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indice TT | Aprendamos Viajando. Examen Final .. Vocabulario. Clas Didlogo.. Examen Respui Vocabulario. Respuestas .... Vo bulario, Examei Respuestas .. Clas No se olvide de estudiar las lecciones en el manual antes de hacer los ejercicios de este cuaderno. Antes de comenzar el estudio de este volumen, dedique unos minutos a contestar a las 15 preguntas del examen siguiente. Llene el circulo correspondiente a la respuesta correcta. 1. They asked me about my O a) hall time b) supervise ©) original dl) inst ©) qualifications 0000 Have you the Thanks a) b) never saw ©) ever seen d) didn't see 00000 Have ever _her a promotion? b) gave ecoo0o* Have your parents seen you _? b) never ©) yesterday «) recently ) at 8:00 e00008 they ride the bus to school yesterday? a) When b) Did ¢) How 4) Have ©) Do 00000 ining Day Parad ©0000 » ©0000 00000 = 000008 00000 AU employees are ‘one coffee break each morning. a) allow ) give ©) allowed d) have ©) participate 1 go on Saturday if 1 don't have to work a) maybe b) definite o) ever 4) might ¢) didn't She has to Japan. a) never been b) goin d) ever gone ©) done Tvworked until midnight. You _. 4) aren't tired by) might be angry ©) should be cold has to be angs ce) mu She always _ for her mistakes 4) takes responsibility b) participates ©) explains «) co-workers ed 11, Fean't it, Is it smooth ‘or rough? © a) smell © by taste © e} feel © dhear © ¢) look 12, Have you ever a pink ‘and yellow rose! a) heard b) looks at ¢) smelled 13, He did it © a) with himsell Ob) with ourselves © se) by myeelf © dh by himself © e) with ourselves 14. Is that Raiil’s coat? No, it’s __. © a) mine © by her © c) not hers © dh their © e) not our 15, Please bring my coat. ___ in the close. © a)Its © b) Min © ¢) They're O airs © e) Theirs Cuando haya estudiado todas las lecciones de este volumen, haga el mismo examen de nuevo. Lo encontrara al final de este cuaderno, en la pagina titulada “Examen Final”. Compare los resultados obtenidos en este examen con los del examen final. Asi comprobara lo que ha aprendido y podra medir su progreso. Cuando haya terminado este examen, empiece a estudiar la Leccién Uno. locabulario sen Ta pagina 12. Encontrard las A. Resuelva el crucigrama. Primero, complete las oraciones. Después, escriba las palabras que completan las oraciones en el cuadro siguiente, empezando por la casilla que lleva el numero correspondiente. Vocabulario Horizontales 1. Tasked my 5. Have you ever 7. I's not easy to make for a promotion, , or managed, other people? 9. Please be snot rude, 12. Now, it’s half time of the football game. 13. [don't understand. Can you ? Verticales 2. Be polite, not 3. Please tell me your for this job. 4. A good 6. She's a 7. Itwas a difficult 8. [waited inside 10. This is the 11. Tneed to in the shoe department. when [ asked for a promotion. it rained. contract, not a copy. a break. Vocabulario B. Escriba oraciones usando las palabras entre paréntesis. stip) _Lhave a good relationship with My L088. Ejemplo: (rela 1, (promotion) ye (polite) . (qualifications) 4, (situation) a . (explain) 6. (for instance) Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 13. C. Haga preguntas usando las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: (you, see, a Mardi Gras Parade) 1. (they, visit, Toronto or Vancouver) ee 2. (she, walk, to school) OO 3. (Mr. Thomas, be, late to work) oe NS 4. (you, get, promotion) SS SSS SSS 5. (he, study, French) 2 ee 6. (your family, eat, sushi) ain ed 7. (Mrs. Douglas, write, a letter to you) Oe 8. (you, go. skiing at night) se D. Escriba preguntas usando las palabras entre paréntesis. Fijese en las expresiones de tiempo antes de escribir las preguntas. Ejemplo: (go, school, yesterday) Did you go to school yesterday? (go, a movie, recently), Have you gone to a movie recently? (go, Australia) Have you ever gone to Australia? 