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Aerobic exercise is physical exercise of relatively low intensity and long duration, which depends primarily on the aerobic

energy system.[1] Aerobic means "with oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen in the body's metabolic or energy-generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time.


1 History 2 Aerobic versus anaerobic exercise 3 Aerobic capacity 4 Criticisms 5 Commercial success 6 Varieties of aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise o 6.1 Indoor o 6.2 Outdoor o 6.3 Indoor or outdoor 7 See also 8 Footnotes 9 References 10 External links

[edit] History
Both the term and the specific exercise method were developed by Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D. and Col. Pauline Potts, a physical therapist, both in the United States Air Force. Cooper, an avowed exercise enthusiast, was personally and professionally puzzled about why some people with excellent muscular strength were still prone to poor performance at tasks such as long-distance running, swimming, and bicycling. He began measuring systematic human performance using a bicycle ergometer, and began measuring sustained performance in terms of a person's ability to use oxygen. His groundbreaking book, Aerobics, was published in 1968, and included scientific exercise programs using running, walking, swimming and bicycling. The book came at a fortuitous historical moment, when increasing weakness and inactivity in the general population was causing a perceived need for increased exercise.

[edit] Aerobic versus anaerobic exercise

Fox and Haskell formula showing the split between aerobic (light orange) and anaerobic (dark orange) exercise and heart rate. Aerobic exercise and fitness can be contrasted with anaerobic exercise, of which strength training and short-distance running are the most salient examples. The two types of exercise differ by the duration and intensity of muscular contractions involved, as well as by how energy is generated within the muscle. In most conditions, anaerobic exercise occurs simultaneously with aerobic exercises because the less efficient anaerobic metabolism must supplement the aerobic system due to energy demands that exceed the aerobic system's capacity. What is generally called aerobic exercise might be better termed "solely aerobic", because it is designed to be low-intensity enough not to generate lactate via pyruvate fermentation, so that all carbohydrate is aerobically turned into energy. Initially during increased exertion, muscle glycogen is broken down to produce glucose, which undergoes glycolysis producing pyruvate which then reacts with oxygen (Krebs cycle) to produce carbon dioxide and water and releasing energy. If there is a shortage of oxygen (anaerobic exercise, explosive movements), carbohydrate is consumed more rapidly because the pyruvate ferments into lactate. As carbohydrates deplete, fat metabolism is increased so that it can fuel the aerobic pathways. The latter is a slow process, and is accompanied by a decline in performance level. This gradual switch to fat as fuel is a major cause of what marathon runners call "hitting the wall". Anaerobic exercise, in contrast, refers to the initial phase of exercise, or to any short burst of intense exertion, in which the glycogen or sugar is respired without oxygen, and is a far less efficient process. Operating anaerobically, an untrained 400 meter sprinter may "hit the wall" short of the full distance. Aerobic exercise comprises innumerable forms. In general, it is performed at a moderate level of intensity over a relatively long period of time. For example, running a long distance at a moderate pace is an aerobic exercise, but sprinting is not. Playing singles tennis, with near-continuous motion, is generally considered aerobic activity, while golf or two person team tennis, with brief bursts of activity punctuated by more frequent breaks, may not be predominantly aerobic. Some sports are thus inherently "aerobic", while other aerobic exercises, such as fartlek training or aerobic dance classes, are designed specifically to improve aerobic capacity and fitness.

Among the recognized benefits of doing regular aerobic exercise are:

Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate, known as aerobic conditioning Strengthening muscles throughout the body Improving circulation efficiency and reducing blood pressure Increasing the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen Improved mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression Reducing the risk for diabetes. Burns body fat, while building leaner muscle.

As a result, aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems. In addition, high-impact aerobic activities (such as jogging or using a skipping rope) can stimulate bone growth, as well as reduce the risk of osteoporosis for both men and women. In addition to the health benefits of aerobic exercise, there are numerous performance benefits:

Increased storage of energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscles, allowing for increased endurance Neovascularization of the muscle sarcomeres to increase blood flow through the muscles Increasing speed at which aerobic metabolism is activated within muscles, allowing a greater portion of energy for intense exercise to be generated aerobically Improving the ability of muscles to use fats during exercise, preserving intramuscular glycogen Enhancing the speed at which muscles recover from high intensity exercise

Both the health benefits and the performance benefits, or "training effect", require a minimum duration and frequency of exercise. Most authorities suggest at least twenty minutes performed at least three times per week.[2]

[edit] Aerobic capacity

Main article: VO2 max Aerobic capacity describes the functional capacity of the cardiorespiratory system, (the heart, lungs and blood vessels). Aerobic capacity is defined as the maximum amount of oxygen the body can use during a specified period, usually during intense exercise.[3] It is a function both of cardiorespiratory performance and the maximum ability to remove and utilize oxygen from circulating blood. To measure maximal aerobic capacity, an exercise physiologist or physician will perform a VO2 max test, in which a subject will undergo progressively more strenuous exercise on a treadmill, from an easy walk through to exhaustion. The individual is typically connected to a respirometer to measure oxygen consumption, and the speed is increased incrementally over a fixed duration of time. The higher the measured cardiorespiratory endurance level, the more oxygen has been transported to and used by exercising muscles, and the higher the level of intensity at which the individual can exercise.

More simply stated, the higher the aerobic capacity, the higher the level of aerobic fitness. The Cooper and multi-stage fitness tests can also be used to assess functional aerobic capacity for particular jobs or activities. The degree to which aerobic capacity can be improved by exercise varies very widely in the human population: while the average response to training is an approximately 17% increase in VO2max, in any population there are "high responders" who may as much as double their capacity, and "low responders" who will see little or no benefit from training.[4] Studies indicate that approximately 10% of otherwise healthy individuals cannot improve their aerobic capacity with exercise at all.[5] The degree of an individual's responsiveness is highly heritable, suggesting that this trait is genetically determined.[4]

[edit] Criticisms
When overall fitness is an occupational requirement, as it is for athletes, soldiers, and police and fire personnel, aerobic exercise alone may not provide a well balanced exercise program. In particular, muscular strength, especially upper-body muscular strength, may be neglected. Also, the metabolic pathways involved in anaerobic metabolism (glycolysis and lactic acid fermentation) that generate energy during high intensity, low duration tasks, such as sprinting, are not exercised at peak aerobic exercise levels. Aerobic exercise remains however a valuable component of a balanced exercise program and is good for cardiovascular health. Some persons suffer repetitive stress injuries with some forms of aerobics, and then must choose less injurious, "low-impact" forms of aerobics, or lengthen the gap between bouts of exercise to allow for greater recovery. Higher intensity exercise, such as High-intensity interval training (HIIT), increases the resting metabolic rate (RMR) in the 24 hours following high intensity exercise,[6] ultimately burning more calories than lower intensity exercise; low intensity exercise burns more calories during the exercise, due to the increased duration, but fewer afterwards. Aerobic activity is also used by individuals with anorexia nervosa as a means of suppressing appetite, since aerobic exercise increases sugar and fatty acid transport in the blood by stimulating tissues to release their energy stores.[citation needed] While there is some support for exercising while hungry as a means of tapping into fat stores, most evidence is equivocal.[citation needed]In addition, performance can be impaired by lack of nutrients, which will reduce training effects.[citation needed]

[edit] Commercial success

Aerobic exercise has long been a popular approach to achieving weight loss and physical fitness, often taking a commercial form.

In the 1970s Judi Sheppard Missett helped create the market for commercial aerobics with her Jazzercise program In the 1980s Richard Simmons hosted an aerobic exercise show on television, and also released a series of exercise videos In the 1990s Billy Blanks' Tae Bo helped popularize cardio-boxing workouts that incorporated martial arts movements

[edit] Varieties of aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise

[edit] Indoor

Stair climbing Elliptical trainer Indoor rower Stairmaster Stationary bicycle Treadmill

[edit] Outdoor

Cross-country skiing Cycling Inline skating Jogging Running Nordic walking

[edit] Indoor or outdoor

Kickboxing Swimming Jumping rope Circuit Training

[edit] See also

5BX, for men XBX, for women Anaerobic exercise

[edit] Footnotes
1. ^ 'aerobic exercise' The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine, Oxford University Press, 2007. 2. ^ 'aerobic exercise', Food and Fitness: A Dictionary of Diet and Exercise, Michael Kent, Oxford University Press, 1997. 3. ^ Merriam-Webster Medical dictionary definition 4. ^ a b Bouchard, Claude; Ping An, Treva Rice, James S. Skinner, Jack H. Wilmore, Jacques Gagnon, Louis Perusse, Arthus S. Leon, D. C. Rao (1 September 1999). "Familial aggregation of VO(2max) response to exercise training: results from the HERITAGE Family Study". Journal of Applied Physiology 87 (3): 10031008. PMID 10484570. ef41ebcf7bec51f&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha. Retrieved 2007-07-17. 5. ^ Kolata, Gina (February 12, 2002). "Why Some People Won't Be Fit Despite Exercise". The New York Times. 3&sec=health&pagewanted=print. Retrieved 2007-07-17. 6. ^ East Tennessee State University Thesis

[edit] References

Cooper, Kenneth C. The New Aerobics. Eldora, Iowa: Prairie Wind. Donatelle, Rebecca J. Health: The Basics. 6th ed. San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc. 2005. Exercite Glossary. Definition: Aerobic Exercise. Exercite Glossary Definition: Aerobic Exercise Hinkle, J. Scott. School Children and Fitness: Aerobics for Life. Ann Arbor, MI: ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Personnel Services.

[edit] External links

Aerobic Exercise
Do you want to know what the key to stay healthy and happy is? It is an easy formula - all you need to do is indulge yourself in a regular physical activity and follow a balanced diet. One of the surefire ways to ensure fitness is aerobics. Termed as any long duration exercise of low, moderate to high intensity, aerobics makes use of the large muscle groups of the body such as legs, back, arms etc. These include walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, workout on treadmill and rowing machine. The duration of such exercise may extend from 20 minutes to one hour. You can do aerobic activities, regardless of your age. However, the intensity and duration of the exercises will depend upon your stamina and your age. Apart from ensuring physical fitness, a number of health benefits are associated with aerobics. Check out the following lines and read about the health benefits of aerobic exercises. Health Benefits Of Aerobics

Aerobics reduces the risk of chronic ailments including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer. It strengthens the heart, thereby making it stronger to pump blood more efficiently and circular the blood to all the parts of the body. The exercise improves the quality of life. You get more energy to live a healthy life, by performing aerobic exercises regularly. It plays a pivotal role in burning calories. Moreover, your body uses fats and sugars efficiently, thereby contributing to the process of weight loss. It reduces the symptoms of aging and illness. People feel more youthful, full of energy, when they perform the exercise. Aerobic exercise is the best bet for those, who want to quit addictions like alcohol and smoking, because it reduces a person's craving for the habits. Aerobic strengthens the bones as well as the ligaments. The exercise is a great stress buster. It combats depression and raises one's self-esteem and the level of confidence.

It promotes a sense of well-being, because it makes the body release natural painkillers such as endorphins. Aerobic activity may make you feel tired and exhausted for a short duration. However, it increases your stamina, which is one of the long term positive effects of the activity. Since aerobic exercise increases your immune system, you will be less prone to minor viral infections such as cold and flu. Aerobic exercise such as walking is often associated with the reduced risk of osteoporosis. The high-density lipoprotein (HDL), known as good cholesterol, is given a boost by aerobic exercises. Moreover, the activity reduces your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the bad cholesterol level. Aerobics reduces anxiety, depression and the level of tension, thereby promoting relaxation. It reduces mood swings as well. As you get older, your muscles and bones become weak, which reduce your mobility. Doing aerobics is a nice idea, because it keeps your muscles strong.

