Está en la página 1de 172



1 English, English! 7

2 Disease prevention 29

3 New Technologies, Neologisms 53

and Education

4 Environmental issues 91

5 Common problems of 147

Unidad 1

English, English!


Al finalizar la unidad, los estudiantes:

Determinarán la idea general de un texto, sin necesidad de leerlo todo de manera lineal.
Localizarán datos específicos dentro de un texto, sin recurrir a una lectura detenida.
Anticiparán los contenidos de un texto con base en su cultura general y /o especializada.
Serán conscientes de sus propósitos como lectores en relación con la función textual.
Transferirán información de un texto escrito a otro tipo de representación gráfica.
Interpretarán frases nominales a partir de la posición de los adjetivos calificativos
respecto a los sustantivos en inglés.

A. Identificación de la idea general de un texto.

¿Eres de los que crees que necesita entender cada palabra en un texto para
comprender lo que dice?

En esta actividad te mostraremos una estrategia que te permitirá detectar el

tema general de un texto a partir del título y las tres claves de lectura, a saber,
los cognados, las palabras repetidas y las claves tipográficas.

El título de un texto te permite hacer una predicción sobre el posible contenido.

Esta es una hipótesis que puedes comprobar o modificar una vez que leas el

Un cognado es una palabra en otro idioma que es muy parecida, en su

escritura, al español y que tiene el mismo significado.

Las palabras que se repiten constantemente en un texto están estrechamente

relacionadas con el tema general.

Las claves tipográficas, negritas, cursivas, subrayados, paréntesis, cantidades,

números, etc., tienen la función de llamar la atención del lector hacia
información importante para el tema general.

Si detectas estos elementos la primera vez que te enfrentes a un texto, te será

fácil determinar el tema general sin tener que comprender cada una de las


A partir del siguiente título, ¿de qué crees que trata el siguiente texto? Escribe tres ideas.





Revisa el texto en la siguiente página y verifica si tus hipótesis fueron acertadas.

Si ____ No____

¿Por qué?


It is usual for individuals to greet when they meet each other. It is not only a sign of recognition but
a sign of happiness at each other's sight. Social transactions necessitate this initial conviviality,
and culture crystallizes the form it takes. It is well known that greetings differ from country to
country, and from culture to culture.

Gestures and postures are accompanied by verbal ejaculations and utterances that are also
stylized. Greeting is thus a mosaic of movements and words constituting on intimation of thoughts
and sentiments.

In human society it is an approach mechanism; it no doubt assumes more often than not the air of
a mere formality, but is not devoid of social and emotional significance in human relations. Often, it
is a necessary prelude to satisfactory transactions. The warmth and readiness of the greeting
conveys much more than words and gestures.

Recuperado de en agosto de 2013.

La predicción, aplicada a la comprensión de lectura, es una

estrategia que activa tus conocimientos previos de cultura
general o especializados y te permite delimitar el posible tema
del texto.


En el texto THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GREETING localiza diez cognados y anótalos

en las siguientes líneas.

Cognado Equivalente Cognado Equivalente

en español en español

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Recuerda que también existen los falsos cognados. Estos

son palabras que se parecen al español en su escritura,
pero significan algo diferente.

Palabras Clave

Ahora localiza cinco palabras que se repitan y anótalas en las siguientes líneas.
Concéntrate en las palabras que te dan mayor contenido: sustantivos, adjetivos y

Palabra repetida Equivalente en español

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

______________________________________ _______________________________________

Claves tipográficas

¿Por qué crees que el autor resaltó esos elementos?

Identifica las claves tipográficas que aparecen en el texto THE SIGNIFICANCE OF

GREETING. Da tres ejemplos. Menciona el tipo de clave tipográfica, en qué
párrafo y línea se ubica y menciona la razón para resaltar esa información.




A partir del título y de las tres claves de lectura, ¿cuál crees que es el tema general
del texto? Exprésalo en las siguientes líneas en no más de 50 palabras.


B. Elabora un pequeño mapa mental con base en la información del siguiente

texto. Usa español.


*Native or First language- the language you learned at home with your family when
you were small.
* Official language- the language that is used in official documents, spoken on the
radio and on television
*Second language - language you learn because you have to live in the country
where the language is spoken.
*Foreign language - languages spoken abroad, a language you can choose to
study at school.

Adapted from:


Compara tu mapa mental con el de tus compañeros.

Recuerda que en el mapa mental o cualquier organizador

gráfico sólo se incluye la información más relevante.

C. Frase nominal y transferencia de información.

En inglés a veces encontramos grupos de adjetivos y sustantivos que funcionan en una

sola frase que recibe el nombre de frase nominal.

Ejemplo: English is an easy language.

En estas palabras en negrita, el sustantivo de la derecha es el núcleo de la frase. Este

núcleo se encuentra modificado por el adjetivo que le precede. Esto quiere decir que todas
las palabras anteriores al núcleo funcionan como adjetivos.

En el ejemplo; easy language

Modificador Núcleo

Si comenzamos la interpretación al español de derecha a izquierda, será poco probable

que nos equivoquemos. La mejor interpretación de nuestra frase sería: Idioma fácil.

En algunas ocasiones habrá que agregar algunos elementos para conectar cada palabra y
buscar el orden más adecuado para su interpretación al español.

Interpreta las frases nominales que se te presentan en la siguiente tabla.

Frase Frase
Interpretación Interpretación
nominal nominal

Official or special International

status business

Total population Academic


Foreign language International


Main language Electronically stored


Air-traffic control Pop music

D. Predicción

Contesta las siguientes preguntas y compara tus respuestas con tus compañeros.

1. ¿Para qué podrías usar el inglés?




2. ¿Qué opinas acerca de aprender inglés como lengua extranjera?



Ahora verifica si tus ideas aparecen en el texto Some facts and figures about the
English Language.

Si aparecen ____ No aparecen ____ ¿Por qué? Argumenta tu respuesta.




E. Búsqueda de información específica o scanning.

La ubicación de cierta información que de antemano sabemos se encuentra en el texto

que estamos leyendo se llama scanning. Para ubicar esta información, no necesitas leer
todo el texto, por lo que se trata de una estrategia de lectura rápida.

Refiérete al texto Some facts and figures about the English Language y
proporciona la información que se te pide.

1. Número de personas nativo hablantes de inglés____________________________________

2. Número de personas que hablan inglés como segunda lengua ________________________

3. Número de personas que hablan inglés como lengua extranjera ______________________

4. Número de personas que manejan el inglés al menos a cierto nivel de competencia


5. Menciona ejemplos de los usos del inglés________________________________________


6. ¿Qué piensan los estudiantes acerca del inglés? ___________________________________



Some facts and figures about the English Language

According to research by the British Council , "English has official* or special status
in at least seventy-five countries with a total population of over two billion. English is
spoken as a native* language by around 375 million and as a second language* by around
375 million speakers in the world. Speakers of English as a second language will soon
outnumber those who speak it as a first language. Around 750 million people are believed
to speak English as a foreign language*. One out of four of the world's population speak
English to some level of competence. Demand from the other three-quarters is increasing."

What people use English for

The British Council says "English is the main language of books, newspapers, airports
and air-traffic control, international business and academic conferences, science,
technology, diplomacy, sport, international competitions, pop music and advertising.

Over two-thirds of the world's scientists read in English. Three quarters of the world's
mail is written in English. Eighty per cent of the world's electronically stored information is
in English. Of the estimated forty million users of the Internet, some eighty per cent
communicate in English, but this is expected to decrease to forty per cent as speakers of
other languages get online."

What our students say about English

"English is an easy language. There are no accents, the tenses of verbs are simplified
and the adjectives are invariable", says Gustavo O. after three years studying it at school.
Anaelle S. agrees with him but she finds the many different ways words are pronounced
and the spelling difficult to cope with. Nicolas de F. finds it interesting and cool because
through it he can understand many films and songs. "You need English to travel around the
world - it's a language almost everybody understands - so it's easier to communicate with
people from different cultures", says Daniela K. . According to Aldebaran D., "you must
speak English if you want a good job especially if you want to work with computers".

Edited from

Ahora, en español, a partir del segundo párrafo de la sección What people use
English for, elabora un pequeño cuadro sinóptico, un mapa mental, un mapa
conceptual, una tabla o el tipo de organizador gráfico de tu elección. Además de
comparar los contenidos presentados, justifica tu elección de organizador gráfico.
Utiliza este espacio.

F. Funciones textuales

La lengua tiene como función principal la comunicación verbal o escrita entre los seres
humanos. Dentro de esta comunicación, existen funciones específicas que expresan
intenciones particulares. Tanto en el lenguaje hablado como en el escrito, encontramos cuatro
funciones de comunicación principales. La narración, la descripción, la instrucción y la

Hay cuatro tipos de texto a partir de su función textual y cada función específica se caracteriza
por una serie de rasgos de uso de la lengua o indicadores de función, los cuales se presentan
a continuación:

Función textual Intención Indicadores de Ejemplos de texto

comunicativa función

La narración Contar lo que ya La mayor parte de Crónicas, biografías,

sucedió. Esta es la los verbos se cuentos, novelas.
función primaria encuentran
del lenguaje. conjugados en
alguna forma de
pasado (pasado
simple, pasado
continuo, presente
perfecto, pasado
perfecto, entre

Las palabras que

indican la
secuencia de
eventos son

La descripción Caracterizar La mayoría de los Reportes de

personas, objetos, verbos están investigación, textos de
fenómenos y conjugados en divulgación.
conceptos. tiempo presente.
Hay abundancia
de adjetivos y

La instrucción Indica lo que se Los verbos se Instructivos, manuales,
debe hacer. Da encuentran en el recetas de cocina,
órdenes, modo imperativo. columnas de consejos.
sugerencias y

Las palabras que

indican la
secuencia de
pasos o fases son

La argumentación Expresa juicios de Los conectores Editoriales, ensayos.

valor a favor o en crean relaciones
contra de un tema específicas entre
en particular. Es la las ideas que
función unen.
comunicativa más

Adjetivos, que
comunican juicios
de valor.

Es posible encontrar más de una función en un texto, pero siempre habrá predominio de una
función en particular, que responde a la intención comunicativa y/o al mensaje que el autor
desea comunicar. Identificar la función principal de un texto facilita la comprensión del mismo.

Otra ventaja de identificar la función textual es permitir al lector determinar la pertinencia de la

lectura del texto en cuestión, con base en el propósito de lectura. Por ejemplo, si un estudiante
de química requiere conocer la diferencia entre sales y bases, buscará un texto que describa
y mencione las diferencias entre unas y otras. En cambio, si el mismo estudiante requiere
saber cómo producir sales y / o bases, buscará un texto instructivo que le indique el proceso.

Lo anterior indica que el propósito de lectura determinará la pertinencia de leer o no ciertos


Con base en lo ya expuesto, discute con tus compañeros cuál sería tu propósito de lectura en
las siguientes situaciones y qué tipo de textos leerías.

a) Un estudiante de psicología prepara una exposición sobre las principales corrientes del

b) Una enfermera dará una plática a padres de pacientes pediátricos sobre higiene personal.

c) Un amigo te invita a su primera exhibición de arte como artista y tú no conoces mucho del
tema. No quieres quedar mal con los colegas artistas de tu amigo.

d) Un cirujano dentista participará como conferencista ante un grupo de especialistas. Conoce su

tema (nuevos materiales para obturaciones), pero lo tiene preparado para alumnos de

A continuación encontrarás cuatro textos. Revísalos y anota en la línea bajo cada uno
de ellos la función textual principal para cada caso y da tus razones.


Taken from Oliver Twist, 1838, by Charles Dickens:

The evening arrived: the boys took their places; the master in his cook's uniform stationed
himself at the copper; his pauper assistants ranged themselves behind him; the gruel was
served out, and a long grace was said over the short commons. The gruel disappeared;
the boys whispered each other and winked at Oliver, while his next neighbors nudged him.
Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger and reckless with misery. He rose from
the table, and advancing, basin and spoon in hand, to the master, said, somewhat
alarmed at his own temerity

"Please, sir, I want some more."

The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupefied
astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the
copper. The assistants were paralyzed with wonder, and the boys with fear.

"What!" said the master at length, in a faint voice.

"Please, sir," replied Oliver, "I want some more."

The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle, pinioned him in his arms, and
shrieked aloud for the beadle.

Función textual: ___________________________________________________

Razones: ________________________________________________________

Guide to Writing a Basic Essay
An essay can have many purposes, but the basic structure is the same no matter what.
You may be writing an essay to argue for a particular point of view or to explain the steps
necessary to complete a task. Either way, your essay will have the same basic format. If
you follow a few simple steps, you will find that the essay almost writes itself. You will be
responsible only for supplying ideas, which are the important part of the essay anyway.

Don't let the thought of putting pen to paper daunt you. Get started!

These simple steps will guide you through the essay writing process:

Write the introduction.

Once you have checked your work and perfected your formatting, your essay is finished.

Función textual: ___________________________________________________

Razones: ________________________________________________________

The Sydney Opera house

The Sydney Opera House in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia is one of the most
distinctive and famous 20th-century buildings, and one of the most famous performing arts
venues in the world. Situated on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, with parkland to its
south and close to the enormous Sydney Harbour Bridge, the building and its
surroundings form an iconic Australian image. To some the spherical-sectioned shells
remind them of the flotilla of sailboats commonly cruising there. Tourists - mostly with little
or no interest in opera - throng to the building in their thousands every week purely to see
it. As well as many touring theatre, ballet, and musical productions the Opera House is the
home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony
Orchestra. It is administered by the Opera House Trust, under the New South Wales
(NSW) Ministry of the Arts.

The Sydney Opera House has about 1000 rooms, including five theatres, five rehearsal
studios, two main halls, four restaurants, six bars and numerous souvenir shops. The
roofs of the House are constructed of 1,056,000 glazed white granite tiles, imported from
Sweden. Despite their self-cleaning nature, they are still subject to periodic maintenance
and replacement. The House interior is composed of pink granite mined from Tarana,
NSW and wood and brush box plywood supplied from northern NSW. The five constituent
theatres of the Sydney Opera House are the Concert Hall (with a seating capacity of
2679), the Opera Theatre (1547 seats), the Drama Theatre (544 seats), the Playhouse
(398 seats) and the Studio Theatre (364 seats). The Concert Hall contains the Sydney
Opera House Grand Organ, the largest mechanical tracker action organ in the world with
over 10,000 pipes. The shells of the Opera House: The theatres are housed in a series of
large shells, conceived by dissecting a hemisphere. The Concert Hall and Opera Theatre
are contained in the largest shells, and the other theatres are located on the sides of the
shells. Large free public performances have also often been staged in front of the
Monumental Steps that lead up to the base of the main sets of shells. A much smaller set
of shells set to one side of the Monumental steps houses one of the formal dining

Función textual: ___________________________________________________

Razones: ________________________________________________________
Good and Bad Teachers

development. It is well known that there exist three main factors that influence the
development of the personality. They are: heredity, social encirclement and education.
Usually the term education is used meaning the great impact that parent have on the
future personality of their child. But this also includes school education, because
nowadays, when parents are very busy they are the people, who teach children what is
beautiful and what is ugly, what is right and what is wrong. Through them children learn to

particularities that are transmitted to children through interaction and the knowledge that
the teacher offers them. A good teacher is a person who finds individual approach to every

class and making sure the children learn to take into account and respect the thoughts of
other people.

Therefore there is much more to a teacher than high professionalism. What makes kids
hardly wait until the lesson starts in one cases and hating the subject in others? Of course
high professionalism in the field of the taught subject is very important, but when it comes
to being a bad or a good teacher this is not the weightiest factor. A good teacher is a
person who not just reproduces the knowledge he got. Not a person that only brings up
the interest to the subject. It is a person who finds individual approach to every pupil,
taking care about
and making sure the children learn to take into account and respect the thoughts of other

response. For example, if the teacher is professionally good enough but does not take
critics from the pupils constructively or does not explain why he thinks he is right this
makes a huge gap between the students and the teacher. And when there is no emotional
contact the learning cannot be called successful, for the students are not completely
involved. When the teacher does not treat students as people that obey him, treats them
like they are equal to him and explains equally to everybody it can really be a pointer of a

original form, adding something new and personal to make the learning process as
exciting as it can possibly be. A bad teacher is a person that focuses only on the
information he provides not taking into account the children or anything. It is a person that
is doing its job. Such a person can be very good in the theoretical part of his subject but
he will never have students being emotionally attached to him. It is a teacher that lets his
personal mood influence on the way he treats his students. That cannot reduce awkward
situations with humor either it is him in the situation or his student. Being a good teacher is
about loving children and wanting to give them only the best the teacher has inside of him.


Función textual: ___________________________________________________

Razones: ________________________________________________________

Por equipos, elijan uno de los cuatro textos anteriores y presenten al grupo lo más
detalladamente posible de qué se trata el texto que seleccionaron.

Actividad complementaria

Por equipos, Busquen ejemplos de cada tipo de texto y tráiganlos la siguiente clase.
Preséntenlos al grupo:

Cuál es la función principal

que indicadores de función encontraron
De qué se trata el texto (breve resumen)

Pueden utilizar ilustraciones, organizadores gráficos, resúmenes e incluso proponer

ejercicios de comprensión a sus compañeros.

G. Auto Evaluación

Finalmente, regresa a la primera página y reflexiona:

¿Puedes realizar todo lo propuesto en los objetivos propuestos para esta primera unidad?,
¿puedes hacerlo bien, regular, apenas o no puedes hacer alguna de las actividades de esta
unidad?, ¿necesitas más práctica?, ¿qué actividades propones para mejorar tu desempeño
como lector con respecto a los contenidos de la Unidad 1? Discute con tus compañeros.


Unidad 2

Disease prevention


Al finalizar esta unidad los estudiantes:

Conocerán y utilizarán estrategias para comprender palabras desconocidas con base en el

contexto, la categoría gramatical y la morfología.


1. Abajo aparece el título y el primer párrafo de un texto sobre obesidad. Lee la

información y haz un listado de los cognados que encuentres en inglés y escribe su
significado en español.

