Está en la página 1de 28

This issue is sponsored by Anri Design and Nico`s Takeaway


Editorial 3
Holiday Healthcare
Area Saddened 5
The Connaught Rangers
Prince Consorts Own the
!nformation Page 8
Special News 9
Juvenile soccer AGN 9
Hughes Supermarket
Revamps as Hughes
Sean Duffy - Key Nan in
Kidney Nusic Jamboree
Galway Junior Karate
Open Competition
CregmorefClaregalway F.C. 13
Claregalway GAA Club Notes 16
A Parent's Terrors of Life 20
Claregalway Community
Development Committee
Nobile Library 21
Diary Dates 21
Galway Chess Camp 22
Claregalway's Nusical
Societies Katie Creaven"
scoops National Nomination
Claregalway Church
Claregalway Basketball Club 26
Nuacht Chlair Nay
Crossword Solution
Nuacht Chlair June
CIureguIwuy Ius been credILed us
one oI reIund`s besL suIons Ior
proIessIonuI IuIr coIour.
Avu Rumuker recenLIy gruduuLed
Irom LIe IuIrdressIng IndusLry`s
specIuIIsL coIour course, LIe WeIIu
ProIessIonuIs MusLer CoIour
Awurd. Now cIIenLs cun benehL
Irom superIor IeveIs oI LecInIcuI
coIour experLIse, personuIs IuIr
coIour consuILuLIons und creuLIvILy.
We ure deIIgILed LIuL KreuLIon
HuIr DesIgn Ius been uwurded
LIe WeIIu ProIessIonuIs MusLer
CoIour Awurd. Our Leum Is IugeIy
pussIonuLe ubouL coIour und beIng
one oI LIe mosL LecInIcuI uspecLs Lo
IuIrdressIng, we ure LIrIIIed Lo Iuve been recognIsed us Lop experLs
In LIIs heId. L`s so mucI more LIun jusL mIxIng dIIIerenL coIours.
We Iook uL IuIr Lype, IuIrsLyIe, skInLone und IIIesLyIe Lo ensure LIe
besL coIour udvIce und resuILs. Some oI our cIIenLs sIy uwuy Irom
IuIr coIour, buL now LIe MusLer CoIour Awurd wIII sIow LIem LIey
ure In experL Iunds, suId PuL O`MuIIey, suIon owner.
Avu Rumuker underwenL un InLensIve course wIere sIe receIved
LruInIng In LIe IuLesL coIourIng LecInIques IncIudIng coIour
creuLIon und coIour correcLIon. TruInIng wus provIded by LIe
WeIIu ProIessIonuIs TecInIcuI Leum und LIe worId renowned VIduI
Sussoon Leum oI ondon.
Kreotion Hoir Design is locoted in the RioerOoks
Shopping Centre, Cloregoluog. Tel: op1-;jS1oo
Ve|ame 1t, |ssae Jaae t00 I|e |eca| WeWs|etter fer |aramere aa4 ||arega|Wa
New Iish Stull joIns CIureguIwuy MurkeL
Every SuLurduy AL CoIs CIIuIr
1o - zpm
(BeLween ArcIes und Spur)
Claregalway residents oan enjoy homegrown and organio vegetables from
Claregalway Market every 3aturday at Cois Chlair. A variety of other looal
produoe is also on sale inoluding Carnmore ioe-oream, oheese, breads,
meat, towers and a new tsh stall.
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CIureguIwuy Is reuIIy comIng uIIve now wILI our new IooLpuLIs, IIgILs und owers udornIng LIe brIdges
und LIe nIne urcIes. `ve Iud u Iuge response Irom peopIe InLeresLed In becomIng InvoIved In LIe
TIdy Town projecL wIIcI Is very posILIve. Even LIougI LIe vIIIuge Is sLIII undergoIng cIunges, one Ius
Lo sLurL somewIere! New speed IImIL sIgns wIII soon be puL up In LIe vIIIuge und provIsIon wIII be
mude Ior LIe new bus Iunes. TIese bus Iunes Iuve been u LopIc oI conversuLIon ever sInce LIe Ideu wus
mooLed. n LIeory, LIe Ideu sounds good buL In prucLIce IL remuIns Lo be seen. TIe removuI oI LIe LruIhc
IIgILs uL HugIes SuperVuIue SupermurkeL Lo LIe juncLIon oI LIe vIIIuge sIouId be very benehcIuI Lo
pedesLrIuns und moLorIsLs uIIke. TIe IooLpuLI uL LIIs juncLIon wIII uIso be nurrowed, mukIng IL eusIer
Ior LruIhc owIng LIrougI LIe vIIIuge. Every meusure Lo Improve LIe vIIIugeJLown Is Lo be weIcomed.
HopeIuIIy, LIe ucLIve commILLee InvoIved In LIe scIooI suIeLy wIII Iuve posILIve resuILs wILI LIeIr
IobbyIng. Nobody wunLs un uccIdenL Lo Iuppen beIore ucLIon Is Luken Lo deuI wILI LIe duIIy LruIhc
cIuos ouLsIde LIe scIooI.
WeII done Lo Avu In KreuLIon HuIr DesIgn on Ier recenL gruduuLIon Irom LIe SpecIuIIsL CoIour
Course. Avu Is pIcLured on LIe IronL puge wILI Ier modeI on LIe duy.
TIe CommunILy MurkeL In CIureguIwuy conLInues Lo ourIsI und IL Ius cuused quILe u sLIr In LIe
ureu. TIere Is noLIIng quILe IIke Iomegrown produce us my IumIIy und Iuve been enjoyIng sInce
LIe MurkeL cume. L Is uIso u weekIy geL-Lo-geLIer Ior LIe IocuIs und peopIe pussIng LIrougI.
beIIeve weekIy orders ure beIng pIuced wIIcI Is LesLImony Lo LIe MurkeL`s success. ConLInued
success Lo LIe Leum beIInd LIIs greuL InILIuLIve.
CongruLuIuLIons und weII done Lo our ceIebrILIes CIuudIne und SuruI (puge 6) wIo Iuve goL LIrougI
Lo LIe IIve TV sIow on TGq, NoIIuIg No 1. Muke sure you Lune In on Wednesduy LIe 18LI und
supporL our IocuI gIrIs. Every voLe counLs!
Puge zo gIves us u reuIILy cIeck! WIuL Is more ImporLunL In IIIe? Exum Iever Is rIIe now und sLress
eIecLrIc - Loo mucI pressure Is beIng puL on our cIIIdren. A buIunce Is so ImporLunL In IIIe. As Iong
us one does LIeIr besL, noLIIng eIse muLLers.
uLIer`s Duy Is comIng up soon, so muke sure you LreuL your Dud weII. AILer uII, LIey ure LIe LuxI-
drIvers, LIe dIsposubIe bunk, eLc. eLc. Until next time,
CIaregaIway Study Centre
roW |a||rg app||ca||ors |or
A||er-8choo| 8uperv|sed 8|udy oeg|rr|rg 8ep|eroer 2008
Fac||||a||rg 1ur|or ard Leav|rg 0er||||ca|e s|uder|s
0or|ac| 1ose||e Farre|| a| 080-3913852 |or |ur|her de|a||s
Waac|t ||||r, Na t00 Page
WWW.aaac|tc||a|r.cem Page
Prescriptions - Photography - Roc - Vichy - Bourjois
Veterinary - Perfumes - nstant Passport Photos - Gift Vouchers
Claregalway, Co. Galway
Tel/Fax: {091} 799754 V.A.T. No. E 8286400
WILI IoIIduy LIme upon us, u Iook uL u LruveI kIL oI hrsL uId essenLIuIs und busIc
remedIes wIIcI muy prove useIuI. HoIIduys ure u LIme Lo Iuve Iun und reIux buL
unIorLunuLeIy IIInesses never Luke u breuk. TIe sudden cIunge In rouLIne und
unIumIIIur surroundIngs meuns your body Is more prone Lo gusLroInLesLInuI
To mInImIse rIsk oI InIecLIon or dIscomIorL, be uwure oI LIe IoIIowIng wIen on
IoreIgn LruveI, spIcy Ioods, excess uIcoIoI, sIeIIhsI, unwusIed suIuds, unpeeIed IruILs
or vegeLubIes, Ice cubes mude Irom Lup wuLer und Lup wuLer.
