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The UB Journal of Psychology | 52/3
U niv er sitat de

autores Suicide prevention research:

Elizabeth Suárez-Soto
Docente en la Universidad Internacional
de Valencia. España.
A bibliometric analysis from
Investigadora Colaboradora en el Grupo
de Investigación en Victimización Infantil
1982 to 2021
y Adolescente (GReVIA). Universitat de Barcelo-
na. Barcelona, España. Elizabeth Suárez-Soto, Eduardo Puraivan,
Investigadora Colaboradora en el Núcleo Milenio Cristian Ferrada
para Mejorar la Salud Mental de Adolescentes y
Jóvenes (Imhay). Chile. Abstract
Background: Suicide is the most extreme outcome of a mental health
Eduardo Puraivan
crisis and should therefore be a key priority in any mental health pre-
Escuela de Educación, Universidad de Viña del
vention response. Objective: the aim of this study was to identify the
Mar. Viña del Mar, Chile.
scientific production and its temporal evolution related to suicide pre-
Cristian Ferrada vention. Method: To do this, a quantitative, descriptive and bibliometric
Universidad de los Lagos. Departamento de type study was carried out, allowing us to know the current situation
Educación. Sede Castro, Chile. regarding this issue. The analysis was performed using Scopus’ own me-
Centro de Estudios Insulares de la Universidad trics and the use of the Bibliometrix software. Results: The sample to
de los Lagos, sede Castro, Chiloé, Chile be analyzed constituted 272 papers. The results indicated a progressive
growth of productivity levels, with 2018 being the most prolific year of
that decade. The United Kingdom and the United States were the geo-
graphical territories with the greatest scientific production on the sub-
ject. The discipline that has studied suicide the most throughout the 40
Anuario de Psicología years of research is the area of medicine, representing 60.2%. Conclu-
N.º 52/3 | 2022 | págs. 241-249 sions: Overall, our analyses shed light on the strong growth of research
in suicidology. We believe that these bibliometric analyses can be useful
Enviado: 6 de febrero de 2022
in guiding researchers, institutions, and countries in the prevention of
Aceptado: 9 de mayo de 2022
doi: 10.1344/anpsic2022.52/3.5
issn: 0066-5126 | © 2022 Universitat de Barcelo- Bibliometrics, suicide, suicide attempt, ideation suicide, prevention.
na. All rights reserved.

Recerca sobre la prevenció del suïcidi: Investigación sobre la prevención del suicidio:
una anàlisi bibliomètrica del 1982 al 2021 un análisis bibliométrico de 1982 a 2021

Resum Resumen
Antecedents: el suïcidi és el resultat més extrem d’una crisi Antecedentes: El suicidio es el resultado más extremo de
de salut mental i, per tant, hauria de ser una prioritat clau en una crisis de salud mental y, por lo tanto, debería ser una
qualsevol resposta de prevenció en aquesta àrea. Objectiu: prioridad en cualquier respuesta de prevención en esta área.
l’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha estat identificar la producció Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar la pro-
científica relacionada amb la prevenció del suïcidi i la seva ducción científica y su evolución temporal relacionada con
evolució temporal. Mètode: per a això s’ha elaborat un estu- la prevención del suicidio. Método: Para ello se realizó un
di quantitatiu, descriptiu i de tipus bibliomètric, que ens ha estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y bibliométrico, que nos
permès conèixer la situació actual a l’entorn d’aquest tema. permitió conocer la situación actual en torno a este tema.
L’anàlisi s’ha dut a terme utilitzant les mètriques de Scopus El análisis se realizó utilizando las métricas de Scopus y el
i el programari Bibliometrix. Resultats: s’han obtingut 272 software Bibliometrix. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 272 artí-
articles que han constituït la mostra per analitzar. Els resul- culos, que constituyeron la muestra que se iba a analizar. Los
tats han indicat un creixement progressiu de la productivi- resultados indicaron un crecimiento progresivo de la pro-
tat, i el 2018 ha estat l’any més prolífic. El Regne Unit i els ductividad, y que 2018 fue el año más prolífico. El Reino
Estats Units han estat els territoris geogràfics amb més pro- Unido y los Estados Unidos fueron los territorios geográ-
ducció científica sobre el tema. La disciplina que ha estudiat ficos con mayor producción científica en relación con esta
més el suïcidi al llarg dels quaranta anys de recerca és l’àrea cuestión. La disciplina que más ha estudiado el suicidio a
de la medicina, que ha representat un 60,2%. Conclusions: lo largo de los cuarenta años investigados es Medicina, que
en general, les nostres anàlisis treuen a la llum el fort creixe- representa el 60,2%. Conclusiones: En general, nuestros
ment de la recerca en suïcidologia. Creiem que aquestes análisis arrojan luz sobre el fuerte crecimiento de la investi-
anàlisis bibliomètriques poden ser útils per orientar investi- gación en suicidología. Creemos que estos análisis bibliomé-
gadors, institucions i països en la prevenció del suïcidi. tricos pueden ser útiles para orientar a investigadores, insti-
tuciones y países en la prevención del suicidio.
Paraules clau
Bibliometria, suïcidi, intent de suïcidi, ideació suïcida, pre- Palabras clave
venció. Bibliometría, suicidio, intento de suicidio, ideación suicida,


