

Give me the letter K, K, K, K keɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter L, L, L, L /ɛl/



Teacher: What is this letter?

Student: is letter K
Teacher: This is letter L?
Student: Yes, it is
Student 1: What is this letter?
Student 2: is letter J
Student 1: This is letter I?
Student 2: Yes, it is

Solutions for challenges: 1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the letters
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Used body language or gestures
your lesson?) 3. Repeat a couple time the letters while they look the flashcards

Assessment: 1. What is this letter ? = Group game

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 2. This is letter ? = Drawing the new letters
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 3. Using body language = all students
learning objective?) 4. I or A?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

5´ Warm up - Teacher explains the activity called “Guess what's in the box” T-S - A small ball
- The teacher asks for the collaboration of all the students to be able to play. to pass
from one
student to

7´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss - Board

ON Ss / T - Flashcards
What is this letter? (4)

Teacher: Students:
- Drawing the new letters in the board 1. Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
- Showing flashcards and teach to pronounce it correctly

2. Activity or task: T-Ss - Speakers

PRACTICE Jazz chant
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
8’ Give me the letter I, I, I, I /aɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter J, J, J, J /ʤeɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter K, K, K, K keɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter L, L, L, L /ɛl/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: S-S - Worksheets

PRODUCTIO - worksheets

Teacher: Students:
Explain the worksheet activity that is individual. Pay attention to the teacher and then they work.
The activity consists of listening and trace the letters.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


Colors part 2

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

Pink /pɪŋk/
Purple / ˈpɜrpəl/
Brown / braʊn /
White / waɪt /
Black / blæk /
2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Identification of the colors.

2. Correct application of the colors in different activities.
3. Matching the colors.
4. Use of the target language during the class.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

In this lesson the most challenging point will be the form, as the pronunciation of some
words has different sounds than in their native language and the target language is not
pronounced the way the words are written.

List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when they are
learning this particular language point.

1. Pronunciation:

Pink /pɪŋk/
Purple / ˈpɜrpəl/
Brown / braʊn /
White / waɪt /
Black / blæk /

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. During the presentation include pictures.
2. Relationship between colors and objects.
3. Drawing and painting

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:

1. Make a relationship between colors and objects.

2. Recognize the colors by looking at the pictures.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form and
meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

- Song with the pronunciation.
-Repetition of the target language aloud to improve pronunciation.
-Identify the colors.
-Painting with the colors.

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach ithere!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

Reference images

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Include kinesthetic activities.

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Developing the target language in an interactive approach.
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the

main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) Pink /pɪŋk/
Purple / ˈpɜrpəl/
Speaking Listening Brown / braʊn /
Reading Writing White / waɪt /
Black / blæk /

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: Recognize and pronounce the colors.
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: Make a relationship between colors and objects and correctly pronounce the target language.
them. USE: colors: pink, purple, brown, white and black.
TO: Identify them in different objects.
IN: Painting and interactive activities.

Assumptions: They might know other colors in English or the name of the colors in their mother tongue.
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Pink /pɪŋk/
difficult?) Purple / ˈpɜrpəl/
Brown / braʊn /
White / waɪt /
Black / blæk /
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. During the presentation include pictures.

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Relationship between colors and objects.
your lesson?) 3. Drawing and painting

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Identification of the colors.
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Correct application of the colors in different activities.
learning objective?) 3. Matching the colors.
4. Use of the target language during the class.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Framework Focus: S;
Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Materials/Aids
Time and stage S-S; T; T-
What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? VAKT
objectives S

- Kinesthetic
2 Warm up - Simon says

1. Big pictures with the colors and objects with those colors. -Pictures
- Visual and
T/Ss Auditory

Ss / T

5 Teacher: Students:
- Show each color to the students - Pay attention to the teacher.
- Slowly pronounce all the words for better - Repeat the pronunciation of colors.
comprehension. - Observe the pictures in detail.

