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Buenos das Good morning (Gud morning) Buenas tardes Good afternoon (Gud afternun) Good evening (Gud

ivning) Hola Hello (Jelou) Hi (Jai) Buenas noches Good night (Gud naijt) Adis Goodbye (Gudbai) Bye (Bai) Hasta luego See you later (Si yu leiter) Por favor Please (Plis) Gracias Thank you (Thenk yu) Thanks (Thenks) De nada You are welcome (Yu ar welcom) Disculpe (llamando la atencin) Excuse me (Exquius mi) No importa It doesn't matter (It dosent mader) Cmo ests? How are you (Jau ar yu) Bien, gracias Fine, thank you (Fain, thenk yu) Cmo te llamas? What's your name (Juats yor neim) Me llamo ______ My name is ______ (Mai neim is ______) Gusto en conocerte Nice to meet you (Nais to mit yu) Perdn (pidiendo disculpas) I'm sorry (Aim sorry) Ayuda! Help! (Jelp!)

Dnde est el bao? Where is the toilet? (Juer is de toilet?) Habla espaol? Do you speak spanish? (Du yu espik espanish?) Si Yes (Yes) No No (No) Lo siento I'm sorry (Aim sorry) Yo no hablo ingls I don't speak english (Ai dont espik inglish) No entiendo I don't understand (Ai dont onderstand) Podra hablar ms despacio? Could you speak slower? (Cud yu espik esloger?) Repita por favor Could you please repeat that? (Cud yu plis ripit dat?) Puedo hacerle una preguna? Can I ask you a question? (Ken ai ask yu a cueshion?) Me puede ayudar por favor? Could you please help me? (Cud yu plis jelp mi?) De acuerdo OK (Okei) Por supuesto Of course (Of cours) Donde est el/la ______? Where is the _______? (Juer is de _______?) Muchas gracias Thank you very much (Thenk yu veri moch) Quin? Who? (Ju?) Qu? What? (Juat?) Por qu? Why? (Juai?) Cundo? When? (Juen?)

Dnde? Where? (Juer?) Cmo? How? (Jau?) Djame en paz! Leave me alone! (Liv mi aloun!) No me toques Don't touch me (Dont touch mi) Voy a llamar a la polica! I will call the police! (Ai gil col de polis!) Ladrn! Thief! (Thief!) Ayuda! Help! (Jelp!) Necesito su ayuda I need your help (Ai nid yor jelp) Es una emergencia It's an emergency (Its an emeryenci) Estoy perdido I'm lost (Aim lost) He perdido mi bolsa I have lost my purse (Ai jav lost mai pors) Estoy enfermo I'm sick (Aim sic) Estoy herido I'm injured (Aim inyurd) Necesito un doctor I need a doctor (Ai nid a doctor) Puedo usar su telfono? Can I use your phone? (Ken ai yus yor foun?) Cunto cuesta un billete a ______? How much does a ticket to _______ cost? (Jau moch dos a ticket tu _____ cost?) Deme un billete a _______, por favor Please give me a ticket to _______ (Plis guiv mi a ticket tu ______) A dnde va este tren/autobs? Where is this train/bus going to? (Wer is dis trein/bos going tu?) Este tren/autobs hace parada en ______? Does this train/bus stop in _______? (Dos dis trein/bos estop in _______?)

Cundo sale el tren a _______? When does the train to _______ leaves? (Juen dos de trein tu ______ livs?) Cando va a llegar este tren/autobs a _______? When will this train/bus arrive to ________? (Juen gil dis trein/bos arraiv tu ________?) Taxi! Taxi! (Taxi!) Llveme a _______, por favor. Take me to _______, please (Teik mi tu ______, plis) Cunto cuesta llegar a ________? How much does it cost to get to _______? (Jau moch dos it cost tu guet tu _______?) Llveme ahi por favor Take me there please (Teik mi der plis) Tiene habitaciones disponibles? Do you have any rooms available? (Du yu jav ani rums aveilebol?) Cunto cuesta una habitacin para una persona? How much is a room for one person? (Jau moch is a rum for uan person?) Cunto cuesta una habitacin para dos personas? How much is a room for two people? (Jau moch is a rum for tu people?) El cuarto cuenta con... Does the room come with... (Dos de rum com git...) ...sbanas? ...bedsheets? (bedshits?) ...bao? ...a bathroom? (a badrum?) ...telfono? ...a phone? (a foun?) ...televisin? ...a TV? (a Ti Vi?) Me permite ver la habitacin primero? May I see the room first? (Mei ai si de rum ferst?) Tiene alguna habitacin ms tranquila? Do you have anything quieter? (Du yu jav enithing cuaieter?) grande? ...bigger? (biguer?) limpia? ...cleaner? (cliner?) barata? ...cheaper? (cheaper?)

