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De Compras indice ost Clas Panes Respuestas .. Vocabulari Clase .. Diilogo Examen Respuestas ... Didlogo. Examen. Respuest Vocabulari Clase. 3 Didlogs 45 Examen 46 Respuestas... Aprendamos Viajando Examen Final ... No se olvide de estudiar las lecciones en el manual antes de hacer los ejercicios de este cuaderno. Antes de comenzar el estudio de este volumen, dedique unos minutos a contestar a las 15 preguntas del examen siguiente. Llene el circulo correspondiente a la respuesta correcta. 1. Let's buy apples and _pears. 6. Do you want milk? UIs her hair than my hat © a) alittle, some © a)any © 8) more © bj alitile, a few 0 bin © by straight © c) some, a few © ec) much © e) less © d) an, some O d) alot © d) straight © e)a few, much © e) several © e) straightest 2 rice do we have? 7. He need__ else 12. This cake is © J ATew © a) did, several © a) more © b) Some © b) does, a few © b) not © c) How many © ©) doesn’t, anything © 6) least © d) Any © a) didn't, a little © d) the most expensive © e) How much © ©) doe ne © e) the expensive 3. We need to get several 8. Who is taller, P13. Did you buy _« © a) banana © a) Mary, Alyssa-o © a) a blue coat, a red o © 1b) strawberry © b) Mary © b) blue coats, red one © c) cartons of e © c) Mary or Alyssa © c)a bigger coat, a smaller © d) box of pasta © d) Alyssa and Mary © ad) blue coat, red c« © e) potato © e) Alyssa, Mary and Susie © e) a blue coat, redi one 4. Do you like carrots? 9% How pants did you buy? M4. Bring your coat and. © a) Yes, he does. © a) pairs of Ws raining. © by) Yes, carrots, Ob) some pair of © a) umbrella © ©) No, alittle. © ©) much © b) dress © d) No, [hate them. © d) many pairs of © e) shorts © ©) Do you? © ) a pair of © d) sandals 5. We usually __cookies at lunch. 10, This skirt ion Cm © a) eats a little © a) is less colorful 15, Ik is always in Florida. © b)eata little © b) more colorful © a) more hot © c) eating any © ©) colorful © b) the hotter © d) eating some © d) most colorful © c) hotter © e) eat a few © e) least colorful ©) less hotter © e) the hot Cuando haya estudiado todas las lecciones de este volumen, haga el mismo examen de nuevo. Lo encontraré al final de este cuaderno, en la pagina titulada “Examen Final”. Compare los resultados obtenidos en este examen con los del examen final. Asi comprobara lo que ha aprendido y podra medir su progreso. Cuando haya terminado este examen, empiece a estudiar la Leccion Uno. A. Resuelva el crucigrama. Primero, complete las oraciones. Después, escriba las palabras que completan las oraciones en el cuadro siguiente, empezando por la casilla que lleva el numero correspondiente. Horizontales 1. Another word for “maybe.” 3. The _@ is a very big place. @ 6. Ice cream is a f f Let's make a grocery Vocabulario 10. @ 12. The opposite of “specif 4. , 15. Fruit is in the section, 17. The opposite of “general.” 19. 20. Another word for “perhaps.” Verticales @ 2. The refrigerator is empty. There is no Milk is inthe 13. We need to go to the ees Vocabulario B. Llene los espacios en blanco con palabras que describan los dibujos. Ejemplo: Do we need to buy ? ee a oe leans Do you have ? How many are there? Let's buy some 6. My children love T want the re¢ ; not the green ones 8. How many do we need? EP ¢ Encontraré las respuestas en Ia pagina 13, C. Llene los espacios en blanco con las palabras “a”, “an” o "some". Ejemplo: He ate a orange for lunch, 1. Can we buy strawberries? 2. Ws peach, not a pear, 3. Lalways bring carrot in my lunch. 4. Hand me onion, please. 5. Please cut up tomatoes for the salad. 