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Java Programming Assignment

The context for this assignment (all parts) is the fictional UC myTunes online music store. This assignment will test your knowledge of and skills in writing application software for a particular task, understanding the business rules of a particular problem, coding these in a computer program, developing a graphical user interface, and connecting to a database. For this assignment, students will use the Java programming language.

Part A
You are to write a software application using the Java programming language that enables a user to input data in relation to music charts and to visualise the data for a 6-week period. Your task in Part A will be to develop a GUI that allows a user to input the chart data for a particular song / artist using Java Swing components and the Java Visual Editor. To this end, the user can select between input the data using Java Swing GUI elements, e.g. text fields, radio buttons, etc., data consists of o Artists name (String) o Song name (String) o Chart position for each of weeks 1-6 (as an integer number between 1 and 20) draw lines, rectangles and circles, outlined or filled, or combinations thereof based on the users choice, select different colours for the display, and visualise the data in a diagram for a 6-week period.

The drawing area must have a minimum size of 300 x 300 pixels. The drawing area itself should have a clearly visible border, but the lines, rectangles and circles/ellipses not. The defaults are to draw lines in red colour. The data for the 6-week period should be entered through the GUI and visualised when the Draw button is clicked. It does not need to be saved in Part A, neither in memory (in an array or vector, for example), nor in a text file. Only the data for one song / artist at a time needs to be visualised.

Example of what the empty GUI might look like

Notes: For this assignment, you do not have to do any checking for invalid user input (you may of course, if you want to), for example you do not have to check whether the user has typed in a negative number. Checking for invalid user input will be discussed in lectures later in the semester. Your user interface does not have to be identical to the one above. This is just an example of how the GUI could look. Whatthetutorswillbelookingfor The tutors instructions include Constants vs literals. Using constants is important for the ease of maintenance. Not using constants will result in lower marks. (2 marks) GUI Design. Is it simple to use and easy to understand? Are all required components there? (4 marks) Program code layout. Separate blocks of code by a blank line. Use comments. (3 marks) A comment is not an essay. Comments are important for the maintenance of your program and should contain enough details, but keep them concise. Dont comment every single line. (2 marks) The program must have a prologue. (2 marks) Good names for your variables and constants. Check style against the Java style guide attached below. (4 marks) Does the program work correctly? Are the elements drawn the right way? (10 marks)

Total: 27 marks StepbyStepGuideforPartA 1. Draw a sketch of your graphical user interface on paper. What Java Swing components will you use? Where will you place them? The above GUI is just an example. You can copy the design of it or create your own. 2. Create a new Java Project the same as before (see lecture notes Lecture 1 Week 4 and Tutorial notes Week 5). 3. Add to the project a new Java Visual Class.

4. As in the lectures and tutorials, give that Java Visual Class a suitable name of your choice, make sure you select Swing Frame under the Style section, and tick the box to include a public static void main(String args[]) method.

A new JFrame object should be created and you should be able to see both the Java code for it as well as the empty GUI in the Visual Editor. 5. Right-click on the grey area inside the JFrame and set the layout to null.

6. Adjust the size of the JFrame to a suitable size for your GUI. 7. Add all the components for your GUI. Use Java Swing components, which you can add via the Beans button.

8. Add a JPanel for the drawing area. Instructions will be given in lectures and tutorial / lab classes on how to get the drawing done. 9. Add event handlers (ActionListeners) for your buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, etc. 10. Add the code that does the actions, e.g. that does the drawing. 11. Test your application! Run it as a Java Application.

12. Make sure your code adheres to the Java style guide. Check for prologue comment and other comments in your code. 13. Add the Java file (or files, if you have more than one) to a ZIP file. You do not need to zip the entire project folder, just the Java file(s). Submit the ZIP file via Moodle. Remember to fill in a cover sheet, which needs to be added to your ZIP file. Your assignment will not be marked until such a cover sheet has been received!

Part B
In Part B of the assignment, the input will not come directly from the user any more, but rather from a text file. The file chart.txt is used in all parts of this assignment and contains the details of artist name, song name, and the chart positions (values 1-20) for each of the six weeks. You can download the text file from the Moodle site. An example of the contents of chart.txt is Pink,Raise Your Glass,12,8,5,3,2,1 Rihanna,Only Girl,3,3,3,2,1,2 Bruno Mars, Just The Way You Are,19,15,9,7,3,3 You will need to copy chart.txt into the same directory of your Eclipse project that holds the .project file. Your task will be to add code to your program that reads the music chart data from the text file chart.txt, puts these into appropriate storage in memory (I suggest you create a data class similar to the example in and then create an array or vector that will hold each instantiation of that data class), adds the song names to a JList object, displays the artists name and the weekly positions in text labels, and updates the drawing panel to visualize the chart positions over the period of 6 weeks. In addition, the average chart position over the 6-week period should be computed as a double and displayed in a text label in the GUI. You can do all parts in the same program, simply extend the GUI and add new methods / functions as required. For testing, the details of the file may change, but the structure will not. Notes: For this part of the Java assignment, add Java Swing GUI components that allow the user to select a song name, for example via a JList, and that displays the details from the file as well as calculates the average chart position. You can have the songs details and average chart position displayed when the user clicks on a separate Calculate button, or you can have them displayed as soon as a name is selected in the JList. Remember that it is good practice to have a Quit button in your GUI to exit the program.

