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COPY. oF A LETTER TO A/PROSPECTIVE MEMBER WRITTEN BY GF RUSSELL SECY CHGRONZON CLUB PO BOX 181 CHICAGO FRIEND..---.---- Your contact with THE.'.ORDER by this letter is not an accident, but: the direct effect of Karma Our door is open to you at thie very time & place because you were formerly a Wember of our Body. in a previous life Now you have the opportunity. ot restablish this LINK £ materialise what already supersensibly exists.No one ever applies to us by Chance = or in vain! No alien thing ean invade or profane the Holy of Holies woere your EGO dwells.No other person can call you, "I". Every impulse that truly belongs to your eternal. person proceeds from within your "I"-Hence the WILL to becoine an INITIATE must always come from within the Candidate. No ex, ternal influence can possibly induce you to aapire to ADEPT~ SHIF. Therefore, we ‘publish no propaganda.No deserspbion of. the beatitude & vliss of ATTAINMENT can determine yous yoli- tion unless 1t speaks through the still,stall vouce of you" own conscience which alone has absolute authority to govern your destiny. There you hear the voice of your owa HOLY.', GUARDIAN." ANGEL." when you are ready to accomplish the GREAT FORK. At that identical moment the gate of the Temple opens smoothly, swiftly, silently But if you hesitate the golden opportunity us gone; tne palace gate closes automati~ cally hiding from tinidity's gaze the ineffable splendor of the interior Sun;the black wings of a long night drop & en fold a desolate soul dooming 1f to obscurity & mediocrity, Genius or GODHEAD sleeps in every human brain. The potential. MASTER hag an inherent self-reliance & presence of mind to meet an emergency.He or she has that divine in#tinct which recognises the handwriting of the.'.DAIMON "TH! HEART GIRT With A SERPENT IS MY NAME". te .' ORDER kmoeks but once on any single door! DO WHAT THOU WILT SHALL Be THE WIOLE OF THE LAW, In the vast field of esoteric study & cryptic practice which Occult Science surveys-Yoga, Myst icisn, As tro-Theosomy, Ceremonial Magick, Metaphysical New Thought, Divination; Tarot, Spiritien, Rosi crucianisn,Hermetiem,Qabalah,ete.-nothing what-. ever pertains to genuine INITIATION except what leads you to. °°. experience certain crucial events, called CRISES; three in number; no more & no less. The TRUE PATH from beginning to ead 1s clear- ‘ly marked.The method adopted by the genuine School of INITIATION contains nothing vague, visionary, fanciful,fantastic.Here you are taught to handle & deal-with real,not symvolic,or imaginary. forces.This School must have three departments,an Oute> College, an Inner & an Inmost, respectively equipped to carry the Candi- ; date through the FIRST, SECOND « THIRD CRISIS,As a whole this ~ course is naturally divided into Twelve Grades or, Degrees which embody & synthesise the SEPHIROTH & PATHS of the TREE OF LIFE, The first five Grades which comprise the Outer College prepare & conduct you through the FIRST CRISIS Until this is accomplished it 18 the main aim & any discussion of what lies beyond Ss, for- * bidden, premature, futile & would only perplex the Aspirant’. There is only one genuine Fraternity of ADEPIS,to wiich every INITIATE in the whole world belongs We refer to this as THE.".. ORDER, Those. who would publish in the market Blace an ostensible history of the.',CRDER stoop to promulgate an absurdity which they, thenselves,can never appreciate.For history deals with» jective. point “which can be no- 3 elentific standpoint involves the sut jective side as well. A really scientific grarh of evolution o the earth 4 humanity cannot be made by mathematical methods fo sich are intrinsically ore than ideal or imaginary. What e seen of a human being by the physic#1 senses is, only th crust, like the top of an iceberggor more aptly the crose section ‘of a tree-trink.The whole man is a seven-fold organian extended in time as well as ‘space, with parts which reach ‘tack to previous lives on earth &-another part which reaches into the future & extends beyond the farthest of the fixed stars. ither geologists nor astronomers today possess or can find the whole concrete truth about this cosmic being & the hypo- theses they & the physicists create are full of faults & fal- lacies.A successful Investigation of history iaplies an organo: with structure adapted at every point to the formative princip of its object.The modern nind cannot wideratand even mediaeval records;its interpretation of afctent history 1s still more nythical.For eanple:we are told of the existence in the middle ages of a famous fraternity of Illuminates founded by the re: incarnated personalities of the Bodih! ttvas - Mans Zarathus: tra,Gautama Buddhe & Skythianos & in modern times the name of this society has been stolen & appropriated by cherlatens.But the true society exists & you can distinguish it from the false by the fact that never under any circumstances does it advertii itself to the public by the ancient name.You can recognise the true soclety only when you are adaitted to its ranks.Then rio e2 terns] proofs will de needed for it will be inpossible for you to doubt.Indeed,as long as you have in your mind a single doubt as to the status & authority of any soglety to whieh you may nc belong you can be absolutely certain of this:it is not the gen- uutne Le actaated of ADEPIS whereof we speak,no matter what may t s claina, No one can belong to the genuine Fraternity of ADEPTS who has not yet experienced the FIRST CRISIS. ror the SUPREME SECRET OF aLL PRACTICAL MAGICK ts knom to every true MASTER; it 1s in the custody of the original & true Fraternity é it eannot under any circunstances be communicated to one rho hé not yet experienced the FIRST CRISIS.Hence,no occult school car jbe an Outer College of the.' ORDER which does not provide in 4t systen an infallible wey to reach. the FIRST CRISIS, which 1s kn as the Attainment of the KNOWLEDGE & CONVERSATION of the HOLY, ' _GUARDIAN.' ,ANGEL.’. or .',DAIMON.In Alcheny this 18 ealled'the GREAT WORK or MAGNUM OPUS « he who accomplishes 1% posi jes tt PHILOSOPHER'S STONE & knows how to make the TRUE GOLD. But the occult guardians know how to guard. An ORDEAL accompanies each CRISIS; that which attends the FIRST is the MEETING, faee to face with the DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD, when one penetrates the VEIL FAROKETH which separates the Outer College from the Inner Colle of ADEPIS, This Threshold 1s not an imaginary line;1t is the si whieh divides waking from sleeping & life from death. ADEPISHIT is not conferred by diplomas! The ADEPT acquires consciousness waleh is ordinarily dormant,he unfolds new senses ‘by waich he can see & follow the soul when it leaves tho body after death 4 he 1s avake & aware while his physical body @ mind ave asleep. Initiate consciousness is graded & 1s of different sorte wnich correspond to the development of the different organs of the Cosnic-Man, which are definitely connected with the sveral organs of the physical man.Oriental doctrine describes these as Lotus Flowers oy Wheels. The FIRST CRISIS oscurs mhen t! ab loo- ated in the Heart-Center comes under