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Grado 8º
Instituto Psicopedagógico Juvenil - Sede Arauquita
Abril 2 de 2022

En la gramática inglesa, un verbo auxiliar es un verbo que determina el modo , el tiempo , la voz o el
aspecto de otro verbo en una frase verbal. Los verbos auxiliares incluyen ser, hacer y tener junto con
modales como can, might & will y pueden contrastarse con los verbos principales y los verbos
léxicos. Los auxiliares también se llaman verbos auxiliares porque ayudan a completar el significado
de los verbos principales. A diferencia de los verbos principales, los verbos auxiliares no pueden ser
el único verbo en una oración excepto en expresiones elípticas donde el verbo principal se entiende
como si estuviera presente.
Usamos modales para mostrar si creemos que algo es seguro, posible o imposible :
My keys must be in the car.
It might rain tomorrow.
That can't be Peter's coat. It's too small.
También los usamos para hacer cosas como hablar sobre la capacidad , pedir permiso y hacer
solicitudes y ofertas :
I can't swim.
May I ask a question?
Could I have some tea, please?
Would you like some help?
Escribe esta tabla en tu cuaderno y traduce al español la tabla, es decir, debes pasarla en
inglès y en español
Concordancia entre sujeto y verbo cuando el sujeto sigue al verbo
Los verbos auxiliares siempre preceden a los verbos principales dentro de una frase verbal, como en
la oración "Me ayudarás", en inglés “You will help me”. Sin embargo, en oraciones interrogativas , el
auxiliar aparece delante del sujeto como en "¿Me ayudas?" en inglés “Will you help me?”.
El estándar para la gramática inglesa, establecido por "The Cambridge Grammar of the English
Language" y otros comunicados de prensa universitarios similares, define los verbos auxiliares del
inglés como "can, may, will, should, must, ought, need, dare" como modales ( sin forma infinitiva) y
"ser, tener, hacer y usar" como no modales (que sí tienen infinitivos).
Demostración de verbos auxiliares modales en acción.
En el siguiente extracto, Nenna y Maurice hablan de un criminal, Harry, que almacena sus bienes
robados en el barco de Maurice, que también se llama Maurice . Preste atención a los verbos
auxiliares modales y semimodales.
A. Lee el siguiente texto y señala todos los verbos auxiliares modales qué se encuentren allí.
B. Traduce el siguiente texto al español.
C. En un audio de whatsapp lee por lo menos 3 párrafos del cuento.
During the small hours, tipsy Maurice became an oracle, ambiguous, wayward, but impressive. Even
his voice changed a little. He told the somber truths of the lighthearted, betraying in a casual hour
what was never intended to be shown. If the tide was low the two of them watched the gleams on the
foreshore, at half tide they heard the water chuckling, waiting to lift the boats, at flood tide they saw
the river as a powerful god, bearded with the white foam of detergents, calling home the twenty-seven
lost rivers of London, sighing as the night declined.
‘Maurice, ought I to go away?’
‘You can’t.’
‘You said you were going to go away by yourself.’
‘No-one believed it. You didn’t. What do the others think?’
‘They think your boat belongs to Harry.’
‘Nothing belongs to Harry, certainly all that stuff in the hold doesn’t. He finds it easier to live without
property. As for Maurice, my godmother gave me the money to buy a bit of property when I left
‘I’ve never been to Southport.’
‘It' s very nice. You take the train from the middle of Liverpool, and it’s the last station, right out by the
‘Have you been back since?’
‘If Maurice belongs to you, why do you have to put up with Harry?’
‘I can’t answer that.’
‘What will you do if the police come?’
‘What will you do if your husband doesn’t?’
Nenna thought, I must take the opportunity to get things settled for me, even if it’s only by chance, like
throwing straws into the current. She repeated –
‘Maurice, what shall I do?’
‘Well, have you been to see him yet?’
‘Not yet. But of course I ought to. As soon as I can find someone to stay with the girls, for a night or
two if it’s necessary, I’m going to go. Thank you for making my mind up.’
‘No, don’t do that.’
‘Don’t do what?’
‘Don’t thank me.’
‘Why not?’
‘Not for that.’
‘But, you know, by myself I can’t make my mind up.’
‘You shouldn’t do it at all.’
‘Why not, Maurice?’
‘Why should you think it’s a good thing to do? Why should it make you any happier? There isn’t one
kind of happiness, there’s all kinds. Decision is torment for anyone with imagination. When you
decide, you multiply the things you might have done and now never can. If there’s even one person
who might be hurt by a decision, you should never make it. They tell you, make up your mind or it will
be too late, but if it’s really too late, we should be grateful. You know very well that we’re two of the
same kind, Nenna. It’s right for us to live where we do, between land and water. You, my dear, you’re
half in love with your husband, then there’s Martha who’s half a child and half a girl, Richard who can’t
give up being half in the Navy, Willis who’s half an artist and half a longshoreman, a cat who’s half
alive and half dead... ’
He stopped before describing himself, if, indeed, he had been going to do so.
D. Responde las siguientes preguntas, cada respuesta debe tener un mínimo de 10 renglones,
solo las puedes responder en inglès y minimo debes usar una vez un verbo modal para
poder responderlas
1. Is Mauricio an indecisive person?
2. The boat that the characters talk about is harry's?
3. Do you think there are different types of happiness?
4. Who is the person that makes you happiest in the world?
5. Do you consider it positive to make decisions based on the feelings of others?
6. Is it difficult for you to make decisions?
E. Escribe una oración afirmativa y otra interrogativa en inglés haciendo uso de cada uno de
los verbos modales auxiliares en su forma de probabilidad y certeza.

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