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MODULE //1 Unit /2 Lesson /1 Unit »2 Think Green! ¥ Objectives » Lean request information about human actions. » Ican make suggestions to improve practices. » | can describe how to do something. oe (n Context » My Ecological Footprint oe Listen » a. What does an eco-footprint represent? b. What does it measure? c. How can we reduce our eco-footprint? ‘LAt measures how much we consume. 2, We cau redvee ‘our footprint by changing our lifestyles. Listen to Miguel talking about ecological footprints. Label with the words in the Word Bank. Then match the answers with the questions. Word Bank water energy possessions transportation waste 3.ltrepresents how much of the environment we vse to support our lifestyles. : Listen to Tommy and Rocio talking about their lifestyles. Complete the @ 2. @D Listen chart with the correct name. o-friendly actions Rocio | grows his/her own food buys packaged food has a lot of appliances has a solar panel turns off the lights when not in use rides a bike to school 2st Century Skis * Critical thinking How important is the environment to you? What simple changes can you make to reduce your consumption of resources? module 1 // Unt 4 Label the parts of the questionnaire with the words in the Box. 3. (BD Read» Then anewer the questions and check your answers transportation possessions athome waste How big is your eco-footprint? 1. How do you get to school? 5. How big is your house? u a. by bicycle a. It’s big enough for the family. b. by bus b. Isa big house witha garden and extra c. bycar rooms. c. It'sa very big house with a garden, a 2. How do you travel short distances? garage and a lot of rooms. a. on foot/by bike b. by bus a <. bycar 6. What do you do with clothes, books and magazines you don't use any more? Se ee a. I give them away to charity. 3. How often do you turn off the lights EL tlle them up in my bedroom. when you leave a room? a. lalways turn off the lights when Heave a room. | also turn off appliances when they are not in use. 7+ How-does your family manage waste cc. I throw them away. b. | often turn off the lights when | at home? leave a room. a, We use organic waste for cc. |sometimes turn off the lights when composting, recycle some materials leave a room. | often forget. and reuse plastic bags. b. We reuse plastic bags and bottles. 4, How much water do you save? ¢. We putall our waste in one bag. a. | take short showers and turn off the tap when | brush my teeth. 8. What do you do with old or damaged b. |use a glass when | brush my teeth. appliances, or electronic waste? cc. My shower is only 15 minutes. a. | takeit to authorized e-waste recyclers. b. I putit in the attic, cc. Iputitin the rubbish bin. Congratulations! You You are doing some good things | Your eco-footprint is show great respect for the _| but it's important to reduce very big. It's time to start environment. It's a good idea | your eco-footprint a bit more. _| consuming less, and to sto fo pees on your knowledge | Start by making more changes _| being so wasteful, Change. to other people. to reduce consumption of water | some of those bad habit and energy. e MODULE // 1 Unit 72. Lesson Wr 4. (BD Read » Read the magazine article, Match each paragraph (-<) with ap The Fantastic Three Rs {t's time to start reducing your eco-footprint. You can do it by following the three Rs: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse, a. When you reduce, you use only what you dL need, Start by reducing the things you don't SoS ee really need. So, stop buying on impulse. aaah |) Fie ‘When you are shopping, try to buy food sta from local markets so you reduce the ig amount of packaging you use (you get more packaging from supermarkets), At home, you can reduce your consumption of water by taking shorter showers or recycling the water from the washing machine to flush the toilet. b. When you recycle, you can make new Products. There are a lot of materials that you can recycle if they're in good condition. It’s a good idea to use plastic bottles as plant pots. You can use waste paper for your art projects. And don't forget to use the paper on both sides. To recycle, you just need some creativity. c. There are a lot of things we can reuse. Stop buying a bottle of water every day. You can refill it from the tap in some cities and use it many times. Stop throwing away bags and & clothes. Reuse the bags you have at home and give the clothes to other people. You can reuse things more than once. \ction with an example. 5. (@D Read» match the a. Camila is wearing her cousin's old jacket. a ae b. Pablo stopped buying magazines and books he never reads. 2. recycling Jorge uses old plastic bottles to plant flowers and vegetables, 3. reusing Work with a partner. Use the questionnaire in exercise 9 to interview 6. @ Speak» vec other about your family’s eco-footprint. ‘What does your family doto |__ We wie enerey-saving reduce energy consumption? light bull module 1 // Unit 2 ten »» Put the words in the correct order to complete the questions. Then listen to the interview and check your answers. You: big /is / how / your / eco-footprint? 