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On July 2009 we went to Santander with our family.

This has been the most wonderful trip that we have done since we got married. I really love Santander because my parents were born in this department but in Sucre, a small town to south of Santander. For our family ties with Sucre we thought should be interesting to know other tourist destination of the department, then we decided travel to the north. This is the route that we follow for our unforgettable tour. This region is the richest in history because there they were born several of the most important prominent figures of the process of independence. Manuela Beltran who started the revolt in Socorro and Jos Antonio Galn were leaders of the popular uprising in the Viceroyalty of New Granada from 1780 to 1781 that is known as the insurrection of the comuneros. People were tired because a new taxes as the Armada de Barlovento and Estanco that were imposed by the Spanish government. Antonia Santos was one of the biggest heroines of the independence of Colombia too. She organized and supported the guerrillas of Santos in Socorro that joined it to the liberating campaign of Bolivar. For all that and for its origin of the warriors Guanes, Santander is famous because its people are considered the bravest and the strongest. Santanders people have always figured in the history of Colombia, these are some images of the region and a good example of them pride: a few old photographs that show the strength of the santandereanos, a few monuments in honor of the heroes, a soprano which is the representative instrument of Santander and a Guane native. We started the trip on 13th July; we left at the morning to Barbosa, the gold door of Santander. In Barbosa is very important The Surez River and exist a Festival in its name at January. When we come to Barbosa we did a tour the center of town to know it. In Barbosa you can eat Mute and aired meat, those are delicious and typical dishes. In this photo Gilberto, Manuel Alejandro and I are in the Barbosas central square. It was a beautiful sunny day and the baby was taking a nap. The capital of Santander is Bucaramanga. It is not as big as Bogot. This city has been called the city of parks and the Beautiful City. Bucaramanga's economy was moving, in a good part, about the manufacture of shoes. People say that you can get nice shoes, of good quality and cheaper. We dont. In Bucaramanga we stayed at the house of my aunt's brother-in-law who treated us very kindly. In this picture we are in the Childrens Park. I think it isnt special, I quiet like it; it looks like any park. In the trip on returning to Bogota we did a stop at Floridablanca where you can buy typical sweets of Santander and there sell you the richest wafers of the world. You should taste of not conventional flavors as fiejoa or uchuva.

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