Let's Move Childhood Obesity Prevention from

Pregnancy and Infancy Onward
Janet M. Wojcicki, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Melvin B. Heyman, M.D., M.P.H.
April 22, 2010Source Information: From the Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco, San

obesity on February 9, 2010. The program's main antiobesity strategies are empowering

parents and consumers by revamping the nutritional labeling of products by the U.S.

Department of Agriculture (USDA), improving the nutritional standards of the National

School Lunch Program, increasing children's opportunities for physical activity, and

improving access to high-quality foods in all U.S. communities. (

_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________
_______________________ _________________________

2. A partir de las palabras que identificaste, escribe en español la idea general del

3. Abajo aparece el segundo párrafo del mismo texto. Discute en equipo las
siguientes preguntas de acuerdo al contenido.

1. ¿Qué cambios se deben hacer en los Estados Unidos para alterar el curso de la crisis de
2. ¿Qué datos actuales sobre obesidad infantil arrojó el Estudio sobre Salud Nacional y el
Examen de Nutrición?
3. ¿En qué casos encontramos éxito limitado en la prevención de aumento de peso?
4. ¿Qué problemas de salud presentan los niños obesos desde los tres años de edad?

Segundo párrafo

This innovative multifactorial approach has potential for altering the course of
the childhood obesity crisis changing our country's approach to eating,
nutrition, and physical activity by simultaneously targeting individuals,
neighborhoods, and larger communities. Current data on obesity in school-age
children are sobering. Almost one third of U.S. children over 2 years of age are
already overweight or obese, according to the 2007 2008 National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey and among low-income children 2 to 5 years of
age who are enrolled in federally funded health programs, the proportions range
as high as 39% .But systematic reviews indicate that, at best, behavioral and
nutrition interventions in schools or within the home have limited success in
preventing weight gain in children. At as early as 3 years of age, obese children
have elevated levels of inflammatory markers that have been linked to heart
disease that is manifested later in life. To be a truly comprehensive and
successful program, then, the Let's Move campaign must stimulate prevention
efforts targeting the youngest Americans those under 2 years of age and
preschoolers. Indeed, prevention must start as early as possible, since school-
age children already have an unacceptably high prevalence of obesity and
associated medical conditions.


1. Marca lo que haces cuando encuentras palabras desconocidas que te impiden

entender ideas.

a. Recurres al diccionario.

b. Preguntas a otra persona.

c. Tratas de adivinar el significado ayudándote de las palabras que se encuentran antes

y después de la palabra desconocida.

d. Lees repetidamente la frase en la que se encuentra dicha palabra.

e. Observas las letras que forman la palabra.

f. Te apoyas de las imágenes que muestra el texto.

g. Ignoras la palabra y continúas leyendo.

h. Reflexionas sobre si la palabra es importante o no.

Discute en grupo cuáles de las acciones anteriores consideras más productivas.

2. Lee la siguiente oración y contesta las preguntas.

First Lady Michelle Obama against childhood

obesity on February 9, 2010.

a. ¿Comprendes a lo que significa la palabra against? Si No

b. ¿Qué entiendes por: y childhood obesity?


c. ¿A qué campaña se refiere el texto? ¿De qué tipo de obesidad se trata?


d. Entonces, de las tres palabras que se proponen a continuación, ¿Qué significado

das a la palabra against?

a sobre b contra c para

e. Escribe la versión en español de la oración completa.



Cuando te enfrentes con vocabulario desconocido, lo mejor es poner en

práctica la siguiente estrategia de lectura: observa las palabras que se
encuentran antes y después de la que desconoces; estas palabras
forman lo que se conoce como contexto y es lo que determina el
significado, no la palabra por sí misma.

3 Lee el tercer párrafo del texto

y selecciona el mejor significado para cada palabra en
negrita con base en su contexto.

Factors associated with increased risk for overweight or obesity in infancy and
early childhood include excessive maternal weight gain or smoking during
gestation, shorter-than-recommended duration of breast-feeding, and suboptimal
amounts of sleep during infancy. Such exposures during early development
program a person's long-term regulation of energy balance and may have
epigenetic effects. These exposures probably influence the development of
hypothalamic circuits that regulate body weight, as well as endocrine pancreatic
function, changes in the proportion of lean versus fat body mass, and other
cycles of metabolic programming.

a primera b tardía c temprana

a peso b dolor c carga


a exhibiciones b exposiciones c revelaciones


a esbeltez b músculo c tejido magro

4. A partir de la comprensión del vocabulario, escribe en español la idea general del






5. Estos fragmentos corresponden a las siguientes secciones del texto. Trata de

interpretar el significado de las palabras en negrita con base en su contexto y
proporciona tu versión en español de cada apartado.

a. Interventions designed to reduce excessive weight gain and smoking during

pregnancy, to increase the duration of breast-feeding, and to increase sleep duration
during infancy could target U.S. children before they became overweight or obese,
intervening in the cycle of metabolic programming that can be influenced by these
early-life exposures.





b. Studies have shown that early interventions can potentially prevent the development
of obesity in school-age children, along with associated health conditions.



c. The World Health Organization has affirmed that the long-term benefits of breast-
feeding include reduced risks of obesity and consequent type 2 diabetes mellitus, as
well as lower blood pressures and total cholesterol levels in adulthood.




d. Ongoing public health campaigns are already addressing some of these issues,
including programs aimed at reducing smoking rates and programs that attempt to
increase the proportion of mothers who initiate breast-feeding and extend the period
of breast-feeding.




e. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 14.1% of U.S.
women smoke during pregnancy, suggesting that current interventions are as yet
inadequate to achieve the Healthy People 2010 goal of 1% of women smoking during


6. Con base en la información del último párrafo del texto Let's Move Childhood
Obesity Prevention from Pregnancy and Infancy Onward presenta en equipo la
información relacionada sobre lo que se quiere mejorar y cómo, a través de la campaña

Último párrafo

The Let's Move campaign may well help to improve the health of Americans
through its multilevel and comprehensive approach. But pregnant women,
infants, and pre school-age children could benefit from being more explicitly
incorporated into the campaign. We believe that including prevention efforts
for these groups will have the longest-term effect on the obesity epidemic in
the United States. As a start, the Let's Move Web site links to the USDA's
MyPyramid Plan for Moms
( and to CDC
material on the relationship between breast-feeding and overweight. Important
additional components could involve support for programs that encourage
health care professionals to counsel patients about the IOM's
recommendations regarding weight gain during pregnancy, that ensure
pregnancy-tailored counseling for all women who smoke, that make breast-
feeding easier for working mothers, and that promote healthy eating
behaviors as foods are introduced to infants and toddlers. By directly
emphasizing the potential risks for lifetime obesity that present in infancy
and early childhood and providing the structure and direction for
interventions in these areas, the campaign could increase its overall impact
on reversing the childhood obesity epidemic.



1. Lee la siguiente información y contesta lo que se te pide.

As you know, green plants make their own food. You learned that carbon dioxide and
water are changed into sugar in the leaves. Usually more sugar is made than the plant
can use. The extra sugar is changed into starch and other plant products. Starch is
the stored food in seeds. It may also be stored in roots, stems, and leaves.

Green plants are used as food by many living things. Many of the foods you eat are
parts of green plants. Cabbage, lettuce, and spinach are plant leaves. Potatoes and
asparagus are stems. Radishes, beets, and carrots are roots. Peaches, tomatoes and
cucumbers are fruits. Corn, dry beans, and peanuts are seeds. How many of these
foods have you eaten? What other leaves stems, roots, fruits, and seeds are foods?

a. ¿Qué se transforma en almidón?______________________________________________

b. ¿Para qué se usan las plantas verdes? _________________________________________

c. ¿Qué nombres de frutas y legumbres se mencionan en el texto?_____________________

La comprensión lectora se mejora cuando se entienden estos elementos:

1) De qué se habla (expresado con un sustantivo).

2) Cómo es eso de lo que se habla, es decir sus características
(expresadas con un adjetivo).
3) Qué actividad realiza eso de lo que se habla (expresado con un

Cabe señalar que en algunas ocasiones un sustantivo puede funcionar como

adjetivo al anteponerse a otro sustantivo para describirlo o modificarlo. Por
ejemplo, la frase DOG FOOD está formada por dos sustantivos, pero el
primero (DOG) modifica al segundo (FOOD) por lo que en este caso se habla

2. Revisa el primer párrafo del texto que leerás en esta sección y realiza lo siguiente

- Subraya los sustantivos que encuentres.

- Encierra en un círculo los adjetivos.
- Encierra en un rectángulo los verbos.

Aging, Physical Activity and Disease Prevention

Sociodemographic changes have led to an increase of aging in the society. The

biological and physiological changes of aging are primarily associated with a decline

in muscle mass ranging from 1% to 2% per year past the age of 50, strength,

endurance, and the inability to maintain balance. Furthermore, the prevalence and

incidence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, and

neurodegenerative diseases rise with age resulting in a slowing of movements,

imbalance, immobility, falls, and disability. Recent studies revealed an increase of

disability among the older population. Age older than 84 years, lower education levels,

obesity, comorbid conditions, not practicing physical activity, and sleeping more than

8 hours per day have been associated with higher disability.

3. Escribe en español la idea general del párrafo anterior.







Los párrafos se forman de oraciones, las cuales tienen dos partes: sujeto y predicado: El sujeto
es el que realiza la acción. El predicado es la acción que realiza el sujeto y cualquier
información complementaria. Para identificar estas dos partes, lo primero es identificar el
verbo, lo que lo antecede es el sujeto, todo lo demás es el predicado. El núcleo del sujeto es
siempre un sustantivo y el núcleo del predicado es un verbo.

4. Lee los siguientes apartados que se encuentran en distintos párrafos del texto
Aging, Physical Activity and Disease Prevention y realiza lo siguiente:

- Identifica los sujetos y predicados de cada oración.

- Escribe tu interpretación en español de cada oración.

a. An active life style also influences poor habits such as smoking, alcohol
consumption, and fat nutrition.

b. Physical activity includes leisure time, physical activity, transportation (e.g.,
walking or cycling), occupational (if the individual is still engaged in work),
household chores, play, games, sports, or planned exercise, in the context of
daily, family, and community activities.

c. Some researchers claim that low intensity exercise such as regular walking,
biking, or gardening have a preventive effect.

d. The preventive effect of exercising depends on the intensity of the exercise and
an increase of physical fitness.

e. The paper reviews the effects of muscle wasting and the possibilities of exercise

5. Lee los últimos tres párrafos del texto Aging, Physical Activity and Disease Prevention
y contesta las siguientes preguntas.

1. Se han realizado estudios sobre la esperanza de vida en sujetos físicamente activos y

no activos. Comenta lo que han encontrado al respecto.



2. ¿Qué es la osteoartritis?



3. ¿A qué se refieren los autores con TAR?



4. ¿Por qué TAR es una mejor opción que la artrodesis de tobillo?



Últimos tres párrafos

There is a paper that provides a review on the increase of life expectancy by physical

exercise. The authors performed a systematic PubMed search on life expectancy in

physically active and inactive subjects, in addition articles comparing life expectancy

of athletes compared to that of nonathletes were reviewed. Physical activity reduces

many major mortality risk factors including arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus type

2, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer. All-cause mortality is

decreased by about 30 to 35% in physically active as compared to inactive subjects.

The studies suggest that regular physical activity is associated with an increase of life

expectancy by 0.4 to 6.9 years. Aerobic endurance athletes showed a greater life

expectancy, but it remains unclear if high-intensity sports activities further increase life


The meaning of aging and the development of osteoarthritis is highlighted in another

paper. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a major health burden leading to progressive pain and

reduced mobility with age as the most prominent risk factor for the development and

progression of OA. Inflammatory cytokines play a role in the development of

osteoarthritis. Joint movement has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

Therefore, physical activity or physiotherapy in the elderly might reduce inflammatory

processes and increase muscle mass.

The surgical treatment of end-stage osteoarthritis in elderly patients was the focus of

one of the papers. The authors emphasized that elderly patients may benefit more by

total ankle replacement (TAR) than by the alternative ankle arthrodesis, since
rehabilitation after TAR is easier than that after ankle arthrodesis. Immobilization and

protection time is shorter and articular and muscle function less affected. Total ankle

replacement might be an option to regain mobility and quality of life in elderly patients.


En inglés como en otras lenguas, al agregar partículas al inicio o al final de una palabra se forman
palabras derivadas como: antiacid, ultraviolet, bipolar, happiness, information, difficulty.

1. PREFIJOS: los prefijos son partículas que se colocan antes de una palabra para formar
palabras derivadas.

Revisa la siguiente tabla y comenta con tu grupo el significado de los ejemplos.

Prefijos Significado Ejemplos

anti- ant- opposing, against, the anti-aircraft, antibiotic, anticlimax, Antartic
auto- self automobile, autobiography
bi- two biceps, bicycle
co with, jointly co-pilot
dis-, di- negation, removal, disadvantage, dismount, disbud, disbar
hyper- beyond, more than, more hypersonic. Hyperactive
than normal
infertile, inappropriate,impossible,
in-, il-, im- not, without incurable
inter- between, among interact, interchange
intra- inside, within intramural, intravenous
non- absence, negation non-smoker, non-alcoholic
macro- large macroeconimics, macrobiotic
magni- great magnify, magnificent
mega- huge megaphone, megabucks
micro- small microscope, microbe
mis- wrongly mistake, mislead
surpassing, exceeding outperform
out- external, away from outbuilding, outboard
over- excessively, completely overconfident, overburdened,
peri- round, about perimeter
post- after in time or order postpone
before in time, place,
pre- order or importance pre-adolescent, prelude, precondition
pro- favouring, in support of pro-African
acting for proconsul

motion forwards or away propulsion

re- again repaint, reappraise, reawake
semi- half, partly semicircle, semi-conscious
sub- suc-, suf-, at a lower position submarine, subsoil
sug-, sup-, sur-sus- lower in rank sub-lieutenant

nearly, approximately sub-tropical

syn- sym- in union, acting together synchronize, symmetry
not, without unacceptable, unreal, unhappy
reversal or cancellation of unplug, unmask
un- action or state
under- beneath, below underage, undercarriage
lower in rank undersecretary
not enough underdeveloped

2. Observa los primeros dos párrafos del texto Treatment of Anemia in the Adolescent
Female. Encuentra dos palabras que tengan un prefijo y completa la tabla.

Treatment of Anemia in the Adolescent Female

Many adolescents are at an increased risk for anemia due to their rapid growth and

increasing muscle mass. However, adolescent females with heavy menstrual bleeding

are at an even greater risk for anemia. Heavy menstruation in adolescent females not

only has negative effects on health-related quality of life and school attendance, but

also has major health implications such as iron deficiency anemia.

About 75% of teen girls do not meet the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for

iron, due in part to busy lifestyles, and self-imposed trendy diets. At a time in their

lives when young women have an increased need for iron to compensate for menstrual

blood loss and increased growth, many young women are preoccupied with body
image.³ The combination of heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) and an inadequate diet

frequently leads to iron deficiency in young women.

Palabra Prefijo Significado

3. Con base en los dos párrafos revisados, escribe las causas por las que las
adolescentes pueden desarrollar anemia.







Observa el siguiente ejemplo que se encuentra en el título del texto que leerás en esta
sección de la unidad.

TREAT (tratar) (verbo) + MENT= TREATMENT (tratamiento) (sustantivo)

Lo anterior significa que cuando se agrega el sufijo MENT a un verbo, éste cambia a la
categoría de sustantivo. En consecuencia, el uso de sufijos cambia la categoría gramatical.

5. Revisa la siguiente tabla y comenta con tu grupo el significado de los ejemplos.

Sufijos Significado Ejemplos

ac, ic like, pertaining to cardiac, aquatic

acy, cy state of being democracy, obstinacy, sufficiency

al pertaining to rehearsal, portal

ess Indicating a female actress, waitress, stewardess

ism doctrine, belief Buddhism, Christianism, Judaism

ist dealer, doer dentist, realist, artist

ity state of being sagacity

ive like quantitative

er, or person who performs the professor, teacher, advisor, montaineer


less lack of homeless, useless

ography ogram writing, description ideogram, geography, stenography

refering to something, a

ing noun reading, writing

ate to cause to happen compensate, consecrate, mitigate

fy to become quantify, magnify, petrify

ize, ise to convert capitalize, harmonize, revolutionize

acious, icious full of audacious, avaricious,

holic love, addiction alcoholic, workholic

ly having the nature or happily, slowly

quality of

6. Observa los siguientes párrafos del texto Treatment of Anemia in the Adolescent
Female. Encuentra palabras que tengan prefijos y/o sufijos y completa la tabla.

When we developed a program for females with HMB at the Adolescent Hematology

Clinic at Nationwide Children

concern despite the intervention of oral iron therapy. Most of the patients seen in

clinic had tried oral iron therapy due to its easy accessibility and low cost. Such

supplementation is most effective if the patient adheres to a regimen of multiple pills

per day, for several months; only then are measurable results likely to be observed in

laboratory tests. Because of the frequently reported unpleasant side effects, (i.e, nausea

and constipation) as well as the frequency and length of the required regimen,

adherence to iron supplementation proved difficult for our patients.

In an attempt to provide age-appropriate education to adolescent females with anemia,

we started by first conducting a fairly extensive literature search using key words

including anemia, education, prevention, treatment, and therapy for teens and/or

adolescents. This search resulted in only a few potentially useful articles, and, out of

those, most were from international sources.

Palabra Prefijo Sufijo Significado

7. Con base en los párrafos revisados, escribe sobre los inconvenientes de la aplicación
de terapia oral de hierro.






1. Lee la siguiente oración y subraya la definición de anemia en el caso hombres.


For men, anemia is typically defined as hemoglobin level of less than 13.5
gram/100 ml and in women as hemoglobin of less than 12.0 gram/100 ml.

¿Cómo localizaste la definición?


Cuando el autor tiene la necesidad de presentar un concepto, recurre a la definición y emplea

los siguientes indicadores lingüísticos más comunes y claves tipográficas para su localización:

o Is / are
o can / may be defined as
o is / are defined as
o is / are known as
o is / are called
o means
o refers to
o the term______ is used to / for
o is / are named
o or
o parentheses ( )
o hyphen -
o commas ,
o italics

2. Con base en la tabla anterior, subraya en los siguientes fragmentos de texto los
indicadores lingüísticos y claves tipográficas que encuentres para anunciar las
definiciones de anemia. Anota la versión en español para cada definición.

Anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin
is less than normal.



A more common classification of anemia (low hemoglobin) is based on the Mean

Corposcular Volume (MCV) which signifies the average volume of individual red
blood cells.



If the MCV is low (less than 80), the anemia is categorized as microcytic anemia
(low cell volume).



If the MCV is in the normal range (80-100), it is called a normocytic anemia

(normal cell volume).



If the MCV is high, then it is called a macrocytic anemia (large cell volume).




1. Lee la siguiente información contesta lo que se te pide.

If you have anemia, your body doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood. As a result, you may feel
tired or weak. You also may have other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, or

¿Cuál es el concepto general del cual se proporcionan ejemplos?_________________

¿Cómo identificaste los ejemplos?__________________________________________

Anota en español los ejemplos que encontraste sobre los síntomas que se tienen cuando se
pacede anemia.

Cuando la intención del autor es dar ejemplos sobre un concepto determinado, casi siempre
emplea los siguientes indicadores lingüísticos:

such as
for instance
for example

Example of _____________ is
Examples of _______________ include / are

2. En los siguientes apartados del mismo texto se encuentran conceptos ejemplificados,
localízalos con base en los indicadores lingüísticos presentados y completa los

Because of the frequently reported unpleasant side effects, (i.e, nausea and
constipation) as well as the frequency and length of the required regimen, adherence
to iron supplementation proved difficult for our patients.

Concepto general: _____________________________________________

Ejemplos: ____________________, ______________________

Most existing resources listed foods such as oysters, beef liver, and giblets as the best
sources of iron.

Concepto general: ______________________________________________

Ejemplos: _______________, ________________, _______________

The majority of children and adolescents, especially females, receive the bulk of their
dietary iron from fortified grain products such as breakfast cereals.

Concepto general: ______________________________________________

Ejemplo: ____________________


1. Lee la siguiente información y anota en español los pasos a seguir para evitar
desarrollar anemia.

Ask your doctor to test you for anemia regularly if you are at risk.

Eat a diet rich in iron and vitamin C. Good sources of available iron include:
Animal proteins (especially red meat), beans, spinach, dark chocolate.

Avoid excessive dieting or over-exercising, which can trigger symptoms in someone who
is already at risk.

¿Cómo se presentan las instrucciones en cuanto a la estructura del idioma? ¿Cómo empieza
el enunciado?.
2. Comenta en grupo sobre la información que contienen las instrucciones anteriores.

Si el autor tiene la intención de ofrecer instrucciones a seguir con el propósito de lograr cierto
objetivo, generalmente la información se presenta a manera de listado y la idea inicia con un
verbo en forma imperativa, es decir, las ideas comienzan con un verbo sin conjugar.

3. En esta sección del texto Treatment of Anemia in the Adolescent Female se

encuentran instrucciones a seguir para tener buena nutrición y evitar la anemia. Anota
en español dichas instrucciones.

Common nutrition goals set by patients included: 1) try to consume dry cereal as a

breakfast or snack at school; 2) combine iron-rich foods with foods high in vitamin C

to increase iron absorption; 3) eat iron-rich foods separate from iron inhibitors

throughout the day; and 4) consume breakfast more often. Of the 11 girls contacted

in follow-up, the majority reported success in implementing established nutrition goals.

Nutrition education at this clinic for girls with HMB has been positively received thus

far, and the majority of patients and families have expressed a sincere interest in

receiving continued nutrition counseling.









1. Haz acopio de todas las estrategias de lectura que has trabajado y contesta las
siguientes preguntas con base en los últimos tres párrafos del texto Treatment of
Anemia in the Adolescent Female.

1. ¿Qué se le ofrece a una paciente en sus visitas clínicas?



2. ¿Cuáles son las características de este tipo de productos?



3. Explica sobre la capacitación que recibieron las pacientes con sangrado menstrual

4. ¿Qué conocimiento se obtuvo al discutir sobre las herramientas de instrucciones visuales,

táctiles y comestibles?



5. ¿Qué conocimiento obtuvieron las pacientes y sus padres al recibir instrucciones sobre los
productos de nutrición?


6. ¿Qué conclusiones presenta la autora?




Últimos tres párrafos

visit, we presented them

with a colorful gift bag of individually wrapped iron fortified foods such as crackers

with peanut butter, or a nutrition bar, and a single serving box of cereal. Also included

in the bag was a small individual serving of a drink high in vitamin C. These types of

foods are affordable, as well as easily accessible at most local stores, in vending

machines, or at sporting event concession stands.

Patients of the HMB clinic were instructed on how to read nutrition labels to determine

iron-rich food sources, and were encouraged to verbally demonstrate their

understanding in clinic. While the teens seemed to be very familiar with locating calorie

content prior to nutrition counseling, they were unfamiliar with how to identify iron

content on food labels, and with how iron can affect their anemia. These visual, tactile,

and edible teaching tools were discussed with each patient and family, and discussion

knowledge and skills needed to make better choices at the grocery store to increase

their oral iron intake.

Adolescent females with heavy menstrual bleeding are at a greater risk for anemia.

Existing educational resources for iron-

lifestyles and eating preferences. A teen-friendly approach to teaching was

demonstrated in a clinical setting with visual, tactile, and edible selections of foods.

Simple educational handouts can greatly enhance the treatment of anemia in

adolescent females.

Unidad 3

New Technologies, Neologisms and Education

Al finalizar esta unidad, los estudiantes:

Serán capaces de identificar diversas funciones textuales: definición,

descripción e instrucción.

Habrán utilizado mapas conceptuales de dos maneras: para producir un texto y

para expresar visualmente su comprensión de la estructura conceptual de un
texto dado.

Lee con atención el siguiente texto.

An Ever Changing World

How do you survive and adapt in an ever changing world?

YouTube receives one billion views per day.

138 000 songs are downloaded illegally every minute.

So far, 269 000 000, yes, 269 million computers were sold last year.

T here are 31 billion searches on on

questions asked before Google?
Go each month. To whom were these

The first text was sent in 1992. The number of text messages sent and received every day
exceeds the population of the planet.

If was a country, it would be the 5th biggest in the world.

To reach an audience of 50 MILLION it took:

Radio: 38 years
TV: 13 years

4 years
Facebo 2 years

-old has watched 20,000 hours of TV

played 10,000 of video games
spent 10,000 hours on the phone.
The average number of weekly business emails received is 304.

Today the number of websites exceeds 200 million and is now one of the most powerful
modern business marketing tools.

I t is a changing world. To survive we must adapt and think and re-think anything is
possible. Everything is possible.
Transcribed from:

A. Información detallada
1. Relaciona las imágenes de la columna A con las descripciones de la columna B.

1. 2.



Para alcanzar una audiencia

de 50 millones de personas, a la ________

3. 4. tardó 13 años ________


le llevó 4 años

solamente necesitó dos años.

5. 5.

Diariamente recibe mil millones

de visitas. ________

Un joven actual de 21 años ya

7. 8. pasó el mismo número de horas

(10,000) jugando con esto ________

y usando esto. ________

Cada minuto se descargan

9. 10.
ilegalmente 138,000 ________

Es una de las más poderosas

herramientas del comercio ________

12. actual, y existen más de

200 millones.

11. 13.
En un negocio promedio, se

reciben a la semana 304 ________

El año pasado se vendieron

269 millones ________

Cada mes se realizan 31 mil

millones de búsquedas ________

El primero se envió en1992 ________

2. Relación título-texto
Primero vamos a ubicar las palabras que conocemos y pondremos entre corchetes lo que
probablemente no conocemos:
[An ever changing] world

siempre, constante, permanente. ¿Cuál crees que es el significado

más probable del título? Marca con una X tu elección.
(a) Un permanente cambio mundial. ____
(b) Siempre está cambiando el mundo ____
(c) Un mundo en perpetuo cambio ____

español en gerundio (es decir, con terminación ando, -iendo). Reconsidera tu respuesta.
Si elegiste (c), ¡estás en lo correcto!

Ahora veamos el subtítulo:

How do you survive and adapt in an ever changing world?
¿Cómo interpretas entonces el subtítulo completo?


B. Usos de -ing
Clasifica las incidencias de ing en el encabezado, el subencabezado o en ambos de las diez
noticias que se proporcionan después de la tabla. Justifica brevemente tu elección con la
traducción al español que en cada contexto tiene la palabra terminada con -ing. Por ejemplo,
en el encabezado de la noticia número uno, la palabra con ing, drowning, es un sustantivo

Justificación. Como en el subencabezado no hay palabras con ing, dejo en blanco esa fila y
continúo con la siguiente noticia.

Noticia número SUSTANTIVO ADJETIVO VERBO Justificación

Encabezado X ahogamiento
Subencabezado --










Swans, the sharks of ponds

2. Motorist dressed as Batman escapes ticket in Maryland

3. Man accused of stealing truck full of doughnuts
A sweet tooth indeed!

4. Police: Man sucked into sausage seasoning machine

Tastes like chicken!

5. Postal worker admits to stealing 30,000 Netflix DVDs

Wonder how many viewing hours that amounts to.

6. NY couple weds in a shark tank

They were gambling

7. Man accused of driving around with dead girlfriend in his car claims he thought she
was drunk NOT deceased
Some like it dead

8. One in ten US beaches not fit for swimming

Sewage and contaminated runoff are ruining water quality

9. Gorgeous faces keep Guenon monkeys from sleeping around

Guenon monkeys have some of the most colorful and quirky faces to prevent interbreeding

10. Ocean garbage patch is dissappearing

The trash could be breaking down or it may be traveling deep into the ocean's interior

Further practice
Practica lo que acabas de aprender acerca de los diferentes usos de ing escribiendo en
español los siguientes encabezados de noticias y sus respectivos subencabezados o

1. Killer swan
Swans, the sharks of ponds



2. Motorist dressed as Batman escapes ticket in Maryland




3. Man accused of stealing truck full of doughnuts
A sweet tooth indeed!



4. Police: Man sucked into sausage seasoning machine

Tastes like chicken!



5. Postal worker admits to stealing 30,000 Netflix DVDs

Wonder how many viewing hours that amounts to



6. NY couple weds in a shark tank

They were gambli



7. Man accused of driving around with dead friend in his car claims he thought he was
drunk NOT deceased
Some like it dead



8. One in ten US beaches not fit for swimming

Sewage and contaminated runoff are ruining water quality



9. Gorgeous faces keep Guenon monkeys from sleeping around

These sociable animals may rely on their distinctive patterns to prevent interbreeding


10. Ocean garbage patch is dissappearing
The trash could be breaking down or it may be traveling deep into the ocean's interior



C. Análisis lingüístico
El texto An Ever Changing World consta de varias oraciones que vamos a poner en cinco
grupos. En cada grupo se indica lo que conceptualmente tienen en común sus elementos
¿Qué tienen en común lingüísticamente?

Este grupo se refiere a lo que ocurre en general hoy en día.
1. How do you survive and adapt in an ever changing world?
2. YouTube receives one billion1 views per day.
3. There are 31 billion searches on Google each month.
4. Today the number of websites exceeds 200 million and is now one of the most powerful modern
business marketing tools.

En este grupo se constatan hechos, independientemente de quién los realice.
1. 138 000 songs are downloaded illegally every minute.
2. So far, 269 000 000, yes, 269 million computers were sold last year.
3. To whom were these questions asked before Google?
4. The first text was sent in 1992. The number of text messages sent and received every day exceeds the
population of the planet.
5. The average number of weekly business emails received is 304.

En este grupo se indica una situación hipotética.
1. If My Space was a country, it would be the 5th biggest in the world.
2. It is a changing world. To survive we must adapt and think and re-think anything is possible. Everything
is possible.

Este grupo consta de tres variantes de una misma oración: lo que ya hizo una persona de 21 años de edad.

has watched 20,000 hours of TV.

-old has played 10,000 of video games.

has spent 10,000 hours on the phone.

La palabra billion significa mil millones en inglés americano y un millón de millones en inglés británico. Por lo tanto, es un
cognado en español solamente en el segundo caso. An Ever Changing World procede de una fuente en inglés americano.
Por otra parte, en 1975, el Canciller Denis Healey anunció que, a partir de entonces, el Tesoro adoptaría la acepción
americana de mil millones para billion.
Aquí también hay una misma oración con cuatro variantes: el tiempo que tardaron diferentes medios de
comunicación para llegar a una audiencia de 50 millones de personas.

The radio 38 years

The TV 13 years
took to reach an audience of 50 million of people.
The Internet 4 years

And Facebook 2 years

D. Tipos de textos: la descripción

En el espacio que se proporciona, escribe la letra del grupo correspondiente a la definición y
el número de oraciones de ese tipo contenidas en el texto.

Grupo ___ Describe algo que ocurre en un tiempo

Número de oraciones ___ presente de manera general y habitual.

Grupo ___ Destaca la acción que se realiza, por lo

Número de oraciones _____ que no se indica quién la lleva a cabo.

Grupo ___ Existe una condición para que otra cosa

Número de oraciones _____ ocurra.

Grupo ___ La acción comenzó en el pasado pero

Número de oraciones ___ continúa o es relevante en el presente.
(¿Hay tres oraciones o tres En el español de México decimos, por
complementos de una ejemplo, "ya lo hizo", mientras que en
misma oración?) España dirían "lo ha hecho".

Grupo ___ Indica hechos que ocurrieron y

Número de oraciones ____ terminaron en el pasado.

Como puedes observar, estos grupos no tienen la misma importancia en el texto An Ever
Changing World, ya que algunos incluyen elementos más numerosos y variados que otros. Por
ejemplo, los grupos A y B tienen más elementos y ambos constatan situaciones generales en
un tiempo indeterminado del presente o el pasado. Con base en tal criterio de abundancia,
¿qué función crees que tiene este texto? Marca con una X tu elección.

a) Hipotetizar ________
b) Narrar ________
c) Describir ________

Si elegiste Hipotetizar, reflexiona: si abundaran más condiciones para que algo ocurra (es
decir, oraciones del Grupo C) entonces se trataría quizá de un ensayo en el que se
especulara sobre las consecuencias de determinados actos. Reconsidera tu respuesta.
Si elegiste Narrar, reflexiona: la manera en que se desarrollan los acontecimientos a lo largo
del tiempo no es algo central en este texto. Si así fuera, abundarían más las oraciones
relacionadas con el tiempo (por ejemplo, las del Grupo D y E, pero en cada caso no hay más
que variantes de la misma oración). Reconsidera tu respuesta.

Si elegiste Describir, ¡estás en lo correcto!

E. Contrastes interlingüísticos
1. Relaciona la frase en inglés con su equivalente en español

1. Today the number of websites

exceeds 200 million and is now one ( ) En 1992 se envió el primer texto.

of the most powerful modern ( ) ¿A quién se hacían estas preguntas

business marketing tools. antes de Google?
2. The number of text messages sent
and received every day exceeds the ( ) Hay 31 [millones de millones si la

population of the planet. fuente está en inglés británico o miles

3. The average number of weekly de millones si la fuente está en inglés

business emails received is 304. americano] de búsquedas en Google

4. There are 31 billion searches on cada mes.

Google each month.

( ) El número de mensajes de texto que
5. To whom were these questions
se envían y se reciben todos los días
asked before Google?
excede el de la población del planeta.
6. The first text was sent in 1992.

7. If My Space was a country, it would ( ) El número promedio de mensajes
be the 5th biggest in the world. electrónicos comerciales que se
reciben por semana es de 304.

( ) Hoy en día el número de sitios web

excede los 200 millones y es
actualmente una de las herramientas
más poderosas del mercado comercial

( ) Si MySpace fuera un país, éste sería el

quinto más grande del mundo.

2. Identifica en cada oración la parte o partes que pueden dificultar la comprensión de lectura a un
hablante hispano y discute con tus compañeros cómo allanarlas.

1. Today the number of websites exceeds 200 million and is now one of the most powerful
modern business marketing tools.

2. The number of text messages sent and received every day exceeds the population of the

3. The average number of weekly business emails received is 304.

4. There are 31 billion searches on Google each month.

5. To whom were these questions asked before Google?

6. The first text was sent in 1992.

7. If My Space was a country, it would be the 5th biggest in the world.

F. Tipos de textos: instructivos

1. Lee con atención el texto de la siguiente página para responder a la pregunta: ¿qué lo
caracteriza como instructivo?

How to Make a Podcast

A podcast is simply a series of audio files that you make available for others to hear. It is usually broadcast
on a daily or weekly basis. Creating a podcast is easy once you have the proper tools.

1. Choose a topic for your podcast.
2. Decide on the frequency you would like to publish your podcast. A news-based podcast is more
effective when published daily, while a story-based podcast could be published weekly.
3. Write a script for your podcast. Sometimes it is valuable to write out what you want to say in your
podcast. This helps make your podcast sound more professional and eliminate "umms," "uhhs" and
uncomfortable pauses.
4. Record your audio file. Work with audio recording software that is easy for you to understand and
use. Complicated software will do nothing more than waste time as you try to figure out the features.
Audacity is an easy and free tool to use.
5. Convert your audio file to MP3 format. More than likely, your audio recording software will save your
audio recording in its own format. You will need to "Save As" or "Export" to MP3 format so your
listeners can open and hear the file.
6. Upload your MP3 file in a site such as PodOmatic or iTunes, which are dedicated to let users find,
create, distribute, promote and listen to both audio and video podcasts OR
7. Create an article or blog post introducing your podcast and describing what you are discussing in
the podcast AND
8. Link your MP3 file to your new article or blog post.
Tips & Warnings
Remember that listeners can only hear your voice, not see you, in an audio podcast. Your topic or
theme should be something about which you are truly passionate, which listeners will sense in your
If you have a short podcast (5 or 10 minutes), you might be able to complete more than one
recording at a time. Spend an hour or two creating all of your podcasts for the week. This will save
a lot of time.
Some audio editing and recording software will require that you install an MP3 Encoder to convert
or export your audio file to MP3 format. Check the user manual to see which converters your audio
software requires or recommends.

Adapted from:

Accessed on July 2nd 2014.

