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1. You are participating in a race. You overtake the runner-up.

What position are you in now: the second position.

2. You have 1000. Now add 40. Add another 1000. And 30 more. Plus another 1000. Plus 20. And add another 1000.
And now 10 more. 4100.

3. Rosa's father has five daughters, which are:1.- Nana, 2.- Nene, 3.- Nini, 4. What is the fifth daughter's name: Rosa .

4. What do koalas feed on? Koalas are herbivorous animals that have a diet that is not very varied. They feed on
eucalyptus leaves.

5. What was Walt Disney's first film? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is Disney's first feature film. It was launched
in 1937.

6. Most populated city in the world? of Tokyo

7. Where do the Olympic Games originate from: Olympia (Ancient Greece)?

8. What is the longest river in the world? The largest river in the world is the Nile, which is located in the eastern part
of Africa.

9. What is the sixth planet in the solar system? saturn

10. What is the most populated country on Earth? China, with a shocking figure: 1,383,488,571 inhabitants.

11. In which country was the first atomic bomb used in combat? This destructive bomb was first used in Hiroshima

12. What is the world's fastest land animal called? The fastest animal on the planet reaches a speed of 104 kilometers
per hour, and it is the cheetah.

13. What is the main area of art at the Goya Awards? The Goya Awards are given in recognition of the best films in

14. In which country is the famous Taj Mahal monument located? India is home to this historic monument.

15. What is the name of the official language in China? Mandarin is the official language in this huge country.

16. Where in the body is insulin produced? Insulin is produced in the pancreas.

17. Who is the first human to set foot on the moon? U.S. astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong was the first human being to
set foot on lunar soil.

18. What language does Spanish come from? Latin

19. Who uttered the phrase "I only know that I know nothing"? Socrates.

20. Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus

21. How much is half of 1502? 751

22. What is the triangle whose sides are equal called? Equilateral

23. How much is the number pi worth? 3,1416.

24. What is the process by which plants obtain food? Photosynthesis.

25. Name of the most important poetess of the novo-Hispanic era: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

26. Military cadets who defended Chapultepec Castle from the U.S. invasion in 1847: HERO CHILDREN

27. Mexican president credited with the phrase "Among individuals as among nations, respect for the rights of others
is peace": Benito Juárez.

28. Musical composition characteristic of the revolutionary period: The corrido.

29. The patriotic symbols of Mexico are: The Coat of Arms, the Flag and the National Anthem.

30. The port of Acapulco is in: Guerrero

31. In what state of the Republic is the city of Guadalajara located? Jalisco

32. The presidential term in Mexico lasts six years.

33. In Mexico, cab ranks are known as: Sitios

34. The word "chaparro" means: Short in stature.

35. The word "jarocho" alludes to what is typical of: Veracruz

36. Common name for toothpaste: toothpaste

37. Phenomenon where an egg breaks to give way to the hatchling, begins with e: ECLOSION.

38. Rain infiltration through the roof of a house: GOTERA

39. Square root of 49: 7

40. Complete the saying: February crazy y......marzoanother bit

41. Relatives who to you are your parents' children: brothers and sisters

42. Absorbent cloth garment that babies wear on their chests to prevent them from soiling themselves while eating:

43. Show presented in a tent with acrobats and clowns: Circus

44. Mexican actress known as the doña: MARIA FELIX

45. Phenomenon that regulates body temperature through droplets secreted by the skin: SWEATING.

46. Personal document presented when applying for a job which means LIFE CAREER: CURRICULUM VITAE

47. Neurodegenerative disease characterized by loss of memory: ALZHEIMER'S

48. Acronyms for bathroom: WC

49. Elevated construction to cross a river: BRIDGE

50. Finger on which the wedding ring is to be placed: VOID

51. Action of repairing with plaster the damages of a wall, begins with r: RESANAR

52. Colloquial term to define a quick shower that alludes to the shower head: REGADERAZO

53. Generic name for a woman's false hair: PELUCA

54. Public parastatal company in charge of oil in our country: PEMEX.

55. Term given to the plant that captures and consumes insects beginning with "c": CARNIVORA

56. Number of 50 centavos coins that add up to 12 pesos: 24

57. System targeted by asthma: RESPIRATORY

58. Colloquial term for money that alludes to sheep: LANA

59. Urban tribe related to the sport of skateboarding: SKATERS

60. Eyeglasses frame, which can be made of metal, acrylic or paste: ARMASON

61. Name given to newborn mammalian animals: PUPPIES

62. In the sea snake game, fruit that children choose in addition to watermelon: MELON.

63. Sofwer designed for specific tasks known as APP: APP: APPLICATION

64. Term given to the straps used to steer a horse: RIBBONS

65. In the Snow White movie, the only dwarf who does not have a beard: TONTIN.

66. Person who buys and sells used clothing: ROPAVEJERO

67. Simple-sounding instrument with a clapper: BELL

68. Stimulant addictive of tobacco in cigarettes, begins with "n": NICOTINE

69. Name of the metallic finish for car rims, beginning with "c": CHROMED
70. Imaginary line separating the northern hemisphere from the southern hemisphere: ECUADOR

71. A propeller-driven aircraft that can hover in the air without moving forward: HELICOPTER.

72. Service contracted to move furniture from one place to another: MOVING

73. Name given to the bodies that revolve around the planets: SATELLITES.

74. Specialty in medicine that deals with skin diseases: DERMATOLOGY.

75. Chlorophyll color: GREEN

76. Stressed syllable in the word Murcielago: ANTEPENÚLTIMA

77. Adjective given to a person who derives pleasure from pain: SADOMASOCHISM

78. Term used on the Internet to identify junk mail: SPAM

79. Term that defines people who dedicate a lot of time to video games: GAMER'S.

80. Document obtained at the end of the military service in Mexico: CARDILLA

81. Opposite genre to tragedy represented by a smiling mask: COMEDY

82. Microscopic animal that can generate allergy and is found in dust, begins with a: ACARO

83. Name given to divination by means of the lines of the hand: CHIROMANCY.

84. Type of gas with which a lighter works, starting with b: BUTANE

85. Japanese word for seismic wave: TSUNAMI

86. Number of stars on the flag of Cuba: ONE

87. I end with what is also called a school of fish: CARDUMEN.

88. Renewable energy obtained by harnessing the heat of the earth's interior: GEOTERMAL.

89. Insect with 360 degree field of view also called dragon fly: LIBELULA

90. Secretary of State in charge of collecting taxes in Mexico: HACIENDA

91. Current name of the Mexico- Acapulco toll highway: DEL SOL

92. The branch of anthropology that deals with the study of ethnic groups: ETHNOLOGY.

93. Boats in the canals of Xochimilco adorned with women's names: TRAJINERAS
94. Principal muscle of the circulatory system: HEART

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