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Foreign language English beginner 1st Level English beginner 7 © Instituto Guatemalteco de Educacién Radiofénica, IGER, Es una obra producida por el Departamento de Redaccién y Disefo, para el Instituto Guatemalteco de Educacién Radiofonica, IGER. 11 avenida 18-45, Ciudad Nueva, zona 2 Ciudad de Guatemala, PBX: 2305 1010 Correo electrénico: Pagina web: Edicién 2021 Impreso en IGER talleres graficos Cédigo: 1G186 Reservados todos los derechos, Queds rigurosamente prohibida la reproduccién total o parcial de este material educatvo, por cualquier medio o procedimiento sin la autorzacion del Instituto Guatemalteco de Educacién Radiofénica, GER. Seguin artcuio 42 de la Consttucién Politica de Guatemala que se refiere ala autoria, Index Bienvenida se we “ 1 Proficiencies of the “Communication and Language subarea”. 3 Get to know your book... 7 Block 1 Welcome to English............ senses cnsstcnscceain EB {Qué encontraré en esta unidad?. . . B Competencias del CNB a trabajar. 14 1 Week Greetings 1. Greetings and Introductions 15 2, Introducing someore.... Vocabulary: Time of the day. 3. Greetings and leave takings . Vocabulary: Leave taking expressions a | practice what | know ssi ss | Self-evaluation checklist 24 24 Week Requests and commands 1, Requests . 3 25 Vocabulary: Parts of the body. 26 2. COMMANAS wassornnn 28 Vocabulary: Actions... 29 3" Week At school 1. School objects. 31 Vocabulary Actions. 33 Actions and requests... 34 | practice what I know. 36 Self-evaluation checklist 38 Inglés ~ Indice 4 Week The numbers 1. The numbers. 2. Numbers from 11 to 20 3. Numbers from 21 to 30... Vocabulary Actions and colors... The hour... 5* Week The alphabet The letters of the English alphabet The letters of the alphabet... The letters of the English alphabet How do you spell __? How do you say_____?.... Vocabulary Addresses... | practice what I know Self-evaluation checklist yeeros 6 Week What have you learned so far? Review... 1. Greetings. 2. Introducing someone. 3. Time of the day and the hour. 4. Personal pronouns 5. Leave takings. 6 7. 8 9 Requests. ‘Commands How do you say? and How do you spell? Addresses, Competencias del CNB a trabajar. IGER - 12° basico 39 42 44 46 51 52 52 54 56 57 59 62 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 n B m4 76 7 78 7" Week Going out 1. Means of transportation suns = 2 nn) 2. Verb to be 82 Vocabulary Feelings 85 8 Week Mass media and food 1. Mass media.. 87 Vocabulary: Actions ss 7 : 89 2. Food and drinks. 90 Vocabulary: Food 90 3. What do you have for. 92 4. What color is ..? What color are.? se os 93 Vocabulary: Fruits 94 | practice what | know 96 Self-evaluation checklist... 100 9" Week Sports 1. Sports 101 Vocabulary: Sports. 102 2. ike / 1 dOnt HiKE. nnn 103 3. DO YOU like. Prune 104 4. Like, likes - don't lke, doesn't like 105 5. Do they like..? Does he like sos . 107 Vocabulary: Prepositions of place 108 6. Where ..2 109 7. Possessive nouns... m | practice what | know 12 Self-evaluation checklist... 14 10% Week My family and I 1. Family members 15 Vocabulary: Family members... 116 2. Possessive adjectives. 19 3. Describing my family . 121 4, This, These, That, Those. 123 Vocabulary: Pair words 126 Inglés ~ Indice coe lV 11% Week Daily routines 1. Daily routines Vocabulary: Clothes 2. What do you do every day? ... Vocabulary Daily routines Sequency WOFdS cnn | practice what | know. Self-evaluation check! 12% Week What have you learned in the last weeks? 2Qué ha aprendido en estas Ultimas semanas’. Review 1. What do you have for..?. Verb to be Like - likes / don't like - doesn't like Prepositions of place.. Possessive nouns Possessive adjectives. This, these, that, those rsonsnsn What do you do every day? Daily routines. Sequence word a eawenanawn ae Claves IGER - 12° basico Do you like? Does he like? Yes, | do. / No, he doesn't... rR 130 131 132 135 137 140 141 142 144 149 150 151 152 153 154 156 157 158 159 /iBienvenida y ; bienvenido!- Welcome to English 1 Bienvenido al curso Inglés 1 You will go through your first steps in English along with these twelve weeks designed to help you learn the language. Usted ird a través de sus primeros pasos en inglés de la mano con estas doce semanas designadas para ayudarlo a aprender el idioma. English is the intemational language. Learning English is important to get a better education and more job opportunities. It also promotes cultural exchange since you learn how to express yourself in the language with people that have different traditions. EL inglés es el lenguaje internacional. Aprender inglés es importante para obtener una mejor educacién y més oportunidades de trabajo. También promueve un intercambio cultural porque usted aprende cémo expresarse en el idioma con personas que tienen diferentes tradiciones. The content of this book is based on the national curriculum of the Ministry of Education of Guatemala, and the focus of English as a foreign language. The content is designed to work on the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, AI contenido de este libro esté basado en et curriculo nacional del Ministerio de Educacién de Guatemala, y se enfoca en el inglés como lengua extranjera, Et contenido esté disefiado para trabajar en las cuatro destrezas basicas: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir. Throughout the seventeen weeks, you will work on the following CNB components: A través de las diecisiete semanas, usted trabajard en los siguientes componentes del Curriculo Nacional Base: 1, Comprehension and oral expression. Listening and speaking are the base of an effective communication. if you listen attentively, you will be able to recognize specific sounds of the English language. This component includes the use of correct intonation and pronunciation, the comprehension of new vocabulary, the fluid use of grammatical patterns, and different tools to speak with people in English. Comprensién y expresi6n oral. Escuchar y hablar son la base de una comunicacién efectiva. Si usted escucha con atencién, serd capaz de reconocer sonidos especificos del idioma inglés. Este ‘Puede consular las competencias del CNB al final del bro. Inglés ~ iBienvenida y bienvenidol 1 eee 2 2 4. ‘componente incluye el uso de entonacién y pronunciacién correctas, la comprensién del vocabulario nuevo, el uso fluido de patrones gramaticales, y diferentes herramientas para hablar con personas en inglés, Comprehension and written expression. This_ includes grammar structure and syntax, Writing can be challenging so it needs practice and tenacity. Reading can help you accomplish this component, too. Comprensién y expresién escrita. Fste incluye estructura gramatical y sintaxis. La escritura puede ‘ser un desafio por [o que necesita practica y tenacidad. La lectura también puede ayudarle a alcanzar este componente. Vocabulary development. Vocabulary words, either orally or in writing, are key to start learning a language. They allow you to communicate more effectively in English. Desarrollo de vocabulario. Las palabras de vocabulario, ya sea de manera oral o escrita, son clave para empezar a aprender un idioma. Ellas le permiten comunicarse mas efectivamente en inglés. Culture and society. Through learning English, you will know more about US culture. You will understand some traditions we share with them and some others that are different. Learning about a different culture is a way to understand the world better. Cultura y sociedad. A través del aprendizaje del inglés, usted sabré més sobre (a cultura estadounidense. Usted entenderd algunas tradiciones que compartimos con ellos y algunas que son diferentes. El aprender sobre una cultura diferente es una manera de comprender el mundo de una ‘mejor manera, IGER - 1 level Proficiencies of the “Communication and Language subarea” Competencias de ta subérea de Comunicacién y lenguaje - Curriculo Nacional Base (CNB). We will address on the proficiencies specified in the National Curriculum, Abordaremos las competencias especificadas en el Curriculo Nacional Base (CNB). Elestudiante, Competencia Escucha activamente instrucciones sencillas de su interlocutor identificando la acci6n requerida y demostrando seguridad al realizarla. Indicadores de logro Reconoce el cambio de expresiones de un idioma x /x/x/x/x/x|x|x|x/x/x/ x aotro, Sigue, con seguridad, instrucciones orales xc) | [ac ec | sencillas. Sigue instrucciones orales con la accién requerida. i ei Infiere el significado de las Ordenes recibidas y asocia | ql los fonemas similares a los de su idioma materno. Realiza la accién de acuerdo con la orden recibida. Inglés ~ Bienvenida ybienvenidol 3 © © © TE Competencia Identifica sonidos y fonemas bésicos y diferentes al de su idioma en su relacion familiar y con otros. Semana Indicadores de logro 1[2[3]4]5|6|7 [8] 9 [t0|11]12 Reconoce los diferentes sonidos y los diferencia entre los fonemas basicos x) x | x fae) a) | x fe de su idioma matemno y los del idioma en estudio. Reconoce la acentuacién de las vocales y pronunciacién de las xx) |x consonantes en las Srdenes recibidas. Infiere el significado de los movimientos corporales en la realizacion de una accion. Formula y responde a Preguntas con respuestas | x | x x} x|x|x|x cortas Identifica la forma de colocacién del apéstrofo en xf x) xxl xxx) las palabras. 4 GER - 1" level Competencia Pronuncia correctamente y con seguridad érdenes y expresiones basicas de uso cotidiano al comunicarse con otras personas. indlicadores de loge 1737314] ]6]718]9 [alu Responde pronunciando adecuadamente xox) xix] x x x cc] x expresiones cotidianas. Asocia la pronunciacion de las 6rdenes recibidas con x|x x] x|x]x]x la de otras similares. Pronuncia palabras pares con sonidos similares. aaa) Competencia Utiliza el lenguaje verbal y no verbal y escrito en expresiones sencillas y cotidianas con seguridad y creatividad Indicadores de logro Sigue instrucciones verbales para realizar dos | |x |x x x x|x|x)x)x|x/x acciones. Utiliza correctamente, en su escritura, signos propios del idioma en aprendizaje. Inglés ~ Bienvenida ybienvenido! 5 Utiliza a lectura para responder a érdenes, expresiones, frases e instrucciones sencillas. Indicadores de logro Identifica e interpreta simbolos especificos del x|x|x |x} x] x] x] x idioma en el aprendizaje. Deletrea palabras x] x |x |x] x] x] x | correctamente. Interpreta anuncios escrtos, panfletos,folletos, entre otros. Identifica 6rdenes expresadas de manera grafica. Sigue instrucciones escritas. |x| x x|x|x x /x[x| x x|x/x Describe imagenes indicando comprensién de tema, Escribe expresiones, conversaciones y pérrafos de uso cotidiano con seguridad y creatividad, With effort and hard work, you will acquire the competencies with the aid of three types of contents: Con esfuerzo trabajo duro, usted adquiriré las competencias con la ayuda de tres tipas de contenidos: 1 2 3 Declarative: Declarative contents will help you know different concepts, grammatical rules, and vocabulary. Declarativos: los contenidos declarativos le ayudarén a saber diferentes conceptos, reglas gramaticales y vocabulario. Procedural: Procedural contents will be held through oral and written exercises, practicing conversations, reading, and writing, Procedimentales: los contenidos procedimentales se desarrollardn a través de ejercicios orales y escritos, practicando conversaciones, leyendo y escribiendo. Attitudinal: attitudinal contents are related to how you face your responsibilities throughout these practices and your daily life. It is related to your attitude in general to improve your English language Actitudinat: [os contenidos actitudinales estan relacionados @ cémo usted enfrenta sus responsabilidades a través de estas practicas y su vida diaria, Esté relacionado con su actitud en general para mejorar el manejo del idioma inglés. IGER - 1 level Get to know your book Conozca su libro This book begins with an index of contents and ends with the answer key of the practices. The answer key must be used responsibly so you can learn and develop autonomy in the language. Your tutor knows about the book and topics. During the weekly meeting you can ask questions and check your answers. Este libro empieza con un indice de contenidos y termina con las soluciones de los ejercicios. La guia de respuestas debe ser usada responsablemente para que usted pueda aprender y desarrollar autonomia en el idioma. Su tutor conoce sobre el libro y {os temas. Durante la reunién semana, usted puede preguntar y revisar sus respuestas. Let's take a look at the book. Echemos un vistazo a su libro. The book is divided into Two blocks. Each one has a number of weeks: El libro esta dividido en dos bloques. Cada uno tiene un numero de semanas. Block 1: contains six weeks (week 1 to week 6) Bloque 1: contiene seis semanas (semana 1 a la semana 6) Block 2: contains six weeks (week 7 to week 12) Bloque 2 contiene sets semanas (semana 7a la semana 12) Each block begins with a cover page that shows the name of the block, images related to the contents, an introduction of the topics, the competencies and achievement indicators of the block and a diagram in which you can see the contents of all the weeks of the block. Cada bloque inicia con una cardtula que muestra el nombre det bloque, imagenes relacionadas con los contenidos, una introduccién de los contenidos, las competencias y tos indicadores de logro det bloque, y un diagrama en el cual usted puede ver los contenidos de todas tas semanas que conforman el bloque. Description of the content Descripcién del contenido At the beginning of the week, you will find t number of the week, the title and questions relate| to the topic. Al inicio de (a semana, usted encontrard el mimero de la ‘semana, el titulo, y preguntas relacionadas con el tema. Vocabulary Vocabulario Each week has one or more introductory vocabularies. Listen to the audio and repeat. It will help you learn the words of the week. Cada semana tiene uno 0 més vocabularios introductorios de la unidad. Escuche el audio y repita. Esto le ayudaré a ‘oprender las palabras de la semana. Conversations Conversaciones ‘Some weeks have conversations. Listen to the audio and practice them. They will help you acquire que jht intonation and pronunciation so you can communicate in English Algunas semanas cuentan con conversaciones. Escuche los audios y practiquetos. Ellos te ayudardn a adquirir la entonacién y pronunciacién correctas para que usted pueda comunicarse en inglés. © 8B IGER- 1 level Let's practice Practiquemos Each topic has its own exercise. Follow instructions and do the exercises. The practices help you acquire the language. Cada tema tiene su propio ejercicio. Siga las instrucciones y haga los ejercicios. Las practicas le ayudan a adquirir et lenguaje. . | practice what | know Practico lo que sé This is an area where you will practice the two weeks studied. The words or content do not have translation anymore, only the instructions. You should do the exercises with ease since you have practiced them