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Day III Devotion

What is your purpose for playing!

Colossians 3:23-24
Object Lesson: Bring in trophy and ask who would like to play a basketball game to win a trophy. Tell of a trophy that I won in grade school, but it broke and now it is gone. Trophies do not last. Should winning a trophy or even a state championship be the reason that we play sports? Why do you want to play sports? What should our purpose be for everything we do? (Read Colossians 3:23-24 - Work with all your heart to use your gifts to serve God in all you do. Give God your best in all you do! That means in basketball, in school, in listening to mom and dad, in being nice to others, in everything! TGG To Gods Glory Remind them that we serve God in all we do to thank Him for what Jesus has done for us on the cross. He has given us the Victory! Prayer Thank you for this camp and for allowing us to study your Word this week. - Thank you for the abilities that you have given us and help us to use them wisely and always to your glory. - May your love for us show in all that we do and help us to be willing to share Jesus with others. - Keep us always close to you by staying in your Word always! - In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

5th and 6th grade option Show scene from Facing the Giants movie when coach
gives locker room talk through the death crawl scene. This part emphasizes the purpose for playing football. Before showing the video begin by asking students to share with a partner their favorite activity or hobby and what the purpose of participating in it is. Conclude devotion by reading Colossians 3:23-24 and discussing doing everything to Gods glory out of thankfulness for what Jesus did for us on the cross.

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