conseious eontrel. Then cote Bye ses + a, Yours’ fraternally, i : "CF Qlerssall, ce 2 ©) ) SBORETARY. ed : Cherenion chib Headquarters Chicago, Daath 30 June ‘30 e.v. Care Frater.' .JAN:-. Thanks for your favour of June 29 with enclosure of one dollar. We are crediting you with the extra .50¢. Enclosed 1s the Probationer's Commission for Mr.Stephen Slesinski of Detroit. Please get his studies,affiliations, occult experience; age,and middle name if he has ones All this goes with the applicants request for the Neophyte's Commission so I shall not mention it again. Taanks for. your residence number; 1f you @lso have a phone where I could reach you it would be convenient. I don't know just when I can drop in on you,but will try to do so soon, All your Commission as a Neorhyte asks you to do 1s to make an entry nightly to consist of the exact thing you want most. You Pay _no attention to how, when, where,etc. you will succeed in getting what’you want - you simply recora your will,and leave the rest to Us+ Of course it ia not’s good polley to let Your actions and conduct contradict what you write in your MAGICAL RECORD, but nothing 18 said about that in the Commission,and if you get right to the heart of what you want there, it 1s impossible for your daily life to be contrary to your expressed volition, Yours as ever fraternally, CE Rusibh o- SECRETARY FRATER. ' «JAN Page Zero (TED) 3 Go) .B..G., 00000. Memorise, then burn this page, page zero, of this book. a 0000. The first PASS-NORD of the ZELATOR is THELEMA (OcANa); it refers to the force which opens the barriers above you; it 1s the greeting between Members of the Grade of Zelator but is not used below. Its numeration is 93. The second PASS-WORD of the ZELATOR is AGAPE (yarn) 5 it refers to the means of opening the barriers below you; /it 18 the reply to the greeting; it numeration 8 93-93/93+ 000, In personal contact with a stranger whom you may have reason 4 to suppose is a Member; while shaking hands look at the ears. If the other person then shakes the head, ask,"Why do you shake your head?" The proper reply is “Because I am not a Troglodyte“ Then you : may test with the word which is the greeting.(Thia procedure refers to the asininity and general stupidity of Troglodytes per se.) 00. In correspondence a Neophyte is discovered by the three dots. You can discover a Zelator as follows. Place a straight bine horizontally under the third letter of your surname when you sign a letter to the person you are testing. The proper reply 1s the same. Next time you write, put the Greck initial of the first PASS- WORD, in place of the line. The proper reply is the Greek initial of the second PASS-WORD. Then you are permitted to use the forma of communication revealed in the next section,possession of which is prima facie evidence of possession of the Grade of ZELATOR. 0. Always Observe the following rules when writing to Members of the Grade of ZELATOR and higher,tut not below. Date your letter v With the day of the month first, thén the month,then the year followed by the letters “evv," (era vulgaris = the common mode of reckoning). Salute your correspondent as “Care"(Dear)Soror(Sister)or Frater(Brother) and use his or her magical name as soon as you learn it. Next place | the numeration of the greeting;never write the PASS-WORDS themselves. After the body of your letter close with the numeration of the second PASS-WORD, and sign yourself “Yours fraternally" or “sororially" with your MAGICAL NAME,with a line under 1t drawn through the three dots, and below the line the number of your Name, In the loner leftahand gorner of thé page put your regular initials separated from the initial of-your MAGIGAL NAME by a line,thus:"CFR/@",and under this the exact hour and minute when you are writing the time when you finish the lottery Never put the magical name of your correspondent on your envelope,simply use his or her ordinary name;always seal your envelope with wax and some distinctive impression of your own cholces Ge! Be .G. © Page One (3ED) 1. Before any oral or written communication with a stranger a5 a preliminary always discover whether or not he or she is a Member of your own Grade and in good standing. Never use the formila of gommmiecation of any Grade below that Grade, Should any person commmnicate with you at any time who appears to know only. part of the formula of communication for the Grade he or she presumes to have, be careful and advise Headquarters, 2, Never discuss any information received under our Seal with any other Member before ascertaining that the other person has received the same information or its equivalent. No two Members of any Grade need necessarily be in possession of the same information at the same time, since the progress of no two Members is likely to be at the same rate. You may learn how far the other person has advanced by direct questions referring to an official paper of the Grade which you are- certain he or she has by name and edition and section. The number of the edition ig usually placed in the upper right-hand corner of the paper and in parentheses. Contents are referred-to as Libri, but except 1n the case of women are usually given in ‘the form of Official Orders. As soon as you learn to write in the Secret Script you may discover what another person knows by formating your interrogations in this silent speech. i 3+ Very little of what you have learned and will learn from us 1s mown to Troglodytes; that little has already been garbled by the appointed Guardians s0 as to be misconstrued. You are cautioned never to so speak or write that an outsider could learn ‘the secrets you are discussing.’ 4. You are put in touch with other Members not as an end but as @ means to aid your accomplishment of the GREAT WORK. Hence, although you do not, of course, preface your correspondence and conversation with a description of the GREAT WORK and the OATH-OF< TRUTH which always constitute your first entries in all your Records, yet remember these. 5. Sometimes a Member of your hierarchy fails to get some par~ ticular document at all when there is no special need or else some special reasoni but wherever no particular objection exists you may obtain said papers for the inferior by advising use 6. You should have burned page zero of this Book, but preserve this page (one). Z=2 refers to the TECHNIC of Comminication. The SUBSTANCE thereof 1s dealtswith in LIBER 8-8 (Silence & Speeechi also Seeret Script. Your first instruction in the mystery language is contaled in Liber B,which will be communicated the moment you give the true sign of being ready for it. Os OFFICIAL ORDER no. FRATER JAN.PAKOWAL Glass D (SED. 0. You were passed to the ZELATOR at 1:43 em (chicago D.SeTs),17 July 1930 ees! Your MAGICAL RECORD has been examined and approved. Study carefully the comment, The Grade of ZELATOR is primarily one of Service. You mst now, if you have not already begun to do 80, accept applicants and begin the formation of your own Magical Hierarchy, for you cannot pass beyond this Grade until you bring one of your own Probationers through the Grade of Neophyte up to the Grade of zelator, so that someone will be fitted to take your place as you go on and upe \ No attainuent soever, beyond that which you now have, is officially Fecognised by the .',ORDER unless your Immediate inferior has been prepared by you under our guidance to assume the Grade from which you are promoted. The one habit essential to Membership in the +',ORDER 1s that you regard all your attainments as primarily the property of those less advanced aspirants than yourself who are confided to your charge. Their failure is your own failure, You must become inspired with the purpose of becoming Initiated so as to help confer Initiation upon others. Every act which helps another attain breeds within your own soul a power which hastens your own attainment, 1.' .fo hola a high position within the .