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Narrated by Abu Hurayrah; the holy Prophet of Allaah said:

The vilest name in Allaahs sight is that of a man who is called King of kings
[Sahih Muslim, kitaabul-adab] Not only is entitling oneself with names befitting Allaah alone reprehensible ( ;) it is also proscribed that an individual designates for others amongst the creation ( ) names ( ) and titles () Allaah desires and has chosen as His exclusive right; such as King of kings and Lord of lords ( ); appellations Christians, in self-fancy, identify with Christ. Similarly, those who exaggerate in praise and esteem of prophets, saints, kings, dignitaries, savants, anchorite, hierarch, etc labeling them with titles like; and so on should fear Allaah and shun these false tendencies.

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