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Hearken the Voice of the Oracle and Know ThySelf Royal Kemetic Science of Spirituality and Spirituality of Science

Amen-Ra Papyrus - Shepsu Hetepu em Tet-k Shepsu Maakheru

[Peace and Blessings, So the Triumphant Royal Ancestors Saith]

The Royal Ancestors

Our Wise and Divine Sage and Sagresses of Ancient Times proclaim that Our Nature is Peace that nothing can disturb. Therefore nothing and no-one is against Us. Every experience or event that comes our way does so, only to help us proclaim this Peace. Armed with Peace, divine wisdom and spiritual power flow through our Being. Such was and is and will always be the attitude and the way of life of the Spiritual Warriors/resses. One who walked such a path was required to understand the mystical and multi-dimensional realms. That is, the Initiate of such teachings was expected to at least understand the high mysteries involving life in other planes other than [this] our own. This area is vast and is understood differently in different nations. In Ta-Neter [Afrika], it is closely related to the so-called Ancestral Worship and Spirit Worlds The Kemetic Sages/resses also accepted the concept of Divine Ancestors [called Shepsu] and Divine Faculties of the Supreme [called Neteru]. It was and still is common knowledge that in order to understand life [in its fullness] existence of life beyond the current one was a must and should be in-sperience. These High Sage/resses accept the Shepsu [Sheps singular] as Holy, Pure, Wise, Powerful, Self-Realised, Compassionate, Loving, Peaceful, Wise, Powerful, etc.

Today, the spiritual realm of existence remains a mystery to billions of souls, and has been tainted with bad publicity due to left-sided-brain mentality, exoteric religiosity and common foolishness. The whole science was deliberately hijacked, and even contaminated by multiple agents and forces. Azania and the rest of the Afrikan continent are restoring this very science, and many nations are openly accepting the existence of other planes. Even the socalled scientists are fully supportive of this very fact. While this is wonderful, there are intergalactic efforts to derail the sincere from realising the truth by these same forces masquerading as The Akhut-u or Beings of Light. The victims are the usual innocent, the gullible and the ignorant ones, who at this level, are determined to return to their original nature. Throughout the world, people are experiencing these unexplainable phenomena, synchronicities, guides, angels, demigods, gurus, teachers, deva, aliens, spirits, the awakening, etc. The one area that is on the rise is in areas of spirit guides, or ancestor, or angels or aliens. For the purpose of this transmission, well refer to all of them as Spirit Guides. It is also important to note at this point that not all these beings have our best interest in their hearts. Some are mere lost earth-bound-spirits, dark-forces, intruders, invaders from our plane and other lower planes of existence. They presence is now rife among spiritual movements worldwide.

Aunkh Khem S-Ma 11/2/2009

Shepsu Transmission


Beings of Light The AKhut-U Herein we will distinguish between the Beings of Light called Shepsu and the rest of the poor souls languishing in darkness or Dark-Deceased that simply needs our help to come forth into light by day or by night: o The Ascended Being of Light or Shepsu are spiritually realised souls with the mission of helping us realise the Divine within and without. They are workers of Light, Peace, Love and Compassion. They are selfsufficient in a sense that they have Universal Love and Cosmic Peace as their source of energy, and never demand or trick anyone to serve them. The immutable Law of Maat, which governs inter-dependence, connectedness and relatedness, they use in all their joyfully performed duties. They are not energy vampires or spiritual draculas, but encourage us to find Ra as the source of energy. Consequently, they are not violent in ANY form including their thoughts, emotions and actions. o They do not run personal or hidden agenda, including giving out assignments so that we may buy their approval or our place with the Supreme. They know exactly what we are and would never lead us to believe that we must carry out certain assignments to be what we are [already]. They never make us feel exceptionally gifted or special. They never aggrandise us or make us feel that we have a unique qualification over others. They are impartial and treat everyone the same, yet according to ones spiritual development and level of growth. To the Pure Shepsu, all are chosen, none is left behind. Lovers of Light Meri-u Akhut Darkness and pain harms the original plan for all to fully enjoy the reason for coming into existence, i.e. experiencing peace and pleasure. The Meri-u Akhut are committed in guiding us into the light by carrying out the following: o They do not make others feel more privileged than others but fully encourage all of us to endeavor to be joyful, holy, godly and loving. o They do not reveal compromising information about others as respect our privacy and are always truthful, trustworthy and consistent. They know, and never guess, hence never make deals and promises or attempt to influence outcomes. They are neutral and allow us to make our own choices and outcomes so we can learn and grow. Therefore! They never judge our performance and are not critical, disapproving and intrusive. They accept us exactly as we are, seeking only to encourage us to recall the truth about our original nature. They teach us that our mistakes have no meaning except as learning devices, and do not impose guilt, fear and confusion. When asked for advice, they use riddles, dreams, readings, puzzles visions, and questions to answer questions so that we can work, search, seek, find and intuit. They do not interfere, and seldom intervene, unless in case of real emergency. They never do for us what it is our privilege to do for ourselves. Therefore! We must give others a break and ourselves credit with humility. They are Peace, Love, Compassion, Wisdom, Courage, Freedom, Power, Harmony, Divine Pleasure, Sweet Words, Joy, Health and Vitality. THEY ARE US! RETURNED!