Aerobic Vs Anaerobic Exercise Aerobic and anaerobic exercises form essential parts of a fitness regimen. Both contribute in maintaining overall health of the person doing them. Aerobic Heart Rate It is of extreme importance to know your target aerobic heart rate, so as to make sure that you are carrying out the right workout and that too in a proper manner. Aerobic Kickboxing Aerobic kickboxing is one of the most popular forms of aerobic exercises. It is highly beneficial for the health and is a great fun to perform. Best Aerobic Shoes Aerobic exercises like jogging, cycling, cardio boxing involve the swift movement of legs. While doing such exercises, you need to wear a comfortable pair of shoes, so that you perform the activities correctly, without putting strain on your body parts. Aerobic Wear Clothes When it's the time to shake your body with aerobic dancing, there is a need to attire proper aerobic wear clothes. Chair Aerobics Exercise Chair aerobics exercise serves as the perfect workout for diabetic people, who confront with a number of health related problems, such as congestive heart failure and chronic cardiovascular diseases. Benefits Of Aerobic Dance In this competitive world, many people find it hard to dedicate time for physical activities like exercises, although one of their first priorities is to stay in perfect shape. Low Impact Aerobics In today's world, a significant number of people are suffering from chronic ailments like obesity, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases that deteriorate their physical fitness. Types Of Aerobic Exercises Aerobic exercise is a moderate intensity workout that extends over a certain period of time and uses oxygen in this process. Benefits Of Water Aerobics Extremely hot weather, scorching heat and unstoppable perspiration - summers are big turn offs when it comes to exercising.

Aerobic Versus Anaerobic Exercise

Aerobic and anaerobic exercises form essential parts of a fitness regimen. Both contribute in maintaining overall health of the person doing them. Simple physical activities such as jogging, brisk walking, rowing, cycling, skiing and swimming are aerobic exercises. High intensity workout such as jumping, weightlifting, stress training workouts and sprinting are categorized as anaerobic exercises. Although we are well aware of aerobic and anaerobic exercises, not many of us know the exact difference between the two. Here in this article, we have analyzed aerobic versus anaerobic exercise. Difference Between Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise

The literal meaning of aerobics is oxygen. Hence, aerobic exercise can be defined as the one, which involves the use of oxygen to produce energy, whereas anaerobic exercise makes the body to produce energy without using oxygen.

Anaerobic exercises are high intensity workouts that are performed for a short time. On the contrary, aerobic exercises generally simple exercises and are performed for a longer time, at moderate intensity. A person doing aerobic exercises requires more endurance, because unlike anaerobic exercise (which is done for a short period), aerobic exercise is done for a long time. Generally, aerobic exercise is performed for about 20 minutes or more. On the other hand, the duration for an anaerobic exercises is two minutes, which can be only sustained for a longer time through proper training.

The metabolic processes used by aerobic and anaerobic exercises differentiate them from each other. Although both aerobic and anaerobic exercises produce energy through glycolysis (conversion of glucose into pyruvate), the substance used to break down glucose is different. While oxygen is used to break down glucose by aerobic exercise, the anaerobic exercises make use of phosphocreatine, stored in the muscles, for the process.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercises are done to accomplish individual goals. Aerobic exercises concentrate on strengthening and the muscles involved in respiration. It improves the circulation of blood and transportation of oxygen in the body, reduces blood pressure and burns fat. On the other hand, anaerobic exercise helps build strength and muscle mass, stronger bones and increases speed, power, muscle strength and the metabolic rate as well. It concentrates on burning the calories, when the body is in rest.

When you perform aerobic exercise, you will notice an increase in the heart beat rate and the rise in your level of respiration. Energy is provided by carbohydrate and fats, when you work out the muscles. On the other hand, the sources of energy during anaerobic activity are adenosine tri phosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate.

Aerobic Heart Rate

It is of extrem e importance to know your target aerobic heart rate, so as to make sure that you are carrying out the right workout and that too in a proper manner. People often tend to get confused as to how to determine target aerobic heart rate. Well, there are different factors, on the basis of which your right heart rate is decided, to say for example, age is one such major factor. We cannot expect a youngster's target heart rate to be the same as that of a 60-year-old man. Target heart rate varies according to the training zone. Healthy heart zone is apt for people who have just entered the fitness parlance. In this stage, your ideal heart rate should be about 50 - 60% of the maximum heart rate. This workout zone basically consists of warm up exercises that enable you to reduce your body fat and lower your blood pressure and cholesterol level. The calorie loss in this stage is about 85%. The fitness zone is basically meant to burn calories and achieve health fitness. Your target heart rate in this stage should be about 60 - 70% of the maximum heart rate. It is a higher intensity workout zone, when compared to warm up zone and it leads to quick weight loss by burning more calories. Talking about the aerobic heart zone, ideal heart rate should be about 70 80% of maximum heart rate. This endurance-training zone helps in improving your cardiovascular development and also it helps in strengthening your heart. Here is a chart showing your target heart rate in terms of beats per minute, in accordance to your age: Age 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Target range (beats/minute) 120-150 117-146 114-142 111-139 108-135 105-131 102-127 99-123 96-120

65-69 70 and older

93-116 90-113

Aerobic Kickboxing
Aerobic kickboxi ng is one of the most popular forms of aerobic exercises. It is highly beneficial for the health and is a great fun to perform. It is an amalgamation of the elements of boxing, martial arts and aerobics. Aerobic kickboxing is also termed as 'boxing aerobics' and 'cardio boxing'. It includes a variety of kicks, punches, knee strikes and self defense moves. The exercise is especially beneficial for women, because it is a great defense technique. Apart from being an exercise for self defense, it also aids in loosing weight at a fast pace, thereby helping you to achieve your goal of a beautiful, toned body shape. You may perform this exercise for about half an hour on a regular basis. Go through the following lines to know all about aerobic kickboxing exercise. Aerobic Kickboxing Exercise

The best part of aerobic kickboxing is that it can be performed at a relaxing atmosphere. You can do it at your own pace. You can play a background music, to do the highly energetic exercise. In fact, music will make the activity even more interesting.

The best way to start the exercise is to do warm up. Perform warm up exercises and stretches for about ten minutes, before doing cardio boxing. It is the first step of the exercise.

The second and third part of the exercise involves kicking and punching technique. The activity is culminated by cooling down the body. After performing the stunts of the activity, cool down your body for about five minutes.

At the end of the kickboxing aerobics session, you will feel more energetic to perform your daily chore.


Remember, kickboxing aerobics is a high intensity, high impact form of exercise. Therefore, check your fitness level first, before attempting to perform the exercise.

Prepare yourself for the exercise, by performing low-intensity aerobics first and then work up to a high level of endurance. There is no uniform specially designed for performing aerobic kickboxing. You can perform the exercise wearing your aerobic suit. Just be sure that you do not wear loose-fitting clothes, because they can restrict the free flow of your movements, while performing the exercise.

You should take special care while performing the stunts, especially if you are a beginner. While turning your knee, make sure that you do it with the correct speed, because incorrect speed and timings can cause damage to your joints.

Do not kick too high, because it often puts strains on the joints and muscles. You may kick as high as your hips from the ground level, but not higher.

While performing a kick, the other foot should provide support to the body. Hence, it should be positioned flat on the floor during the stunt.

Drink plenty of water before and after the session, so that you keep yourself well hydrated.

Chair Aerobics
Chair aerobic s exercise serves as the perfect workout for diabetic people, who confront with a number of health related problems, such as congestive heart failure and chronic cardiovascular diseases. The physical activity helps in promoting cardio health and aids in controlling the blood sugar level as well. Apart from diabetic patients, doing chair aerobics is beneficial for elderly people as well, because it requires less stamina. For pregnant women who cannot indulge in doing high intensity exercises, chair aerobic exercise is the best bet. Chair aerobic exercises usually consist of the rhythmic movements of arms and feet, performed by sitting in a chair in an erect position. It is ideal to perform the exercise for 20-30 minutes, on a regular basis. Chair aerobics helps you perform your daily chores energetically, because it helps build the functional capacity of your body. Moreover, they are very low intensity workouts, which make them easy to perform anytime you want, during the day. All you need is a comfortable chair and a peaceful atmosphere, to do the exercise. Read more about chair aerobic exercise in the following lines. Chair Aerobics Workout

Sit in your chair in an erect position, with no gap between your feet. Now, bounce your feet, both together, on one side in a swift manner. Bring the feet back to the original position. Bounce your feet to the other side, in the same manner. Repeat the exercise ten times. It is a nice way to workout your legs.

Sit straight in a chair, keeping your feet a bit apart from each other. Now, bring your right heel and right hand forward. While doing this, the other leg should be on place and the left arm should be positioned sideways. Do this step with your right foot and left arm. Perform this exercise swiftly.

Sit straight in your chair by keeping your feet flat on the floor, wide apart from each other. Now, lift both feet together. Cross them in

the air, hold the position for few seconds and then bring them bring them back to the original position. Repeat the exercise fifteen times. Perform the workout daily, for about 20 minutes.

Place your heels together, without leaving a gap between your feet. By sitting in an erect position, push your arms outwards, while moving your heels in a forwards. Get back to the original position after holding the position for a minute or two, and then repeat the exercise.

Sit in a chair in an erect position and place your feet, without gap between them. Make sure that your knees touch each other. Now, slide your feet forward and then get back to the original position, in a swift manner. Now, by keeping the knees joined, separate your right and left foot. Return to the original position, after holding the position for a minute.

Dance Aerobics
In this competi tive world, many people find it hard to dedicate time for physical activities like exercises, although one of their first priorities is to stay in perfect shape. Here comes the easy method of maintaining a perfect figure - dance aerobics. As the name suggests, dance aerobics is an exercise that combines the rhythmic steps of aerobics with graceful dance movements. It can be broadly divided into four types - high-impact exercises, low-impact exercises, step aerobics and water aerobics. High impact exercises involve intense jumping actions that are synchronized with the rhythmic beats of the music being played. Low impact exercises, the second type of dance aerobics, involves less jumping action, but more of footwork, which are coordinated with the rhythm of the music being played. Step aerobics is performed in a raised platform, while water aerobics is done in waist-deep water. Typically, a dance aerobic exercise is performed for about 20-30 minutes. The steps are performed in a rhythmic way, with 4 or 8 counts. Dance aerobics is a fun activity that helps in strengthening your body, and gives you energy to carry out your day-to-day activities effectively and efficiently. Learn all about the benefits of dance aerobics in the following lines. Benefits Of Aerobic Dance

Dance aerobic workout strengthens the body including the weight bearing bones and cardiovascular muscles. It helps your lose weight as well as builds your body muscles. It is also suitable for those who want to tone their muscles. It is one of the easiest aerobic exercises, which can be enjoyed by people of all age groups, both men and women. However, elderly people should perform the exercise either for short duration or with precautions. It is not recommended for very small children and pregnant women.

The exercise increases blood circulation and lowers blood sugar

and cholesterol levels.

Aerobic dance workout increases the circulation of oxygen to heart, lungs and blood vessels for smooth functioning of the body. The workout enhances the efficiency of heart and lungs. It is a great stress buster. It is an interesting activity that deviates you from the drudgery of everyday life. It is an effective remedy for depression, anxiety and tension. Thus, it is helpful for the rejuvenation of the mind. It gives you the freedom to personalize your dance steps. You can choose a music and the dance steps of your choice, say, jazz, disco, hip hop.

Dance aerobics is a good workout to boost up your immune system.


Perform warm-up exercises 10-15 minutes before doing dance aerobics. This may include stretching or flexibility exercises, followed by jumping jacks or jogging.

Always wear perfect fitting clothes, while doing dance aerobics. Loose-fitting clothes are not good for the exercise, because they restrict the free movement of arms and feet. The preferred attire for dance aerobics is shorts with a jersey.

Bring in variations to the dance steps and make the exercise even more personalized. Check out the steps in the exercises shown in television or consult a trainer to know more about innovative dance steps.

Do not forget to cool down after performing the exercise. Do stretching exercises for about 10 minutes after the workout. Drink water (not ice-cold) few minutes after the workout.