2. Marca con una X los rasgos de identidad de un instructivo:

1. Está organizado en párrafos que desarrollan la descripción o el análisis de un tema.___

2. Está organizado en pasos conducentes a la realización de algo. ___
3. Los pasos están ordenados cronológica y/o lógicamente. ___
4. Cada paso comienza con una acción por realizar. ___
5. El sujeto de la acción es quien lee el instructivo (you). ___
6. El sujeto de la acción es una tercera persona (he/she, they) ___
7. Ocurre un nudo narrativo y termina con la resolución del mismo. ___
8. Es prescriptivo. ___

El instructivo How to Make a Podcast consta de tres partes. Indica cuáles son.

1._____________________________________________________________ .
3. _____________________________________________________________

3. Completa los espacios con una de las dos opciones dadas en las columnas (a), (b) y (c) para
que el párrafo de abajo tenga sentido

(a) (b) (c)



La primera parte del instructivo How to Make a Podcast tiene como objetivo (a) ____________ el

término central del texto. Reconocemos las (b) _______________ por el uso del verbo BE, el cual por

lo general aunque no siempre, está en tiempo (c) __________ (por ejemplo, is, are).

Volvamos al instructivo How to Make a Podcast y las partes que lo componen.

4. Utiliza una sola opción del par de palabras que se proporcionan para cada espacio. Elige del
siguiente menú:


1 narran / prescriben

2 cronológica / jerárquica

3 de lo general a lo particular / de lo particular a lo general

Después de definir el concepto podcast, que es el término central, las otras dos partes (Steps, Tips &

Warnings) tienen en común que ambas (1) ________________________ acciones por realizar. Sin

embargo, la diferencia consiste en que la segunda parte sigue una secuencia

(2)______________mientras que la tercera parte está organizada (3) ___________________.

Observa que las instrucciones no describen, sino que prescriben

una serie de acciones que ha de realizar quien las lee si quiere
lograr lo que anuncia el título.

5. Responde las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Qué es Audacity? (mencionada en el paso número 4 del instructivo anterior)


2. Discute con tus compañeros cuáles son los principales tipos de archivo digital de
audio y compara tu respuesta con el texto de la página siguiente.

Examples of PCM audio files: WAV, AIFF and SDII
Pulse Code Modulation Audio Files
WAV stands for the extension of Waveform Audio Files (*.wav). It is a Microsoft and IBM
audio file format.

AIFF stands for Audio Interchange File Format. AIFF is most commonly used on Apple
Macintosh computer systems.

SDII (Sound Designer II, sometimes seen abbreviated as SD2) is a monophonic/stereophonic

audio file format, originally developed by Digidesign for their Macintosh -based
recording/editing products. It is the successor to the original monophonic Sound Designer I
audio file format.

Audacity supports WAV, AIFF, and many other PCM files.

Examples of compressed audio files: MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and WMA

MP3 means MPEG I, layer 3. MPEG stands for Moving Pictures Experts Group. MPEG-1 is
used for video and MPEG-1, layer 3 is used for audio. When you create an MP3 file, you are
deliberately losing some quality in order to use less disk space.
Compressed Audio Files

Ogg Vorbis is a fully free, general-purpose compressed audio format.

Windows Media Audio (WMA) is an audio data compression technology developed by


Audacity supports MP3 and Ogg Vorbis, but not the WMA format.

6. Responde las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Cuáles son los dos principales tipos de archivo de audio digital?


2. ¿Qué significan en español las siguientes abreviaturas?

PCM ____________________________________________________________________






3. ¿Con cuáles archivos de audio digital es compatible Audacity?


4. ¿Con qué formato de audio no es compatible Audacity?


Lee con atención el texto de la siguiente página y escribe los diez usos mencionados de Audacity

1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________________________________
8. __________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________________
10. _________________________________________________________________________

Audio Editor
Audacity is a free digital audio editor and recording application. It was started at Carnegie Mellon

University and it won de SourceForge 2007 and 2009 Community Choice Award for Best Project for

Multimedia. Its website is


Recording audio from multiple sources

Importing and exporting, among others, WAV, AIFF and MP3 files.

Recording and playing back sounds

Editing via Cut, Copy and Paste

Multi-track mixing

Amplitude envelope editing

Noise removal

Precise adjustments to the audio's speed while maintaining pitch

Changes to the audio's pitch without changing the speed

Conversion of cassette tapes or records into digital tracks by automatically splitting the

audio source into multiple tracks based on silences in the source material.

Editing is about cutting, placing, fading, cross-fading, shifting, duplicating and adjusting

the volume (also referred to as level) of audio material. Mixing is a form of editing too, of


Uso de ing (Segunda parte)

Como adjetivo

Audacity is a free digital audio editor and recording application

Audacity es un editor gratuito de audio digital y una aplicación de grabación.

Como sustantivo

Recording audio from multiple sources

El registro de audio de múltiples procedencias.

Importing and exporting, among others, WAV, AIFF and MP3 files.

La importación y exportación, entre otros, de archivos WAV, AIFF y MP3.

Recording and playing back sounds

La grabación y reproducción de sonidos.

Continúa con los siguientes ejemplos de ing como sustantivo.

Editing via Cut, Copy and Paste


Multi-track mixing


Amplitude envelope editing


Precise adjustments to the audio's speed while maintaining pitch


Changes to the audio's pitch without changing the speed


Una manera sencilla de convertir una palabra en sustantivo es la de anteponerle un artículo

(el, la, un, una o sus plurales). En el último párrafo del texto anterior, que aquí reproducimos,
se define lo que es la edición en términos de sustantivos (el corte, la colocación, etc.). Escribe
sobre las líneas la continuación de su equivalente en español.

Editing is about cutting, placing, fading, cross-fading, shifting, duplicating and

adjusting the volume (also referred to as level) of audio material. Mixing is a form of

editing too, of course.

La edición consiste en __________________________________________________



Cuando leemos, sea en nuestra lengua materna o en lengua

extranjera, es de gran utilidad reconocer la función de un texto.
Por ejemplo, cuando reconocemos que un texto da instrucciones,
describe, hipotetiza o narra algo, podemos anticipar el tipo de
información que contiene y cómo está organizada.

G. Mapas conceptuales
Un mapa conceptual representa visualmente el desarrollo de un tema en las relaciones
jerárquicas entre los subtemas que lo componen, de manera que utiliza ramificaciones para
mostrar subdivisiones así como distintos niveles de especificidad de los conceptos. He aquí un
ejemplo de cómo transformar un tema y sus respectivos subtemas en un mapa conceptual.


Types of
Hardware Approach, Software Approach, System Approach, New and more powerful
Technology equipments, Process oriented programs derived from learning theories, Platforms
designed to carry out and evaluate the learning process in terms of specific goals.

1. Elige uno de los temas de la página siguiente y diseña en el espacio que se
proporciona un mapa conceptual que muestre la organización jerárquica de los
subtemas respectivos.


Causes of Biological Causes, Psychological Causes, Interactional & Sociological Causes, Genetic
Abnormal Medical Conditions, Brain Damage, Traumatic Life Experiences, Learned Associations,
Distorted Perceptions, Faulty Ways of Thinking, Disturbances of Intimate Relationships,
Political or Social Unrest, Exposure to Other Negative Environmental Stimuli.

The Phases of Normal Hemostasis, Vascular Phase, Platelet Phase, Coagulation

Causes of Phase, Local Causes of Bleeding, Systemic Causes of Bleeding, Soft Tissue Bleeding,
Hemorrhage in
Osseous (Bony) Bleeding, Hemophilia, Leukemia, Uncontrolled Hypertension, Patients
Oral Surgery
on Anticoagulants like Aspirin and Warfarin.

Healer, Caregiver, Educator, Advocate, Innovator, Helping individuals overcome or

cope with disease restore function, To care for and to promote the highest possible

Gerontological degree of self-care in the elderly, Effective communication involving listening,

Nursing Roles interacting, clarifying, coaching, validating and evaluating, Aiding older adults in
asserting their rights and obtaining required services, To make conscious decisions and
efforts to improve gerontological practices.

Espacio para el mapa conceptual

Del mapa al texto
Los mapas conceptuales ayudan a transferir información de un formato a otro, permitiéndonos
visualizar la relación que existe entre las partes y el todo, de modo que nos puede servir como
plan para crear un texto con características predeterminadas. Si vamos a desarrollar un tema,
lo ponemos como concepto central de nuestro mapa. Por ejemplo, si el tema es Neologismos,
podemos añadir un subtítulo para orientar el desarrollo que haremos del mismo:

Titulo: Neologismos
Subtítulo ¿Cómo se crean las palabras nuevas?

El desarrollo de un tema exige, por lo menos, dos partes. Podemos plantear dos preguntas
generales que capten lo esencial de los neologismos. Por ejemplo, ¿qué aspecto tienen?
¿Cómo se forman? Nuestro mapa va tomando la siguiente forma:

¿Qué aspecto tienen?

¿Cómo se crean las palabras nuevas?

¿Cómo se forman?

Hacemos una búsqueda sobre los tipos de neologismos y sobre las distintas maneras en que
se forman. De cada pregunta, nos limitamos a cuatro ejemplos aunque haya más. Así pues,
tenemos que los neologismos pueden verse como: palabras derivadas, funciones derivadas,
abreviaturas y acrónimos. Finalmente, los procesos para construir nuevas palabras
(neologismos) pueden ser por mezcla, por préstamo, palabras que forman familias de palabras,
composición o formación de palabras compuestas.

Este mapa conceptual, incluyendo el desarrollo que hasta ahora hemos hecho, quedaría en
inglés como se ve en la siguiente página.

El texto de página que sigue se generó a partir de este mapa conceptual. Quien esto
escribe se basó en las características que deseaba desde un principio, las cuales eran:
que contara con dos subtemas y que cada subtema estuviera constituido por cuatro sub -
subtemas. Para tal fin, combinó varios textos y los sintetizó en uno nuevo con las
características deseadas. Finalmente, insertó una imagen que ilustrara el tema. Léelo con

ow can our finite vocabulary be expanded and altered to deal with our potentially infinite world? Word
derivation and neologisms is the answer. By word derivation, new words can enter a language through
the operation of word formation rules. Neologisms can be defined as existing lexical units that acquire
a new sense (such as footprint that now means the impact we have on our planet) or newly coined lexical units
as described below.

What neologisms look

1.1 Derived words
The great majority of neologisms are words derived by analogy from ancient Greek and Latin
morphemes usually with suffixes such as -ismo, -ismus, etc. In all derived words, you have to distinguish
between terms like ecosystem which have a solid referential basis, and those like 'ecofreak' which do
not at present fulfill the conditions of internationalism and therefore are not neologisms.

1.2 Derived functions

refers to anything related to Apple.
-mail and e-commerce, to e-cademia, e-cigarettes, e-solution, e-book and
e-newsletter, to name just a few. e- creates an instant reference to the online computer world. Along
with the new word, comes a whole arrange of derived f Magda e-solved the
ed tele
MacGyver a methodology to solve that specific

1.3 Abbreviations
Computer-inspired alphabetic abbreviations now number in the thousands. Here are some well-known
(and perhaps not so well known) examples:

Abbreviations Source

www World Wide Web

IT Information Technology

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

OOP Object-Oriented Programming

HDL Hardware Description Language

I/O Input/Output

IP Internet Protocol

FTP File Transfer Protocol/ File Transfer Program

Abbreviations constitute a source of neologisms. For example, nomophobia, that is an abbreviation

for -mobile-

1.4 Acronyms
Acronyms are an increasingly common feature of all non-literary texts, for reasons of brevity or
euphony. In science the letters are occasionally joined up and become internationalisms (for example,
laser and radar).
The words radar and laser are acronyms: each of the letters that spell the word is the first letter (or
letters) of some other complete word. For example, radar derives from radio detecting and ranging
and laser derives from light amplification (by) stimulated emission (of) radiation. The world of
computers offers a wealth of acronyms. Here are just a few:

DOS (pron

2 How to create neologisms
2.1 Blends
New words can also be formed from existing ones by various blending processes: for example, motel
(from motor hotel), infomercial (from information and commercial), edutainment (from education and
entertainment), brunch (from breakfast and lunch), cafetorium (from cafeteria and auditorium),
netiquette (from network etiquette), trashware (from trash and software), and bit (from binary and

2.2 Generified Words

The words Kleenex and Xerox illustrate another technique for creating new words, namely, using
specific brand names of products as names for the products in general (generification). Hence Kleenex, a
brand name for facial tissue, has come to denote facial tissue in general. Xerox is the name of the
corporation that produces a well-known photocopying machine, and the term Xerox has lost its specific
brand-name connotation and has come to be used to describe the process of photocopying in general.

2.3 Borrowing
Yet another way to expand our vocabulary is to "borrow" words from other languages. Speakers of
English aggressively borrow words from other languages. We have kindergarten (German), sushi
(Japanese) and guacamole (Mexican Spanish) among many others.

2.4 Compounds and Compounding

In English (as in many other languages) new words can be formed from already existing words by a
process known as compounding, in which individual words are "joined together" to form a compound
word. For example, ape can be joined with man to form the compound noun ape-man; the
adjective red can be joined with the adjective hot to form the compound adjective red-hot.
Compounds are not limited to two words, as shown by examples such as bathroom towel-rack and
community center finance committee. Indeed, the process of compounding seems unlimited in English:
starting with a word like sailboat, we can easily construct the compound sailboat rigging, from which
we can in turn create sailboat rigging design, sailboat rigging design training, sailboat rigging design
training institute, and so on.

Con base en tu comprensión del texto anterior, responde las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Cómo se pueden expandir los límites de nuestro vocabulario para referirnos a un mundo
siempre cambiante y potencialmente infinito?


2. ¿Puedes dar ejemplos en español de los cuatro tipos de neologismos mencionados?

Cuando no te sea posible, cita ejemplos en inglés tomados del texto.
Palabras derivadas: ________________________________________________________
Funciones derivadas: ______________________________________________________
Abreviaturas: _____________________________________________________________
Acrónimos: _______________________________________________________________

3. ¿Puedes dar ejemplos en español de cuatro formas de crear nuevas palabras? Igualmente,
puedes citar ejemplos en inglés tomados del texto si no se te ocurren ejemplos en español.
Mezclas: _______________________________________________________________
Nombres propios que se convierten en la denominación de una clase de cosas:
Préstamos (pueden ser del náhuatl o de otras lenguas americanas al español, o del español a
otras lenguas): ___________________________________________________
Palabras compuestas: ______________________________________________________

Neologisms in English and in Spanish

4 5 6


Across: Down:

1 RADAR and LASER are examples of these.

2 system of election by pointing with the
used for diving.

Spanish and English generified word 6 who uses the microblogging website
4 using a trademark meaning diaper or
Spanish verb derived from the noun Google
English borrowing from the Nahuatl 8
6 word tomatl

7 address.

Example of English borrowing from

8 Mexican Spanish (the name of a sauce
made with avocado).

9 Example of blend (motor and hotel).

Example of neologism by using a

10 generified brand name of tissues.

You can find the answers at the end of this Unit.

Del texto al mapa
No siempre es obvia la estructura de un texto, sobre todo si carece de subtítulos. En esos
casos, el lector necesita llenar huecos conceptuales para construir un mapa mental que
represente visualmente la manera en que comprende la relación entre las partes.

Por ejemplo, en la red abundan textos cuya estructura es en apariencia una simple lista, tales
como The 10 top places you cannot miss in Germany, 10 life lessons from Mulan, etc. De
este tipo de textos, hemos elegido Seven Relationship Problems and How to Fix Them.

La tendencia más común del estudiante poco experimentado en el diseño de mapas

conceptuales es la de calcar la estructura superficial del texto. Así pues,
de esta manera:

Sin embargo, el lector debe expresar su comprensión introduciendo temas que agrupen y
conecten entre sí los subtemas del texto (en este caso, los siete problemas). Para ello, necesita
encontrar conceptos lo suficientemente generales que agrupen dos o más tipos de problemas,
pero lo suficientemente específicos como para distinguirlos de los demás subtemas. El orden
de los problemas y la manera en que están agrupados en el mapa mental son aportaciones
del lector para expresar cómo entiende la información que se le proporciona.

Lee con atención el siguiente texto.

Seven Relationship Problems and How to Fix Them
There is any number of problems that a couple may experience over the years that wear down their relationship.
You can find here a list of seven of the most important ones along with a few suggestions of how to fix them.

Problem #1 Need of Intimacy

Intimacy is an important part of any healthy relationship and shouldn't be taken for granted or used as a tool for
personal gain. You need to remain up to date on what matters physically, emotionally and ideationally to both of
you. However, take into account that the extent of this need varies from person to person.

Problem #2 Lack of Time for One Another

Though it may seem hard to fit in a busy schedule, you should always make time for your partner. Lack of good
quality time spent together because of overwhelming schedules is one of the biggest issues in relationships. It's
vital that you make time, no matter what. Forget about everything else for a while and just focus completely on
your loved one. It does wonders!

Problem #3 Money
Be honest with one another about money. Find ways to balance out the responsibility of controlling it, earning it
and the decisions of how to spend or invest it. Making sure you work together on your finances will ensure fair and
balanced feelings and actions concerning money.

Problem #4 Battle of duties

It can always be an issue who does what chore when around the house. There may be times when you do more
than your partner and vice versa and some jobs are definitely dirtier than others. If you both can't reach an
agreement to do or just can't stand the thought of doing it, hire someone to do it if it means keeping the peace.

Problem #5 Perspective
Even if you are at the cinema at the same time, you might as well be seeing a completely different film because
you have different perspectives derived from any number of factors in your lives as individuals and as a couple.
Try to fully understand how your partner feels and why, so you can find solutions to whatever is bothering you
individually or as a couple.

Problem #6 Playing the Blame Game

This constant going back and forth between what the two of you did in the past is an ongoing drain on a relationship.
Whatever happened in the past, leave it alone. Nothing you can do will change it. You can only move forward and
find new ways for not to repeat mistakes committed in the past. Remember: there's nothing the blame game or
keeping score can do for maintaining a healthy relationship, it only tears them down by chipping away at the love
for one another you long to share.

