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Dear Colleague,
4 new Dominican Priests and 13 Novices Dominican Friars' care for the sick and dying partakes in the healing ministry of Jesus Himself New Apostolate: Kindly Light Media The New Translation of the Mass: A Guide

I hope this finds you well as summer commences and the world around us seems to slow down into a more relaxed pace. The Dominican Friars are tirelessly living out their mission and charism of preaching Jesus Christ in the Dominican tradition. The ways they do so are manifold as they -- with their great adeptness at evangelizing, as true sons of St. Dominic -- employ various forms and media to engage the culture and respond to the pressing questions and concerns of the day. As laity, we too are called to the great mission of the New Evangelization. Thank you for choosing to partner with the Friars in our common mission through your dedication to the work of the Dominican Foundation. May God bless you and your family. Sincerely in Christ, Ray Clark President

Dear Friend, The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellow ship of the Holy Spirit be w ith all of us (2 Cor 13.13). In and through the continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Pentecost, may w e, together in fellow ship w ith you, continue to push open doors. W hat doors are these? The doors that w e need to continuously push open are the locked ones of the Cenacle that seemingly provide comfort and security in our lives. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit w e press onw ard to take up w ith confidence the great mission of the New Evangelization. By such w itness, w e are signs of hope and unity in our painfully fragmented w orld. At a recent gathering of members of the new ly formed Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, pointed out that it w as the Holy Spirit w ho pushed the apostles to open the doors of the Cenacle, making them into evangelizers. The Holy Father formed this new Council to help foster an intensified missionary action and spirit and a renew ed method of proclaiming the Gospel. The Holy Father w ent on to say: A dynamic continuity exists betw een the proclamation of the first disciples and our ow n. In the course of centuries the Church has never ceased to proclaim the salvific mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but that

Please support the DOMINICAN FOUNDATION of the Dominican Friars, Province of St. Joseph.
The purpose of the Dominican Foundation is to raise resources to support the mission and strategic plan of the Dominican Friars, Province of St. Joseph. Please consider contributing to the Dominican Foundation today. Because of the generosity of our friends, with the help of God's grace, weve been able to do so much. But this can converted by

same proclamation today needs a renew ed vigor to convince contemporary man, often distracted and insensitive. Because of this, the New Evangelization w ill have to be responsible for finding (renew ed) methods to make the proclamation of salvation more effectivein more complex situations that are different from the past. Taking up the mission of the first disciples, the mission of the Friars is to preach Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls, in medio ecclesiae, in the center of the Church. As set forth in the Fundamental Constitution of our Order, the Friars are to be engaged in every possible kind of preachingconsidering both the needs indicated by the Church, and those discovered by reading the signs of the times. Indeed they are bound by their calling to respond to these needs and are to carry out this mission in different w ays, in keeping w ith the various conditions either of the Church or of the peoples, groups of men and w omen to w hich it is directed. It is partly due to this distinct aspect of the Dominican charism that our charism is being called forth anew in this day and age. You, by your collaboration w ith us, and your ow n striving to be conformed to Christ, are faithfully participating in this great mission of evangelization as evidenced in this Monthly Missive. On behalf of all the Friars of the Province w ith w hom you are partnering, and for all those to w hom you are ministering through this partnership, please accept my sincerest gratitude.

to do so much. But this can only continue if our supporters continue to step out in faith and generously contribute. Thank you and may God Bless you! The Dominican Foundation is a 501C-3 tax-exempt not-forprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