Bien, me quedo OK, I will take it (Okey, ai gil teik it) Me quedar por ______ noche(s) I will stay for ______ night(s) (Ai gil estay for ______ naijt(s)) Me puede sugerir hotro hotel? Can you suggest another hotel? (Ken yu suyest anoder hotel?) Tiene caja fuerte? Do you have a safe? (Du yu jav a seif?) Est incluido el desayuno? Is the breakfast included? (Is de breikfast included?) A qu hora es el desayuno? What time is breakfast served? (Juat taim is breikfast serv'd?) Por favor limpie mi habitacin Please clean my room (Plis clin mai rum) Me puede despertar a las ________? Can you wake me at _______? (Ken yu geik mi at ______?) Quiero registrar mi salida I want to check out (I guant tu check aut) Dnde esta _____? Where is ______? (Juer is?) estacin de trenes? ...the train station? (de trein esteishion?) estacin de autobuses? ...the bus station (de bos esteishion?) ...el aerpouerto? ...the airport? (de eirport?) ...el centro? (de la ciudad) ...the downtown? (de dauntaun?) ...los suburbios? ...the suburbs? (de soborbs?) ...el hostel? ...the youth hostel? (de yaut hostel?) ...el hotel _____? ...the ______ hotel? (de ______ hotel?) Donde puedo encontrar muchos ______? Where are there a lot of ______? (Juer ar der a lot of ______?) (hotels?)

...restaurantes? ...restaurants? (restaurants?) ...bares? ...bars? (bars?) ...lugares de inters? ...sites to see? (saits to si?) Me lo puede mostrar en el mapa? Can you show me on the map? (Ken yu shou mi on de map?) Calle Street (Estrit) Vuelta a la izquierda Turn left (Torn left) Vuelta a la derecha Turn right (Torn raijt) Izquierda Left (Left) Derecha Right (Raijt) Todo derecho Straight ahead (Estreijt ajed) Hacia el/la _____ Towards the _____ (toguards de) Pasando el/la _____ Past the _____ (past de) Antes de el/la _____ Before the _____ (bifor de) Busque la _____ Watch for the _____ (Guatch for de) Interseccin Intersection (Intersecshion) Norte North (Nort) Sur South (Saut) Este East (Ist) Oeste West (Gest)

Una mesa para uno por favor A table for one person, please (A teibol for uan person, plis) Una mesa pra dos, por favor A table for two people, please (A teibol for tu pipol, plis) Me permite ver el men por favor? Can I look at the menu, please? (Ken ai luk at de menu, plis?) Puedo ver la cocina? Can I look in the kitchen? (Ken aik luk in de kitchen?) Hay especialidad de la casa? Is there a house speciality? (Is der a jaus espeshiality?) Hay alguna especialidad local? Is there a local speciality? (Is der a local espeshiality?) Soy vegetarino I'm a vegetarian (Aim a veyetarian) No como puerco I don't eat pork (Ai dont it pork) Desayuno Breakfast (Breikfast) Almuerzo Lunch (Lonch) Quiero _____ I want _____ (Ai guant _____) Quiero un platillo que contenga ______ I want a dish containing ______ (Ai guant a dish conteining ______) Pollo Chicken (Chiken) Res Beef (Bif) Pescado Fish (Fish) Salmon Salmon (Salmon) Atn Tuna (Tuna) Bacalao Cod (Cod) Mariscos Seafood (Sifud)