2. Colored strips
Ss / T
-Visual and
Teacher: kinesthetic
3 - The teacher gives to the students strips with the
PRACTICE - Listen to the teacher.
colors that they are learning. -Colored strips.
- When they hear the color they have, they will stand up
- He/She will ask: Where is color white? (It is
and jump.
important to mention all the colors at least twice).
- Then they will sit down when the teacher mentions
other colors.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

3. It is time to color!
- Kinesthetic
Note: This activity can be done with tempera or crepe paper. With crepe paper they can tear the paper and glue it. - Flyers
(papelote), crepe
T-S paper or tempera
6-7 Students:
PRACTICE Teacher: S-T (pink, purple,
-Listen to the teacher.
- Divide the students in groups or individually (depends of black, white,
-With their hands they are going to paint the papelote.
the students’ number) brown), glue,
-Per group they are going to paint the colors that they already
- Gives them a flyer (papelote) 5 in total. markers.

4. Find the colors

- Auditory,
3 T-S - The flyers made
before, adhesive
Teacher: Students:
-Stick the papelotes in different walls or around the class. -They will run and touch the color that the teacher says.
- Says: Touch the color….

3 5. Worksheet time! Ss - Visual

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher: Students:
-Gives the commands for the students. -Listen to the teacher and do the commands.
- Sometimes he/she does the activity wrong so that the -Differentiate when the teacher does the commands good and
students correct him/her. wrong to correct his/her.
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis


1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both written and spoken):

I, i /aɪ/ J,
j /ʤeɪ/K,
k /keɪ/L, l

2. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. What is this letter _? = Group game

2. This is letter ? = Drawing the new letters
3. Using body language = all students
4. I or A?

3. USE (When is this appropriate or not appropriate? Compare it to a language that has a similar meaning.
When do we choose to use this form? Why?)

• What is this letter ? (Show the classroom materials and flashcards)

3. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

F: Pronunciation of some consonants

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learned
this particular language point.

The use of the target language because it has different sounds, and it mixes two sounds in one syllable.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

1. Pronunciation:

2. Meaning:
They confuse the pronunciation of new letters because these are new sounds that they have not heard before.

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?
1. Open correctly the mouth when pronouncing the letters
2. Used body language or gestures
3. Repeat a couple time the letters while they look the flashcards

5. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the learner
might use this kind of language:
1. Songs and commands.

6. TASK DESIGN: List 6 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

• Songs of alphabet
• Used objects in relationship with letters
• Drawing letters = worksheets
• Playtime= Guess the letter
• What is this letter? = game group
• Listen and trace the letters


Jazz chant

These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la

Give me the letter I, I, I, I /aɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter J, J, J, J /ʤeɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter K, K, K, K keɪ/
These are the letters of the alphabet la, la, la, la
Give me the letter L, L, L, L /ɛl/


I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

USE: Real Fruits

- Correctly pronunciation of letters

Teacher: What is this letter?

Student: is letter K
Teacher: This is letter L?
Student: Yes, it is
Student 1: What is this letter?
Student 2: is letter J
Student 1: This is letter I?
Student 2: Yes, it is

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form and/or meaning of the
language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

8. TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

English Pedagogical Module 2

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Involve students in the learning process
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this 2. Give students the chance to use the target language appropriately
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main I Feel Great /aɪ fiːl greɪt/
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items)
Culture Do /duː/
Grammar/Vocabulary Exercise /ˈɛksəsaɪz/
Speaking Listening Eat /iːt /
Reading Writing Good /gʊd/

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT: identify by means of gestures the actions of the vocabulary of the lesson
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT: identify, and name each of the actions in the vocabulary and finally perform them
them. USE: perform action verbs
TO: Apply it with the Teacher during the classes.
IN: Roulette games

Assumptions: They should know the vocabulary of the lesson in their native language and recognize it through gestures
(What do your students already know? What can they
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the I Feel Great /aɪ fiːl greɪt/
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / Do /duː/
difficult?) Exercise /ˈɛksəsaɪz/
Eat /iːt /
Good /gʊd/
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan


Solutions for challenges: 1. Picture = presentation

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Wood sticks with images
your lesson?) 3. Roulette game
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

Assessment: Comprehension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to 1. Jazz chant to check the pronunciation of the vocabulary
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 2. Roulette game for students to perform the activities by using gestures
learning objective?) 3. Flashcards to identify each of the vocabulary activities
4. Enclose the images according to the audio

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

2 – 3´ Warm up Simon says T/Ss A-K

Ss / T

4´ PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

ON Presentation of vocabulary with flashcards Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
1. The teacher will Pay attention to the teacher / imitate
present the
vocabulary using
visual resources
such as flash cards.
In addition, the
teacher will model
the pronunciation of
each word for
students to repeat
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

2. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A-K

PRACTICE Jazz chant Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
Sings the song and models Listen to the teacher and repeat

3. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

PRACTICE Listening worksheet

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will provide a worksheet and play an audio for Ss will follow the teacher’s instructions in order to enclose the
students to identify the correct action and circle it. images according to the audio.