1. (eat, breakfast, yet) 2. (watch TY, last night) 3B. (see, a kangaroo) 4. (go on vacation, in July) 5. (play, the piano) 6. (listen to music, last night) 7. (talk on the phone, all night) 8. (study for the test, already) Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 14. Decida si estas temas de conversacion son personales o impersonales. Los temas personales son los que se pueden discutir unicamente con amigos cercanos y fami health impersonal family relationships personal impersonal magazine stories personal impersonal education personal impersonal weather personal impersonal salary personal impersonal religion personal impersonal movies personal impersonal sp personal impersonal appearance personal impersonal polities personal impersonal money personal impersonal bus and train schedules personal impersonal TV shows personal impersonal 10 Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 14, Haga un circulo alrededor de la palabra correcta. Dear Mary, How are you? I (have been / had been) on vacation from school (from / for) ten days. Tomorrow I (went / have to go) back to school. Last night I (go / went) with my friend, Calista, to (have seen / see) a movie, The Mall. It (was / were) very funny. (Are you seeing / Have you seen) it? I (was / have) also been shopping a little. I (to get / got) a promotion at work so I have some extra money. I (needed / needing) to buy some new shoes and a new coat. I (found / will find) a really cute green coat. I bought two pair of shoes! My boyfriend, Keith, (won't buy / bought) a new CD player: He also got some new CDs. He (likes / liking) jazz music. Have you ever (hears / heard) of Lew Mavis? He’s great. (Will write / Write) to me soon. (I'll / 1) see you in December Best wishes, Sandy Respuestas Vocabulario A. 12 5 respuestas no son las tinicas respuestas correctas Lasked my boss for a promotion. ve She was very polite. P 3. My qualifications are good for this job. 4. It was a difficult situation. 5. Can you explain the company benefits? 6. He is always late. For instance, today he arrived at 9: Clase POP errr Re EG se Ooi - Respuestas Have they ever visited Toronto or Vancouver? Has she ever walked to school? Has Mr. Thomas ever been late to work? Have you ever gotten a promotion? Has he ever studied French? Has your family ever eaten sushi? Has Mrs. Douglas ever written a letter to you? Have you ever gone skiing at night? Have you eaten breakfast yet? Did you watch TV last night? Have you ever seen a kangaroo? (or Did you see a kangaroo?) Did you go on vacation in July? Have you ever played the piano? (or Did you play the piano?) Did you listen to music last night? Have you ever talked on the phone all night? (or Did you talk on the phone all night?) Have you studied for the test already? 13 Respuestas Didlogo Las respuestas siguientes no son las ti ‘as respuestas vilidas, Este cjercicio da pié a otras alternativas que dependen en gran parte del criterio de cada persona, health personal impersonal family relationships — impersor magazine stories personal imperson education impersonal weather personal TV shows personal impersonab Examen How are you? I have heen on vacation from school for ten days. Tomorrow | have to go back to school. Last night I went with n The Mall. It was very funny. Have you seen friend, Calista, to mov have also been shopping a little, I got a pro needed to buy some new shoes and a new coat. I found a really cute g coat, I bought two pair of shoes! My boyfriend, Keith, bought new CD He also got some new CDs. He likes jazz music. Have you ever heard of Lew Mavis? He’s great. Write to me soon. I'll see you in December, Best wishes, ion at work so I have some extra money. L Vocabulario Encontrarg las respuestas en la pagina 23 A. Llene los espacios en blanco con las palabras de la lista siguiente. appointment participate religion allow ities co-workers definite workplace night must be improve get back to Ejemplo: 1 might go on Saturday. I'm not sure. 1. How can we our English? He there at 9:00 or he won't be able to take the test. 3. and can be dangerous topics at work. 4, She doesn’t like to in small talk at work. My managers one coffee break in the morning. 6. Be on time for your ~ I don't like to gossip with 8. We have a very pleasant 9, We should work. 10. Is your decision 7 Vocabulario B. Escriba oraciones que incluyan las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: (1, never, see, a helicopter) [have never seen a helicopter. 1. (Mr. Johnson, has, ever, allow, coffee breaks) 2. (Kelly, never, participate in, gossip) SSS = 3. (my co-workers, never, eat lunch in the office) ee 4. (you, have, ever, explain, your qualifications) 5. (he, never, make small talk) ee 6. (they, ever, go on, a business trip) = ee See 7. (she, never, take responsibility) pe 8. (you, have, ever imagine, the perfect vacation) rae es ee Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 23. C. Seleccione la respuesta apropiada para cada una de las oraciones. You mesthe tired. It must have been expensive. He must not be Italian, She must miss them, You must love Mexican food. ‘They must have been late. You must be hungry. She must be short. You must be crazy. Ejemplo: I went to sleep at midnight. L be Uy 1, The bus came at 9:30 not 9:00. 