‘.ORDER it 1s very nece essary that you do not withdraw from the world, but rather observe the Rosicrucean rule of acting as a sophisticated person of the world. All Troglodytes are analogous to little chilarens You shall become fully adult in the deepest sense of the term, Initiation is all that you have ever conceived, and more, but it Page Two (96-D=5ED) \(eont.)= does not. conform to the categories and terms of your expectation. No matter what you receive or experience during Ealighthent, never under any circumstances abandon the sound dictates of common-sense that you have learned in the physical world, although you will learn a higher logic that applies to the supersphysical, Extreme danger to yourself and those bound to you will arise 1f you presume to run or fly before you have acquired the ability to stand upright and walk. Remember that you were already an Initiate of a certain Grade in previous incarnations. Do not allow the return now of any knowledge or Power hitherto earned to hinder your subsequent progress. 2. Your first duty as a ZELATOR 1s to choose a motto consisting © of one word = in any language = to stand for your own private conception of the GREAT WORK ~ to be used as your MAGICAL NAME as a Member of the G.'.B."+G+'+. As soon as you have definitely decided on this Name,which shall portray both secretly and openly the exact manner in which you are to. serve the .'.ORDER as a MAN (or WOMAN) -OF-EARTH, send it to us and your secret number will ‘be revealed to you. You are not permitted to change this Name before you experience the first CRISIS, 3. Prepare a separate blank*book, with BLACK COVERS, always in the manner prescribed, i.e- your first entry 1s the deseription of the GREAT WORK, and your second 1s the OATH-OF~TRUTH. All your Records from now on shall contain your new Name on the inside front uover, and your entries will be dated in the same way that you date your letters as a Zelator, In this book record all your results pertaining to the various things you may be commigsioned to do on the road to the accomplishment of the GREAT WORK. Let your remarke be brief, accurate, and scientific. Over your Magical Name in this ‘book place the word LIBER, e Page Three (96+D-5ED) 4. Prepare another Record in the same way, except that you label 1t Vol II instead of Liber (Your Magical Name). This W1ll be the second volume of your MAGICAL RECORD. (You may use the remainder of the first volume which 1s being retumed 1f there is any room left.) In it you will continue to make one entry each night just as you did while a Neophyte until further notices You will not,however, repreat any mistakes which have been called to your attention. You will strive to preserve strict unity, bring your desire to a point, avoid indefiniteAess and lack of precise concrete details and linke, and comply with any other instruction which is given yous You will give exact expression and utterance to your Will. As soon as you have proved that your entries are technically perfect you will be expected to keep the secret of your object also from us. Send an exact copy,including the dating, of the whole of your seventh entry to your immediate superior. In this work you are taking the first steps to bring to full, human, self-conseiousness the Power which resides In the Volition, which is an independent entity and mst be separated from its entangling alliance with the entities which reside respectively in the Feelings and Thoughts. The PANTAGIE 1s your destinyg your entries are all similar or different views of your destiny. In taking the responsibility for your destiny in your own hands you begin to make and master the weapon of the SPHINX known as the WAND. You will attain to real FREEDOM the more you create a destiny “which 1s quite different, unique, original, possible and désirable only to yourself. Alm to be and do something which no one else has tk ever been or done, or imagined. In so far as your. impulses to act, ee ee ee feel and think do spring from within, you will transcend the necessity of being guided and directed by higher powers end the laws of a nature external to you; you will incorporate and awaken Page Four (96=D-5ED) 4(cont.)~ these higher forces within your own being and become a law unto yourself. Let events only, not words, reveal to outsiders your decrees. You mst be very careful ‘to observe utter silence concerning your desire and aim everywhere except in your entry; there you mst be explicit and reveal perfectly what is in your will, 5. Prepare a third book and Label it Liber 0 (Oneiron), and record therein every dream you have. Use clear language hnd manage the expression so that not only yourself byt anyone else can see exactly what you mean and the Precise details of what happened. Distinguish carefully between the dream itself and all sorts of fancies: suggested while you are recalling its The consciousness of dreaming is termed ASTRAL, that of every-day wide-awake life is termed PHYSICAL. Your life in the physical world has caused you to connect different sensations, ideas, feelings, volitions,ete.and taught you a certain behavior whose opposite 1s contrary to physical interests. But the laws of the astral world are quite different to those of the physical When you enter the dream world you are present in a sphere whore the laws of physical nature and behavior no longer prevail. Therefore, to avoid bewilderment, you absolutely mst not take your physical logic with you; you must forget the laws and connections of physical consciousness while you are in the astral world. But when you wake- up again you must remember. and NEVER forget the experiences and logic you have learned while asleep, The moment you lose physical consciousness and fall asleep the world you have known splitssup into three different worlds. Physical logic is incapable of harmonising these three} you must learn the supersphysical laws which connect them and make them into a unity. When you return you will remember and apply this super-mundane logic towards improving your Life in the physical world. The. harder your bed the easier you will remember your dreams. You can, if convenient, put boards : Page Five (96-D-5B¥) 5(cont-)~ under your mattress, Also 1f you will put all the qualities, such as detall,clerity and fidelity, into your descript» ions of the events of physical consciousness,when conversing and writing, you will cause the same to emerge in the recollection of your dreams. Continue Liber 0 until further notice. Send. is a cory of the seventh entry. 