Low-Impact Aerobics
In today's world, a significant number of people are suffering from chronic ailments like obesity, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and other diseases that deteriorate their physical fitness. It will be unkind to suggest them to do high intensity workout, because they either would end up injuring themselves seriously, or would be unable to gain full benefits of such exercise. If you are facing the same situation, and want to stay in perfect shape, opting for low-impact aerobics is suggested. Read on to know more about low-impact aerobic exercise. Low-Impact Aerobic Exercise Low-impact aerobic exercise typically consists of rhythmic movements involving large muscle groups. In this exercise, at least one foot is in constant contact with the floor, which makes it easy to do without putting much strain on the tissues. There is no scope of overuse injuries, which is primarily associated with high-impact exercises, while doing low-impact

aerobics. Hence, low-impact aerobics are perfectly suitable for pregnant women, obese people and seniors. It is equally suitable for those, who want haven't exercised for sometime and want to follow a fitness regimen. Some of the best low-impact aerobic exercises are walking, swimming and workout on stationary bikes. As far as walking is concerned, you may start with a slow paced walking, to warm up your body. Do this for five minutes. Walk at a medium pace, for the next ten minutes, followed by brisk walking. It is suggested to do this exercise for about 30 minutes a day. You may walk either in the morning or in evening. Make sure that you wear comfortable pair of shoes. Remember to move your arms in the back and forth action, while walking. Swimming, another low-impact aerobics, is best suitable for overweight people, who might have problem stressing the joints and knees. Start with swimming for about 15 minutes. You may increase the duration for the exercise up to 30 minutes thereafter. Another low-impact aerobic workout is water-walking. It is as effective as swimming. You can also opt for stationary bike exercise. Be sure not to bend your knees beyond a 90degree angle, while sitting on a stationary bike, if you have problem in stressing the body part. A recumbent bike is the best bet. Low-impact aerobics are perfect for those people who want to flaunt a toned shape. The intensity and duration of the workout can be increased gradually, with time. By doing the exercise on a regular basis, you can attain the much- desired physical fitness. To utilize its effectiveness completely, you should be guided by a well-trained physical trainer. Following a healthy and balanced diet is another pre-requisite for doing low-impact workout. Avoid eating junk food and cut short the consumption of sugary, fried and fatty food. Make sure that your diet consists of food rich in vitamins, minerals and protein, apart from other nutrients. It will be better to consult a dietician about the diet best suitable for your health.

Types Of Aerobic Exercises

Be it man, woman or child - exercising is beneficial for everyone. Apart from achieving proper body weight, it improves the general well-being of a person, making him/her absolutely fit. Carrying out aerobics has become the most happening workout trend among both youth and aged. In this fast-paced world, aerobics proves to be just the right option. A moderate intensity workout, it extends over a certain period of time and overloads the heart and lungs, making them work harder than the rest. In aerobics, one uses large muscle groups repetitively for a sustained amount of time. The best part about aerobics is that you will enjoy doing it for an extended period of time. There are numerous types of aerobics which you can indulge in. Some of the most popular types of aerobics exercises are aerobic dance, bicycling, rowing machine, in-line skating, fitness walking, jumping rope, running, stair climbing and swimming. To know more about each of the type, read through the following lines. Types Of Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic Dance Are you fond of dancing? If yes, then why not use your hobby to your benefit. Aerobic dance helps in maintaining the all-round fitness and also turns out to be a delightful experience. You can also go for hip-hop form of dance, as it offers great cardio benefits and can be lots of fun, too. Cycling If you still think that cycling is a kid's activity, come over it!! One of the best types of aerobic exercises, cycling provides great cardiovascular benefits, without causing any kind of mechanical stress to the back, hips, knees and ankles in the form of pain. For those who do not know how to ride a cycle, you can go for stationary ones. Rowing Machine Well, if you want to workout on all the muscle groups in the body, including the legs, buttocks, back, abdominals and arms, rowing can be the best option to explore. Since it involves the entire body, rowing can effectively burn more calories than any other type of aerobic exercises. Fitness Walking Tired of your sedentary lifestyle! Get going with some fitness walking. A 3060 minute walk can prove to be very beneficial. Walking is highly recommended for overweight and older people. Even pregnant ladies can opt for walking, as it keeps you and your baby fit. Running All you need is a good pair of running shoes!! One of the simplest aerobic exercises, it is a great way to burn calories. The best part is you get a chance to enjoy the bliss of nature and get a feel of fresh air. However, if you are a beginner, running can prove to be a little taxing. Treadmill If you do not want to go outside in the open, how about heading straight to the gym and working out on the treadmill? One of the main benefits of exercising on a treadmill is that it offers continuous feedback on the electronic consoles including features such as time, speed, distance and even heart rate. Swimming For those who know swimming, it can prove to be an ideal aerobic exercise. Swimming does not cause much stress or strain to the joints of the body, making it really enjoying and entertaining. Laps prove to be a great way to burn the extra calories. Also, it can be the best way to beat the heat.

Teen Body Building

The rise in the number of gym and fitness clubs opening at every nook and corner is a glaring example of the increased consciousness for a heavy build body type, teenagers being the most affected lot. Lured by their fancy and the desire to be in sync with the vogue, youngsters join these health clubs to build up their body muscles, which they can flaunt to their friends. While some flock the gyms to enhance their self-esteem and confidence level, there are others who want to impress ladies and gain attention, yet others








Though there is no definite age for starting bodybuilding, it would be ideal to begin when your body is ready for some rigorous workout. For those of you, who are already involved in performing some fitness exercises, body building will prove to be just a step ahead in terms of fitness quotient. It will also prove to be easier for you than those who are nave to the subject of fitness. This is because your body is already accustomed to exercising and also your stamina would be good enough to get on to a higher intensity workout. However, you would require a lot of determination and dedication to carry out the body building process. Do's Do's & Don'ts Of Teen Body Building

It is very important to be consistent in your workout. You need to stick to your body building program and work give in your best. The best bet would be to stick to the basics - remember dead lifts, dumbbell presses, chins, squats, military presses and heavy bicep curls will never fail.

Give your body enough time to recover between workouts. High nutritious diet is a must. The meal should include rice, pasta, oatmeal, vegetables, chicken, lean beef, tuna and other staple foods that bodybuilders indulge in.

A good sleep of 8 hours is a must. This would give you time to recover and also boost your energy levels.


Do not perform the same exercise day after day. A change in program is advised; otherwise you would not make a progress. Do not substitute good food with supplements. Do not ignore injuries or signs of overtraining. Lastly, do not stress out and let negativity preside over your mind


Actually, the best aerobic exercise for you depends on your level of fitness. Aerobic exercise is a moderate intensity workout that extends over a certain period of time and uses oxygen in this process. Well, in these years, the practice of aerobics has become the most happening workout trend between the youth. Not only is performing aerobic exercise interesting, but also is very beneficial for health. There are diverse types of aerobics such as fitness, water aerobics, step aerobics, swimming, kickboxing, fitness walking, inline skating, bicycling etc. Here we have the more generals: Low Impact Aerobics There exist people, who can't perform high intensity workout, because maybe they have some health problems or their poor health conditions. For such people, low impact aerobics is the precise workout choice. Low impact aerobic exercise comprehends rhythmic movements, with exercising of the large muscle groups. Water Aerobics Water aerobic exercises are an agreeable way to exercise over the hot summers. Maybe the work out can seem like one splashing surrounding the pool waters, yet those who are seriously into water aerobic exercise claim it's an excellent method to burn out unwanted flab from the body and build inner strength. In effect, health experts declare that the water aerobic exercise is good for people ailing from arthritis and other problems many times. Step aerobics This kind of exercise is a newer version and interesting technique of aerobics. Conventional aerobics are practiced on the floor: you discover a series of dance steps such as the Pony or the Jazz Square, which are often done in four, two steps taking you in one direction, two more taking you the other direction.

Dance Aerobics Aerobic dance integrates exercise and dance movements into routines that are practiced with the music. Many dance ways are used, including ballet, jazz, and disco. Aerobic dance classes integrate fat-burning aerobics with develop of the muscle and stretching exercises. There is no jumping around in lowimpact aerobic dance. Your foot is on the ground all times. This kind of aerobic is slower and it is simpler to do than

intermediate and advanced classes. Sport Aerobics Sport Aerobics is a hard and competitive sport that has a singular connection of aerobic choreography and gymnastics elements. This sport generate a chance for adolescents, and adult individuals to compete in a sport that demands less risk than gymnastics while keeping the artistic quality and fun of aerobics.

Teaching Aerobics Guide - Types of Aerobics Classes

1. HIGH IMPACT AEROBICS (135-160 bpm): Moves that use large muscles to propel the body into the air, with both feet leaving the ground. Examples include jogging, jumping jacks, hops, traveling kicks, etc. This type is good for challenging the cardiovascular system. 2. LOW IMPACT AEROBICS (133-148 bpm): Moves that stay low to the ground, with one foot remaining on the floor. Examples include walking, marching, lunges, squats, side jacks, heels-up, knees-up, step touches, etc. Offers a high intensity with a reduced the risk of injury. 3. MID-TEMPO AEROBICS (130-140 bpm): Moves similar to low impact aerobics but performed at a slower tempo. In addition to low impact aerobic workouts, Mid-Tempo is ideal for slide, aqua or pre-natal workouts and age specific groups. 4. STEP AEROBICS (120-127 bpm): Moves that incorporate up and down movements on a platform (step). Step moves include basic steps, lunges, turn steps, V-steps, over-the-top steps, L-steps and knee-lifts. 5. SUPER STEP AEROBICS (126-138 bpm): Similar to step aerobics but using a faster tempo. Intended for advanced classes, Super Step aerobics revolves around half-time power moves (squats, forward lunges, isolation holds, etc.), as well as the basic step moves. 6. INTERVAL (Alternating 123-150 bpm): Alternates high and low intensity movements, which might alternate, step and aerobic combinations to challenge the cardiovascular system. 7. CIRCUIT (123-126 bpm): Alternates aerobic activity with resistance activity. The general ratio is 3 minutes of aerobics to 1.5 minutes of resistance training to improve the cardiovascular system and increase muscular strength. 8. WARM-UP (120-134 bpm): Moderate movements performed to prepare the body for vigorous exercise. Warm-up movements typically include simple actions of the large muscle groups, starting small and gradually increasing. A warm-up also includes stretching the muscles that will be used in the activities to follow. A typical warm-up is approximately 10 minutes long. 9. CARDIO (bpm varies with the type of class): The portion of the class designed to work the cardiovascular system (see 1-7 above). The cardio segment is approximately 35 minutes long.

10. POST-CARDIO (bpm varies with the type of class): Movements performed after the cardio (i.e. aerobics. step etc.) segment of a class. These help the cardiovascular system transition from a high intensity workout to normal activity, and bring breathing and heart rate back to normal levels. This portion of the class also includes resistance activities such as abdominal work, free weights, Resist-A-Balls, etc. This segment of class is typically 10 minutes long. 11. COOL DOWN (Use slow relaxing music): Movements designed to lengthen the muscles after exercise return to the cardiovascular system to resting levels. A cool down typically combines stretching with slow, deep breathing, and slow rhythmic arm movements. A cool down is approximately 5 minutes long.

Types of Aerobic Classes


Types of Aerobic Classes Navigating your way through a typical fitness center's group exercise schedule can be a challenge. Consider your personal fitness goals, preferences and physical abilities when choosing a class. Always inform the instructor if you are new to fitness or group exercise so that you can gain helpful hints and modifications.

Zumba is offered by more than 20,000 certified instructors worldwide, according to CNN in 2008. Classes incorporate all sorts of dance styles, but Zumba's roots are in Latin-inspired movements such as salsa and the samba. A typical Zumba class creates a

partylike atmosphere with low and high impact options. Depending on your intensity level, a Zumba session can burn as much as 500 calories in one hour.
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Kickboxing and other cardio "kick" classes blend traditional boxing, kickboxing and martial arts with traditional aerobics and athletic moves to offer an intense full-body workout. The American Council on Exercise reports that in a 50-minute class, a 135 pound person will burn about 400 calories. Kickboxing hones your agility, reflexes, cardiovascular conditioning and endurance. A class consists of punches, kicks and arm strikes that are repeated multiple times with increasing intensity.

Step Aerobics
Step aerobics is a series of athletic and/or dance moves executed on an adjustable platform. You place your bench, or step, at anywhere from 4 to 10 inches high, with 8 inches being the most common height. In a low impact step class, a 150 pound person can burn about 350 calories in 45 minutes. Since its debut in the 1980s, step has become increasingly complicated. Seek out beginner or athletic styles to avoid frustration with intricate choreography and insider lingo.