3a, Leidy: According to the test it's very big, og You: you / can / what / do / to reduce it? Leidy: Well, | can save water and energy. You: reduce / you / can / how / your consumption of water? " ee Leidy: | can stop taking long showers. You: OK. I's also important to reduce waste. you / what / do / do to reduce waste? Leidy: Well, | need to stop buying so much packaged food. ‘You: Really? often / how / you / do / buy packaged food? Leidy: Well, every day. Write »» ‘abel each picture with the questions. Then complete the answers with expressions from the box. How can | save water? ey dies savewater throwing away _ using a private car 2 ‘Whist cin Ido to rece Waste tum off the tap reduce waste recycle old tyres What can I do with my old tyres? How can | reduce my carbon footprint? a. ay »: {lI is aay top For It's time to You can compost 7 i yeelings and leftover food. Stop © ‘example, when you're brushing Ce eee P your teeth, you can 24 y, 1 St f bike, St It's easy to’ You can make riding your bike. Stop wan Sart idiot hen you can help them into a nice planter for your reduce carbon emissions. garden. aA @ @ @ @B #& @ f& rh PRR GORBO MODULE //1 Unit #2 Lesson 2 3. @ Write » Label the pictures with words from the Word Bank. Word Bank peelings crisp packet magazines batteries _plastic bottles, Saeed Se © a b. c 2 10) 4, ii Listen and label the bins with the words from the Word Bank. Then listen Wy © Usten » again and match the items from exercise 3 with the correct bin: Word Bank e-waste recycling organic waste rubbish eo ww e GB Se BAP Work with a partner. Complete the chart . Use the words in the box and 5. @ Speak » your own ideas. You can use a word more than once. Then compare your answers with the class. clothes newspaper plastic bottles vegetable peelings photocopies mobile phones TWs possible to reduce water consumption. [—— You can reuse a book. |-— reduce? recycle? reuse? water lass a book consumption ABBA BRHRPAR RRR RGA KRRee ee. module 1 // Unit 2 oS Read » Read the article about eco-solutions given by kids from different parts of ” Colombia. Label the paragraphs with the expressions. Save energy Savewater Reduce waste | Travelling Eco-footprint Our ecological footprint follows us everywhere. When we travel, we have an impact on the places we visit. Even when we go on holiday, we still have a responsibility to be eco- friendly. Learn to be an eco-friendly traveller by following this advice from local kids. oe ere Tanacio, from Sierra Nevada Ulive in a Kogui community in Sierra Nevada. | take care of the rivers in the mountains by using natural soaps to wash our clothes. Tourists can help to keep our rivers clean by not using polluting cleaning products when they visit us. b. Jerénimo from Palomino, Guajira 'help reduce waste in my community by recycling plastic bottles. When tourists come, they buy a lot of water and throw away the empty bottles. Tourists can help by putting their bottles in the recycling bins in our town. os Mayra from Valledupar Valledupar is very hot, so it’s important to plant trees because they provide oxygen and shade. We all plant trees near the house because they keep the area cool. When you come to Valledupar, you can help by turning off the air-conditioning when you leave your hotel room. Match the facts to the Read » jsragraphs in the text. 8. oS Speak » 1. There are about 35 rivers that come from the Sierra Nevada and they produce one hundred thousand million cubic metres of water. Work with a partner. Use your own ideas to explain how to be a green traveller. When travelling, we can: 2. For every ton of recycled paper, we can save 17 trees. 3. The average time for a plastic bottle to biodegrade is about 450 years. a, reduce carbon emissions by ... b, save water by... c. save energy by... d, reduce pollution by \ MODULE // 1 Unit 2 Lesson 3 1 3. Preparing Your Tack » A Green School! © Write» Youare going to collect information about the way your school manages resources. Complete the questions. How does the schoo! recycle? What....? save water? How much Interview teachers and students. Ask the questions in exercise 1. @ Speak» Note down the answers in the chart. It’s important to change our habits because we are throwing away a lot of paper that we can recycle. Carlos Suarez ‘staen (grade 8) ue mere 5 Work in groups. Create an information leaflet with at least five (© Write » suggestions to make your school ‘greener Use the answers from exercise 2 and the expressions in the list. It’s important to ... 3 aps For Masa WaT Stop -ing ... Think about ... We can... Start -ing ... Invite a student from another class to sign an eco-promise. Tell your class @® Speak » inst they promised todo. 