Submission: Add the Java file (or files, if you have more than one) to a ZIP file. You do not need to zip the entire project folder, just the Java file(s). Submit the ZIP file via Moodle. Remember to fill in a cover sheet, which needs to be added to your ZIP file. Your assignment will not be marked until such a cover sheet has been received!

Whatthetutorswillbelookingfor The tutors instructions include (apart from the usual such as good variable names, prologue / comments, code layout, ) Use of constants. Think about where you could use constants here. For example, consider the 6-week period to be a constant that could be changed easily to some other period by changing the constant. (2 marks) The text file should only be read once. You probably want to do that at the start of the program. (2 marks) Correct calculation of average chart position. Work out the formula first, before coding it. (3 marks) Separate GUI functionality from average chart position calculation. Students should use a separate function for the average chart position calculation. It is good practice and follows good programming style to separate GUI code from other code. (3 marks) There are various ways you can store the data when reading the file. You could use a multidimensional array, or create your own data class and then use an array or vector of this new data type. Using your own data class is preferential. (3 marks)

Total: 13 marks

Part C
In Part C of the assignment, the input will now come from a MS Access database contained in the file chart.mdb. This file is available on the IIT / IST G web site on Moodle (UC LearnOnline). There are two tables in the database, tblArtist, tblSong and tblAlbum. The table tblArtist contains fields artistName and country. A typical record would be <Rihanna, Barbados>. The table tblSong contains fields songTitle, artistName, posWk1, posWk2, posWk3 , posWk4, posWk5, and posWk6. A typical record would be <Only Girl, Rihanna, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 2>. The table tblAlbum contains fields albumTitle, artistName, songTitle1, songTitle2, songTitle3, songTitle4, and songTitle5. For simplicity, we assume that an album has only five songs here. A typical record would be <Loud, Rihanna, Only Girl, Whats My Name, Cheers, Drink It Up, California King>. Write a Java program with a GUI (Note: extending your GUI program from parts A and B is acceptable) that allows the user to do the following: Let the user select the name of a song from a list (e.g. JList) and compute the average chart position for the 6-week period, using the same business rules as in Part B. Display the details in a text label in the GUI similar to Part B. Visualise the chart data over the 6-week period in the drawing area. Create a database report consisting of all songs, including songTitle, artistName, country, posWk1, posWk2, posWk3 , posWk4, posWk5, posWk6, and the computed avgChartPos. The report should be in order of songTitle. It should be written to

a text file database1.txt. Make sure that your columns are properly aligned. Text columns should be left aligned, number columns right aligned. Create a database report consisting of all songs on an album and present the report with the following columns: albumTitle, artistName, songTitle1, songTitle2, songTitle3, songTitle4, and songTitle5. The report should be in order of albumTitle starting from letter A. It should be written to a file database2.txt.

Notes: You may extend your GUI from Part B to include Part C. If you do, label the parts clearly with Part A, Part B, and Part C, so that your tutors know which part of your program is in reply to what part of the assignment. Use a Disconnected Database Access model, i.e. connect to the database, run the SQL command, get the resulting virtual table in the ResultSet object, then disconnect again. Do not connect to the database and download / store all database information in local storage. Submission: Add the Java file (or files, if you have more than one) to a ZIP file. You do not need to zip the entire project folder, just the Java file(s). Submit the ZIP file via Moodle. Remember to fill in a cover sheet, which needs to be added to your ZIP file. Your assignment will not be marked until such a cover sheet has been received!

In this part of the assignment, you will write a number of database reports. Each report should include a header, include a column header, have columns lined up, with text columns left justified and numeric columns right justified. make provision for multi-page reports. At least one of your reports should actually be more than one page. Do this by defining the page length as 5. All reports should be written to a text file rather than the printer. If you wish, you can then use Notepad to produce a hardcopy of the reports. However you do not need to submit a hardcopy of the report. Whatthetutorswillbelookingfor The tutors instructions include (apart from the usual such as good variable names, prologue / comments, code layout, ) Make sure that the lines in the database reports are split into pages and the columns are lined up and correctly formatted. (4 marks) Correct connection to the database. (2 marks) Correct calculation of average chart position over the 6-week period. (2 marks) Correct display of chart data for selected item in the drawing area and update of text labels with correct information from the database. (2 marks)

Total: 10 marks

Java Style Guide

Your programs should be Simple Easy to read and understand Well structured Easy to maintain Simple programs are just that. Avoid convoluted logic, nested if-statements and loops, duplicating execution (such as reading files multiple times), repeated code, being clever. Programs can be made easier to read by following the Layout and Comments guidelines below. Well structured code uses methods and functions to help tame complexity. If programs are simple, easy to understand and well structured they will be easy to maintain. Easily maintained programs will also use constants rather than literals, and use built-in functions and types.