6. In order to establish contact with the beings who manifest in your dreans perform the following exercise which will develop clairscient powers: Just after awakening, remin quiet and meditate thus: attach your attention persistently to any part of the dream which presents itself. Hold the experience and say to yourself:"I'am watching this phenomenon and keeping my mind fixed upon it,so that it shall reveal to me what it really is." Do not under any circumstances allow yourself to stop thinking or to stop thinking thoughts which directly relate to what you are watching, which 1s immediately present in consciousnesss The beings who manifest in the figures of the dream are not ak all what physical consciousness imagines them to be. By your own inner activity.a light is shed upon the event while you regard it and think about it,which shall reveal the real attributes of what you regard. J» The .‘.ORDER consists of twelve Grades or degrees, represented ‘by equations; composing three groups or Golleges of which the outer is known as the G.'.B.*,G.'. and consists of five Grades. When you have experienced the first ORISIS,and successfully passed the ORDEAL-X,you enter the middle or inner Group of Grades known as the COLLEGIUM AD SPIRITUM SANCTUM,and to initiates throughout the world as the genuine R.'.¢,'. Fraternity,which 1s also the custodian of the true secrets of all Rites of Masonry. As a Zelator you will begin to study the formila of the ROSY. GROSS. Page One. 20 (0.495 =D) ed by your, Immediate. - -"& you wee paseed to. "tna abede ‘or. ZELATOR et. cA 3. A.W chiens, Hel 2 any clrounstatices deviate from or. to! tho rules &' methods preseriped. - your Magleal Hlerarehy who are-confided to your charge. ‘Their failure is your. faniure: Te bedenbhe Tale tees “py conferring TaLti#tlon upoa others: this ie the one &: only way to escape becoming & BLACK:BROTHER: for the secret of pasaing the Berriers above you lice in opening. those Polow;to those below & without the pale. This 4s ‘the PYLONIC LAW ~-BALANCE BY AN-AGT HELPING TO INTTIAPE< : ” araw from the world, but sathoesin: e-Wactoran & aROST= CRUGIAN, plunge ‘boldy 4nto mundane affairs & conduct ‘yourself in all eircunstances precisely like a sophia- |. 8)" theated man or woman of the: woyAds, Any: awkwardness: or» EOE fee ae “Aneongruity tn material matters constitute a deadly feux pas. Adequately vend ‘your glory & the joy ‘that t dwells within, by weer ing. °0 tently tho mask of conven= “tonality lest: the especial Foros generated by your Magick Art leak away & waste: Atgere in futile attacks, < ently manage the show called "olvilisation” dre many: & Xmown: the chosen ones are zew & secret: but WE rule a the many & the known, Remenber shat Genius or Godhead may bs mistaken by the merely casual observer for Madness: True oocult expérlente never oveurs to any one who 1s not absolutely sane & sound in every réapeat a - arises through a super development of the bulman brains’: ‘But this is so strange that prouature aisouission of your experience with anyone bat your own 1.9. 4 strict forbidden, lest vhe delteate mechaniem of the gpiritua Mapryo suffer injury duc to an tinbétanced ‘ontentation 4m vie now world, Only tiiose who preserva those eau : ‘brium in ‘both ‘the eénsipie & a pivestediante aotereny, re So-live & enjoy-a healt : Rol? mack thoué who nejleat to eltivate who ability $e ae cope Bt aaterisl ¢ircumstanies, sho sede In che : of the aupersenolbie! some com enbation for the end fact tm every way you can, so that you can survey your wo physical environment without shane or tear. If you. neglect. to do this you' will fall-a prey to che Ahriman: ; (+5 le powers» Indtezerence’ to whe physical pio matter roe : aus whet uotive, 1s an angult to your HOLT." -DATWOR. 3 4-0 Es During your ccoult careér you will be ieught | LORDS OF INTTTATION' a quite new LOGIOK which 4: to the Hyperphyatcal-Extrens danger both to ¥ Bee “all bound to you may arise 1f you presume to run or fly before you can stand upright & walk. Tn previous anoar= nations of your Soul you were already an INETIAT! of a particular Grade,else in this life*you would:never have | OQ found your way: into the .',ORDERs Beware now lest the return or recollestion of the previously earned power & kmowledge interfere with your subsequent: Progress. For, wita only what you had gained when you would. but. repeat. - the same mistake formerly’ made whigh accounts for the * fact of your now retracing your ‘steps. Your. Destiny is” eyelie & the same fentliar story reverberate over & = over again, even te the minutegt fragmentary detalles = eternal & tarinite: Welody’ of ‘the Universe,according | -to the Plan of. the Twelve- Macrocosmic Lords: This 5 “Fhythm terrestrial,of which ‘night & day, sXeeping &" waking, memory & forgetfulness, ego & alter-ego, are. _. examples, is led to-a certain point by cosmic ‘poxers Fo <<. ‘working on EARTH from outside. The crucial point 1s” oe reached when THEY enter into the EARTH & work frow -within: then the ARTE ‘becomes an Independent & self-.-: conselous Entity. A Thing with an B40,or “I*,of which > Mankind is the only concrete Earthly instance,1is one Which 1 aware of’ its-om separate existence or anai-'~ viduality because the force determining its career dwells not without but within, Four bodies only are oO important during the Earth's present incarnation == the PHYSICAL (Mineral), ETHERIC (Vitel or Vegetal), ASTRAL (Star or Aniusl) & the BGO (Epirit). tese <2 2 | correspond respectively to the. Elements,EARTH, WATER, AIR & FIRE of the Alchemists: 412 creatures have all ~ thea bodies;but in minorel eubstances only the Physical : or the forces of ihe Element of Earth ia: incarnate, 1.80: dwells within. Ta the plant the forces which work within are both thysical 4 vtheric, the other two dwell outside, Animals have within these & also the astrel body, but not the ego,which is vhe seat of momory-Conaequently brutes ~ - have no mewory. The phenomena interpreted as memory in eg. a dog are simply reaction to certain stimil1 either Pleagant-or pinful,but are not evidence’ of avtual ‘Reneabering, which posits. the prosence’ of an’ Egos You™ Soul can acquire thé ‘needed eisiatty, soliaity;tirmogs. & weight & endurance to penétrate the VEIL which hides the superphysical only during its sojourn in the physical world. Without thie back-bone which only the physical cen permanently construct the Soul could not hold itself erect’ & overcone thé gravitation which tends to keép 1t crawling on all-fours. After death of the physical: body no further progress is possible until a new incarnation. Man in then in an intermediate condition similér to 2 sleep, including stages similar to dreaming,until he ‘ awakeris again-upon a New Zerth, Man’ finds within himself his om ceiter of gravity,within the Element of FIRE which ‘pulls the EGO & by.this invisible fulcrum rearranges at ¥ill the relations of his planets & 1s the Greator of hig own Universes Thus only can that which gave birth to the © “< present incarnation. of EARTH & called the "Cosmos of Wisdom", become that which,callea the "Cosmos of Love® Ag’ the womb of the new EARTH, in ovcult science, techni- > - cally termed “Jupiter,as the \ast incarnation was termed — “yoon".. For, Love: ts born only through the "I". when Wigdom works’ no longer ‘from without but enters into vhe..