Water Aerobics
Water aerobics is a group fitness class performed in a pool of varying depths. Water classes take on various forms, often including traditional low impact aerobic moves like knee lifts, hamstring curls and marching in place or in a circle. Many land-based classes have been adapted to be performed in the water---including Zumba and kickboxing. Water aerobics offers a low impact option for people with joint problems, diabetes, or leg injuries. A water aerobics class that involves significant upper and lower body movement burns about 400 to 500 calories in an hour according to the Aquatic Exercise Association.

Group Strength Training

Group strength training classes appear under various names: body sculpting, ultimate conditioning, flex or muscles. Classes use specially designed barbells that can be loaded with appropriate weight plates for each participant. Classes may also use other equipment such as aerobic steps for reclined exercises, dumbbells, resistance tubes and stability balls. Classes emphasize muscle endurance and strength, rather than cardiovascular conditioning.
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Aquatic Exercise Association: The Water Well American Council on Exercise: Kick Your Way to Fitness American Council on Exercise: Step Training for Fitness and Fun CNN: Zumba Zooms to the Top of the Fitness World

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High-Impact Aerobic Classes for Weight Loss at Any Age


High-Impact Aerobic Classes for Weight Loss at Any Age

High-impact aerobic classes burn a lot of calories and provide a vigorous workout for those in good enough physical shape to participate. Aerobics is sometimes referred to as aerobic dance, and falls into the category of dance fitness classes, which also includes ballroom dance classes, belly dancing, jazz dance, Latin dance, tap dance and Zumba. Dance fitness classes can help with weight loss without being monotonous.

Benefits of Aerobics
Aerobic classes have a number of positive health benefits. They burn calories and lower blood pressure while increasing fitness, muscle endurance, flexibility and mobility. They also reduce stress and improve posture, body performance and muscular strength in all age groups. It is a social form of exercise done with others and the music is energizing. High-impact aerobics means that both feet regularly lose contact with the floor; it involves running, jumping and hopping. In low-impact aerobics, at least one foot keeps contact with the floor throughout the session. Low-impact aerobics is a bit safer when it comes to injury than high-impact, due to less stress on your feet and joints when you land.
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Calories Burned
According to, high-impact aerobics burns 511 calories per hour for someone weighing 160 lbs. For a 200-lb. person, it burns 637 calories, and for a 240-lb. person, 763 calories. In comparison, low-impact aerobics burns 365 calories per hour for a 160-lb. person, 455 calories per hour for a 200-lb. person and 545 calories per hour for someone weighing 240 lbs.

Starting Out
Consider your exercise goals before you start doing aerobics. You can figure out whether you are most interested in losing weight, toning your muscles, relieving stress or improving your overall fitness and well-being. The more often you work out, the better your results, but doing aerobics every other day is usually better than daily. If you are just beginning to work out, a lower-intensity class of 25 to 60 minutes three times a week might be best. These type classes may have names like beginner's aerobics, easy step aerobics, lowimpact aerobics and aqua aerobics.

More Experience
If you have been exercising on a regular basis, consider a medium-intensity class of 35 to 60 minutes four times a week. Medium intensity is usually a mix of high and low impact. These classes might have names like high/low impact, step, circuit training or body sculpting. If you are an active exerciser, you could engage in highintensity classes of 25 to 50 minutes five days a week. They may have names like high/low impact, interval, athletic/power step and boxing aerobics.

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Different Aerobic Classes


Different Aerobic Classes

The word aerobics was originally coined by Doctor Kenneth Cooper in 1968 to describe forms of exercise that increase cardiovascular activity or, in other words, cause your heart rate and breathing rate to speed up. Aerobics is now a common term used to describe group exercise classes set to music that elevate your heart rate and burn calories while you work out. There are various different aerobics classes available, although not every gym offers all types of classes.

Dance Aerobics
Many aerobics classes are influenced by dance. There are classes that are based on hip-hop and street dancing such as Body Jam; Brazilian and South American dancing is featured heavily in Zumba; and other aerobics classes use movements from ballet and other classical forms of dance. Dance-based classes can be fun, especially if you enjoy combining choreographed dance routines with your workout. Dance-based aerobics classes are generally more popular with women than men.
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Step Aerobics
Step aerobics has been around since 1989 and was

launched by American fitness instructor Gin Miller in conjunction with Reebok. Step aerobics uses a wide variety of choreographed moves linked together to form routines that involve stepping on and off a raised platform. Step aerobics is a low-impact workout, although there are opportunities to add jumps into some of the routines if you wish. Step workouts can be very simple or extremely complex depending on the standard of class you attend and the teaching style of your instructor. Step aerobics, like all aerobics classes, is an effective calorie-burner and also very good for toning your legs and buttocks.

Martial Arts-Based Aerobics

There are a variety or martial arts-based aerobics classes that you can choose from, including Body Combat, Boxercise, PadBox and Tae Bo. Each class involves performing a choreographed series of fight moves to music. Body Combat uses elements from a variety of martial arts including Thai boxing, kickboxing and Afro-Brazilian Capoeira, whereas Tae Bo is influenced by the moves of Korean Tae Kwon Do. Most martial arts-based aerobics classes are non-contact, but Boxercise includes some pad and glove work. Martial arts-based classes offer an effective whole-body workout which is fast-paced and fun.

Equipment-Based Aerobics
A number of aerobics classes are designed around a single piece of exercise equipment. There are jump rope classes, exercise bike or spinning classes, stability ball classes, classes that use gliding pads to simulate speed skating and even classes using rowers or treadmills. Each of these classes offers similar benefits to the more common aerobic workouts, including increased cardiovascular fitness and fat burning.

Make sure that your aerobics instructor is qualified and holds the necessary insurance documentation so that, if an accident should happen, you are protected.
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"Aerobics"; Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper; 1968 "Step Aerobics: Fitness Training for Schools, Clubs and Studios"; Iris Pahmeier and Corinna Niederbaumer; 2001 "ACSM's Resources for the Personal Trainer"; American College of Sports Medicine; 2009

About this Author

Patrick Dale is an experienced writer who has written for a plethora of international publications. Also a lecturer and trainer of trainers, he is a major contributor for UltraFIT magazine and has been involved in fitness for over 22 years. Other than a five-year service in the Royal Marines, Dale has always worked in health and fitness and never intends to leave

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Types of Aerobic Dance


Types of Aerobic Dance

You know that you need to do aerobic exercise most days of the week to stay healthy. However, maybe you have taken all the group exercise classes offered by your local gym and it's too hot or too cold to exercise outside. Dancing can be a fun answer to this problem or just a way to mix up your aerobic routine. It can even double as a date or a social outing with friends, and you will find many types of aerobics dances from which to choose.

Zumba Fitness has quickly become one of the most popular dance aerobics programs around. It began in 2001 and, at the date of publication, has 12 million people in 125 countries attending Zumba Fitness classes, reports Zumba Fitness. This type of dance aerobics incorporates Latin moves with a party or club like atmosphere. Alberto Perez accidentally started this form of exercise when he forgot his typical aerobics music at home right before teaching a class. He put on the Latin-style music that he happened to have in his backpack and began leading his class through moves he learned while growing up in Columbia.
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Judi Sheppard Missett started this type of dance aerobics in 1969. Jazzercisers all over the country move to the latest music to burn up to 600 calories in 60 minutes, claims the website Not only does this form of exercise give you an aerobic workout, but it gives you the added benefit of strengthening and toning through the use of yoga, Pilates, kickboxing and resistance training. In 2008, the Jazzercise organization counted 32,000 classes that meet weekly in over 32 countries worldwide.

Ballroom Dancing
Ballroom dancing comprises many types of dances from different parts of the world. Popular dances include modern waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, salsa and quickstep. All types of ballroom dancing are performed by a couple who is in a "closed hold" position, which means that five specific points of contact between the couples' bodies are maintained throughout the dance. This type of dancing has been documented since the early 1500s, when balls were considered important social gatherings.

Belly Dancing
According to the International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance, belly dancing came from the ancient cultures of India and the Middle East. It is performed by women and uses the muscles of the torso to move the body. Though many hold to the idea that it was primarily a form of male entertainment, it was usually done for women during fertility ceremonies, where men weren't allowed, reports IAMED.

Read more: Low Impact Exercises

Low Impact Aerobics Routines for Men Low-impact aerobic exercise routines give men a variety of options to choose from, ranging from water walking to ice skating. The benefits of aerobics relate primarily to cardiovascular health. The benefits of low-impact aerobics relate to the amount of pounding your body takes when you exercise. Back problems, arthritis and weak bones all can be exacerbated by high-impact aerobics. Diabetics, the elderly and men who have been sedentary or are overweight will reap the benefits of aerobic conditioning, without potential setbacks, by opting... Read More All About Low Impact Exercises

Exercises With No Impact

Exercises without impact are easy on the joints, which is important if you have medical conditions such as arthritis. However, weight-bearing exercises are necessary to maintain bone health. Add strength training into your workout routine if you're avoiding impact exercises to ensure that your skeletal system is getting the workout it needs to maintain healthy bone density.

Swimming provides an excellent cardiovascular workout and helps build the muscles of your back, shoulders, arms, legs and core. It does this all without impact to your hips, back, knees or ankles. When you're in the water, you are buoyant, meaning you float. This removes the impact portion of any activity in the water. If you're new to swimming, start with walking around the shallow end of the pool to get used to the sensation of being in the water. Use a cap to keep your hair out of your face and eyes, and wear goggles to see clearly once you're ready to start swimming. A 2009 study published in the "American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism" found that rats who swam for endurance increased the absorption of calcium in their intestine, which raises the potential that osteoporotic patients may gain more than cardiovascular benefits from swimming.
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Yoga provides a mind-body connection that reduces stress and improves fitness. It also has no impact, making it a good option for those for whom impact is an issue. In addition, Mayo Clinic states that yoga practice may help you make healthy lifestyle choices to lose weight and manage pain, anxiety and stress disorders. While the full practice of yoga includes meditation and diet, you don't have to embrace the full discipline to get the benefit of classes.

Stationary cycling on your own or taking a spin class helps improve your leg strength and cardiovascular conditioning, with no impact on your joints. In a spin class, you sit on a stationary bike built to replicate the position of an outdoor racing bicycle. A leader choreographs the class, leading you through climbs and sprints set to music. The resulting workout is considered intense and provides a challenge. Modify the class by easing back on the amount of tension placed on the flywheel. As you become more fit, raise the tension to increase the challenge.

Strength Training
Strength training helps build skeletal systems with no impact on your joints. The action of lifting a weight or moving against a resistance band stresses the bones. They respond by getting denser and stronger, along with your muscles. Strength training doesn't mean lifting heavy weights; use your body weight or resistance tubing if you don't want to join a gym or don't enjoy using weights. When starting a strength-training program, get trained on the equipment and proper form to avoid injury.

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Low Impact Cardio at the Gym

Low-impact cardio workouts dont have to consist of lowintensity exercises that burn few calories. You have many options for raising your heart rate at a gym that dont require you to take a pounding while you exercise. Low-impact exercise can cause repetitive stress on your knees, hips and back, however. Using a variety of exercise equipment will help you create low-impact cardio exercises that dont wear you out.

What Is Cardio?
Depending on who you talk to, cardio exercise is any activity that raises your heart rate during a workout. This can include moderate-intensity fat-burning exercise, such as walking; vigorously intense aerobic exercise; or high-intensity sprint training. Many people use the word cardio to refer to aerobic exercise, which is performed at 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. This type of exercise is similar to a jogging pace, and has you sweating and breathing hard.

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Cardio Machines
Exercise machines designed exclusively or primarily for raising your heart rate to help you burn calories include treadmills, rowing machines, ellipticals, exercise bikes, stair machines, climbers and aerobic riders. Choose cardio machines that offer the most muscle use and different levels of resistance. For example, choose an elliptical with arm levers so you can work your upper body, or adjust the incline settings on a treadmill to increase your muscle use.

