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Date: May, 18, 2011

Yulia Cartseva Brenner School Lesson Plan #4 Level: elementary, 4th grade

I. TOPIC: Lag Bomer song II. OBJECTIVES: The pupils will be able to: 1)

discriminate between and use the words everybody, bring, make, pile, high,

light, see, reaching, sky and flames - orally. (D. appreciation of language B. know how the basic elements of English sound- foundation level. D. presentation B. present information on limited content, supported by visual aids- foundation level).

use above the learned words in reading classroom activities (D. access to

information B. get meaning from a text and from the exercise by decoding and global reading skills D. presentation B pronounce comprehensibly/ print legibly).

present the song in pairs ( D: presentation, B: pronounce comprehensibly D.

social interaction B. give and receive information orally).

III. MATERIALS: computer: presentation. IV. BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: Lag Bomer story in their native language, Lag Bomer

V. GREETING: 08:00 The good morning song. How are you pupils?

VI. MOTIVATION: 08:01 From the learned story you know that at Lag Bomer night we

sing, today we will sing!


1) 08:02 The teacher presents the picture cards of the words in the computer: everybody, bring, make, pile, high, light, see, reaching and sky. The pupils repeat chorally and individually. 2) 08:04 The teacher gives a number to each picture. What number is light?The pupils answer in full sentences. 3) 08: 06 The teacher asks a pupil to think of a word from the list, all the pictures are shown in the computer, the pupils have to guess. The activity may be done with another pupil. 4) 08:08 The teacher presents the flashcards of the words. The teacher spells the words, the pupils repeat. The teacher pays attention to the rules: magic e, like in make and pile; two vowels like in reaching; Y in the end of one syllable word like in sky. The teacher divides the difficult word everybody into two words every and body, here the teacher uses Hebrew for translation. 5) 08:11 Each pupil gets a flashcard or two. The teacher says: The pupil who has a word, which starts with E please stand up! The pupil who has the magic e in his word, please stand up! etc. The teacher helps if needed. 6) 08:13 The additional choral reading of all the flashcards. 7)08:15 The teacher distributes the printed song. The teacher reads the song and then the group reads it together. The song: Everybody bring some wood. Make the pile high! Light the bonfire see the flames, reaching to the sky! (Tune: Row, row, row your boat)

9) 08:17 The teacher begins to read a sentence and the pupils have to continue. The teacher watches who reads and who does not. If the teacher sees that somebody is not reading, the teacher asks to read him individually.

10) 08:19 In the computer there are sentences with missing words. The pupils have to fill in and then read the whole song together.

VIII. CONCLUSION: 08:27 The teacher presents the power point presentation with the

illustrated song. The teacher sings this song; the pupils listen and watch the presentation. The whole group sings it (twice or even more).
IX. EVALUATION: The teacher divides the group in pairs and they sing the song. X. EXTRA: Sing the song using your body language. XI. JUDGMENT: The teacher may shorten the activity # 9 in order to have time for singing. XII. EXTENSION: The Lag Bomer night, the workshop and baskets competition. XIII. HOMEWORK: Read the song and sing it to your parents. XIV. CLOSURE: You were amazing!!!Don't forget to bring some wood to your bonfire!

Date: May, 19, 2011

Yulia Cartseva Brenner School Lesson Plan #5 Level: elementary, 4th grade
I. TOPIC: Lag Bomer night II. OBJECTIVES: The pupils will be able to: 1)

discriminate between and use the Lag Bomer vocabulary words- orally. (D.

appreciation of language B. know how the basic elements of English sound-

foundation level. D. presentation B. present information on limited content, supported by visual aids- foundation level).

use above the learned words in singing and reading classroom activities (D.

access to information B. get meaning from a text and from the exercise by decoding and global reading skills D. presentation B pronounce comprehensibly/ print legibly).

present the basket and an item from it (D: Presentation B: Present information

with the help of visual aids. D. social interaction B. give and receive information orally).
III. MATERIALS: computer: the animated picture of bonfire, baskets, materials for

design, and the pupils works of the week.

IV. BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: Lag Bomer story in their native language, Lag Bomer vocabulary. V. GREETING: 12:30 The good morning song. How are you pupils? VI. MOTIVATION: 12:31 Today is our last lesson of Lag Bomer, we are ready now to finish

it and to celebrate, we will design our baskets for Lag Bomer night and you will collect your materials into these baskets. We will see whose baskets are fuller and who worked hard and learned! Let us begin!

1) 12:32 The teacher reviews the yesterday song. The pupils read it chorally and individually. 2) 12:34 The teacher turns on the computer and there is an animated picture of bonfire. The group sings the song with the music, looking at the bonfire. 3) 12:37 The teacher distributes 6 different baskets and different materials: paper, glue, play dough, colors, markers, etc. The pupils design their baskets. 4) 12:05 The teacher distributes the material of the week to the pupils - worksheets, illustrations, printed stories and sentences. The pupils put the materials in the baskets.

VIII. CONCLUSION: 12:06 The teacher asks each pupil to choose an item from their baskets

and present it (read and show).

IX. EVALUATION: While presenting the item, the pupil presents the basket. After the

presentation, the pupils get marshmallows. The teacher decides about pupils grades and then tells about them to the master teacher.
X. EXTRA: The additional singing of the song with the animated picture. XI. JUDGMENT: We may shorten the singing activity in order to have enough time for the

baskets, because this is our last lesson of Lag Bomer and we have to finish.
XII. EXTENSION: The master teacher decides about the future teaching. XIII. HOMEWORK: Show the baskets your teachers and parents! XIV. CLOSURE: Thank you for this amazing week, remember that collecting your school

materials is very important and helpful, now you have a basket for it! Happy Lag Bomer! Have a great, fun bonfire!

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