The text editor in the Eclipse IDE does a good job of automatically laying out your program. You can control this operation to some extent (using the Tools/Options menu). However, you are unlikely to need to do so.

Use white space freely: A blank line after declarations 2 blank lines before each function declaration A bank line between sections of a program or after a sequence of statements to separate a block of statements.

Well chosen names are one of the most important ways of making programs readable. The name chosen should describe the purpose of the identifier. It should be neither too short nor too long. As a guide, you should rarely need to concatenate more than 3 words. Lettercase Constants use ALL_CAPITALS. e.g. PI, MAXSTARS Variables use firstWordLowerCaseWithInternalWordsCapitalised e.g. cost, numStars It is a good idea to use the so called Hungarian notation where the first letter (or two) indicate what type the variable has: i for int, e.g. iNum l for long, e.g. lNum c for char, e.g. cLetter b for byte, e.g. bNum f for float, e.g. fFloatingPointNum

d for double, e.g. dFloatingPointNum s for String, e.g. sName bo for Boolean, e.g. boCar

Methods (subs and functions) use firstWordLowerCaseWithInternalWordsCapitalised e.g. cost(), numStars() Recall that the IDE preserves the capitalisation of the declarations. Typesofnames 1. Names of controls / GUI elements should have a prefix indicating the type of control (Java Swing). The prefix should be lower case with the remainder of the name starting with upper case. Control text box label list box combo box command button radio button check box panel track bar / slider prefix
txt lbl lst cmb cmd

txtAmount lblResult lstStudents cmbShares cmdQuit rbColour cbxSalt pnlDrawing sdrX

rb cbx
pnl sdr

2. Names of functions should be nouns or noun-phrases Example: newSum = sum(alpha, beta, gamma) or newSum = sumOfStudents(alpha, beta, gamma) rather than newSum = computeSum(alpha, beta, gamma) 3. Names of methods should be imperative verbs Example: printResults(newSum, alpha, beta) rather than
results(newSum, alpha, beta, gamma)

4. Names of Boolean functions should be adjectives or adjectival phrases Example: if (empty(list)) or if (isEmpty(list)) rather than if (checkIfEmpty(list))

Comments should explain as clearly as possible what is happening. They should summarise what the code does rather than translate line by line. Do not over-comment. In Java, you can either use /* Comment */ for a block comment possibly extending over multiple lines, or you can use // Comment for a one-line comment. Comments are used in three different ways in a program: Heading comments Block comments End-of-line comments.

Heading comments: These are generally used as a prologue at the beginning of each program, procedure and function. They act as an introduction, and also describe any assumptions and limitations. They should show the names of any files, give a short description of the purpose of the program, and must include information about the author and dates written / modified. Block comments: In general, you should not need to comment blocks of code. When necessary, these are used to describe a small section of following code. They should be indented with the program structure to which they refer. In this way the program structure will not be lost. End-of-line comments: These need to be quite short. They are generally used with parameters to functions (to explain the purpose and mode of the parameter), and / or with variable declarations (to explain the purpose of the variable), and are not meant to be used for code. In Java, use // for endof-line comments. Comment data, not code: Comments about the data what it is and how it is structured - are much more valuable than comments about the code. Prologue Each of your programs should have a prologue. This is a set of header comments at the top of Form 1. It should include who wrote it when it was written when it was last changed what it does what files it reads / writes // // // // // Author: Roland Goecke Date created: 12 Feb 2010 Date last changed: 1 Mar 2010 This program does... Input: sample.txt, Output: none

A literal is a number such as 10 that is stored in a variable. You should avoid literals in your program code. Instead use constants. They are stored differently in the computer memory and can be used more efficiently by the compiler / interpreter. For example, instead of fine = 80 use public static final int SPEEDING_FINE = 80;

fine = SPEEDING_FINE; This makes your program easier to maintain. If the speeding fine changes, the change only has to be made in the one place.

Using methods and functions is one of the simplest and most effective ways of dealing with complexity in a program. When you write your own method or function to perform a calculation, it should not refer to any GUI controls. Do not mix IO and calculations in a method or function. Method encapsulates a task name should be a verb. Example: printReport() should only do 1 task.

Function o encapsulates a query o return type is int, boolean, double; o if return type is boolean, name should be an adjective, otherwise name should be a noun. Examples: isEmpty(list), SquareRoot(number) o should answer only 1 query. Comments for each function and method (to be placed on the line before the method / function starts) name above rules apply purpose what it evaluates or what it does assumptions any assumptions made, particularly on the arguments DuplicatedCode View any duplicated code with suspicion. Look for a way of factoring the duplicated code into a method.

Unless you have a good reason, use built-in functions rather than writing (or not writing) your own. They will be correct, flexible and familiar to a reader.

Using types is one way of making your intentions clear. Java does not allow you to be sloppy with your types. In IIT / IST G, you are expected to choose appropriate types. You are also expected to use type conversions such as Integer.parseInt(123) and Double.toString(123.45).

Simplicity has long been recognised as one of the most important characteristics of programming. There are many ways of simplifying programs. These include avoiding nested IF statements, nested loops and complex conditions.

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