Impact and Stress

While many cardio machines are non- or low-impact, they create different levels of repetitive stress. For example, an elliptical requires you to move your entire body weight, pushing down on pedals. This can cause shin and knee pain. Certain rowing machines require you to push yourself with your legs, causing repetitive stress on your hips and knees. The faster you go on a treadmill, the higher the impact.

One way to create low-impact cardio workouts at a gym is to use free weights or weight machines with little weight or on a low-resistance setting. This prevents muscle fatigue and lets you continue exercising without stopping. Raise your heart rate performing a resistance exercise for one or two minutes, then take a one-minute break. Switch to another exercise and perform reps for one or two minutes before taking another break. This type of circuit training allows you to elevate your heart rate while building muscle and burning calories. You can use dumbbells, a barbell, a kettlebell, a universal machine or individual weight machines.

Gyms offer a variety of low-impact exercise classes. Choose from step aerobics, spinning, aqua aerobics and other workouts specifically designed for those who cant or dont want to do high-impact aerobic dancing or similar workouts.

Cardio Workouts
No matter what your level of fitness or what exercise machine you use, warm up gradually for several minutes at the start of your workout. Exercise at a pace that lets you continue without stopping, making sure your heart rate is elevated and youre breathing harder than normal. When you are done exercising, slow your movements for several minutes to let your body cool down and your heart rate return to normal. Finish with a stretch of your muscles.

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Leg Squat Form Explained

The squat is one of the most basic and effective exercises to build strength and size in your lower body. It is typically one of the main exercises in an overall leg training program. Traditionalists will likely use a straight barbell as resistance for squats, but you can also use dumbbells, resistance bands or just your own body weight. Proper form is important during the squat for growth and strength gains. It also prevents injury, especially if youre using heavy weights.

Setting Up
Proper form at the beginning will help keep you in balance throughout the exercise, which in turn will prevent injury. Before you lift the bar off the rack, position your feet a little wider than your shoulders, and angle your toes outward at about 45 degrees. Pull your shoulders slightly back, straighten your back and look straight ahead. Try to maintain a slight arch in your lower back throughout the movement.
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The Squat
To perform the lowering portion of the squat, get into your stance under the bar, so the bar rests just below or above the pointy ridges of your shoulder blades. Rest your hands on the top of the bar for support, but dont squeeze too hard. Stand up so the bar comes off the rack, then rotate the J hooks out of their slots, if the bar is in a Smith machine or similar rack. Take one step back from the rack and resume your foot position if the bar isnt attached. Contract your abdominals and bend your knees onto your heels, so it feels as if youre sitting back into a chair. Keep your feet and knees in line with each other and dont stick your knees out past your toes. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor or a little farther down.

The Push
When you get to the bottom of the squat, pause for a moment and then dig your heels into the floor to push yourself back up. Keep your body in the same position as in the start, and focus on your quadriceps and butt muscles to get you back to the top. Exhale forcefully as you push up to help move you along. Pause once again when you get to the top, and then perform your next repetition.

Since the squat usually places quite a lot of weight on your knee joints, its wise to practice your form with an empty bar or broomstick before adding weight. A slight dip in the wrong direction with weight on the bar could mean a serious knee injury. If youre working in a power rack or Smith machine, position the bar at about your mid-chest level so the hooks clear the rack when you stand. Use the same strict form if you do squats with dumbbells, bands or your own body weight.

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How to Do Cardio With Bad Knees and Ankles

Knee and ankle pain does not have to stop your exercise program. Knee and ankle pain are felt with every step as your feet and legs support the weight of your body. The best way to reduce the pain is to reduce the amount of weight your joints hold. Water exercise reduces the effects of gravity on your body by up to 90 percent when you exercise in neck-deep water. Exercise in waist-deep water reduces your body weight by 50 percent, which lessens the load on your knees and ankles. Speak with your doctor before beginning a workout when you have chronic pain, but a water workout is usually a safe exercise option.

Step 1
Secure a flotation belt around your waist. Tighten the belt so it does not slip up over your ribs or down over your hips. Arrange the belt so the clasp is in front.

Step 2
Walk down the pool stairs in the shallow end of the pool. Walk across the floor until you reach the deep end. Float with your body upright and your legs directly beneath you.
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Step 3
Move your right leg in front as if taking a step. Swing your left arm in time with your right leg, as you would if you were walking on land.

Step 4
Move your left leg in front as you swing your right leg

behind. Swing your right arm in time with your left leg.

Step 5
Face your palms behind your body and pull the water as you walk forward. Aim to walk for five to 10 minutes. Increase and decrease your speed as you feel comfortable.

Step 6
Face your palms forward and push the water away from you as you walk backward for five to 10 minutes.

Step 7
Turn sideways. Cross your right leg over your left as you walk to the left for five minutes. Cross your left leg over your right and walk to the right for five minutes. Use your arms to pull your body sideways through the water.

Step 8
Walk at an intensity level that raises your heart and breathing rates. Increase your walking pace if you are able to sing. Decrease your walking pace if you are unable to talk.

Step 9
Perform your water walking workout three to five days a week to improve your cardiovascular health.
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Tips and Warnings

If you are not comfortable in the deep water, walk in the shallow water. Continue to wear the flotation belt to reduce the impact on your knees and ankles. Walk forward, backward and sideways. Keep your spine tall and your stomach pulled in during your water walking.

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Instructions for Low Impact Aerobics

Low impact aerobic exercises are defined by three components increased heart rate, sustained movement and activation of large muscle groups such as the legs. This form of exercise is suitable for many populations who cannot, or should not, endure higherimpact exercise such as those including jumping or vigorous activity. Follow the simple instructions to reenter the exercise arena and integrate a low impact aerobics routine into your life.

Step 1
Sit comfortably and rest for five minutes. Take your resting heart rate either with a heart-rate monitor or by taking a manual pulse. To take a manual pulse, hold two fingertips to either your inner wrist or your neck for 60 seconds while counting the heartbeats.

Step 2
Calculate your maximum and target heart rates. Subtract your age from 220 to find your suggested maximum heart rate for someone your age. Multiply this number by 0.60 to get 60 percent of your maximum heart rate, or your target heart rate number.
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Step 3
Warm up your body before low-impact aerobics by walking in place for five to 10 minutes. Keep your hands in your pockets if you are new to exercising to keep your heart rate from getting too high too quickly.

Step 4
Stretch the large muscle groups gently. Stretch your hamstrings the muscles down the backs of your upper legs your quadriceps on the front of your upper legs and your shoulders to start.

Step 5
Walk, jog slowly or dance for 20 minutes, three times a week. Check your heart rate at the 10-minute mark and increase your pace if your heart rate is lower than your target rate number. Remember to keep one foot on the floor at all times and keep your arm movements controlled.

Step 6
Mix it up and try other low-impact aerobic exercises so you will not get bored. Try swimming, elliptical or recumbent biking machines as alternatives to walking.

Step 7
Cool down your body for 10 minutes following lowimpact aerobics by walking slowly, keeping your arms below the waist and focusing on slow, controlled breaths. Take your pulse and make sure you are within 10 percent of your resting heart rate before you stop the workout.
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Tips and Warnings

As your cardiovascular health increases, you may have to work harder to reach your target heart rate. Slowly increase the duration of your activities to 30 minutes per day as tolerated. Get permission from your doctor before starting an exercise program if you are overweight, sedentary or have a history of medical problems. Prescription heart and blood pressure medications may affect your ability to increase your heart rate; talk to your doctor if you have a history of cardiovascular problems

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Low Impact Exercises for Bones

The health of your bones depends partially on how you use them. As muscles grow larger and firmer with use, so do your bones. Osteoblasts bone-building cells respond to the tugging of your muscles with new bone tissue, strengthening your bones and building greater bone density. However, too much high-impact exercise can cause its own set of problems, particularly for your joints. Low-impact exercise can strengthen your bones while protecting joints.

Lifting weights gives your muscles and your bones a low-impact workout. As your muscles pull against your bones at the muscles' attachment points, your bone density at those points increases. Unlike jogging or aerobic exercise, weightlifting involves no jarring impact,

making it preferable for people who already have signs of osteoporosis or who have joint pain. Greater intensity heavier weights and slower lifting improves bone density more than low-intensity lifting with lighter weights. If you have osteoporosis, consult with your doctor before starting a fitness program that includes weightlifting.
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Elliptical Machines
When you use an elliptical machine, your body must work against gravity. It's a form of weightlifting exercise, but in this case, the weight is your own body. Because your feet stay planted on the machine, elliptical exercise is considered a low-impact form of exercise. You'll also get an aerobic workout from using an elliptical machine, so this exercise is a good choice for overall fitness as well as for bone health.

Walking and Hiking

Walking works the same muscle groups as jogging, but without significant impact on your bones and joints. It's a mild form of weight-bearing activity that readily fits into your life. You can incorporate walking into your daily activities, reinforcing your bone-building exercise with additional resistance. Hiking is a more intense form of walking, especially if you hike over hills. Although hiking over moderately hilly terrain involves some impact, it's no greater than you'd face from walking. However, the gentle slopes you face on your hike give you more of a weight-bearing workout than a typical walk around the neighborhood.

You might think of yoga primarily as a flexibility builder, but yoga poses that require you to support your weight can also help you build bone mass. Standing asanas or poses such as warrior 1 and 2, triangle and half moon call for strength and balance as well as flexibility. Seated poses that incorporate arm lifts to support your body weight contribute to bone-building throughout your upper body. If you find poses difficult to reach or hard to maintain, you can use support blocks to help you keep

your balance or perfect your form

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Low-Impact Exercises to Lose Stomach Fat

Swimming provides a full-body workout that is easy on the muscles, joints and ligaments.The water acts as a natural resistance to burn calories, fat and tone your muscles. Swim laps at your local pool. Mix up your workouts using different strokes. Try the freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, dog paddle and sidestroke. If you are an unskilled swimmer, consider taking lessons to enhance your workouts.

Low-impact exercises are easier on your joints, ligaments and muscles, and they provide you with the same benefits as high-impact exercises. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. It is impossible to spot reduce fat from a certain area of your body, but by engaging in moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise, you lose fat all over your body, including your midsection. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 60 to 90 minutes of cardio five days a week to lose weight. Eat a healthy diet along with exercise to lose stomach fat at a faster rate.
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Cycling is an effective exercise that burns calories, boosts your metabolism and burns fat without highimpact activity. According to NutriStrategy, cycling can burn 654 calories for a 180-pound person in one hour. Pick a terrain that is a mix of flatland and hills to get your heart pumping. Go to the gym and use a stationary bike, changing the resistance to work up a sweat.

Dancing is a total-body workout that tones all the major muscles, including your abdominals. The constant movement gets your heart pumping and burns calories. Many fitness gyms and community centers offer dance classes, including zumba, hip-hop and hustle. You can also try salsa or ballroom dancing.

You can find an elliptical machine at your local gym, or you can purchase one for your house. When training on the elliptical, you do not pick up your feet, which makes it a low-impact exercise. Some ellipticals are built with moving handlebars to provide you with a total-body workout. The machines have preset workout programs, such as intervals, cross-training and hills, and allow you to change the pedal resistance to add more challenge

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What Is a Low-Impact Workout?

Low Impact Exercise Equipment for a Back Problem

Doctors recommend low-impact exercises for patients suffering from a variety of back problems including osteoporosis, stenosis, herniated discs and pinched nerves. Low-impact exercises generally refer to aerobic activities where no jumping is involved, reducing the jarring and gravitational compression on the spine. Certain exercise equipment is designed for low-impact workouts.

Stair Stepper
A stair stepper is an aerobic exercise machine designed to simulate climbing stairs. By keeping both feet on the steps at all times, impact is reduced in an aerobic activity that can burn high amounts of calories. A 160-lb. person can burn up to 657 calories in an hour of stair stepping, while a 240-lb. person can burn up to 981 calories in the same time. Maintain proper posture on the stair stepper to prevent postural stress in the neck or hips while exercising. Use the bar on the machine to support yourself or reduce the intensity level if you begin to slouch while working out.
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Elliptical Machine
An elliptical machine resembles a stair stepper but instead of the movement going up and down, your feet create a rounded, elliptical shape through the motion. Elliptical machines not only provide a strong cardiovascular workout but also help open up hip flexors and stretch the hamstrings and lower back. Elliptical machines burn about 100 calories per hour less than running, making them efficient low-impact machines. A 160-lb. person can burn about 584 calories per hour running, while a 240-lb. person can burn 872 calories per hour. Like the stair stepper, keep an upright and tall posture to prevent straining the back during your workout.