Aunkh Khem S-Ma 11/2/2009 2 Shepsu Transmission


Coming Forth into Light From Darkness It is clear that our Royal Ancestors have a mission and greater purpose related to our lives. However it is also necessary for us to answer certain questions, i.e. who are we and why we are here? Before we can even think about where we are going, it is important to understand these Kemetic Axioms or concepts: Know ThySelf and Heal ThySelf In the quest to answer all these questions, the path of knowledge of self can only be mastered if we are full healed, especially at emotional and spiritual level. Mastery of Life requires the Initiates to arm themselves with Inner Peace and Divine Love for them to live an honourable live of self-sufficiency, without turning into energy-robbers with their emotional and spiritual deficiencies. They path leading to Knowledge of Self can be healed by Wisdom and Spiritual Power, which are attainable only when one singlemindedly observe the Laws of Maat as inscribed by Tehuti through the Metu Neter Oracles, and other High Oracular Systems, i.e. Ifa, I Ching, etc. Freedom from all forms of emotional and sensual compulsion is essential for one to receive high frequencies of Gratitude from the Beings of Light to enable one to Respect Life and take personal Responsibility for all events in ones life. This path is also paved with challenges that only encourage ones Trust unto the Way of the Supreme Being, which propel the Initiate into the hills and valleys of owning up to ones thoughts, feeling and actions, without playing a victim or victimizer. This is the secret of Accountability, which can easily be experienced by the Fearless Ones whose Ra-Force filled with Vitality, Contentment and Detachment. MaaKheru I am Victorious For Shepsu It is time we take full responsibility of our own lives cultivating the Self-Actualisation as Divine Beings for success in life. We need to commit to reigning over the animal and the human, and emerge as Sovereign Beings that are self sufficient, content and self-appreciative. A fully functional Ra-Force will ensure that our inner-patience respects time and space, and is cooperative with the Spirit of the Supreme, Laws of Maat and Others. Otherwise, well be reduced to the Dark-Deceased entities, with an axe buried deep in our skulls, lost in illusion and darkness. Our only duty will be to disturb those on the path, the weak and the young. Rise and Hail the Enlightened ShepsuAnetch Hrak Ten Paut Shepsu! Our Shepsu, who, multidimensionally, are other aspect of Us, are waiting to see us devote time to study, practice and be perfected. As individuals and as teams, they made it. As parents, their only WILL is to see us do much better that the best [them]. We are therefore blessed by the best, and we must never settle for less. What we are sharing is not just a body of knowledge, its a way of life. The only way to validate the ancient wisdom is by being practical and incorporating it in your own lives. As a result, mere theories will be replaced by direct experience and in-sperience of higher knowledge and experiential wisdom, supreme peace and spiritual power to usher in success in all aspects of our life. That is, by this way of life the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual aspects of out being will be transformed. On physical level, well discover and achieve vibrant health, increased vitality and performance and stress-free life. It is time we awaken our psychic self and activate our dormant DNA.


Aunkh Khem S-Ma 11/2/2009 3 Shepsu Transmission


Hail Ra-Beloved of the Gods-Goddesses We are living in crucial times, hence the the time for Ra, to return and Rule in us as us is here. Our DNA is encoded with programmes that sabotage everything we do. Our endocrine glands and systems are deregulating key centres essential for Ra to rise and flow. Our vital organs are packing up, due to the vicious attacks we launch upon them due to the blood and also the garbage we consume since the first time in our mothers wombs. Stasis and stagnation have set in, clogging our energy systems, due to emotions, and abuse of sensual energies taxing the vital force that is meant increase our psychic force. Again! It is time we awaken our psychic self [Ra] and activate our DNA, in order to use these for tuning into higher Shepsu-based frequencies. Starting at bodily and astral level, well be able to love this creation by nourishing it well [nutrition, exercise, breathwork, relaxation], and adorn it with inner and outer beauty. Our mental state will be well controlled and will experience deep inner peace. Well be able to absorb metaphysical, mystical and other paranormal sciences. Using the power of the mind well be able to meditate, and visualise what we need or need to be. Telepath, clairvoyance, intuition, creativity, etc are but tools that we used to co-create and experience the multiverses with. Finally, we are here to learn how to reclaim our supreme nature through permanent unity with the Supreme and the Shepsu. That is the Path back to Amen-Ta [Transcendental Realm], where One is All and All is One] Meri en Aunkh Love and Life! NekhebetRaUachet

I know Truth. It is reciprocal relationship of things to each other and the whole as fixed by nature. I live by it, and am therefore in harmony with the whole. My Being is in Order, and I am a Source of harmony to All.

Important Events/Notices
Fridays: 17.30 20:00 Kemetic Way of Life Classes Yoga/Qi Gong/Techniques 09:00 12:00 [By Invitation] Tree of Life Meditation Class Mystery Teachings of Kemet Oracle Readings Theosophical Society Mentjies St, Next to DTI, Tshwane Atef Ra: Mut Thabo Mut Ruts 082 926 5767 079 874 1691 072 251 7455




Meditation CDs available at R150.00 each Head, Neck and Should Massage at R60/30min For Massage Call Mut Mo 084 224 2820 Kemetic Light-Sound Bio-Spiritual Energy Healing at R100/hour. Call Atef Aunkh 082 882 3126 I-Sound Word Power Sound System For Hire Call Atef Ra 082 926 5767


Aunkh Khem S-Ma 11/2/2009 4 Shepsu Transmission

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