Problem #7 Lack of Trust

Trust is probably the number one thing a relationship can't survive without. It's the foundation of everything to be
built upon and even the slightest of lies or deceit can ruin it. You have to maintain this trust, because once it is
broken, it will cause a lot of other problems in your relationship, resulting in a downward spiral of events that will
eventually end your relationship. Make sure you do what you say you're going to do, keep your promises, be on
time and consistent and, most of all, don't lie.

Podemos agrupar los siete tipos de problemas en función del tipo de factores en juego. Por ejemplo, si son
externos a la pareja. ¿Qué problemas hay bajo este rubro?

Problemas extrapersonales: _______________________________________________________________


Para mantener el equilibrio conceptual de nuestro mapa, el siguiente subtema tiene que definirse también con
respecto a la relación entre las personas. Por ejemplo, los factores interpersonales surgen de la relación misma.
¿Qué problemas hay bajo este rubro?

Problemas interpersonales: _______________________________________________________________



Por último, podemos distinguir aquellos factores intrapersonales que derivan de las necesidades propias de cada
persona, de lo que cada una lleva o no consigo a la relación. ¿Qué problemas pueden agruparse bajo este rubro?

Problemas intrapersonales: ________________________________________________________________



Es muy fina la línea que separa los problemas interpersonales de los intrapersonales. Discute con tus

(a) La diferencia entre ambos y cuáles son los tipos de problemas que corresponden a cada cual.

(b) El orden de importancia que tienen estos tres tipos de problemas (extra, inter, intra) para mejorar las relaciones
de pareja.

(c) Diseñen en equipo un mapa mental que incluya los subtemas en orden de importancia descendente, junto con
sus respectivos sub-subtemas que, en este caso, son los problemas agrupados por tipo de factor.

(d) Solamente cuando hayan llegado a (c), comparen su mapa con el de la página siguiente. No tiene que ser
igual, pero sirve como referencia.

Espacio para el mapa mental

Mapa mental sugerido como referencia

Un mapa conceptual no es una calca del contenido que está en otro formato,
sino que sirve para puntualizar relaciones e incluso descubrir huecos en el
texto original. Quien diseña un mapa conceptual introduce elementos que
le sirven para agrupar y relacionar las ideas dentro del texto, de manera que
pueda serle más claro y conciso.


Across: Down:

2 DEDOCRACIA 1 RADAR and LASER are examples of these.

4 PAMPERS used for diving.


Spanish verb derived from the noun Google



Unidad 4
Environmental Issues

Al finalizar esta unidad, los estudiantes:

a) Reconocerán diferencias entre textos instructivos, narrativos y descriptivos.

b) Conocerán la noción de cohesión y coherencia textual a partir del uso de referentes y

conectores en un texto escrito.

c) Identificarán la relación entre referentes y referidos en contextos específicos.

d) Comprenderán los tipos de relaciones que se establecen entre las ideas de un texto, a
partir del uso de conectores.

1. Observa las siguientes imágenes y comenta con tus compañeros.

- ¿Cuál es el tema general de esta unidad?

- ¿Cómo afectan los problemas que se muestran en las imágenes a nuestra vida
- ¿Existen soluciones para remediar esto? ¿Cuáles crees que son las mejores?


1. Observa los siguientes títulos y predice el contenido de los textos. Escribe

tus predicciones sobre las líneas y comenta con tus compañeros.







La predicción de contenido con base

en el título es una estrategia que te
permite anticiparte a: 1) El tema.2)
La información que puedes encontrar
y 3) Al vocabulario que podrías

2. Revisa los siguientes textos y comenta con tus compañeros si tus hipótesis
sobre el contenido de cada uno se confirman.

Texto 1
1. Prepare your equipment. To make paper, you'll mix pulp and water, and pull it up on a piece of window screen.
Here are some different options for starting:

Frame method: Stretch a screen over a wooden frame (an old picture frame works well for this, or you can build
your own) and staple it or nail it to the edges. The screen should be pulled as tightly as possible. Make sure the
frame is large enough to hold the size of paper you wish to make. Additionally, you'll need a basin, bucket or pan
that's larger than the frame.

Pan method: Purchase a deep, disposable aluminum pan from the grocery store, or find a deep casserole dish.
Cut out a portion of screen that's the same shape as the bottom of the pan, but slightly larger.

2. Find recyclable paper. Newspaper may be the easiest source to start with, but you can also use old print-outs,
notes, phone books - just about any unwaxed paper product.

Keep in mind that the color of the papers you use and the amount of dark ink on them will affect the "grayness"
of your creation.

Avoid using any glossy or shiny paper - it won't work as well.

3. Clean up the paper. Remove plastic, staples and other contaminants. Especially if you're using junk mail, your
paper scraps are likely to contain plastic from envelope windows. Try to remove such impurities as thoroughly as

Texto 2


The polar ice caps have melted faster in last 20 years than in the last 10,000. A
comprehensive satellite study confirms that the melting ice caps are raising sea levels at an
accelerating rate.

The polar regions are important drivers of the world's climate. When the "everlasting
ice" melts at an increasing rate, the rest of the world is affected. Global sea levels
are rising, dark meltwater pools absorb warmth from the sun which white ice would
reflect back into space. Fresh water flows into the sea, changing ocean currents
and the living conditions for marine organisms.
For 20 years satellites have been monitoring earth's biggest ice shields on
Greenland and in the Antarctic, using different technologies from radar to gravity
measurements. In the past, the uncoordinated publication of individual one-off
measurements led to confusion, especially with regard to the state of the Antarctic
ice. A new study, supported by NASA and European Space Agency ESA combines
the data from different satellite missions.

The Antartic is difficult terrain for scientists to access

Texto 3


Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859). Prussian naturalist, scientific

explorer, polyglot, and polymath. The last great scientific generalist,
von Humboldt made important contributions to nearly every branch of
the natural sciences. Indeed, he believed that no organism or
phenomenon could be fully understood in isolation. Living things, the
objects of biological study, had to be considered in conjunction with
data from other fields of research such as meteorology and geology. His
object was to measure every aspect of nature, and he did so with the
finest instruments then available.

Alexander von Humboldt was born in Berlin in 1769 (the same birth
year as Georges Cuvier and William Smith. He was raised by his mother
after the age of nine (his father, a Prussian military officer, died in
1779). During his early years, Alexander was tutored at home together
with his brother Wilhelm. He went on to study at the Freiberg Academy
of Mines under the famous geologist A. G. Werner.

After graduation, he worked for a time as a mine inspector. But when

his mother died, and he became financially independent, he decided to
leave government service. Together with botanist Aimé Bonpland, he
began planning an expedition to Latin America, a region then poorly
known to European science. The two traveled to Madrid, obtained
permission for their journey, and set out. The year was 1799.


1. Revisa los tres textos de las páginas anteriores y relaciona las

columnas.¿Qué tipo de texto es cada uno?.

( ) Texto 1 a.Descriptivo

( ) Texto 2 b.Instructivo

( ) Texto 3 c.Narrativo


1. Relaciona las columnas. Busca el vocabulario en el instructivo

que se encuentra a partir de la siguiente página y asigna el
mejor significado a cada palabra.

( ) Pan (paso 1) a. grumos

( ) Frame ( paso 1) b. almidón
( ) Staples ( paso 3) c. suspensión ligera
( ) Rips ( paso 4) d. sartén
( ) Soak ( paso 5) e. marco
( ) Sludge (paso10) f. grapas
( ) Starch (paso 12) g. tiras
( ) Bubbles (paso 16) h. remojar
( ) Clumps (paso 11) i. burbujas
j. esquema
k. migajas

1. Prepare your equipment. To make paper, you'll mix pulp and water, and pull it up on a piece of window screen.
Here are some different options for starting:

Frame method: Stretch a screen over a wooden frame (an old picture frame works well for this, or you can build
your own) and staple it or nail it to the edges. The screen should be pulled as tightly as possible. Make sure the
frame is large enough to hold the size of paper you wish to make. Additionally, you'll need a basin, bucket or pan
that's larger than the frame.

Pan method: Purchase a deep, disposable aluminum pan from the grocery store, or find a deep casserole dish.
Cut out a portion of screen that's the same shape as the bottom of the pan, but slightly larger.

2. Find recyclable paper. Newspaper may be the easiest source to start with, but you can also use old print-outs,
notes, phone books - just about any unwaxed paper product.

Keep in mind that the color of the papers you use and the amount of dark ink on them will affect the "grayness"
of your creation.

Avoid using any glossy or shiny paper - it won't work as well.

3. Clean up the paper. Remove plastic, staples and other contaminants. Especially if you're using junk mail, your
paper scraps are likely to contain plastic from envelope windows. Try to remove such impurities as thoroughly as

4. Tear the paper into small pieces. Don't spend to much time on this step, but do break up the paper into smaller
pieces. A few rips per paper should be enough.

5. Soak the paper in water. Put the smaller pieces of paper in a container (such as a bowl or cup) and cover them
with water. Let them soak for 30 to 45 minutes.

6. Turn the paper into pulp. Now that the recyclable paper is more wet and pliable, you can start the process of
turning it into pulp - a thick, goopy, slightly watery substance that will eventually become your new piece of
paper. Here are two possibilities:

If you're using the frame method, fill the basin and add the pulp before you dip the frame.

If you're using the pan method, put the screen in the bottom of the pan before you add the water and mix in the

7. Blend the paper. Rip the paper into tiny bits, and place it all into a blender until it's about half full. Fill the
blender with warm water. Run the blender on "slow" at first, then increase the speed until the pulp looks smooth
and well-blended - approximately 30 to 40 seconds - just until there are no flakes of paper remaining.

Mash the paper. If you have a mortar and pestle (or something similar, like the end of a rolling pin and a sturdy
bowl) available, you can mash up the paper by hand. Work a handful at a time, and aim to get the pulp so that it's
similar to the consistency of watery oatmeal.

8. Fill your basin about halfway with water. The basin should be a little wider and longer than your frame and
approximately the same shape.

If you're using the frame method, fill the basin and add the pulp before you dip the frame.

If you're using the pan method, put the screen in the bottom of the pan before you add the water and mix in the

9. Add the pulp to the basin and stir. The amount of pulp you add to the water will determine the thickness of
the paper, and while you want a dense suspension of pulp to fully cover your screen in the next steps, you don't
need to make the whole tub into sludge. Experiment a bit. The thickness of can be changed from paper to
cardboard depending on the amount of water added to the pulp.

10. Remove any large clumps of paper. Try to pick out any clumps; the smoother and finer your mixture, the
more uniform your end product will be.

11. Sizing the paper (optional). If the paper is going to be used for stationery, stir 2 teaspoons of liquid starch into
the pulp mix. The starch helps prevent ink from soaking into the paper fibers.

12. Immerse the frame in the mixture (frame method only). Place your wooden frame into the pulp, screen-side
down, then level it while it is submerged. Lightly move it side-to-side until the pulp on top of the screen lies fairly
uniformly flat.

13. Lift the screen from the basin. Slowly lift up the screen until it is above the water. Drip-drain it over the basin.
Wait until most of the water has drained from the pulp, and you'll see the beginnings of a new piece of paper. If
the paper is very thick, remove some of the pulp from the top. If it is too thin, add some more pulp and stir the
mixture again.

14. Remove excess water from the paper. After you've lifted the screen out of the basin, you'll need to remove
the extra water from the pulp. Depending on the method you chose in Step 1, here's how to do it:

Frame method: After the water stops dripping (or nearly so), gently place a piece of fabric (felt or flannel, preferably) or a
piece of Formica (smooth-side down) in the frame on top of the "paper". Very gently press down to squeeze out excess
water. Use a sponge to press out as much water as possible from the other side of the screen, and periodically wring out
the sponge.

Pan method: Lay a cloth towel out on a flat surface, and put the screen (with the paper on it) on one half of the towel.
Fold the other half over so that it's on top of the paper. With a clothes iron on low setting, gently iron over the towel. You
should see a little steam from the paper coming up.

15. Remove the paper from the screen. Once the paper is a little more dry, you can lift it from the screen. You can gently
press out any bubbles and loose edges at this point.

16. Set the paper out to dry. Take the piece of paper and lay it out to dry on a flat surface. Alternatively, you can speed up
the drying process by using a hair dryer on the low setting.

2. Lee los pasos para reciclar el papel y responde las preguntas que te hacen
los personajes .Trata de resumir la información en cada paso.

Hola, nosotros somos

estudiantes de secundaria,
tenemos que trabajar en un
proyecto de clase que consiste
en reciclar papel. No
entendemos el instructivo que
está en inglés. ¿Nos podrías

Por favor dinos en

español qué es lo
primero que tenemos
que hacer.

(Paso uno)


¿Nos puedes indicar lo que debemos
hacer del paso dos al cinco?


A mí me toca del paso seis al doce, ¿Me

podrías indicar lo que tengo que hacer?


Ahora, ¿Nos podrías decir lo que debemos
hacer del paso trece al dieciséis?


¡Muchas gracias por ayudarnos!

3. Compara con tus compañeros la síntesis al español que realizaste de los pasos
para reciclar papel.


Discute con tu grupo lo siguiente.

1. ¿Qué es el naturalismo?

2. ¿Qué hace un naturalista?

3. ¿Conoces algún naturalista famoso? ¿Quién?


Observa el siguiente texto y contesta en español.

1. ¿Qué tipo de texto es?

2. ¿En qué tiempo verbal están la mayoría de los verbos en este texto?


Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859). Prussian naturalist, scientific explorer, polyglot, and polymath. The last
great scientific generalist, von Humboldt made important contributions to nearly every branch of the natural
sciences. Indeed, he believed that no organism or phenomenon could be fully understood in isolation. Living
things, the objects of biological study, had to be considered in conjunction with data from other fields of research
such as meteorology and geology. His object was to measure every aspect of nature, and he did so with the finest
instruments then available.

Alexander von Humboldt was born in Berlin in 1769 (the same birth year as Georges Cuvier and William Smith. He
was raised by his mother after the age of nine (his father, a Prussian military officer, died in 1779). During his
early years, Alexander was tutored at home together with his brother Wilhelm. He went on to study at the Freiberg
Academy of Mines under the famous geologist A. G. Werner.

After graduation, he worked for a time as a mine inspector. But when his mother died, and he became financially
independent, he decided to leave government service. Together with botanist Aimé Bonpland, he began planning
an expedition to Latin America, a region then poorly known to European science. The two traveled to Madrid,
obtained permission for their journey, and set out. The year was 1799.

The story of their journey is told in the famous

Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial
Regions of the New Continent. In the Narrative,
von Humboldt and Bonpland report on their
travels throughout much of Central and South
America, where they scaled the heights of the
Andes and penetrated the unknown depths of
the rain forests.

They recorded
information on
Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland botany,
and other fields
of natural
science. Many
organisms first
entered the Amazon River Dolphin
literature in their reports, for example, the
Humboldt Squid. For others, they extended the
known geographic range by finding them in
previously unknown locations. For example, they
discovered the Amazon River Dolphin (right) in
the Orinoco River at a time when it was still
thought only to be present in the Amazon.
Alexander von Humboldt at Chimborazo. Bonpland and
Humboldt attempted the ascent of Chimborazo, then Von Humboldt also studied the customs, politics,
said to be the tallest mountain on earth. They reached
languages, and economies, of the countries they
18,000 ft (5,500 m) before a sheer cliff blocked further
passage. visited. As José de la Luz y Caballero put it,
"Columbus gave Europe a New World; Humboldt
made it known in its physical, material, intellectual, and moral aspects." His writings would spark the dreams of
future generations of scientists. Late in life, Charles Darwin said von Humboldt and Bonpland's Narrative had been
the primary inspiration for his own decision to ship on board the Beagle and sail around the world.

Von Humboldt had incredible mental and physical energies. At the age of 59 he
completed a 9,000-mile exploratory trek across much of Russia. Six years later, when
he was 65 years old, he began his five-volume Cosmos, a massive work in which he
attempted to organize everything then known about the entire universe. Like Carl
Sagen's later book of the same name, von Humboldt intended Cosmos to be a popular
scientific book that would provide the general public with an overview of the whole
natural world. He hoped it would inspire a wider appreciation of science and scientific
Humboldt Penguin
study. A huge success, it was eventually translated into most European languages.

But von Humboldt's flame burnt out before he could finish the last volume he died, still writing, at the age of 89.

G. Escribe en el paréntesis del uno al nueve de acuerdo a la secuencia que tienen

los siguientes eventos en el texto.

Humboldt se graduó de la universidad de Freiberg. ( )

Aimé Bonpland y Humboldt realizaron un registro muy completo de

organismos encontrados en América.
( )

Humboldt abandonó el servicio gubernamental. ( )

Bonpland y Humboldt viajaron a Madrid. ( )

Bonpland y Humboldt comenzaron a planear una expedición a América. ( )

Trabajó como inspector de minas. ( )

Humboldt comenzó ( )

Humboldt realizó una exploración a Rusia. ( )

La madre de Humboldt murió. ( )


1. Observa estos dos textos.

¿Qué diferencias encuentras entre ellos?


Pollution is always a big problem. Pollution affects all kinds of life.

Pollution is always a big problem. It affects all kinds of life.

Efectivamente, es el mismo texto pero en el segundo caso la palabra Pollution fue

sustituida por el pronombre personal .

2. Observa el siguiente cuadro.

Como puedes notar en el cuadro, las oraciones del ejemplo inician con los pronombres SHE,
THEY y WE los cuales están funcionando como sujeto. She sustituye a cualquier sujeto
femenino singular. They puede sustituir a un número indeterminado de personas, animales o
cosas donde no se incluye al que habla o escribe. We sustituye a un grupo de personas donde
se incluye el que habla.

3. Lee el siguiente texto y contesta las preguntas.

It is not clean.
They brush their teeth, shower or do laundry with it.

a) water c) teeth c) laundry

a) families b) homes c) American families

it they

4. Ahora observa el siguiente cuadro.

Como puedes observar en el cuadro anterior, en el primer caso HER sustituye a Cindy de
quien se habla en el primer enunciado, igualmente, observa que el pronombre HER está
colocado inmediatamente después del verbo CALL. En el segundo caso, HIM está en lugar
de Daniel Radcliffe evitando así la repetición del nombre. Nota que el pronombre HIM se ubica
después de la preposición WITH. En el tercer caso, THEM evita la repetición de TWO NEW
BOOKS y se ubica inmediatamente después del verbo read.