Stationary Bike
Stationary bikes come in various shapes and styles that can change your seating position. Choose a bike that

doesnt force you to bend over if you are concerned about straining the upper back or neck. Use the handlebars to keep a tall posture instead of slumping over the bars to reduce the stress on your upper back and allow your legs to generate the pushing power needed for an effective and efficient workout. A leisurely pace on a bicycle burns 292 calories over the course of an hour in a 160-lb. person, or 436 calories in a 240-lb. person.

A treadmill can serve as either a low-impact or highimpact exercise machine. If you are running or jogging, you are experiencing high-impact exercise. If you are walking, even at an incline, you are performing lowimpact exercise. As with all home-machine use, maintain proper posture and reduce intensity if you begin to slouch or slump. Walking at 2 mph burns 183 calories per hour in a 160-lb. person compared with 273 calories in a 240-lb. person. Increasing the walk to 3.5 mph burns 277 calories in a 160-lb. person and 414 in the 240-lb. person.

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How to Become a Speed Walker

List of Low-impact Aerobic Moves

The repetitive motion of aerobic exercise elevates the heart rate and improves the health of the cardiovascular system. As an added benefit, this form of exercise burns

calories and promotes weight loss. The downside of aerobic training is that some forms, such as running and jumping rope, cause a high amount of impact to the body. This may be detrimental when you have conditions like arthritis or back pain. Low-impact aerobics is safer, and you have multiple forms from which to choose. What's most important is that you do something you like.

Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that can be done in any location or on a treadmill. Even though this exercise form does not cause a lot of stress on the joints, it is still weight bearing. This means gravity pushes down on your body while you work out, making your bones stronger. By walking up hills or walking on an incline on a treadmill, you will make your workouts more challenging and burn more calories.
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Aquatic Exercise
Aquatic exercise, or water aerobics, takes place in a swimming pool and involves the weight of your body or special underwater devices. When you are in water, your body is buoyant, which causes very little stress on your muscles, bones and connective tissues. According to, the water acts as good resistance to strengthen your muscles, and you also have the option of using tools such as hand webs.

Stationary Cycling
A stationary cycle has revolving cranks with pedals, adjustable handlebars and an adjustable seat. Using this machine is low-impact and simulates riding a bike outdoors, which is also low-impact. If you have lower back pain, you might be more comfortable on a recumbent bike. Unlike the conventional style, this has a bucket seat with a backrest, and the pedals are out in front of your body.

Elliptical Training
Elliptical training is similar to cross-country skiing. You

operate this machine with your feet fixed on pedals and hands gripping upright poles. Simply move your arms and legs back and forth in a smooth, gliding motion. Being that your feet never leave the pedals, you experience a light amount of impact. The biggest benefit of this machine is that it works the upper and lower body at the same time. This gives you the ability to do a solid workout in a short amount of time.

Rowing is another full-body form of aerobic exercise. This machine is operated by sitting on a movable seat, placing your feet in supports and sliding back and forth while pulling a handle to your lower stomach. Because your feet never move, you do not feel much impact as you row. This machine works your glutes, thighs, back, arms and shoulders.

Arm ergometry is a good option if you have a knee injury and cannot perform repetitive bending. An ergometer has a seat with a backrest and cranks that are chest level. To exercise on the ergometer, grasp the handles and spin them around in a circular motion, in similar fashion to pedaling a bike

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Low Impact Strength and Stability Exercises

Gaining strength and stability in your body does not require an expensive gym membership or purchasing expensive equipment. Many beneficial low-impact exercises can be practiced in your home and require nothing more than bare feet, an empty wall and a soft mat.

Bare-feet Balance

The benefit of doing low-impact exercises in bare feet is that you're using muscles in all parts of your feet that you can't work with shoes on. Your ankles connect your feet to your legs. Not only are your ankles an intricate network of muscles, nerves and bones, they must also be strong enough to support your upper body. When you exercise in bare feet, you strengthen your ankle muscles, making your feet and legs more stable. The University of Illinois' McKinley Health Center's website suggests stabilizing your ankles can be as simple as standing on one foot. They found that if you have poor balance, you are two to three times more likely to have weak ankles. Practice standing on one foot, next to a wall for support if you need it, for 30-second intervals. Gradually work up to one minute per foot. Repeat this several times a day. This exercise provides both strength and stability for your legs.
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Wall Pushups
Try wall pushups by standing a leg's distance away from a wall. Lean toward the wall and place both your hands on the wall, shoulder-width apart. On an exhale, bend your elbows and lower your upper body toward the wall until you are just about to touch it. As you inhale, begin straightening your arms until you are back in your original position. Try repeating this for three sets of 10 repetitions. While this movement may feel easy at the beginning, it becomes challenging toward the end of the third set. Wall pushups are a low-impact exercise that builds strength in your chest, arms and shoulders.

Spinal Stabilization
A strong core provides you with not only tighter abdominal muscles but also stronger lower-back muscles. There are several low-impact ways to build a stronger core. shows that one of the most beneficial exercises is a simple pelvic tilt. To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and draw your pelvic muscles down to the floor. Hold this position for several seconds and then relax the muscles. Repeat this movement three to five times.

One of the simplest low-impact exercises for building cardiovascular strength and stamina is walking. Even a few minutes of extra walking provides benefits for your body. Find a pace that's comfortable for you. As your body adapts to walking, challenge yourself by going farther or faster. Try timed intervals when you walk by moving at your normal pace for one minute and then walking faster for one minute. Repeat this drill several times during your walk to improve both strength and endurance.

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Swimming Exercise for the Obese One of the best ways to combat obesity is with exercise, but when carrying around excess weight, exercise can be difficult. Luckily, water can be used to help assist you in getting healthy regardless of your weight, through the... Read More

Cardio Exercises That Have Less Impact on the Knees However, many vigorous cardiovascular workouts entail doing high-impact movements that repeatedly shock your tendons, muscles, joints and ligaments. This type of workout can cause injury or aggravate existing injuries. Instead,... Read More

Daily Exercises to Make Your Abs Bigger A midsection that is neglected in strength training results in an inconsistent look, if the rest of your body is well defined. For truly strong and big abdominals, you should exercise them everyday, but vary the intensity and t... Read More

What Is the Recommended Amount of Low Impact Cardio? Low-impact cardio exercise is one of the safest and most effective ways to increase aerobic endurance, burn fat and calories and improve bone density. The basic recommendations for low-impact cardio are dependent upon the inten... Read More

What Exercises Are High Impact on the Knees? Most sports and exercises that have you up on your feet will have some impact on your knees, but a few common activities can have an especially high impact on those joints. That's why proper technique and an effective warmup, a... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for People With Sore Knees and Ankles Low-impact exercises reduce the forces that are applied to the lower body joints by weight and gravity. This modification to exercise reduces ankle and knee pain. In addition, low-impact exercises decrease the chances of injury... Read More

Low Impact Exercise for Abs Not all abdominal exercises work the ab muscles with the same type of intensity. If you're just beginning ab exercises for the first time or are recovering from an injury, you should opt for exercises that are not especially st... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for People With Osteoarthritis in Knees Some exercises can help you stay active and healthy and will not exacerbate the pain in your knees. Cardiovascular exercise, resistance training and stretching are all important in preventing heart disease, diabetes, maintainin... Read More

How to Do Toe Exercises Your toes -- especially your big toe -- are important in movement and balance. However, these weight bearing bones can make your toes susceptible to injury. Sports, running, wearing ill-fitted footwear or receiving a direct blo... Read More

How to Strengthen Ankles Against Injuries A long forgotten sprained ankle, inversion injuries, obesity or even repeated abuse to the ankle joint can set you up for future ankle problems such as chronic pain and performance issues. If you have received clearance to exer... Read More

Definition of Low-Impact Exercise There are many different terms used to describe a type of exercise or an exercise method. Knowing the difference between the definition of low-impact, high-impact and non-impact exercise, as well as exercise intensity, can help... Read More

What Are Impact Carbs?

Fiber, sugar and starches are all forms of carbohydrates. However, only some of these types of carbohydrates impact your blood sugar. For this reason, carbohydrates are divided into two categories "impact" and "non-impact" carb... Read More Parts of a Sears DP Air Gometer Exercise Bike The Sears DP Air Gometer exercise bike is a dual-motion machine that allows you to work your upper and lower body together. You can choose to only use the lower-body pedals or the upper-body swing arms, or you can use both simu... Read More

Workout Routines & What to Eat Keith, Professor of Nutrition and Food Science at Auburn University. Knowing what to eat can maximize your workout routine, providing you with the essential nutrients required to ensure stamina and support muscle growth. As P... Read More

Spastic Toe Exercise With muscle stiffness being the main characteristic, spasticity involves muscle tightness and contractions that can interfere with walking, clenching fists and speaking clearly. Spastic toe exercises that concentrate on stretc... Read More

Long Exercise Mats for Low Impact Cardio You can gain all the benefits of cardio exercise by training in your home on a long exercise mat with low impact exercise. Low impact exercises are easier on your joints because they are not made up of jumping and jarring movem... Read More

Exercises for Low Kidney Energy Low kidney energy is said to cause low back pain, arthritis, and bone spurs. While several herbal remedies, including KB-C, HSN-W and large amounts of water, can help flush out your kidney's, there are several exercises specifi... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Women Over 55 As we enter our 50s, we realize that regular exercise is no longer an option but a need. At 50 our bodies need low-impact forms of exercise that provide benefits like lean muscle mass, cardiovascular training, coordination, ba... Read More

What Are Aquafit Exercises? Aquafit exercises are aquatic exercises that can improve every element of physical fitness. Aquafit exercises are low-impact activities that remove pressure from your bones, joints and muscles. Many do not require that you know... Read More

What Is Swimmer's Elbow? Swimming is a low-impact exercise. This does not, however, exempt swimmers from injury. The constant movements of your arms during a swim meet or practice can lead to pain in your elbows. This condition is often referred to as ... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Bad Knees The knee joint is the largest joint in your body and it carries most of your body weight whenever you're upright. Chronic conditions, such as arthritis, can make pain a part of daily life. Low-impact exercises as well as streng... Read More

Cardio Exercise With Low Impact on the Knees

Finding an exercise that will increase your heart rate and work your large muscles without causing strain or pain in your knees can be a challenge. While you may not be able to participate in contact sports or running, you'll f... Read More

Low-Impact Cardiovascular Exercises for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction The sacroiliac joint, also referred to as the SI joint, is at the base of the spine where the spine and hip meet. Dysfunction of this joint can cause excruciating low-back and leg pain. Aerobic exercise, muscular strengthening,... Read More

Low Impact Exercise and Bone Loss Bone loss is one of the major causes of fractures in the elderly. If you're entering middle age, it's especially important to exercise, which helps improve bone strength and growth. Good exercise habits help prevent bone loss a... Read More

Fitness Workout With Low-Impact Routines Depending on your goals for exercise, you can perform low-impact routines standing or sitting, with or without exercise equipment. Understanding a few tips for creating low-impact exercises will help you create a variety of eff... Read More

The Best Aerobic Low Impact Exercise Machine High-impact aerobic exercise is contraindicated when you have joint conditions or suffer from lower back pain. Staying in shape and maintaining a good range of motion, meanwhile, is important when you have such conditions. The ... Read More

Exercising With Weak Ankles This is especially true if the joint in question is your ankles. Luckily, just because you have weak ankles, does not mean you have to avoid activity all together. There are several different ways you can stay active while redu... Read More

Which Exercise Machines Have Low Impact on Knees? When you have knee problems, it's important to reduce the stress you place on these vital joints. You don't have to stop exercising, however. Low-impact exercise machines can provide great cardio workouts without forcing your k... Read More

