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Version 1.

0 August 2005

A resource guide for designing high quality
architecture apprenticeships

Prepared by:
Jan Ham and the National Apprenticeship Shop
DcsIgn It!

Wiillen lv Ian Han vilh assislance fion IoIIv Caipenlei AIA, lased on
lhe voik of Leaining lv Design in Massachusells, a chiIdiens design
educalion piogian of lhe oslon Socielv of Aichilecls.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
. All rights reserved.

On voiking vilh voung designeis
Designing voui appienliceship
SanpIe oulIines of aichilecluie appienliceships

5cssInn 1: WOW 'cm!
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI
Agenda Reviev
Selling Sludenl Ieifoinance Lxpeclalions:
Ioin IoIIovs Iunclion
Inlioducing lhe WOW!
Making CIienls
Iiioiilizing CIienl Needs
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInn 2: FIc!d TrI
Agenda Reviev
Iiepaiing Sludenls foi lhe IieId Tiip
WaIking Toui
Sile AnaIvsis
AIleinale Mapping Aclivilv: Calevavs and Ciossioads
Lxlensions: Discussions aIong lhe ioule
Design foi AII IeopIe / A Sense of IIace / Changes ovei line
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInn 2A: RaInv Dav FIc!d TrI -- A!tcrnatc 5cssInn
Agenda Reviev
AichilecluiaI Avaieness Aclivilies
Idenlifving aichilecluie
LIenenls and piincipIes of design
Aclivilv: eing a Sliucluie
NaluiaI foins in Aichilecluie
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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CuIninaling Aclivilies
Aclivilv: CoIIage
Aclivilv: Diaving a facade
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInn 3: C!Icnt IntcrvIcw
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI
Agenda Reviev
DeveIoping lhe CIienl Inleiviev
Inleivieving lhe CIienl
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInn 4: DcfInIng thc DcsIgn Prnb!cm
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI
Agenda Reviev
Design Iiocess Slep 1: Define lhe design piolIen
Nole on Design Iiocess Slep 2: Invesligale lhe design piolIen
Aclivilies on ScaIe
Denonslialion: ullIes and Tiace
Design Iiocess Slep 3: Ceneialing Ideas
Design Iiocess Slep 4: Choose One SoIulion and Desciile lhal SoIulion
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInn 5: CnmmunIcatIng Idcas thrnugh DrawIngs
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI
Agenda Reviev
Design Iiocess Slep 5: Cieale lhe SoIulion: Diavings
Aclivilies: Ciealing schenalic diavings
Ciealing fIooi pIans
Diaving vilh CAD
Diaving eIevalions
Ciealing sile pIans
Reviev and Iieviev

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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5cssInn 6, 7: CnmmunIcatIng Idcas thrnugh Mndc!s
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaIs 6 and 7
Agenda Reviev
Design Iiocess Slep 5: Cieale lhe SoIulion: ScaIe ModeIs
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInns 8: PrcarIng thc WOW PrcscntatInns
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 8
Agenda Reviev
Cioup IIanning Meeling
Aclivilv: Ciealing a Iiesenlalion oaid
Aclivilv: DeveIoping lhe OiaI Iiesenlalions
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInn 9: PrcarIng thc WOW rcscntatInns
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 9
Agenda Reviev
Design Iiocess Slep 6: LvaIuale lhe SoIulion
Aclivilv: Iiaclicing lhe piesenlalions
Reviev and Iieviev

5cssInn 10: Thc WOW!
Design Iiocess Slep 7: Iiesenl lhe soIulion

Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaIs Lisl
Resouices foi Teacheis and Sludenls
AichilecluiaI Design Lducalion and lhe Massachusells CuiiicuIun Iianevoiks
A Young Ieisons Cuide lo Aichilecluie as a Caieei
RepioducilIe Sludenl Handouls
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Example Activities Chart

The foIIoving aie exanpIe aclivilies lhal aie appiopiiale in leins of lolh gioup
deveIopnenl and appienlices undeislanding of lhe appienliceship lopic

Nntc: 1) TImcs arc arnxImatc
2) 5cssInns 1-9 dn nnt Inc!udc: Agcnda, RcvIcw, PrcvIcw and C!can UP: 10

5cssInn TIt!c nf ActIvItv Arnx.
Tvc nf ActIvItv
1 WOW 'mc!
Inlioduclions 5 nin
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 1 1O skelchlooks
Selling Sludenl Lxpeclalions: Ioin
IoIIovs Iunclion
1O discussion
Inlioducing lhe WOW! 5O discussion
Aclivilv: Making CIienls hands-on aclivilv
Aclivilv: Iiioiilizing CIienl
hands-on aclivilv