Langosta Lobster (Lobster) Almejas Clams (Clams) Ostras Oysters (Oisters) Mejillones Mussels (Musels) Caracoles Snails (Esneils) Ranas Frogs (Frogs) Jamn Ham (Jam) Puerco Pork (Pork) Salchicha Sausage (Sosash) Queso Cheese (Chis) Huevos Eggs (Egs) Un huevo One egg (Uan egg) Ensalada salad (Salad) Vegetales frescos Fresh vegetables (Fresh veshtabols) Fruta fresca Fresh fruit (Fresh frut) Pan Bread (Bred) Pan tostado Toast (Toust) Tallarines Noodles (Nudels) Arroz Rice (Rais)

Frijoles Beans (Bins) Me da un vaso de _____? May I have a glass of _____? (Me ai jav a glas of ______?) Me da una taza de _____? May I have a cup of _____? (Me ai jav a cop of ______?) Me da una botella de _____? May I have a bottle of _____? (Me ai jav a botel of _____?) Caf Coffee (Cofi) T Tea (Ti) Jugo Juice (Yus) Agua mineral Bubbly water (Bobli guater) Agua Water (Guater) Cerveza Beer (Bir) Vino rojo/blanco Red/white wine (Red/juait guain) Me da un poco de _____? May I have some ______? (Me ai jav som _____?) Sal Salt (Solt) Pimienta negra Black pepper (Blac pepper) Mantequilla Butter (Boter) Diculpe mesero (llamando la atencin del mesero) Excuse me, waiter (Exquius mi, geiter) Ya he acabado I'm finished (Aim finish't) Estuvo delicioso It was delicious (It guas delishious) Por favor retire los platos Please clear the plates (Plis clier the pleits)

La cuenta por favor The check, please (De chek plis) Cunto es? How much is it? (Jau moch is it?) Est incluido el servicio? Is the service included? (Is de servis included?) Esto es para usted This is for you (Dis is for yu) Dnde est el banco ms cercano? Where is the closest bank? (Juer is de clousest bank?) Acepta Euros? Do you accept Euros? (Du yu acept Euros?) Quisiera cambiar unos Euros I would like to change some Euros (Ai wud laik to cheinsh some euros) Cul es la tasa de cambio? What is the exchange rate? (Juat is the excheinsh reit?) Puedo cambiar cheques de viajero? Where can I get traveler's checks changed? (Juer ken ai guet travelers cheks cheinsh'd?) Dnde firmo? Where do I sign? (Juer du ai sain?) Dnde hay un cajero automtico? Where is an automatic teller machine? (ATM) (Juer is an automatic teler machin? (Ei-Ti-Em)) Qu hora es? What time is it? (Juat taim is it?) Son las tres Three o'clock (Thri o clock) Tres y cuarto Quarter past three (Cuarter past thri) Tres y media Half past three (Jalf past thri) Cuarto para las tres Quarter to three (Cuarter tu thri) Tres y diez Ten past three (Ten past thri) Diez para las tres Ten to three (Ten to thri) Es medianoche It's midnight (Its midnaijt)

Medioda Noon (Nun) Hace cinco minutos Five minutes ago (Faiv minuts agou) En media hora In half an hour (In jalf an auer) Desde las 7:00 pm From 7:00 pm (From seven pi-em) Despus de las 8:00 pm After 8:00 pm (after eijt pi-em) Antes de las 9:00 am Before 9:00 am (bifor nain ei-em) A que hora empieza? What time does it begin? (Juat taim dos it biguin?) Ahora Now (Nau) Ms tarde Later (Leiter) Antes Before (Bifor) Despus After (After) Maana Tomorrow (Tumorrou) Ayer Yesterday (Yesterdei) En la maana In the morning (In de morning) La tarde The afternoon/evening (Afternun/Ivning) En la tarde In the night (In de naijt) La noche The night (De naijt) _____ minuto(s) _____ minute(s) (minut(s)) _____ hora(s) _____ hour(s) (auer(s))

_____ da(s) _____ day(s) (dei(s)) _____ semana(s) _____ week(s) (gicks) _____ mes(es) _____ month(s) (mont(s)) _____ ao(s) _____ year(s) (yir(s)) Diario Daily (Deily) Semanalmente Weekly (Gikly) Mensualmente Monthly (Montly) Anualmente Yearly (Yirly)


There is very little difference in meaning between the verbs make and do. Unfortunately we either use make or do in expressions and if you use the wrong one by mistake, it does not cloud the meaning but it does sounds funny. I'm afraid the only way to use make and do correctly is to study the expressions. Sorry. There are less expressions that use do so I suggest you memorize those, read through the make column and then do the exercise, Good luck!