1982 TO 2021

uicide and suicidal behavior are serious public lation), selective (aimed at groups or communities con-
health issues. Suicide is one of the leading causes sidered to be at higher risk of suicide), and indicated
of death worldwide, and approximately one mil- (directed at individuals who display suicide-related be-
lion people die from it each year (WHO, 2018). Roughly haviors) approaches (Robinson et al., 2013). In fact, pre-
10 to 20 times more people attempt suicide, which is vention measures in the field of suicide have shown their
the most robust predictor of eventual death by suicide effectiveness, proving that suicide is preventable (Brodsky
(Hawton & van Heeringen, 2009). Several risk factors et al., 2018; O’Connor & Pirkis, 2016). This has been
for suicide mortality have been identified and classified demonstrated in a recent systematic review by Zalsman
as primary (e.g. psychiatric conditions), secondary (e.g. et al. (2016) on the effectiveness of approaches to sui-
adverse life events) and tertiary (demographic factors like cide prevention and intervention, which included studies
gender and older age) (Droogers et al., 2020). Howev- published between 2005 and 2014. This work concludes
er, as a potentially preventable cause of premature death, that awareness programs, restriction of lethal means, ev-
suicide prevention is of primary importance (Hawton & idence-based treatments, and monitoring and follow-up
Pirkis, 2017; Zalsman et al., 2016). would reduce suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. It
In this context, the World Health Organization should be noted that in recent years, there has been a
(WHO) has emphasized that different countries in the growing interest in this area of study, with a notable in-
world should introduce suicide prevention proposals crease in scientific production in the field of Suicidology
within their health policies (WHO, 2014). Most strat- (Astraud et al., 2020). Thus, it is relevant to analyze the
egies recommend a comprehensive approach to suicide characteristics of these efforts. Through this bibliometric
prevention that encompasses different levels of action. analysis, we aim to identify the scientific production re-
This should include universal (aimed at the entire popu- lated to the prevention of suicide. Additionally, this study



