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5S Overview

Overview of Module
Formally defined, 5S is a method of creating a clean and orderly workplace that exposes waste and makes abnormalities immediately visible. As such its important to realize that 5S is far more than a housekeeping initiative like so many confuse it to be. When someone refers to 5S theyre generally referring to 5 Japanese words that start with S. But, it would seem, contrary to what many people assume the origins of 5S may not be Japanese after all. History of 5S In fact, Henry Fords CANDO program which stands for cleaning up, arranging, neatness, discipline, and ongoing improvement seems to be the obvious precursor to what we call 5S today. This actually seems very logical since the Japanese studied Fords methods shortly after the war ended. But to be sure, the 5S were focused on in this course and in most lean manufacturing situations is based on 5 Japanese words. They are: Seiri which is commonly translated as sort Seiton which means to straighten Seisou which means to sweep or shine Seiketsu which actually means to sanitize but is most commonly referred to as standardize today Shitsuke which means self discipline or sustain

The 5 Steps 1. The first step is sort. This step basically challenges us to get rid of the things we don't need or use. This can be a very hard step for some people since they like to keep everything theyve ever come into contact with. But this type of attitude only leads to clutter and disorganization. So, if we dont need it we need to get rid of it.

1. 5S Overview

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2. The second step is straighten. So, once weve cleared out the items we dont need we need to straighten up whats left. The mantra of a place for everything, and everything in its place fits this step perfectly. 3. The third step is sweep. This step is also often referred to as shine. This is probably the most misunderstood step of all since most assume this step simply means to grab a broom and clean up. And while good old fashioned sweeping is definitely important, this step is far more than just cleaning. You see, the main principle behind this step is to clean to inspect. In other words, if you find yourself sweeping up the same mess day after day you should do your best to eliminate the source of the dirt. 4. The fourth step is standardize. This step is focused on creating standards so abnormalities are easily recognized. Things like checklists and audits are very helpful. Also, some companies even engage in corporate 5S competitions where the monthly winner gets to hold the local 5S trophy while the last place team gets the opportunity to partake in a brown bag lunch with the general manager of the facility as they explain their plan to improve. 5. Finally the last step is sustain or self discipline. The key to this step is to apply positive tension. In other words, for any improvements to sustain it must be made clear that this is how we intend to operate as a company. Its similar to a rope. If a rope is pulled tightly and we pull on it we get an immediate response. Conversely, if the rope is loose and we pull on it we may not know about it for some time. So, it gets back to be able to identify abnormalities. With positive tension we identify issues immediately with loose or no tension we dont.

Key Terms
Seiri which is commonly translated as sort Seiton which means to straighten Seisou which means to sweep or shine Seiketsu which actually means to sanitize but is most commonly referred to as standardize today Shitsuke which means self discipline or sustain

1. 5S Overview

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