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Multiple Intelligences Test for children 4-6 years old.

With the support of an adult.

Instructions: answer the following questionnaire in which:

1. Dislikes
2. Does not like
3. More or less
5. He likes it very much

QUESTIONS 1 2 3 4 5
1. You like numbers
2. You like plants
3. You learn songs easily
4. You like to meet new people
5. Faces of people you have seen only once are easy to remember.
6. You prefer to work individually rather than as part of a team.
7. You easily learn the names of people you hardly know.
8. You prefer building material to watching t.v.
9. You like to count
10. You prefer the forest to the city
11. You prefer radio to t.v.
12. You talk to people you don't know
13. You prefer stories with pictures to those with letters.
14. You like to be alone
15. You enjoy word games
16. You find it hard to sit still for long periods of time
17. You like to measure, with steps, objects or a ruler the things
around you.
18. When you see a piece of garbage out of place you go back to
pick it up.
19. When you are working or playing you sing a song
20. You like to participate in team activities
21. You like to watch TV
22. You consider that you do not need help to perform any activity.
23. You like rhymes and tongue twisters.
24. You like to dance
25. You classify things by size
26. You like living with animals
27. You easily pick up the rhythm of a melody.
28. You like to go to parties where there are a lot of people.
29. You prefer to solve mazes than to go out and play.
30. Before you do something you think about it
31. You like to tell stories
32. When you speak you move your hands
33. You prefer putting puzzles together to drawing.
34. When you wash your hands you use little water.
35. You like to listen to music while painting
36. You like to be surrounded by many people.
37. You like to draw
38. You feel uncomfortable in crowded places.
39. You remember the date of your birthday
40. You like to play sports

Logical - Mathematical Dimension.

Questions 1, 9, 17, 25, 33

Results: Sum the score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the logical-mathematical dimension.

Naturalistic Dimension:

Questions 2, 10, 18, 26, 34

Results: Sum the score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the Naturalistic dimension.

Musical Dimension:

Questions 3, 11, 19, 27, 35

Results: Add the score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the Musical dimension.

Interpersonal Dimension:

Questions 4, 12, 20, 20, 28, 36

Results: Sum score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the Interpersonal dimension.

Spatial / Visual Dimension:

Questions 5, 13, 21, 29, 37, 37

Results: Add the score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the Spatial / Visual dimension.

Intrapersonal Dimension:

Questions 6, 14, 22, 30, 38

Results: Sum score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the Intrapersonal dimension.

Linguistic Intelligence Dimension:

Questions 7, 15, 23, 31, 39

Results: Add the score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the Linguistic Intelligence dimension.

Kinesthetic-Body Intelligence Dimension:

Questions 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 40

Results: Sum the score of the questions if you obtained from 10 to 5 points you have not
developed the Kinesthetic-Body dimension.

If children score less than 60%, some activities could be done to reinforce.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

Solving crossword puzzles

Solve alphabet soup

Maze game

Creation of graphic organizers

Putting together jigsaw puzzles

Linguistic intelligence

Telling stories of what your life would be like

Relate a story to your daily life

Create a radio program

Suggest some ideas to play or do some activity

Participate in plays or theatrical performances

Kinesthetic body intelligence

Material handling

Recreation with simple exercises

Working with dough or plasticine (modeling)

Create highly dynamic games

Engage in physical activities (sports)

Musical intelligence

Listening to different musical genres

Humming a tune

Singing different songs

Playing an instrument

Keeping rhythm with objects by listening to songs

Spatial-visual intelligence

Observing different images

Conduct tours inside and outside the institution.

Create mobiles

Create a photo album

Create a collage to expose tastes

Naturalistic intelligence

Conduct a field study

Making a vegetable garden both at school and at home

Plant a tree in a deforested area and take care of it for the whole school year and commit
to take care of it until it is no longer at risk of dying.

Conduct a water stewardship project in your community and school.

Pick up the garbage you find regardless of the place with the motto "it's not my garbage,
but my planet" (school, community, country, etc.).

Interpersonal intelligence

Working through team games

Show them stories or movies about the importance of teamwork.

Doing community work with parents

Board games

Conduct interviews

Intrapersonal intelligence

Create stories, tales, etc.

Working individually

Reflecting on what you want

Doing activities that favor personal self-control.

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