ProducLs you mIgIL hnd useIuI In u LruveI kIL IncIude u dIurrIoeu remedy sucI us
ArreL or modIum pIus, LruveI sIckness e.g. SLugeron or Seu Iegs, un IndIgesLIon
remedy e.g. PepcId AC or GuvIscon, reIydruLIon LIerupy e.g. DIoruIyLe ImporLunL
Ior young cIIIdren, InsecL repeIIenL, un unLIIIsLumIne creum, e.g. Eurux creum,
puInkIIIers sucI us CuIpoI or NuroIen eLc.
ProLecLIon uguInsL LIe sun, especIuIIy wIen ubroud, LunnIng producLs, sun bIock IIgI
proLecLIon Ior cIIIdren und bubIes, IIp suIves, uILer sun creums or IoLIons, coId sore
LreuLmenL e.g. ZovIrux creum.
OLIer ILems consIdered essenLIuIs mIgIL IncIude LIe cumeru, hIm, sungIusses, und
Cloregoluog phormocg is open lote Mondog to 1ridog
until S PM ond ; PM on Soturdog
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TIe ureu wus sIocked und suddened wILI LIe unLImeIy pussIng oI RegInu Duggun ILzgeruId
oI BuIIe un CIoIsLe, HeudIord Roud wIo wus IormuIIy oI KIILrogue CusLIe, CIureguIwuy, Co.
GuIwuy. RegInu wus sLruck wILI LIe dreuded MuILIpIe ScIerosIs some LIme ugo und IuLer
deveIoped IurLIer compIIcuLIons. TIe ImporLunce oI LIe need oI peopIe Lo curry orgun
donor curds becume evIdenL wIen RegInu wus puL on u wuILIng IIsL Ior u IeurL und Iung
LrunspIunL. RegInu wuILed puLIenLIy buL Ier IeuILI wenL onLo decIIne und evenLuuIIy LIme
run ouL Ior LIe popuIur young Iudy. AIwuys oI u bubbIy nuLure RegInu wus mucI Ioved by
everybody und evIdence oI LIIs wus cIeurIy sIown by LIe Iuge numbers LIuL Lurned up Ior
Ier IuneruI on boLI duys. RegInu wIII be very sudIy mIssed, buL IondIy remembered by Ier
IovIng Iusbund runkIe, purenLs MurLIn und PIII Duggun, broLIer, AdrIun und muny IumIIy
und IrIends.
TIe remuIns oI RegInu Duggun were removed Irom CIureguIwuy MorLuury Lo LIe CIurcI
oI LIe AssumpLIon und SL Jumes` CIureguIwuy. oIIowIng con-ceIebruLed RequIem Muss,
wIere r NoeI MuIIIn, P P CIureguIwuy wus cIIeI ceIebrunL burIuI Look pIuce In CIureguIwuy
RegInu Is survIved by Ier IovIng Iusbund runkIe ILzgeruId, purenLs MurLIn und PIII
Duggun, broLIer AdrIun und IIs purLner CuLIrIonu, nIece, nepIews, purenLs In Iuw JImmy
und JosIe ILzgeruId. In-Iuw, uunLs, uncIes, reIuLIves, neIgIbours und u Iurge cIrcIe oI
1ronk Keorneg
Waac|t ||||r, Na t00 Page 5
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Claudine Lawlor and 3arah 0'Kane, both from Claregalway have got through to sing in the live 1v shows on 104 . 1he
programme is oalled Nollaig No. 1 and will be televised on wednesday 1une 18th - support your looal singers.
xerlenced 5ellclter Ufferlng Prefesslenal and fclent 5ervlce
Famlly law Cenveyanclng Wllls and Prebate
All ether legal servlces Free arklng eutslde efce
Cels Chlalr, Claregalway, Ce. Galway.
1el: 091 139 665,139666
Fax: 091 139661
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ProudIy LIey murcIed Irom LIe Burrucks
bound ouL Ior servIce In some IoreIgn sIore,
In IronL wus LIe bund und weII dId IL pIuy
LIe regImenLuI murcI, SuInL PuLrIck`s Duy.
EngIund`s greuLesL regImenL, Ier bruvesL und
LIe greuL ConnuugIL Rungers, men oI LIe WesL.
WIen LIe Lroop LruIn Irom GuIwuy crossed Lo
some sud Rungers Iud u IusL Iook uL Iome;
weII dId LIey know LIey`d never see more
LIeIr bones wouId bIeucI on some IoreIgn sIore.
TIey enIIsLed In GuIwuy, Muyo und Roscommon
SIIgo, eILrIm und wesL oI LIe SIunnon.
rom mounLuIns und Iukes und vuIIeys green
LIey puL Gods Ieur InLo enemIes oI LIe Queen.
'HuII oI LIe Roud` LIe regImenLs moLLo dId suy,
or LIe Iumous Rungers, geL ouL oI LIe wuy.
Muny Iud numes IIke Joyce, Burke und
numes now Iound on greuL RoIIs oI Honour
Ionour cosL deur LIese bruve sons oI Conn
LIeIr bodIes sLIII IIe on Murne und Somme.
n buLLIes und wurs Ior Iundreds oI yeurs,
LIe PenInsuIur, ndIu, TrunsvuuI und
Covered In gIory und Iume so greuL
wus PrInce ConsorL Own, LIe greuL EIgILy
Boers LIey IougIL uL TungeIIu und SpIon Kop
upIIII LIey cIurged buL Iew reucIed LIe Lop,
Iosses were Iuge buL LIey currIed LIe duy,
OI, bILLer LIe Leurs uround GuIwuy Buy.
ndIun Sepoys uLLucked suyIng God Is greuL
und on Runger sLeeI meL u sud IuLe.
n LIe CrImeu LIey buLLIed Cossuck und cunnon
LougI were LIese soIdIers Irom wesL oI LIe
GuIIunLry und buLLIe Ionours Loo numerous Lo
Irom SuIvu In Turkey Lo EIundsIonLeIn.
Renowned Ior couruge In perII und dungers
wIen LIe goIng wus rougI, send Ior LIe
SLood IoIy JerusuIem wILI greuL Rock und
As IoIy us LIe VuLIcun In LIe cILy oI Rome,
ILs hrsL CIrIsLIun soIdIers Ior sIx Iundred yeurs,
wIen LIe Rungers wenL In, some sIed Leurs.
TIey muLIneed In ndIu uL JuIIunders IoL sunds
uguInsL KIng und Emperor, uguInsL BIuck und
dIsbunded und scuLLered LIe ConnuugIL
Rungers no more,
never uguIn seen uround burrucks Renmore.
AL WIndsor RoyuI CIupeI LIeIr IusL CoIours resL
und uL SL NIcIoIus, GuIwuy, oLIers Iung bIessed.
