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Name: Kattya Rocha EDUCACIÓN

Date: 15/ 11/ 2022
Semester: 9 “B”
Task: Translate a letter.
Translation Techniques

De: Mi

Para: Mi ♡
Querida yo del pasado hay muchas cosas que han cambiado, quiero decirte que, aunque parezca que
no lo vas a lograr, si lo vas hacer, eres más fuerte de lo que crees y vas a superar todos los obstáculos
que la vida te ponga, no te voy a mentir, no va a ser fácil en muchos momentos vas a llorar y no vas a
querer rendirte, pero solo sigue adelante y se perseverante. No confíes en las personas ni des todo
de ti porque vas a salir muy lastimada, aprende a amarte a ti primero antes que a los demás y
disfruta cada momento con tu familia y sobre todo con tu mamá, ese definitivamente es el regalo
que Dios te dio, valórala mucho y lucha por darle todo lo que se merece. Ah! una cosa más, pasa más
momentos con tus hermanos y no pelees tanto, el tiempo pasa muy rápido y luego puedes
arrepentirte de cosas que no hiciste.

From: I

To: I ♡

Dear me from the past there are many things that have changed, I want to tell you that although it
seems that you are not going to make it, if you are going to do it, you are stronger than you think and
you will overcome all the obstacles that life puts you, I'm not going to lie, it will not be easy in many
moments you will cry and you will not want to give up, but just go ahead and persevere. Don't trust
people or give everything of yourself because you are going to get hurt, learn to love yourself first
before others and enjoy every moment with your family and especially with your mom, that is
definitely the gift that God gave you, value her a lot and fight to give her everything she deserves.
Ah! one more thing, spend more time with your siblings and don't fight so much, time goes by very
fast and then you can regret things you didn't do.

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