before. Es un Grea de ejercitacién de las dos semanas trabajadas. Esta drea ya no incluye traduccién en espaftol de las palabras 0 de los temas gramaticales; cinicamente de las instrucciones. Usted podré realizar los ejercicios con facilidad pues ya tos ha practicado anteriormente. Self-evaluation checklist Lista de autoevaluacién This space is for you to self-check if you have understood the topics of the 2 previous weeks or if you need more practice. If you feel you did not accomplish a topic, you should go back and have more practice. Este espacio es para que usted autoevaliie si ha comprendido los temas de las 2 semanas anteriores 0 si necesita mds practica. Si no logré adquirir un tema, debe regresar y practicar més. Radio class Clase radial It explains and facilitates the comprehension of the book, vocabulary, and practices. You can download the radio class in our website, or get them in a CD provided by the regional coordinator. Explica y facitita la comprensién del libro, vocabulario y las ejercitaciones. Usted puede bajar el audio en nuestro sitio web u obtenerlo en un disco compacto proveido por el coordinador regional. The study circle El circulo de estudio Itis a place of sharing and learning together with other students and your tutor. Take advantage of it by asking questions and practicing the contents of the week. sun lugar para compartir y aprender junto con otros estudiantes ysu tutor. Aprovéchelo haciendo preguntas y practicando los contenidos de la semana, ©2210 GER - level Methodology step by step Metodologia paso a paso In order to facilit fate and get the most out of your study each week, follow the next steps. Para facilitar y sacar lo mejor de su estudio cada semana, siga los siguientes pasos. | Read the content of the week Reading the content allows you to have a general idea of the topic. You will see how much you need to work and be ready for the audio class. Leer el contenido le permite tener una idea general del tema, Usted veré cuanto necesita trabajar y estaré listo para la clase radial Listen to the radio class You should listen to the radio class and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation of the speakers. The speaker will guide you through the exercises. Usted debe escuchar la clase radial y poner atencién a la pronunciacién y entonacién de los hablantes. El hablante lo guiaré a través de los ejercicios. Personal work Itis time to study and practice the contents. You should distribute your time so you can study a little each day and not all at the last minute. Take your time to practice the contents as suggested in the book. This will help you acquire the language. Es tiempo de estudiar y practicar los contenidos. Usted debe distribuir su tiempo para que pueda estudiar un poco cada dia y no todo al diltimo minuto. Tome su tiempo para practicar los contenidos como el libro lo sugiere. Esto le ayudaré a adquirr et lengugje. Ask if you have any questions You should read other books, use the internet and ask your friends for help. Do not keep doubts to yourself. Usted debe leer otros libros, usar et internet y preguntar a sus amigos por ayuda. No se quede con dudas. Participate in the study circle By participating in the study circle, you will get help from your tutor and your classmates. You can also exchange what you have learned, your ideas and feelings. Al participar en et circulo de estudio, usted obtendré ayuda desu tutor ysus comparieros. Usted también puede intercambiar lo que hha aprendido, sus ideas y sentimientos. Now you are ready to start! Let's go! iAhora esta listo para comenzar! iVamos! 11 Inglés ~ jBienvenida y bienvenido! Block 1 Welcome to English Pere eee feet nose ear eyes abcdefghijkim Hello, my nopqrstuvwxyz name is Luis. Nice to meet you afternoon! Leaming English is fun, interesting, but especially, useful. You can talk to other people from other countries in English since it is the official international language. English can open doors for you. So, lets get into this wonderful world of new opportunities and challenges that will give you a plus. Aprender inglés es divertido, interesante pero especialmente, ttl. Usted puede hablar con otras personas de otros paises en inglés porque es el idioma internacional oficial. El inglés puede abrirle puertas. Entonces, adentrémonos en este maravilloso mundo de nuevas oportunidades y retos que le beneficiarén. How do | start speaking English? What do | do if | do not know a specific word in English? Como empiezo a hablar inglés? Qué hago sino conozco una palabra especifica en inglés? 2°12 IGER- 1 Level _ — — ee. Lg Time of the day Leave takings Parts of the body Basic commands ‘Actions Numbers Colors School objects Adresses The alphabet Personal pronouns Inglés - 1" Block 13° Competencias del CNB a trabajar Escucha activamente instrucciones sencillas de su interlocutor identificando la accion requerida y demostrando seguridad al realizarla, Reconoce el cambio de expresiones de un idioma a otro. Sigue, con seguridad, instrucciones orales sencilla Sigue instrucciones orales con la acci6n requerida, Infiere el significado de las 6rdenes recibidas y asocia los fonemas similares a los de su idioma materno. Realiza la accion de acuerdo con la orden recibida, Identifica sonidos y fonemas bésicos y diferentes al de su idioma en su relacién familiar y con otros. Reconoce os diferentes sonidos y los diferencia entre los fonemas basicos de su idioma materno y los del idioma en su estudio. Reconoce la acentuacion de las vocales y ppronunciacién de las consonantes en las érdenes recibidas, Inflete el significado de fos movimientos corporates en la realizacin de una accion. © 14 IGER- 1 Level 1°* Week RSet Greetings | Imagine you find a person who only speaks English, how could you greet her? | Imagine que se encuentra a alguien que solamente habla inglés, gcmo podria saludarlo? —_) 1. Greetings and Introductions Saludos y presentaciones When two people meet, they say hi and tell their names. Cuando dos personas se conacen, dicen hola y sus nombres. In Guatemala we say: inGi decimos. { 10! mucho gusto. 'n Guatemala decimos: | Mi nombre es Fernand. We can say this too: Podemos decir asi también: [rater manta) Uomo Fernanda, [rater manta) ta? (Ana, mucto gusto.) (Ana, mucto gusto.) gusto, Write an example of how you greet someone in your area: Escriba un efemplo de cémo saluda a alguien en su érea: English - week 15 © Listen to the audio and repeat, Escuche la grabacién yrepita, 88 16 IGER-Tteve! In English, we say like this: En inglés decimos asi: Hi, | am your teacher. My name is Ana. Hola, soy su maestra. Mi nombre es Ana. Hello. My name José. Nice to meet you. José. Gusto de conocerla, Nice to meet you, too. Gusto de conocerto también. aa a aa Greetings and introductions are the first words we say to people we meet, so it's good to know what to say and how. Los saludos y las presentaciones son las primeras palabras que le decimos alas personas que conocemos, asi que es bueno saber qué decir y cémo. Ejemplos: Luis. nombre es Luis. Greeting (saludo) Response (respuesta) Hello or Hi (Hola) Hello or Hi (Hola) How are you? (:Cémo estas?) Fine thanks, and you? (Bien gracias, cy t62?) Hi, my name is John. What is your name? (Hola, mi nombre es John. ¢Cudl es tu nombre?) Hil My name is Lucy. Nice to meet you. (Hola! Mi nombre es Lucy. Gusto de conocerto,) Hello, How are you? (Hota, écémo estis?) Hello. Very well, and you? (Hola, Muy bien gracias, ey ta?) Ct ') 's practic ‘A. Complete the paragraph with your own information. Complete el parrafo con informacién propia. 1. Hi, |am your teacher. My name is 2. Hello, My name is . Nice to meet you. a. wg Nice to meet you, too, eS B. Rewrite the paragraph with your own information. Escriba de nuevo el pérrafo con informacién propia. In the previous paragraph we use the personal pronouns Spanish we use personal pronouns. En el pdrrofo anterior utlizamos los pronombres personales yo y tt. En inglés como en espatiol usamos and “you". In English as in pronombres personales. Personal pronouns Pronombres personales 0 Yo We Nosotros She Ella You (singular) Tio usted He a You (plural) _Ustedes. aa It Eso They Ellos 0 ellas C. Circle the right personal pronoun for these subjects. Circule el pronombre personal para los sujetos. 0. The car he she Cit) ot you we they 1. Gabriel: he she it 1 you we they 2. Micaela: he she it fl you we they 3. Lorenzo and | he she it H ou we the Lorenzo y yo y aid 4, The piano: piers he she it i you we they English - week 17 © 6 2. Introducing someone Presentar a alguien 1. José is introducing Ixmukane to his friend Andrea. Read the conversation José le presenta a Ixmukane a su amiga Andrea. Lea la conversacién. Listen to the audio and repeat. Escuche (a grabacién José: Hil This is Ixmukane. She is from Guatemala. a José: Hola. Ella es Ixmukane. Ella es de Guatemala. Andrea: Hi, | am Andrea. | am from Retalhuleu. Nice to meet you. Andrea: Hola, soy Andrea. Yo soy de Retalhuleu. Mucho gusto. Ixmukane: Nice to meet you, too. Ixmukane: Mucho gusto. 2. Antonio is introducing Isabel his friend Sonia. Read the conversation. Antonio le esté presentando a Isabel su amiga Sonia, Lea ta conversacién. Hi, my name is Antonio. She is my friend Sonia, Antonio: Hola, mi nombre es Antonio. Ella es mi amiga Sonia. Isabel: Hello, my name is Isabel. Isabel Hola, mi nombre es Isabel. Sonia: Where are you from? Sonia: ¢De ddnde es usted? Isabel: | am from Solold. Where are you from? Isabel: Yo soy de Solold, ;De dénde son ustedes? Antonio: | am from Izabal and she is from Quiché. Antonio: Yo soy de izabal y ella es de Quiché. aM eid Liat Remember itis always important to introduce the person you are with for courtesy. Recuerde que, por cortesio, es importante presentar a la persona que le acompaia. 62 18 IGER-1teve! A. Introduce your friend. Complete the paragraphs with personal information. Presente a su amigo. Complete los parrafos con su propia informacién. eee tetas 1. Hi, this is my friend She is from Hi, lam Lam from Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Hi, my name is She is my friend Hello, my name is Where are you from? Lam from. Where are you from? B. Practice the conversations with your classmates and tutor. Practique las conversaciones con sus compafieros y tutor. . Introduce your classmates to your friend. Write the conversation in your notebook. Share your work with your tutor. Preséntele sus compafieros a un amigo. Escriba la conversacién en su cuaderno, Comparta su trabajo con su tutor. English - week 19 © A Vocabulary Time of the day Hora del dia The greetings change depending on the time of the day. Los saludos cambian segin la hora det dia. Good morning! Buenos dias! a ma Good afternoon! iBuenas tardes! Good evening} (after 6:00 p.m.) Buenas tardes/noches! (después de las 6:00 p.m.) Ca) : | To A. Match with a Una con una linea las expresiones del dia con las horas dadas. 1. 1:00 p.m. 2. 9:00 p.m. 3. 6:00am. 4, 6:00 p.m. 5 6 9:00 am 4:00 pm. B. Greet the person according to the Salude a (a persona segtin (a hora brindada. Siga el ejemplo 0. 1e the time of the day expressions to the hours given. + Good morning * Good afternoon + Good evening 1e given. Follow the example 0. 0. 2:00 p.m: Hello Margarita. Good afternoon! 1. 7:00 am. Hi Elmer. 2. 10:00 p.m: Hello Elena, 3. 5:00 p.m.: Hello Merce. 868 20 IGER-1" level 3. Greetings and leave takings Saludos y despedidas Pedro is a teacher. He is entering the class, Read the conversation. Pedro es un maestro. El esta entrando a la clase. Lea la conversaci¢ Good morning class. Buenos dias clase. Good morning teacher. How are you today? Buenos dias, profesor. ¢Cémo esté hoy? I'm fine, thank you. How about you? Estoy bien, gracias. ¢Cémo estan ustedes? Fine, thanks. Bien, gracias. A Vocabulary Leave taking expressions Expresiones de despedida We went through some Greetings. Now, let's see different expressions to say good bye to someone in English. Ya vimos algunas expresiones de saludos. Ahora, veamas expresiones para despe- dirmos de alguien en inglés. Listen to the audio and repeat. Escuche la grabacién vy repita. Listen to the audio and repeat. Escuche la grabacién yrepita. Good bye Adios ‘Sea you soon Hasta pronto ( Bye Adiés ‘Take care Cuidese / Cuidate See you tomorrow | Hasta mafiana Good night | (cuando se despiden o = ‘See you on Monday Hasta el lunes inites Ge,Wis dorm) English = 1*week 21 ee A. Fill in the blanks to form leave takings. Complete los espacios para completar las despedidas. 1G DN G Vs You T Rw! 2 of OOn, B. 3.7 Ec E 4, EE YOU RI B. Order the sentences to make a conversation. Write numbers in the lines and rewrite the sentences in order. Ordene las oraciones para formar una conversacién. Escriba los nimeros en las lineas y vuelva a escribir la conversacién en orden. Hamnifromixela: Rewrite the conversation here. Ok. See you later. Escriba la conversation ordenada aqui: Hi, my name is Alberto. Where are you from? Hello, my name is Luisa. lam from Mazatenango. Where are you from? Good bye! © e% 22 GER -1 level A. Write the personal pronouns according the pictures. Escriba el pronombre personal de acuerdo con las imagenes. #i¢ 1 | practice what | know 2, Shenesancs B. Fill in the blanks. Use the word box. Complete los espacios en blanco. Use el banco de palabras. A. Nice to meet you, too B. Where are you from? Good bye Nice to meet you See you later ‘A. Hello! My name is Juan Diego. What is your name? B. Hi Juan Diego. My name is Sofia. A. Lam from. Where are you from? B. | am from Villa Nueva. saan cf Palencia She Take care A. Oh! This is my friend Lucia, _... is from Chiquimula. B. Hi Lucia. C. Hello Sofia. Oh! It is 8:00 p.m English - 1 week 23° Y Check your progress No INEED More PRACTICE No _ | Yonecesito practicar mas eee 24 IGER-1 level yaaa |X RY aie Aen Requests and commands How do I ask for a favor in English? | £Cémo pido un favor en inglés? ) 1. Requests Solicitudes ? m Arequestis asking for something especially as a favor or courtesy. Itis a peti Una solicitud es pedir algo especialmente como un favor 0 cortesia. Es una peticién, Teacher: May | have the book please? » Maestra: ¢Me da el libro por favor? Student: Yes, you may have the book. Here it is. Estudiante: St, puede tener el libro. Aqui est Teacher: May | have the paper please? Maestra: ¢Me da el papel por favor? Student: Yes, you may have the paper. Here itis. Estudiante: Si, puede tener el papel. Aquiesté. Teacher: May | have the pencil please? Maestra: ¢Me da el lépiz por favor? Student: Yes, you may have the pencil. Here it is. Estudiante: Si, puede tener el lépiz. Aqui esté. English - 24 week 25 6 Ce ‘| Aris A. Fill in the blanks to form requests. Use the pictures given. Complete los espacios para completar las solicitudes. Utilice las imagenes brindadas. 