'TIs suId LIuL some nIgILs on LIe IIII oI
wIen wInds bIow In Irom Arun und sIore,
gIosLIy musIc Is Ieurd Iur ouL In LIe Buy,
L`s LIuL RegImenLuI MurcI, SuInL PuLrIck`s Duy.
Eduord Coppinger
To thct D'Connor uho still lies
on the Mcrne cnd Somme
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NuucIL CIIuIr Is pubIIsIed us u servIce Lo LIe communILy und Is pubIIsIed compIeLeIy voIunLurIIy
by u commILLee. L Is un open uccess pubIIcuLIon und wIII generuIIy curry uny muLerIuI submILLed
Lo IL subjecL Lo LIe Iuw oI LIe Iund und edILorIuI judgemenL. TIIs judgemenL Is exercIsed by
LIe EdILorIuI Bourd In order Lo preserve LIe buIunce oI LIe newsIeLLer. TIe vIews und opInIons
expressed In LIe urLIcIes ure LIose oI LIe conLrIbuLors und ure noL necessurIIy LIose oI LIe EdILorIuI
Bourd. n cuse oI error oI IucL we wIII pubIIsI correcLIons wIen we become uwure oI LIem. n
cuse oI unIuIrIy conLrudIcLIng LIe repuLuLIon oI uny person, we Iereby oIIer LIuL person or LIeIr
represenLuLIve LIe rIgIL Lo repIy In LIIs newsIeLLer, subjecL onIy Lo reusonubIe IengLI, LIe Iuws oI
IIbeI und our rIgIL Lo respond Lo sucI repIy.
NuucIL CIIuIr Is pubIIsIed every monLI, wILI combIned Issues Ior JunuuryJebruury und JuIyJ
AugusL und Ius u cIrcuIuLIon oI upproxImuLeIy ;o copIes.
ConLrIbuLIons In LIe Iorm oI urLIcIes or IeLLers Lo LIe edILor ure weIcome und muy be senL Lo uny
member oI LIe edILorIuI commILLee.
CopIes ure uvuIIubIe uL LIe IoIIowIng ouLIeLs: Centru Sopermurket, Hoghes SoperVuloe
Sopermurket, Spur Sopermurket, Video Purudiso, Curnmore Stores und Glynn's
Centru, Curnmore.
or uny ILems or udverLIsemenLs you wIsI Lo Iuve IncIuded In LIe nexL Issue oI NuucIL
CIIuIr, pIeuse conLucL LIe IoIIowIng: Josette Iurrell {oq1 ,qSqo oS6-q1Sg), emuII:
Deodline: Pleose suhmit hefore the jrd of eoch month
or the zoth in the cose of o comhined issue.
ArLIcIes In rIsI mosL weIcome.
Abbey ResLuurunL
ACS CommunIcuLIons
AnrI DesIgn
Bunk oI reIund, GuIwuy SIoppIng CenLre
CenLruI Tuvern
CIureguIwuy AgrIcuILuruI SIow
CIureguIwuy esLIvuI oI Drumu
CIureguIwuy GAA CIub
CIureguIwuy HoLeI
CIureguIwuy eIsure CenLre
CIureguIwuy MedIcuI CenLre
CIureguIwuy PIurmucy
CompunLus Ir
Cregmore ConsLrucLIon Ld.
DecoruLIng OpLIons
GuIwuy Ine oods
GuIwuy GIuss CenLre
GeruIdIne O`NeIII GIynn
GIynn`s CenLru, Curnmore
GIynn`s ruIL & Veg, ydIcun
HugIes SupermurkeL
MurLyn`s ueI
Mury TIornLon & AssocIuLes
MonugIun & Sons Ld.
NIco`s Tukeuwuy
RuILery`s CenLru
SummerheId Bur
WuILer KIng ConsLrucLIon
SponsorsIIp oI NuucIL CIIuIr Ior one yeur generuIIy cosLs Coo.
You wIII be uIIocuLed one Issue In LIuL yeur wIere you wIII be enLILIed Lo Iree udverLIsIng.
PIeuse conLucL u member oI LIe edILorIuI Leum ubove II you ure InLeresLed In sponsorIng LIe NuucIL CIIuIr.
Non-sponsors ure weIcome Lo udverLIse. TIe ruLes ure C1oo Ior u Ioll-puge per Issue, Cgo Ior u hulI-
puge per Issue und Cg Ior u qourter puge per Issue. TIose InLeresLed In udverLIsIng sIouId ensure LIuL
LIeIr druIL udverLIsIng copy Is Iodged wILI us uL LIe deLuIIs ubove beIore LIe deudIIne.
Page Waac|t ||||r, Na t00
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CongruLuIuLIons und very specIuI wIsIes Lo MIcIueI und Indu Green, Curnmore on LIe
bIrLI oI LIeIr buby boy CIurIIe.
Reginu oggun Iitzputrick, Kiltrogoe
Murtin Ieeney, Looghgeorge
Joliu Iorde, Cuhergowun
Gurry Iox, School Roud, Curnmore
SIncere upprecIuLIon Lo uII wIo IeIped und puLronIsed our successIuI umIIy Duy on June 1sL.
AII proceeds wIII go Lo our MIssIonury work In AIrIcu. Be ussured oI u pruyerIuI remembrunce.
On heholf of the SMA Communitg - Seomus Nohillg, SMA
How nIce IL wus oI peopIe Lo nomInuLe me Ior un uwurd uL LIe OIcIe BuIocIus nIgIL. TIunk you
Lo uII LIe cIIIdren und uduIL members Ior mukIng LIe BudmInLon cIub so Iuppy und IrIendIy.
To BrIdIe, Mury Kuy, AnILu, VeronIcu, MIcIueI, WInnIe und AIun InvILe you Lo sIure LIe uwurd
wILI me. Your IeIp Is InvuIuubIe.
AnoLIer group oI peopIe, wIo LIrougI LIeIr dedIcuLIon und proIessIonuI Iurd work on LIe IuII
commILLee negIoLuLIng Ior grunLs, orgunIsIng IundruIsIng evenLs und responsIbIe Ior IuvIng u
decenL oor Lo pIuy on, uIso cIeun sIowers, LoIIeLs und kILcIen. TIunk you Lo Tony CIurke, CuroI
SLeven, Mury ReIdy, SIobIun ynskey, HuberL NeweII und Gerry Morun.
Morg 1orde
TIe juvenIIe secLIon oI Cregmore-CIureguIwuy .C. wIII IoId ILs AnnuuI GeneruI MeeLIng In
Cregmore NuLIonuI ScIooI on Sunduy 1LI June uL 8pm. AL LIe AGM LIere wIII be u revIew oI LIe
seuson jusL compIeLed, eIecLIon oI juvenIIe oIhcers und pIunnIng Ior nexL seuson. AII ure weIcome.
I you wouId IIke Lo ussIsL LIe soccer cIub In u coucIIng, munugIng, udmInIsLruLIon or some oLIer
cupucILy pIeuse uLLend LIe AGM or conLucL o8;-688q8o or uny oI LIe cIub oIhcers.
Waac|t ||||r, Na t00 Page 9
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Martin ughes presents winner Mrs. Peggy Uuffy of Cregoarragh, Claregalway with a travel vouoher to the value of
C5,000 whioh was top prize in the reoent prize draw held by ughes 3upervalu 3upermarket, Claregalway as part of
their promotion to mark the opening of the revamped and extended supermarket.