6. They bought oranges and bananas. 7. Let’s bring carrots. 8. Tneed lime and lemons. D. Haga un circulo alrededor de las palabras que mejor describan los dibujos. Ejemplo: 2 4. 6. Ss cs) _ e & aa a few some several a lot of four a lot of a few too many too many many some several Dialogo Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 13. Llene los espacios en blanco. Mark envié un email a Benjami fiesta de cumpleaiios para Mar Mark y Benjamin estén preparando una Hey, Benjamin! How are you? The party sounds fun. Are you going to make a cake buy one? I bring some ice cream. We need candles, too. How candles do we need? How is Mareia? you buy a gift? I bought funny birthday card. We ean all sign it. Are we to have hamburgers? I'll bring snacks and fruit. Is anything else we need? Later, Mark Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 14. Delante de cada oracién, escriba la letra de la fotografia 2?” 5. @ Bn = os e & Ejemplo: We don't need to buy oranges. 1. We bought some bi yesterday. 2 There are a few eggs in the bowl. 3 1 see four potatoes. 4. May I have an apple, please? 5 Her children hate carrots. 6. There are many apples in the bowl. % ‘We bought too many grapes. W Respuestas Vocabulario Te Lor [a] [o] Te Te fo fo fue Te | lo [| [o| ts Pte ere refefet ch fe [| Pete [aT | re] fe [a BESeeo Te [a fv [a [u [a] [ol [sa [aI pears tomatoes grapes apples peaches SN ose 12 Clase Dialogo Examen Respuestas 1. some D. 1. alew 2 2 2. too many 3a 3. several 4. an 4. alot of 5. some 5. some 6. some, some 6. several 7. some 7. some 8. a, some Hey, Benjamin! How are you? The party sounds like fun, Are you going to make a cake or buy one? I'll bring some ice cream, We need some candles, too. How many candles do we need? How old is Marcia? Did you buy a gift? I bought a funny birthday card. We can all sign it. Are we going to have hamburgers? I'l bring some snacks and some fruit. Is there anything else we need? Later, Mark led 2b a 6 de Bh 6. f ZB 13 eccién W® Inglés sin Barreras pice Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 23, A. Escriba las palabras que describen los dibujos. @ Ejemplo: ow 4 ee. (Bea te eae i ® ____ — Vocabulario B. Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras siguientes en el cuadro de abajo. Tenga en cuenta que las palabras se leen de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo. bacon, beef, bread, butter, cheese, cookie, egg, fish, food, ham, hot dog, sausage, seafood, turkey, yogurt ; margarine, meat, rice, DIO/O] a> mi u/alyxryc al/pl[m|Zilzi|a|n|a/ >| mn m/2Z2/—|a|P|OA\a/>/S/C m|x|Z\XLIQl/O;Z/c|=z|a MI—|AJ/OSOJN|P|Y|DIA OAla|n!/AalZz\m|<|/b}m}_m O\|m/—|O}/A/A\|C|A/O|~< <|/-l|uj/O|m|unimim/izra YIO/LIOA|/A|mM|Al/Al;c|a contrard las respuestas en la psigina 24, C. Llene los espacios en blanco con las palabras “a few" or “a little". Ejemplo: I ean eat a “ttle Te Tate We bought There is ‘There are Please give me Add ‘There's more pasta. cookies after dinner, vegetables at the store. milk in the carton, eggs in the refrigerator. more carrots to the soup. crackers in my soup. cheese lefi. 19 D. Lea las respuestas y luego escriba las preguntas correspondientes usando “how much" o “how many”. ww many onions do we have? We have three onions. Ejemplo: We need five apples to make an apple pie. is only a little milk left in the 3. He needs to buy five potatoes. 4. She drank a lot of water. 5. 6. There is no orange juice left. Dialogo Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 24, Elija la respuesta correcta. 