1. Teacher: May | have the please? Creayon/Crayén ‘Maestra: :Me da el crayén por favor? Student: Yes, you may have the Here it is. SE Estudiante: Si, puede tenerlo. Aqui est. Flower/Flor 2. Luisa: May | have the - __.. please? Mario: Yes, you may have the Here itis. & Ball/Pelota 3. Ruth: May please? Carlos: Yes, - Here itis. B. Write 5 requests like the previous exercise in your notebook using different words. Find the words ina Spanish - English dictionary. Share your work to your tutor. Escriba 5 solicitudes como el ejercicio anterior en su cuaderno utilizando diferentes palabras. Encuentre palabras en un diccionario inglés espafiol. Comparta su trabajo con su tutor Ai Vocabulary (>) Parts of the body Listen to the audio Partes del cuerpo Feet (plurad Face gs Hombro & Escuche la grabacién yrepita. Arm Leg Foot Brozo Pierna Pie and repeat. Cara Shoulder Honds ly L Manos O Mouth Fingers we we lee W 22 26 IGER-1 level Nose Naviz Ear Ct) 2) 's practi 1 Illustrate the parts of the body in your notebook. Label each picture to practice. lustre las partes del cuerpo en su cuaderno. Nombre cada una como practica. Practice the parts of the body by saying the name and locating them in your body. Practique las partes del cuerpo diciendo el nombre y localizdndolas en su cuerpo. Find the 10 parts of the body in the puzzle. Encuentra las 10 partes del cuerpo en la sopa de letras. VFHTEDATAKOKSLA GYFTOCBLZSUFMP YJ PviwuoOAOE EHYRC F kK WNCKOF FAGOHAC P NBGLGZMRPBQEHRC EK EVGBX JX PZERYE c 1 RY TFA BX EBPWZR sss ZtHTXWQVOLO4) THFRGOKBCWACQOE KEUECGLTIHGZAQI NGeES YNREDLUOHS F DDYFEWMLGHLYOXB TMLXLGXGISVsIPIX™M HEAD LGTY etpPptzo wvaQar)tepsztsyx kV HU en - C( p> English - 2" week 27 6 2. Commands Mandatos ‘A.command is an order given by one in authority. Un comando es una orden dada por alguien con autoridad. Examples of commands + Show me your arms. Enséfieme sus brazos. + Show me your hands. Enséfieme sus manos. + Show me your foot. Enséfieme su pie. Basic commands Listen tothe audio + Stand up. and repeat. Pérese / pongase de pie. cache lagrebecien , = + Sit down. yrepita Siéntese / tome asiento, + Raise your hand. Levante su mano. L + Put your hand down, aaF Baje su mano. + Raise two hands. Levante las dos manos. + Put one hand down. Baje una mano. + Putthe other hand down Baje la otra mano. » Read and listen to the conversation. Underline the commands you find. Lea la conversacién. Subraye los comandos que encuentre. eee 28 Teacher: Good moming! Student. Good morning teacher! How are you today? Teacher: Fine thank you, and you? Student. Fine thank you! Teacher: Ok, | am glad. Teacher: Stand up! Sit down! Raise your hands! (student does it as the teacher instructs) (El estudiante hace lo que el maestro pide) Teacher: Ok, good job. IGER ~1" level Vocabulary Actions Acciones Write Stop writing Walk / Stop walking Escriba Pare de escribir amine / Pare de caminar e v ; i Run / Stop running Jump / Stop jumping Talk / Stop talking Corra / Pare de correr Salte / Pare de saltar| Hable /Pare de hablar Let's practi A. Cut 26 squared pieces of paper. Then, draw in each one the 7 basic commands and the 6 actions. On the other 13 pieces of paper, write the 7 basic commands and the 6 actions. You will have 13 pictures and 13 words. You will create a memory game. Place the cards facing down and play with your family or tutor. Corte 26 pedazos de papel cuadrados. Después, dibuje en cada una los 7 mandatos basicos y las 6 acciones. En los otros 13 pedazos de papel escriba con letras los 7 comandos bésicos y las 6 acciones. Usted tendré 13 imégenes y 13 palabras. Usted crearé una memoria. Coloque las cartas para abajo y juegue memoria con su familia o su tutor English - 2" week 29 © B. Your tutor will tell you the following commands. Do as instructed. Su tutor le dird los siguientes comandos. Siga las indicaciones. eee 30 Show me your hands Stand up Sit down Raise your hand. ———) Put your hand down Raise two hands Put one hand down Put the other hand down Show me your foot Show me your leg ——3 Show me your nose Raise your leg Put your leg down Stand up IGER ~1" level Show me your ears Sit down Write ——3 Stop writing Stand up Walk Stop walking Run Stop running Stop jumping Talk Stop talking Sit down 3 Week RY aieA ened At school | How do I ask for school objects in English? | £Cémo pido objetos escolares en inglés? ) A Vocabulary 1. School objects Objetos de la escuela firteni te the aah = ‘and repeat. When we go to school, we use these objects. ee errr Cuando vamos a la escuela, nosotros usamos estos objetos. yrepita, Pencil Notebook Lapiz Cuaderno Ruler Sharpener Marker Regia Sacapuntas Marcador Desk Escritorio Paper Backpack PAN craser Papel Mochila Borrador Book ‘Computer oy Pen Libro Computador 7 Lopicero Ss; English -34week 31 ee Listen to the audio and repeat. Escuche la grabacién yrepita. eee 32 IGER ~1" level At school, we make a lot of requests all the time. En (a escuela, hacemos muchas solicitudes todo el tiempo. May | have the notebook, please? éPuedo tener el cuademo, por favor? Yes, you may. - or - Yes, here itis. Si usted puede. - 0 - Si aqui est May | have the pencil and the pen, please? ¢Puedo tener el lapiz y el lapicero, por favor? Yes, you may. - or - Yes, here they are. Si, usted puede. - 0 - Si aqui estan. May I have the eraser and the sharpener, please? Yes, you may. - or - Yes, here they are. May | have the markers and the book please? Yes, you may. - or - Yes, here they are. May | have the paper, the ruler, and the backpack please? Yes, you may. - or - Yes, here they are. ‘When we make a request, we ask someone for something, or we ask someone to do something. Cuando hacemos una solicitud, pedimos a alguien algo (un objeto) ‘0 pedimos a alguien que haga algo. Ct ') 's practic ‘A. Write your own requests in your notebook. Use the vocabulary of the school objects. Show your work to your tutor. Escriba sus propias soli trabajo a su tutor itudes en su cuaderno. Utilice el vocabulario de los objetos de la escuela, Ensefie su 0. May | have the please? B. The following words form a request about school, but the words are in disorder. Order the words to form the requests. Las siguientes palabras forman una solicitud acerca de la escuela, pero estan en desorden. Ordene las palabras para formar tas solicitudes. the notebook the book, May please? Ihave and. here are. Yes, they the backpack, May! have _ please? may. Yes, you A Vocabulary Actions Acciones L + Open the door. A + Close the door. Listen to the audio = 3 ti and repeat. A Open your hands. ener - + Close your hands. yrepita. + Close your eyes. + Open your eyes. ‘Open the book Close the book Abra Cierre English - 3¢week 33 26° A. Write the correct commands according to the picture. Follow the example. Escriba el mandato correcto segtin la imagen. Siga el ejemplo. Lock / Candado Chest / cofre Door / puerta aea2o 40 0. Close the lock. | e 7 4 > Vocabulary Actions and requests ) Acciones y solicitudes Listen to the | and repeat. Joana @hec’en | put the flowers on the. ¥/ Put the book in the table, please. \V2@ box please. Ponga las flores en la Ponga el libro en (a ‘mesa, por favor. caja, por favor. Bring a book, please. Traiga un libro, por favor. Bring a sharpener, please, BS Traiga un sacapuntas, por favor. ooe 34 IGER ~1" level Bring an eraser and a pencil, please. Traiga un borrador y un \6piz, por favor. Bring a sheet of paper, please. Traiga una hoja de papel, por favor. wv Ca :) 's practi A. Translate the following requests to English. Share your work with your classmates and tutor. Traduzca las siguientes solicitudes a inglés. Comparta su trabajo con sus compaieros y tutor 1. Ponga los marcadores en el cofre, por favor. 2. Traiga un lapiz, por favor. 3. Ponga una regia en la mesa, por favor. 4, Traiga una computadora, por favor. 5, Ponga un papel en el escritorio, por favor. 6. Traiga una pelota, por favor. 7. Ponga las flores en el escritorio, por favor. 8. Traiga un candado, por favor. 9. Ponga el libro en su mochila, por favor. 10, Traiga una regla y un lapiz, por favor. English - 3¢week 35 s 0° ‘A. Name the pictures in the lines provided. Nombre las imagenes en las lineas. B. Illustrate the following. lustre lo siguiente, © 800 36 IGER-1level Copyrighted materi & Look at the chart, Write requests and commands with the options given in the space provided Observe el griifico. Escriba solicitudes y mandatos con las opciones dadas en el espacio. our eyes Brin . . your hand Qi Sharpen May | Open bohelanl tata please? 7 a flower lose the lock Raise a aruler the book Commands 0. Open your eyes. 1 2. 3 Requests 0. May I have the book, please? 1 2 3. Your tutor will indicate you to do some actions. You must do as he says. Su tutor le indicaré que realice algunas acciones. Usted debe realizar lo que le pide. For example: raise your hand, open your book English - 34 week 37 eee Self-evaluation checklist Y Check your progress My new abilities. ves no. Yineeo mone practice ‘Mis nuevas habilidades. si No _| Yonecesito practicar mas I respond to requests. Yo respondo a solicitudes. | respond to affirmative commands. Yo respondo a mandatos afirmativos. I respond to negative commands. Yo respondo a mandatos negativos. | know new vocabulary words about parts of the body. Yo conozco palabras nuevas sobre las partes del cuerpo. | know new vocabulary words about actions. Yo conozco palabras nuevas sobre acciones. know new vocabulary words about school objects. Yo conozco palabras nuevas sobre objetos de (a escuela. eee 38 IGER-1" level 4 Week RY aioe nes The numbers | How do I say how many objects I have? | gCémo digo cudintos objetos tengo? ) 1. The numbers Los numeros ‘We use numbers all the time, They help us count things. Usamos nimeros todo el tiempo. Ellos nos ayudan a contar objetos. Numbers help us count our products. Los ntimeros nos ayudan a contar nuestros productos. Numbers help us know how many things we need to make a recipe. Los ndimeros nos ayudan a saber cudntas cosas necesitamos para hacer una receta. Listen to the audio Numbers help us count our friends. ‘and repeat. Los ntimeros nos ayudan a contar a nuestros amigos. done 6: six Siwo: “eseven Use “there is” for 1 object. Use "There is” para 1 objeto. 3: three 8: eight Use “there are” for 2 or more objects. AvtouE orl: Use “There are” para 2.0 més objetos. 5: five 10: ten English - 4*week 39 e66 For example There are six students There is one radio in = ~~ in class. ‘the house. Hay seis estudiantes en Hay un radio en la casa, clase. There are ten books There are eight markers on the table. in the chest. Hay diez libros en ta Hay ocho marcadores en mesa, el cofre. CE || Picts A. Write the numbers in letters from 1 to 10 in your notebook. Make sure you spell them correctly. Show your work to your tutor. Escriba los nuimeros en letras del 1 al 10 en su cuaderno. Asegurese de escribirlos correctamente. Ensefie su trabajo a su tutor. B. Fill in the crossword puzzle with numbers from one to ten. Complete el crucigrama con los ntimeros del uno al diez. a b « d : a f 9 Across—» Down h Horizontal Vertical a 6 a7 c 8 b 5 fe d. 10 a9 e4 h3 h2 ©6240 IGeR-1" level €. Count the objects. Write the numbers in letters. Follow the example. Cuente los objetos. Escriba los mimeros en letras. Siga et ejemplo, 0. There are five faces. Hay cinco caras. 0. There is one sharpener. 2. There is 99 ; LOL English - 4" week 41 Numbers from 11 to 20 Numeros del 11 al 20 Listen to the audio and repeat. pecee caneoeeay Ti:eleven | 13:thirteen | 15:fifteen | 17:seventeen | 19: nineteen yrepita. | 12: twelve 18:eighteen | 20: twenty | For example There are sixteen There are fourteen students. balls. Hay dieciséis Hay catorce pelotas. estudiantes. There are eleven There are twenty flowers. backpacks. Hay once flores. Hay veinte mochilas. Ca) 2 | Pieta ta] ‘A. Complete the sequence with the right numbers. Write the number in letters. Complete la secuencia con los niimeros correctos. Escriba el niimero en letras. 1, eleven, , thirteen 2. twelve, . fourteen 3, fifteen, , seventeen 4, sixteen, , eighteen 5. nineteen, 6 «twelve, 7. , fourteen, 8. , seventeen, 28 42 1GER-1 level 20 B. Write some numbers from eleven to twenty (in letters) in the following lottery board. They do not have to be in order. Then play lottery with your classmates and tutor. Escriba algunos imeros del once al veinte (en letras) en la siquiente plantilla de bingo. No tienen que estar en orden, Después juegue bingo con sus comparieros y tutor. Write a sentence for each number from 11 to 20. If you do not know a word in English, use your Spanish-English dictionary. Follow the example. Escriba una oracién por cada nimero del 11 al 20. Si no sabe alguna palabra en inglés, use su diccionario inglés-espafiol Siga et ejemplo. 1 (11) There are eleven cars. (12) There are twelve (13) There (14) (15) (16) a7) (18) (9) 10. (20) English = 4 week 43 3. Numbers from 21 to 30 Numeros del 11 al 20 Listen to the audio ae Notice how the family numbers of 20 are written. What pattern do you observe? Escuche la grabacién | Observe cémo se escriben los mimeros de la familia del 20. ¢Qué patrén observa? yeepita 21: twenty-one 26: twenty-six 22: twenty-two 27: twenty-seven 23: twenty-three 28: twenty-eight 24: twenty-four 29: twenty-nine 25: twenty-five 30: thirty Notice that after twenty-one, the numbers have a hyphen (-). Note que después del veintiuno, los nimeros tienen un guion. Ga) : | rica ‘A. Complete the sequence with the right numbers. Write the number in letters Complete la secuencia con los mimeros correctos. Escriba el nimero en letras, 1. twenty, , twenty-two. 2. twenty-two, , twenty-four 3. twenty-eight, , thirty 4 , twenty-one, 5. , twenty-four, 6. , twenty-seven, 7 , twenty-nine, eee 44 IGER-1" level B. Write the numbers in letters from 21 to 30 in your notebook. Make sure you spell them correctly. Show your work to your tutor. Escriba los nuimeros en letras del 21 al 30 en su cuaderno. Asegurese de escribirlos correctamente. Ensefie su trabajo a su tutor C. Write the numbers in letters in the spaces provided. Then do the mathematical operations and write the answer in letters. Look at the example, Escriba los ntimeros en letras en los espacios dados. Después realice las operaciones matematicas y escriba la respuesta en letras. Mire el ejemplo. 1 one + | 5 five =| 6 se " +] = 20 +]4 7 9 +} . 1B + | 15 = 4 + ]3 = D. Follow the requests your tutor asks. Atienda las solicitudes de su tutor 1. Bring twenty-five crayons. Bring twelve pens. 2. Bring nineteen markers, Bring 3. Bring three books. Bring English - a*week 45 266 A Vocabulary (>), Actions and colors Acciones y colores Escuche la grabacién yrepita. Write with Escriba con Blue Green Colors are everywhere. They fill our life with joy. We can see the colors of the rainbow and the flowers. We can see the colors of the school objects. Los colores estén en todos lados. Ellos llenan nuestra vida de alegria. Nosotros podemos ver los colores del arcoiris y de las flores. Podemos ver los colores de los objetos de fa escuela. Brown Café ir Yellow Purple Black Amarito Morado Negro What is your favorite color? éCudl es su color favorito? © 8° AG IGER-1" level a :) Perla! A. Read the sentences and follow instructions. Do the exercises in your notebook. Show your work to your tutor. Lea tas oraciones y siga instrucciones. Realice los ejercicios en su cuaderno. Muestre su trabajo a su tutor 1, Write your first name (su primer nombre) with the blue crayon. 