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Video Entrevista Virtual

Jeider Alberto Diaz Balbuena

Luis Gabriel Perez Cabrales

Laura Victoria Pinzón Alarcón


Análisis y Desarrollo De Software


Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje SENA

1. Tell us about yourself
2. What motivates you?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. What are your future plans if you get this job?
5. What are your future goals or what are your career goals?
6. What do you see as a major success in your life?
7. Why did you leave your last job?
8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

1. My name is Jeider Diaz. I am 25 years old. I live in Agustín Codazzi,

Cesar. I am a systems technician and an environmental technician. I
am currently studying software analysis and development technology.
2. My motivation is my mom, she gives me enough motivation to be
able to move forward and achieve my goals.

3. My hobbies are riding my bike, listening to music, and playing video


4. My future plans are to continue studying to be a professional.

5. My future goals is to have my own house.

6. A great success in my life is being able to have peace, have your

own company, have a home.
7. I quit so I could continue my study and continue my professional

8. In 5 years I see myself in Europe traveling and seeing the world

1. Mi nombre es Jeider Diaz tengo 25 años vivo en Agustín

Codazzi, Cesar soy técnico en sistemas y técnico ambiental
actualmente estoy estudiando una tecnología de análisis y
desarrollo de software.
2. Mi motivación es mi mama, ella me la motivación suficiente para
poder seguir adelante y alcanzar mis objetivos.
3. Mis pasatiempos son salir a andar en bicicleta, escuchar música
y jugar video juegos.
4. Mis planes a futuro es seguir estudiando para ser un profesional.
5. Mis metas futuras es tener mi casa propia
6. Un gran éxito en mi vida es poder tener paz, tener tu propia
empresa, tener un hogar
7. Lo deje para poder continuar mi estudio y seguir mi crecimiento
8. En 5 años me veo en Europa viajando y conociendo el mundo

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