2 FIc!d TrI
Iiepaiing Sludenls foi lhe IieId
5 discussion
Aclivilv: WaIking Toui 6O olseiving, sensoiv avaieness,
diaving, viiling,
Aclivilv: Sile AnaIvsis olseiving, iecoiding, viiling,
phologiaphing, napping, scaIe
AIleinale Aclivilv: Visil lo an
Aichilecls Sludio
olseiving, inquiiing
AIleinale Mapping Aclivilv:
Calevavs and Ciossioads
olseiving, napping
Lxlensions: Discussions aIong
lhe Roule
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 2 1O skelchlooks

2A RaInv Dav FIc!d TrI - A!tcrnatc

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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AichilecluiaI Avaieness Aclivilies 3O
Idenlifving Aichilecluie visuaI avaieness
LIenenls and IiincipIes of
visuaI avaieness
eing a Sliucluie phvsicaI aclivilv
NaluiaI Ioins in Aichilecluie visuaI avaieness
CuIninaling Aclivilies 4O
CoIIage ail and design aclivilv
Diaving a Iacade diaving aclivilv
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 2A 5 Skelchlooks

3 C!Icnt IntcrvIcw
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 3 5
Aclivilv: DeveIoping lhe CIienl
3O viiling, veilaI skiIIs
Aclivilv: Inleivieving lhe CIienl 4O iecoiding, veilaI skiIIs

4 DcfInIng thc DcsIgn Prnb!cm
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 4 5 skelchlooks
Design Iiocess Slep 1: Define lhe
design piolIen
15 design piocess, viiling
Aclivilies on ScaIe 1O hands-on & phvsicaI aclivilies

5cssInn TIt!c nf ActIvItv Arnx.
Tvc nf ActIvItv
Denonslialion: ullIes and Tiace 5 diaving aclivilv
Design Iiocess Sleps 3 and 4 4O
Slep 3: Ceneiale Ideas viiling, diaving & hands-on
Slep 4: Choose & desciile
design piocess

5 CnmmunIcatIng Idcas thrnugh

Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 5 5 skelchlooks
Design Iiocess Slep 5: Cieale lhe
soIulion: diavings
Aclivilies: Ciealing Schenalic

Ciealing fIooi pIans diaving aclivilv
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Diaving vilh CAD diaving aclivilv
Diaving eIevalions diaving aclivilv
Ciealing sile pIans diaving aclivilv

6,7 CnmmunIcatIng Idcas thrnugh

Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 6 5 skelchlooks
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 7 5 skelchlooks
Design Iiocess Slep 5: Cieale lhe
soIulion: scaIe nodeIs
ail and design aclivilv

8 PrcarIng thc WOW PrcscntatInns
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 8 5 skelchlooks
Cioup pIanning neeling 1O pIanning, discussion
Aclivilies: Iiesenlalion oaids &
OiaI Iiesenlalions
Ciealing a Iiesenlalion oaid ail and design aclivilv
DeveIoping lhe OiaI
viiling and veilaI skiIIs

9 PrcarIng thc WOW PrcscntatInns
Do Nov! Skelchlook RiluaI 9 5 skelchlooks
Design Iiocess Slep 6: LvaIuale lhe
15 design piocess
Aclivilv: Iiaclicing lhe
55 piesenling

10 Thc WOW!
Design Iiocess Slep 7: Iiesenl lhe
9O design piocess: piesenling

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Citizen Schools Architecture Apprenticeship


Design is a ciealive piocess of selling goaIs and acconpIishing lhose goaIs: Using lhe
povei of aichilecluie and lhe design piocess can heIp foin vilhin each chiId an
undeiIving sliucluie foi Ieaining and ciealing lhal viII seive eveiv endeavoi in lheii
Iives: hov lo define a vision foi lhenseIves oul of hazv inpiessions . hov lo pioceed
aIong a palh lo conpIelion, confidenl lhal lhe vision viII iesuIl in sonelhing of vaIue.
|Aneiican AichilecluiaI Indn.!

Ovcr thc cnursc nf tcn 90-mInutc scssInns thc studcnts wI!!:
lake pail in aichilecluiaI avaieness aclivilies,
idenlifv a design piolIen in lheii connunilv,
ieseaich and anaIvze lhal design piolIen,
deveIop a design soIulion, and
Connunicale lhal soIulion lo olheis.