2. Write your last name (su apellido) with the red crayon. 3. Draw a flower with the green and the yellow crayons. 4, Draw six balls (pelotas) with the purple and the orange. 5. Write your favorite number (niimero favorito), in letters, with the black pen. B. Color the following picture. Use the colors you learned. Write in the lines, the colors you used. Show your work to your tutor and be ready to share the colors you used. Coloree (a siguiente figura. Use los colores que aprendié en la leccién. Escriba en las lineas los colores que uso. Muestre su trabajo a su tutor y esté listo para decirle los colores que utiliz6. English - 4*week 47 o60 A Vocabulary The hour It is always important to know the time. It helps you be responsible if you Escuche la grabacién have an appointment. pak Es importante saber la hora. Lo ayuda a ser responsable si tiene una cita a la cual cacudir puntualmente. To ask the time, you say: What time is it? To tell the time, you say: Itis six o'clock. - or - It's six o'clock. Para pedir la hora, usted dice: :Qué hora es? Para dar la hora, usted dice: Son las seis en punto. 7 10 2 2:00 - Two si L A 4 1:00 - One o'clock o'clock 5 765 3:00 - Three 4:00 - Four o'clock o'clock ©0648 IGER-1" level 5:00 ~ Five id 6:00 - Six o'clock A o'clock 10, 7:00 - Seven fi 8:00 - Eight o'clock a o'clock 9:00 ~ Nine 10:00 - Eleven o'clock o'clock 11:00 - Eleven 12:00 - Twelve o'clock o'clock English - 4" week 49 eee Let's pract A. Ask for the time. Write the time according to the clocks given. Pregunte la hora. Escriba (a hora segtin los relojes brindados. 1. What time is it? It's o' clock. 2. What 2 It's o' clock. It's © clock. OOOO 60 eee 50 IGER-1" level PTY) Semana 5 The alphabet | Are the same letters used to write in English as in Spanish? | \ Para escribir en inglés se utilizan las mismas letras que en espaol? ) 1. The letters of the English alphabet Las letras del alfabeto ABCHOBFOWIIKLM NOPQRSTUVWRYVZ Count the letters in the English alphabet. How many letters does it have? Cuente (as letras en el alfabeto en inglés. ;Cudntas letras tiene? How many letters does our Spanish alphabet have? (¢Cudintas letras tiene nuestro alfabeto en espafiol? Which isthe letter of the Spanish alphabet that is not in the English alphabet? éCudl es la letra que estd en el alfabeto en espafiol, pero no en inglés? English speakers have difficulty pronouncing nifjo or pita because the fi does not exist in English. las personas que hablan inglés tienen difcultad al pronunciar nif o pitia porque la fi no existe en inglés. €& Listen to the audio The English language has 26 letters. thas 5 vowels and 21 consonants. on ver Listen and repeat the letters of the alphabet. El idioma inglés tiene 26 letras. Tiene 5 vocales y veintitin consonantes. Escuche y repita las letras del alfabeto. Escuche la grabacién yrepita. English - Sweek 51 see eee 52 IGER ~1" level 2. The letters of the alphabet ‘Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Vy Zz It has 26 letters, but around 50 sounds. Tiene 26 letras, pero tiene alrededor de 50 sonidos. 3. The letters of the English alphabet Pronunciacion del abecedario en inglés In any English course it is required to memorize the alphabet to facilitate the learning of the language. You will find a chart with all the letters, its phonetics and how to pronounce them correctly. En cualquier eurso de inglés se requiere memorizar el abecedario para faclitar el aprendizaje de la lengua. A continuacién, encontrard una tabla con todas las letras que componen el abecedario en inglés, su fonética y cémo pronunciarlas correctamente. Letra Fonética Pronunciacin A fev leil B Poi (bil c Jsif (cil D ii (ail E Nv a F lef lefl G Idsi/ il H Jexti/ [eich] | fail [ai] J sa3er/ Geil K {ker/ [kei] L le fell M Jem/ [em] /en/ fen] Fonética Pronunciacién Copy this information in your notebook to memorize and be able to spell. Letra ° Pol foul P pil {pil Q Kus Ikiu} R sawn lar] s Jes/ les] T his (ti) U Jus iu) v Nil (vi) w /dabje)l ju/ [dabliu} x feks/ [ex] Y war/ [uai) Zz /zed/ [set] fell (bil o [eft yi (eich) | all fe) fem) | {enl fou) (wil (Kul fer) tes) (sl Gu) S oY opie esta informacién en su cuaderno para memorizarlo y deletrear. i English - week 53 eee 4. Howdo you spell __ éCémo se deletrea Listen to the audio are We use "HOW DO YOU SPELL?" when we want to spell a word in English. Usamos “COMO SE DELETREA” cuando queremos saber cémo se deletrea una palabra en inglés. Student: How do you spel “sharpener Remember to use the chart on page 53, to spell each word. Recuerde usar la tabla de ta pagina 53, para deletrear Student: How do you spell “book"? cada palabra. Student: How do you spell "backpack"? Teacher: B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K Student: How do you spell "computer"? Teacher: C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R How do you spell eraser eee 54. IGER-1" level Caz |) A. Practice the conversation with your partner, Use the vocabulary of the school objects and parts of the body. Show your work to your tutor. Practique (a conversacién con su compafiero. Utilce el vocabulario de los objetos de la escuela y las partes del cuerpo. Ensefie su trabajo a su tutor. *) \n. Practice the conversation in pairs. Use your own names. Escuche la conversacién, Practique la conversacién en parejas. Usen sus propios nombres. ‘A; Whatis yourname? Listen to the audio ‘and repeat. Escuche la grabacién yrepita. B: Alejandro Ortega, but please call me Ale. Alejandro Ortega pero por favor ltameme Ale. ‘A: Okay, Ale, How do you spell that? Bien, Ale. gComo se deletrea? > z 3 2 8g € 2 P Zz 3 2 2 a g 3 2 3 9 x z S 5 gz A: Okay, . How do you spell that? €. Practice spelling the following words. Practique deletreando las siguientes palabras. (__morning foot table eight flower shoulder U evening finger marker three alphabet twenty | English - 5 week 55 s0 0 How do you say éComo se dice ‘We use “How do you say?" when we want to know a word in English, Usamos “:Cémo se dice?” cuando queremos saber cémo se dice una palabra en inglés. Student: How do you say “ldpiz"? Student: How do you say “cuaderno"? Teacher: Notebook Student: How do you say “libro”? Student: How do you say “borrador"? Ce) 2 | KS Been 2 | ‘A. What school objects would you like to know in English? Use HOW DO YOU SAY and draw the object. Use your Spanish — English dictionary. éCuéles objetos que usamos en ta escuela le gustaria saber en inglés? Use “How do you say?” y dibuje el objeto Use su diccionario inglés - espafiol. 2 0. How do you say | 1. 2 “calculadora"? Cateulator. eee 56 IGER-1" level A Vocabulary Addresses Direcciones Listen to the audio and repeat. Escuche la grabacién yrepita When you tell your address you mention the street, avenue and zone wherd you live. Cuando usted dice su direccién, usted menciona la calle, avenida y zona en donde vive. Avenue avenida Zone zona {a 0 — — i ite ee Street calle Qo = Ménica: What is your address? | { Angel: It is 20 street 5 - 30 zone 9. éCual es su direccion? Retalhuleu Monica: How do you spell Retalhuleu? ) (Angel: R-E-T-A-L-H-U-L-E-U Luis: What is your address?) _( Roberto: Itis 4 avenue 6 - 10 zone 6. 2Cudl es su direcci6n? Chinautla Luis: How do you spell Chinautla? Roberto: C-H-LN-A-U-T-L-A, Reina: It is 11 street 2 - 16 zone 1 Chichicastenango Silvia: What is your address? éCusl es su direccion? Silvia: How do you spell Chichicastenango? Reina: C-H--C-H--C-A-S-T-E-N-A-N-G-O. English - "week 57 eee a) : | 's prac A. Practice the conversation with real addresses. Show your work to your tutor. Ask different classmates their address. Practique la conversacién con direcciones reales. Muestre su trabajo al tutor. Pregunte a diferentes compaiieros de su clase su direccién. 1 { You: What is your address? eee 58 IGER-1" level | practice what | know A. Write in letters the following numbers. Spell them outloud. Escriba en letras los siguientes nimeros. Deletree en voz alta, 8 3 16 13 28 21 19 30 B. Follow instructions. Siga instrucciones. 1. Write your first name 2. Write your last name with the green crayon. with the purple crayon. C. Ask for the time. Write the time according to the clocks given. Pregunte la hora. Escriba la hora segtin los relajes brindados. It's (0! clock. 2. What ? It's (0° clock. Englsh - Sweek 5Q eee D, Fill in the blanks with the right information. lene los espacios con la informacién correcta. f ‘A: Whatis yourname? { A: Okay, . How do you spell that? } ( 8: . j E, Translate the following questions. Traduzca las siguientes preguntas. _..., but please call me 1. éCémo se dice nariz? 2. Como se deletrea Guatemala? F. Write a conversation with real addresses. Escriba una conversacién con direcciones reales. Pedro: © 60 IGER-1" level G. Count the objects. Write the numbers in letters. Follow the example. Cuente los objetos. Escriba los mimeros en letras. Siga el ejemplo 0. There are two noses. English - 5 week 61 #6 Self-evaluation checklist Y Check your progress yes No | INEED MORE PRACTICE Si No | Yonecesito practicar més 1 know how to write the numbers from 1 to 30. Yo sé como escribir los nimeros del 7 al 30. | can use there is and there are. Yo puedo usar there is y there are, 1 know the colors. Yo sé los colores. | can tell the time using o'clock. Yo puedo decir la hora usando en punto, understand the meaning of write with and draw with. Yo entiendo et significado de write with y draw with. | know new vocabulary words about adresses. Yo conozco palabras nuevas sobre direcciones. |1use how do you say when | do not know a word in English. Yo uso how do you say cuando no sé una palabra en inglés ‘use how do you spell when | do not know how to write a word, You uso how do you spelt cuando no sé cémo escribir una palabra en inglés. © ° 62 IGER-1" level s Aun TITY) 4 \ Repaso: semanas 1 a la 5 What have you learned so far? éQué ha aprendido hasta ahora? Review Repaso This week you will practice the different skills and vocabulary words learned from week one to week five. You will review all the topics of weeks 1 ~ 5. You need to practice in order to have your first partial evaluation. Esta semana usted practicaré las diferentes habilidades y palabras de vocabulario aprendidas de la semana uno a la semana cinco. Usted revisaré todos los temas de las semanas 1-5. Necesita practicar para poder tener su primera evaluacién parcial. ‘The exam evaluates the same topics the same way you have practiced through the weeks 1-5. You will: ¥ answer questions ¥ complete sentences v draw and label vocabulary words El parcial evaltia los mismos contenidos de la misma manera que usted ha practicado durante las semanas 1-5. Usted: ¥ Responderd preguntas ¥ Completaré oraciones ¥ Dibujaré y nombrard las palabras de vocabulario. English - 6" week 63 ¢¢ © 1. Greetings Saludos When you meet someone, you say hi and tell your name. The other person answer with a name, too. ‘Cuando conoce a alguien, usted dice hola y su nombre. La otra persona responde con su nombre, también. Como esta? Greeting Response Hello! Hil Holo Hola How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? Bien, gracias. é¥ usted? My name is Rosa. What is your Hil My name is Javier. Nice to name? meet you ‘Mi nombre es Rosa, ¢Cudil es su Hola. Mi nombre es Javier. Gusto de nombre? conocerle. Diego: Hi! Hello! Diego: How are you? Diego: Fine, thank you. Diego: My name is Diego. Diego: Nice to meet you too. Fine, thank you. And you? My name is Angela. Nice to meet you. Write a conversation in English as if you meet someone. Escriba una conversacién como cuando conoce a alguien. coe 64 You: The persor You: The person: You: The person: You: The person: You: IGER ~ 1" level 2. Introducing someone Presentar a alguien Ifyou are with someone, you must introduce your friend. Siusted esté con alguien, debe presentar a su amigo 0 amiga. Hil This is Evelyn. She is from Guatemala. Holo. Ella es Evelyn. Ella es de Guatemala CE) 2 | practice! ) 2) Hi, | am Guadalupe. | am from Totonicapan. Nice to meet you Hola, soy Guadalupe. Yo soy de Totonicapén. Gusto de conocerte. Nice to meet you, too. Gusto en conacerle también. A. Fill in the blanks to introduce your friend, lene los espacios en blanco para presentar a su amigo 0 amiga. 1. You: Hello! This is my friend . She / He is from Your friend 1: Hil lam Lam from to meet you. Your friend 2: Nice to meet you, too. 2. You Your friend 1 ! Your friend 2: B. Translate to English the following phrases. Traduzca al inglés las siguientes frases. 1. (Hola! 2. sComo esté? 4, Gusto de conocerle. 5. Eles Esteban. 3. ¢Cual es su nombre? 6. Ella es de Coban. English - 6" week 65 ¢¢ © 3. Time of the day and the hour Hora del dia y la hora The greetings change depending on the time of the day. Los saludos cambian segun la hora del dia. Time of the day Greeting Four o'clock - eleven o'clock : Good morning! (In the morning) En la mariana iM ‘Twelve o'clock - five o'clock ! (Im the afternoon) En la tarde | 6004 afternoon! Six o'clock and alll night. Toda ta noche Ca) : | Piers ‘A. Write the greeting depending according to the time given. Escriba el saludo dependiendo del tiempo brindado. Good evening! Time of the day Greeting 1. Seven o'clock in the morning. 2. Nine o'clock at night. 3. Seven o'clock at night. 4, One o'clock in the afternoon, 5. Ten o'clock in the morning. 6. Four o'clock in the afternoon 82° 66 IGER- 1" level B. Mark the time of the hours given in exercise A in the following clocks. Marque las horas det ejerccio 4 en los relojes. €. Look at the hours in exercise B. Ask for the time and write the answer. Mire las horas en el ejercicio 5. Pregunte por el tiempo y escriba la respuesta 1. What time is it? It's seven o'clock. 2 2 2 Z 4, 2 _— a - 5, 2 6 2 English - 6" week 67. 4. Personal pronouns Pronombres personales Personal pronouns are words used instead of nouns to represent people or things. Los pronombres personales son palabras que se usan en lugar del nombre para representar personas 0 cosas. CE) ¢) prac A. Rewrite the following sentences. Change the underlined noun for a pronoun. Escriba de nuevo las oraciones. Cambie el nombre subrayado por un pronombre. 0. Maria is my mom. She és my mom, |. Julio is my best friend, 2. The flower is orange. 3. The airplane is red. 4. Marta and Luis are from Puerto Barrios. 5. Rolando is happy. 6. Martina and Felipe are sad. 7. My mom and | are worried. 8. The ball is black. 