5. Revisa este cuadro.


Los adjetivos posesivos van antes de un sustantivo para indicar posesión.
Se refieren al poseedor del sustantivo.


Por ejemplo:

We are not taking care of the planet, we are polluting its oceans.

its oceans se refiere a the planet. Si observas, encontramos la respuesta

De quién

Sally Smith wrote a book. Her ideas on air pollution are interesting.

De la misma manera, en este caso, Her ideas se refiere a Sally Smith

Los pronombres posesivos se usan sin la compañía de un sustantivo y se

refieren al sustantivo poseído.


Por ejemplo:

Carlos, my cell phone is not working well, may I use your cell phone?

Ahora sustituyamos your cell phone con un pronombre

Carlos, my cell phone is not working well, may I use yours?

I watch my videos and my wife watches her videos.

Esta vez sustituyamos her videos con un pronombre

I watch my videos and my wife watches hers.

6. Lee el siguiente texto. Nota que algunos términos se han puesto en negritas.
Después de cada párrafo contesta en español lo que se te pide.

Adam Dean for The New York Times

symptoms worsened this winter, when smog across northern China surged to record levels.
Now he needs his sinuses

his sinuses se refiere a: ___________________________________________________

she almost never lets him go outside, and when she

does she usually makes him wear a face mask. The difference between Britain, where she

she se refiere a: __________________________________________________________

him se refiere a: __________________________________________________________

Levels of deadly pollutants up to 40 times the recommended exposure limit in Beijing and
other cities have struck fear into parents and led them to take steps that are radically
altering the nature of urban life for their children.

them se refiere a: _________________________________________________________

their children se refiere a: __________________________________________________

Parents are confining sons and daughters to their homes, even if it means keeping them
away from friends. Schools are canceling outdoor activities and field trips. Parents with
means are choosing schools based on air-filtration systems, and some international schools
have built gigantic, futuristic-looking domes over sports fields to ensure healthy breathing.

their homes se refiere a: ___________________________________________________

it se refiere a: ___________________________________________________________

them se refiere a: _________________________________________________________

we her
son, Wu Xiaotian, played on a mat in their apartment

we se refiere a: ___________________________________________________________

her son se refiere a: _______________________________________________________

their apartment se refiere a: ________________________________________________

She is not alone in looking to leave. Some middle- and upper-class Chinese parents and
expatriates have already begun leaving China, a trend that executives say could result in a
huge loss of talent and experience. Foreign parents are also turning down prestigious jobs
or negotiating for hardship pay from their employers, citing the pollution.

Their employers se refiere a: _____________________________________________________________________

7. Analiza el siguiente cuadro de demostrativos con sus características.

Singular plural

This These

(En la ubicación del hablante)

That Those

(Fuera de la ubicación del hablante)

Los demostrativos funcionan como adjetivos, por ejemplo: This exhibition will be open until
November. Como puedes notar en este caso, This acompaña a exhibition que es un
sustantivo en singular. En cambio, si estuviéramos rodeados por una serie de exposiciones
diríamos: These exhibitions will be open until November.

Los demostrativos también funcionan como pronombres (Una palabra que toma el lugar de un
sustantivo, una frase o una idea) como en el siguiente caso:

These classrooms are new. Those are the old ones. En este caso, Those funciona como
pronombre sustituyendo a classrooms.

People start fires in the forests destroying ecosystems. They do this every summer. En este
ejemplo, this se refiere a toda la idea anterior, People start fires in the forests destroying
ecosystems; es decir que la gente genera incendios que destruyen ecosistemas.

8. Lee el texto y contesta la pregunta de abajo.

In the diagram above, arrows show the food chain direction

Green plants are food for rabbits and deer. These are eaten by major predators. A
caterpillar which also feeds on green plants is eaten by birds and reptiles like snakes.
This is an indication of a healthy ecosystem.

¿A qué se refieren los siguientes términos? Selecciona la letra correcta.

a) depredadores mayores
b) conejos y venados
c) aves y reptiles


a) las criaturas mayores se alimenten de criaturas menores

b) orugas y conejos se alimenten de hierba
c) las criaturas menores se alimenten de criaturas mayores

9. Revisa el siguiente cuadro.


Who Personas

Whom Personas como objetos

Whose Personas como poseedores

Which Objetos y acciones

What Objetos y acciones

That Objetos y acciones

Where Lugares

When Fechas y periodos de


Observa estos ejemplos:

1. The soldiers who fought in the Second World War were very young.
En este caso, el pronombre relativo who (quién o quiénes en español) se encuentra
haciendo referencia a The soldiers.

2. The company in which Alice works is going to recycle paper.

Aquí, el pronombre which (el cual, los cuales, la cual, las cuales en español) hace
referencia a The company.

3. The languages festival, which we had last week, was a success.

En este ejemplo, el pronombre which se refiere a la frase anterior a él, The
languages festival.

4. The family whose house burnt last week was very poor.
En este caso, whose (cuyo (a), cuyos (as), de quien, de quienes en español) se
refiere a la familia. ¿Cómo encontramos en este caso la respuesta? Muy fácil,
asociamos whose con la palabra o frase que le sigue, en este caso whose house y
nos preguntamos ¿de quién? y ya, tenemos la respuesta.

La referencia contextual

Las ideas contenidas en un texto escrito se

encuentran vinculadas entre sí, de manera lógica y
coherente en torno a un tema particular y a una
relación gramatical correcta. Esta relación tiene
que ver con la coherencia que debe tener todo
texto y se lleva a cabo mediante el uso de
pronombres personales de sujeto y objeto,
demostrativos, relativos y adjetivos y pronombres
posesivos. A la relación que se establece entre dos
elementos dentro de un mismo texto se le llama
elementos hace referencia a un segundo elemento
el cual aparece referido antes o después de él en
el texto.



Antes de leer el siguiente texto contesta las preguntas y compara tus respuestas
con tus compañeros.

1. ¿Conoces las mariposas monarca?

2. ¿De dónde vienen estas mariposas?
3. ¿Cuál es la razón de su migración?
4. ¿Cuántos kilómetros recorren en su migración?
5. ¿Dónde se ubican los santuarios de la mariposa monarca en México?
6. ¿Qué riesgos enfrentan estas mariposas para su supervivencia?
7. ¿Qué importancia tiene para ti la preservación de esta mariposa?


Revisa el texto de la siguiente página y contesta lo siguiente.

1. Escribe en español el título del texto.

2. ¿De qué página de Internet fue tomado el texto?

Nota: Seguramente al revisar el texto te diste cuenta que los párrafos están numerados
y algunos elementos léxicos están resaltados en negritas. Esto se hizo para facilitar los
ejercicios de comprensión de lectura.

This year's 59% drop in the wintering population in central Mexico marks the sixth decline
in the past seven years., Thursday 14 March 2013 17.22 GMT

(Párrafo uno)

Monarch butterflies are collected in a net to be tested for the parasite that inhibits
their flight, at El Capulin reserve, near Zitacuaro, Mexico. Photograph: Marjorie

(Párrafo dos)

The colonies of migrating monarch butterflies that spend the winter in a patch of fir
forest in central Mexico were dramatically smaller this season than they have been
since monitoring began 20 years ago, according to the annual census of the insects
released this week.

(Párrafo tres)

This year's 59% drop in the numbers of orange and black butterflies that sleep in
huge clusters hanging from the bows of the trees in the mountainside forests marks
the sixth decline in the past seven years.

(Párrafo cuatro)

It also fits into a longer term downward trend that scientists say is threatening the
extraordinary annual migrational phenomenon in which the butterflies, over the
course of several generations, travel between their winter sanctuary in Mexico and
their feeding and breeding grounds in the United States and Canada, and then back

(Párrafo cinco)

The WWF, which carries out the census of the Mexican colonies in co-ordination
with the Mexican government, says the extensive use of herbicides is wiping out
vast quantities of the milkweed that provides the butterflies with their main food
source and breeding grounds.

(Párrafo seis)

The use of herbicides destroying milkweed is directly linked to the mass cultivation
in the great plain states of the US of genetically modified soybean and corn crops
with inbuilt resistance to chemicals that the rest of the plants in the areas sprayed
do not have. The WWF also noted usually hot and dry weather that can kill the
butterfly eggs.

(Párrafo siete)

The WWF's Mexico director, Omar Vidal, said the Mexican sanctuary was being
well looked after, and stressed that the mass illegal logging that once represented
the main threat to it has been stopped.

(Párrafo ocho)

"By protecting the reserves and having practically eliminated large-scale illegal
logging, Mexico has done its part," Vidal said. "It is now necessary for the United
States and Canada to do their part and protect the butterflies in their territories."

(Párrafo nueve)

But not all experts agree that Mexico has done all it can to protect the monarchs.

(Párrafo diez)

"It is a whitewash by the World Wildlife Fund and the Mexican government," the
leading monarch expert Lincoln Brower of Sweet Briar College in Virginia said.
"They are playing down and ignoring the continued degradation of the microclimate
of the forest that is critical to the butterflies."

(Párrafo once)

Brower, who has been studying monarch migration for 55 years, said he personally
witnessed the continuation of small-scale logging in the reserve while on a visit in
February, acting as a guide to former US president Jimmy Carter. He said that even
small reductions of the forest cover can expose the butterflies to potentially fatal
lower temperatures, humidity, and direct sunlight.

(Párrafo doce)

He added that the authorities are allowing local communities to pipe water out of
streams that are also essential to the survival of the colonies, and that there are
insufficient controls on tourism in the area.

(Párrafo trece)

Brower called for more cross-border co-operation to address all the threats to the
butterfly. "The numbers are getting so slow now that the migratory phenomenon of
the monarch is becoming endangered," he said. "It is looking like the glorious


Revisa nuevamente el texto y contesta lo que se pide.

1. Finalidad para la cual se colectan ejemplares de mariposas monarcas en una red:


2. Tiempo que llevan estas mariposas siendo monitoreadas:


3. Número de veces que ha disminuido la población de mariposas:

4. Países que hospedan a la mariposa monarca:

5. Significado de las siglas WWF:
6. Función del WWF en México con relación a las mariposas

7. Nombre del principal experto en monarcas:


8. Tiempo que dicho experto ha estudiado la migración de este tipo de mariposas:


4. Referencia contextual

Completa el siguiente cuadro de referencia contextual de acuerdo al contenido del texto

anterior. Usa español.

Párrafo Línea Referente Se refiere a . . .

1 2 their flight

2 2 they

4 2 which

5 1 which

8 2 its part

8 3 their territories

9 1 It

10 3 They

11 1 Who

11 3 He

5. Comprensión detallada

Lee el texto y contesta las siguientes preguntas en español.

1. Explica los dos factores que según el WWF causan la disminución del número de
mariposas monarcas.

2. Según Omar Vidal, ¿Cómo ha cumplido México con su parte en la protección de las

3. Explica dos razones por las que Brower piensa que México no está cuidando
adecuadamente el santuario de la monarca.

4. ¿Cuál es la reflexión final de Brower con respecto a la migración de las monarcas?



Observa y analiza el mapa conceptual de la siguiente página.

¿Cuál es su tema central?


Trabajo en equipos:

Con base en el mapa, realizar una investigación en fuentes de información

electrónicas EN INGLÉS sobre el tema central. Contestar cada una de las preguntas
que se plantean y enseguida elaborar un texto coherente y cohesivo sobre el tema
EN ESPAÑOL. Finalmente, presentar el trabajo en clase. El profesor evaluará la
actividad en apego al contenido del mapa y se cerciorará de que las fuentes
electrónicas hayan sido consultadas en inglés.


1. Observa los textos y discute con tus compañeros lo siguiente.

¿Qué diferencias encuentras entre los textos I y II?

¿Cuál de los dos es más fácil de comprender? ¿Por qué?

¿Cuál es la función que desempeñan las palabras faltantes en el primer texto?


Everybody has thought about having a pet at home. Having a pet is an important
decision has to be taken into consideration carefully. You have to think on the
conditions that are required getting a pet at home; You must take into account
if you can afford it, another thing you must think on, is the space, pets need
their own physical space you should share the rest of the house with them, the
medical attention and accessories your pet will need is other important aspect.
It is important to ask for your family´s opinion about it, all the people living at
home should agree and love it. Remember that you adopt a pet, it becomes
another member of your family.



Everybody has thought about having a pet at home. Having a pet is an important
decision that has to be taken into consideration carefully. First of all, you have
to think on the conditions that are required when getting a pet at home; You
must take into account if you can afford it, another thing you must think on, is
the space, pets need their own physical space and share the rest of the house
with them, the medical attention and accessories your pet will need is other
important aspect. Second, it is important to ask for your family´s opinion about
it, all the people living at home should agree and love it. Remember that when
you adopt a pet, it becomes another member of your family.

2. Revisa el contenido de este cuadro.


Observa las palabras en negritas del siguiente ejemplo:

"Thanks to the accuracy of our data set, we are now able to say with confidence that
Antarctica has lost ice for the whole of the past 20 years. In addition to the relative
proportions of ice that have been lost in the northern and southern hemispheres, we can also
see there's been a definitive acceleration of ice loss in the last 20 years .

¿Qué función tienen los conectores in addition to y also dentro de este



Los conectores establecen una relación al unir dos ideas. In addition to y also
son conectores de adición, es decir, añaden otra idea que va en la misma línea,
así que podemos decir que en este párrafo los dos conectores marcados en
negritas son de adición. La paráfrasis del párrafo al español, a partir del conector

Además de las proporciones relativas de hielo que se han perdido en los

hemisferios norte y sur, también podemos ver que ha habido una
aceleración en la pérdida de hielo en los últimos veinte años.

Estos conectores están uniendo dos ideas que van sobre el mismo tema; la
pérdida de hielo:

Idea 1: Las proporciones de hielo que se han perdido en los hemisferios norte y

Idea 2: Podemos ver que ha habido una aceleración en la pérdida de hielo en los
últimos veinte años.

Pero no es la única relación que existe, hay muchas más que verás más

3. Observa las palabras en negritas en los siguientes párrafos y realiza el
ejercicio. Contesta en español.

When the "everlasting ice" melts at an increasing rate, the rest of the world is

Idea 1: ___________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ___________________________________________________________

Conector: _________________________________________________________

Función: __________________________________________________________

Although the Greenland ice sheet is only about one tenth the size of Antarctica,
today it is contributing twice as much ice to sea levels.

Idea 1: ____________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________

Conector: __________________________________________________________

Función: ___________________________________________________________

If the west Antarctic ice sheet should become unstable, it could trigger abrupt
changes globally.

Idea 1: ___________________________________________________________

Idea 2:____________________________________________________________

Conector: _________________________________________________________

Función :__________________________________________________________

4. Escribe los significados que faltan para completar la tabla.

Conector Función Significado en español


Also también

And y

As well as


Furthermore además



Although aunque



Even though


In spite of


On the other hand







Hence Así que, puesto que , por lo






In order to


So that










At last




Due to

Because of


For example

For instance


Such as




If Si



Antes de leer el texto contesta las siguientes preguntas. Reflexiona sobre ellas con tus
compañeros y profesor (a) de manera oral:

1. ¿Te preocupa el problema del deshielo de los polos? _________

¿Por qué?


2. ¿Qué riesgos importantes para el planeta se pueden generar a partir de este problema?


3. ¿Qué problemas importantes se pueden presentar para los humanos y las demás
especies que habitan el planeta a partir de esta situación?



Revisa el texto de la siguiente página y contesta lo siguiente.

1. Título del texto en español:


2. Ubica en el texto cinco palabras claves. Subráyalas y escríbelas en la línea en inglés.


3. A partir de las palabras clave, escribe en español una idea general sobre el contenido del



(Párrafo uno)
The polar ice caps have melted faster in last 20 years than in the last 10,000. A
comprehensive satellite study confirms that the melting ice caps are raising sea levels at an
accelerating rate.
(Párrafo dos)
The polar regions are important drivers of the world's climate. When the "everlasting ice"
melts at an increasing rate, the rest of the world is affected. Global sea levels are rising, dark
meltwater pools absorb warmth from the sun which white ice would reflect back into space.
Fresh water flows into the sea, changing ocean currents and the living conditions for marine
(Párrafo tres)
For 20 years satellites have been monitoring earth's biggest ice shields on Greenland and in
the Antarctic, using different technologies from radar to gravity measurements. In the past,
the uncoordinated publication of individual one-off measurements led to confusion, especially
with regard to the state of the Antarctic ice. A new study, supported by NASA and European
Space Agency ESA combines the data from different satellite missions.

The Antartic is difficult terrain for scientists to access
(Párrafo cuatro)
"It's the first time all the people who have estimated changes in the size of the Antarctic and
Greenland ice sheets using satellites over the past 20 years have got together to produce a
single result," Andrew Shepherd from the University of Leeds in the UK explained in an
interview with DW.

Satellite monitoring ends confusion.

(Párrafo cinco)
"Thanks to the accuracy of our data set, we are now able to say with confidence that
Antarctica has lost ice for the whole of the past 20 years. In addition to the relative proportions
of ice that have been lost in the northern and southern hemispheres, we can also see there's
been a definitive acceleration of ice loss in last 20 years. So together Antarctica and
Greenland are now contributing three times as much ice to sea levels as they were 20 years
ago," says the Professor of Earth Observation.

(Párrafo seis)

According to the study, melting ice from both poles has been responsible for a fifth of the
global rise in sea levels since 1992, 11 millimeters in all. The rest was caused by the thermal
expansion of the warming ocean, the melting of mountain glaciers, small Arctic ice caps and
groundwater mining. The share of the polar ice melt, however, is rising.

Greenland is melting fastest

Satellite photos track ice loss, as shown in these images of Greenland

(Párrafo siete)
The pattern of change differs considerably between the Arctic and the Antarctic. Two thirds
of the ice loss is happening in Greenland. "The rate of ice loss from Greenland has increased
almost five-fold since the mid-1990s", says Erik Ivins, who coordinated the project for NASA.
(Párrafo ocho)
Although the Greenland ice sheet is only about one tenth the size of Antarctica, today it is
contributing twice as much ice to sea levels, according to Shepherd: "It's certainly the larger
player, probably just because it is at a more equatorial latitude, further from the North pole
than Antarctica from the South pole." The ice on Greenland is also melting on the surface,
because of increasing air temperatures.
Different conditions within the Antarctic
(Párrafo nueve)
In the Antarctic, the situation is a more complex one. Scientists distinguish between the West
and East, which are being affected differently by climate change. West Antarctica is losing
ice at an accelerating rate. Many of the region's glaciers are by the sea, which is warming. It
is only to be expected that the ice is melting faster here, says Shepherd.