HugIes SupermurkeL, LIe hrsL supermurkeL In CIureguIwuy, Is now LrudIng under LIe
bunner oI SuperVuIue, u decIsIon LIuL ensures LIuL HugIes` cusLomers ure oIIered LIe besL
In vuIue und cIoIce In LIe yeurs uIeud. TIe supermurkeL Ius uIso been redesIgned und
expunded Lo 16,ooo sq. IeeL In order Lo oIIer convenIence und comIorL wIIIe sIoppIng. TIe
HugIes IumIIy Iuve expunded LIeIr oIIerIng by openIng u modern new Iomewure sLore,
Home und IvIng, uL LIe reur oI LIe supermurkeL, opposILe LIe new courLyurd deveIopmenL.
TIe CIureguIweuy ureu Is deveIopIng rupIdIy und growIng InLo u vIbrunL suLeIIILe Lown oI
GuIwuy cILy, so purLIcuIur cure und uLLenLIon Lo LIe cIoIce oI sIops und servIces Is essenLIuI
Ior LIe communILy. CIureguIwuy SIoppIng CenLre Is brIngIng IL uII LogeLIer In LIe IeurL
oI LIIs growIng vIIIuge by ILs recenL expunsIon und coordInuLed brundIng. TIIs modern
und spucIous sIoppIng cenLre Is owned und munuged by LIe HugIes IumIIy wIo Iuve been
servIng LIe IocuI communILy Ior generuLIons.
TIe cenLre uIso comprIses u proIessIonuI oIhce envIronmenL on LIe hrsL oor, wIIcI Ius
ILs own sIde enLrunce us weII us uccess Ior IronL muIn enLrunce. L IncIudes InnovuLIve
busInesses IIke ULopIu ProperLy nvesLmenLs, H&R MorLguges Ld., Hem wIIIe U wuIL,
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HoLeIvIsIon und PuuI enneII PIoLo SLudIo. AIso on LIe hrsL oor Is RoyuI VIIIu ResLuurunL.
TIe new urcIILecLuruIIy desIgned courLyurd wILI spucIous underground cur purk comprIses
boLI prIme reLuII unILs und IuxurIous resIdenLIuI upurLmenLs. TIe uId desIgn oI LIe
courLyurd produces u reIuxIng und InvILIng envIronmenL Lo sIop, euL und pumper yourseII.
EsLubIIsIed busInesses successIuIIy LrudIng IncIude RC HuIr SuIon und Burber, MucuverLy
TruveI, Beyond BeuuLy und TreuL CuIe.
TIIs new deveIopmenL joIns LIe exIsLIng compIex by wuy oI u proLecLed wuIkwuy LIuL uIIows
you Lo move IreeIy beLween LIe busInesses In boLI buIIdIngs. TIe pIurmucy, posL oIhce,
supermurkeL, oII-IIcence und Iomewure unILs cun be eusIIy uccessed Irom LIe IronL or reur
wILI umpIe purkIng uII uround LIe cenLre.
TIe new deveIopmenLs In CIureguIwuy oIIer excILIng opporLunILIes Ior dynumIc busInesses
Lo IocuLe In LIIs buddIng suLeIIILe Lown. Consumers ure demundIng cIoIce, quuIILy und
convenIence In LIeIr IocuIILy und CIureguIwuy SIoppIng CenLre Is brIngIng IL uII LogeLIer.
TIIs Is LIe pIuce Lo be wIen you ure In CIureguIwuy.
A MusIc Jumboree Is beIng orgunIsed Ior LIe ArdIIuun HoLeI Lo suppIy budIy needed Iunds Ior LIe
GuIwuy BruncI oI LIe rIsI KIdney AssocIuLIon on LIe Monduy nIgIL oI Ruce week. TIe evenL Is
beIng puL LogeLIer und orgunIsed, by weII known Iong servIng NIgIL DuLy Munuger oI LIe ArdIIuun
HoLeI Seun DuIIy, wIo Ius been LIe benehcIury oI mucI supporL Irom LIe GuIwuy BruncI oI
LIe rIsI KIdney AssocIuLIon Ior some LIme. Ike muny beIore IIm IL cume us u severe sIock Lo
LIe sysLem wIen Seun wIo Is u nuLIve oI BuIIygIuss, TurIougImore buL Ius IIved In WuLerduIe,
CIureguIwuy Ior mosL oI IIs IIIe, dIscovered LIuL Ie Iud kIdney IuIIure und LIuL Ie wus In need oI
LreuLmenL wILI dIuIysIs.
TIe GuIwuy BruncI oI LIe rIsI KIdney AssocIuLIon cures Ior eIgILy hve puLIenLs Irom GuIwuy cILy
und counLy, In UnIL ; oI MerIIn Purk, HospILuI, GuIwuy und LIey curry ouL u Lremendous servIce
someLImes under greuL dIIhcuILy In u someLImes uIIIng IeuILI servIce. n mosL cuses IL Is onIy wIen
LIeIr own IeuILI IuIIs LIuL LIe grIm dIscovery Is mude oI jusL Iow vuIuubIe LIese servIces ure Lo
IndIvIduuIs und IumIIIes. requenLIy Iuck oI hnunce Lo upgrude und modernIse IucIIILIes cun puL
LIose operuLIng LIe servIce under severe sLruIn und IL Is Seun`s uIm Lo Lry und IeIp LIe GuIwuy
BruncI oI LIe rIsI KIdney AssocIuLIon provIde un even beLLer servIce Ior puLIenLs IIke IImseII, wIo
wIII be IeIL wILI LIeIr supporL Ior IIIe.
n u IundruIsIng venLure Seun DuIIy Ius orgunIsed un evenL LIuL wIII kIck oII LIe Ruce Week IesLIvuI
oI enLerLuInmenL on Monduy, JuIy z8LI zoo8 In LIe ArdIIuun HoLeI wILI LIe MusIc Jumboree.
Muny oI reIund`s Lop musIc enLerLuIners wIII be perIormIng on LIe nIgIL wIIcI Lo duLe IncIude
Murc RoberLs oI EurovIsIon Iume und u weII known presenLer on GuIwuy Buy M, LIe GoIden
TrumpeL mun, JoInny CurroII und IIs bund, JIve BuddIes, HorIzon, LIe GuInness Juzz Bund, vun
und LIe MIssus, Gerry Kennedy, MuIreud TuggurL, Dju Vu, MeLuq und JoInny Burke.
MusLer oI CeremonIes Ior LIe evenIng wIII be Seun WuIsI oI GuIwuy Buy M.
OrgunIser Seun DuIIy und IIs Leum ure currenLIy seIIIng LIckeLs IocuIIy Ior LIe evenL uL LIe very
reusonubIe cosL oI 1o euro eucI und Is uIso seekIng sponsorsIIp und spoL prIzes Ior LIe nIgIL. AII
sponsors wIII be ucknowIedged on LIe nIgIL und In IocuI press IoIIowIng LIe evenL und uII proceeds
wIII go Lowurds LIe GuIwuy BruncI oI LIe rIsI KIdney AssocIuLIon.
1ronk Keorneg
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MAY 18TH 2008 RE8ULT8
TurIougImore KuruLe CIub IosLed LIe zoo8
GuIwuy JunIor open KuruLe LournumenL on
Sunduy Muy 18LI. cIubs In uLLendunce were
Irom TurIougImore ,CIureguIwuy,Burnuderg,
CorrIb KuruLe cIub & GuIwuy KuruLe CIub. TIe
OrgunIsers wouId IIke Lo LIunk uII sLudenLs
und InsLrucLors Ior u good Lurn ouL especIuIIy
DecIun Burke wIo sponsored LIe duy SenseI
Gerry Mcsweeney, SenseI Greg CoLLer, SenseI
Brendun IuIerLy, SenseI PuL KeIIy und SenseI
Duve GIIes.