As thcv dcsIgn, thc studcnts wI!!:
use lhe design piocess lo soIve, juslifv and connunicale soIulions*
use oiaI piesenlalion, viiling, diaving, napping, nodeI-luiIding and giaphic
design skiIIs lo cIeaiIv connunicale lhose ideas:
use nalhenalics and dala anaIvsis vilhin a ieaI-voiId conlexl*
undeisland science and lechnoIogv in lhe conlexls of socielv, hisloiv and hunan
voik aIongside piofessionaI aichilecls and expIoie design as a caieei palh
develop a sense of stewardship for the environments that sustain them now and for
Generations to come.* [*Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks]

AII lvpes of aichilecluiaI piojecls can le ieaIized lhiough lhis fianevoik~logelhei lhe
sludenls and designeis
|Aichilecls, inleiioi designeis, Iandscape aichilecls, and connunilv pIanneis! can
successfuIIv design a ioon,
A luiIding, an enlivvav, an ouldooi space, oi a slieelscape.

Civen lhe oppoilunilv, chiIdien aie eagei lo, and vhoIIv capalIe of, expiessing lheii
ideas aloul lheii voiId, and aloul lhenseIves, lhiough design. Thev viII iise lo lhe
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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chaIIenge: lhev viII anaze vou vilh lheii voik. To leach an Arcni|cc|urc Apprcn|iccsnip
is, quile sinpIv and quile poveifuIIv, |c gitc cni|drcn |nc cppcr|uni|u |c dcsign.

On WnrkIng wIth Ynung DcsIgncrs

Lven vhen lhev aie pielending nol lo caie, niddIe-schooIeis vanl lo gel lhings iighl.
Thev vanl lo voik vilhin an alnospheie of iespecl, vel nav le unalIe lo cieale lhal
alnospheie lv lhenseIves. Thev donl vanl lo vasle lheii line on lhings lhev donl
need (oi donl lhink lhev need) lo knov: and, ciealiveIv speaking, lhev aie ieIuclanl lo
lake iisks. So hov do vou voik vilh lhese ciealuies` Ycu ccntincc |ncn |na| |nis is |ncir

You slail vheie lhev aie--heIping lhe voung designeis lo see lhal lhev aIieadv knov a
gieal deaI aloul lheii luiIl enviionnenl: lhev knov hov spaces feeI: and lhev knov
vhal spaces lhev Iike and vhal spaces lhev donl Iike. Thev nav knov hov lo design
foils oul of lIankels and piIIovs, oi vood, oi snov. Thev have luiIl vilh lIocks. Sone
nav have liied lo diav ideas foi houses: sone nav knov peopIe vho design foi a

You ncdc| and ccacn: shov lhen lhiough voui aclions nol onIv lhe skiIIs lhev viII need
lo use, lul lhal designeis iespecl each olheis ideas: vou heIp lhen lo |cacn |ncnsc|tcs
vhal lhev need lo knov. You scaffc|d: give lhen a suppoiling sliucluie lhal incIudes
pIenlv of snaII vavs lo succeed al fiisl, and heIp lhen lo luiId on lhose successes.

And lhen vou fadc: giaduaIIv gel oul of lheii vav, leconing noie of a co-designei lhan
a leachei. You liusl lhal lhe enchanlnenl inheienl in piocess of design viII caiiv lhen
lhiough. And as il aII cones logelhei, lhose siIenl sliangeis fion session one viII
lecone a coIIaloialing, suppoilive, exciled gioup of voung designeis.

DcsIgn as thelr rnccss, and vnurs

You gel lo nake a Iiving doing vhal kids do eveiv dav - pIav vilh spaces. ChiIdien
Iove lo heai aloul ieaI-Iife pIaces and spaces lhal vou ienenlei, knov, designed oi
luiIl: voui fiisl foils, lhe cooIesl luiIding vou've evei leen in, lhe nosl difficuIl space
vouve evei designed, and so on. The sense lhev gel of vou as soneone vho has chosen
a palh and is voiking haid lo foIIov il (and caies so nuch aloul il lhal vou aie lheie lo
shaie il vilh lhen), lhis is lhe gifl hidden in voui line vilh lhese voung peopIe.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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e honesl vilh lhen: design is fun, of couise, lul il is aIso haid voik. As a leachei vou
liv lo Iead voui pailicuIai gioup of sludenls lhiough a design lask lhal is chaIIenging,
lul nol oveivheIning.