2. He spent all of his money on his new car We eat there 3 or 4 times a week! 4, Mary can’t reach the drawer. 5. [told my boss that I will work every Saturday. 6. She hasn't seen her parents for ten months. I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch. 8. Tony hates spaghetti. 19 20 D. Conteste a las preguntas usando las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: a 9. 10. Can you meet us Thursday gt 6:00 PM? nnot) £ Can GB Will you study for the test tonight. lc: (might) Is he going to be on time? (should) Should we eat Italian food? (could) Should I fill out the application? (must) Are they qualified? (might) Are ‘ou going to explain it to me? e (could) Will Mr. White be at the interview? (might) Can we talk about the problem during the meeting? (should) Will he be the new manager. (might) Is she definite about the time? (must) Encontrard las respuestas en la pigina 24, ine si los temas de conversacién indicados pueden discutirse con las distintas personas que encabezan las columnas. Si el tema de conversacién es apropiado, escriba las letras OK; si es cuestionable, escriba la letra C; si es demasiado personal, escriba las letras DP. with with with at the friends yourboss_—_yoursister___bus stop weather health salary religion polities TV shows a movie vacation plans children problem neighbor dept. store sale 21 22 Eneo ard las respuestas en la pagina 24, Lea el texto siguiente. Luego haga un circulo alrededor de a palabra mas apropiada en cada oracién. We have a nice workplace. Everything is new including the cafeteria. The managers at the company are fair to all the employees, and the company has good benefits. Most of my co-workers are qualified for their jobs so it is easy to get things done. ‘There isn’t a lot of gossip in the office, but we do make small talk in the hallways. Thave made some good friends at the company. He would / wouldn't look for a another job right away. He can / can’t talk to his co-workers in the hallway. The company might/ might not be a good place to fill out an application. ‘The employees must/ must not eat in the cafeteria most of the time, ‘The managers should / shouldn't be criticized for being unfair. ‘The employees can/can't do their jobs easily. The employees must/-must not complain about their jobs a lot. This could [couldn't be the perfect company. Vocabulario Clase A. i. 2x Respuestas improve must be Religion and polities participate allow appointment co-workers workplace get back to . definite Has Mr, Johnson ever allowed coffee breaks? Kelly never participates in gossip. My co-workers never eat lunch in the office. Have you ever explained your qualifications? He never makes small talk. Have they ever gone on a business trip? She never takes responsibility. Have you ever imagined the perfect vacation? They must have been late. It must have been expensive. You must love Mexican food. She must be short. You must be crazy. She must miss them. You must be hungry. He must not be Italian. 23 Respuestas D. 1. I might. 2. He should be. 3. We could. 4. You must. 5. They might be. 6. Tcould. 7. He might be. 8. We should. 9. He might be. 10, She must be. Dialogo Answers will vary. Examen 1. wouldn't 2. can 3. might 4. must 5. shouldn't ean must not 8. could 28 Vocabulario Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras de la lista siguiente en el cuadro de abajo. Las palabras se leen de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo. agree, allow, avoid, bill, dangerous, delicious, demotion, explain, gossip, hers, imagine, indicate, itself, mine, opera, personal, polities, possible, promotion, qu . team, theirs, while, whisper rude, supe Q\UsAI LI IF] tf claltiijo|N| Bi tf Lie DIE if cl t]o}uls|tle;A|mM|x|N|G/D G[r[c[n[eltlelx[Plcjal i [n{cl{po| Pela olulo)pPlelR[A,H|/E/D/E/Mio|T|1/O|N s|D[wH| i]s| Pl el R/O|A;A|P|H|C/L|G sel i{t]s/elcl r[slulvie(n[ eal tle t]P/rR[ofmjo/ tl t/o[njoli[H]{t{t{ Tt] R @/O| S|S/I[Bi LI E}N|IMJI|NJE|R/E| I/O TIA Kl E[AlB] Ri E,AlK|[D]/ E[R|S{L{ clu Alc) RE] E|WiH| IT LiElA;R|s|wi Di sis Encontrard las respuestas en la pi na 35, C. Llene los espacios en blanco con el verbo correcto. Kjemplo: teant_ MUL the fower a> 1. This orange — 2. Does the paper as 3. Does that car & 4. That bakery <= . He said he couldn't SG sour, nooth or rough? new? wonderful. the key under the seat. 29 6. Did you 7. Did you 6 = 8. He never & 4S 10, That 30 the movie on Saturday nig! Haveyouever that loud musi last night? the soup while it’s cooking. a white tiger? like a washing machine! D. Llene los espacios en blanco con el pronombre correcto. Ejemplo: (he) We met hin at the movie theater, 1. (she) Let's call on Monday morning. 