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Dispute on the decline of oratory.

Rhetoric is founded by the Plato: Dialectic is the method of The first treatise on rhetoric is On this plane, Tertullian, in his
 Marcus Fabius
Greeks, who were characterized deduction proper to philosophy given: rhetoric is divided into 5 apologetium, offers the most
by a democratic system in which and science, rhetoric is a method parts: inventio, dispositio, powerful requisition against
Compilation of several ancient
ideas were freely expressed. of persuasion. elocutio, memoria and actio. inquisitorial methods.
theories in order to reconcile
points of view.
Aristotle: Dialectics is a method Diction, thinking, acting and voice The communication plan consists
of dispute to reach conclusions, are studied in detail.  Cornelius Tacitus: of the transmission of the
rhetoric a tool to convince in writes the dialogue of the orators, Christian message embodied in
these disputes. Different formal discourse the decline of oratory is due to the Holy Scriptures.
alternatives are observed the poor quality of the
educational system and the
disappearance of political

5th century 2nd century 1st century First

467 B.C. 427 B.C. 90 b.c. Average age Average age 400 A.D.
b.c. b.c. b.c. century A.D.

Protagoras develops the theory Hermagoras' rhetorical system, Reworking of Greek rhetoric, Apologetics: defense of the St. Augustine of Hippo: the union
of antithesis, showing that a which was influenced by the orators who published their Christian against the accusations of two traditions: biblical
single problem has two points of eclectic school, is considered the speeches with political and moral and misunderstandings of the hermeneutics and pagan
view. link between Greek and Roman words. pagans. rhetoric.
The first identification of the Cicero's rhetoric: the speaker The sermo humilis, the exaltation He proposes three levels of
formal resources of rhetoric is Classifies speeches into 2 types: must have culture and of the humble. The dialectic of speeches: humble style, medium
given. rational and legal. encyclopedic preparation. the humble arises from the style and elevated style, which
essence of revelation: the should be used in the same
First book in Latin of Rhetoric.xº. incarnation of the divine Word in preaching.
the humble man. The naked
Truth of the scriptures versus the
ornamentation in the pagan's
Anicio Manlio Torcuato Severino In these centuries, a specific type It begins a certain decadence of There is a novelty in the
Boecio: he translates the of rhetoric emerged, the rhetoric, since a sermonic and conception and use of rhetoric,
Aristotelian organom, he has a epistolary rhetoric; the opinion or dense style arises among all, that is, the literaturization of
Ciceronian influence since he dictation of a letter, is a kind of with the purpose of astonishing rhetoric, in this sense, the new
makes some comments on the rhetoric that emerged at the end the public. possibilities of printing and
fourth book of Cicero where he of the eleventh century in the distribution of periodicals, the
states the difference between monastery of Montecasino Francis Bacon recognizes the written word is more important
Thesis and hypóthesis, the thanks to two works of Alberic importance of rhetoric in public than oral expression.
Thesis proceeds dialectically and entitled: Flowers of rhetoric, life and politics, since it aims at
the hypóthesis produces long which dealt with the stylistic persuading listeners.
and continuous speeches. ornamentation of letters and The
breviary, dedicated to epistolary

5th century 5th century 11th and XVII and 20th

A.D. A.D. 12th XVIII Century
and XVII Century
centuries centuries

Marciano Capella: Distinguishes Rise of rhetoric as a Descartes' discourse of method Civilization becomes audiovisual.
the introduction of seven liberal consequence of the (humanist) is enshrined between the
arts: grammar, dialectic, rhetoric, rediscovery of the classics. separation of scientific discourse In this century, television,
geometry, arithmetic, astronomy Miguel Salinas and Rhetoric in and rhetorical discourse; rhetoric advertising and propaganda play
and music. the Spanish Language (1521) as a method is progressively a leading role, and classical
discredited, although it survives rhetoric focused on persuading
Elio Donato, considered the There was a wide-ranging debate academically in universities. the audience is reduced.
"gramaticus urbis Romae" stated about the relationship between
that the rules for writing correctly rhetoric and dialectic. Some George Campbell (The The 20th century was
also include the precepts for authors defended the submission Philosophy of rhetoric) makes a characterized by new linguistic
writing ornately. of the latter to the former and political rhetoric oriented to the theories such as pragmatics and
others the independence of both persecution of the audience by trends of thought based on
disciplines. means of the vivacity of ideas to sciences such as psychology.
maintain interest.

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