This design sludio slvIe of Ieaining nav le nev lo lhen: Is lhis good` lhev viII
ask. You couId iepIv, Hov veII do vou lhink voui idea soIves voui design piolIen`
and Can vou give ne sone ieasons vhv voui idea is good` (As vou viII see, lhe
chiIdien shouId, in eveiv slep of lhe piocess, le iefeiiing lack lo lheii oiiginaI design
paianeleis: vho aie lhev designing foi, vhal is lhe space oi pIace lhev aie designing,
vhen viII peopIe le using lhis space, vheie is lhe space, and vhv do lhese peopIe need
lhis designed space`)

As vou cone cIose lo lhe end of lhe sessions and vou aie lenpled lo lake lhe sludenls
piojecls and poIish lhen up a lil, lhink lvice. Aflei aII is said and done viII lhe
sludenls feeI lellei aloul, and Ieain noie fion, having piesenled ideas lhal aie aII lheii
ovn, oi lv piesenling finaI piojecls lhal an aduIl feIl lhe need lo poIish up` Design
educalois leIieve lhal chiIdien feeI lellei aloul prcjcc|s |na| arc |ru|u |ncirs ra|ncr |nan
|ru|u pcrfcc|.

5nmc sccIfIc suggcstInns:
Keep lhe couise actIvc. Denonsliale a Iol, and Iecluie as IillIe as possilIe. When vou
shov sIides, foi exanpIe, donl leII lhen vhal vou see, ask lhen queslions, gelling
lhen lo leII vou vhal |ncu see. As shovn in sessions 2 and 2a (vaIking loui and
aichilecluiaI avaieness aclivilies) ialhei lhan jusl shoving a design eIenenl oi a
sliucluiaI eIenenl, have lhe sludenls find lhose eIenenls on a vaIking loui, diav lhen,
acl lhe eIenenls oul vilh lheii lodies, oi cul up exanpIes of lhen fion nagazines and
cieale a coIIage.

ieak Iaige lasks dovn inlo snaIIei ones. Thev viII luiId on lhose successes, slep lv

Lncouiage lhen lo shaie lheii discoveiies vilh each olhei, sociaI ciealuies lhal lhev aie.
Lislening lo lheii conveisalions vhen deep in design node is one of lhe pIeasuies of
leaching couises such as lhese.

Whal if sone of lhe gioup Ioves lo diav, vhiIe olheis need lo luiId` Discuss lhis vilh
lhe gioup, and cone lo sone agieenenl, peihaps having each sul-gioup conliilule
sonelhing diffeienl lo lhe finaI piojecl. As lhe nuIlipIe inleIIigences appioach lo
educalion suggesls--and expeiience leais oul--sone chiIdien lake in infoinalion and
expiess ideas noie easiIv lhiough voids, sone lhiough visuaIs, and sone lhiough
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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nanipuIaling oljecls. Design is inheienlIv inleidiscipIinaiv, so have lhe sludenls
voiking in a vaiielv of hands-on vavs.

Ioi sone gioups, liansilions aie difficuIl. Cive a 5-ninule vaining lefoie shifling
aclivilies. Ioi sone gioups, silling sliII is difficuIl: even jusl a nonenl nov and lhen of
leing alIe lo gel up and gel lheii ovn naleiiaIs nav give lhen lhe line lhev need lo
slielch and nove. e ieadv lo adjusl a scheduIe, vaiving silling and noving aclivilies,
individuaI and gioup voik, lo keep lhe chiIdien focused.

Whal if sone sludenls vanl lo spend houis on one diaving, vhiIe olheis voik loo
quickIv, vhiIe olheis lake a niddIe ioad` Using an agenda and piojecl lineIine, and
piefacing each aclivilv vilh a line-fiane viII heIp.

Hov conpIicaled shouId vou Iel lhe sludenls piojecls lecone` You knov, foi
exanpIe, lhal naking a nodeI fion a fIooi pIan vilh Iols of ciazv angIes viII lake
Iongei lo nake lhan a nodeI of a ieclanguIai space: so leII lhen lhal, and Iel lhen
decide. Thev aie going lo le pIeased lo le honeslIv invoIved in lhe decision-naking

Usc rca! sacc, rca! bndIcs, rca! nbjccts and !nts nf vIsua!s
ReIale ieaI space lo scaIe space as oflen as vou can. Manv chiIdien liv lo fil loo nuch
sluff inlo lheii diavings. Hov Iaige is lhal ioon vouve diavn on papei, conpaied lo
lhis ioon lhal veie in` Have lhe chiIdien pace off lhe ieaI space and piove il lo