- Soul-4 acts from within 1t manifests as Loves LOVE 18 THE DAW, LOVE UNDER WILL.’ Man's independende grows'as he, hiti-" Saif; takes chadge\" Hitherto the soul wae Iedjese Lith “Tn eaul thood" tee the Veal of, the. Seuotuary: Of thé: Gnosis. By your: “perience “the ‘FIRST CRISIS, witch Secure when “you penctra’ exclusively devoted ‘to that which-dwells ‘within: tee’ full “grown vigor’ each tmenbeing™ shail om ‘Voluntary-action & the force of your om Creative Wand the HOLY VIRGIN shall become the MOTHER OF wOD. Hitherto, you‘were Initiated by others. Henceforth,you - shell mike & use your own Formila of Initiations sAbrogate are all the old rituals,ordeals,words & signs. ¢ RA-HOOR-KHUIT ‘hath taken His scat in the East ab the EQUINOX OF THE GODS & HOOR in His secret name & splen- dour 1s the Lord Initiating. Lack of sesitiveness alone can present an hum-drum aspect of daily life. In the Heart of Humanity resides the Destiny of all creatures. The sun of midnight 4s ever vhe'son in Hig Heme ie a splendour hidden’ glorious. Unless you have the courage. to take full responsibility ror others' destinies, you are not yet ready to asstime comand of-your om, nor can You possibly wield the Sceptre, the double wand of power, dre willing to.sit’on the throne betwoen the Es. pillars which uphold the world. IIT. Your own MAGICAL NAME in the Collegium Externua - both openly & Qabalisticaliy portrays. the exact manner in which you shall extend the ."/ORDER, revealed in ‘your own Gosnice-Conaciousness as a Gosmic-Hen, ab a MMT or WOMAN-OF-EARTH:& 180 the FormiiLa ‘of’ jour ‘own Attainment, the Beeret RIbe whigh NEMO aloke understands You will not be permitted to changeit before you ex : as a Human’ Being 1s shewn by: he: fact ‘that you!can a0; what no inferior being can do, “you can name ‘yourself. : Bitherto;you were elven iio vole at your ow diristening.® the ‘MAGICAL Awe -chosen by & for™ yourself. is the . dreative Word. an & through * “which you shall discover the = Spells which pina & enchant all creatures of the Barth & ‘0° " qmaer the Barta, on dry Lend ® in the Water) of whirling.” aie & of rushing Fire & evéry Sepll & Scourge of God the Vast Ones shall be. obadtent unte you & the keys of ite & = Death; of Heaven & of Hell are placed in your hands. : XVII. The SUBSTANCE of your Task in the Q.teBetaGet. is to make & use. the Power of the SPHINX known as the PANTAGLE, ‘This word means “1ittie-A11",being a diminutive of the Greek, "PAN". The Magical Number of the Pantacle is 333, for the Gnostic Formula 4s three-fold & each part thereof is a trinity. The original Pantacle consists of tho Supreme Trinity == HADIT, who 1s uhe ULTIMATE PARTIOLE; NUIT, who is Infinite Space & the infinite stars thereof; “g the ATW SUPh AUR, which 1a thet pure Ligit, called BLAGK, which penotrates all. bodies as a Holy & Formless FIRE S (QADOSCH). Hence, the Pantacie,as a whole, 1s HERUARA-HA, “which combines RA-HOOR-KHUIT,orHorus, the Lord of force & “9 Pire;with HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT, or Harpoorates, the, Lord of Lo) -\Bidence & Seerecy. Ité Eidolon is a Béarlet Heart girt ~~ with an Eucrald ‘Serpent, representing not only all Substance put also‘ all Activity,not only ‘all Space but also'all Tine In the*Holies Book of thé Ancient Qabalah,the siphra TZen= jit Ae‘ writtens"Beforé there was Equiuibrium;” ot Countenande” ‘These two Counte- ‘= symbolised ty the Gross, hich’ sigatries: ‘Doth the death -(& the ‘resurrection of the,,Baviour; the extension an’ Matter of the Individualized Self,that indivisible point “whteh hath no parts,nor magnitude, determined py -refer= ; : cele te thd Four Quarters. Tis ‘Formula enables it to express Ate Secret Salf; its-aew failing on the Rose - Aa developed in due.season into an Image of Itself; a ‘Aikeness to generate the purified & perfected Pantacle, the APOTHEOSIS OF @HE ULETHATE ‘PARTICLE, which enables .- "Gountenance to behold Gountenance”, Microprosopus to be Adentitiea with Maeroprosopus , OSIRIS (Asar-un- Nefer) with AMOUN, the Supreme & Concealed One , at “the consummation of whe Cosmic Sacrament. V. Tne TECHNIC of. your Task-in the ¢.'.B'.G.', is to make & use three books,or Records,like your first ohe,cach with BLACK covers & each prefaced with your own revised & Improved definition of the GREAT WORK & your OATH OF TRUTH, which 1s: indeed’ Magical & cannot ‘be « brokens By means of this Oath alone your secomplishnent of the @.¥. 15 guaranteed. on the Anatde’ rront covers of - each book write your MAGICAL NAME (as soon as confirmed) & Number & Use this Name & Number’ in your Oath & every- thing perteining to your business & activity as MAN-OFs EARTH or wouay-oP-zanma, which title designates a. Member’ of the Outer. College, regardless of Grade. Always date & time each Entry as aiready prescribed. VI. Preyare,as directed, one ‘of these three books by -mpiting over your MiNe on the inaide of vhe front coversthe vord LIBMR; wien 4s Latin for book". “Thia?! Record shall*be rete: s00n es we approve’ of your pommonton LIBER- ie © 4s Given you as soon as your T-S.notifies us thet you” are-reaay for it. This Record, walch may. run-into-more than’ one Volume, shall @1d0-be used to report the ‘Pirst Magical Retirement’ & your work in connection with the MAGNUM OPUS , as ‘directed*in LIBER A & other docu mente. “WII. Tae second of your three books shall be the con= tinuation of your i.Rs Label it Vol-Is,your first = -being Yol.0, & use the rest of whe book which contains your first volune a6 long ae you have room, then get another book,label 4t YolsIZ, et al (the munerels rol- ~ lowing the order of the ATUS as given in Liber Y). Thus wil] you continue to make one Entry each & every night Just before retiring , as prescribed in the Neophyte's Commission, until further notice. (‘iis,however,need not be for long if you active in building up your Mag- teal Hierarchy.) While you are a ZELATOR, observe the following procedure ~ AB Es 2 caret en ge as toe (3) Mako" vhe SIGN OF HE ZELATOR (see below). 4) Make the Entry. SHE SIGN OF: THE ZELATOR - Raise the arms ‘to a level with the shoulders @ bring the hands across the breast,yalns™ - towards you & tips of fingers & thumbs touchtng,so as to _ > formthe Triangle of Water,apex down, (This 16 the posture Of “the Goddess Auramoth & refers to the Element of. Water, “whose laws govern the Etheric or Vital Body - LIWGAs > ° SHARTRAs) You will observe this same Drocedure when you ‘make your Entry during the next two Grades,oxcept that | you a make the SIGN OF iHE GRADE which you have, “If yore ‘in personal touch with yoiir 1/8. he or “she” VII(concl)- will exemine your Entries from time to times to determine if your work calis-for Ldber B, or 1f you are faithful’ to the same; ‘otherside with each letter to your I.95 submit on a separate sheet an exact copy of the whole; including the dating & timingjof just one Entry, the last made. before writing the letters.As.soon — as your I;8,. perceives that your TECHNIC 1s firm & correct you will be advised not to subalt any more cop- “4e8 but to keep your Entries entirely secret even rrom Us, but you shall continue to’ make them;rogardless of © : what, happens,or what Gradé you attain in the meantime, = right up to the FIRST ORISTS. XI. When writing your Magical Esntry’ the person you are talking-to is your HOLY.’ ,DATMON.*,° Al] that you are supposed to do is~to tell the Truth about what you really want, whatever thht may bes If you find the “Task irksome it is a sure sign that you are not telling the Truth, for no one can find it tiresone bP. tedious to @iscuss' something which he really wants . If you do not derive pleasure & even enthusiasm in this exercise somé=-~ thing 1s radically wrong, for if yournants & desires are not, thrilling even in the ‘contemplation then you are not. « face to face with them. Note this point carefully & re- % ei _ Yise & improve your Entry so that it really docs express your inmost craving. Preserve strict unity. in your aim. & bring all your desires to a point. Avoid ind~“initeness & Jack of precise concrete details & links in rose: pio sey “ask: yow are working to bring:ful1 human’ self-consetousness: 2 & manifestation to one of the three Powers which dwell in’~ Your MAGICAL BEING, that which resides in your VOLITION; which 4g itself an independent entity & his to be atgon- tangled from the misalliances formed,by your daily habits. \& Dehaviour;with the other two entities witch dwell in the FEELINGS & THOUGHTS. Your WAGICAL ENTRIES constitute the specific instrament to loosen:the connecting threade, but other @xercleses will be given you vo preserve your equi- librium & furnish us with certain signs: needed to mark the -time to: give you further instructions, So, to any extra ‘tasks,tring the same energy & devotion to che TRUTH ais- played 4n making your PANTAGLEs As you decree,’ go shall 4% come to Dass; The Powers of the SPHINX are in a manner identical, thus in taking control of the PANTACLE you do indeed ‘begin to make & master the Weapon called the WAND, You’ will reach FREEDOM & HAPPINESS sooner, the more you atrive to write a destiny for yourself & shape a port ‘which is Gite unique, original, peculiar & exclusive to yourself. Be & do- something which'no. one. else has ever been;donc,had or even imagined, something superlative which ‘no one. else but you can realise or coula be or’ ao, INDIVIDUALITY is hs" onary diary, It is your MAGIGAL RECORD, wherein you make your: Verbal PANTACLE & write your destiny.) In this part of your — Big G.'.Bs',Gs*, XVIT,10 =D Page Fourteen (0,19, ED) = of your om Fate,for free-will is ident= ified with necessity when thet necesstty ie inmost; your nature is to surpass Nature. Freeing yourself from extern- #1 necessity you become a Self which necessitates the exe vernal. The pert you play in the cosmic symphony 1s fizea, Dut created by yourself. Aim to be the champion of the worlé in whatever you undertake! You are now travelling vhe read to Genius, let your aims & choice eaibit the quality of Geniue. IZ, The @ynamic aepoct of vhe PANTACLE exhitite the wsole coures of the Universe,all that which 1s 2 was # 4s to come, This formule 18 dymboliseé by the letters, ¥OD (I) HE (H) vAU (V) HE (H), called the neme or formula TETRAGRAMMATON. Tho formation of the YOD is the forme the Father, Who ie called self-begotten,unto whom it 1s sald: "Thou ulation of the zirst creative force, that hase vormuletea thy Father & ma fertile thy Mott of tbat ¢ HE to the YOD is the marri cat co-equsl Mother,who relfects NUIT as He does HA DIT. Their union brings forth the son, YAUsimo is the heir. (See Liber Q for further ayeterics hidden in thie forme.) Hin miasion is. to r: edeem her by naking her hie bride, The result of this is to cot her ROPACEe Cen reawaken the eld of the All-Feth Atma(I), Buchi(H) H: Y Menss (finsl H). Also the I ir iotters,I-H-V-H, correspond sease(V) & Loy H is: the ‘Pel body (Keme-Rupa),V is the otherie o- vitel boéy (Linga-sherira) & t: 1 is tho shysical-mineral body (Sthule-Sharira). worlds are res- Spectively Atzinitn( Ar Creative) Yotuiran 6& ‘eien in fourth section ‘of Fart TE of Bodie ae ela catertete usually. PLAGE othe ouaitanxs atthe ip tnaced a decradation;tor id outdad dan ogouronly at. < the vend, the fined ‘ABOTHNOSIS, a5 indicated on the preceding — Pages For the Shin( gh) u | the: comson’ explanation & the erat there. is the dame dl frorenc i lations of the Elonenta = FIRE,ATR WATER EARTH — cuen as modern scholars form a & that Living;moving | experience OATH OF TRUTH, 3»: tioue, you shal} what may, 16% only wist ‘taybaiejnsinee9 Your. words, shay to outsiders what these decrees arow Learn to keep your mouth shut’ tight about what da. clearly & ee ically nobodyselse*s business$ wee XI, Your third ‘book, prepared as directed, will be - labelled & called LIBER 6 (fo(7 Oneiron) in nich you will keep an exact & detatiea Recount of each &\ ising clear language. & so'managing the expression that the experienca is every area yoa have from now on, lucid to. the reader. Deseribe the scenery,charavters, & figures that appear. Narrate the dream events & ad= venturei & convey the dramatic. plot & sequence. Analyse 2 recoré the impressions, thoughts, words, emotions, voLi- tions & actions that ocour during the dream, but’ do not include any commént or attempt any explanation or iio terpretation,nor expect your 1.8. to do so,before a. certain stage id reached. Distinguish keenlywhile re- calling between the dream itsclf,wich alone is to be recorded, & all sorts of farties suggested by the re- colléction, Your entries in your LEBER 0 shall bo works of art embodying the dream in appropriate wordaymaster= pieces of vesting wilose: ette bon the reader, shad 1 ae° “woven with the karma of your previous incarnations & “given as you enter or leave whe superacnsible, obey or. phyeten. events: &. whORS “interpretation: wer’. 86) 4a: ) Peally, the’ sane,yot: not tuithely relationships'& the: / néaning is elear to only those wid! undératend the) = oe SECRET SCRIPT which constantly written & spoken by the entities within the events, environment: & phenomena of every-day Lifes Mie catises & laws Of ‘she dream seqic- conces are totally mlixe the reasons apparent for any Whysieal event which could extibit itvelf in the same ‘terms of Impression. Hence, ao not at present-strive to Judge the dream by any: physical standard. It is close! that you are now building for the future. Simply record” the dream just as it happens ’& as soon as possible afterwards, © XIII. The Threshold between waking & sleeping is the | Same that divides life & death & the physical from vhe superphysical world. Until you become aware of the DYELLER who stands thereon @ oan héar the warhing —~ y literally as well es you can the warning we now give you not %6 take over that Thresiiola your physical log+ ick,else in) that other world you canno’ escape bewlld= erment. The moment you lose waking consolousness & fe11 asleep Jouare Andeed in the very same world of da! cognition (APSU), but 1b ig spliteup into three ait ont: spheres, the physidal,the astral & the poiritaad, G."sB.4.G, "6 XVIE, 