141 East 65th St. New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 535-3664 Fax: (775) 542-5511 Email:

New Novice Class and Ordinations to the Priesthood

The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI stated further in his address w hat is required for the New Evangelization to be carried out: The grace of the mission is alw ays in need of new evangelizers capable of receiving it, so that the salvific proclamation of the Word of God w ill never diminish in the changing conditions of history. W ith great joy and gratitude to God for His goodness to us, I am pleased to announce that w e w ill receive 13 Novices into our Novitiate this August. As Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, O.P. recently stated: God is sending us these vocations because the Dominican charism is urgently needed in the Church today. Your help makes it possible for us to provide for their material, intellectual and spiritual needs and the best formation possible. Last month some of you w ere w ith us to w itness the glorious ordination of four of our brothers, w ho, after years of rigorous formation, have now , through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, become alter Christi (alter Christus = another Christ) to preach and bring Christ into the w orld through Word and Sacrament, serving you, Gods Holy People, forever. Please pray for Fr. Hyacinth Marie Cordell, O.P., Fr. Ignatius John Schw eitzer, O.P., Fr. Ezra Sullivan, O.P., and Fr. Austin Dominic Litke, O.P. They w ere ordained by Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, JCD, Archbishop for the Military

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Services, U.S.A. on May 27 at St. Dominic Church, w hich is staffed by our Friars, in Washington, D.C. For a slideshow of the Ordination liturgy please click here. A video of the solemn occasion can be found here.

Engaged in all kinds of preaching in ways ever-faithful, ever-new

Reviving a Tradition: For more than 50 years,
starting in 1916, Student Brothers at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. published Dominicana, a journal of scholarly articles. This spring, the publication was relaunched and it w ill appear three times a year. The current issue explores confession, St. Joseph as a role model for fatherhood, and the deeper beauty of folk music. Dominicana is distributed for free in several of our parishes and w ill be posted online on the Province w ebsite each time. For those w ho w ish to receive a print subscription, a modest donation is requested. For more information, click here or w rite to to subscribe.

New Website for the Thomistic Institute: The

Thomistic Institute of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies has recently launched a new w ebsite! Among many other features, the w ebsite gives visitors virtual access to events of the Thomistic Institute and the scholarly research that seek to further St. Thomas Aquinass vision of philosophy and theology. Click here to learn more.

Workshop: The Thomistic Institute and Mount Saint

Mary College -- a 4year liberal arts college guided by the Catholic and Dominican traditions since its foundation by the Sisters of Saint Dominic in 1960 -- are co-sponsoring a w orkshop: Thomas Aquinas and Contemporary Philosophy that w ill feature an impressive array of speakers. All are invited. The w orkshop w ill be held June 23-26 on the campus of Mount Saint Mary College in New burgh, NY. For more information and registration, please click here.

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Care for the Dying: In his address to the

Presbyteral Assembly of the Diocese of Nashville, TN, Bro. Ignatius Perkins, O.P., PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor and Dean of the Department of Nursing at Aquinas College in Nashville, TN (an apostolate of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia) and a leading expert on medical ethics discusses care for the dying. Bro. Perkins, recently admitted to the United Kingdoms Royal Society of Medicine in recognition of his contributions to the medical profession, describes the healing ministry [as] the ministry of Jesus Himself. For the full text of his talk, please click here.

The Rapture and the Book of Revelation:

Biblical prophecy as found in the Book of Revelation is subject to eccentric and often outright misleading interpretation, as seen, for example, in the recent furor caused by a heavily financed campaign announcing the supposed end of the w orld on May 21. Bro. Leo Checkai, O.P., one of our Student Brothers in formation at the Dominican House of Studies, in an effort to advance an honest interpretation of the Bible, w ill present the orthodox Catholic reading of the Book of Revelation in a threepart series of talks June 29, July 6 and 13, 2011 from 6:30 PM 7:45 PM at our parish of Saint Catherine of Siena in New York City. For more information and to pre-register your attendance, please click here.

Our Daily Life with the Holy Trinity: Listen to

Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P., a Friar of our Province w ho spent the last nine months pursuing his doctorate in Theology at the University of Fribourg in Sw itzerland. In this recording, he preaches at our Church of Saint Joseph in New York City, serving New York University, on the importance of the Holy Trinity in our daily lives.

Urban pilgrimage: On May 24, 14 Dominican Friars

w ho live, study, and w ork at the Dominican House of Studies in

Washington, D.C. made a pilgrimage through the city streets, singing Latin hymns and folk songs, as w ell as
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reciting the Rosary. The Friars, w ho w ere featured in video in the Washington Times, w ere commemorating the miracle that occurred on May 24, 1233, 12 years after the saints passing. At that time, the remains of our Founder St. Dominic w ere unearthed from an obscure burial place in the Priory of St. Dominic in Bologna, Italy to be moved to a tomb fit for public veneration and the relics miraculously exuded a magnificent fragrance.