Scientists examine the condition of the ice at Antarctic stations like Belgium's Princess
Elisabeth Antarctica
(Párrafo diez)
In the huge area of East Antartica, the ice is mostly above sea level, Shepherd explains. The
air temperature is also much lower, and the experts do not expect the ice to melt on account
of rising temperatures. In this part of Antarctica, the ice sheet is actually growing as a
consequence of increased snowfall. This has led some critics to question the global warming
theory. However for Shepherd and his colleagues, the changes are all consistent with
patterns of climate warming, which leads to more evaporation from the oceans and in turn
more precipitation, which falls as snow on the ice sheets.
20 years of satellites too short to tell?

If the Greenland ice sheet were to melt completely, sea levels could rise by seven meters

(Párrafo once)
"20 years is a very short time-scale to draw conclusions about climate change. "We are just
beginning an observational record for ice," said co-author of the study Ian Joughlin, a
glaciologist at the University of Washington. "This creates a new long-term data set that will
increase as new measurements are made." But the scientists are convinced the relatively
new technology is the best way to keep track of climate change in inaccessible polar regions.
Earth observation expert Shepherd is sure global warming is the only possible explanation
for the accelerating polar ice melt. He sees especially the rapid melt in West Antarctica as a
signal and a result of direct changes in the local balance between the ice sheet, the ocean
and the atmosphere.
(Párrafo doce)
If the west Antarctic ice sheet should become unstable, it could trigger abrupt changes
globally. Joughlin sees the recent ice activity in the region as a reason to pay attention, but
not to panic.

Key data for the IPCC

(Párrafo trece)
In the last report by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the
development of the ice sheets was regarded as the major unknown factor with regard to
predicting future sea level rises. "The results of this study will be invaluable in informing the
IPCC as it completes the writing of its Fifth Assessment Report next year," according to Tom
Wagner, NASA's cryosphere program manager in Washington.
(Párrafo catorce)
The question of how the satellite data will influence predictions of sea level rise is not easy
to answer, says Andrew Shepherd: Any model is only as reliable as its data. He hopes the
more accurate satellite measurements will help improve the models. He does, however, have
one reservation. The main uncertainty in climate projections is not to do with the physics or
processes, the scientist says. It is the uncertainty as to what emissions scenarios nations will
adopt in the future.


Revisa el texto y completa el siguiente cuadro en español.

1. Periodo en el que se ha
acelerado la pérdida de hielo en
los casquetes polares.

2. Principal efecto de la pérdida de

hielo en los casquetes polares.

3. Regiones que han sido

monitoreadas por satélite en las
últimas dos décadas.

4. Nombre del especialista en

observación de la tierra
involucrado en la investigación.

5. Proporciones de hielo que están

agregando a los niveles del mar
la Antártica y Groenlandia con
relación a hace dos décadas.

6. Causa por la cual la capa de hielo

de Groenlandia se está
derritiendo en su superficie.

4. Referencia contextual
Completa en español el siguiente cuadro de referencia. Escribe el referente o el
referido faltante, según el caso.

Referente Párrafo Línea Se refiere a

_____ 2 3 Calor del sol

Who 4 1 _________________________________

they 5 5 _________________________________

_____ 7 3 Erik Ivins

which 9 2 _________________________________

This 10 4 _________________________________





_____ 11 7 Andrew Shepherd

It 12 1 ________________________________


Its data 14 2 ________________________________

5. Comprensión detallada

Contesta en español las siguientes preguntas a partir del contenido del texto.

1. ¿Cómo se afecta el planeta cuando los hielos perpetuos se derriten de manera



2. Explica cómo influyen las diferentes condiciones climáticas en la pérdida de las capas
de hielo entre las regiones occidental y oriental de la antártica.


3. Explica la razón por la cual Shepherd piensa que el calentamiento global es la única
explicación posible para el derretimiento acelerado de los hielos polares.


4. Explica la mayor incertidumbre que plantea Shepherd sobre el cambio climático como
conclusión del artículo.




Common problems of adolescence


Al finalizar esta unidad, los estudiantes:

serán capaces de enfrentar el vocabulario desconocido en un texto, a partir del uso eficiente de
varios tipos de diccionarios.

se familiarizarán con la estructura interna de estas fuentes de consulta.

1. Haz una lectura de vistazo del texto titulado y
explica verbalmente de qué se trata. (Los números incluidos señalan las secciones del


1. Con base en el mismo texto, completa la siguiente información.

- Definición de la adolescencia según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHO, abreviado

en inglés): _______________________________________________________

- Razones por las que los adolescentes permanecen médicamente desatendidos:





2. Con base en el mismo texto, enlista los ocho problemas más cruciales que resultan
de las conductas de alto riesgo de los adolescentes, a nivel mundial.

__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________

Health problems in adolescence

Adolescence is the time period between 11 and 18 years of life (WHO definition), characterized by
critical physical and psychological changes leading to adulthood. Adolescents are generally considered
to be a very healthy group, with limited health needs. They remain medically underserved and their
problems are seriously underestimated because of the following:

The traditionally used health index (mortality rate) does not effectively reflect the adolescent
health status.

Health indexes related to life quality are not easy to define.

Adolescents themselves are developmentally immature to look into the future. Communicable
diseases and problems of childhood belong to the past, while health issues of adulthood seem
very distant. They consider themselves «invulnerable» and do not demand promotion and
protection of health services addressed to their age.

Family cannot really deal with the situation, as the adolescent takes total control of his or her
health issues. Parents feel far more comfortable when focusing on school performance and
activities - taking good health for granted.

in adolescence may result through a number of mechanisms:

Most of the adolescents present problems relating to the normal physical or psychological
changes of this period (acne, iron deficiency, anxiety excess).

Disorders of normal puberty procedures may also occur at a significant number of teens (e.g.
up to 50% of adolescent girls present with problems of their menstrual cycling).

It is estimated that 10-12% suffers from severe chronic conditions. Adolescents with
demanding and chronic problems need multidisciplinary support, so that they can come
through the challenges of adolescent years in the most functioning and painless way for their

re-existing, yet non-expressed physical or psychosocial pathologies may come to surface

during adolescence because of the general lack of stability characterizing these years.

Environmental factors have significant impact on adolescent health and well-being. Adolescents are
extremely sensitive to environmental influences as they have not yet fully developed all their cognitive
abilities for evaluating information and life-models. It is therefore evident that behavior and health
patterns of adolescents always reflect the status of their social environment and services provided to
Young people in modern societies are forced to come through the significant stages of adolescence,
while living in a rapidly changing and unstable world: population mixing, decreased occupation
possibilities, the divorce phenomenon, lack of social bonding - small families in large societies,
technology progress and media power impacts.

Thus, a significant problem for modern youth globally is the fact that they are bombarded from an
early age with social messages having formative effects, particularly at a time of experimentation
such as the teenage years. Aggressive marketing targeted at this age group, combined with
that youngsters may normally develop as they struggle towards independence,
lead to the emergence of « . These conditions include problems such as accidents,
eating disorders, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, substance abuse, and mental
health issues. Although these conditions are not «classic» medical illnesses, they seriously affect
physical and mental adolescent health and result to decreased future productivity and employment
opportunities. Of great interest is also the fact that a large number of the problems rising in
adolescence can be .

Some of the most crucial problems resulting from adolescent high-risk behaviors in Greece - and
globally - are the following:

- Sexually transmitted diseases:

The incidence of infection in sexually active female adolescents in
the USA is 15-37%. Data in Greece are limited and do not concern mainly adolescent
populations. Chlamydia infections can be asymptomatic in 25-50% of cases and they have
significant impact on the genital tract. About 15-20 % of pelvic inflammatory disease cases
may result from such an infection and there is a well established causative link of this
pathogen with fertility problems in adulthood.

There has been a considerable increase during the past years, of the prevalence of human
and globally.

Young adults account for a large and increasing proportion of HIV diagnoses. Lack of
awareness and knowledge about HIV prevention measures accompanies high rates of
sexual risk behavior. HIV infection in puberty results to HIV clinical disease during the 3rd
decade of life. Thus, about 1% and 20% of the total of patients with clinically expressed
AIDS are teenagers and 20-29 year olds respectively.

- Unwanted pregnancies :

Unwanted pregnancies may have serious health consequences for young women,
including the risks associated with dangerous or illegal abortions. According to data
reflecting the situation in Greece (and probably globally), 30-40% of adolescent girls

16-18 year old are sexually active, while 30% do not use a contraceptive method and
another 30% use untrustworthy measures, such as withdrawal. Pregnancy rates have
decreased during the past twenty years, which may be well explained by the increase
in the abortion rate during the same time interval.

- Obesity :
Obesity is a pandemic of modern societies and data seem very alarming. According to
a recent study of the 1st Dpt of Pediatrics of Athens University, about 20.63% and
11.8% of adolescent boys were overweight and obese respectively. The relevant

Obesity in adolescence predicts maintenance in adulthood, with various severe physical

and psychological impacts.

- Eating disorders:

There has been an increase in the incidence of anorexia nervosa and bulimia in the
adolescent population during the past years. These are severe mental conditions with
significant morbidity and mortality rates. The overestimated value of a lean and sexy
body figure in the modern world (fortified by the media), certainly plays a significant
role in the constantly elevating prevalence of eating disorders.

- Unhealthy dieting habits:

Poor eating habits of adolescents may result in getting up to 50% of their daily calorie
intake from fat! At the same time their diet lacks of calcium, iron and fiber sources.
The above typical adolescent dietary pattern may lead to significant future health

- Road traffic accidents-unintentional injuries:

Injuries, like diseases, do not occur at random. Road traffic accidents are the leading
cause of death among adolescents, with mortality rates being almost double for boys
than for girls. The situation in Greece and in other countries leaves much scope for
improvement, as a particularly high mortality rate of 14 deaths from road traffic
accidents / 100.000 adolescents has been estimated by the National Statistic
Organization for 2001.

- Tobacco, alcohol and drug use:

Adolescence is the period of experimentation and rebellion against authority. This is

the age when smoking, alcohol drinking and drug use can become established habits.
Smoking is quite a problem, as 60% of men and 45% of women are smokers by the
age of 25 years. Over 90% of adult smokers have had their initiative smoking
experience during adolescence (age < 19 years).

At the age of 15 years, 67% of adolescents in Europe report that they have been drunk
at least twice in their lives. Alcohol abuse is frequently associated with youth violence,
unplanned sex and it is a factor (among other drug use) in approximately 41% of all
deaths from motor vehicle crashes in the USA.
9% of 16 year old high school students have used marijuana at least once
(11% and 7% for boys and girls respectively). Mean age of first marihuana experience
was 14.9 years.

- Mental health intentional injuries :

Adolescents may often experience distressing and disabling emotions that are sometimes part
of their normal development. However, there is an increasing incidence of mental illness
globally, mainly because of the breakdown of traditional social and family structures.
According to a survey in Greece, 13% of adolescent boys and 29% of girls were considered
as being in a «depressive» emotional state. The burden of mental distress is often
underestimated, while untreated mental illness in adolescence may lead to lifelong
dysfunction. Fortunately, many mental problems are preventable and all can be helped. Thus,
promotion of mental health services in adolescence is stressed as a priority in modern

Adolescence is characterized by noticeable increases in self-harm, being a particularly

vulnerable life period. Suicide rates tend to increase with age, but in some countries a
secondary peak has been recently shown in the age 15-24 years. In Greece, 8.3% of
adolescent boys and 17.6% of girls reported that they had seriously «considered suicide» at
least once in their life. Suicide attempt rates were 0.86% and 3.02% for boys and girls
respectively. Suicide deaths were 9 in 2001 in Greece, a very low suicide death rate compared
to other parts of the world (0.75/100.000 adolescents).

According to the recent document of the Regional Committee for Europe of the World Health
Organization (W.H.O.) concerning health and behavioral issues of adolescents in 35 European
countries, all the above mentioned topics provide basic health indexes for adolescent health and
unfortunately there is a lot to be done for improving current status.

Of great significance is also the fact that adolescence is the critical age for preventing future health
impact and distress. Although prevention starts as early as the first day of neonatal life, during
adolescence the individual concurs the responsibility and the right to his or her personal health.

Many severe future adulthood conditions could potentially be diminished by educating and

disease, some tumors, infertility).

All content ©2006-2008, all rights reserved.

Designed by: Volas - Tsagas
Scripting: D.Anastasiou

1. Como viste en la Unidad 2, algunas veces es posible inferir el significado de una
palabra si se atiende al contexto en el que aparece, es decir, las palabras que la

Ejemplo: Inferencia de la palabra lack, en el segmento de información:

(aparece en la sección 3, última viñeta, última línea)

Si se parafrasea el segmento en español sin la palabra que se va a tratar de inferir, se puede


Se podría preguntar:

¿Qué es eso que es general con respecto a la estabilidad en esos años?

Se podrían dar respuestas como: surgimiento, desaparición, crisis, falta, etc. Si se colocan
estas palabras en la paráfrasis, se tienen estas posibilidades:

¿Cuál de las posibilidades te parece más apropiada? Explica verbalmente las razones de tu

2. Intenta inferir el significado de las palabras subrayadas en cada uno de los siguientes
segmentos, los cuales fueron tomados del mismo texto.

. . . Aggressive marketing targeted at this age group, combined with that

youngsters may normally develop . . .

(Aparece en la sección 4, tercer párrafo, 3ª y 4ª líneas)

Road traffic accidents-unintentional injuries:

(Aparece la sección 5, antepenúltimo y último subtítulos)


1. Contesta las siguientes preguntas de manera verbal.

1. Al estar leyendo un texto en inglés, ¿Sueles utilizar algún diccionario?

2. Si es así, ¿En qué casos específicos lo utilizas?

3. ¿Qué tipo de diccionario sueles utilizar?

4. ¿Cómo procedes para utilizarlo? Es decir, si, por ejemplo, buscas una palabra que no

5. ¿Qué haces cuando encuentras diferentes significados para la palabra?

2. En la lista de abajo, marca con una paloma ( ) los tipos de diccionario que conoces.

Tesauros ( ) Monolingües ( )

Enciclopédicos ( ) Bilingües ( )

Especializados ( ) Visuales ( )

De sinónimos Etimológicos ( )
y antónimos ( )

3. Explica las características de cada uno de los tipos de diccionario de toda la lista.

4. Observa la entrada de la palabra challenge en un diccionario bilingüe2 (la palabra

aparece pluralizada en la sección 3, tercera viñeta del texto revisado):

De la siguiente lista de elementos, marca con una paloma ( ) los que aparecen en la

a) Pronunciación ( ) d) Ejemplos en contexto ( )

b) Etimología ( ) e) Usos en regiones específicas ( )

c) Acepciones (s) en español ( )

c) Categoría gramatical ( )

Explica cómo se señalan en la entrada los elementos que marcaste.

Simon and Scchuster International Dictionary

¿Qué significado en español le das a la palabra, según el contexto indicado y la entrada del
diccionario bilingüe? ___________________________________________________

5. Ahora observa esta entrada de la palabra stage en un diccionario monolingüe3 (la

palabra aparece pluralizada en la sección 4, 2º párrafo, 1ra. línea, del texto revisado):

¿Qué diferencias encuentras entre esta entrada y la anterior?

¿Qué significado le das a la palabra según el contexto indicado y esta entrada del diccionario
monolingüe? ___________________________________________________

6. Ahora observa esta entrada de la palabra peak en un diccionario bilingüe en línea4 (la

palabra aparece en la sección 5, última viñeta, 3ra. línea del texto revisado):

¿Qué diferencias y semejanzas encuentras entre esta entrada y las anteriores?

¿Qué significado le das a la palabra según el contexto indicado y esta entrada del diccionario
en línea? ___________________________________________________

6.1 Observa las primeras líneas del tercer párrafo de la parte del texto que trata sobre
Enfermedades de transmisión sexual y fíjate en las palabras subrayadas.

Young adults account for a large and increasing proportion of HIV diagnoses. Lack of
awareness and knowledge about HIV prevention measures accompanies high rates of sexual
risk behavior.

6.2 En el siguiente cuadro aparece una paráfrasis incompleta en español del párrafo
anterior; las palabras subrayadas se sustituyeron por espacios numerados. Completa
la información conforme a las instrucciones en 6.3.

En los adultos jóvenes ________ una proporción grande y creciente de diagnósticos de


VIH. La falta de ________ y ________ sobre las ________ de prevención del VIH
2 3 4

acompañan altas ________ de una conducta sexual ________.

5 6

6.3 Selecciona el significado más apropiado (a, b o c) para las palabras omitidas y
escríbelo en el espacio respectivo. Para tu elección, básate en el contexto o usa algún
diccionario de tu preferencia.

1. account for
a) dan cuenta b) se da c) se suma

2. awareness
a) alerta b) advertencia c) conciencia

3. knowledge
a) sabiduría b) cultura c) conocimiento

4. measures
a) medidas b) mediciones c) dimensiones

5. rates
a) rangos b) tasas c) cifras

6. risk
a) de risco b) de peligro c) de riesgo


Realiza las siguientes actividades con base en el texto sobre el uso del alcohol de la
siguiente página.

1. Completa en español la información sobre el texto:

- Datos de la fuente de publicación: _______________________________________



- Título del texto: _____________________________________________________

- Fecha de publicación: _______________________________________________

- Autores (incluyendo grado académico): __________________________________




2. En (fast facts)
contenidos en el texto.

November 2012
1. More adolescents
drink alcohol than
smoke cigarettes or
use marijuana,
Alcohol Use
By: David Murphey, Ph.D., Brigitte Vaughn, M.S., Megan Barry,
B.A., and Mary Terzian, Ph.D.
2. Forty percent of high
school seniors reported
drinking some alcohol A substantial proportion of high school students consume alcohol,
within the past
30 days.2 with nearly a quarter of 12th grade students reporting binge
drinking in the past two weeks. Drinking alcohol in adolescence is
associated with a variety of other risky behaviors, as well as with
3. In addition, 22 percent an increased likelihood of long-term problems reaching into
of high school seniors adulthood. This Adolescent Health Highlight summarizes key
reported that they had
engaged in research findings about adolescent alcohol consumption;
describes prevalence and trends; illustrates connections between
the past two weeks.2 behaviors and health outcomes; and discusses issues specific to
particular adolescent populations.