Have lhen use lheii lodies lo feeI lhe foices of lension and conpiession: have lhen ioII
papei lo nake a coIunn: have lhen pul lheii nodeI in lhe sun oi undei a fIashIighl lo
see shadovs: have lhen nake quick nock-ups vilh snaII loxes oi lIocks lo see hov a
diavn luiIding Iooks in lhiee dinensions.

iing in visuaIs and dispIav lhen aiound lhe ioon - lhings lhal vouve diavn~eaiIv
piocess pieces and finaI diavings, design loaids, inages fion caIendais, looks, and so
on. Lncouiage lhen lo liing in visuaIs and lo posl lhe phologiaphs and diavings lhev
have nade. Sonelines one pholo can inspiie an enliie design.

Draw, and wrItc, thcn draw and wrItc snmc mnrc
Iion dav one, shov lhe sludenls lhal diaving isnl sonelhing vouie giaded on and
viiling isnl a choie. Designeis voik lhiough ideas lv diaving and viiling. Do lhis lv
diaving a Iol, and viiling vhen vou need lo cIaiifv voui ideas oi oiganize voui
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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lhoughls. Lncouiage lhe sludenls lo use Iols of papei: and lo slail ovei if lhev have a
vaIid ieason foi doing so.

Have lhe sludenls save lheii piocess pieces in a foIdei. Weeks Ialei lhevII le pIeased
and anazed lo see hov fai lheii ideas have cone, and Ialei lhev nav need lhose pieces
lo add lo a piesenlalion loaid.

When diaving, sone chiIdien ieaIIv do have a haid line vilh a lIank page - lhev liuIv
don'l knov vheie lo legin, oi lhev aie afiaid of diaving sonelhing viong! If lhev can
see vhal lhev vanl in lheii heads, lul can'l diav il, have lhen diav il oul on sciap
papei oi on lhe chaIkloaid fiisl (viiling on lhe loaid has nol Iosl ils lineIess appeaI),
oi have lhen cul and foId papei oi oak lag lo shov vou vhal lhevie envisioning.

If vou vanl lo shov a sludenl a diffeienl vav lo diav sone pail of a pIan, ieaIize lhal
lhev nav nol lake loo kindIv lo vou eiasing and iediaving lheii effoils. Thal is vheie
liace papei voiks Iike a chain. Sav I have an idea foi lhis aiea. Mav I shov vou on
liace papei` Use il if vou Iike, oi donl, ils up lo vou. Oi, do vou vanl lo ask anvone
in lhe cIass if lhev have anv ideas foi lhis aiea` Aflei a dav oi so of ieaIizing lhal lheii
design decisions ieaIIv aie up lo lhen, lhev viII legin seIf-coiiecling, iepIacing nol-so-
good ideas vilh lellei ones.

You nav knov lhe advanlage of palienlIv deveIoping ideas ovei line, lul voung
designeis do nol. Diaving lullIe skelches and using liace papei lo Iavei lheii ideas,
lhen, aie inpoilanl Iessons. Sludenls ieadiIv see lhe vaIue of liace papei, and enjov
using il: In a iecenl cIass one high schooI giiI vas uninspiied, laieIv enduiing lhe
diafling pail of lhe couise. A shoil line aflei Ieaining lo use liace papei she vas
vaving sciaps of liace in lhe aii, excIaining vhal a gieal invenlion! I Iove liace
papei! Aflei lhal hei diavings sinpIv look off.

On mndc!-buI!dIng
You knov, fion expeiience, a IogicaI sequence foi lhinking lhiough, naking pieces foi,
and assenlIing a nodeI. ChiIdien donl. ieak nodeI-luiIding dovn inlo sleps. Thev
vonl lhink fai enough ahead lo deveIop lheii Iandscape on lheii caidloaid lase lefoie
lhev slail allaching lhe nodeI pieces, so nake Iandscaping a fiisl, sepaiale aclivilv. You
aIso knov good vavs lo connecl lhings, and lo nake lhings sland up, lul chiIdien
don'l: so pIan on denonslialing lhese skiIIs.

Take a no-nonsense appioach lo safelv. If lhe sludenls viII le using knives and/oi hol
gIue guns, sil lhe gioup dovn, go lhiough safelv pioceduies, denonsliale eveiv slep of
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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lhe vav, and have each chiId piove lo vou, using sciap caidloaid, lhal lhev can cul and
gIue safeIv.