Kata Resu/ts (Boys & G/r/s}
Lnder S {white -Green belts)
1sL EnrIke PoskuILe (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
znd Deun RuIIerLy (TurIougImore KuruLe cIub)
Lnder 1 {white -Green belts)
1sL Duren O`BrIen (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
znd RoberLus BurkeLus (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
Lnder 1 {Porple - Bluck belts)
1sL Rebeccu PuImer (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
znd Duve GIIes (CIureguIwuy KuruLe CIub)
Lnder 16 {Porple - Bluck belts)
1sL Rebeccu PuImer (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
znd Juke GuIIugIer (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
rd JoInuLIun urdner (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
Boys Kum/te (f/ght/ng} resu/ts
1sL Deun RuIIerLy (TurIougImore KuruLe cIub)
znd ELIun Kuyn (CIureguIwuy KuruLe CIub)
1sL Duve GIIes (CIureguIwuy KuruLe CIub)
znd SLepIen O`Huru (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
BOYS LNIR 1 White - Green
1sL Duru ConIon (TurIougImore cIub)
znd Murk uIIon (GuIwuy KuruLe CIub)
BOYS LNIR 1 Porple - Bluck
1sL Eumon MunnIon (Burnuderg KuruLe CIub)
znd Duru ConIon (TurIougImore KuruLe cIub)
BOYS LNIR 1q Porple - Bluck
1sL JoInuLIun urdner (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
Uave 0iles, left, winner of the under-10 oompetition,
striking 3tephen 0'ara (runner-up) with a faoe punoh
during the tnal.
Uave 1oyoe, Claregalway Karate Club,
reoeiving his medal for Boys under 10
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znd Juke GuIIugIer (CorrIb KuruLe CIub)
G/r/s Kum/te (f/ght/ng} resu/ts
Girls LNIR 1o {white -Green)
1sL SIuron Ryder (Burnuderg KuruLe CIub)
znd EIIeen CorIey (GuIwuy KuruLe CIub)
rd SIopIe NesLor (Burnuderg KuruLe CIub)
GIrIs UNDER 1o (purpIe -BIuck)
1sL SuruI DonneIIun (GuIwuy KuruLe CIub)
znd Amy DonneIIun (GuIwuy KuruLe CIub)
rd Indu MunnIon (Burnuderg KuruLe CIub)
GIrIs UNDER 1z WIILe - Green
1sL Turu SpeIImun (GuIwuy KuruLe CIub)
znd SIuron Ryder (Burnuderg KuruLe CIub)
rd uuru uIy (Burnuderg KuruLe CIub)
GIrIs KumILe 1q PurpIe - BIuck
1sL MeIIssu GIynn (CIureguIwuy KuruLe CIub)
znd KuLe DooIey (CIureguIwuy KuruLe CIub)
rd HoIIy CoIemun (TurIougImore KuruLe CIub)
CregmoreJCIureguIwuy .C. ure currenLIy IookIng Ior u sponsor
Lo donuLeJcover LIe cosL oI ucquIrIng u sLeeI conLuIner Lo use us u
Lemporury dressIng room IucIIILy.
nLeresLed? TeI: o8;-;6;;qo.
Muy consIder ouLrIgIL purcIuse uL LIe rIgIL prIce!
AIso LruInIng Ius resumed uL our NEW PTCH In CIureguIwuy.
ConLucL Burry on o86-8qoqoo. New members uIwuys weIcome!
SupporL your ocuI Teum.
Lthan Kayn, Claregalway Karate
Club, reoeiving his medal for Boys
under 8 Kumite
Kate Uooley, Claregalway Karate Club,
reoeiving her medal for 0irls Kumite 14
Melissa 0lynn,
Karate Club,
reoeiving her
medal for 0irls
Kumite 14
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Cump One: MONDAY q
Cump Two: MONDAY 1S
A0ES b-8 YPS & 9-I4 YPS
TIMI: 1o.ooum - .oopm
PRICI: C6o members[ CSo non-members per cump
BIGINNIR: 11.oo-1.ooum
IMPROVIR: 1.oo-1.oopm
AVANCI: 1.oo-.oopm
The cump wiII consist of 40 minutes of swim Iessons
und Z0 minutes fun pooI gumes,
C6o Ior Members[ C,o Ior Non-members
Ior more inIormution cull Iscupe Leisore, Cluregulwuy on oq1 ,So
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U14A County Sh/e/d Sem/ F/na/
CIureguIwuy U1q boys won LIe counLy sIIeId semI
hnuI uguInsL MIcIueI BreuLInucIs In u gume pIuyed
In CIureguIwuy IusL Sunduy mornIng. CIureguIwuy
now progress Lo LIe U1q sIIeId hnuI uguInsL
OugILerurd In Peurse SLudIum nexL Tuesduy evenIng
uL ;pm.
U14A County Cham/onsh/
CIureguIwuy U1q boys conLInued LIeIr wInnIng wuys
beuLIng Tuum SLurs In LIe counLy U1q cIumpIonsIIp
IusL Monduy nIgIL In Tuum. CIureguIwuy mude u
sIow sLurL Lo LIe gume und were LruIIIng o-z Lo o-1
uILer 1o mInuLes. CIureguIwuy seLLIed InLo LIe gume
und scored some exceIIenL poInLs Lo Ieud uL IuII LIme.
n LIe second IuII CIureguIwuy uguIn pIuyed some
exceIIenL IooLbuII und now progress Lo LIe CounLy
quurLer hnuI uguInsL Burnu nexL rIduy week June 1
In Burnu. TruInIng conLInues Ior uII U1qs on rIduy
evenIng uL ;pm.
CIureguIwuy puneI on LIe duy wus Murk
SIuugInessy, Owen IuIerLy, Hurry ConneIIy, Dun
McArdIe, DumIen CuIkIn, Seun Innune, MIcIueI
MorrIs, SIune McHugI, DurrugI MoyIun, Durren
Hennessy, MIcIueI CoyIe, BrIun O ConneII, Rory
GunnIng, RIcIurd CommIns, Ium Brennun, Gury
ConneII, KevIn Brennun, KevIn HunIey, CruIg
Hunsberry, KIerun CuIIInune, Ben O RIordun.
U'12A Footba// League F/na/ -
C/arega/way 2-11 Moycu//en 1-7
TIe CIureguIwuy U-1z boys Iud u busy Iew weeks In
LIe Ieugue wILI wIns over SL. Jumes, Beurnu, UucILur
Ard, Orunmore, MI BreuLInucIs und SuILIIII. We
Iud u good wIn In LIe semI hnuI over SuILIIII und
on rIduy Muy oLI we pIuyed LIe hnuI uguInsL
MoycuIIen In Peurse SLudIum. TIe CIureguIwuy Iuds
sLurLed LIe gume weII wILI good pussIng und movIng
LIe buII weII. We Ied uL IuII LIme by q poInLs. We
were unIucky wILI u Iew gouI cIunces, IILLIng LIe
posL on u Iew occusIons. TIe second IuII sLurLed
weII wILI MoycuIIen scorIng u gouI, buL CIureguIwuy
cume buck uguIn wILI Murk RoIun scorIng u gouI
und CIureguIwuy hnIsIed sLrongIy, wInnIng by ;
poInLs. TIe hnuI score on LIe duy wus MoycuIIen 1-
; CIureguIwuy z-11. TIere were greuL scores on LIe
duy Irom KyIe Concunnon, CoIm MunnIon, DumIen
DoIun, JumIe HoIIund, Ryun MunnIng, Conor
SIuugInessy und Murk RoIun. TIIs wus u greuL
Leum perIormunce und weII done Lo uII LIe pIuyers.