1. Andy Joe Andy Joe Cindy Nancy Cindy Naney Alice Chris 4. Mariah Jim Mariah Jim Tam hungry. can eat two hamburgers today. How many? Two? Yes, maybe three. a) You must be a little hungry. b) You must be very hungry. Can T have a few more cookies? Not before dinner. Can I have some after dinner? a) Maybe. b) Yes, before dinner. I dont like potatoes I love potatoes. Do you like carrots? A little, but a) Peas? Not me. b) hate peas, too. Did you eat all the apples? No, [only ate two. ‘There were only two! a) Oh! b) No, only two! 21 Encontrard las respuestas en la pégina 25. Haga un circulo alrededor de la palabra correcta. Ejemplo: We need GoD many food. 1. How many /much tomatoes do you want? 2. Do you want any/many coffee? 3. Pladd afew /a little milk and sugar 4, Wehave several /a little _ peaches left. a Why did you buy so. much / many chicken? 6. Wedon'tneed anything / something _ else. 7. There aren't any/ some eggs in the carton. 8. There are afew/alittle apples on the table. 22 Respuestas Vocabulario 1. cheese A. 2. milk 3. past 4. eggs 5. shri 6. butt a mp or meal i @[S[ElEfwl elo alu Ol T [fy wn] olin] a] > (>[O [jel S tel Hlall—|aylo uu!) ws [lec] >] |S] LIU ]]o ¥)) 0 ||] | |lol[oll x ||) |] >] S| o|fUllz) 2 |e) w D)\(S ||] «| 0 [|e] —[ 2] yy) \b)(S)\)| | V |) | ws | |) wile) wo || SS pw tie >|c) + |e ieie@rofora @lwlwlw)ula|ja/5 +s 24 Respuestas Clase Didlogo Pe SNANeweNe afew afew a little a few alittle afew afew a little How many apples do we need to make an apple pie? How much milk is left in the carton? How many potatoes does he need to buy? How much water did she drink? How many eggs are in the carton? How much orange juice is left? b) a) a) Examen Sn aveene Respuestas many any a little several much anything any afew 25 Vocabulario Gi a pagina 36. A. Escriba la forma comparativa de cada palabra. Ejemplo: tall taller 1. big 2. pretty 3. long thirsty cute bad 7. young 8 straight 9 curly 10. good 29 Vocabulario B. Ponga las letras en el orden correcto. 1. aaajmps 2. krits 3. ssotrh 4. sskeo 5. Iuboes 6. alco 7. sptna 8. thris 9. najes 10, kacjte vontrard las respu C. Primero, lea las descripciones de Anya y Samantha. Luego escriba oraciones usando las palabras entre paréntesis. Anya was born in 1997. She is 48 inches tall and weighs 4: Her eyes are blue. She has long, straight, light brown hai pounds. She is Samantha was born in 1996. 50 inches tall and weighs 61 pounds. She has brown eyes and dark brown hair. Her hair is short and very curly. Ejemplo: (hory Anya ie shorter than Samanth 1. (tall) 3. (thin) 4. (hair/dark) 5. (hair/long) 6. (hair/eurly) 31 D. Escriba oraciones que describan la ropa que llevan las personas que aparecen en las fotografias. . Ams wearing a fo) ht ble jacket, Ejem 1. Robert 2. Janet 3 32 3. Amy 4. Dan 6. 6. Mrs. West x 7. Bill 33 Dialogo 1 respuestas en la pagina 37. Llene los espacios en blanco. Angelo you go shopping today? Kimberly Yes, why? Angelo What did buy? Kimberly Oh, not much. Angelo Well, much? Kimberly Just few things I needed Angelo Can I see what bought? Kimberly — Sure. I bought Angelo new pants. How pairs did you buy? Kimberly Well, thi But they weren't expensive Angelo I see. What did you buy? Kimberly I needed some blouses. Angelo How ? Kimberly 1, but they were all on sale. Angelo I see. And did you buy shoes? Kimberly Yes, ... Angelo Oh, I don’t want to know how pairs! Encontraré las respuestas en la pigina 37 Observe los dibujos y luego lea las oraciones. Escriba una V delante de las oraciones verdaderas y una F delante de las oraciones falsas. Si no tiene informacion suficiente para determinar si la oracién es verdadera © falsa, escriba NS (No sé). Ejemplo: & & $15.99 __ Seif 1. Th 2. Both T-shirts are old. The gray shoes are older. 