to make an agreement to make amends to make an apology to make an appointment to make the arrangements to make the bed to make a cake* to make a complaint to make a deal to make a decision

to do your best to do crosswords to do damage to do exercise to do the ironing to do someone a favour to do science, maths etc. to do your homework to do the shopping to do someone good

to make difficulties to make an effort to make an excuse to make a fortune to make friends to make fun of someone to make a fuss to make a living to make a mess to make a mistake to make a noise to make an offer to make a phone call to make plans to make a profit to make progress to make a promise to make a suggestiom to make a trip to make up one's mind *We also say to bake a cake Interactive exercise
THE QUANTIFIERS A few and few, a little and little

to do the washing up to do well

Printable exercise

These expressions show the speaker's attitude towards the quantity he/she is referring to. A few (for countable nouns) and a little (for uncountable nouns) describe the quantity in a positive way:

"I've got a few friends" (= maybe not many, but enough) "I've got a little money" (= I've got enough to live on)

Few and little describe the quantity in a negative way:

Few people visited him in hospital (= he had almost no visitors) He had little money (= almost no money)

THE QUANTIFIERS Some and Any Some and any are used with countable and uncountable nouns, to describe an indefinite or incomplete quantity. Some is used in positive statements:

I had some rice for lunch

He's got some books from the library.

It is also used in questions where we are sure about the answer:

Did he give you some tea? (= I'm sure he did.) Is there some fruit juice in the fridge? (= I think there is)

Some is used in situations where the question is not a request for information, but a method of making a request, encouraging or giving an invitation:

Could I have some books, please? Why don't you take some books home with you? Would you like some books?

Any is used in questions and with not in negative statements:

Have you got any tea? He didn't give me any tea. I don't think we've got any coffee left.

More examples: SOME in positive sentences. a. I will have some news next week. b. She has some valuable books in her house. c. Philip wants some help with his exams. d. There is some butter in the fridge. e. We need some cheese if we want to make a fondue. SOME in questions: a. Would you like some help? b. Will you have some more roast beef? ANY in negative sentences a. She doesn't want any kitchen appliances for Christmas. b. They don't want any help moving to their new house. c. No, thank you. I don't want any more cake. d. There isn't any reason to complain. ANY in interrogative sentences a. Do you have any friends in London? b. Have they got any children? c. Do you want any groceries from the shop? d. Are there any problems with your work?

Compound nouns made with SOME, ANY and NO Some + Any + No + Compound nouns with some- and any- are used in the same way as some and any. Positive statements: -thing -body -one -where


Someone is sleeping in my bed. He saw something in the garden. I left my glasses somewhere in the house.

Are you looking for someone? (= I'm sure you are) Have you lost something? (= I'm sure you have) Is there anything to eat? (real question) Did you go anywhere last night?

Negative statements:

She didn't go anywhere last night. He doesn't know anybody here.

NOTICE that there is a difference in emphasis between nothing, nobody etc. and not ... anything,not ... anybody:

I don't know anything about it. (= neutral, no emphasis) I know nothing about it (= more emphatic, maybe defensive)

More examples: SOMETHING, SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE a. I have something to tell you. b. There is something to drink in the fridge. c. He knows somebody in New York d. Susie has somebody staying with her. e. They want to go somewhere hot for their holidays. f. Keith is looking for somewhere to live. ANYBODY, ANYTHING, ANYWHERE a. Is there anybody who speaks English here? b. Does anybody have the time? c. Is there anything to eat? d. Have you anything to say? e. He doesn't have anything to stay tonight. f. I wouldn't eat anything except at Maxim's. NOBODY, NOTHING, NOWHERE a. There is nobody in the house at the moment b. When I arrived there was nobody to meet me. c. I have learnt nothing since I began the course. d. There is nothing to eat. e. There is nowhere as beautiful as Paris in the Spring. f. Homeless people have nowhere to go at night. ANY can also be used in positive statements to mean'no matter which', 'no matter who', 'no matter what': Examples: a. You can borrow any of my books. b. They can choose anything from the menu. c. You may invite anybody to dinner, I don't mind.

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