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Temario de examenes 1st grade:

Español: trazos, escribir su nombre, vocales a e i o u (palabras y trazos),

abecedario a-f (palabras y trazos)
Sociales:simbolos patrios,los sentimientos, ¿quien soy?, diversidad y
Civica: ¿quien soy yo?, cualidades,la familia

Spelling: short a, inflectional endings, sentences, sentence capitalization, short

I, double final consonants, sentence punctuation, plural noun with -s.
English: days of the week, things of the school (imagen), months of the year,
season of the year.
Science: the weather, animals (monkey, bear, dog, cat.), parts of the plant, living
things and non-living things, healthy and unhealthy food.
Math: Chapter 1 (hasta la pagina #41)

Temario de examenes 2nd grade:

Español: Conversación y diálogo, frases de cortesía, nombres propios,

instrucciones, rondas, bombas, trabalenguas, canciones de cuna, adivinanzas, el
poema, rimas, onomatopeyas, el cuento.
Sociales: simbolos patrios, ¿quien soy?, calidad de vida.
Civica: conociendome, ¿como me protejo?, peligros en casa, proteccion en las
Spelling: short a, short I, plural nouns, statements, questions,
capitalization/punctuation, sentences, statements and questions, short e o u,
inflectional endings, commands, exclamations, sentence capitalization/punctuation,
exclamations and commands, two-letter blends.
English: days of the week, feelings, months of the year, season of the year.
Science: the weather, parts of the plant, living things and non-living things,
healthy and unhealthy food.
Math: Chapter 1 (hasta la pagina #16)

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