Punel on the duy:
Murk RoIun, PudruIc Keurney, KyIe Concunnon,
Conor SIuugInessy, Ryun MunnIng, DumIen DoIun,
CIrun ConIon, EoIn WIeIun, CoIm MunnIon, Seun
enune, Ben Murruy, Ium Egun, CIrIsLopIer
CurroII, Juck KeIgrey, AdIun Boyd, AudIe MurpIy,
CIIIIun Byrne, KeILI HeIrwood, KIIIIun Hurney,
Ruymond HenegIun, RIcIurd DoyIe, KevIn Ruune,
EoIn Concunnon, Murk Kenny, DurugI NusI, CIun
uIerLy, DurugI McGougI und JumIe HoIIund.
TIunks Lo uII pIuyers und purenLs und Lo everyone
wIo dId IInesmen und umpIres Ior LIe gumes.
TIe CIureguIwuy senIor Leum were In CIumpIonsIIp
ucLIon on SuLurduy evenIng IusL uguInsL SL. Brendun`s
BuIIygur In u muLcI pIuyed uL MounLbeIIew. n
u IIgI scorIng und enLerLuInIng encounLer LIe
sIdes hnIsIed deudIocked uILer sIxLy mInuLes on
u scoreIIne oI o-1 u pIece. ExLru LIme uIso IuIIed
Lo sepuruLe LIe sIdes wILI LIe hnuI scoreIIne uILer
8o mInuLes oI ucLIon reudIng o-1; eucI. TIe
CIureguIwuy Leum wus LIe IoIIowIng: AdrIun uIerLy,
BrIun ougIIIn, AnLIony WuLson, Joe Keurney,
JoIn PuuI O`ConneII, Joe GurreLL, AdrIun Morun,
Burry CuIIInune, Conor GIynn, EogIun eeney (o-
), MurLIn KeIIy (o-8, 8 Irees), Endu O`ConneII,
Dunny CummIns (o-z), NIuII McGovern, CoIIn
O`Grudy. Subs: erguI McEvoy (o-) Ior WuLson,
Burry McGruLI Ior O`Grudy, Ronun Mungun (o-1) Ior
McGruLI. TIe repuIy Is scIeduIed Ior LIe weekend oI
June z1sLJzznd.
n LIe meunLIme CIureguIwuy Iuce u crucIuI weekend
uIeud In LIe SenIor eugue wILI Lwo muLcIes down
Ior decIsIon. On SuLurduy CIureguIwuy Iuce u dIIhcuIL
Lusk wILI u LrIp Lo Curruroe Lo Iuce u Iome sIde
wIo recorded un exLru LIme vIcLory over MIcIueI
BreuLInucIs In LIe CounLy CIumpIonsIIp IusL
weekend. WIIIe on Bunk HoIIduy Monduy Tuum
SLurs wIII be LIe vIsILors Lo CIureguIwuy Ior wIuL wIII
be LIe hrsL meeLIng oI LIe sIdes sInce LIe hrsL round
oI LIe zoo; CounLy CIumpIonsIIp.
U-12 Lad/es
CIureguIwuy pIuyed SuILIIII In LIe CounLy A\B
Ieugue In CIureguIwuy on Tuesduy zoLI Muy.
CIureguIwuy pIuyed uguInsL u sLIII breeze In LIe
openIng IuII buL seLLIed weII und run InLo u 1-q Lo
no score Ieud. SuILIIII LIen domInuLed und scored
1- beIore CIureguIwuy hnIsIed LIe IuII wILI Lwo
more gouIs Lo Ieuve LIe scores uL LIe InLervuI q-q
Lo 1-. CIureguIwuy conLInued Lo be on Lop In LIe
second IuII und run ouL comIorLubIe wInners. TIe
prevIous week CIureguIwuy deIeuLed NuoImI MIuIre
Lo keep LIeIr 1oo% record In LIe Ieugue. TIe nexL
muLcI Is uguInsL Dunmore wIo ure uIso doIng very
weII In LIe Ieugue. TIe U-1z C Leum Iud u bIg wIn
U-8 Boys und GIrIs:
CoucIIng Ior boLI U-8
Boys und GIrIs (LIose
born In zoooJzoo1Jzooz)
Lukes pIuce on Sunduys In
ougIgeorge, uL 1o:ooum.
ConLucL PudruIc ILzmuurIce
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over MonIveu on Monduy nIgIL und pIuy Burnu nexL
week. WeII done Lo LIe IoIIowIng gIrIs wIo pIuyed Ior
GuIwuy U-1z`s In LIe recenL BIILz IeId In CIonberne.
EImIIe GuvIn,DeIrdre CuIIInu. SIobIun GuvIn,NIumI
uIy,RuLI Horkun,ouIse Brennun, CIuru CummIns
und Annu GoIdrIck. Annu uIso pIuyed Ior GuIwuy
In LIe NTO ScIooIs ExIIbILIon Gume In Peurse
SLudIum IusL Sunduy beIore LIe GuIwuy senIor
Cummunn nu mBunscoI GuIIIImI GIrIs ;-u-
sIde RoInn E. TIe NuLIonuI ScIooIs BIILz Look
pIuce recenLIy In Curnmore PILcI. rom Group 1
Curnmore N.S. reucIed LIe hnuI wILI wIns over u
young Cregmore Leum,AnnugIdown,MenIo und
u very good Buwnmore Leum. CooIurne quuIIhed
Irom group z wILI wIns over IsIeenkyIe N.S. und
GueIscoII de Ide. n u very excILIng hnuI CooIurne
overcume u guIIunL Curnmore N.S. on u score oI -1
Lo z-z. WeII done Lo LIe CooIurne GIrIs und LruIners
PuL Moore und MurLIu Joyce. PuneI wus CIIoe
O`SIuugInessy,KuLIe MorrIs,AoIIe MorrIs,EImIIe
GuvIn,MIcIeIe DunIeuvey cupLuIn,CIrIsLInu
MorrIs,OrIu Burke,GubrIeIIe MurpIy,SIunnon
Brudy,CuroIIne Mooney und CIuru O`BrIen.
U-8 Boys and G/r/s
CoucIIng Ior boLI U-8 Boys und GIrIs (LIose born
In zoooJzoo1Jzooz) Lukes pIuce on Sunduys
In ougIgeorge, uL 1o:ooum. ConLucL PudruIc
ILzmuurIce o8;zz1zqoz KevIn KIIgunnon
o8;;8z1;8 or Tom CuIkeen o86zooo
C/ub Sho
CIub SIorLs, Socks, JersIes, PoIo SIIrLs und LIe new
CIub HoodIe ure uvuIIubIe In LIe CIub SIop uL LIe
CIubIouse. TIe SIop wIII be open on LIIs TIursduy
und every TIursduy evenIng Irom ;-8pm
Vh/ Footba// Cu/ Cam
TIe VH ooLbuII CuI Cump Lukes pIuce LIIs yeur In
CIureguIwuy Irom LIe ;LI Lo 11LI JuIy. rrespecLIve
oI sporLIng skIIIs or ubIIILy, uL VII CI Cumps
cIIIdren ure encouruged Lo: Hone LIeIr sporLIng
skIIIs LIrougI purLIcIpuLIon In GueIIc gumes. eurn
new Ideus und meeL new peopIe. DeveIop u keen
sense oI IuIr-pIuy und personuI ucIIevemenL. SLuy
ucLIve,IeuILIy und Huve Iun! CIIIdren wIII receIve u
IuII seL oI pIuyIng geur (jersey, sIorLs und socks) und
u nIILy knupsuck
8 Claregalway 0irls Limile 0avin,Ueirdre Cullina. 3iobhan 0avin,Niamh lahy,Ruth orkan,Louise Brennan, Ciara Cum-
mins and Anna 0oldriok who played for 0alway in the County Blitz in Clonberne
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Loughgeorge, Claregalway
Phone: 09l-798202
As the Summer ls approachlng why not en[oy a 8ar~8e~Que at the
Central Tavern out on our newly deslgned decklng area
wlde selectlon of menus avallable
Por all enqulrles please contact 09l~798202
Call 09l-798202
we wlll look after all of your party needs
(Chrlstenlng, 2lst, 30th, 40th, 50th, Lngagement, Annlversarles, etc)
Tara Poom 8lstro
8ar & Lounge
Take Away
Prlvate Poom for all of your Celebratory needs
Take Away Meals avallable Dally from 8.00am ~ 9.00pm
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The Committee Ior ooS-ooq is us Iollows:-
VIncenL yons, CIuIrmun
NoeI WuIsI, SecreLury
JImmy RocIe, Treusurer
MIcIueI Hunnon, PRO
Seumus O`ConneII
Ronun SLuunLon
NIuII Concunnon
Decr Mum cnd Dcd,
It hcs nou been three months since I lejt jor
collee. I hcte been remiss in uritin cnd
cm ter sorr jor m thouhtlessness in not
hctin uritten bejore. I uill brin ou up to
dcte nou, but bejore ou recd on, plecse sit
doun. You cre not to recd cn jurther unless
ou cre sittin doun... Dlc?