Sel up a culling aiea oi aieas, vilh a haidloaid culling suiface undeinealh, and insisl
lhal lhe sludenls use il. If vou aie a guesl in a leacheis cIassioon, leing caiefuI vilh
lhal ioon is a good idea.

Al nodeI-luiIding line (jusl vhen sone chiIdien nighl le using knives) lhe pace of lhe
enliie gioup nav legin lo fIv. SIov lhings dovn. If vou see liied faces, lake conlioI,
shul lhe vhoIe nodeI-luiIding piocess dovn, shifl lo sonelhing eIse, and legin fiesh
lhe nexl session.

On takIng crcatIvc rIsks
As a designei, vou have voiked foi veais in an alnospheie veie posilive, ciealive iisk-
laking is veIconed. ReaIize, lhough, lhal sone chiIdien aie afiaid lo le ciealive. Thev
nav lhink vhal if lhis vision Ive gol in nv head foi lhis space is ieaIIv a lad idea` Do
I daie leII anvone aloul il` You can heIp lv piojecling an allilude, eveiv dav, lhal
lheii visions aie vaIualIe, and voilh expIoiing: lv ciealing an alnospheie vheie il is
safe lo lake iisks and shaie ideas. LxpIain lhal lhe chaIIenge foi lhen |vilh heIp fion
vou and lhe olhei gioup nenleis! is lo figuie oul vavs lo gel lheii ideas oul of lheii
heads and dovn on papei. So ils nol peisonaI, ils noie a nallei of finding vhal vav
voiks foi lhen. The noie oflen chiIdien succeed lhe noie ieadv lhev viII le lo lake lhe
iisk of ciealing. egin vheie lhev aie, ievaid vhal lhev Ieain, and alove aII, ievaid
lheii viIIingness lo liv.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Designing your Apprenticeship
MiddIe-schooI sludenls connecl noie vilh design voik lhal:
A). has sonelhing lo do vilh lhenseIves: and
). invoIves ieaI spaces in lheii connunilies.

Ci|izcn Scncc|s leIieves lhal chiIdiens Ieaining shouId:
e ieaI (neels lhe slandaids of quaIilv nel lv piofessionaI aduIl designeis)
Add vaIue lo lhe connunilv (lhe sludenls pioducl - lheii design~is needed lv
lhe connunilv)
e pulIic (viII le piesenled, denonslialed, dispIaved and ceIelialed).

Iasl Ci|izcn Scncc|s Arcni|cc|urc Apprcn|iccsnips incIude:
Design a Neighloihood
IIan a Connunilv Cenlei
Design a T-Slalion
Design a Connunilv Iaik
Redesign Cilv HaII IIaza
e a Mapping oslon Docenl
Design a IIavgiound
Cuide lo eacon HiII
Hisloiv of ScoIIev Squaie
Repoil on DudIev Squaie
Redesign of Ienvav Iaik
Design lhe CenliaI Aileiv

Lach design appienliceship viII le diffeienl~designing a Iaige ouldooi space nav
Iend ilseIf lo diffeienl fieId liips and finaI piojecls lhan designing a snaII indooi space.
IIus, each designei lhal leaches an appienliceship viII liing his oi hei ovn design
expeiiences lo lhe couise. This guide offeis vou an adaplalIe fianevoik lhal viII gel
vou and voui sludenls lhiough a successfuI design expeiience: one lhal, in nanv
piaclicaI vavs, viII ansvei voui kcv qucstInn: "l knnw hnw tn dcsIgn a sacc, but
hnw dn I gct these chl|dren tn dcsIgn a sacc?"

Iiisl, decide: what wI!! thc studcnts' dcsIgn rnb!cm bc? Do vou have a specific
design piolIen in nind foi lhe voung designeis, oi viII vou have lhen expIoie a fev
pie-seIecled spaces and define lheii ovn design piolIen` WiII lhe sludenls deveIop
design soIulions foi lhe sane aiea, oi foi diffeienl pails of a Iaigei aiea`

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Teacheis viII leII vou lhal one sinpIe, in-deplh piojecl is lellei lhan a piojecl lhal is loo
lioad. Teacheis pIan lhe lesl lhev can: lhev knov lhal sludenls oflen lake Iongei lhan
expecled: and lhev have exlia aclivilies ieadv shouId lhev need lo fiII in. Thev gel lo
knov lheii sludenls, slav fIexilIe, and ieassess aIong lhe vav.

