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GENERAL QUESTIONS What is your name? ~Cémo se llama? My name is... Me llamo... Do you speak English? Habla inglés? ' speak a little Spanish. Hablo poquito espafiol. More slowly. Mas despacio. How may I help you? En qué le puedo ayudar? What's the problem? Qué le ocurre? Do you have pain? éTiene dolor? Where is the pain? eDénde le duele? Uhave pain in my... Tengo dolor de... back, head espalda, cabeza arm, leg, hand foot brazo, pierna, mano, pie finger, toe, elbow, knee dedo, dedo del pie, codo, rodilla chest, rib, stomach, belly pecho, costilla, estémago, barriga on the right side aladerecha on the left side ala izquierda What kind of pain is it? eQué clase de dolor es? dull, sharp apagado, agudo constant, intermittent constante, intermitente Do you have (condition)? éTiene usted...? cold, fever resfriado (catarro), fiebre cough, vomiting tos, vornito diarrhea, constipation diarrea, estrefimiento heart disease enfermedad del coraz6n high blood pressure alta presion diabetes diabetes asthma, allergies asma, alergias ‘Are you taking any medications (pills)? Do you have any allergies to medications? Which ones? rash, difficuty breathing Do you have any family history of...? heart disease, diabetes cancer, kidney disease &Toma usted algun medicamento (pastillas)? “Tiene usted alergias 4 algdn medicamento? eCuales? salpullido, problemas al respirar éHay alguien en su familia que sufra de...? enfermedad del corazon, diabetes cancer, enfermedad del rifion De you smoke? éFuma usted? Use drugs? éUsa usted drogas? Co you drink alcohol? &Bebe usted alcohol? How much? 4Cuanto? Have you had any surgeries? What? When? Ha tenido cirugias/operaciones?. 4Cudles?/, Cuando? You have an infection... Tiens una infeccién... in the blood, in the urine de la sangre, de la orina under the skin de Ia picl in the lung 7 en el pulmon We'll give you... Le daremos... antibiotic un antibidtico antihistamine, cortisone, antihistaminicos, cortisona, insulina insulin aspirin, penici aspirina, penicilina i vitamins vitaminas decongestant descongestionante ri Take_pills/ Tome _ Teaspoonsi/tablespoons pastillas/cucharaditas/cucharas. Every_hours... Cada_horas.. _times a day... _veces al dia... Before/after each meal We are going to do some tests. Antes/después de cada comida Vamos hacer unos estudios/analises al need a blood sample. Necesito una muestra de sangre. CARDIO/HTN Does the pain radiate to the...? Shoulder, back, jaw Do you feel pressure on your chest? Are your feet swollen? Do you feel like you can’t breathe? éSiente que el dolor se va a...? El hombro, la espalda, quijada/mandibula éSiente presién sobre su pecho? Estan hinchados sus pies? £Siente que no puede respirar? Do you feel chest pain when you éSiente dolor de pecho cuando...? are...? Resting Esta descansado Exerting yourself (activity) Con actividad Do you feel palpitations? éSiente palpitaciones? Have you felt dizzy? Siente ha sentido mereado? Have you ever fainted? ese ha desmayado? PULMONARY Do you have problems breathing? With inspiration/expiration éTiene problemas respirando? Con inspiracién/expiracion con/sin actividad With/Without acivity Do you have phlegm/blood Tiene flema/sangre con su tos? with your cough? What color is the phlegm? 4Qué color es la_fiema? Yellow/green/clear/brown Do you have high blood sugar? Do you urinate...? Frequently/a lot, at night Blurry vision? Do you have feeling in your feethhands? Do you drink a lot of water? Are you always thirsty? Have you lost/gained weight? Amarillo/verde/claro/caté DIABETES éTiene el nivel de azucar alto? gOrina...? Frecuentemente, en la noche eVe borroso? éTiene sensacion en los pies/manos? ~éToma mucha agua? zEsta usted siempre sediento? ~Ha bajado/subido de peso? Are you taking insulin? Esta tomando insulina? RENAL EU EEEEEE EEE Do you have lower back pain? éTiene dolor en la cintura? What color is your urine? ~Qué color es su orina? Brown, yellow Café, amariilo I need a urine sample. Necesito una muestra de orina. GASTROINTESTINAL Do you have any problems when you éTiene problemas cuando come eat fried/greasy/spicy foods? comidas fritas/grasosas/picantes? __Do you have indigestion? éTiene indigestion? __Deseribe your stool. Describa su heces. Dark, green, bloody, greasy, watery Oscuro, verde, con sangre, grasoso, con mucha agua (chorro) Have you had heartburn? éHa tenido ardor en el estomago? Are there any foods that you can't ~Hay comidas que no puede comer? eat? Are you taking medicine? gEsta tomando medicamento? Do you have any pain here? (Pointto —_¢Tiene dolor aqui? RUQ/RLQ) PEDIATRICS How many months/years old is the ~_Cuantos meses/afios tiene el (la) child? nifio(a)? Does the child have...? éTiene el nifio (la nifia)? cough, vomiting, diarrhea, tos, vémito, diarrea, estrefiimiento constipation Is the child eating/drinking? eEsta comiendo/bebiendo el/ia How much? nifio(a)? Qué cantidad? The child needs a vaccination for... El nifio (la nifia) necesita una vacuna para... Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Difteria, tos ferina, tétanos, measles, mumps, rubella sarampi6n, paperas, rubéola Please return to your doctor/clinic in Vuelva a su doctor/a la clinica en _ weeks, please. semanas, por favor. _— How old are you? eCuantos afios tiene usted? ‘When was your last menstrual eCuando (en qué fecha) tuvo usted period? su ultima regla? Then you'll give birth Entonces va a dar a luz on the... el (date) de (month) (NOTE: Use the date list at the end.) How many pregnancies? ~Cuantas veces ha estado usted embarazada? How many births? eCuantos partos tuvo usted? Any problems with the &Tuvo usted algunos problemas con pregnancy(ies)? el (los) embarazo(s)? Do you have any bleeding...? from the vagina? from the anus? (in the stool)? At what age did you have your first period? éTiene usted algtin sangrado...? vaginal? del ano? (en sus heces)? ~A qué edad tuvo usted su primera regla? How many days are eCuantos dias duran sus reglas? your periods? How many days between your %Cuéantos dias hay entre sus reglas? periods? How many pads ~Cuantas toallas sanitarias usa en un do you use in a day? dia? Have you had (do you have) any STDs? gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes éTiene o tuvo usted alguna enfermedad de transmisién sexual? gonorrea, sifilis, clamidia, herpes When was your last pap smear? Have you had any abnormal Pap smears? Do you do regular breast exams? Are you using any birth control? Have you ever had...? éCudndo fue su ultimo papanicolao? éHa tenido algun resultado abnormal de su papanicolao? éRevisa sus senos regularmente? éEsta usando métodos de anticoncepcién? éHa tenido alguna vez...? Bleeding when urinating Sangramiento al orinar Burning sensation, sores Discharge, itching, pus Rashes, pain while urinating Pain during sexual relations Swelling, urinary infection Venereal disease Do you have any contractions/pain? Do you have discharg from the vagina? from the anus? Sensacion de ardor, llagas Descecho/flujo, picazén, pus Sarpullidos, dolor al orinar Dolor durante relaciones sexuales Hinchazé6n, infeccion de la orina Una enfermedad venérea éTiene usted contracciones/dolores? éTiene flujo...? vaginal? del ano? ACTION PHRASES Breathe deeply Respire profundo Bend over Agachese Tell me when you feel pain Digame cuando siente dolor Open yourmouth —_ Abra la boca Stick your tongue out Saque la lengua Say “AHHH.” Diga “AHHH.” Sit down Sientese Lay down Acuéstese Stand up Lévantese Relax Relajese Follow the nurse. Siga la enfermera. Move the... Mueva... Touch the... Toque... Point to the... Sefiale... Push Empuje... ‘ Pull ’ Jale Follow my finger. Siga mi dedo. [ASN a ge AIRE ARCANE ES allergy KEYWORDS alergia immunization inmunizacion appendicitis apendicitis indigestion indigestion anemia anemia infection infeccion arthritis artritis itching picazon asthma asma jaundice ictericia bacteria pecierat carey ee piedras en los rifiones bad (feel) mala laceration laceracién blisters ampollas leukemia leucemia blood 5 a presi6n de la sangre measles sarampién bronchitis bronquitis nausea nausea chicken pox varicela nutrition nutricién chills escalofrios pneumonia pulmonia cirrhosis cirrosis problem problema confusion confusion sensation sensacién congestion congestién (feeling) convulsion convulsion Suicide suicidio cough tos Symptom sintoma cramps calambres Tetanus tétanos cyst el quiste Tingling hormigueo diarrhea diarrea Tuberculosis TB discharge flujo Trauma trauma emergency emergencia emphysema enfisema Ulcer lcera Gallstones evo a Urine orina Gastritis gastritis Gonorrhea gonorrea Vision vision Hemophilia hemofilia Virus virus Hemorrhage hemorragia Wax (ear) cera xray radiografia BODY PARTS Ankle tobillos Leg pierna/s Am brazo/s Liver higado Back la espalda Lung/s pulmén/es Bladder vejiga Mouth boca Blood la sangre Muscle el musculo Bone el hueso Nail ufia Breasts los senos Neck el cuello Chest el pecho Nerve el nervio Ears oidos/orejas Nose nariz Elbow el codo Ovary ovario Eye ojo/s Pancreas el pancreas Face la cara Penis pene Finger/s dedo/s Rib la Costilla Foot piels Skin la piel Gallbladder vesicula Shoulder el hombro Hair pelo/cabello Spleen el bazo Hand mano/s Stomach estémago Head Cabeza Testicle testiculo Heart Coraz6n Throat garganta Heel talén Uterus matris/utero Intestines intestinos Vagina vagina Joint coyuntura Waist! cintura Kidney/s rifén/es lower back Knee/s rodilla/s Wrist la mufieca

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