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ngiah and Sparst have been at war since usen Eade sank ing fig’: Spanish sma 61588" Rosario Fei wes ithe bile pone of Language Dot Langage cas with it ‘tert and pons” Far egos bs tension theuhoot ths explsive cole tio, wbich ply with he sensual die ences tween languages and lays bare may of the compcatians facing an in crenenghy tne hnerca. Te thes goes ld San uz is deseted as a magi iy where past ane resect become on, snd amis celbrates a 2 tmedarn Toner af Babe, x pace wher the fayr fbn ae particlariypelpate Waveafter wave of enqurrs wash actss the fitias. A wel-ressed Lato bus esoman inadvertent eaas is erins tet when Someone fps on is fn, ing rotanty—in Spanish niate apts capt the names eras of Homiess en, the eaberance of» childs ‘Mien 97 Per nometoa. memes of Teer, the eno of rat tha ais a ut acoder ar sme of the Temes, at one poetic and conmanace tat hte Bek I espanol y ef inglés tan estado en uri dese qa en Isabel ett a Amada invenible ene 1588", estbe asa Fee en “Dow engai’,e ta ae oil esa clezitn “as Tengeas leva 2 Rrdo 10400 theo y Dadra. Freevplara as tension ete Tanguay eutarasa tras de eta cle tid de carder canrvesa, que tela twoches de oe silemas a be que se Crete oy una Améie cade wpe mas binge fos poemss celebran tana a ap tigusina Gudad de San ean como tas, ietrpais as medernas: Mani. Nucla York, MDG. Pasaeay presente, stray Sociedad se mrean con un inmeiater Sorpendente Oe tae ola Ge cenguista- fares estan sete Note Anis, vt hambre de ogeis bin vsti inspe- damente rel sv orig cvané alguien le da un pcton eno slvador dot ity sua una malic, Flos instananess elas deambulantes ues esslazan por las calles de capt, caio enue ante Que siete un ito por su cuded rata, os amantes coe meme peda fv lrecuerdo tumor gala e ati deals, que [ao remoiimino fe: aqu algunos de fos temas a Ta ver poste yeailanos que se recuen en ste it peng ade 19 PP OTN. on rae 2 ot gia Language Duel poems Duelo del Lenguaje poe Words as Vessels = A thoughts born behind a wall of bone. One must shape it carefully into words, place it onthe tongue land ship tout ito the world Teast skllflly maneover currents, circumvent ret, pavigate waterfalls, wisely see the landing tnd drop anchor, IF fails to cross the open sea it will tur around in shame land return home. ‘Thought travels in words like vessels. « Palabras como navios e ‘Un pensamiento nace detris de un muro de hueso, Es necesario dare forma, colocatlo sobre la lengua c impulsarlo a mar abit, para que navegue slo, Debers ‘maniobrar con haildad Ia corrente, evita lon arecife, ‘manejae con agilidad las cascada, dirigirse con prudencia hacia la costa, yrarrojar el ancl Sino logea cruzar el oeéane, bochorado se dar a velea yy regresard a casa El pensamiento snavega en palabras a

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