2. (they) That car is 3.) left coat on the bus last night. 4. (we) The doctor gave the same prescription. 5. (it) fixed 6. (you) Is that pen over there? (me, he) That's not it’s 8. (we) cooked ev 9. (you) Is this 2 10. (they, I) walked to the bus stop with 31 32 Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 35. Redacte una invitacién para una fiesta. Describa la fiesta, precise cuando y donde se celebrara y proporcione los detalles adicionales que crea conveniente. What: Where: Details: RSVP. Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 36. Si es posible, reemplace las palabras subrayadas por pronombres. Dear (1) Anna and David, Thank you for inviting (2) Randy and Kathy for dinner. (3) Randy and Kathy are always happy to come to (4) Anna and David’s house. (5) Randy and Kathy love the way (6) David cooks. The dishes (7) David so tasty. I wish (8) Randy could cook that well! prepares are always (9) Kathy is the cook in (10) Randy and Kathy’s house. (11) My mother gave (12) Kathy some wonderful recipes. But some of (13) the recipes are (oo difficult. (14) The recipes take too many ingredients and (15) the ishes never taste right. Just the way (16) Anna and David's house smells when (17) Randy and Kathy come to dinner is wonderful. (18) Randy and Kathy know that (19) Randy and Kathy will always eat well. Why don’t (20) Anna and Jet (21) Randy and Kathy take (22) Anna and David to dinner next time (23) Anna, David, Randy and Kathy get together? Thanks, again. Best wishes, Kathy 33 Respuestas Vocabulario her mine her yours 8, himself 6. 6 E[R|A) H| E|O] El/M|_ Oo OfAllA] PHC] iL il|G) Dla Fe fe H D E < ws z 0 S >) a iw 4 iu! in - RIS) L TCU D ALK/E/A|B[R/E]A 34 Clase C1. tastes feel - look 1. smells 5. feel 6. hear 7. se 8. tastes 9, seen 10. sounds D. 1. her 2. theirs 3. Lmy 4. us 5. It, itself 6. your his ourselves 9. yours 10. They, me Dialogo Answers will v Respuestas 35 Examen 1. Anna and David 2. us 3. We 4. your 5. We David he Randy . My mother me. . them . They . the dishes your . We . you us you 36 Examen 1. Anna and David us We your he Randy Tam . our . My mother me . them 4, They . the dishes your . We 19. we 20. you 21. us 22. you 23. we 36 Piense en lo que puede hacer para seguir aprendiendo inglés. Recuerde las palabras de la Sra. West: "Practique, practique, practique." En su calendario, anote las cosas que hara en inglés cada dia. Empiece por describir diez formas de practicar inglés. Escriba también lo que va a necesitar para cumplir sus objetivos. Hemos incluido una idea como ejemplo. 1. If I see a word I don’t understand, I will look it up in a dictionary. IfT don't hav Then, I'l a dictionary, I'll write it down and look it up later: lake some se nces using the word. Aprendamos Viajando as en la pagina 47, San Francisco Antes de completar este ejercicio, vea la seccién "Aprendamos Viajando" incluida en el video y lea la misma seceién en Si la informacién contenida en la oracién es verdadera, haga lo alrededor de la palabra True. Si la informa freulo alrededor de la palabra False y es falsa, h: escriba una oracién con La informacién e True False 1. There is a famous mission in San Luis Obispo. True False 2. San Francisco is a very | True False 3. San Francisco is on the Atlantic Ocean, True False 4, San Francisco is famous for its skyline. True False The Golden Gate Bridge is almost two miles long, True False 6. The Golden Gate Bridge was built in the 1920s. 45 Aprendamos Viajando True True True True True True False False False False False False 7. The technology used in gold used to build the cable car system. 8, Alcatraz is also known as "The 9. San Francisco's Chinatown has a Dragon's Gate. 10. The "summer of love" happened in the 1980s in the Haight-Ashbury section of the city. LL. "The Crookedest Street in the World” is Lombard Street. 12. Golden Gate Park has several famous museums. Ps was also Respuestas It's a rather small city of one million people. It's on the P: ean, .. was built in the 1930s. e. Aleatraz is known as "The Rock.” c. The “summer of love” happened in the 1960s.

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