also aims to provide an overview and highlight the evolu- Journal of Affective Disorders and British Journal of Psy-
tion of the existing research on this topic. chiatry. The most prominent institutions were Harvard
University, Columbia University, and the University of
London. Finally, it is worth highlighting the significant
Bibliometric study gender gap found by these authors, showing that only
Bibliometry is a very important tool, since it allows the 28% of women are among the most productive research-
evaluation of scientific actors and the impact of research, ers between 1989 and 2018 in the last 30 years in this
through the mapping of science in order to register struc- area.
tural and dynamic aspects of scientific research (Anders- To our knowledge, to this date, there is no research
en & Lund, 2020; Da Costa et al., 2020). In this kind of through bibliometric analysis focused on identifying and
study, a search for statistically regular behaviors is carried quantifying the scientific production related to suicide
out within a timeframe, study area, among others (Chien prevention. In this context, the present study aimed to
et al., 2020; Sweileh, 2018). According to Solano et al. carry out a bibliometric analysis on publications indexed
(2009), bibliometrics is carried out based on its relation- in the Scopus database, in the context of suicide preven-
ship with statistical methods, and any written source that tion, considering the period from 1982 to 2021. In this
refers to, for example, authors, title of publication, type sense, it should be noted that the Scopus database collec-
of document, language, abstract and keywords or de- tion is highly valued for bibliometric studies, mainly due
scriptors, is considered essential in performing a scan and to coverage and scope (Codina et al., 2020). Also, anoth-
first approach to a subject of study, based on the need to er distinctive aspect of Scopus is that it considers a uni-
carry out a recount of existing publications; furthermore, fied index, without distinction of areas, having weighted
it is considered as the set of quantitative techniques used lists that adjust the metrics to the citation habits of each
in documentary analysis, producers and consumers, and major area: humanities, social sciences, experimental and
as an instrument by which the state of the scientific lit- technological sciences (Ferrada et al., 2020).
erature at a given level of specific specialization is being
observed (Ruiz et al., 2020; Sweileh et al., 2018).
Regarding suicidology, bibliometric evidence is limit-
ed. Cardinal (2008) assessed 30 years of publications ex-
tracted from the sole journal Suicide and Life-Threatening Study design
Behavior. Goldblatt et al. (2012), conducted a qualitative
evaluation of the production of three journals specialized A quantitative study was proposed based on the analysis
in suicidology over five years only. Similarly, Da Costa of bibliometric indicators, also known as bibliometrics
et al. (2020) assessed suicide mortality rates in the con- (Pritchard, 1969). The methodology proposed by Zupic
text of the UN’s third Sustainable Development Goal & Carter (2015) was considered, which considers five
(SDG). This study collected a total of 3126 documents stages as shown in Figure 1.
on mental health and suicide mortality rate in the con- A search for English-language articles was carried out
text of the SDGs. Plos One was the source that present- using Scopus. The studied period spans from 1 Janu-
ed the highest number of publications on this research ary 1982 to 31 December 2021. We chose to exclude
topic. Most of the documents retrieved originated in the non-suicidal self-injury, assisted suicide, euthanasia and
United States (n = 896). On the other hand, Astraud et suicide bombing, which appeared to us to be outside the
al. (2020) evaluated 30 years of publications in Suicid- scope of this article.
ology. These authors identified 41,276 documents from For an in-depth analysis of the articles included in
between 1989 and 2018. The main findings highlight this study, the following bibliometric indicators were
that United States ranks first in number of publications studied: documents per year; analyses by research areas;
with 38.7% of world production, followed by the United documents by study type; average citations of articles per
Kingdom (10.7%) and Australia (5.9%). Psychiatry and year; plot of three fields; production of the best authors
psychology were the dominant research areas. The top over time (authors, year); quote of joint occurrence of
four journals in terms of total citations were: Suicide and authors; Lotka’s law (frequency distribution of scientific
Life-Threatening Behavior, American Journal of Psychiatry, productivity, percentage of authors, written documents);

Figure 1. Flowchart used in the bibliometric review process

Study design Data collection Analysis of data Data visualization Interpretation



documents by country; co-authorship countries com- Documents per year

plete count method; word dynamics of abstracts; annual
occurrences vs. years. Through the results analyzed over the last 40 years (1982
to 2021), it is possible to see how scientific production
Data collection in the area shows a growing trend. Around the 1990s
In this study we decided to consider the widest possible this topic started to appear more regularly in literature,
coverage concerning publications associated with suicide but only in the twenty-first century have the number of
prevention. Consequently, Scopus was the chosen data- publications increased considerably. Since 2014 (n = 16),
base. In addition, Scopus is the largest abstract and cita- publications have obtained even more attention from
tion database. researchers, as seen in Figure 2. The largest increase in
The search equation (Table 1) that has been used, con- publications occurred between 2018 and 2020, with 18
sidered key terms for the subject, from the UNESCO and 16 documents, respectively.
thesaurus, corresponding to: attempted suicide, suicide, su-
icidal behavior, suicidal ideation, suicidal thoughts, deliber-
ate self-harm, self-injurious behavior, self-harm, prevention, Figure 2. Evolution by years of production
gatekeeper training, cognitive behavior therapy, screening
programmes, school-based programs, community-based pro-
grams, suicide prevention, supportive therapy, psychotherapy.
An initial search term was defined using terms found
in relevant articles and documents and then calibrated
through testing attempts considering separate and com-
bined terms. The final search expression was accom-
plished with the TITLE-ABS-KEY filter as follow:

