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Yennifer Mariana Tellez Avella

Class code: 2558985

Activity 2

integration activity

1.¿ Con quien vives?

Con mi mama, mis 2 hermanos y 5 gatos.

2.¿ Que te gusta y que no te gusta del sena?

Me gusta que la educacion es gratis y buena, ya que le dan oportunidad a las personas de salir
adelante, no me gusta el uniforme y que aveces no hay papel en el baño.

3.¿ Materia favorita?


4.¿Que musica, comida y cosa de la TV son tus favoritas?

Musica no tengo una en especifico ya que escucho varios generos, mi comida favorita son las
costillitas BBQ y de la TV me gusta ver peliculas de terror y romanticas.

5.¿ Cual es tu mayor miedo?

Que mi mama se muera y a las alturas.

6.¿ Cual es tu mayor sueño?

Poder terminar mi carrera universitaria y viajar por el mundo y asi mismo brindarle a mi familia lo
que se merecen.

7.¿ A quien admiras, quien es tu heroe, o persona favorita?

Mi mama, por que hace lo que sea por sacarnos adelante y por que seamos buenas personas.

8.¿ Cuenta un chiste?

¿Qué le dice un dos a un cero? ¡Veinte conmigo!

9.¿ Que le cambiarias al mundo?

La delincuencia y las malas personas.


1. Who do you live with?

With my mom, my 2 brothers and 5 cats.

2. What do you like and what do you not like about the Seine?

I like that education is free and good, since it gives people the opportunity to get ahead, I don't
like the uniform and that sometimes there is no paper in the bathroom.

3. Favorite subject?


4. What music, food and TV thing are your favorites?

Music I don't have a specific one since I listen to various genres, my favorite food is BBQ ribs and I
like to watch horror and romantic movies on TV.

5. What is your biggest fear?

That my mom dies and to the heights.

6. What is your biggest dream?

Being able to finish my university degree and travel the world and also give my family what they

7. Who do you admire, who is your hero, or favorite person?

My mom, because she does whatever it takes to get us through and to make us be good people.

8. Does he tell a joke?

What does a two say to a zero? Twenty with me!

9. What would you change the world?

Crime and bad people.

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