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Use black or blue pen
If caught cheating or breaking the rules below will result in a zero mark will be


o form of communication
it in the allocated seat
Olace all books on the floor
ro not disturb other students

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c (  cc


 c* !ccc +#c
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1:  U     I



1c ood manners includes being disrespectful, foul mouthed and

2c lder people have no manner or experience (
3c creaming at your parents is a sign of excellent manners (
4c olding the door open for others is a sign of god manners (
5c It is okay to ring up people at all times of the day (
6c It is okay to visit houses un-announced (
7c sking to help with the clean up when visiting someones house is
socially unaccepted (
8c pelling is not a part of good manners (
9c rriving has a category of manners (
10c It is good to be clingy and unattached (
11che way you speak and the words you use are part of good manners
12creliberately annoying others because they are doing someth ing more
beneficial than you is perfect manner (
13cssuming Mike is short for Michael is accepted as good manners (
14cUsing coz instead of because displays good manners (
15cood manners should only be shown to those you know (
16cood manners should only be shown to strangers (
17c good manner is respected by everyone (
18che elderly always have superior knowledge (
19cIt is good to address older adults and professional seniority with the title
of "Mr", "Mrs", "Miss", or "Ms" until you are asked by them to address
them by their first name (
hen you sneeze you can wipe your nose with your sleeve (
21cUsing your phone at the checkout is a sign of disrespect and bad
manners (
22c argons and abbreviations should be used (
23cou dont have to proof-read because spell-check will catch all the
mistakes (
hen saying good-bye you should wait for a response before you
leave (
hen receiving a call from a person you do not know you should
introduce yourself ( 

cc c
c  cc  c c


c  c c  c cc  ccc  c


2: O 



hy are manners are so important in society?(2 marks
____________________________________________________ _________________
2c Outline and describe 3 categories of manner?(6 marks
3c ou are sitting in a full bus on a busy riday m orning and an elderly
person has just walked in
hat is the ideal course of action? (2 marks
_______________________ ______________________________________________
4c ompare and contrast the effectiveness of manners across different
cultures and religions
_______________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________ __________________________________________



 r r


Orepare a 5 minute speech in which you explain the effects of both good
and bad manners Orovide examples from real life and from the reading
material nsure you narrate a personal reflection about what you plan on
changing as a result of learning the topic
ou will be required to present your speech to a senior class, who will each
grade your paper, as well as your presentation

cc c
c  cc  c c


c  c c  c cc  ccc  c

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____________ _______________________________________________________________
cc c
c  cc  c c


c  c c  c cc  ccc  c

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__________________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ __
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cc c
c  cc  c c


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