Data analysis
The information of each of the selected articles was
stored in a template of the Microsoft Excel program of
the Office 2016 package for Windows 10. For the anal-
ysis and representation of the results, the Bibliometrix
R package (Aria & Cuccurullo, 2017) was used, in its
R version for Windows. Bibliometrix R and VOSviewer Analyses by Research Areas
(2020) includes analysis at two levels: metric, and struc-
tures. The first refers to the analysis of sources, authors Of the 272 documents, 10 different research areas were
and documents, while the second involves the analysis found, as defined by Scopus, in relation to suicidolo-
of three aspects: conceptual, intellectual and social struc- gy: 60.2% (n = 206) of publications were classified as
tures. general internal medicine, followed by psychology (n =
26.0; 89%), neurosciences/neurology (n = 13; 3.8%), so-
cial sciences (n = 12; 3.5%), arts and humanities (n = 5;
1.5%), environmental science (n = 5; 1.5%), nursing (n =
RESULTS 4; 1.2%), pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutical
The main results obtained in this study are presented be- (n = 4; 1.2%), and biochemistry, genetics and molecular
low. biology (n = 3; 0.9%).

Table 1. Scopus database search equation

Database Equation

TITLE-ABS-KEY (attempted suicide) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (suicide* OR suicidal behavior* OR suicidal

ideation* OR suicidal thoughts* OR deliberate self-harm* OR self-injurious behavior* OR self-harm*) AND
Scopus TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “prevention” OR “gatekeeper training” OR “cognitive behavior therapy” OR “screening
programmes” OR “school-based programs” OR “community-based programs” OR “suicide prevention” OR
“supportive therapy” OR “psychotherapy” OR “suicidal behavior”)



Documents by Study Type tries in which the research was carried out. The intensity
of each flow is shown in Figure 4, revealing many concu-
The most frequent types of publications shown in the re- rrence connections between them.
sults belonged to the “article” category (n = 183; 80.6%), Figure 4 shows the relationship between countries
and the second place was represented by “review” (n = 36; (20), affiliations, and the relationship with the main key-
15.9%), followed by “book chapter” (n = 5; 2.2%). Oth- words used by the authors. The United Kingdom (31%),
er types of publications, with a lower score, were “letter” the United States (24%) and Australia (19%) stand out
(n = 1; 0.4%), “book” (n = 1; 0.4%), and “editorial” (n as the predominant countries in production and research
= 1; 0.4%). in this area of study.
It is possible to see that Oxford University, Manches-
Average article citations per year ter University and Glasgow University are featured as the
When analyzing the average number of citations shown top affiliated institutions in the UK. While in the United
by the documents in recent years, according to the line States we find the main universities are: Columbia Uni-
that marks the average of the research citations, the years versity, Harvard University and University of Colorado.
2008, 2011 and 2016 are the periods with the greatest Finally, in Australia the main university networks were
impact in the research field. In this way, Figure 3 shows found to be: Melbourne University, New South Wales
the average line of citations and the years according to University and Newcastle University.
their evolution. The articulating concepts between the countries and
academic institutions analyzed were: suicide, self-harm,
deliberate self-harm and attempted suicide, representing
the main lines of research in this field.
Figure 3. Average of citations according to years
of production
Figure 4. Sankey diagram for countries, affiliations
and keywords

Plot of three fields: Countries, keywords Analyses by Authors

and affiliations Among the most prominent authors in the area of su-
icide prevention are Hawton (2000 to 2020) (20 arti-
The Sankey diagram illustrates quantitative flows and re- cles), researcher at the University of Oxford Medical
lationships, which allows analyzing the information from Sciences Division, Department of Psychiatry (Oxford,
important publications in a field or for a topic focusing on United Kingdom); followed by Harris (2000 to 2011)
the links between, for instance, keywords, authors, coun- (7 articles), from the United Kingdom and affiliated
tries, affiliations, among others. This allows researchers with the University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division
to identify relationships between different fields that lead (Oxford), and finally Plener (2009 to 2017) (6 articles),
to obtaining the current state of the art in a given area or from Austria and affiliated with Medizinische Universitat
concerning a given topic. Considering this, an analysis of Wien, Vienna (see Figure 5).
the application field of the relevant topics for the docu-
ment was carried out, so the most used keywords in the
analyzed publications were identified. This information
was related to the main author affiliations and the coun-



or co-authors in 3 research papers. In this way, it is appre-

Figure 5. Productivity of the main first authors over time ciated how Lotka’s Law is fulfilled for this bibliometric
research carried out in the Scopus database (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Author productivity according to Lotka’s Law

Quote of joint occurrence of authors

Among the 964 authors and collaborators present in this
research, there were 22 documents signed by a single au-
thor and 942 documents by several authors. The main Documents by Country
referents in collaboration with other researchers were
Hawton (20 articles) and Harris (7 articles). The rela- The country assessment considered the country of affilia-
tionship is represented in Figure 6. tion of the first author of the articles as a unit of analysis.
The majority of the documents retrieved originated in the
United Kingdom (n = 70). In second place was the United
Figure 6. Collaboration network between authors States with 54 publications. The top 10 most-publishing
countries are completed by Australia (n = 29), Canada (n
= 14), Germany (n = 13), Italy (n = 13), India (n = 9),
Netherlands (n = 9), Belgium (n = 8) and Norway (n = 8).