Well, then, I cm ettin clon prett uell
nou. The slull jrccture cnd the concussion I
ot uhen I jumped out oj the uindou oj m
dormitor uhen it ccuht jre shortl cjter
m crritcl, cre prett uell hecled nou. I onl
spent tuo ueels in the hospitcl cnd nou I
ccn see clmost normcll cnd onl et three
hecdcches c dc.
Iortunctel the jre in the dormitor cnd m
jump uere uitnessed b cn cttendcnt ct the
cs stction necr the dorm cnd he ucs the
one uho cclled the Iire Depcrtment cnd the
cmbulcnce. He clso tisited me ct the hospitcl,
cnd since I hcd nouhere to lite beccuse oj the
burnt-out dorm, he ucs lind enouh to intite
me to shcre his cpcrtment uith him. It's recll
c bcsement room, but it is lind oj cute. He is c
ter jne bo cnd ue hcte jcllen deepl in lote
cnd cre plcnnin to et mcrried. We hcten't
set the excct dcte et, but it uill be bejore m
prencnc beins to shou.
Yes, Mother cnd Dcd, I cm prencnt. I
lnou hou much ou cre loolin jorucrd
to bein rcndpcrents cnd I lnou ou uill
uelcome the bcb cnd ite it the scme lote
cnd detotion cnd tender ccre ou cte me
uhen I ucs c child. The recson jor the delc
in our mcrrice is thct m bojriend hcs
some minor injection uhich pretents us jrom
pcssin our premcritcl blood tests cnd I
ccrelessl ccuht it jrom him. This uill soon
clecr up uith the penicillin injections I cm
nou tclin dcil.
I lnou ou uill uelcome him into our jcmil
uith open crms. He is lind cnd clthouh not
uell educcted, he is cmbtious. Althouh he is
oj c dijjerent rcce cnd reliion thcn ours, I
lnou ou expressed tolerence uill not permit
ou to be bothered b the jcct thct his slin
color is someuhct dcrler thcn ours. I cm
sure ou uill lote him cs I do. His jcmil
bcclround is ood, too jor I cm told thct
his jcther is cn importcnt unbecrer in the
tillce in Ajricc jrom uhich he comes.
Nou thct I hcte brouht ou up to dcte, I
ucnt to tell ou thct there ucs no dormitor
jre, I did not hcte c concussion or slull
jrccture, I ucs not in the hospitcl, I cm not
prencnt, I cm not enced, I do not hcte
sphillis cnd there is no bojriend in m lije.
Houeter, I cm ettin c D in Histor cnd
cn I in Science, cnd I ucnted ou to see
these mcrls in the proper perspectite.
Your lotin dcuhter,
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C/arega/way 10K
CIure RIver HurrIers ALIIeLIc cIub (CIureguIwuy) wIII be IoIdIng ILs
unnuuI 1oK (6 mIIes) roud ruce und Iun-runJwuIk In CIureguIwuy on
SuLurduy 16LI AugusL uL 6pm sIurp. RegIsLruLIon wIII be Luken Irom
pm on LIe duy oI LIe ruce In LIe CIureguIwuy CommunILy CenLre.
C/arega/way Loca/ Market
Every SuLurduy 1o.oo u.m. - 1.oo p.m. In CoIs CIIuIr, CIureguIwuy
BrookIodge .......................... 1o.o -1o.q
Abbeyknockmoy ...................1o. -11.1o
KIIkerrIn ..............................11.o - 1z.oo
CIonberne ............................1z.1 - 1z.q
uncI ......................................1z.q -1.1
BrIerheId ................................ 1.q -z.oo
Burnuderg ............................... z.1o -z.zo
Corohn ................................... z.q - .o
CIureguIwuy ...............................o -q.1
Jun ........................................... 1LI, zqLI
eb .......................................... 1zLI, z6LI
MurcI .......................................11LI, zLI
AprII .........................................8LI, zznd
Muy ...........................................6LI, zoLI
June .......................................... rd, 1;LI
JuIy .................................... 1sL, 1LI, zqLI
Aug .......................................... 1zLI, z6LI
SepL ...........................................qLI, zrd
OcL .............................................. ;LI, z1sL
Nov ............................................ qLI, 18LI
Dec ........................................... znd, 16LI
TIe GuIwuy CounLy IbrurIes MobIIe Ibrury (servIcIng CIureguIwuy) operuLes on LIe duLes beIow
(every z weeks on Tuesduy). PIone oq1-6zq;1 or see www.guIwuyIIbrury.Ie Ior more deLuIIs.
This Roote inclodes :
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GuIwuy CIess Cump wIII Luke pIuce In CIureguIwuy CommunILy CenLre Irom JuIy 1qLI
Lo JuIy 18LI (Mon-rI). TIe cump wIII Luke pIuce Irom 1o.ooum Lo 1.oopm eucI duy
wILI Ronun Duke und Ron CummIns.
Ronun Duke Is un rIsI CIess UnIon cerLIhed coucI wIo Ius been pIuyIng cIess Ior
over z yeurs, reucIIng u IIgIesL ruLIng oI 1q1o. Ronun Ius been LeucIIng cIess In
LIe GuIwuy ureu Ior LIe pusL q yeurs und Ius coucIed muny rIsI junIor Leum pIuyers
us weII us IuvIng exLensIve experIence oI coucIIng begInners und Improvers. He Is
uIso cIuIrmun oI LIe GuIwuy CIess CIub. Ronun cun be conLucLed uL o86-8o;z8q or
by emuII uL
Ron CummIns Ius been u IuII-LIme cIess coucI Ior LIe pusL 1z yeurs, LeucIIng In
muny ureus oI GuIwuy. He Ius coucIed muny begInners und Improvers IncIudIng
muny members oI AII-reIund wInnIng cIess Leums. Ron cun be conLucLed uL o8-
;zq;6q or by emuII uL roncummInseIrcom.neL
TIe cosL oI LIe course wIII be 8o euro und LIere wIII be z secLIons. NovIces secLIon Is
Ior pIuyers wIo Iuven`L pIuyed mucI, we wIII be concenLruLIng on LIe busIcs oI cIess
(deveIopmenL oI pIeces, cusLIIng, cIeckmuLIng) wILI u sLrong empIusIs on gume
mprovers secLIon wIII be Ior Improvers, we wIII be concenLruLIng on cIess LucLIcs
(pIns, Iorks eLc) und busIc endgumes und uLLuckIng LecInIques us weII us exumInIng
some musLer gumes Ior LIps. DependIng on LIe cIuss sLundurd, we wIII uIso exumIne
some openIngs wIIcI promoLe uLLuckIng pIuy.
n boLI secLIons, LIe orgunIzers wIII be runnIng compeLILIons durIng LIe week
wILI u prIze gIvIng on rIduy uL 1z.opm (purenLs ure weIcome Lo uLLend). EucI
secLIon Is sLrIcLIy IImILed Lo u muxImum oI zo pIuyers. PIeuse book eurIy Lo uvoId
dIsuppoInLmenL. DeposIL oI ?qo Is requIred Lo secure u pIuce on LIe cump. CIeques
sIouId be mude ouL Lo Ron CummIns. CIIIdren sIouId brIng LIeIr own snucks.