4. Motor vehicle crashes are Alcohol: The substance most widely used by adolescents
a leading cause of death Alcohol is the substance most widely used by adolescents between
for adolescents, and are 12 and 17 years old more than cigarettes and marijuana
the most prevalent cause combined. Adolescent drinking is linked with a number of other
of death for 15- to 24- risky behaviors during this period of life, and with an increased
year-olds. In 2010, about
one in five young drivers
likelihood of serious problems in adulthood.3,4
(ages 16-20) involved in
fatal crashes had been How many adolescents drink alcohol?
driving while Although a minority of adolescents drink, many of those who do
alcohol- began using alcohol in childhood.5 Alcohol consumption is
impaired.6,4 measured in different ways: how much, how often, and how
recently. The percentage of adolescents who drink any amount of
alcohol is high: 13 percent of 8th-graders and 27 percent of 10th-
5. Certain groups of graders reported having drunk some alcohol in the past 30 days;
adolescents are most at
and among 12th graders, about 40 percent (see Figure 1).2 For
risk for abusing alcohol:
males, those who begin
drinking at an early age, more drinks within a couple of hours)2,4 is particularly harmful.
those who have a family Although the percentage of high school students who binge drink
history of alcohol abuse, has declined in recent years, as of 2011 about 22 percent of seniors
and and about 15 percent of 10th-graders reported binge-drinking within
those who have the past two weeks (see Figure 2).2 The National Institute on
experienced Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as having four
exceptional stress.1 or more drinks (for females), or five or more drinks (for males)
within a couple of hours (reflecting gender differences in how
alcohol is metabolized).7 However, many surveys still define binge
drinking, for both men and women, as consuming 5 or more drinks
within a couple of hours.

Implications of alcohol use for health and behavior

Alcohol is considered a toxic substance, and the
adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to its damaging
FIGURE 1: Percent of students who have consumed alcohol in the past 30 days, by grade,


Adolescents are
more sensitive 10
than adults to the
way that alcohol 0
can affect social
interaction such 8th graders 10th graders 12th graders
as by weakening
inhibitions. Source: Johnston, L. D., O'Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2012). Monitoring the
Future: National results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2011. Ann Arbor: Institute for
Social Research, The University of Michigan.

Adolescents are less susceptible than adults are to some of the physical effects of
intoxication such as drowsiness, poor coordination, and hangover. However,
adolescents are more sensitive to the way that alcohol can affect social interaction
such as by weakening inhibitions. This combination of effects can put adolescents at
high risk: it may lead them to drink more without experiencing the symptoms that
might curtail their consumption, while the effects promoting social interaction may
Alcohol is the lead to further risky behavior.8
substance most
widely used by FIGURE 2: Percent of students who report binge drinking, by grade, 1976-2011*
more widely used 50
than cigarettes
12th grade
and marijuana 10th grade
combined. 8th grade
30 37%
20 21%
10 11% 15%

0 6%

* Binge drinking is defined as having five or more drinks in a row at least once in the prior two-week period.
Monitoring the Future:
National results on adolescent drug use: Overview of key findings, 2011. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Johnston, L. D., O'Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. (2003). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug
use, 1975-2002. Volume I. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. Tables D-54 and D-55.

Research shows that underage drinking is associated with a host of negative consequences for

performance; damaged relationships with parents and peers; problems with concentration and
memory; and, of course, alcohol dependence or addiction. 8 Other risks associated with
adolescent drinking include having legal problems (21 is the minimum legal drinking age in all

states); becoming a victim or a perpetrator of physical and sexual assault (including dating
violence); destroying property; experiencing problems with physical growth and
development; and engaging in unprotected sex and having an unwanted pregnancy.1,7
Moreover, pregnant adolescents who drink place their developing baby at risk of mental

Alcohol use unintentional injuries particularly those associated with vehicle crashes.7
risks of suicide,
homicide, and
known consequences of underage drinking. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are a
unintentional leading cause of death for adolescents, and in 2010 about one in five young drivers
injuries (ages 16-20) involved in fatal crashes had been driving while alcohol-impaired.4,6 In
particularly those 2011, 8 percent of high school students reported driving a car after having consumed
associated with alcohol within the last 30 days, and 24 percent rode in a car with a driver who had
vehicle crashes.
been drinking (see Figure 3).9

FIGURE 3: Percent of students in grades 9-12 who reported driving after drinking alcohol or
riding with a driver who had been drinking alcohol, 1991-2011*

50 Rode in a Car with a Driver

45 Who Had Been Drinking
40% Drove After Drinking Alcohol

20 17% 24%
suggests that the 5 8%
earlier an 0
adolescent starts
drinking, the
1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011
greater the
likelihood of *One or more times during the 30 days preceding the survey.
alcohol Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey -
dependence later
United States, 2011. Surveillance summaries: MMWR 2011; 61 (4).
in life.

Factors that influence alcohol abuse and dependence

Research suggests that the earlier an adolescent starts drinking, the greater the
likelihood of alcohol dependence later in life.1 The general pattern is that alcohol use
peaks between the ages of 18 and 20.1 Evidence also indicates that adolescents whose
parents are alcoholics are more likely to start drinking at a young age, to develop
drinking problems at an early age, and to become alcoholic adults. The special
vulnerability of this group can be attributed to a combination of genetic inheritance
(for example, preference for risk taking, increased reactivity to alcohol), growing up in
household where alcohol is easy to access and heavy drinking is commonplace, and
socializing with peers who also abuse alcohol.1

As children move into adolescence, they typically experience stress associated with
the physiological changes of puberty, new concerns about how they are perceived by
peers, and increased academic demands. These circumstances can lead some
adolescents to turn to alcohol. Adolescents who have had extremely stressful or

traumatic experiences, such as abuse, are also at greater risk for problem alcohol use.10
Peers can also affect whether, and how much, adolescents drink, especially if

behavior. Negative peer pressure may be particularly difficult to resist for those
adolescents who have not yet developed decision-making abilities that would
Adolescents who
have had
enable them to resist social pressures to drink.1
Group differences in alcohol use
stressful or
traumatic For younger adolescents (8th-graders), lower levels of parental education are
experiences, associated with higher levels of binge drinking, although this relationship does not
such as abuse,
are also at
hold for older students.11 However, some measures of adolescent alcohol use do vary
greater risk for significantly by subgroup. Male adolescents drink more alcohol than do females; they
problem alcohol start drinking earlier; drink more frequently; and are more likely to binge.1 White and
Hispanic adolescents drink more than do black adolescents.11 Older adolescents,
college students, and young adults in the military are at greater risk for alcohol-related
problems than are other adolescents.1 Students who have plans to complete four or
more years of college are less likely to engage in daily drinking or heavy drinking than
students who do not have such plans.11

Media promotion of drinking

through the marketing strategies of alcoholic beverage companies, and the way
drinking is depicted in movies and television. Adolescents who see more alcohol
advertising tend to drink more, as do adolescents who live in areas where advertisers
A recent of alcoholic beverages spend more money.12 Some evidence shows that young
marketing trend adolescents (ages 10-14) who are exposed to more drinking in the movies they watch
that contributes are more likely to start drinking,13 as are young adolescents who own products (such
to underage
drinking is the as T-shirts, tote-
promotion of labels.14
flavored alcohol
drinks, and
caffeinated A recent marketing trend that contributes to underage drinking is the promotion of
alcoholic flavored alcohol drinks and caffeinated alcoholic beverages. Both types of drinks can
beverages. lead adolescents to consume more alcohol than they otherwise would. The mixing of
alcohol with caffeine (whether in pre-mixed beverages, or by combining alcohol with
which is popular among young people
depressant effects, leading to binge drinking.15 In 2011, 9 percent of 8th-graders, 16
percent of 10th-graders, and 23 percent of 12th-graders reporting drinking flavored
alcoholic beverages in the past 30 days.2

Preventing underage drinking

As with most efforts to address risky adolescent behaviors, preventing underage drinking calls
for a range of strategies that incorporate state-level leadership and policy actions, community
coalitions, and

State leaders can contribute to these efforts through supporting community mobilization
around reducing underage drinking; by raising state alcohol taxes to discourage purchase; and
alcohol.1 by evaluating the effects of laws and programs intended to discourage underage drinking.
Adolescents Broad-based community coalitions can help provide political will and contribute to changing
extremely community norms around the acceptability of adolescent drinking.5 Neighborhood and
stressful or
community-based strategies for preventing underage drinking focus on limiting the availability
and appeal of alcohol through mobilizing the community to get involved, holding merchants
accountable for the illegal sale of alcohol to minors, and enforcing alcohol possession laws.16,17
Depending on the Several school-based programs with classroom and family-based components have
school-based demonstrated evidence of effectiveness.18 Depending on the population, school-based
alcohol use alcohol use prevention efforts may begin as early as the 5th grade. School-based
prevention efforts programs often seek to prevent underage drinking by changing attitudes towards
may begin as
early as the 5th
alcohol use, increasing awareness of alcohol-promoting media messages, and building
grade. skills related to refusing alcohol, as well as broader life skills, such as communication
and decision making.19 Some schools, influenced by efforts to reduce substance use on
college campuses, are beginning to designate school grounds and the immediate
Restricting surrounding area as drug-, tobacco- and alcohol-free zones.
viewing of R-
rated movies is a
Parents can help to reduce the occurrence of adolescent drinking. As alluded to
simple step that earlier, certain gene variants have been shown to increase the risk for impulsive
parents can take behavior and binge drinking. However, evidence from research also shows that
to reduce the
likelihood that channels of communication open) as well as helping adolescents develop their own
adolescents will self-monitoring skills (such as setting goals and planning how to meet them) can
abuse alcohol.
override the influence of these genes.20 Efforts that target family-level risk factors for
alcohol use, through family therapy and parental skills-training, have also been found
to be effective in steering adolescents away from drinking.21 Likewise, restricting
-rated movies, which frequently depict alcohol use, is a
simple step that parents can take to reduce the likelihood that their adolescent will
use alcohol.22

3. Observa que después del título y la mención de los autores, se encuentra la
introducción y a continuación aparecen las partes que conforman el texto; éstas están
diferenciadas por subtítulos. Completa la lista de subtítulos. Hazlo en español.

3.1 Observa que, aunque no está indicada de manera explícita, el texto también contiene
una conclusión, ¿Dónde se ubica? ¿Qué se plantea en términos generales?

4. A continuación se transcriben los segmentos de información que aparecen en los

recuadros del lado izquierdo a lo largo del texto, los cuales corresponden a las ideas
más relevantes del mismo. Completa las paráfrasis en español de cada uno.


Research suggests that the earlier an adolescent starts drinking, the greater the likelihood
of alcohol dependence later in life.

_______ _____________________________ ___________________ que mientras más temprano empieza ___

___________ un ____________________________, más grande es la _________________________________ de una
posterior ____________________________________del _____________________en la _______________.


Adolescents are more sensitive than adults to the way that alcohol can affect social
interaction such as by weakening inhibitions.

Los adolescentes son más _______________________ ________ ________ _________________ ___ _____
_______________ en la que el alcohol puede afectar la ______________________ _______________, como puede
ser, mediante un debilitamiento de las inhibiciones.


Depending on the population, school-based alcohol use prevention efforts may begin as
early as the 5th grade.

____________________________ _____ _____ ____________________, los esfuerzos de prevención del uso del
alcohol basados en la escuela _______________ _____________________ _______ ______________ __________ ____
____________ _____________.


A recent marketing trend that contributes to underage drinking is the promotion of

flavored alcohol drinks, and caffeinated alcoholic beverages.

Una tendencia mercadotécnica reciente que _______________________ a la bebida en menores de edad

consiste en _____ ___________________________ _____ __________________ ___________________ saborizadas y de
______________________ __________________________ ___________________________.


Alcohol is the substance most widely used by adolescents more widely used than
cigarettes and marijuana combined.

______ _______________________ ______ ______ __________________________ más ampliamente usada por los
______________________________ - _______ ____________________________ ____________________ _________ _______
___________________ y _______ _______________________ juntos.


-rated movies is a simple step that parents can take

to reduce the likelihood that adolescents will abuse alcohol.

Las limitaciones de los ______________________________ para ___________ películas clasificadas como

restringidas (R) es ______ _________________ ________________ que los padres _______________
________________ para __________________ la _______________________ de que los
_______________________________ __________________ del alcohol.


Adolescents who have had extremely stressful or traumatic experiences, such as abuse, are
also at greater risk for problem alcohol use.

Los ___________________________ que _______ _______________ experiencias _____________________________

_____________________________ o _________________________________, tal como un abuso sexual, también se
encuentran en un ________________ ________ ______________ para el __________________ del ___________ del


particularly those associated with vehicle crashes.

El uso _____ _____________ ______________________ los ____________________ de ______________________,

_________________________ y de ____________________________ _________________________________ de los
adolescentes - particularmente aquéllos _______________________ con _______________________

6. Observa que los segmentos de información del ejercicio anterior no se

encuentran en la secuencia en que aparecen en el texto. Localízalos y ordénalos
escribiendo el número correspondiente para cada uno. El primero ya se encuentra
numerado conforme a su acomodo en el texto.

A _______

B ___1___

C _______

D _______

E _______

F _______

G _______

H _______
CLAVE: A-4, B-1,
C-7, D-6, E-2, F-8,
-G5, H-3

7. Recuerda la forma de algunas Frases Nominales en Inglés (Unidades 1 y 2) y observa
las que están resaltadas en la introducción del texto. Después trata de inferir su sentido
con base en el significado indicado y el contexto.

A substantial proportion of high school students consume alcohol, with nearly a

quarter of 12th grade students reporting binge drinking in the past two weeks.
Drinking alcohol in adolescence is associated with a variety of other risky
behaviors, as well as with an increased likelihood of long-term problems reaching
into adulthood. This Adolescent Health Highlight summarizes key research
findings about adolescent alcohol consumption; describes prevalence and trends;
illustrates connections between behaviors and health outcomes; and discusses
issues specific to particular adolescent populations.

1. high school = preparatoria

high school students = _____________________________________________

2. grade = grado o año escolar

12th grade students * = _______________________________________________

* El sistema educativo americano abarca doce grados escolares: seis de educación primaria (elementary school),
tres de secundaria (middle school o junior high school) y tres de preparatoria (high school). Posterior a estos doce
grados, se continúa con los años de educación superior. (Tomado de:

3. binge = exceso, excederse

binge drinking = ____________________________________________________

4. risky = riesgoso

behavior = comportamiento

risky behavior = ____________________________________________________

5. likelihood = probabilidad

increased likelihood = _______________________________________________

6. long - term = largo plazo

long term problems = ______________________________________________

7. key = clave research = investigación find = encontrar

key research findings = ______________________________________________

8. consumption = consumo

adolescent alcohol consumption = _____________________________________

9. population = población

particular adolescent populations = ____________________________________

8. Escribe una paráfrasis en español de la introducción del texto.











9. Localiza los siguientes datos en el texto y explica qué indican.

Figura 1:

13% ____________________________________________________________________

27% ____________________________________________________________________

40% ____________________________________________________________________

Figura 2:

De 37% a 22% ____________________________________________________________

De 21% a 15% ____________________________________________________________

De 11% a 6% _____________________________________________________________

Figura 3:

De 40% a 24% ____________________________________________________________

De 17% a 8% ____________________________________________________________

10. Lee los siguientes segmentos del texto, observa las palabras subrayadas y en letra
negrita e indica a qué palabra o frase del mismo segmento se refieren.


Alcohol is considered a toxic substance, and the adolescent brain is particularly vulnerable to
its damaging impacts.



This combination of effects can put adolescents at high risk: it may lead them to drink more
without experiencing the symptoms that might curtail their consumption, while the effects
promoting social interaction may lead to further risky behavior.



Research shows that underage drinking is associated with a host of negative consequences for
These include reduced school attendance and poorer school


As children move into adolescence, they typically experience stress associated with the
physiological changes of puberty, new concerns about how they are perceived by peers, and
increased academic demands.



-rated movies, which frequently depict alcohol

use, is a simple step that parents can take to reduce the likelihood that their adolescent will
use alcohol.


11. Contesta las siguientes preguntas en español con base en el contenido del texto.

1. ¿En qué rango de edad beben más alcohol los adolescentes?


Instituto Nacional sobre

el Abuso del Alcohol y el Alcoholismo?






3. ¿Qué palabra o palabras en español podrían equivaler a dicho término?



4. ¿Cuáles son algunas de las consecuencias negativas asociadas al consumo del alcohol en
menores de edad?






5. ¿Qué otros riesgos se asocian con el consumo del alcohol en los adolescentes?







6. ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias más conocidas del uso del alcohol en menores de edad?
¿Qué ejemplos se dan en el texto?







7. Explica los factores que influyen en el abuso y dependencia del alcohol.











8. Explica las diferencias de grupo en cuanto al uso del alcohol.











9. Explica la relación entre el consumo del alcohol y la mercadotecnia.











10. ¿Cómo pueden los líderes estatales, las escuelas y los padres de familia ayudar en la
prevención del uso del alcohol en menores de edad?











11. ¿Cuál es la conclusión del texto?












1. Regresen al texto Health problems in adolescence y al ejercicio B parte 2 de esta

misma unidad, con objeto de desarrollar las siguientes actividades:

- Dividan al grupo en ocho equipos.

- Cada equipo seleccione uno de los ocho problemas mencionados en el texto.

- Refieran el tema a la situación actual de nuestro país y busquen información en


- Simulen una plática de orientación por parte de expertos dirigida a adolescentes

y padres de familia y expongan el tema al grupo. De ser necesario, elaboren mapas
mentales, cuadros, gráficas, etc. y preséntenlos en Power Point.


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