'm going to start: I'm going to stop: CO recycling all paper and cardboard, C throwing away plastic bottles and drink cans. 1 using paper on both sides. CO wasting paper. D turning off lights or equipment. Other: 1 turning off the taps. Name: Other: Date: er 27 5. eo Speak » can help reduce packaging by buying local food, You can recycle all waste materials, module 1 // Unit 2 riding my bike to school save energy? reduce CO,? reduce waste? save water? How can you help recycling water bottles Play the game with a partner, Cross the board from start to finish. Say how you can help in each situation. buying local food turning off taps The most recycled objects are aluminium cans. One ton of recycled paper can save up to five trees, Recycling a plastic bottle can power a light bulb for six hours. lp jefe |e|s Colombia produces 12 million tons of rubbish every year. Colombia recycles only 17% of the rubbish it produces. 7. Read » Read the article quickly. Select the best headline, a. San Pedro School Waste Problem b. Successful Recycling Programme At San Pedro School . San Pedro School Eco-Promise i In the last five years, San Pedro School in the municipality of El Tambo, Narifio, has become the number one school in the region to efficiently manage most of the waste its students, teachers and workers throw away. [2 According to the ecological pedagogical group ‘Ecologia y Educacién’, San Pedro School has reduced 80% of the waste that goes to the local rubbish dump by promoting an interesting environmental education programme. The programme places importance on recycling, reusing and reducing non-organic material. It promotes the use of composting to turn organic waste into fertilizer for the school garden. [3 Lina Sudrez, a secondary student, is very happy to see how her school is having a positive effect on the environment of the region. She says, ‘When we learned that recycling paper saves trees, and composting provides the soil with natural fertilizers, we understood that not everything is eubb a] MODULE //1 Unit /2 Lesson 3 8, (BD Read » Label each part ofthe article in exercise 7 using the definitions. a. Headline: gives the general idea of the story b. Lead the introduction that gives the most Stay Tp paragraph: important information Agood news report Main body: develops the information develops the information d. Quotation: presents something that someone said pees te questions: Who? Where? What? When? How? Write »» Use the information from your research in exercise 2 to write an article similar to the one in exercise 7. Make sure you include: a headline a lead paragraph to create interest a main body with information about the answers to your questions a quotation from one of the people you interviewed. a b. c d. Exchange your article with a partner. Evaluate your partner’s article. 10. (J) Read » Use the Evaluation Checklist. a Yes | No oe ojo |alead paragraph? ola | information using the answers to the ojo writer's questions? | ‘a quotation? ola ‘Add one comment or suggestion to improve the article. Study Tip It’s a good idea to revise, reread and rewrite parts of your writing to clarify your ideas, Always reread your writing and ask someone else to give you feedback. | module 1 // Check Your Progress k ‘Your Progress ‘Complete the opinions with the correct form of Read ® the verb in brackets. Emesto: It's Maria: You can start | | Stephan: When | go important (recycle) | | (reuse) « the | | food shopping. | * to recycle plastic items that you have | | always carry my own bottles touse them | | athome and don't | | bag. It's important as planters. It’s use any more, You (stop) + also a good idea can give them to using plastic bags. (reduce) » friends or people People need to start their consumption that need them. (think) «. because making more about how them causes plastic bags damage pollution. the environment. Read the interview with Mario, a teacher. 2. © Read» Complete the questions. peraiee — Interviewer: What *__________? | a eal Mario: | take short showers. information about Interviewer: Really? How ® —__________? human actions. v Mario: | spend fifteen minutes in the shower. a Interviewer: Hmm. That's a lot of time. And how © ______? iy weal: Mario: Well, |... turn off the TV when I'm not watching it. © Interviewer: And how # —_________—” Quite well Mario: Every day! | always drive to school. Interviewer: But you live near the school. According to this test, your eco-footprint is very big. Mario: Really? I'm sorry. | need to change that, (a) 3. @ Listen » usten to-anintervew with Marte, which ac c. You can reduce jes does she talk about? b. You can start a. You can start ai saving energy waste by: 49 saving water = 8 coe \ oy |_= _|_ | fwwasometting” | | ~ taking shorter | 41. disconnecting | 4. throwing ay, jz | ic ir lon’ showers. fromalldevices. | things vou ver Men | i ese @ | . recycling 2, talking to your | 2. organizing you Cred | water from friends about rubbish into 5 | the washing saving energy: two bins. With difficulty machine. ee

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