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5 Major Health Diseases and Treatments

S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Title Nose reshaping - a discussion about Rhinoplasty Anemia - The RBC Deficiency & Pregnancy Colonoscopy Procedure The Risks Involved ERCP technique - Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Alzheimer's Disease - The Memory Disease

Nose reshaping - a discussion about Rhinoplasty

The plastic surgery by which the nose of an individual is re-structured is called Rhinoplasty and in laymen terms, it t is understood as Nose reshaping. The operation may be carried out to improve the shape of the nose. This can be done to make the individual look visually more appealing or for medical reasons like breathing difficulty. For such patients, a nose job improves the breathing activity. Before the Plastic surgeon operates upon you, there will be a discussion about your expectations, fitness to undergo the surgery, your medical history and what the results of the nose reshaping would be like. With improved technologies like computer imaging, it is easy to get an idea about the final outcome. One can also visit the internet and talk to doctors online, much before your scheduled appointment with the plastic surgeon, so as to get an idea about what to expect from the procedure.

People of any age group can volunteer for a nose reshaping procedure. However, a minimum age restriction of 13 years for girls and 15 years for boys is prescribed. This is because during adolescence and puberty, the body structures may not be fully developed. Further still, it is important that the individual personally opts for such a surgical procedure himself and is not influenced by peers or parents; as is possible at young age.

Plastic surgeries are often not covered in the medical insurance policies. Typically, the cost for Rhinoplasty may range from about $4000 to $7000 depending on factors such as the complexity of the operation, the surgeon performing the procedure and the location of treatment. After the procedure you may have to keep your face upwards to avoid increased swelling. Regions near your eyes and nasal area can be slightly bruised and swollen. The patient may also experience pain but generally, this can be controlled with painkillers. Within a week or two all the dressings and stiches will be removed and you shall be able to indulge in normal activities comfortably after at most 4 weeks. The effects of nose reshaping are permanent and ever lasting. The main goal of undergoing the procedure is to create a balance in your facial statistics. Once you have completed your research and contemplated the consequences, you can schedule a nasal consultation and make decision about a nose re-shape, yourself. There is plenty of information available on the internet and book stores. Put in efforts and make an informed decision.

Anemia - The RBC Deficiency & Pregnancy

Anemia is a term derived from the Greek anaimia meaning the lack of blood. Anemia is actually the lack of RBC - red blood cells or the lack of hemoglobin in the blood. The hemoglobin is found inside the RBCs and it carries oxygen to the tissues from the lungs. As the quantity of hemoglobin decreases, there is a lack of oxygen in the organs a condition called hypoxia. The varying degree of anemia has different consequences. The most common disorder of blood is anemia, and it is of several kinds caused due to various underlying reasons. Anemia can be mainly categorized into deficient RBC production, excessive blood loss and excessive blood cell destruction.

The low count of red blood cells causes a variety of signs and symptoms and can make any other underlying medical condition worse. Anemia symptoms may include weakness, light-headedness, paleness, fatigue, shortness of breath, palpitations while severe anemia symptoms may be dizziness, passing out, chest pain, rapid heart rate, angina or heart attack. Presence of anemia may be felt due to symptoms like change in stool color, low BP, jaundice, spleen enlargement or rapid breathing. Anemia during pregnancy is a common occurrence among women as the demand for vitamins and iron increases in the body. It is necessary for a mother to increase the production of RBCs in the body which is also used by the placenta and the fetus. The body starts producing more RBCs and plasma but the increase is not proportionate. The plasma amount is disproportionately greater than the RBCS and hence blood is diluted. As the RBCs are lesser, there is a fall in hemoglobin concentration. In such cases, medical products like iron supplement pills and medical tests like serum ferritin is the best way to keep a check. Iron deficiency may also be caused due to a low-iron diet, lack of folic acid in the diet or loss of blood due to bleeding from piles or ulcers. A pregnant woman will generally not have anemia symptoms except when the hemoglobin is below 8g/dl. Starting with paleness and tiredness, the mother may experience palpitations or chest pain if anemia is severe (hemoglobin drops to 6g/dl). Pregnant women should take care about anemia by emphasizing on varied diet, consulting the doctor about food and supplements intake during pregnancy, intake of good sources of iron and supplements of iron, vitamins and especially folic acid, so that the child does not suffer from the problem of spina bifida. Pregnancy is a fragile condition and one should be very careful and alert. Rest and proper food always proves to be good for the child.

Colonoscopy Procedure The Risks Involved

The colon is the posterior part of the digestive canal which is involved in absorption of liquids and nutrients from the solid wastes before excretion. It is hence, and important part of the digestive system. The colonoscopy procedure is carried out when this distal part of the alimentary canal needs to be examined for signs of cancers, ulcers, fistulas or any other such anomalies. Often, patients have the misconception that the examination is carried out only for Colon cancer; but this is not true. In most cases, the colonoscopy procedure is safe and complications are seldom seen. The colonoscopy instrument called the colonoscope - is entered into the anus and monitored technically. The device records images of the colon as well as helps in clearing blockages and polyps or to take a biopsy of tissues for studying. The process is relatively painless and but sometimes complications may arise. The minor complications that can be experienced are mainly nausea and subsequent, vomiting; allergies on the skin around the anus and dehydration. Dehydration is common because the colon passage has to be free from solids to allow proper examination. Due to

this, medication, which induces loose motions, is administered to the patient. The effects may ware off a little while after the schedule.