As vou pIan, considei what fnrm wI!! thc studcnts' fIna! rnjccts takc? Diavings
(fIooi pIans, eIevalions, sile pIans, iendeiings, peispeclive vievs): scaIe nodeIs:
piesenlalion loaids` IoveiIoinl piesenlalions, video pioduclions, aclion Ielleis oi
ailicIes foi pulIicalion`

Nexl, lhink aloul lhe sleps vou vouId lake lo gel a design jol done, and decide vhal
skiIIs and knovIedge voui sludenls viII need lo conpIele lheii piojecl. If vou lhink an
aclivilv fion anolhei look oi a favoiile aclivilv vou Ieained in design schooI vouId
voik veII, pIan on living il.

aIance voui ideaI oulIine vilh lhe ieaIilies of line, peopIe and space. Ioi exanpIe: a
VIsIt tn an ArchItcct's 5tudIn is a vaIualIe expeiience foi sludenls of lhis age. If vou
knov lhe aichilecls veII, and lhev have lhe sludio space, lhe sludenls nighl spend a
vhoIe session al lhe sludio, doing sone skiII-luiIding aclivilies (such as lhose in session
5) lheie. If aII vou can aiiange is a shoil visil, vou nighl incoipoiale lhal inlo lhe FIc!d
TrI session (olseiving and diaving on lhe vav lo lhe sludio: louiing lhe sludio,
laIking lo designeis: lhen olseiving and diaving on lhe vav lack lo cIass.)

Take a Iook al lhe 5am!c 5cssInns oulIined on lhe nexl page. As vou iead lhiough lhe
chapleis lhal foIIov, ieaIize lhal lhe lexl foIIovs lhis geneiaI sequence, lul lhal ucu ui||
nccd |c dctc|cp ucur cun cu||inc fcr ucur |cn scssicns. Ciealing an appienliceship is an
inleiesling piocess of design.

Hcrc arc |uc cxanp|cs.
In lhe fiisl exanpIe (inleiioi sile: e.g. a iedesign of an exisling connunilv ioon), lhe
sludv sile is in lhe sane luiIding as lhe sludenls cIassioon. The cIienl cones lo lhe
cIassioon lo le inleivieved. Moie line has leen aIIocaled in lhe Ialei sessions foi faiiIv
conpIex finaI piojecls (fIooi pIans and a gioup nodeI).

In lhe second exanpIe (exleiioi sile, such as a slieelscape, paik, oi enlivvav) noie line
has leen luiIl inlo eaiIiei sessions foi oulside sile expIoialions: and lhe finaI piojecls
aie Iess conpIex (sile pIans and piesenlalion loaids). In lhe second exanpIe a visiling
Iandscape aichilecl expIoies lhe sludv sile vilh lhe sludenls, and a fuII session is given
ovei lo having lhe sludenls do skiII-luiIding aclivilies al lhe aichilecls sludio.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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5am!c Out!Incs nf ArchItccturc ArcntIccshIs


IntcrInr 5Itc ExtcrInr 5Itc
Session 1

WOW en! WOW 'en!
Session 2

Design Iiocess Slep 1:
Defining lhe Design IiolIen

Slep 2: Invesligaling lhe IiolIen
DeveIoping lhe CIienl Inleiviev
Mini-vaIking loui vilh CIienl
Inleivieving lhe CIienl

Design Iiocess Slep 1:
Defining lhe Design IiolIen

Slep 2: Invesligaling lhe IiolIen
DeveIoping lhe CIienl
Iiisl sile visil vilh CIienl

Session 3

SkiII-luiIding: ScaIe aclivilies
Slep 3: Ceneialing ideas
Aclivilv: ullIes and Tiace
Slep 4: Choosing one soIulion

CIienl Inleiviev

Second sile visil vilh Iandscape

Session 4

SkiII-luiIding: schenalic diavings

Slep 5: Ciealing lhe soIulion: IIooi
Visil lo Iandscape aichilecls office
Denonslialions and skiII-
ScaIe: Sile diavings: CAD
Iiesenlalion oaids

Session 5

Design Iiocess:
IIooi IIans

Slep 3: Ceneialing ideas
Aclivilv: ullIes and Tiace
Slep 4: Choosing one soIulion
Slep 5: Ciealing lhe soIulion: Sile
Session 6

Design Iiocess:

Design Iiocess:
Sile pIans

Session 7

Design Iiocess:
Design Iiocess:
Iiesenlalion oaids

Session 8

Cioup IIanning Meeling
DeveIoping OiaI Iiesenlalions
Cioup IIanning Meeling
DeveIoping OiaI Iiesenlalions
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Session 9

Design Iiocess
Slep 6: evaIualing, viiling

Iiaclicing lhe Iiesenlalions

Design Iiocess
Slep 6: evaIualing, viiling

Iiaclicing lhe Iiesenlalions

The WOW!

