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 ‘At first’ – ‘Al principio’

 ‘At first sight’ – ‘A primera vista’

 ‘First of all’ – ‘Antes que nada’, en primer lugar

 ‘In the first place/ firstly’ – ‘En primer lugar’

 ‘To start with/ To begin with’ – ‘Para empezar’

 ‘Initially’ – ‘Inicialmente’

 ‘In the second place/ Secondly’, – ‘En segundo lugar,’

 ‘Second’, – ‘Segundo,’

 ‘Third’, – ‘Tercero,’

 ‘Thirdly’, – ‘En tercer lugar,’


 ‘From my point of view’ – ‘Desde mi punto de vista’

 ‘Talking from experience’ – ‘Desde mi experiencia’

 ‘I agree/ disagree’ – ‘Estoy de acuerdo / no estoy de acuerdo’

 ‘In my opinión’ – ‘En mi opinión’

 ‘In my view’ – ‘En mi opinión’

 ‘I think (that)’ – ‘Creo que’

 ‘Personally’ – ‘Personalmente’

 ‘To be honest,’ – ‘Para ser honesto’

 ‘To tell the truth,’ – ‘A decir verdad’

 ‘Actually/ Really’ – ‘En realidad’

 ‘As a matter of fact/ In fact’ – ‘De hecho’

 ‘First of all, let us try to understand’ – ‘Ante todo, intentemos entender’

 ‘Many people think… But others do not agree’ – ‘Mucha gente piensa…
Pero otros no están de acuerdo’

 ‘It is true that’ – ‘Es verdad que’

 ‘Let us start by considering the facts’ – ‘Empecemos tomando en

consideración los hechos’

 ‘As far as I am concerned’ – ‘Por lo que a mí respecta’


 ‘And eventually,’ – ‘Y finalmente,’

 ‘Apart from’ – ‘Aparte de’

 ‘In addition,/ Moreover,/ On top of that,/ Besides’ – ‘Además,’

 ‘In addition to’ – ‘Además de’

 ‘What is more,’ – ‘Además/ Lo que es más/ Aún más’

 ‘Furthermore’ – ‘Asimismo’, además

 ‘Also’ – ‘También’

 ‘First and foremost/ First of all’ – ‘Ante todo’, en primer lugar

 ‘Another point is that’ – ‘Habría que añadir que’

 ‘The crux of the matter is’ – ‘El punto crucial del asunto es’

 ‘Not only… But also’ – ‘No sólo… sino también’. Es una estructura
algo compleja del inglés que revela un buen dominio del idioma; así
que ahí va un ejemplo para ilustrarla mejor.
 Ej: ‘Not only is Dumbledore a good wizard, but also a wonderful role
model to be followed by everyone’). Dumbledore no solo es un buen
mago, sino también un maravilloso modelo a seguir para todos’).

 Not only is my mom a good worker, but also is a good person.

 ‘After that’ – ‘Después de eso’

 ‘All of a sudden/ Suddenly’ – ‘De repente’

 ‘In the meantime,/ Meanwhile’ – ‘Mientras tanto’

 ‘Perhaps we should also point out the fact that’ – ‘Quizás también
debemos señalar el hecho de que’

 ‘Next’ – ‘Luego’

 ‘Then’ – ‘Entonces/ Después’

 ‘While’ – ‘Mientras’

 ‘Doubtless’ – ‘Sin duda’

 ‘On the other hand’ – ‘Por otro lado’ (on di oder jend)

 ‘In other words,’ – ‘En otras palabras,’

 ‘That is to say,’ – ‘Es decir,’


 ‘Because of’ – ‘A causa de’

 ‘Due to’ – ‘Debido a’ (du tu)

 ‘Due to the fact that’ – ‘Debido a que’

 ‘For this/ that reason’ – ‘Por esta/ esa razón’

 ‘On account of’ – ‘A causa de’

 ‘As a result’ – ‘Como resultado/ En consecuencia’

 ‘Consequently’ – ‘En consecuencia’

 ‘It is true that’ – ‘Es cierto que’

 ‘One should, however, not forget that’ – ‘No obstante, no se debe

olvidar que’

 ‘Experts believe/ say/ suggest/ point out that’ – ‘Expertos creen/

dicen/ sugieren/ señalan que’