Co-authorship countries
complete count method

Figure 8 indicates the productivity relationship between

the main research countries; the nodes show that the
United Kingdom has the highest relationship and collab-
oration between countries, being a benchmark in this re-
search line, followed by the United States and Australia.

Note. Own work through VOSviewer (2020).

Figure 8. Network showing social structure

Lotka’s law (frequency distribution

of scientific productivity, percentage
of authors and written documents)
Lotka’s Law shows that the greatest number of authors
publish the least number of documents and, in turn,
the least number of authors publish a greater number
of investigations, this being the most prolific group (Al-
varado, 2005). In this way, this law of the distribution
of authors according to their productivity is reflected in
this scenario, where it is evidenced that 853 authors (and
co-authors) have participated in at least 1 document, 78
authors or co-authors in 2 investigations, and 18 authors Note. Own work through VOSviewer (2020)



Word dynamics of abstracts, According to the publication format, articles are the
most frequent format (80.6%), followed by reviews
annual occurrences vs. years
(15.9%). As demonstrated, the proportion of research
The terms suicide (53), suicidal (30), and self-harm (24) and review articles increased considerably over the years.
represent the most used words throughout the years of To explain the increase in review articles, one could easily
research in the field of prevention, representing a grow- assume that, given the substantial increase in knowledge
ing evolution over time. Figure 9 shows the continual over time, suicidologists have felt the need to periodically
growth in the handling of the recurring terms in the re- take stock of the situation through literature reviews. On
search analyzed. the other hand, the number of authors per article studied
increased over the years, a trend already observed in oth-
er bibliometric research (Cardinal, 2008). This could be
Figure 9. Keyword growth and evolution explained by the fact that research in the field has become
increasingly complex, requiring a greater degree of spe-
cialization by researchers and the integration of research-
ers from different disciplines.
In general, suicidology emerges as a dynamic field of
research in bibliometric terms, where it is possible to see
how scientific production presents an increasing trend,
highlighting 2018 as the period of highest productivity.
One aspect that generates concern was that we observed
that the area is clearly dominated by developed countries,
representing almost 67% of all publications in the last
40 years. Another interesting finding that emerges from
the results of the geographical distribution is the scarce
or non-existent presence of certain regions, particularly
Africa, Latin America, and Muslim countries. Among
the possible explanations for this low participation by
the aforementioned territories, we can hypothesize that
in some cases it is due to the lack of funds available for
research or the little attention paid to this social phe-
DISCUSSION nomenon. Other explanations for these differences in-
In total, 272 papers were obtained that meet the inclu- clude language barriers and the desire to write in their
sion criteria proposed for this research. In relation to the own language, which might encourage authors to submit
thematic areas where the research developed is dissemi- their manuscripts to journals published in their native
nated, the discipline of Medicine is observed as the most language. The absence of these regions of the world was
prominent (60.2%), followed by Psychology (26%), and also observed in other similar bibliometric studies (As-
ranked third, although to a lesser extent than the previ- traud et al., 2020; Cardinal, 2008). Finally, it should be
ous ones, is the discipline of Neurosciences (3.8%). This added that the most commonly used keywords in the
result is not surprising, given that historically suicide has field of prevention were the terms suicide, suicidal, and
been linked to mental disorders, based on a biologicist self-harm. In this regard, it should be noted that sever-
conception, a vision that has dominated medicine since al years ago Kessler and colleagues (Kessler et al., 1999)
the middle of the last century. However, there is currently observed and quantified the transitions between suicidal
quite a consensus among researchers, pointing out that ideation, planning, and suicidal behavior. According to
there would not be a single cause for suicide, but rather their studies, 90% of unplanned and 60% of planned
that it would be a complex, dynamic and multidimen- attempts occur in the first year after the onset of suicidal
sional problem, where biological, psychological, social ideation (Kessler et al., 1999). However, the term “sui-
and cultural elements converge (Carballo et al., 2019), cidal ideation” does not appear among the most prom-
which makes the incorporation and the efforts of oth- inent words in our research, being that it is well docu-
er disciplines in the understanding of this phenomenon mented that suicidal thoughts and early suicide attempts
necessary. Just as suicide has no one single cause, there predict subsequent suicide and it is essential to intervene
is no single prevention activity that will prevent suicide. as early as possible (O’Connor & Nock, 2014). On the
To be successful, prevention efforts must be comprehen- other hand, our bibliometric analysis highlights the im-
sive and coordinated across organizations and systems. As portance of revising the nomenclature in suicidology.
with other health promotion efforts, suicide prevention Terminology and definitions are the two elements that
programs should be culturally attuned and locally rele- constitute a standard nomenclature and it is in both of
vant. these areas that suicidology is currently confusing (De