During the process, the abdomen is filled up with air so that the health care expert can view the internal regions of the alimentary canal clearly on the computer screen. As a side effect of the procedure, cramps in the stomach may be experience. This may be accompanied by abdominal swelling. However, these symptoms generally do not last for a very long duration. When a biopsy is carried out, a small amount of tissue is collected from the body. Hence, the bowel may contain small amounts of blood. The patient may suffer a slight loss of blood for a few days. Further, during the test, the patient is administered certain specific medications to which the body can develop an allergic reaction. The risk involved here, is the same as any other medical procedure. Further, there is a uncommon possibility that the intestinal wall is scraped or damaged slightly causing a perforation or infection. Over and above the points discussed here, one should remain updated with medical news and technological advancements. The colonoscopy procedure, though very useful, may not be able to diagnose some diseases. In such a case, additional investigation becomes necessary.

ERCP technique cholangiopancreatography



Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) may sound like the longest word in the dictionary, but it is just a medical technique which helps the physician to diagnose problems in the pancreas, liver, bile ducts and gallbladder. The internal body structure concerning the ercp medical procedure consists of the liver which makes a digestion-helping liquid called bile, gallbladder storage of bile till it is needed for digestion, pancreas these glands produce chemicals helping in digestion and hormones like insulin and bile ducts tubes transporting bile liquid from liver to small intestine and gallbladder. ERCP technique is used to examine and treat the conditions of these transporter bile ducts along with gallstones, scars, leaks and cancer.

The ercp procedure includes using endoscopy and x-rays so that it enables the physician to have a better view of the inside of the stomach and the intestine. Endoscopy procedure uses an instrument called endoscope which is a lighted, flexible long tube. Dyes are injected in the bile ducts and the pancreas so they can be seen on x-rays. The ercp treatments start with sedating the patient and numbing the back of the throat. The endoscope is swallowed by the patient and is guided through the esophagus, stomach and the intestines to access the bile ducts and the pancreas. A small plastic tube is passed through the scope and the dye is injected in the ducts which would show clearly in the xrays. As soon as the dye is injected, the x-rays are taken. Certain instruments can also be inserted in the scope to remove ant abnormal growth or obstruction, in case of the examination showing a gallstone or narrowing of the ducts. Tissue samples can be taken

and biopsy can be done for further testing. One can see the ercp procedure in detail with the help of top medical videos, which are sometimes taken live. An ercp medical procedure can take around half an hour to two hours and discomfort can be felt when air is blown in the duodenum and dye is injected. Hospital stay may be necessary till the sedative wears off. There may be risks and complications in ercp like in any other surgery. The possible complications may be inflammation of the pancreas known as pancreatitis, perforation of the duodenum, bleeding or infection. A lump or tenderness may be seen where the sedative is injected but it goes away by itself in a few days.

Alzheimer's Disease - The Memory Disease

A lot has been written and spoken about the memory disease - Alzheimer's. It has also been a celluloid subject and much has been done for its awareness. But the real top medical news is the research that speaks about the brain implants that could restore memory in Alzheimer's sufferers. The electrical implant can bring back long-term memory which has been completely lost and improve it in others who have normal recall. Along with Alzheimer sufferers, it is also beneficial for stroke victims and people with brain injuries. In the current statistics of people over 65, one in three is expected to die with dementia and in UK, over 3,75,000 have Alzheimers disease. If such condition continues, in just 10 years, a million people will be living with dementia.

Alzheimers disease impairs memory and gradually affects thinking and behavior. It is the most popular form of dementia, which is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. A type of dementia, AD, gradually gets worse with time. It also affects language, judgment, decisiveness and personality over a period of time.

The risk factors for Alzheimers may be family history and age. Combination of certain genes, a family history or some relatives having the disease and increasing age carries the risk of developing Alzheimers. Some unproven risk factors also include history of head trauma and high BP since a long time. Alzheimers disease can be categorized into the early onset and late onset groups. The symptoms in the early onset of AD start showing before the age of 60 and progresses rapidly and this kind of disease mostly runs in the family. Late onset of AD is a much common disease developing after the age of 60. The reason behind the causing of AD is not known but it can be said that it may include both genetic and environmental factors. Earlier, the reason was guessed to be the buildup of aluminum, mercury, lead and other substances in the brain but it is no longer believed to be a cause. The most certain way of determining the presence of AD is to examine their brain tissue sample after their death. The common changes in the brain tissue are neurofibrillary tangles, senile plaques and neuritic plaques. Alzheimers disease treatment is a drug treatment which works on slowing the symptoms of the disease and many a times there are no noticeable changes. Some other medicines may also be combined which are needed for agitated and aggressive behaviors, which may prove to be dangerous. It is also said that research is being done on early testing vaccine against AD.

Nose reshaping: - Anemia during pregnancy: - colonoscopy procedure: - Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): - Alzheimer's disease - Top medical news, medical videos and medical products: -

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