6 68 IGER-1 level English Spanish English Spanish 1 Yo We Nosotros She Ella You (singular) | Ti o usted He él You (plural) Ustedes It Eso They Ellos o elas 5. Leave takings Despedidas It is polite to say good bye when you leave a place. These are some expressions to do it. Es correcto decir adiés cuando se retira de algiin lugar. Estas son algunas expresiones para hacer. English Spanish English Spanish Good bye Adiés See you on v6 Monday” Hasta el lunes Bye Adios See you soon Hasta pronto See you later Hasta luego Cuidese / Take care uldte See you x tomorrow Hasta manana Buenas noches 5 (cuando se Good night | gespiden o antes de ira dormir) Ca) : | 's practice! Write some leave taking expressions in the speech bubbles. Escriba expresiones de despedida en las burbujas de diélogo. e\( | La Po English ~ 6 week 69 eee 6. Requests Solicitudes A request is asking for something especially as a favor or courtesy. Itis a petition. Una solicitud es pedir algo especialmente como un favor o cortesia. Es una peticién. Student: Yes, you may have the ruler. Here itis. Estudiante: Si, puede tener la regla, Aqui esté. Picts practice! AA. Fill in the blanks to form requests. Use the pictures given. Complete los espacios para completar las solicitudes. Utilice las imagenes brindadas. please? o _.. Here itis. please? ») _. Here it is. 1. Luisa: May | have the Mario: Yes, you may have the . Jorge: B. Label body parts in English. Nombre las partes del cuerpo en inglés. Cara—_Piernas Ojos Pie Nariz Pies (2) Boca Manos Brazos Oidos ©2270 IGER- 1" level 7. Commands Comandos ‘A command is an order given by one in authority. Un comando es una orden dada por alguien en autoridad. + Show me your arms. + Stop talking, + Put your hand down, + Open the door. + Raise your hands. + Close the door. + Write your name. + Open your eyes. A. Write other commands you remember. Escriba otros mandatos que recuerde. 1 4, 2. 5, 3, 6. B. Write the numbers from one to thirty in letters. Escriba los nimeros del uno al treinta en letras. 1. 8 2. 9. 3. 10. 4. u Bi 12, 6 13, 7. 14, English - 6" week 71 ¢¢© 15, 23. 16. a ah 17, 25, 18, 26. 19, 27. 20. 28. 21. 29, 22. 30. C. Count the objects. Write the numbers in letters. Use There is or There are. Cuente los objetos. Escriba los nimeros en letras. 0. There are two apples. e290 72 IGER- 1" level 8. How do you say? and How do you spell? éCémo se dice? y ¢Como se deletrea? We use "How do you say?" when we want to know a word in English. Usamos "{Cémo se dice?" cuando queremos saber cémo se dice una palabra en inglés. We use “How do you spell?” when we want to spell a word in English: Usamos “Cémo se deletrea...2” cuando queremos saber cémo se deletrea una palabra en inglés. Student: How do you say “pi? Student: How do you spell penci Tee le laila A. Practice asking How do you say? and How do you spell? Use the words from the different vocabu- laries. Also, practice spelling the words outloud. Practique las preguntas week 3 e 6° 5, My mom and | from Guatemala city. (De la ciudad de Guatemala) 61 twenty-five years old. (Veinticinco aftos de edad) 7. The dog in the house. (El perro esta en la casa) 8 They happy. (Ellos estén alegres) 9. We worried. (Nosotros estamos preocupados) 10. She sad. (Ella esté triste) 11. Pablo angry. (Pablo estd enojado) 12. Lucas thirty years old. (Lucas tiene treinta aos de edad) 13. Gabriel and Isabel eleven years old. (Gabriele Isabel tienen once afios de edad) 14, My dog twelve years old. (Mi perro tiene doce arios de edad) 15. You from Gualdn, Zacapa. (Usted es de Gualén, Zocapa) B. Write the sentences of exercise Escriba las oraciones del efercicio * in the negative form in your notebook. Show your work to your tutor. en forma negativa en su cuaderno. Ensefie su trabajo a su tutor Example: 1. Lucia is not my best friend. C. Write the sentences of exercise "A" in the interrogative form and the two short answers in your note- book. Show your work to your tutor. Escriba las oraciones del ejercicio “A” en forma interrogativa y las dos respuestas cortas en su cuaderno. Ensefie su trabajo a su tutor. Example: 1. Is Lucia my best friend? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. 86 84 IGER-1 level Feelings Sensaciones A feeling is an emotion. Vocabulary They help us express how we feel about what is around us. Una sensacién es una emocién. Ellas nos ayudan a expresar como nos sentimos acerca de lo que nos rodea. o Ww Happy Sad Angry Worried Feliz Triste Enojado Preocupado am happy. Yo estoy feliz | am sad. lam angry. 1am worried. He is happy. ; Al esta feliz He is sad. He is angry. He is worried, She is happy. - a Fila esta feliz She is sad. She is angry. | She is worried. We are happy. Nosotros estamos | Wearesad. | Weare angry. varied felices. You are happy. Usted esta feliz. Vouare (Singular) You are sad. You are angry. wanted. Ustedes estén felices. (Plural) They are happy. They are Flos estan foices, | ‘Tey aresad. They are angry. wetted English - 7 week 85 eee a) : | acta) ‘A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Observe las imagenes y responda las preguntas. 8S G4 a 1. How is he? 2. How am I? 3. How are we? éCémo estd el? Como estoy yo? éCémo estamos nosotros? 4, How is she? 5. How am I? 6, How are they? ¢Cémo esta ella? Como estoy yo? ¢Cémo estan ellos? 7. How are you? 8. How are they? 9. How is she? Como estd usted? éCémo estan ellos? éCémo estd ella? B. Fill in the blanks to complete the feelings. eee 86 Llene los espacios en blanco para completar los sentimientos. 1 a aa 3 d 4, r IGER ~1" level Psu IT Semana 8 What is the mass media that people in your area use the most? ‘What do you use the mass media for? Do you have a favorite meal? What do you eat in each meal? .éCudil es el medio de comunicacién que las personas en su Grea usan més? ¢Para qué utiliza usted los medios de comunicacién? ¢Tiene un tiempo de comida favorito? ¢Qué come en cada tiempo de comida? Mass media Medios de comunicacion People use mass media to be entertained or informed. Television, radio, newspaper and internet are ways in which people get to know what happens around them. Las personas usan medios de comunicacién para estar entretenidos e informados. Los medios con los cuales las personas pueden saber qué pasa a su alrededor son la television, radio, periddico e internet. Televisions = = v Television ana Een SZ Newspaper BZ Z| Internet Periddico OZ = | Internet Do you watch tv? {Usted mira television? Yes, No Do you listen to the radio? éUsted escucha radio? = = Do you read the newspaper? {Usted lee el periédico? Yes No Do you use the internet? ve Ni {Usted utiliza internet? “s ° English - week 87s 6° Perris A. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Look at the example. Mire las imagenes y responda las preguntas. Mire el ejemplo. Yes, itis No, it isn't, Yes, they are. No, they aren't. 0. Is that a desk? No, it isn't 0. 1. — RP 1. Is that a tv? = M ies eA is 2. Is that a radio? 3. Are those pencils? ‘4. Are those flowers? 5. Is that a truck? 6. Are those motorcycles? 7. Is that an airplane? 8. 88 & 8 Are those computers? h Ox Of eee 88 IGER-1 level A Vocabulary Actions Acciones Iread the newspaper. ? eo ae | watch tv. 5 Yo leo ef pertédico, a Yo veo television. at I don't read - ‘4 wenamppe, = (genta Yo no leo el periédico. : I listen to the radio. | surf the internet. 2 Yo escucho (a radio. Yo navego en el internet. | don't listen to I don't surf the radio. the internet. Yo no escucho (a radio. Yononavegoen el internet. CE) 2 | 's practi A. What time do you do the activities? Answer the questions. ZA qué hora realiza las actividades? Responda las preguntas. 0. What time do you go to the market? / go to the supermarket at four o'clock. ¢A qué hora va al mercado? Yo voy al mercado a las cuatro. if you do not perform the activity, use I don’t. For example: / don't go to the supermarket. Si usted no realiza alguna actividad, use 1 don't. Por ejemplo: Yo no voy al supermercado. 1. What time do you watch tv? I watch ty at 2. What time do you read the newspaper? 3, What time do you listen to the radio? 4, What time do you surf the internet? Englsh - week 89 eee A Vocabulary Listen to the audio and repeat, Escuche la grabacién vy repita, eee 90 IGER ~1" level 2. Food and drinks Comida y bebidas You can have your food at home, at a diner or in a restaurant. No matter where you do it, try to have healthy and balanced food. Food makes us be nourished and it gives us the energy we need to perform our daily routines and jobs or studies. Usted puede tener sus alimentos en casa, en un comedor 0 en un restaurante. No importa en dénde coma, trate de comer sano y balanceado. La comida nos nutre y nos brinda a energia necesaria para realizar nuestras rutinas diarias y nuestro trabajo o estudio, Where do you prefer having your food? At home, ata diner or at a restaurant? en dénde prefiere comer? ¢En casa, en un comedor o en un restaurante? How many times do you eat on a day? éCudntas veces al dia come? Food Comida There is a variety of food. It is important to vary what you eat so you get all the nutrients your body needs. Hay una gran variedad de comida. Es importante variar lo que come para que obtenga todos los nutrientes que su cuerpo necesita. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Desayuno Almuerzo Cena CE a DB Healthy food Junk food Vegetables Comida saludable Comida chatarra Vegetales 2e | ww” ge B Fruits Frutas Carne v®@ What vegetables do you know in English? What desserts d Qué vegetales conoce en inglés? jo you know in English? Qué postres conace en inglés? C=) :) Picts A. Match the picture to the word and translation. Make the 1e according to the color asked for each word. Una la imagen a ta palabra y a la traduccién. Haga (a linea segtin el color solicitado para cada palabra. Breakfast. (orange) Lunch (green) Dessert (purple) Vegetable , (brown) Fruit (yellow) Meat (red) B. Draw the following. Dibyje(o siguiente. © Postre © Fruta * Desayuno Almuerzo «Carne Vegetal Dinner you had this week. Una cena que usted tuvo esta semana. Healthy food you like. Comida saludable que le guste Junk food you like. Comida chatarra que le guste English - week 91 e66 3. What do you have for.. Qué come para...? Talking about food can be a good opening conversation. You can ask and talk about what you usually eat for the different meals. Listen to the audio and repeat. - Escuche la grabacién | Hablar de comida puede ser un inicio de una conversacién. Usted puede preguntar y hablar va sobre lo que usualmente come en los diferentes tiempos de comida. ‘Amanda: What do you have for breakfast? Qué come en el desayuno? Ronaldo: | have tortilla with beans and coffee. Yo como tortilla con frijoles y café Gaby: What do you have for dinner? Fernando: | have a fruit. Juan: What do you have for lunch? Susan: | have meat and vegetables. CE +) 's practic A. Practice the conversation by filling in the blanks. If you do not know a word about food, use your Spanish ~ English dictionary. Practique la conversaci6n llenando los espacios en blanco. Sino conoce alguna palabra sobre comida, utilice un diccionario inglés - espafiol. 1. Oscar: What do you have for 2 Margarita: | have 2. Otto: What do you have for ? Ligia: | have 3. Tono: Flori: e092. IGER-1" level 4. What color is ...? What color are...? éDe qué color es...? These are my dad and | We ¢ American football. We XX swimming. f We SA fruits. We SA, vegetables. a C. Write Does or Do in the line and write the two possible answers (affirmative and negative). Escriba Does 0 Do en la linea y escriba las dos posibles respuestas (ofirmativo y negativo). 0. o00112 Does he like cars? she like airplanes? they like markers? Carlos like pineapple? IGER ~1" level Yes, he does. No, he doesn't. D. Unscramble the following questions with Where and the answer. Ordene las siguientes preguntas con Where y su respuesta. 0. my/ car / Where's /? Where's my car? the yellow house / in front of / It's It's in front of the yellow house. 1, my eraser / Where /is/? the sharpener / It's / next to 2. Where /?/ my dinner / is It's / the table / on Write the possessive form of the noun in bold. Escriba la forma posesiva del sustantivo en negrita, 0. The book of Jose. Jose’ book The tire of the car. 1. The sharpener of Julieta. 2. The truck of Lorenzo, 4, The eraser of the penci 5. The orange of Lucia 6. The dessert of Camilo. 7. The hand of the clock. The car's tire, English 9" week 113 © Self-evaluation checklist ¥ Check your progress ‘My new abi ves \ No YINEED MoE PRACTICE Mis nuevas habilidades. st No _| Yonecesito practicar més | know words related to sports. Yo sé palabras relacionadas con deportes. |can use I like /I don’t like Yo puedo usar Me gusta / No me gusta. {can use the verb like in affirmative, negative, interrogative forms and short answers. Yo puedo usar el verbo gustar en oraciones afirmativas, negativas, interrogativas, y en respuestas cortas. | know words related to prepositions of place. Yo sé palabras relacionadas con preposiciones de lugar. 1 can ask for a location of an object or person using whe Yo puedo preguntar por la ubicacién de un objeto 0 persona usando where..? {can use the contracted form of where is.?: Where's? ‘Yo puedo usar la forma corta de Where is.? Where's? I can use possessive nouns. Yo puedo usar sustantivos posesivos. © 00114 GER -1 level 5 (On | AS —aaTolarem 6) Families are different in terms of economy, culture and society. Relatives are important to one another. Family is a group of individuals who share a legal or genetic bond who usually live ina place called home. Who are the members of your family? Las familias son diferentes en términos de economfa, cultura y sociedad. Los familiares son importantes para cada uno de los miembros que la conforman. La familia es un grupo de individuos que comparten un vinculo, ya sea sanguineo o legal quienes usualmente viven en un mismo hogar. ‘eQuiénes son los miembros de su familia? ) 1, Family members Los miembros de la familia Family members vary from family to family, but we will consider the traditional members. Los miembros de una familia varian de familia a famitia, pero consideraremos los miembros tradicionates How many people are there in your close family? ¢Cudntas personas conforman su niicleo familiar? Listen to the ‘audio and repeat. How many people are there in your extended family? Can you recall all of them? éCudmtas personas conforman su familia extendida? Puede recordartos a todos ellos? Escuche la grabacién y repita. Englsh - 10*week 115 ¢ 6° A Vocabulary Family Members Los miembros de la familia Mother Father Mama pa Brother Sister Hermano Hermana Cousin Grandmother Grandfather Primo o prima Abuela Abuelo a § Uncle Granddaughter Tio Nieto Ah Grandson Wife Husband Nieto Esposa Esposo 116 IGER-1" level Ce *) 's practi A. Look at the family tree and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. Mire el érbol familiar y lene (os espacios en blanco para completar las oraciones. Ss = oa aA a\\ A PS sa Pedro Hortencia Jorge Graciela Grandfather Grandmother Grandfather Grandmother Tip: Remember, we use sere wee talk about someone's belongings. The apostrophe and the s ('s) shows ownership. Consuelo’s mother La mama de Consuelo. > Lucia’s brother: el Francisco Lucia hermano de Lucia. Son Daughter “ 0. Francisco is Abel's son. 3. Lucia is Francisco's woemsarnanencesutsens 1. Consuelo is Francisco's 4. Hortencia is Francisco's 2. Graciela is Francisco's 5. Jorge is Lucia’s Englsh - 10*week 117 #6 © B. Draw your family tree in your notebook. Make sure you write their names and the kinship they have with you. Show your work to your tutor. Dibuje su Grbol familiar en su cuaderno, Asegurese de escribir sus nombres y el parentesco que tienen con usted. Enseiie el trabajo a su tutor. For example Julia - mother, Luis - brother . Fill in the blanks with the name of your family members. ene los espacios vacios con el nombre de sus familiares. 