Good Low-Impact Cardio Spine Exercises Low-impact cardio spine exercises increase cardiovascular health while placing little stress upon the spinal column. Exercises play an essential role in maintaining spine health while also aiding the healing process after spina... Read More

Low-Impact Workouts for the Knees Low-impact workouts for the knees are important when you have a knee condition. Common knee ailments such as arthritis and patellofemoral pain syndrome make exercise tricky. You don't have to give up exercise, however. You can ... Read More

Exercise Routines for Low-Impact or Senior Aerobics Exercise routines for low-impact or senior aerobics will increase your breathing and heart rate for an extended period of time without placing much stress on the joints. Exercises improve endurance and independence and they low... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Obese Women However, it can be difficult to obtain the recommended amounts of activity when you are obese due to the impact that excess weight can place on the joints of your body. Luckily, there are

several exercise options you can use to... Read More

Upper Body Workout With Low Impact Being that weight training is the focal point of an upper body workout, you do not have much impact to worry about -- this is more the case with running and jumping exercises which work the lower body. However, you still have t... Read More

Examples of Low-Impact Exercises But exercise can be a source of discomfort or even injury for some participants. Low-impact exercises, which involve minimal forces and pressures, provide the health benefits of physical activity and can actually help stabilize... Read More

Low-Impact Aerobic Classes If you're trying to lose weight, you may need to exercise even more. Low-impact aerobic classes allow you to get your exercise in a group setting, which may make you feel more motivated to work out. Read More

Diet & Exercise Can Impact Learning Ask young students, and they might tell you they prefer recess to classroom time. Ask doctors, and they might tell you how important it is for children to get daily exercise. Proper nutrition and exercise aids brain function. C... Read More

Low Impact Cardio or Aerobics Workout or Routine When dealing with joint problems or other health issues, one of the best ways to meet this guideline is through low-impact exercise. Read More

Indoor Low-Impact Aerobics Cycling, swimming, skating, jogging and power walking are all effective methods of low-impact exercise for losing weight and improving health, but when the weather won't let you exercise outdoors, your favorite workouts may no ... Read More

Can You Get Fit Just by Doing Pilates? Pilates is a mix of stretching, aerobic exercises and strength-

training moves that is taught as a group fitness class in gyms and studios across the country. You can get fit by focusing on Pilates because it incorporates all th... Read More

Low Joint Impact Exercise Low-impact is usually a term used for aerobic exercise. A lowimpact exercise class will provide reduced vertical impact forces, which means one foot is in contact with the floor at all times. A low-impact class won't have hopp... Read More

Low Impact Carbs Low-impact carbs refers to carbohydrates that have a more gradual effect on your blood sugar than processed carbohydrates and carbohydrate foods high in sugar. The glycemic index rates foods based on their impact on blood gluco... Read More

Swimmer's Shoulder and Treatment Swimming, the third most popular sports activity in the U.S., is not only an excellent aerobic activity but also a low-impact form of exercise. Even more impressive, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that sw... Read More

Low-Impact Aerobics Combinations Aerobics can be an effective way to burn calories and keep your heart rate elevated. According to the American Council on Exercise, low-impact aerobics can be an alternative to traditional aerobics if you are injured or need to... Read More

Low-Impact Exercise and Ankle Injuries Low-impact exercise places minimal shock or strain upon joints and encourages a healthy recuperation. Exercises that condition and prevent ankle problems can also be used as rehabilitative maneuvers to strengthen and stretch yo... Read More

What Is Pilates Good For? The primary objective of Pilates is to put you in tune with your body by focusing on movements and breathing. Properly executing and controlling Pilates helps develop your core and gently stretches your body, which promotes fle... Read More

Benefits of Low-Impact Aerobics Aerobic exercise is not limited only to those who are physically fit. Low-impact aerobics is suitable for much of the population. Whatever your reason for choosing low-impact aerobic exercise, you can still reap the rewards of ... Read More

Low-impact Exercise Injury Low-impact exercises are frequently presented as a panacea for seniors, pregnant women and adults suffering from injuries acquired during high-impact exercises and sports such as jogging and tennis. But low-impact exercises -- ... Read More

The Best Shoes for Low Impact Exercise The best shoes for low-impact exercise increase your comfort, safety and functionality while engaging in a variety of activities that provide minimal joint impact. Shoes need to be purchased in the afternoon when your feet are ... Read More Is the Gazelle Like the Elliptical? Tony Little is famous for over-the-top infomercials hawking his Gazelle, an exercise machine that's sometimes classified as a lowend elliptical trainer. But although the Gazelle and elliptical trainers have a few superficial s... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for a Ruptured Disc According to the Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, a ruptured or herniated disk occurs when the center or nucleus of the disk pushes through its edge. This in turn leads to pressure on spinal nerves, which causes leg pain and nu... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Knee Injuries Knee injuries can occur for a variety of reasons, including participation in sports, strain from exercise or slip-and-fall accidents. Low-impact exercises are an effective way to strengthen, stretch and relieve the pain of an i... Read More

Low Impact Workout Routines Low-impact exercises are those that do not strain your joints with kicks, leaps and jumps. One foot should remain on the ground at all times. Low-impact workouts are a great way to get exercise even if you have problems with yo... Read More

What Is the Difference Between Low Impact & High Impact Step Aerobics? Adjustable bench heights and optional arm motions make step aerobics adaptable for beginners and seasoned steppers alike. Although choosing between low-impact and high-impact step aerobics is primarily a matter of personal pref... Read More

Is Brisk Walking Considered a High Impact Exercise? If you're ready to begin a healthier life, walking is one of the easiest and best ways to increase your level of fitness. Using brisk walking, you can work up to a higher level of fitness to start incorporating high-impact exer... Read More

Low Impact Exercise Ideas If you experience back, knee or ankle pain, you may wish to try low-impact exercises. These exercises refer to the amount of shock the feet must absorb when you take a step while exercising. Running is a high-impact activity wh... Read More

What Are the Best Low-Impact Exercises? If you're looking for ways to enjoy the health benefits of an active lifestyle without unnecessary pressure on your joints and bones, low-impact exercise may be the answer. With plenty of options for variety in your fitness pro... Read More

Exercises for a Low Lying Place From a supine or reclined position, you can do a number of fantastic exercises that work the abdominals, oblique muscles, lower back, chest, hips and glutes. A pair of dumbbells is handy for a few of the exercises, but you can ... Read More

15 Minute Low Impact Aerobic Workouts Low-impact exercises can allow you to achieve your fitness goals without placing undue stress on your heart or joints. Low-impact exercises are primarily designed for rehabilitation therapy, pregnant women, seniors and obese or... Read More

Step-by-Step Low Impact Exercises High-impact exercise involves jumping, bouncing and kicking, which can be hard on the joints. If you have knee or hip problems, low-impact exercise is easier on the joints. Low-impact exercises provide the benefits of high-impa... Read More

Low Impact Exercise Tapes Although many exercise programs pride themselves on providing intense workouts, other exercise tapes tout low-impact workouts. Low-impact exercise tapes can be appropriate if you have joint problems, are pregnant or are new to ... Read More

Cardio and Knee Problems That's particularly true if you suffer from knee problems and pain. Stiff, aching knees can make it tough to get a really good cardiovascular workout, which often involves a significant strain on knees. But getting to the root ... Read More

Bicycle Related Knee Problems Cycling is a good low-impact exercise for people who need an alternative to running or other high-impact exercises. The most common injuries in cyclists include anterior knee pain and

patellofemoral pain syndrome. Read More

Low Impact Aerobics Classes Low impact aerobics uses large muscle, non-jumping movements to elevate your heart rate. Choreographed low impact aerobic classes put these moves to music. Read More

Low-Impact Mountain Bicycling Low-impact mountain biking is also known as soft cycling. This is a practice that purposely minimizes the damage and impact the cyclist has on the environment. Low-impact mountain biking also stresses the importance of courtesy... Read More

Low-impact Aerobic Classes This makes them difficult or dangerous for some people. If you're looking for a milder but effective workout, consider a low-impact aerobics class. Talk to your doctor about the suitability of the physical activity you choose, ... Read More

Low Impact Water Exercises Water is resistant, and can help to build, tone and maintain muscle strength. As with all exercises, consult your primary care physician before you start. Even those who can't swim can benefit from aquatic exercise. Read More

How to Learn Low Impact Exercises at Home Low impact exercises do not jar or stress the joints or spine. This makes low impact exercise a good choice if you wish to begin an exercise program or if you've been injured and have received medical clearance to resume exerci... Read More

Low-Impact Exercise Machines Despite the well-known mantra, you don't need pain to gain benefits through exercise. Low-impact exercise machines can provide these benefits without pounding your muscles, joints and skeletal structure. Low-impact exercise mac... Read More

Low Impact Treadmills There are several types of low-impact treadmills on the market

that can help to minimize or even eliminate pain during exercise. There are also alternatives to treadmills that will provide similar cardiovascular results, and t... Read More

What Is the Primary Energy Source During Low to Moderate Intensity Exercise? You fuel your body with calories from carbohydrates, fat and protein, but your body prefers to burn energy from carbohydrates and fat during exercise. The intensity of your workouts affect which fuel your body relies most heavi... Read More

Low Impact Aerobics for the Plus Sized Additionally, obesity has long-term effects on joints including the development of chronic inflammatory conditions such as osteoarthritis. A variety of low-impact physical exercises can help you to maintain a regular aerobic wo... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for the Elderly Exercise is a great way to promote flexibility and improve range of motion, stay physically fit, maintain a healthy weight and even socialize. According to the American Council on Exercise, exercise is recommended to help ease ... Read More

Low Impact Workout Equipment But each footfall produces high-impact forces on your muscles, joints and connective tissues. If you're extremely overweight, have injured joints or weak bones, you might not be able to tolerate these repeated impacts. But you ... Read More

Low Impact Aerobics for Senior Citizens Low-impact aerobic exercise is an effective way for a senior citizen to keep his cardiovascular system in shape, while protecting his bones and joints at the same time. Conditions that tend to worsen with age, including osteopo... Read More

What Is Fitness Pilates? Joseph Pilates came up with the Pilates exercise method in the early 1900s. Pilates is a type of exercise that is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels, as it requires you to use only your own body weight to increase stre... Read More

Low Impact Exercise Programs Low-impact exercise programs strengthen muscles, improve fitness and boost overall health without harming or putting stress on the joints. Low-impact activities are ideal for those with joint or bone injuries and chronic condit... Read More

Low-Impact Exercises to Do With the Ball Low-impact exercise is any exercise that occurs when at least one foot is on the ground at all times, such as in walking or weight training. High-impact exercise is when both feet are off the ground at the same time, as in runn... Read More

About Pilates Pilates is a low-impact exercise system built upon the core principles of concentration, precision, control, breathing and flowing movements. Classes are offered at many gyms, fitness centers and YMCAs. Most people can learn to... Read More

Biography for Leslie Sansone Leslie Sansone is the creator of the popular, low-impact Walk at Home program. She also owns Studio Fitness in New Castle, Pa. Her company, which she started as a way to put herself through college, has grown into a multimillio... Read More

Low-Impact Aerobics Classes For many people trying to get into shape, the repetitive impact from exercises such as running or advanced calisthenics places too much stress on the ankle knee and hip joints, putting these exercisers at risk for injury. The A... Read More

Example of Pilates Moves Initially designed to help rehabilitate injured ballerinas, Pilates is a system of exercise which strengthens the core muscles using a lowimpact workout. Small movements, concentrated breathing and proper form are combined to ... Read More

Low Impact Stretches Stretches help prepare the body for a workout, help you relax at the end of a long day, and keep your joints mobile and flexible. Stretches that don't cause impact against your joints are especially

beneficial, as you protect y... Read More

Low-Impact Workout Equipment Fortunately, you can stay in shape and improve your health by getting regular physical activity on low-impact workout machines. Adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, the Center... Read More

Step-by-Step Low-Impact Exercises High-impact exercises such as running or aerobics, which include a lot of fast-paced jumping, can stress your joints and result in pain and cartilage damage over time. Many exercisers seek out lowimpact alternatives when desig... Read More