 ‘All in all,’ – ‘En conjunto/ Resumiendo’

 ‘In brief,/ In short,’ – ‘En resumen’

 ‘In conclusion,’ – ‘Para concluir’

 ‘To draw the conclusión, one can say that’ – ‘Para concluir, se puede
decir que’

 ‘To sum up,’ – ‘Para resumir’

 ‘On the whole,’ – ‘En general’

 ‘Finally, Lastly,’ – ‘Por último,’

 ‘Let me finish/ conclude by saying’ – ‘Permíteme terminar/ concluir


 ‘So it is up to everybody to decide whether… or not’ – ‘Así que le

corresponde a cada quien decidir si… o no’

 ‘From these arguments one must/ could/ might conclude that’ – ‘De
estos argumentos se debe/ se puede/ se podría concluir que’


 ‘However/ Nonetheless (formal)/ Nevertheless (formal)/ Even so/ Still’

– ‘Sin embargo’

 ‘Because of/ Due to/ Owing to’ – ‘Debido a’

 ‘As … as’ – ‘Tan … como’

 ‘Although / Though / Even though’ – ‘Aunque’

 ‘Therefore’ – ‘Por lo tanto’

 ‘Provided/ Providing/ As long as’ – ‘Siempre que/ Mientras’

 ‘Moreover/ Furthermore/ Besides’ – ‘Además’

 ‘Not only… but… as well’ – ‘No solo … sino…también’

Sino que ademas: but also

 ‘Otherwise’ – ‘De otro modo’

 ‘So as to’ – ‘De manera que’

 ‘Afterwards’ – ‘Después/ Más tarde


 ‘I am writing with regard to’ – ‘Le escribo con respecto a’

 ‘I am contacting you to’ – ‘Me pongo en contacto con usted’

 ‘In reply to your e-mail of’ – ‘En respuesta a su e-mail de’

 ‘We are able to confirm that’ – ‘Le podemos confirmar’

 ‘This is an urgent matter’ – ‘Es un tema urgente’

 ‘i am Glad to hear that you’re well’ – ‘Me alegra saber que estás bien’

 ‘Thanks for your attention’ – ‘Gracias por su atención’

 ‘I look forward to hearing from you’ – ‘Esperaré su respuesta’

 ‘Best regards’ – ‘Atentamente’

Dear Javiera, i dont see you since we were little girls. My name is Paulina Guerra
Muñoz, I am living in Valparaíso, Chile…I love this city and i want be here more
time. I learned to swim 2 months ago and I practice it usually in the week. I go to
the pool 2 time for week, i sometime walk until get to the pool because the way is
very beautiful. I love get out with my dog, her name is alma, but I dislike the cold
days so in winter we don’t get out so much. I also love learn about the countries
and cities so every Monday I watch a documental about the cities in the world. So
how you can see my routine is so great, I work with my computer since my home, I
get out with alma, i like swim, I dislike the cold days and I prefer watch documental
than go out the party.

But I want know about you ¿what do you like to do? ¿where are you living? ¿what
do you dislike to do? ¿Do you live alone or have a dog? I wait your answer, thank
you for your attention, I look forward to hearing from you (esperaré tu

Best regards, paulina guerra



Conectores que aparecen en el curso ielts, CON SINONIMOS:

However: sin embargo--} however, but, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding

Therefore: por lo tanto.----} therefore, hence (hens), accordingly

Still: aún, todavía, a pesar de todo

Todavía: still, yet, as yet

Aún: even, yet, still

Whereas (weras): mientras---} as, meanwhile, meantime

Besides: además---} also, besides, further, moreover, furthermore, additionally
A further reason: una razón más

por otra parte: on the other hand, moreover, otherwise, besides, again, too
asimismo: likewise
for instance: por ejemplo

as for: en cuanto a.. ej: as for my hobbies---en cuanto a mis hobbies

Meanwhile (minwail): mientras tanto---} meanwhile, meantime, while, nonce, IN THE

por consiguiente----}therefore, consequently, accordingly, hence, thence
thus: de este modo, así, en consecuencia

be that as it may---} sea como fuere

despite this: a pesar de esto (despait des)

a pesar de todo: yet, still, regardless, all the same, notwithstanding

sin embargo: however, but, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding

en todo caso: in any case, in any event, at all events, nonetheless

con todo: for all that

whenever: cuando sea

por el momento: for the time being, for the nonce, pro tem, pro tempora
thus (das): de este modo, así, en consecuencia
así: so, thus, thereby, just like that
de otra manera: otherwise, in another way, on the other hand

otherwise: de lo contrario
nowadays: hoy en día
whether: si
en efecto: indeed (indiid), in effect, in fact
por eso: therefore, hence, thereupon, thence
to sum up: para resumir
it is undeniable: es innegable
the thing is: es que

some people believe that physical education isnt so important like the traditional subjects.
Despite (a pesar de esto) this I had could see and learn that this belief isnt true. I was in 8
school and I was able conclude that the physical education is as important like the traditional
signatures. I say this because nowadays the mental health is the base of a health person.
The physical education allows to improve mental health because the brain need that
movement otherwise (de otra manera) the children will can have problems in their health.
In my life I can see that when the school was worried for the physical education, the
children had a better attitude, and it influenced that they had a better disposition to learn
other subjects.
Therefore the parents should think in the health not only in the

Adverbios de tiempo/ frecuencia:

 always (siempre)
 often (a menudo)
 frequently (frecuentemente)
 usually (generalmente)
 normally (normalmente)
 sometimes (a veces)
 occasionally (de vez en cuando)
 rarely (rara vez)
 never (nunca)

My dear friend, I had know that you are going to study in a new school and you need some
advice. At first you must know in chile the teachers are very fussy (exigentes), therefore
you should study since the first class. In the class you will can (you will be able to) see to
so much companions, approximately 40 so there are so much possibilities of do friends and
have good moments after school the students. Normally, the class starts to 8.00 am and
finish to 15.00 pm. You are going to have approximately 8 subjects and for each subject
you will have 3 tests. Each test is taken once a month therefore you are going to 1 test every
week. Its sound too much however the difficulty is low.
I desire that everything will ok in you new school and you will know good people.
Best wishes.

1) you would better---SERÍA MEJOR. Ej: you´d better choose the school carefully.
Sería major que escogeras el colegio cuidadosamente.
2) You would better not ----sería mejor que no. Ej: You would better not enroll in
a class with fewer than six students.
3) If I were you, I would--- si yo fuera tu, yo ---ej. If I were you, I would find out
about the methodology. Si yo fuera tú, investigaria de la metodología.
4) I think you should: yo pienso que tu debes
5) I don’t think you should—no pienso que tú debas--- I don’t think you should enrol
in a class with over 20 students (No creo que debas inscribirte en una clase con más
de 20 estudiantes.)
6) If I were you, I wouldn´t---si yo fuera tú, yo no..
7) I would advice you---yo te aconsejaría----ej: i would advice you to ask if the
teachers are native speakers. Yo te aconsejaría que preguntes si los profesores son
hablantes nativos
8) I wouldn´t advice you: yo no te aconsejaría…ej: i wouldn´t advice you do an
intensive course



1) It has often been suggested that= A menudo se ha sugerido que
2) It is sometimes said that= A veces se dice que
3) It is argued that= Se argumenta que
4) It is generally agreed that= Generalmente se acepta que
5) It is often pointed out that= A menudo se señala que
6) It is often claimed that= A menudo se afirma que
7) It is generally believed that= Generalmente se cree que


I Would be grateful if you could…: yo estaría agradecido si tu pudieras.

Can you tell me..: Podrías decirme?
I would also like to know: También me gustaría saber
Could you also tell me: Podrías decirme Tambien?
I was wondering: Me preguntaba
Please let me know: Por favor hagamelo saber.
Could you let me know..?: Podrías hacerme saber?
Las preguntas indirectas se usan en cartas formales, Eso decía una alternativa.

verbos preposicionales
poco comunes para usar en writing

Usar verbos frasales y coocurrencia (palabras que van juntas naturalmente, p. ej.,
“environmental pollution”, “major issue”, “promising future”)

Sustantivos contables Cometer errores con sustantivos singulares y plurales

gerundios Cometer errores con el uso de la partícula “-ing”

Concordancia The girls “are” (singular o plural)


Preposiciones Elegir la preposición dependiente incorrecta, una preposición de lugar


 ¿Utilizó referencias (“These issues…”) y sinónimos (“problems/issues”)


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