10 -D Page Twenty (0,19, ED) (HirI) cont-_ “smonise tho three spheres when eifger- entiated &-their connecting threeds loosened, ‘Then e- veke the three powers of your persounlity ave ‘co-ord~ mich veeide in inated in their activity by torces maye 6 & vhoir inherent egse » When you leay nd you theze materisl fadte & enter the eu- peresnsible world the co-ordination you need ie to Yound in she facts which impabit that ¥ cher world , not in the f ela you have le find you. A 2 is clas give FOU. When you return strive to beng beck vith you ee auch you van of wh valle For 24 ls thie Logi apheres togetuer into fail in the orgesls. elmaye eaerge from Spheve of TIAMAT & you vhs] encer vbis comein. clously & during the éeyetime, but only as you de= relop the ability to inhibit the Apsueconsciousness, by. taining in your memory the ac the super- the. memory.of'the anyway confusé §? your daily lire. Study to behave. yourself: in both worlds: You shall be fully awake in the supersensible,both in sleep & in weking,in direct ratio to your fidelity in all conduct ~ volition, feeling & thinking-- 60 as to cone struct the panorama;plot’& experiences of life - in which veally dwell the immortal personality, the .* DATHON -. Secording to mupernundane laws revealed to you by Enti- ties whose presence is immanent & whom you can perceive the instant you become convinced that’ they do exist. In this way shall you pess safely through the Ordeale. For your true Home is right hers on EARTH,which reflects the HEAVEN. But this reflection is not mechanical but a live ing one, growing by the character of EARTH herself & supplied with vitality by the energy of FARTH. You are sn EARTH-BEING, descendant of ADAM = NEVER FORGET IT? You ascend to heavenly regions,not to get away from Earth but to bring down the inspiration for Earthly teske - for the purpose of uniting that which is superior with that which is inferior,es Hermes,the Thrice Great,hath written in his Emerald Tablet. As you assuze your full stature as a CosuiosNan, a TEITAN, do not neglect your duty which is to regenerate the world,your little sister, your heart & your tongue. The dangers of self-deception that wat beside the road to continuity of consciousness are fearful indeed,for the forces (Luciferic & Ahrimanic) which would seduce or frighten you away from the atraight & narrow path to lose yourself in the mazes of the astral Plane or in the other direction where things are denser ‘than in the physical, are both neceasary elements of your” z pL) = -whole ‘ance of powers ‘XIV. me degree | of hyperphysical consciousness: which yous fovean Peach ip. determined whéliy. by: yoursconduct'& by sine qualities you cultivate’&etrengthen in’ the: physical: “world. Rogara everything you'do asa stone in she: struct- tre of the cosmic eitadel, the everlasting fortress you are establishing to bridge the ABYSS between the mater- ial -& immaterial worlds from which to fight the battle >for the sake of the FREEDOM OF .HE ULTIMATE PARTICLES. Xour job 4s to make the universe Human, The specific ex= ee ercise to help you in this is to inject faithfully clar~ ity into the detaiis of your descriptions of events, =o » scenes & thoughts while conversing & writing of Apsuc Every. time you mention soitething in the physical world oa : tell the Truth about it. Then you will find this same ao admirable attribute belongs to your recollection & des- seription of the world of ‘TIAMAAT. And as you daily do what you Jmow 4s right,rejecting firmly every counter- suggestion,you Will stimilate & hasten the growth of your‘intuition of what actually ia right & proper. You will find thet the laws:of the moral world have @ tan- gibility in PIAMAAT & are no lesd inviolable & strictly” ‘enforced than the physical laws you know-you must obey. An APSU. ‘You’ cannot impose your own prejudices or fancy upon the facts of vhe physical world. Active recognition of.this truth w111 help 4mensely to thin the vell of the superphysieal,for devotion to logick & reasoning ine. warm-hearted manner ehlists the aid of ‘all the cosmic Forces, for your Attainuent is as much THEIR interest as. site most suscosstuliy. ‘energenctes: in ‘the, superdensibie = Keep pace: synohronousiy swith’ the: formation: of ‘thie: sabe ‘ of obeying novel laws while in the 'scnsibis. For, tne. GUARDIAN OF GHE. THRESHOLD;camnot’ hola one: back except. #0 oncure cultivation of pertain qualities through con- tact with the mhysical & allow one to become fertilised with certain seed-forces which can be-drawa only from APSU. His duty is to prevent spiritual abortions, You ~ » DATHON by a life of TRUTH & weaken the chains which would bind you to the DEVIL by abjuring all Falsehood. Thus do you get ready to face tho WELLER ON iHE THRESHOLD with clear~ conseiousness & a conscience free fron dvery stain of must strengthen the LINK with your om shame & fear. ‘XV. As a practical measure you will find that the hard- : er your bed, the easter will be your recollection of your dreams. For,then you sleep more soundly & awaken more abruptly. Then,you can penetrate farther into the consciousness of deep sleep, During the day-time your astral body & your EGO receive forces from the external “Moria which they’ transform into a ‘subspance which gooey on working in the physical & etherlc bodies after you |) ere,asleep.& the astral with une Bd0 have wltharawn dato os ss the external world. When this. substance is exhausted or when the vorces of the paysicsl: threaten to unter the body (which would mean physical death) you must re-enter your body & wake-up. But during your absence you have | been in the. world of Time journeying backwards, not. for- © ‘wards. In the physical the direction of time is just-op- > sitet that traversed when 4n ‘the spirituel. Abrupt: “of tie Bo a’ astyal ‘from the ‘past to the preset being ” “An thé partjallysawake consolowsnesd’ of ordinary \dréams~ Tins -the ‘reverberations of the spiritual; ihe echoes of: your supersensible experiences in deep sleep, are pres sented in clearer, stronger pictorials than. when the wak- ing 1s gradual. Tals is why when awakened suddenly by 2 loud noige-such as a shot or bang which startles, one usually passes through @ sequence of dream adventures < which appear to occupy @ long vime & actually lead up | to the shook which srousas one & in e rational mamer. In that case one has been forced to retraco ones steps fromthe point way back 41 the past to vhe present moR- | ent in order to unite the EGO & astral with the physical & etheric bodies & Time,like Space,is not discrete but oO continuous» Bo XVIs Continue your Liber 0 until further notice. Unless Your ToS. hes‘ ready access to the book,nake & send with each letter to your I,3.-an exact copy, including - the dating 4 timing, of ihe whole of just one Entry, your last,made in Liber 0,before. writing the letter. ‘ Io The 0" .ORDER consists of twelve Grades or degrees, each represented by an Equation & a Name. These. Twelve comprise three Colleges of which the G.'.B.'