Hiking and praying: On June 4, the New York

Frassati Fellow ship of Young Adults named after and inspired by Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, O.P. (1901-1924), an Italian Dominican Tertiary and role model for the youngsponsored a hike in upstate New York. Tw o of our Dominican Student Brothers and several of the Sisters of Life joined 22 young adults on the adventure, follow ing Mass at our Church of St. Vincent Ferrer in New York City, w here the Frassati Fellow ship often meets. Here is a slideshow of the lovely occasion. That same day, the new ly-formed Baltimore Frassati Fellow ship of Young Adultsestablished by our Friars serving at our new ly established University Parish of Sts. Philip and James in Baltimore, ministering to the local community and Catholic students at The Johns Hopkins University also w ent on a hike, w hich w as highlighted by the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass outdoors.

In a bar! Fr. Jordan Kelly, O.P.Pastor of St.

Catherine of Siena Church in New York and Interim Director of the Dominican Friars Healthcare Ministry w as the guest speaker in the line-up of events hosted by Theology on Tap on March 28 in the comfortable setting of a New York City bar to talk to young adults about social netw orking. Acknow ledging the sheer fun and convenience of texting, Tw itter and Facebook, Fr. Kelly stressed that there is no substitute for actual human encounters and that there can be no such thing as a virtual encounter w ith Christ. Though it can greatly facilitate communication and outreach, and thus serve the Friars w ork, technology has its limits, Fr. Kelly stressedespecially w hen it comes to the Churchs task of evangelization. To view the video, an excerpt from NET, the Catholic television netw ork of the Diocese of Brooklyn, NY, click here.

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Kindly Light Media: New Apostolate: Fr.

Gabriel Gillen, O.P., the Provinces Promoter of Evangelization through Media and Webfriar for the Province, recently teamed up w ith filmmaker Robert Tyler Duncan, Tisch School graduate (at New York University) w ho has various projects currently in production involving interview s w ith notable Catholic theologians, such as Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Peter Kreeft, and Dr. Thomas How ard. Together, Fr. Gillen and Mr. Duncan launched a brand new production company: Kindly Light Media. This new and exciting media Apostolate in the Province of St. Joseph has a number of sophisticated projects in production, w orking w ith various outlets, including the Eternal Word Television Network. Most recently, Kindly Light Media interview ed aw ard-w inning w riter-director and film critic, Antonio Monda, w ho teaches cinema at New York University, on the subject of religion in film. To w atch the video, click here.

Movie Review: Films can

be vehicles for transmitting a sense of the sacred. You w ill appreciate this review of Takashi Miikes remake of a classic of Japanese cinema, Eiichi Kudos Thirteen Assassins. It comes courtesy of Bro. Gabriel Torretta, O.P., w ho is currently in formation at the Dominican House of Studies and is a Summer Fellow at First Things, the respected interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute w hose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. This piece w as published courtesy of First Things.

On Stage: Fr. Matthew Pow ell, O.P., a member of the

Province of St. Albert the Great w ho teaches theater at Providence College in Providence, RI, has published his contemporary adaptation of The Trial of Mary and Joseph, a medieval English mystery play that serves as a w arning against gossip and slander, w hile affirming Jesus Virgin Birth and the Incarnation. Inspired by the text of Matthew 1:18 in w hich it is discovered that Mary is expecting a child before the

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completion of her marriage to Joseph, the play presents the comic characters of Slander and Gossip w ho accuse Mary and Joseph of improper behavior before their marriage. A judge decrees that the couple must undergo a trial by ordeal to prove their innocence. The new version of the play w as first performed in 2002 in the Priory Chapel at Providence College. Find out more here.

On the Radio: Fr. Gabriel Gillen, O.P. is joined by Fr.

