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British Lit 09/03/11 Jason Lu

Who is Beowulf? According to the Myer Briggs personality test, Beowulf is an ENFJ, which stands for Extrovert, intuitive, feeling and judgment. Crowthers No Fear Beowulf shows that Beowulf displays a personality of ENFJ through his benevolence to strangers and strong social skills, empathy to others and sensitivity, impulsive reactions and confidence in battling. Beowulf is just like superman who considers others needs in front of his, he displays great leadership as well as love for others; however, the difference between Beowulf and superman is that Beowulf is an arrogant person while superman is a perfect idol of heroes.

Beowulf who has unusual courage and confidence enjoys seeking new challenges and excitements shows that he is extraversion. When the news of Grendels attacking was disseminated, Beowulf went to Hrothgar for aid without hesitation. Due to his adroit fighting skills and acumen, he has strong faith in fighting monsters and taking challenges. When Beowulf went to meet Hrothgar, he said, Grendel now, monster cruel,
be mine to quellin single battle! So, from thee, thou sovran of the Shining-Danes, Scyldings-bulwark, a boon I seek, and, Friend-of-the-folk, refuse it not, O Warriors-shield, now Ive wandered far, that I alone with my liegemen here, this hardy band, may Heorot purge! More I hear, that the monster dire. In his wanton mood, of weapons recks not; hence shall I scornso Hygelac stay, king of my kindred, kind to me! brand or buckler to bear in the fight gold-colored targe: but with gripe alone must I front the fiend and fight for life, foe against foe. Then faith be his in the doom of the Lord whom death shall take. Fain, I ween, if the fight he win, in this hall of gold my Geatish band will he fearless eat,as oft

before, my noblest thanes. (CH6)(Crowther) He was

fearless to the evil monster; in fact,

he insisted that he would fight him bare handed in order to get more glory. He clearly indicated that he is extraversion through his speech and action.

Beowulf displays the personality type of intuitive because he tends to see situations in a big picture instead of the small details. Also, he believes in his intuition and feelings, he follows what he think is right and goes all the way with the decision. He went to Hrothgar to help fight Grendel, he didnt know he details of how to defeat him, but he knew that the big picture was to defeat Grendel and return peace to the empire. Beowulf answered to Unferth when Unferth questioned the ability of him
No wise of thee have I heard men tell such terror of falchions, bitter battle. Breca neer yet, not one of you pair, in the play of war such daring deed has done at allwith bloody brand,I boast not of it! though thou wast the bane of thy brethren dear, thy closest kin, whence curse of hell awaits thee, well as thy wit may serve! For I say in sooth, thou son of Ecglaf, never had Grendel these grim deeds wrought, monster dire, on thy master dear, in Heorot such havoc, if heart of thine were as battle-bold as thy boast is loud! (CH9)(Crowther) He followed

his impulse that he will defeat Grendel

and wasnt afraid of anything.

Beowulfs third category of personality is feeling. Beowulf takes personal social implications in front of logical thinking. He showed this personality when he went to fight Grendels mom. Beowulf obviously didnt think about what the consequences maybe and what the circumstances are. He didnt legibly consider how to cope with the monster; he just went straight to fight the monster with his impulses. Due to his

eagerness to finish this mess, he follows his feeling despite all obstacles. Another point that showed his feeling stood a crucial part in him was he had his other warriors in his heart at all time. Beowulf spake if in thy cause it came that I should lose my life, thou
wouldst loyal bide to me, though fallen, in fathers place! Be guardian, thou, to this group of my thanes, my warrior-friends, if War should seize me; and the goodly gifts thou gavest me, Hrothgar beloved, to Hygelac send... Beowulf had

already thought about how his treasures will be attributed

to his men before he left to fight Grendels mom. Beowulf constantly puts others needs as priority, his feeling to others and impulses to do what is right are what makes him such a great man.

Beowulfs characteristics correspond with ENFJ through his confidence in seeking new challenges, intuition in taking care of situations, feelings to help others. Even though the great Beowulf ended his life in a battle to the dragon, he will still be well recognized as one of the greatest man in the world. Unlike superman who is known to live an eternal life, Beowulf is a hero who chooses to accept his faith.

"ENFJ." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. <>. Crowther, John, ed. No Fear Beowulf. SparkNotes LLC. 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. "Portrait of an ENFJ." The Personality Page. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. <>.

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