PRACTICE 4. Activity or task: T/Ss V-A

Performance activity Ss / T

Teacher: Student:
The teacher will act out each of the new vocabulary actions Students will follow the teacher's instructions and guess each of
and encourage students to participate and name them. the actions that the teacher is acting out
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

5. Activity or task: T/Ss

PRODUCTIO Roulette game Ss / T

Teacher: Students:
The teacher will present a roulette that contains the Students will follow the teacher's indications, they will have to
vocabulary of the actions of the lesson. The teacher will form carry out the activities they get from the roulette.
groups and give them indications on how to participate.

Please add more rows if you need them!

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis
What do you like?

1. Aspects of FORM that are important to consider (both

written and spoken): 2.
What do you like wʌt du ju laɪk?I
like to aɪ laɪk tu

3. MEANING: (What does each piece of target language mean?

➔ List at least 4 comprehension checking questions (yes/no, either/or, example, short answer, then
definition if possible!) for the meaning of this language point:

1. Do you practice any sport?

2. What do you like to do in the mornings?
3. What do you see?
4. How many children are there?

4. Challenge point: What is most challenging (F, M or U) and why?

One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is
the pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother
tongue, and write because it is not written the same as it is pronounced.

➔ List 3-5 potential and/or typical mistakes/challenges that ELLs might make/have when learning
this particular language point.

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

1. Pronunciation:
What do you like wʌt du ju laɪk?
I like to aɪ laɪk tu

2. Meaning:

➔ What are you going to do to help learners deal with these challenges?

1. Picture = presentation
2. Performance
3. Use the phrases learned in each class

4. FLUENT USE: List two potential “real world” activities / situations / contexts in which the
learner might use this kind of language:

✓ This phrase can help to know more about the tastes of other people

5. TASK DESIGN: List 4 “practice” activities that go from controlled to free practice Include both form
and meaning (use if applicable) that could help the learner internalize this language.

✓ Draw fruits and activities on the ground and the children have to jump to the fruit or activity
they like saying I like to…
✓ work in pairs and ask what do you like? the other one answer the question saying I like to
✓ Show the different pictures of activities and students have to say I like to…
✓ (Guess)Work in pairs one of them says what do you like the other one has to mime

7. VISUALS: Drawing/diagram/chart of two different ways to present the form

and/or meaning of the language point on the board or on posters. (Feel free to do
this on another sheet of paper and attach it here!

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Language Analysis

What do you like?


TEXTS consulted to do this analysis:

content/uploads/2020/11/INGLES_2_MODULO_1.pdf English Pedagogical

Module 1

I 4 C L
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher’s Name: Level: A1 # of Students: Date:

Action Points from previous teaching: ✓ Give children the confidence to ask questions and learn
(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from trainers ✓ seek strategies for children with special needs
and peers, what are two things that you will try to do in this
lesson to help your own learning as a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching?(Check the main ✓ Vocabulary
lesson focus; also provide details / list of items) ✓ Speaking
Culture ✓ Listening
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing

Main Objectives: SMART

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new
material that they couldn’t do before?) SWBAT:
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to include At the end of the lesson SWBAT:
them. USE: students are able to say What activities they like to do
TO: improve their English
IN: activities in class, at home or anywhere

Assumptions: ✓ Learn a little phrases and pronounce correctly

(What do your students already know? What can they ✓ They Know how to ask and answer the activities they like to do
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: FORM:

(What will be new for your students? What aspects of the What do you like wʌt du ju laɪk?
lesson do you anticipate they might find challenging / I like to aɪ laɪk tu

I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
1. One of the challenges that students have, when they begin to learn English, is the
pronunciation of some words that have different sounds from the mother tongue :

Solutions for challenges: 1. Use the phrases learned in each class

(How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in 2. Performance
your lesson?) 3. Picture = presentation

Assessment: Comprenhension questions / Concept checking questions

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to move on to
the next stages of the lesson or have reached the final 1. Do you practice any sport?
learning objective?) 2. What do you like to do in the mornings?
3. What do you see?
4. How many children are there?