Bruno Shah, O.P., as the tw o host Word to Life, w hich, w ith help of special guests, each Friday preview s the readings of the upcoming Sundays liturgy. Follow ing the original broadcast on The Catholic Channel/Sirius Radio XM, the program is posted on the Province w ebsite: Sirius Radio XM 6/17/11 Sirius Radio XM 6/10/11 Sirius Radio XM 6/3/11

The Angelic Warfare Confraternity: An official

apostolate of the Dominican Order, the Angelic Warfare Confraternity is a supernatural fellow ship of men and w omen bound to one another in love and dedicated to pursuing and promoting chastity together under the pow erful patronage of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fr. James Brent, O.P., a Friar of our Province, is its official Provincial Promoter. An Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., Fr. Brent recently w rote a question-and-answ er catechesis to spread the w ord about the Confraternity. To learn more, please click here.

Novena cards: Reserve Now and Send us your intentions! St. Annes Feast Day is July 26. To
reserve a card in advance, please w rite us at If you w ould like to receive our Novena reflections and Novena cards regularly, please contact us at and w e w ill be sure to include you in our mailing so that you can receive these cards regularly. W ith this, you have an opportunity on special Feast Days, to send us your prayer intentions. At the same time, you w ill have the opportunity to send a loved one a beautiful Novena Mass Card.

Release of the Spring Issue of The Trumpet: Our Spring

2011 issue of The Trumpet is devoted to the Friars ministry of care and healing, w hether of our ow n elder Friars at our Center for Assisted Living, or our Health Care Ministry on medical ethics in NYC, or through our hospital chaplaincies and

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day to day ministry. W rite to us at w ith your name and address and w e w ill put you on the mailing list, making sure you get a copy of this and future issues.

Preachers Sketchbook: This new online service
features scholarly resources, as w ell as substantive quotations from theologians and Church leaders past and present, all pertaining to the readings and the Gospel of a particular Sunday. This new resource is designed to help priests and religious craft rich and resonant homilies and to give laity deeper insight into the liturgy and a more meaningful experience of Mass. To discover the Preachers Sketchbook, here are the editions for the Feast of the Ascension, Pentecost Sunday, and Corpus Christi.

The new translation of the Mass: Come the

First Sunday of Advent (Nov. 27, 2011), the new translation of the Mass crafted to bring about a more reverent and contemplative mode of w orship w ill go into effect. To help prepare the faithful, the Province of St. Joseph has prepared a series of parish bulletin insertsfor use in the Church at largethat highlight various aspects of the new translations. Booklets 1 through 14 are now available for study and reflection; please click as follow s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.

Dear Friend, Quoting Pope Paul VI, our Holy Father Pope Benedict concluded his address to the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, saying: It is primarily by Her conduct and by Her life that the Church w ill evangelize the w orld, in other w ords, by Her living w itness of fidelity to the Lord Jesusin short, the w itness of sanctity. In this w e find an echo of the injunction w ith w hich St. Francis challenged his companions: Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use w ords. For it is first, foremost andultimately, our ow n holiness of life, and the fruits of joy, hope and peace that show forth and for w hich the w orld longs, that are the greatest w itness to the abundant life w hich is promised and possible only through union w ith Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Your faithful friendship and support in our common mission and journey of holiness and evangelization, together w ith Gods grace, make it possible for us to take up the challenge, day after day, to remain true to our particular charism to respond w ith adeptness to the many challenges to faith in Christ posed today that more and more men and w omen w ill be brought

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into an encounter w ith Jesus Christ, the only Savior. So that w e may stay in close contact w ith you, w e are grateful for the efficient and effective tools of the internet and electronic communication. Please visit the Province website w here you w ill find w hat you need, w hether it is spiritual comfort, inspiration, formation, or new s and information. If you havent already done so, please submit your email w hen prompted upon first visiting the site and you w ill receive the Dominican Daily, an email alert, each time a new item is posted online. Thank you again for your generous faithful friendship and support. We could not carry out our mission w ithout you. Know of my prayers for you. Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Dominic Izzo, O.P. Director

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