Low-Impact Exercises for the Knees Unfortunately, knee injures and conditions -- including arthritis -can plague even the most active and careful individuals. Fortunately, there are a variety of exercises that can keep your knees moving without placing stress ... Read More

Low-Impact Exercises Low-impact exercises allow you to enjoy the benefits of aerobic exercise without stressing your joints excessively. Regular aerobic physical activity plays a role in heart-disease prevention, can reduce blood pressure and can h... Read More

Low Impact Water Exercises If you have a chronic joint condition or a recent injury, the stress can do more harm than good. A pool can supply a safe environment to perform low-impact exercises that stretch, strengthen and tone your muscles. If you have a... Read More

Low Motility Exercises If your sperm lack the ability to flip their tails and wiggle forward, you'll have difficulties in conceiving a child. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, can help increase sperm motility. Excessive exercise will m... Read More

Low Impact Workouts for Arthritis Of the different types of arthritis, the most common form is osteoarthritis, which typically affects seniors. Other types of arthritis may affect a person at any stage in her life. Because joint pain is a common symptom of arth... Read More

Low-Impact Exercises for the Elderly Exercise has a positive effect on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight, heart health and posture, and can reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. For older adults, exercise may be difficult due to arthritis... Read More

Low Impact Cardio Machines If you're extremely overweight or have joint injuries, low-impact cardio machines are one of the most comfortable ways to satisfy this recommendation. Since your feet neither leave the pedals at all nor re-contact the pedals wi... Read More

Diet & Exercise Can Impact Learning Diet and exercise not only are beneficial to your body, they also are an asset to your brain. By eating a healthy diet and participating in a daily fitness routine, you can enhance your brain's ability to learn

and remember. Al... Read More Air Gometer Stepper Instructions The Air Gometer Stepper is an exercise stepper that is lower in impact on the joints, according to the Centers for Disease Control, than traditional cardiovascular exercises such as running or stair climbing. Steppers and stepp... Read More

What Is the Meaning of Low Impact Aerobics? Low impact aerobics involve rhythmic, continuous movements that exercise large muscle groups. Aerobics improve your endurance and cardiovascular health. When done on land, one foot remains on the floor at all times during low i... Read More

Low-Impact Treadmills The answer is a low-impact treadmill or treadmill alternative. This type of cardiovascular exercise machine offers the health benefits of a treadmill but with less impact on your joints. Read More

15-Minute Low-Impact Aerobic Workouts If your impact level or exercise time has been limited by medical

restrictions, you can still exercise safely and effectively. There are plenty of aerobic exercises that are easy on your heart and joints. Talk to your doctor be... Read More

Low Impact Leg Squat Machines Machines are great for beginners who need to learn the basic movements of different exercises without an added load of weight to have to balance. Leg squat machines allow you to safely work your gluteal muscles, quadriceps and ... Read More

Low Impact Step Aerobic Routines Step aerobics programs provide the benefits of high-intensity cardio workouts while minimizing the impact to your knees and feet. You can do step workouts in a group setting or in the privacy of your own home. Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Stamina Two of these five involve stamina. Muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance give you the stamina to perform sustained periods of activity. According to the Ask the Trainer website, muscular endurance allows your muscles ... Read More

Air Walker Exercises Found frequently in China, air walkers are making their presence known throughout the U.S. as a popular no-impact form of outdoor exercise. The air walker is a piece of equipment supported by two or three poles and a handlebar.... Read More

Low-Impact Circuit Workouts Not only do they burn calories, they also help build muscle, which is a highly metabolic tissue. If you are trying to preserve the integrity of your joints, stick with low-impact circuits that do not involve any leaping, jumpin... Read More

The Impacts of Exercise on a Developing Fetus New scientific evidence indicates that pregnant women who exercise are not only benefiting their own health, but they are improving the health of their unborn babies. Experts recommend engaging in mild to moderate exercise each... Read More

Low-Impact Exercise Routines But with a little bit of education and creativity, you can work around any exercise limitation. Even if you have bad joints, lowimpact exercise can help you meet your weight loss or fitness goals.

Read More Low Impact Exercises for Neck Nerve Impingement The close relationship of structures in the cervical area and the potential for debilitating nerve injury requires extra care be taken when exercising your neck. However, there are low-impact exercises that may help resolve the... Read More

What Is an Elliptical at a Gym? "Elliptical" is short for the term "elliptical trainer" which is a popular cardiovascular exercise machine. The low impact movement it provides for the legs, combined with upper body resistance, makes the elliptical an effectiv... Read More

How to Learn Low-Impact Exercises at Home High-impact activities such as jogging, running on a treadmill, some forms of aerobic dancing and calisthenics such as skipping rope and jumping jacks place your body's entire weight on your lower body joints each time you land... Read More How to Use a Gazelle Edge At just over $100 before shipping and tax as of July 2010, the Gazelle Edge is less expensive than many other conventional exercise machines. The Gazelle Edge allows you to perform a variety of exercises to work different muscles. Read More

Grapevine Exercises The grapevine is a movement that is done in aerobic group exercise classes. It can be incorporated into warm-ups and cooldowns, high- or low-impact class and into step-aerobics routines. After you learn the basic steps for the... Read More

Low Impact Pool Exercises for a Bad Back If you suffer from back pain, exercise might be uncomfortable --but it does not have to be. Pool workouts are a low-impact way to stay in shape without the discomfort of land exercises. You can perform a variety of movements ... Read More

Low Impact Cardio Exercises Low-impact cardio exercises, which cause less pounding on your joints because your feet don't leave the exercise surface, or do so only gently, pave the way for you to continue burning calories and challenging your cardiovascul... Read More

Low Impact Ab & Butt Exercises With An Injured Knee An injury of any kind can make it painful and difficult to maintain fit and toned muscles, especially in your abs and butt, which are problem areas in the first place. Fortunately, there are several lowimpact ab and butt exerc... Read More

Examples of Low-Impact Exercises Running, jumping rope, tennis and plyometrics are examples of these. Although they may be beneficial at strengthening bones, they can also be contraindicated for people with arthritis or other joint conditions. Low-impact exerc... Read More

Low-Impact Cardio Exercises Low-impact cardio exercises can provide the same benefits as highimpact activities. Cardiovascular activity aids in weight loss or weight maintenance and can decrease the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as we... Read More

Low Impact Cardiac Exercises

Around the size of your fist, it beats more than 100,000 times per 24 hours. Keeping your heart in good shape can prolong your life. Cardiac exercises can be classified as high impact or low impact, depending on the amount of s... Read More

Low Impact Aerobic Workouts Exercise can put tremendous stresses on the body. To help decrease these stresses and the pain and soreness that come with them, you may want to consider low-impact exercises that keep at least one foot on the ground during wor... Read More

Low Impact Knee Exercises Low impact knee exercises provide you with strengthening and stretching motions while protecting your knee joint. These exercises are helpful for those afflicted with arthritis, pain or other health conditions, according to th... Read More

Elements of Diet & Exercise That Impact Learning Two factors that have an impact on your learning capacity are eating properly and regular exercise. Depending on how healthy your eating habits are, it can either positively or negatively affect how you learn. Exercising has an... Read More

Low Intensity Exercises You can identify your exercise intensity by performing a "talk test." If you easily carry on a conversation while performing an exercise, it is fairly safe to assume that you are working at a low intensity. Read More

Low-Impact Aerobic Workouts Physical activity is important for maintaining good health. Lowimpact exercise is recommended if you are recovering from an injury or have not done exercise in a long time and want to get started again. According to the Texas ... Read More Fibro Friendly Exercises Although physical activity is beneficial for individuals with fibromyalgia, it is often uncomfortable and pain may increase when initially beginning a new exercise regimen. Although many forms of exercise are inappropriate fo... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for the Body Ball When it comes to exercise, you have two basic types--high impact and low impact. As the name implies, high impact exercises are done in a way that places stress on your joints. Jumping rope,

running and jump squats are examples... Read More

Low Impact Exercises to Follow at Home When doing exercises, you have many types to choose from. Lowimpact variants involve less stress on your joints than high-impact one. Running is a type of high-impact exercise where your ankle, knee and hip joints are constant... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Weight Loss Examples of high-impact exercises would include jogging at a brisk rate, aerobic dancing or running on a treadmill. For those who don't enjoy, or can't tolerate, the physical stresses of this type of exercise, low-impact workou... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Seniors Low-impact exercises are great for seniors with injuries, joint problems or other physical conditions aggravated by high-impact exercise. Moderate exercise can extend life expectancy and reduce health hazards, according to the ... Read More

Low Impact Exercises to Do at Home Low impact exercises are great for beginners, people with injuries, joint problems or other physical conditions that are aggravated by high impact exercise. Some people just prefer low impact exercises to high impact. No matter... Read More

Low Impact Exercises for Obese People Physical activity plays an important role in treating obesity, however special considerations must be understood. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) warns that obese people are at an increased risk for orthopedic in... Read More

Low Impact Exercises to Reduce Your Waist Reducing calorie intake while increasing low impact exercises is one of the best ways to tone the stomach and waist area, according to the Mayo Clinic. Trimming the waistline doesn't have to involve a gym membership or expensi... Read More

Low Impact Aerobics Exercises If you have arthritis, osteoporosis or other joint problems, lowimpact exercises can help you get your cardiovascular exercise in without causing further injury. Read More

Low Impact Abdominal Exercises Abdominal exercises may be difficult if you have back problems. Low-impact abdominal exercises that support the back are beneficial for many people, not just those with lower back problems. Seniors and women who recently gave b... Read More

About Tai Chi Low-Impact Exercise Tai chi is a form of martial arts that consists of movements that are slow and very controlled. Tai chi will improve your strength and bring balance to you with every practice. The Chinese philosophy in tai chi is combining bod... Read More

Best Low Impact Exercise Machines If you have joint problems or are obese, high-impact exercise can be contraindicated, putting you at risk of doing more harm than good. Low-impact exercise machines, on the other hand, can give you a safe and functional workout... Read More

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What Is Fitness Pilates?


What Is Fitness Pilates?

Joseph Pilates came up with the Pilates exercise method in the early 1900s. Pilates is a type of exercise that is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels, as it requires you to use only your own body weight to increase strength and flexibility. Breath control is an important component to Pilates. Fitness Pilates, though not a widely used term, typically refers to a more intensive Pilates workout.

Fitness Pilates
If you see the term "fitness Pilates," it usually means a more aggressive and intense Pilates workout, which can incorporate additional strength or endurance activities among the regular strengthening, balance and flexibility movements. While Pilates can be done on a mat or a Pilates machine, fitness Pilates exercises are all typically completed on a mat. Instructors of fitness Pilates classes may incorporate more push-ups, lunges and

squats within the workout, or add other exercise equipment such as exercise balls or resistance bands. It's possible that some will also include short bouts of cardiovascular activities within the Pilates workout, such as a minute of jumping jacks in between regular exercises.
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Participating in fitness Pilates regularly will increase your muscle strength and tone, as well as improve your flexibility, coordination and posture. Emphasis is on the core musculature, which includes your abdominals, obliques, lower back and hips, but it also has some exercises that develop your legs and arms. Classes that include more strength exercises such as push-ups and squats will result in a greater increase in strength, while those that incorporate cardiovascular activities will increase the number of calories you burn and offer aerobic benefits.

Exercises commonly used in fitness Pilates workouts include strength exercises --- such as the hundred, front and side planks, roll up and bridges --- but also may include non-traditional exercises such as push-ups, wall sits, static lunges. It also includes flexibility exercises such as single- and double-leg stretch, single-leg lifts and leg circles. Many of the exercises incorporate both strength and flexibility components.

Fitness Pilates, just like regular Pilates, is meant to be completed slowly and under control. Whether you're completing the traditional roll up or doing numerous push-ups, repetitions should be done in a rhythmic way, with the focus being on coordination, conscious breathing and completing each repetition with a full range of motion. Although some fitness Pilates workouts may incorporate cardiovascular activities, it's important that you still participate in regular cardio workouts to support a healthy body composition and maintain heart health.

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