0. My brother is my mother's son. 1, My mother is my sister's 2. My grandfather is my father's 3. lam my grandfather's 2 4, My sisteris my grandmother's 5. lam my mother's . ©6118 IGE -1" level 2. Possessive adjectives Adjetivos posesivos They are used to indicate whose something is, so they are followed by a noun Se utilizan para indicar a quién pertenece algo por lo que van seguidos de un sustantivo. Possessive aa Example My caris red. my maids Micarro es rojo. , His cars red. his su / sus (de él) Stas her su/sus (de ella) Her car ted. Su carro es rojo. 5 Its caris red. its su /sus (de eso) sanatb es os our nuestro / nuestros Curate tes Nuestro carro es rojo. our | 5/Su5 (de usted) Your car is red x tu/tus Su carro es rojo. Tu carro es rojo. our su/sus Your car is red x (de ustedes) Su carro es rojo. their su/sus Their caris red. (de ellos 0 ellas) Su carro es rojo. English ~ 10" week 119 ¢+* What's She is Itis my his her its our your your their name? mother. dog. perro. Heis What's the color of my his her its our your your their name? grandfather. eyes? Underline the possessive adjective in each sentence. Subraye el adjetivo posesivo en cada oracién, 0. 220120 It is my cat. Es0 es mi gato. He is my uncle. What is the color of his eyes? What's her name? What is the color of its nose? It is my ball, IGER ~1" level 10. ‘What's the color of their hair? (cabetlo) She is our grandmother. Itis your ruler. It is his truck, What's the color of your backpacks? 3. Describing my family Describiendo a mi familia Our family is very important. Sometimes, we share important facts about our family members to our friends. ‘Nuestra familia es muy importante. Algunas veces, nosotros compartimos hechos importantes acerca de los miembros de nuestra familia con nuestros amigos. You can ask questions like: Usted puede hacer preguntas como: What's your father's name? His name is Hugo. éCuél es el nombre de tu padre? Su nombre es Hugo. What is the color of your sister's hair? It’s black. éCudl es el color del pelo de tu hermana? Es negro. ‘What is the color of your eyes? My eyes are brown. zCudl es el color de sus ojos? Mis ojos son cafés. f 77 ) ~_— a> a> This is my sister Nidia. She is This is my father Romeo. He is fifteen years old. Her eyes are _sixty (60) years old. His hair is brown, and her hair is black. black, and his eyes are green. Esta es mi hermana Nidia. Ella Este es mi papa Romeo. El tiene tiene quince afios. Sus ojos son sesenta arios. Su pelo es negro y café y su pelo es negro. ‘us ofos son verdes. a) : | practice! ) 3) A. Describe two family members by filling in the blanks. Describa a dos miembros de su familia llenando los espacios en blanco. 1. This is my is years old, eyes are and hair is English = 10°week 121 + 2. This is my is years old. eyes are and hair is B. Describe two more family members in your notebook. Follow the previous pattern. Show your work to your tutor. Describa a dos miembros mds de su familia en su cuaderno. Siga el patrén del ejercicio anterior. Muestre su trabajo su tutor C. Underline with blue the possessive adjectives, and with red the family members. Subraye con azul los adjetivos posesivos y con rojo los miembros de la familia. 1. This is my aunt Lissette. Her favorite color is blue. 2. This is my husband Tito. His car is black. 3. She is my mother Auret. Her eyes are brown. 4. This is my brother. His name is Tomas. D. Fill in the blanks with the right possessive adjective. Llene los espacios en blanco con el adjetivo posesivo correcto. 1. She is my cousin Luna, favorite color is purple 2. He is my uncle Daniel. bicycle is green. 3. They are my friends Luis and Anna. class is yellow. 4, We have a motorcycle. motorcycle is red. 5. He is my son Erick hair is brown, 6. lam Roberto. favorite fruit is mango. 7. We are Laura and Flor. mom is Betty. 8. You are Lorena. backpack is on the desk. 9. This is my dog Toby. ball is green and red 10. She is Sandy. brother is Lorenzo. ©0°122 IGER-1" level 4. This, These, That, Those Esto/a, estos/as, aquello/a, aquellos/as We use this to talk about one object or one person that is close to us. Usamos this para referirnos a un objeto 0 tuna persona que esté cerca de nosotros. We use that to talk about one object or one person that is far from us. Usamos that para referirnos a un objeto 0 tuna persona que esté lejos de nosotros. We use these to talk about objects or people that are close to us. Usamos these para referirnos a objetos 0 , personas que estén cerca de nosotros. i We use those to talk about objects or people that are far from us. _ ‘Usamos these para referirnos a objetos 0 6 £ personas que estén lejos de nosotros. a That tomato jose carrots Englsh - 10*week 123 26° a) :) 's prac A. Find a mirror and repeat the following statements. Make sure you point to the body parts that are mentioned. Encuentre un espejo y repita frente a él los siguientes enunciados. Aseguirese de seftalar las partes del cuerpo que se mencionan. This is my face. Listen to the audio Thisitsmynose; and repent, These are my eyes. Escuche lo grabacisn Jae This is my mouth. These are my ears. B. Write this or these. Escriba this 0 these. 1 pen 2. apple 3 bicycles 4 sharpener 5. pencils C. Write that or those. Escriba that o those. a. a banana 2. airplane 3. markers 4. watermelons 5 a ruler 6601240 IGeR -1 level TIP: This and these are used for objects that are near. This is singular and these is plural. This y these se usan para objetos que estan cerca. This es singular y these plural. TIP: That and those are used for objects that are far. That is singular and those is plural. That y those se usan para objetos que estén lejos. That es singular y those plural D. Change the following sentences to the plural form Cambie tas siguientes oraciones a la forma plural 0. This is my marker. These are my markers. 0. That is his fruit. Those are his fruits. 1. This is my ball 2. That is my backpack. 3. That is her newspaper. 4. This is their radio. E. Change the following sentences to the singular form. Cambie (as siguientes oraciones a la forma singular. 0, These are my arms, This is my arm. 0. Those are his cars. That is his car. 1. Those are her televisions. 2. These are my oranges. 3. These are our books. 4, Those are its balls. English = 10°week 125 #6 © Vocabulary Pair words - Parejas de palabras Listen to the audio and repeat. There are some words in English that have the same pronunciation endings. Escuche la grabacién You can use them in a poem because they rhyme! apres Hay algunas palabras en inglés que tienen la misma pronunciacién final. ;Usted puede uisarlas en un poema pues riman! nana baat take cake tomar pastel cook mirar cocinar ilk » y milk silk leche seda £29126 IGER-1" level X small pequerio/a wall tall tall alto/a Let's practi ‘A. Match with a line the pair of words that rhyme, Una con una linea las parejas de palabras que riman. 1. cake 3. cook 4. wall 5. milk + look + silk + take + eye + tall English ~ 10" week 127 ++ Now, copy each pair of words next to each other. Ahora, copie cada pareja de palabras una a la par de ta otra B. Read the poem and underline with different colors the words that rhyme. Lea el poema y subraye con diferentes colores las palabras que riman. I want to eat that cake. Yo quiero comerme ese pastel. Listen to the audio Please don’t say “don't take!” por favor no digas “ino lo tomes!" and repeat. Escuche la grabacién a! inside the bag of silk. dentro de la bolsa de seda. Or maybe let me cook © puede dejarme cocinar The baby took his milk, El bebé tom su leche, another not to look. otro para no mirar. Mom please just let that | ‘Mamé por favor deja que can eat, so close your eyes. pueda comer, asi que cierra los ojos. C. Memorize the poem and be ready to tell it to your tutor and classmates. ‘Memorice el poema y esté listo para decirlo a su tutor y compaiieros. 22°28 IGER-1" level aA LA AYaaelAema Daily routines People have different activities every day, but there are some of them that are part of a routine. A routine is something you do every day no matter what. ‘What is your daily routine? Las personas tienen diferentes actividades todos los das, pero algunas de ellas son parte de una rutina, Una rutina es algo que usted hace todos los dias sin importar qué pase. Cus es su rutina diaria? 1. Daily routines Rutinas diarias Routines vary from person to person. For example, some people take a shower in the morning and others prefer to take it at night. Some like to have breakfast and others prefer to skip it. Whatever you do, there are certain things you do every day and that is a routine. Las rutinas varian de persona a persona, Por ejemplo, algunos toman un baho en la ‘mafiana y otros prefieren tomarlo en la noche. A algunos les gusta tomar el desayuno y otros prefieren saltdrselo. NO importa lo que haga, hay algunas cosas que usted hace todos los dias y eso es una rutina, Do you have breakfast every day? {Usted toma el desayuno todos tos dias? What time do you take a shower? ) Clothes Ropa We wear different clothes depending where we go or where we are. We usually dress more comfortable if we stay home. Nosotros vestimos diferente ropa dependiendo a dénde vamos 0 en dénde estamos. Usuatmente nos vestimos mds cémodamente si nos quedamas en casa. “> Shirt T-shirt Dress Blouse Camisa Playera Vestido Blusa Socks Skirt Jeans Shoes Calcetas 0 calcetines Falda Pantalén de tona Zopatos 1 iets Look at the pictures and fill in the spaces to the left to write the word, Then, discover the word hidden in the circles. Mire las imagenes y llene los espacios a la izquierda para escribir la palabra. Después descubra la palabra escondida en los circulos. 2 } | 3. i 4{TTTO s [TT EY s{1 ty TI What is the hidden word? - 7 | I) seiciesia paisbeaesconttien ©2130 IGER-1" level 2. What do you do every day? éQué hace todos los dias? We make this question to know what people do every day. Hacemos esta pregunta para saber qué hacen las personas todos los dias. he ‘What does she it do every day? we What do you (singular) you (plural) they CE) 2 | practi Fill in the blanks. Use do or does according to the pronouns you see. Lene los espacios en blanco. Use do 0 does seguin los pronombres. 1. What he do every day? 2. What - they do every day? 3. What we do every day? 4. What she do every day? 5. What I do every day? 6. What you do every day? 7. What it do every day? 8. What you do every day? English ~ 17 week As you can see in the chart, we use does for the pronouns he, she, it, We use do for the pronouns |, we, you, they. 131 e+- A Vocabulary 220132 Daily routines Rutinas diarias These are some daily routines people do every day. Estas son algunas rutinas que las personas hacen todos tos das. Take / takes a shower Toma una ducha wei Get / gets up Se levanta Have / has breakfast ‘Come desayuno ae Brush / brushes the teeth Se lava los dientes. = Watch / watches TV Mira television L] Go / goes to bed ‘Se acuesta th Wear / wears a (clothes) Viste de (ropa) Go / goes to (a place) Va a (un lugar) IGER ~1" level Remember: she, he, it take an s in the verb. |, you, we, they do not use an s in the verb. Recuerde: she, he it levan s en el verbo. I, You, we, they no usan s en el verbo. You (singular) | take You (plural) They He He She takes She goes It It ! a shower ! We every day We You (singular) | go You (plural) They to school every day What does he do every day? He has lunch. What do you do every day? I get up at six o'clock. What does she do every day? She watches tv. What you they do every day? They brush their teeth. Ca) : | 's practi ‘A. Write the question and underline the right option. Escriba la pregunta y subraye la respuesta correcta, 0. What does my grandmother do every day? My grandmother take / takes a shower every day at five o'clock. My mom and dad go / goes to work every day. Noemi go / goes to bed at eight o'clock | get / gets up at seven o'clock. Mynor have / has dinner every day. English - 11°week 133 ¢ 6+ Alejandro and Gerson wear / wears a blue shirt. Carlos wash / washes his teeth. B. Answer the questions. Use the vocabulary Daily routines. Responda las preguntas. Use et vocabulario Daily routines. 1. What do you do every day? 2. What does your mom do every day? 3. What does your brother or sister do every day? 4, What does your tutor do every day? C. Look at the pictures and write the routines. Mire las imagenes y escriba las rutinas. © 0° 1340 IGeR -1" level A Vocabulary Sequency words Palabras de secuencia First Second Third Fourth Primero Segundo Tercero ‘Cuarto We use sequence words to tell the order of something or the order in which something happens. Usamos palabras de secuencia para decir el orden de algo o el orden en que algo sucede. What do you do every day? First, | get up. Second, | take a shower. Third, | have breakfast. Fourth, 11go to school Primero me levanto. Segundo tomo una ducha. Tercero tomo mi desayuno. Cuarto, voy a la escuela. structions, Siga las instrucciones. Color the first circle green. Color the second circle blue. Color the third circle orange. Color the fourth circle red. OOOO0O English - 178week 135 ¢ 6+ B. Now you write a sequence to color the following circles. Color the circles according to the sequence you wrote. Ahora usted escribe una secuencia para colorear (os siguientes circulos. Coloree los circulos segiin la secuencia que escribié. Color OOOO Escriba rutinas usando palabras de secuencia y la hora. Write routines using sequencing words and the time. 1. | What do you do every day? First, What does your do every day? © © © 136. IGER-1" level | practice what | know Write in English the family members. Escriba en inglés los miembros de la familia. 1. Abuelo! 5. Hijo: 2. Primo: 6. Hija: 3. Tia 7. Esposa 4, Tio. 8 Esposo: B. Describe one family member by filling in the blanks. Describa a un miembro de la familia completando los espacios en blanco. This is my This is my sister ‘Adamari She is twenty years old. Her eyes are green, and her hair is brown. is years old eyes are ‘ and hair is . Fill in the blanks with the right possessive adjective. ‘Complete los espacios en blanco con el adjetivo posesivo correcto. 1, They are my friends Juan and Wendy. mom is Ruth, 2. Ihave a blouse. blouse is blue. 3. She is my daughter Lara favorite color is orange. 4. We have a car. car is black. 5. He is my cousin Ovidio. boat is white, D. Write this or these. Escriba this o these. 1. tshirt 2. shoes 3, socks 4 blouse English - 11°week 137 ¢¢ © E. Write that or those. Escriba that o those. i tshirt 3. socks 2. shoes 4, 2 " blouse F. Change the following sentences to the singular form. Cambie las siguientes oraciones a la forma singular. 