Time Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S; Materials/Aids
and stage What will the Teacher say/do? What will the ss hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-S VAKT

4 Warm up Worksheet ST Auditory

Give the worksheet and make little balls of paper and decorate the activities picture tactile

5 PRESENTATI 1. Activity or task: TS Auditory

ON ✓ What do you like?
I 4 Institute for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan
Teacher: Students:
✓ teach the question What do you like? and the ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher TS
answer I like to ✓ Repeat the phrase What do you like and I like to
✓ Show pictures and ask what do you like? ✓ See the pictures
✓ Make sure students pronounce the words ✓ Answer the question about activities that you like it.

5 2. Activity or task: TS Visual

PRACTICE Performance Auditory

Teacher: Students:
✓ Give the instruction ✓ Listen and pay attention to the teacher
✓ Work in pairs ✓ (Guess)Work in pairs one of them says what do
✓ One of them will be mime and another will guess you like the other one has to mime

5 TS Tactile
PRODUCTIO 3 Actitvity or task Visual
N Worksheet

Teacher Student
✓ Give the instructions ✓ Listen the instruction
✓ Take out notebook, colors, pencil ✓ Take out notebook, colors, pencil
✓ Draw what activity do you like to do in holidays ✓ draw and color the pictures
✓ check that everyone is working
I Institute
4 for
C L Collaborative Lesson plan

5 EVALUATION 5. Activity or task: visual


Teacher: Student:
✓ Listen and pay attention
✓ Give the instruction ✓ Look at pictures
✓ Show the different pictures of activities ✓ students have to say I like to…
✓ Ask students What do you like?


Que el grupo de 22 estudiantes de Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y

Extranjeros de la Universidad Técnica del Norte que se detallan en el anexo
realizaron el proceso de vinculación en la Escuela “HUMBERTO
VALENZUELA VERA” de la comunidad el Baboso entre el 02 de diciembre
del 2022 hasta el 03 de marzo del 2023, acumulando un total de 96 horas de
trabajo con los niños de la institución.

Se emite la presente constancia para los fines que el interesado estime


Baboso, 09 de marzo del


Lic: Amilcar Guanga


ANEXO: Listado de estudiantes participantes

Nombre Integrating Rural Communities of Carchi and Imbabura

del into the English Learning Experience
Resolución de aprobación del
proyecto por HCD
Periodo duración del proyecto 6 meses
(años o semestres
Periodo de ejecución del proyecto Octubre 2022 – Febrero 2023
Localizació Zona Provincia: Cantón:
n del 1 CARCHI Tulcán
Proyecto Parroquia/ Dirección:
Tobar Tobar Donoso – Comunidad el Baboso

Docentes participantes del Proyecto

N° Apellidos/Nombres Cédula Carga

Identidad Horaria
1 Mgs. José Miguel Obando Arroyo 1001512043 5 horas

Estudiantes participantes en el Proyecto

N° Nómina (Apellidos y Cédula Horas Institución

Nombres) Identidad Participación Beneficiada
2 BONILLA 1050110574 96 ESCUELA
3 CANGO 1105244543 96 ESCUELA

4 CASTAøDA 1002687208 96 ESCUELA

5 CUESTAS DE 1752123032 96 ESCUELA
6 GARCIA 0401418538 96 ESCUELA
7 IZA POROZO 1003586599 96 ESCUELA
8 JARAMILLO 1004555676 96 ESCUELA
9 LEON MOLINA 1750606079 96 ESCUELA
10 LOPEZ MAZA 1003766746 96 ESCUELA
11 MIÑO ENRIQUEZ 1050305323 96 ESCUELA
12 MONTENEGRO 1005239890 96 ESCUELA
13 NICARAGUA 1002487492 96 ESCUELA
14 PORTILLA 402005128 96 ESCUELA
15 QUISHPE 1754169918 96 ESCUELA
16 RIVERA 1005117955 96 ESCUELA
17 SANDOVAL 1004552830 96 ESCUELA

18 TAPIE MENESES 1004522080 96 ESCUELA

19 TITUAÑA 1050125994 96 ESCUELA
20 TRUJILLO 1004512776 96 ESCUELA
22 VELASTEGUI 1004461768 96 ESCUELA

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