Leo et al., 2006). A satisfactory nomenclature of suicide Brodsky, B. S., Spruch-Feiner, A., & Stanley, B. (2018). The
zero suicide model: Applying evidence-based suicide pre-
should be applicable and usable both within and across
vention practices to clinical care. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9,
all domains in which it is to be employed, whether the 33.
focus is research, clinical practice or public health. Calear, A.L., Christensen, H., & Freeman, A. et al. (2016). A
Our study had some limitations, such as the restraint systematic review of psychosocial suicide prevention inter-
of our search to only peer-review publications and the ventions for youth. European child & adolescent psychiatry,
need of further consultations in other databases for rel- 25, 467-482.
evant publications indexed and not retrieved by Scopus. Carballo, J. J., Llorente, C., Kehrmann, L., Flamarique, I.,
Regardless, this bibliometric analysis identifies a large Zuddas, A., Purper-Ouakil, D., … & Stop Consortium.
volume of publications and offers a useful representation (2019). Psychosocial risk factors for suicidality in children
of the state of the art on the subject. and adolescents. European child & adolescent psychiatry, 29,
Cardinal, C. (2008). Three decades of suicide and life-threat-
ening behavior: A bibliometric study. Suicide & Life Threat-
CONCLUSION ening Behavior, 38(3), 260-273. https://doi:10.1521/
There are three main conclusions that can be drawn from Chien, L., Gakh, M., Coughenour, C., & Lin, R. (2020).
the results of this bibliometric analysis. Firstly, there has Temporal trend of research related to gun violence from
been a notable increase in the number of publications on 1981 to 2018 in the United States: a bibliometric analy-
Suicidology over the last 40 years and, in particular, since sis. Injury epidemiology, 7(1), 1-9.
the beginning of the 2000s. Secondly, the dominance of s40621-020-0235-6
scientific production in this area by developed countries Codina, L., Morales, A., Rodríguez, R., & Pérez, M. (2020).
stands out, particularly the United Kingdom, the Unit- Use of Scopus and Web of Science to research and evaluate
ed States and Australia, which are also the countries that in social communication: Comparative analysis and charac-
have the greatest relationship and collaboration between terization. index. communication, 10(3), 235-261. https://
countries being a reference in this line of research. Last-
Da Costa, B., Ramalho, A., Gonçalves-Pinho, M., & Freitas,
ly, a notable gender gap is evident, being predominantly
A. (2020). Suicide mortality rate as a sustainable develop� -
men who have a greater number of publications in the ment goal (SDG): a bibliometric analysis. Psychiatric quar-
area. These results are in line with those obtained recently terly, 1-12.
by Astraud et al. (2020) through bibliometric analysis. De Leo, D., Burgis, S., Bertolote, J. M., Kerkhof, A. J., &
The need to prevent avoidable deaths and contain the Bille-Brahe, U. (2006). Definitions of suicidal behav-
emotional impact generated by suicidal behavior requires ior: Lessons learned from the WHO/EURO Multicentre
studies to better understand the phenomenon in order to Study. Crisis, 27(1), 4-15.
increase the effectiveness of preventive and interventional 5910.27.1.4
strategies. Based on our results, we can suggest conduct- Droogers, M., Jansen, D., Lindert, J., Saboga-Nunes, L.,
ing a more detailed systematic review in order to obtain Rudén, M., Guichardon, M., & Zeegers Paget, D. (2020).
more precise information on the current state of matter Health-related Sustainable Development Goals: count-
regarding the prevention of suicidal behavior. down on alcohol use, smoking prevalence, child overweight
and suicide mortality. European journal of public health, 30
(Supplement_1), i10-i13.
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