25 Rie shirt is bigger than the green ‘T-shirt. purple 3. The blue shirt is older. 4. The blue shirt is less colorful than the other shirt, 5. The dark blue socks are more expensive. 6. Both pairs of socks are very expensive. 7. The green jacket is bigger 8. The red and blue jacket is more expensive than the green one. 9. The green pants are a little old. 10. The brown pants are longer 11. This dress was more expensive. 12. Maria doesn’t like this dress. 35 36 Respuestas Vocabulario A. 1. bigger 2. p 3. longer Clase 4. thirstier 5. cuter 6. worse 7. younger 8. straigh 9. curlie 10. better 1. pajamas 2. skirt 3. shorts 4. socks 5. blouse 6. coat 7. pants 8. shirt 9. jeans ket er than Anya. ger than Anya. ner than Samantha. Samantha's hair is darker than Anya’s hai Anya’s hair is longer than Samantha's ha 6. Samantha’s hair is curlier than Anya’s hair. Didlogo Examen Respuestas 1, Robert's wearing a blue shirt, black shorts and tennis shoes, 2. Janet’s wearing a black skirt and a purple sweater. 3. Amy’s wearing a purple shirt and a dark purple jacket. 4. Dan's wearing a light blue shirt. 5. Kathy's wearing jeans, a dark blue coat and teni 6. Mrs. West’s wearing a purple blouse. 7. Bill’s wearing a blue shirt and a red tie. Angelo Did you go shopping today? Kimberly Yes, w Angelo What did you buy? Kimberly Oh, not much. Angelo Well, how much? Kimberly Just a few things I needed. Angelo Can I see what you bough Kimberly Sure. I bought some new pants. Angelo Some new pants. How many pairs did you buy? Kimberly Well, three pairs. But they weren't expensive. Ang I see. What else did y Kimberly I needed some blous Angelo How many? Kimberly Four, but they were all on sale. I see. And did you buy any shoes? Yes, Oh, I don’t want to know how many pairs! 37 Vocabulario Bi an la pagina 47. A. Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras siguientes en el cuadro de abajo. Tenga en cuenta que las palabras se leen de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo. belt, blouse, boots, coat, dress, hat, jacket, jeans, pajamas, pants, sandals, searf, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt, socks, sweater, tie, T-shirt, vest, watch a|-|lm]~vl/O|z\-|s| vo ADP |HV/Dlwn/aly>/LIc PIAS] ujz|/>|mjejule mia rlojal—|alaltw Alulim/2ir-|}p>|mja\|z\|m Zrlv/Z2\>/Aln|m|l/S/ple|p/v a4 Vocabulario B. Use las palabras comparativas correspondientes a las palabras entre Paréntesis. En este ejercicio, use sdlamente palabras que sirven para comparar mas de dos cosas. Ejemplo: (tall) He is the tallest man on the team. 1. (bad) The traffic in Los Angeles is in the U.S. 2. (cold) Winter is season of the year, (large) Brazil is country in South America, 4. (long) June 2st is day of the year (good) man does not always win, 6. (ugly) That car is one I looked at, (young) She is of the three sisters. 8. (curly) He has hair I have ever seen! 9. (less beautiful) The blue coat is 10. (more expensive) closet. 42 Encontrard las respuestas en la pi C. Llene los espacios en blanco con la forma comparativa correcta de las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: (expensive) A car is MOE CXDENEW-E than ab + (beautiful) The Grand Canyon is 6. 8. (hot) (tall) (cute) (cheap) (good) (old) (faney) in the US. It is always Are you Which Did you buy a I think that this jacket is My sister is ‘That's cle. place in Florida than in Alaska. one in your family? «the dog or the eat? one or an expensive one? of all. than me. dress in the store. 