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Tuesday, August 9th, 2022

Topic: Present simple

SHE/HE/IT  -S, -es- -ies
Subject + Verb+ -s + Complement
Andrea takeS a shower in the morning.
Fernando have HAS a cellphone.
Manuel eatS pupusas.
Manuel and Andrea eat pupusas.
Jason goES to the beach.
Stacy doES the homework.
Stacy and Melany do the homework.

El verbo NO cambia cuando hablamos de 2 personas o más, solo será modificado con
los sujetos SHE/HE/IT.

Agregamos “s” al final del verbo a la mayoría de los verbos.
Agregamoos “es” al final del verbo, cuando el verbo termina en –ss, -x, -sh, -ch. –o.
Agregamos “ies” cuando el verbo termina en “y”, eliminamos la “Y” y agregamos “ies”.

Exercises: Change the verbs to the third person.

- Speak
- Enjoy
- Fix
- Jump
- Wash
- Catch
- Come
- Run
- Ride
- Fly
- Live
- Like

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