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<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>HEALING AND ENERGIZING STRUCTURES of Salvador Lizana Barb a</TITLE> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/estil.

css" type="text/css"></HEA D><BODY><p><p><h2> <FONT face=Verdana color=navy> <center> ECE-S.I./P.A.R. <h2> <h3>Healing Energetic Structure.</center><center> Immunologic System.</h3> </FON T></b></center><FONT face=Verdana size=2><p>This energetic structure prepared by Salvador Lizana protects, activates and regenerates the Immunologic System; it is a real revelation for Science or, if you like, the Art of Medicine, and speci ally for the preventive medicine, a central axis of the whole methodology in ord er to keep health condition in harmony.<p>Everybody agree that the immunologic s ystem is the natural protector of the health systems, and if it is in a good con dition, it works quite well before any unbalance, started by any cause. One of t his causes may be the invasion of outside organisms such as germs, fungi or vir uses.<p>The energetic structure S.I./P.A.R. keeps active the chemical immunity ( antigens, antibodies, immunoglobulins) and the celular immunity (lymphocites whi ch grow-up in the thymus gland). Moreover it provokes the correct secretion of c ytocine , chemical substances that stimulate the cells inter-communication, so h elping the body defenses.<p>This structure, used in the way showed in the photo, works positively over the stress, a strong enemy of the immunity system. Theref ore, we should not underestimate the effects of the stress as a cause of infecti ous diseases, included the possibility of cancer processes.<p>It is accepted by the international medical community (Kiecolt-Glaser & collaborators (1987) showe d the direct relation between the stress and the immunological system), the fact that stress increases the secretion of gluco-cortex in blood, hormones that dep ress directly the immunologic system activity, the habitual use of S.I./P.A.R st ructure will give an optimum outcome, above all over the immunologic system of s tressed persons (physical, mental and/or emotionally) even in longlasting or acu te cases.<p>Moreover the responsible mechanism of emotional negative stress answ ers is the reply of stress and of the immunodepression that accompanies it; that is, stress increases neurona activity in the cerebral regions involved in emoti onal answers.<p>Therefore, as we said before, when anybody is under emotional s tress he may fall in serious infections because of nervous breakdown, and then h e needs the use of the S.I./P.A.R. structure during 30-60-90 minutes daily, to be indicated by the therapist.<p>The Structure regenerates inmunologic systems w hen they are under analgesic treatment, which may cause nervous breakdown. Likew ise, activates and regenerates organisms that had ingested toxic substances (len gthy treatment, all kind of drugs and many (yatrogen ???) substances which the b ody refuse.<p><TABLE align=center> <TR> <TD><IMG width=200 alt="" hsp ace=2 src="../img_estruc/estructuras.jpg" border=0> </TR></TABLE>

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