43 D. Escriba oraciones relacionadas con los dibujos usando la forma comparativa correcta de las palabras entre paréntesis. | | ijemplor «hoy Lhe orange belt is the shortest, 1. (old) Eia-~ 3. (expensive) 4. (long) a f g~ 6. (good) 7. (bad) 9. (8 short) Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la pyigina 48, Termine estas oraciones con palabras o expresiones 1. That skirt is not the longest, it’s 2. Itisn’'t the most important, it’s 3. [don’t want an expensive coat, I want a one. 4. That shirt is too big, not too 5. His hair is ; not curlier, than my hair. 6. Please give me a hat. This one is to Ineed a belt, not a shorter one. 8. That apartment is not more convenient, it’s 45 Encontraré las respues Llene los espacios en blanco con palabras de la lista siguiente. raincoat sneakers belt Sweater socks blouse pants watch shorts Ejemplo: It’s raining. | need a Fun coal. 6. 8. 46 I'm going to exercise after work. I need my I'm cold. Please bring me a It’s going to be hot so wear That is too fancy. Wear a shirt. Th are too big for my shoes. My pants are too big. I need a Do these look all right with this jacket? What time is it? I lost my ) a) TS = Pad i) 7) Vocabulario ® (@f1 [ol ul s|®) A] |B) F| NIP) u|s| P(A] ci N|G/ H/o] e/a 1 |G)WwIAl TEC] A) vijo}/s)/ Hi] J @ ele (Gy fe) 1| el tilofjolja (DAl H|G IC] ATR] F)\S)/c]/RIIM| RIN] O| R|fo] L| T| T| D|/ Ki] TIA) E||\s]| p |GIA[ IN| DT Al LIts)lslls S|[WiE/ ATE] R) NIV] ES S| K[ 1] RIT P| 1 (LAN TIS) GTAlc{ Ki Ela) s{ HH] i[R] DIE 1. 2 3. 4. the longest 5. The best 6. the ugliest 7. the youngest 8. the cur 9. the least beautiful 10. The most expensive 47 Respuestas Clase Didlogo yeene 8. 9. SA OV eee Encontrard las respuestas the most beautiful hotter the tallest cuter cheap the best older the fanciest The green boots are the oldest. ‘The brown boots are the tallest ‘The brown boots are the most expensive. is the at is the n The brown coat is the best. The green tie is the worst. The red tie is the ugliest. The orange tie is the shortest. ‘The green ‘The purple That skirt is not the longest, it’s the shortest. It isn’t the most important, it’s the Jeast important. T don’t want an expensive coat, I want a cheap one. That shirt is too big, not too small. His hair is straighter, not curlier, than my hair, Please give me a smaller (or small) hat. This one is too b I need a longer belt, not a shorter one. That apartment is not more convenient, it’ Respuestas Examen Hiei Aprendamos Viajando i New York ia la misma Si la informacién contenida en la oracién es verdadera, haga un circulo alrededor de abra True. macién ¢ an cfrculo alrededor de la palabra False y es for- falsa, ha iba una o acién con la infor n correc True False 1. There are four boroughs in New York. True False 2. Manhattan is the most popular borough. True False he Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island. True False 4. You can take ry Park to Liberty Island. True False 5. Wall Street is in lower Manhattan, 53 Aprendamos Viajando True False ©, The Brooklyn Bi bridge to use st idge was the first -l cables. True False The Et 73 sto pire State Building is Ps tall True False 8. Little Italy is on Canal Street. True False 9, Most of the theaters are in Duffy Square. True False trick’s Cathed n-Gothie style. ral was built ina True False 11. The flags of the UN members fly outside the General Assembly Building, True False 12. The Circle Line tour crosses the George Washington Bridge. 54 Respuestas in New York. e. There are five borough . Is on Liberty Island y is north of Canal Street, on Mulberry Street. ». TKTS is in Duffy Square. The Circle Line Tou the George Washington Bridge. 55

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