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Learning activity 2 / Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidence: Sports and animals / Evidencia: Deportes y animales

1.-Complete los párrafos ubicando las palabras correctas que se
encuentran en el cuadro / Complete the text with the correct words
from the box

animals - dogs – tigers - swimming – athletics

I am Anny . I am 20 years old. I live in a big house with my parents. I

love animals, specially _dogs _. We have a big collie. His name is
Brody. On the weekends I run about 7 kilometers with Brody.
I also like wild _animals. My favorite animals when I visit the zoo are
the _tigers___ because they are big and strong.
I practice many sports. I love _athletics_. I usually run with my
partners at the university stadium. I also practice _swimming,
especially when I go to the beach.

2. Complete el diálogo entre Peter y Patty usando el verbo to

like en presente simple en forma afirmativa, negativa o
interrogativa. / Complete the conversation between Peter and Patty
with the simple present tense with the verb to like in affirmative,
negative, or interrogative form.

Peter: Hello Patty. How are you?

Patty: Fine thanks, and you?

Peter: Fine, thank you. Do you like __sports?

Patty: Yes, I like _volleyball and tennis. What about you?

Peter: I _like__ sports, too. I practice volleyball on weekends.

Patty: What about football? What is your favorite football team?

Peter: Oh. _I don’t like football! I am a terrible football player _do

you like football?

Patty : Yes, I love it. I play it with my friends at the University.

Peter: Well I have to go. Bye bye, Patty.

Patty: See you later, Peter.

Una vez finalice la evidencia envíe al instructor el archivo a través de la
plataforma, así:
1. Guarde el archivo de su evidencia Sport and animals en su computador.
2. Para enviar el archivo, ingrese a la evidencia Sport and animals dé clic el
botón ver  Evidencia 
3. Dé clic en Adjuntar archivo y busque el archivo en su computador.
Asegúrese de adjuntar el archivo correcto. Sport and animals
4. Para enviar la evidencia de clic en Contesta
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Nota: Esta evidencia es de
carácter individual.

Criterios de evaluación
 Intercambia información sobre animales con la estructura gramatical requerida,
teniendo en cuenta el contexto.

 Intercambia información sobre deportes con la estructura gramatical requerida,

teniendo en cuenta el contexto.

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