.Go% is the Outer, technically referred-to as the Collegium . - ‘Externum & includes the five lowést Grades of the o%. ORDER, When you have experienced the. FIRS? CRISIS, which will be discussed at: theproper time & have successfully ‘passed the firet degree of the ORDEAL, - X, you will en) ter. the mid@le.or inner College, teclmically referred-to | + Intermm & b¢ admitted to the nit) COLLEGTUL rToM Ane depts & Initiates all /over the world a6 ROSY". GROSS." s FRATERNITY: width 4s: a18c i B “oof the true secrets ofall ‘those Rités which have ‘be-_ come distorted & confused in Free-Masonry,Catholiciem & various Pagan lysteries. As a Méuber of the Oute> ‘College you will’ begin to study & apply part of the ‘Rete! + Formula in order to determine your fitness to become a Member of the Ro's6.°. Itself & during Your second Grade in the Collegium Intermim,you will ‘Yeceive the SUPREM SECRET of AJ, PRAOTIGAL MAGIOK, which never falls of its effect. During your present Grade further instruction is aue you just es soon as we receive from your I.8. copies of one entry fron each of your-new books. As soon as you have grasped at least intellectually the instruction so fav given you & as long ae you rewain in good standing you will be put In touch with other Members in your om class who kam have reached your om Greds & perhaps higher, ‘& you will ce permitted to use the CLUB letter-neads “From now on you will be given ell help & advice abso- | -lutely free of charge so that you may be competent to eid & guide the Members of-your om MAGICAL HIERAROHY. who are confided to vour ‘chargs. Your personal ad--- vancement in the iter College is automatically. regu- dated by your eagerness & activity in helping others. Your Inferlors' ridelity to their Consissions affects, & effects your own progress as well as theirs & bj. Perfectly performing your own Task by all the eight & ninety rules of art you can make it micheasicr for f own disciples. INES, tho true Nobility, “tné genuine Kings & Queen, the THELENITES,are those who can command the enthust- astic obedienee of others: because ‘they; themselves, ‘re= a : main awake nights whot those others aré asleep or me - "- thoughtless,plamning to do for. thea what they are’ too careless or unable to do for thénselves. but which & they lmow is the very thing they want done. The Gradé : “of ZELATOR is conspicuous as one of SERVICE! XIX, GRADUUM MONTIS ABIZGNI + the Task of the Aspirant from Probatdoner to Adept & beyond to the ULTIMATE ATTATNMERT. : - Any Troglodyte, who is discreet & ambitious, may be= come a PROBATIONER upon recommendation by a Member of ‘ eny Grade, or by applying direct to Headquarters, by pay ing the enrolment fee of one dollar & furnishing the re- quired date ,vlz - name in full, age, address,list of ~ 2D oeult books & courses studied, names of docult focietics. ~~ + joined, with a brief outline of his or her occult} exper— < dence if any. ‘f 0. 0°: 114 ms accspray FRORATIONER procures the HAGIGAL RECORD & writes \herein the name-in full, thé. OATH OF TRUTH & the private definition of the GREAT. WORK- This.aone;he or she applies to the Is8. & becom 192 108 me MEOPHYTE 15 entitiea to use the three do makes seven consecutive MAGICAL ENTRIES a6 seriped,then delivers the M-R. with’ the final fee of dollars’ to the 1,8, who then communicates the two Pi WORDS with the content of LIBER Z-Z & directs the 62 date to select a Word"for ihe MAGICAL NAME & passes Neophyte to - : 6, : 2°: ofl the zmaoR, wiose M-Re 18 approved at Héadquai vt i tora,has the WN, confirmed & ite munbor atv. Beene “the M.R, ds returned to the 1.8. wth paper XVII, fOeD & Se / ilber M'for whe new Zelator & in map rare cases Liber Bo Then the'Zelator makes & uses as directed Vol.I of the - HeRo,Liber 0, & as goon as instructed,Liber .N. & be=. gins niow,if not already begun, the formulation of the - ‘Mis or Dynasty, which shall develop tle Force needed to. “gtrengthen the Cendidate to endure the Ordeal of Meeting “the GUARDIAN OF ‘THE iHRESHOLD. Liber J-J & Liter E may. be commmicated during this Grade by an I.S._ wag has himself-or herself received ‘them,put only with the approyal of Headquarters. As soon as the Yelator. passes: one of the Members: of the M.H. to Zelator,hé or. she” Seat i Sse Be Z i “in the three Books & is given Liber ¥. a etial Hexagram; must complete his or her intellectua. training in any way that the I,8s advises by executing A special Task in the Sphere of HOD &\1n particular st the HOLY QABALAHs Duting this Grade especial work which: was done on the Etheric or Vital. Body during the Grade of Zelator is carried over into the Astral or Star Body, | Then,as soon-as one of the Member’a own Zelators becomes -@ Practicus,the Member is raised to the Grade of = os °. : 4° 7 me pam.osoPiUs, who must Learn to control the one = Attractions & Repuleions of the WAGICAL BEING. by “developing especially the force of the BGO & projecting BaoSes the MAGIOAL LINE by exeouting Liber I & by bringing to ce perfection all work previously assigned & is tested in 2 : DEVOTION to the .°.0RDER. Then the I.S. communicates LIBER A,with other necessary documents,usually bub not. alvays LIBER AVD,LIBER GESTORUM,LIBER CHAMELEON, for ‘the First MAGICAL RETIREMENT, which the Philosophus then un~ : : dertakes with the purposo of. Attaining the Knowledge & ‘ ; Conversation of the HOLY,".DAIMONs*.,who is his or her. own immortal & true SELF. When the Record of this Worke ing is approved at Headquarters, the Candidate 1s passed to the Grade of DOMINWS LIMINTS, which is the highesi Grade in the G."-Bo’oGe°s, whose sole task aside from guiding the I.Ts is to perfect & practice often that Secret Rite, self-instituted, which establishes essenilel intimacy & identity with the .'.DATKON & cannot be to1d or oven divined by any other of any Grade whatsoevers > Working with the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE, the Aspirant learne 7 ywho he or she really ie & becomes aware of a consecrated F ‘ course & is confidently ready to run it. This consecrat= oven don then confers the Grade of - S : s 52 oo me ADEPTUS MINOR, which is the first Grade of the es Collegium Internum, Tho Asis needs little help cr. : @iidence from Superiors; attains through "Initiated ~~ Imagination" to the consefousness of the SPIRIT-SELF > (Higher Manas} & is able to create directly through the mediun of thoughts; enters the COLLEGE OF THE ROLY GHOST & becomes - + * 6°: 5° me ADEPTUS MAJOR, who obtains generel mastery. of practical Megick, including comprehension & use. of © the Revolution of the Wheel of Force,under its three suc= cessive forms of Radiation,Gonduction & Convection (Mer- : eury, Sulphur & Selt - of Sattvas,Rajas & Tamas) with : thelr corresponding natures on other planes, such @3 in i “the Art of Healing; atteins through. "Initiated Inspirate sos ion".to the consciousness of the Life-Spirit(Budni). & learns to. create directly. through ‘the medium of speech: During this Grade the A.M. learns the nature & use of the Seven Black Magical Forces & must establish relat- ions either uprightly or aversely with the Seven Great Princes of Evil who appear on the circumference when ‘the : axis of the protoplasmic particle 1s made to coincide ‘ with that of the geoplasnic. 3 oa | 0:2 4 = The ADEPTUS EXEMPTUS completes in perfection all.

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