1, These shoes are red. 2. Those dresses are yellow. G. Write a word that rhymes with each word given. Escriba una patabra que rime con cada palabra proporcionada. — 3. Tae 2 ye A Cake H. Write the words under the right category. Escriba las patabras bajo la categoria correcta. © © ©0138 IGER -1" level Copyrighted materi Write the question and underline the right option. Escriba la pregunta y subraye la respuesta correcta. 0. What does my grandmother do every day? My grandmother take / takes a shower every day at five o'clock. My mom have / has lunch at one o'clock every day. Bruno and Tiana go / goes to school at seven o'clock. We get / gets up at five o'clock. William go / goes to bed at nine o'clock every day. Michelle wear / wears a white shirt. Write routines using sequencing words and the time. Escriba rutinas usando palabras de secuencia y el tiempo. What do you do every day? English - 17°week 139 6 Self-evaluation checklist Y Check your progress ‘My new abi ves \ No \INEED moRE practice Mis nuevas habilidades. Si No _| Yonecesito practicar més I know words related to family members. Yo sé palabras relacionadas con miembros de la familia. | can use possessive adjectives. Yo puedo usar adjetivas posesivos. | can describe my family. Yo puedo describir a mi familia. I know words related to clothes. Yo sé palabras relacionadas con ropa. | can use this, that, these and those. Yo puedo usar this, that, these y those. can use do and does correctly to ask for routines. Yo puedo usar de y does correctamente para preguntar por tutinas. { can use expressions about routines correctly. Yo puedo usar expresiones acerca de rutinas correctamente. | can use sequencing words. Yo puedo usar palabras de secuencia. © © 140 IGeR -1" level - 12" Week \Repaso: semanas 7 a la 11 What have you learned so far? ¢Qué ha aprendido hasta ahora? %. Review Repaso This week you will practice the different skills and vocabulary words learned from week seven to week eleven. You will review all the topics of weeks 7 ~ 11 You need to practice in order to have your first partial evaluation. Esta semana usted practicaré las diferentes habilidades y palabras de vocabulario aprendidas de la semana siete a la semana once. Usted revisaré todos los temas de las semanas 7-11. Necesita practicar para poder tener su primera evaluacién parcial. ‘The exam evaluates the same topics the same way you have practiced through the weeks 7 - 11. You will: ¥ answer questions ¥ complete sentences v draw and label vocabulary words El parcial evaltia los mismos contenidos de la misma manera que usted ha practicado durante las semanas 7-11. Usted: ¥ Responderd preguntas ¥ Completaré oraciones ¥ Dibujaré y nombrard las palabras de vocabulario. Englsh - 12°week 141 ¢ 6° 1. What do you have for...? éQué come para...? ‘Amanda: What do you have for breakfast: Qué come en el desayuno? Ronaldo: | have eggs with bread Yo como huevos con pan. Caz) *) practice! ) 7) A. Practice the conversation by filling in the blanks. If you do not know a word about food, use your Spanish - English dictionary. Practique la conversacién lenando los espacios en blanco. Sino conoce alguna palabra sobre comida, utilice un diccionario inglés - espafiol. 1 Juana: What do you have for ? 2. Sofia: 2 ©6142. IGeR-1" level B. Write the words in the correct category. Escriba las palabras en la categoria correcta, airplane angry banana bicycle brown blue dessert breakfast green happy internet meat motorcycle newspaper __ pineapple purple sad strawberry television truck vegetables _ watermelon radio worried Food Means of transportation Feelings Colors Fruits Media C. Write sentences combining the following information. Look at the example. Escriba oraciones combinando la siguiente informacién. Mire el ejemplo, Person Feelings ‘Transportation means Food lam happy car breakfast sad ‘bus lunch angry bicycle dinner worried motorcycle healthy food truck junk food airplane desserts 0. Lam «+ happy when | go on a bus ami to have breakfast. 1 e@ when |goona @% to have : @ English ~ 12" week 143 e+ 00144 IGER ~1" level 2. Verb to be Verbo ser o estar We use the verb to be to talk about existing or being in a place Usamos el verbo ser o estar para referirnos a existir 0 estar en un lugar Affirmative Afirmativo Personal arte Contraction Simple present tense porn eae Tiempo presente simple folic I ‘am (yo say 0 estoy) Im He (él eso esta) He's She is (ela es o esta) She's It is (es0 es 0 esta) Its We are (nosotros somos 0 estamos) We're You (singular) are (Usted es o esta) You're You (plural) | are (Ustedes son o estén) You're They are (Ells oellas son 0 estén) They're Negative Negative Personal ee ncobe Contraction ‘ ‘Simple present tense - prone Tiempo presente simple (Ciiseee 1 am not (yo no soy ono estoy) Im not He isnot (noes onoests) | He's not / He isn’t She is not ella no es ono esta) _| She's not / She isn’t It is not (es0 no es 0 no esta) It's not / It isn’t We are not We're not / (nosotros no somos 0 no estamos) We aren't You (singular) are not (usted no es 0 no estd) You're not / You aren't You (plural) are not (ustedes no son o no estén) You're not / You aren't They are not Gllos 0 ellas no son 0 no estén) They're not / They aren't Interrogative Short answers Interrogativo Respuestas cortas Verb to be short Short Sipe recent renee one ee rcretvonl reset - - pronoun Tiempo presente simple answer answer Am LL? ‘Yes, | am No, | am not. Is he...? Yes, he is. No, he Is she ...? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Are we ...? Yes, we are. | No, we aren't. Are you ...? (singular) | | Yes, you are. | No, you aren't. Are you ..2 (plural) | | Yes, youare. | No, you aren't, Are they...2 Yes, they are. | No, they aren't. Ca) 2 | practi A. Write the correct form of the verb to be in affirmative form. Escriba la forma correcta del verbo ser o estar en forma afirmativa. 1. Jorge 3. Rogelia and Matilde in the truck. angry. are am in the bus. English ~ 12" week 145 e+ B, Write the sentences of exercise 11-A in the negative form Escriba las oraciones del ejercicio 11-A en su forma negativa C. Write the sentences of exercise 11-A in the interrogative form and the two short answers. Escriba las oraciones del ejercicio 11-A en forma interrogativa y sus dos formas de respuesta corta. © °° 146 IGeR -1" level D. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Mire las imagenes y responda las preguntas. Is that a car? 2. What color is the car? 3. Are those airplanes? 4, What color are the trucks? the affirmative or negative form of the following actions. Escriba la forma afirmativa 0 negativa de las siguientes acciones. Affirmative form Negative form I watch tv, NEWS | don't read newspaper. | surf the internet. —_< = | don't listen to the radio. English ~ 12" week 147 e+ F. Read the story. Now you understand a paragraph in English! Lea la historia. ;Ahora usted ya entiende un parrafo completo en inglés! G. Itis your tum to write your own paragraph. Just change the information that is underlined with your own information. Ahora es su turno de escribir su propio parrafo en inglés. Simplemente cambie la informacién que esté subrayada y agregue su propia informacién, © 96° 148 IGE -1" level ovrepied mate 3. Like - likes / don't like - doesn't Le(s) gusta - No le(s) gusta We use “like” to express a preference about a thing or an activity. We use “don’t like” to express what things or activities we do not like, For example: like potatoes. | don't like junk food. {like watermelon | don't like watermelon, My mom likes karate. She doesn't like swimming. We like cauliflower We don't like broccoli. Ca) : | Pr cratic Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb like. Write the affirmative form if you see a check. Write the negative form if you see an x 1. Ursula gymnastics, AS 2. My father and | voleyball. x 3. Ricardo eggs. x 4. My two cousins bread S 5. We soccer. x 6. Rosina milk. SA 7. Laureano mango. AS 8 They grapes. x English - 12°week 149 ¢ 6 © 4. Do you like? Does he like? Yes, | do / No, he doesn’t gle gusta...? Si, me gusta / No, no le gusta We use “like” to express a preference about a thing or an activity. We use “don’t like” to express what things or activities we do not like. Ca :) Prat Circle the right option and write the two possible answers (affirmative and negative). Circule la opcién correcta y escriba las dos posibles respuestas. (afirmativo y negativo) Do he like breakfast? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't 1. Does / Do they like sports? 2. Does / Do we like orange? 3. Does / Do she like carrots? 4, Does / Do | like bread? 5. Does / Do it like milk? © © 150. IGeR -1" level Prepositions of place Preposiciones de lugar Some prepostions of place are: Ca) : | 's practice! in + on + under + nextto + between A. Read the sentences and follow instructions, Lea las oraciones y siga instrucciones. B. Now, ask and answer questions about exercise A. Draw a pencil next to an eraser. + infront of + behind 3. Drawa pineapple under a grape. 2. Draw an apple in front of a watermelon. Ahora, pregunte y responda sobre el ejercicio A 1 2. 3. 4, Where is the pencil? The pencil is Where is 4, Draw a sharpener on a book. 2 2 2 Read the answers and write the correct question with where...? ea las respuestas y escriba la pregunta correcta con where..? 0. Where is the orange? The orange is next to the papaya. The teacher is behind the student. The purple crayon is next to the red marker. The son is in front of his father. 4. The grandmother is next to the house. English ~ 12" week 151 e+ 6. Possessive nouns Sustantivos posesivos We use possessive nouns to talk about someone's belongings. The apostrophe and the s ('s) shows ownership. Thehouse-of flena; Elena's house. We are indicating that Elena is the owner of the house. Estamos indicando que Elena es la dueiia de la casa. Ca) «| ee delay Write the possessive form of the noun in bold Escriba cada oracién en forma posesiva para el sustantivo que esté en negrlla. 0. The book of Jose. Jose's book, 1. The milk of Alvaro. 2. The car of my aunt. 3. The vegetables of Laura, 4, The recipe of the chef. 5. The office of the secretary. 6. The clinic of the vet. 7. The students of Mariana. ©6152. IGeR -1" level Possessive adjectives Adjetivos posesivos They are used to indicate whose something is, so they are followed by a noun. Pronoun ee Example I my My bicycle is green. He his His bicycle is green. She her Her bicycle is green It its Its bicycle is green. We our Our bicycle is green You (singular) your Your bicycle is green. You (plural) your Your bicycle is green. They their Their bicycle is green. C=) 7) 's practi Fill in the blanks with the right possessive adjective of the nouns in bold. 1 She is my mother Dana He is teacher Pablo. favorite fruit is orange. car is blue. They are my friends Joselin and Michelle. We have a flower. He is my son Juan. 1am Isabel Itis my dog. You are my friend, flower is pink hair is black. favorite sport is basketball. favorite food is meat. fruit is under the desk. school is big. English 12*week 153 6+ 8. This, these, that, those Esto/a, estos/as, aquello/a, aquellos/as This is for one object or person that is close. That is for one object or person that is far. These is for objects or people (more than one) that are close, Those is for objects or people (more than one) that are far. a oa. za o, 2, 2 These firefighters | —> “Wy” "Ww" Ww” aan Those firefighters & & & aa a& Ca 2) Ee Te lata A. Write this or these. —> B. Write that or those. > 1 secretary. 1 ingredients. 2. police officers. 2 salt. 3 ‘trucks. 3 doctors. 4. mango. 4 waiter. 5. cups. 5. brothers. . Change the following sentences to the plural form. 0. This is my marker. These are my markers... eee 0. Thats his fruit. Those are his fruits. 1. That is my teacher. 2. This is my notebook. 3. That is my computer. 4, This is her son. 666154. IGeR -1" level D. Change the following sentences to the singular form, 0. These are my arms. This is my arm. Those are his cars. That is his car. Those are her cousins. These are my tomatoes. These are our brochures. Those are their family pictures. E. Fill in the blanks with this, these, that, or those. are my tomatoes, ————> is my mother Eleanor, > © wemydanhies, —> g g g English - 12°week 155 ¢ °° 9. What do you do every day? éQué hace todos los dias? We make this question to know what people do every day. he Remember that we use does for What does she ‘the pronouns he, she, it. it We use do for the pronouns |, we, we 0 aveiy aay you, they, you (singular) What do you (plural) they 9 in the blanks, Use do or does according to the pronouns you see. Tee 1. What your mom do every day? 2. What we do every day? 3. What she do every day? 4. What it do every day? ©6156. IGeR -1" level Rutinas diarias She, he, it take an s in the verb. I, you, we, they do not use an s in the verb. What does he do every day? He He eats breakfast. She goes What does she do every day? It She brushes her teeth. 1 SHES) What do you do every day? We: every day I take a shower at five o'clock. You (singular) | go You (plural) What do they do every day? They wear a uniform. They ‘A. Write the question and underline the right option. 0. What does my grandmother do every day? My grandmother take / takes a shower every day at five o'clock. My uncle have / has dinner at seven o'clock every day. Sara go / goes to school at six o'clock. They get / gets up at five o'clock Cintia and Belén go / goes to school. Lourdes wear / wears a blue skirt. B. Answer the questions. Use the vocabulary Daily routines. 1. What do you do every day? 2. What does your mom do every day? 3. What does your brother or sister do every day? English - 12*week 157 #6 11. Sequence words Palabras de secuencia First Primero Second Segundo Third Tercero Fourth Cuarto Ca) "") practi Write routines using sequence words and the time. Use the vocabulary: daily routines and sequence words. 1. [ What do you do every day? 2. { What does your do every day? (select one person: brothe/sister lends mather/father) (sleciane uno persona: hermano(a: amigo manvé/papd) 666158 IGeR -1" level English I~ Answerkey 159 ¢ °° © Coors maar 1* week Let's practice 1 Hi, my name is Alberto c 1. Gabriel: he Hello, my name is Luisa. 2. Micaela: she Where are you from? 3: Lorenzo and E we | am from Mazatenango, 4. The piano: it Where are you from? Let's practice 3 | am from Xela. A Ok. See you later. 1. 1:00 pm. Good afternoon. Good bye! 2. 9:00 pam. Good evening 3. 6:00 am. Good morning. 4, 6:00 p.m. Good evening, 5. 6 9,00 a.m. Good moming. 4:00 p.m. Good afternoon, 8. 1. 7:00 am: Hi Elmer. Good morning. 2. 10:00 p.m: Hello Elena, Good evening, 3. 5:00 p.m: Hello Merce. Good evening. Let's practice 4 > 1. GOOD NIGHT! SEE YOU TOMORROW! 2. GOOD BYE. 3. TAKE CARE. 4, SEE YOU LATER, B. 5. lam from Xela. 6 Ok. See you later. 1. Hi, my name is Alberto. 3. Where are you from? 2. Hello, my name is Luisa. 