1ronk Keorneg
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CIureguIwuy MusIcuI socIeLy`s eudIng Iudy KuLIe Creuven scooped Ier second
nuLIonuI nomInuLIon Ior LIe presLIgIous A..M.S. (AmuLeur rIsI MusIcuI SocIeLy)
VoIkswugen Awurds, wIIcI wus unnounced uL LIe A..M.S recepLIon yesLerduy In
New Ross By R.T.E. personuIILy Ronun CoIIIns.
KuLIe wus ubsoIuLeIy over LIe moon wIen news goL buck Lo CIureguIwuy LIuL sIe Iud
goL Ier nomInuLIon In LIe cuLegory oI BesL ComedIenne Ior Ier roII us Audrey In
ILLIe SIop oI Horrors wIIcI LIe qArcI CIureguIwuy MusIcuI socIeLy presenLed In
LIe Town HuII IusL November.
CIuIrperson AnneLLe CuvunugI wus deIIgILed Ior Ier, und Ior uII oI LIe socIeLy
members wIo were ceIebruLIng LIIs greuL ucIIevemenL by KuLIe. AnneLLe suId IL wus
no more LIun sIe deserved, KuLIe wus ubsoIuLeIy sLunnIng In LIe roIe oI Audrey!
KuLIe`s purenLs Puddy und JIII wIo ure uIso deepIy InvoIved wILI LIe socIeLy were
LIrIIIed wIen LIe greuL new goL ouL. JIII suId TIe mobIIe pIones were red IoL uII
nIgIL us LIe word goL ouL, und LIe ceIebruLIons sLurLed! A very proud IuLIer Puddy
suId LIuL IL wus ubsoIuLeIy IubuIous news, sIe Is greuL gIrI, und u wonderIuI LuIenL.
CIuIrperson AnneLLe suId LIuL LIIs wus greuL news especIuIIy us LIIs Is KuLIe`s second
nomInuLIon Ior un A..M.S. uwurd. KuLIe`s prevIous nomInuLIon Ior Ier roIe us
Nuncy In LIe musIcuI OIIver
TIe Awurds Ceremony bunqueL wIII be IeId In LIe N.E.C. n KIIIurney on LIe 1qLI
June wIen over 1,ooo members Irom over 11o musIcuI socIeLIes guLIer Irom uII over
reIund Ior LIe uwurd ceremony.
1ronk Keorneg
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Tuesday the 24
S.M.A. House
For Smurfs & elf`s & fairies
Children age 6-10 from 7.00 -8.00pm
For 1unior chorus & dancers
Age 11-15 from 8.00 - 9.00pm
Contact Annette:091797238
Or 1ill 086-6178316
Adult auditions to follow later.
Anyone interested in helping backstage please come
along, or contact Annette
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Sonduy Musses: SuL: ;.o p.m. Additionul Muss Iriduy: ;.o p.m.
Sonduy: q u.m. & 11 u.m. ConIessions: ; - ;.o p.m. on SuLurduys.
Weekduys: Mon - SuL: q.o u.m. Buptisms: 1sL & rd Sunduys oI LIe monLI uL 1z.o p.m.
Cunon Noel Mollin: TeI: ;q81oq
Purish Secretury: Teresu Puyne.
Telephone: oq1-;q8;q1
Imuil: cIureguIwuypurIsIeIrcom.neL
TIe OIhce Is sILuuLed In LIe CuruLe`s House, besIde Cunon`s MuIIIn`s Iouse.
OIce Hoors: 1o.oo u.m. Lo 1.oo p.m. Monduy Lo rIduy.
AII requesLs Ior BupLIsm und ConhrmuLIon CerLIhcuLes, AnnIversury Musses und oLIer Muss
bookIngs sIouId be mude dIrecLIy Lo LIe SecreLury durIng oIhce Iours.
Lems Ior LIe CIurcI NewsIeLLer sIouId uIso be Iunded In or pIoned Lo LIe OIhce. TIe deudIIne Is
mIdduy on Wednesduys.
Congratulations to the Claregalway National 3ohool girls Chess 1eam who
made it to the All-lreland linals in Limeriok on 15th May.
Piotured left to right are: 0rla MoCann, 3arah Coyle, Ueirdre Cullina and
Rebekah Carroll
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CIureguIwuy under 1 und Under 1z`s Boys Leum Iuve been InvILed Lo pIuy In u
presLIgIous nLernuLIonuI TournumenL In PoIund on 6LI, ;LI und 8LI oI June zoo8.
A undruIsIng CommILLee Ius been uppoInLed Lo ruIse Iunds Ior LIIs once In IIIe LIme
experIence Ior LIe boys Lo pIuyIng In un nLernuLIonuI TournumenL.
TIe Under 1 boy`s Leum Iuve recenLIy won LIe CounLy CommunILy Gumes und ure
goIng Iorwurd Lo pIuy In LIe ConnucIL CommunILy Gumes InuI In JuIy.
TIe Under 1z boy`s Leum Iuve recenLIy won LIe GuIwuy CounLy BuskeLbuII InuIs,
LIe Kerry BuskeLbuII TournumenL und our own CIureguIwuy BuskeLbuII TournumenL,
beuLIng Leums Irom Cork und TempIeogue.
1ronk Keorneg
! thought that was tough, but
an extremely good response,
nearly all correct. The winner is
Seamus Nohilly, Claregalway.
The June crossword is well
worth a try. Best of luck.
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$&5266 '2:1
1 Astronomical distance 2 Set free from guilt
5 Heavenly object 3 Certain
10 Puts in + Habit, practice
11 Requiring 5 Guide
12 Seaweed 6 !nclude phalanges
13 Engine 7 Japanese paper folding
15 Pallid 8 Took a chance
17 Smudge, blemish 9 !s in agreement
19 Fuel 1+ Later
21 Bone of forearm 16 Underneath
22 Noisiest 18 Crazy
23 Rest for head 20 Not far above ground
25 Be present 21 Royal Society of Arts
28 Female chicken 23 Royal residence
30 Young sheep 2+ Nourns deeply
31 Fed up 26 Offer support
32 Lazy 27 Sleep images
35 Discusses with others 28 Nags
36 Temper ht 29 Drink of the gods
37 Biblical religious songs 33 !n good health
38 Type of jacket 3+ Formerly
Brian Plaoe,
Crossword Lditor
First correct crossword
opened wins


Please send completed crosswords to: B.D. Place, Woodleigh, Cregboy, Claregalway.
Waac|t ||||r, Na t00 Page t1
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