4 | am from Mazatenango. Where are you from? 7 Good bye! © °° 160 IGER- 1*level 2™4 week Let's practice 1 A 1. Teacher: May | have the crayon please? Student: Yes, you may have the crayon Here it is. 2. Luisa: May | have the flower please? Mario: Yes, you may have the flower Here itis. 3. Ruth: May I have the ball please? Carlos: Yes, you may have the ball. Here it is 4. Leo: May | have the bag please? Monica: Yes, you may have the bag. Here itis. Let's practice 2 3. Let's practice 3 Stand up! Sit down! Raise your hands! 3 week Let's practice 1 B. 1, May | have the notebook and the book, please? Yes, here they are. 2. May | have the backpack, please? Yes, you may. Let's practice 2 A 1. Open the lock. 2. Open the chest. 3. Close the chest 4, Open the door. 5. Close the door. Let's practice 3 Put the markers in the chest, please. Bring a pencil, please Put a ruler on the table, please. Bring a computer, please Put a paper on the desk, please. 5. Bring a ball, please. Put the flowers on the desk, please. Bring a lock, please. Put the book in your backpack, please. 1 2 3 4 B 6 7. 8 9 10.Bring a ruler and a pencil, please. English |= Answerkey 16166 4** week Let's practice 1 B. Across Down six a. seven eight b. five one d. ten nine e. four three h.two 9 There are four pencils, There is one pen There are five books. There are two ears. ‘There are three markers. There are eight crayons. ake o Let's practice 2 twelve thirteen, sixteen seventeen eighteen, twenty eleven, thirteen thirteen, fifteen sixteen, eighteen enavawnap a There are thirteen (respuesta puede variar en plural) There are fourteen. There are fifteen There are sixteen... There are seventeen, There are eighteen... There are twenty. © 9° 162 IGER- 1*level Let's practice 3 ‘twenty-one twenty-three twenty-nine twenty, twenty-two twenty-three, twenty-five twenty-six, twenty-eight twenty-eight, thirty Novena c Eleven + two = thirteen Twenty + four = twenty-four Nine + twenty-one = thirty Thirteen + fifteen = twenty-eight Fourteen + three= seventeen Let's practice 5 1. two 2. time is it? Ten 3. What time is it? Nine 4, What time is it? It’s seven o'clock. 5. What time is it? It's three o' clock. 5% week Let's practice 3 A Your friend: what is your address? You: Itis (escribir direccién real en inglés. Usar Street, av- enue, zone y los nimeros en inglés.) Your friend: How do you spell (nombre det municipio mencionado) You: (deletreo de municipio) 6% week Let's practice 1 Deberia realizar una conversacién como el ejemplo anterior. Las respuestas pueden variar. Let's practice 2 AL 1. Hello! This is my friend (nombre de un amigo). She 7 He is from (lugar) Your friend 1: Hil |am (nombre de otro amigo) .| am from (lugar). Nice to meet you. Your friend 2: Nice to meet you, too. 2. Hello! This is my friend (nombre de un amigo). She 7 He is from (lugar). Your friend 1: Hil | am (nombre de otro amigo). | am from (lugar). Nice to meet you. Your friend 2: Nice to meet you, too. 8. iHola! Hello or hi Cémo esta? How are you? éCudl es su nombre? What is your name? Gusto de conocerle. Nice to meet you. Eles Esteban. This is Esteban. Ella es de Cobén, She is from Cobsn Let's practice 3 A —=— a) Time of the day Greeting | 1. Seven o'clock in the Good moming morning. 2. Nine o'clock at night. Good evening 3. Seven o'clock at night. Good evening 4, One o'clock in the afternoon, Good afternoon 5. Ten o'clock in the moming. | Good morning 6. Four o'clock in the afternoon | Good afternoon English |= Answerkey 163 ¢© © 8. Let's practice 6 1. Luisa: May | have the apple please? Mario: Yes, you may have the apple. Here itis. 2, Rubén: May | have the orange please? Jose: Yes, you may have the orange. Here itis. 3, Lisa: May | have the book please? 5 6 Jorge: Yes, you may have the book. Here itis. Whar iene is Ws rine otlock (am _y |—{_eas_) . What time is it? It’s seven o'clock, C toot pe Bf) 2. 3, 4, What time is it? It’s one o'clock. 5. 6 5. What time is it? It's ten o'clock. Let's practice 7 . What time is it? It's four o'clock. A Las opciones pueden variar: Let's practice 4 + Show me your... A + Putyour hands up / down + Ra 1. He is my best friend. 2 Write your name 2. Itis orange + Stop talking a. Wi re + Open / close the door 4, They are from Puerto Barrios B. 5. Hes happy. One Eleven Twenty-one 6. Theyare sed Two Twelve Twenty-two , Three Thirteen Twenty-three 7. We are worrked Four Fourteen Twenty-four 8. Its black Five Fifteen Twenty-five six Sixteen Twenty-six Let's practice 5 Seven Seventeen Twenty-seven 4 P a Eight Eighteen Twenty-eight {as respuestas pueden variar entre: fe Nineteen Twenty-nine + Good bye Ten Twenty Thirty + Bye + See you later ce + See you tomorrow 1. There is one flower. +See you on Monday 2. There are six eyes, + See you soon 3. There are two arms. + Take care + Good night © °° 164 IGER- 1*level Let's practice 8 A How do you say (palabra en espaiio) Palabra en ingles. How do you spell (palabra en inglés)? Palabra en inglés, letra por letra. Let's practice 9 A ‘+ What is your address? + itis (variable) + How do you spell _? + Respuesta puede variar B. 1. Breakfast. 2. Lunch, 3. Dinner. 4, Meat. 5. Dessert. 6. Healthy food 7. Junk food. 8. Vegetables. 9. Fruits 7 week Let's practice 1 1. Las respuestas varian (revise ortografia) 2, Which ones are for just one or two people? Bicycle, motorcycle, truck 3. Which ones are for more than two people? Train, bus, airplane, car, boat BL paunok onl PH VeZaDv UST cde Motorcycle/bicycle/truck/ car/ bus/airplane « Bus, car, motorcycle, Toa park os bicycle To another town | Bus, car, train To another Bus, car, train department To another country | Bus, boat, airplane Toamall ora Bus, car, motorcycle, shopping center bicycle English ~ Answerkey 165 Let's practice 2 Awene " 12. B. 14, 15. ooet Lucia is not /isn't my bestfriend. Juan is not my teacher. (mi maestro) Rafael is not my brother. (mi hermano) Erick and Valeria are not / aren't in the class. (en la clase) My mom and | are not from Guatemala City | am not twenty-five years old The dog is not in the house. (el perro esté en la casa) They are not happy. We are not worried. She is not sad Pablo is not angry. Lucas is not thirty years old. Gabriel and Isabel are not eleven years old. My dog is not twelve years old You are not from Gualan, Zacapa. IGER - 1" level 66 Is Lucia my best friend? / Yes, she is. No, she isn't. Is Juan my teacher? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t Is Rafael my brother? Yes, he is/ No, he isn’t Are Erick and Valeria in the class? Yes, they are/ No, they aren't ‘Are my mom and | from Guatemala City? Yes, we are 7 No, we aren't ‘Am | twenty-five years old? Yes, | am / No, | am not. Is the dog in the house? Yes, it is/ No, itisn’t Are they happy? Yes, they are/ No, they aren't Are we worried? Yes, we are / No, we aren't 10. Is she sad? Yes, she is/ No, she isn't 11. Is Pablo angry? Yes, he is/ No, he isn't 12. Is Lucas thirty years old? Yes, he is/ No, he isn't 13. Are Gabriel and Isabel eleven years old? Yes, they are/ No, they aren't 14. Is my dog twelve years old? Yes, itis/ No, it isn’t 15. Are you from Gualén, Zacapa? Yes, you are/ No, you aren't wo eeneg pane Let's practice 3 He is angry | am worried We are happy She is sad. | am worried / sad They are happy. tam __. They are happy. She is angry. warnanawnap 8 week Let's practice 1 |. No, it isn’t . Yes, its. Yes, they are No, they aren't No, itisn’t. Yes, they are Yes, itis. . No, they aren't eNO aene p Let's practice 2 A 1, I watch tv at five o'clock. (any hour) 2. | read the newspaper at seven o clock. / | don’t read, the newspaper. 3. [listen to the radio at... /| don’t listen to the radio. 4. | surf the internet at... /I don’t surf the internet. Let's practice 3 A Breakfast (orange) Dessert (purple) Vegetable (brown) Fruit (yellow) Meat / (red) 6 Let's practice 6 A They are red . They are yellow. . They are yellow/Orange/green . They are red and green They are purple /green/red yawns 9t week Let's practice 1 A 1. basketball 2. football 3. gymnastics 4. karate 5. soccer 6. swimming 7. volleyball B. 1 basketball 2. soccer 3, football 4. volleyball Let's practice 2 A 1. Las respuestas pueden variar sequin gustos personales. Hike... don't like, Let's practice 3 Do you like volleyball? Yes, | do. No, | don’t. Do you like basketball? Yes, | do. No, | don’t. Do you like football? Yes, do. No, | don't. Do you like gymnastics? Yes, Ido. No, I don’t. Do you like karate? Yes, | do. No, | don’t. Do you like soccer? Yes, | do. No, | don’t, Do you like swimming? Yes, Ido. No, I don’t. Nowsune p Let's practice 4 A 1. This is Romina, She likes baseball. She doesn't like basketball, She doesn’t like bananas. She likes oranges. 2. These are my mom and | We don't like volleyball. We like karate. We don't like mango. We like grapes. 3. This is my dog. Itlikes desserts. it doesn't like vegetables. It likes meat, It likes balls English |= Answerkey 167 + © © 4, These are my best friends. They don't like soccer. They don't like gymnastics. They like swimming. They don't like football. B. Las respuestas pueden variar segtin gustos personales. 1. Hike / don’t like 2. He (She) likes / he (she) doesn’t like Let's practice 5 A 1. Does Yes, she does. No, she doesn't 2. Do Yes, they do. No, they don't. 3. Do Yes, | do. No, I don’t. 4. Do Yes, we do. No, we don't. 5. Does Yes, it does. No, it doesn't. 8. Las respuestas pueden variar. Do they lke... Does she like. Let's practice 6 1. The car is between the trucks. 2. The watermelon is behind the banana, 3. The book is in the desk. 4, The ruler is under the pencil, Where's the bicycle? . Where is the blue pen? . Where is the flower? ‘Where's the newspaper? 1 2 3. 4 Let's practice 7 A 1. This is Pedro's tv. 2. This is Diana’s fruit. 3. This is Juan Pablo's lunch. 4, Thisis Marco's breakfast. © °° 168 IGER- 1*level 10° week Let's practice 1 mom grandmother sister grandmother grandfather yewnap B. Las respuestas varian para cada estudiante. mom father granddaughter / grandson granddaughter daughter / son wewenaa Let's practice 2 my his her its my their our your his 10. your WP Eananawnap Let's practice 3 A Oraciones pueden variar. Siga los ejemplos de “Describing my family’ B. Craciones pueden varia. Siga los ejemplos de "Describing my family’ c 1, my, her ~ blue ‘Aunt = red 2. my, his ~blue Husband — red 3. my, her blue Mother- red 4, my, his ~ blue Brother - red Her His Their B. 1. This 2. This 3. These 4. This 5. These 1. That 2. That 3. Those 4, Those 5. That These are my balls. ‘Those are my backpacks. Those are her newspapers. These are their radios. Awnag That is her television. This is my orange. This is our book. That is its bal. Awne Let's practice 5 A 1. cake look silk take 4. wall —_ eye 5. milk > tall 1. Cake - take 4, Wall - tall 2. I-eye 5. Milk silk 3. Cook - took | want to eat that cake. Please don't say “don't take!” The baby took his milk, inside the bag of silk. ‘Or maybe let me cook another not to look. Mom please just let that | can eat, so close your eyes. English! ~ Arswerkey 169 ¢ © 11% week Let's practice 1 6, What does Carlos do every day? Carlos washes his teeth, . 1. Las respuestas pueden variar. Verifique el correcto uso de los verbos He gets up at 5:00 o'clock She eats breakfast at 6:00 o'clock. They brush their teeth every day. They watch tv every day. Awnana Let's practice 4 What is the hidden word? clothes Let's practice 2 does do do does do do does do Las respuestas pueden variar. Use first, second, third, fourth. SNA w No Dp Let's practice 3 A 1. What do my mom and dad do every day? My mom and dad go to work every day. 2. What does Noemi do every day? Noemi goes to bed at eight o'clock. 3. What do | do every day? I get up at seven o'clock. 4. What does Mynor do every day? Mynor has dinner every day. 5, What do Alejandro and Gerson do every day? Alejandro and Gerson wear a blue shirt, ©6170 IGER- 1*level 12% week Let's practice 1 A What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? | have (ejemplo de comida en inglés que corresponda al tiempo de comida que se anoté en la pregunta). Food | gee elan | Feelings dessert airplane angry breakfast bicycle happy meat | motorcycle sad vegetables truck worried Colors Fruits Media brown banana internet blue pineapple newspaper green strawberry television purple | watermelon radio c 1, Lam sad when I go on a bicycle to have (food) 2. 1am worried when | go on a car to have (food) Let's practice 2 A 1. Jorge is in the truck. 2. Lam angry. 3. Rogelia and Matilde are in the bus. 1. Jorge isn’t in the truck 2. Lam not angry. 3. Rogelia and Matilde aren't in the bus. c 1. Is Jorge in the truck? Yes, he is. No, he isn't. 2. Am angry? Yes, | am. No, | am not. 3. Are Rogelia and Matilde in the bus? Yes, they are, No, they aren't. D 1. Yes, itis 2. The caris... (epende del color que utilice) 3. No, they aren't. 4. The trucks are... (depende del color que utilice) EB 1. I don't watch ty. 2. read the newspaper. 3. Idon’t surf the internet. 4, Ilisten to the radio, Fr Las respuestas varian para cada estudiante, de acuerdo a sus datos personales. Let's practice 3 likes don't like. doesn’t like like don't like ONOMAYNS don't like Let's practice 4 Do Yes, they do. No, they don't. Do Yes, we do. No, we don't Does Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. Do Yes, | do. No, | don't. . Does Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t. wane Let's practice 5 un lipiz ala par de un borrador. una manzana enfrente de una sandia. una pifie bajo una wva. un sacapuntas sobre un libro. The pencil is next to an eraser. Where is the apple? The apple is in front of a watermelon. Where is the pineapple? The pineapple is under a grape. ‘Whereis the sharpener? The sharpener is on a book Row Naw AUNa D> 171 ee6 English | - Answer key c 1. Where is the teacher? 2. Where is the purple crayon? 3. Where is the son? 4, Where is the grandmother? Let's practice 6 |. Alvaro's milk My aunt's car Laura's vegetables The chef's re . The secretary's office The vet's clinic . Mariana’s students Noysers Let's practice 7 Her His Their Our His My Its Your PNAS Let's practice 8 A 1. This 2. These 3. These 4. This 5, These 8. 1. Those 2. That 3. Those 4. That 5. Those G 1. Those are my teachers. 2. These are my notebooks. 3. Those are my computers, 4. These are her sons, Dd. 1, Thats her cousin. 2. This is my tomato. 3. This is our brochure. 4, Thats their family picture. © 00172 IGER- 1*level E 1. This 2. Those 3. That 4. These Let's practice 9 1. does 2. do 3, does 4, does Let's practice 10 A 1. What does my uncle do every day? Has 2, What does Sara do every day? Goes 3, What do they do every day? Get 4, What do Cintia and Belen do every day? Go 5. What does Lourdes do every day? Wears Respuestas pueden variar. Verificar el uso correcto de los verbos. Let's practice 11 Las respuestas pueden variar. Revisar el uso correcto de los verbos y de las rutinas. English |- Answer key 173 °° Institute Guatemalteco de Educacién Radiofénica, -IGER- Grupo Radial IGER y Radio Sénica 106.9 FM Oficina cont 11 avenida 18 ~ 45 zona 2, Ciudad Nueva, 01002 Guatemala PBX: (502) 2305 1010

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