Design Iiocess
Slep 7: piesenl lhe soIulion

The WOW!

Design Iiocess
Slep 7: piesenl lhe soIulion
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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DctcrmInc thc rngram fnr thc studcnts' WOW: vheie is lhe sludv sile, vho is lhe
cIienl, vhal aie lhe cIienls needs, and so on. Whal design piolIen viII lhe sludenls
soIve, hov does lhis design piojecl fil in vilh Iaigei connunilv goaIs, and vhal foin
viII lhe sludenls finaI piojecls lake`

Gct tn knnw thc sItcs lhe chiIdien viII use foi sludv. Reseaich lhe hisloiv, cuiienl use,
and fuluie pIans foi lhe sludv sile. WaIk lhe sludv sile. WiII lhe chiIdien le alIe lo
safeIv navigale lhe sile duiing fieId liips` Take noles and nake neasuienenls if vouII
need lhen: lake picluies of lioad vievs and especiaIIv of cIose-up delaiIs.

Think aloul lhe space lhal vou viII le leaching in, and lhe suiiounding aiea. Whal
vouId le a good ioon, luiIding, oi ouldooi space in vhich lo hoId a discussion on
hov spaces feeI` Wheie couId lhe sludenls lesl Ieain aloul sliucluies, aloul palhvavs,
aloul Iighl, coIoi, lexluies, aloul vievs`

egin coIIecling rcsnurccs: looks, naps, fIooi pIans, design loaids and phologiaphs lo
aid lhe sludenls in lheii voik. The Inleinel has a gioving coIIeclion of aichilecluie
aclivilies foi sludenls. Resouices aie Iisled in lhe appendix.

Use an agcnda so eveivone feeIs infoined. Thal finaI goaI, 1O veeks avav, nav seen
dislanl al lines~so luiId shoilei-lein goaIs inlo lhe couise. DeveIop a rnjcct tImc!Inc
lo heIp lhe sludenls see vheie lhev aie in lheii piocess.

IIan on having each sludenl (and vouiseIf) nainlain a skctchbnnk: a confoilalIe pIace
lo viile noles, diav skelches, pasle in giaphics: an oiganizalionaI aid and ciealive looI
foi designeis.

Considei vhal matcrIa!s lhe sludenls viII need. Wheie viII vou keep naleiiaIs, sloie
in-piocess piojecls, and dispIav lhe voik` WiII vou nake oi puichase skelchlooks`

CeneiaI MaleiiaIs vou viII need on hand foi sessions incIude:
Agenda: easeI papei, skelchlooks, sludenl fiIe foIdeis oi poilfoIios
IenciIs, lhin lIack naikeis, good eiaseis, naikeis, coIoied penciIs, ciavons
RuIeis, neasuiing lape(s), sliing, conpasses lo diav cuives
Scissois, vhile gIue, scolch lape, nasking lape, penciI shaipenei, slapIei
Iapei: diaving papei, vhile Iined papei, giaph papei, piefeialIv 11 x 17
Oak lag, assoiled consliuclion papei, gieen consliuclion papei
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Tiace papei (sludenls Iike lhe ioIIs of canaiv veIIov liace)

Decide vhal handnuts vou viII use, and hov vou viII vanl lhe sludenls lo keep liack
of lhen. |ChiIdien have IillIe ieveience foi handoul~Ioose ones viII disappeai.! You
can a). Cive each veeks handouls oul each session: and nake pulling voui handouls
in voui foIdei oi lindei a pail of each cIean-up line: oi l). ind lhe enliie sel of couise
handouls inlo lookIels lhal can open up and Iav fIal foi easv use.

Decide vhal handouls vou vanl lo luin inlo transarcncIcs lo faciIilale gioup vieving.

Whal cquImcnt couId vou use: Does lhe ioon have a chaIkloaid, oi viII vou need an
easeI` WiII vou have access lo an oveihead piojecloi, sIide oi LCD piojecloi, a papei
cullei, a decenl penciI shaipenei` WiII vou and/oi lhe sludenls use caneias: viII lhe
pholos le iepioduced lv piinls, sIides, oi digilaIIv`

Considei hov vou viII sel up voui ioon. A U-shaped aiiangenenl of lalIes neans
eveivone can see vou and each olhei, faciIilaling noie shaiing and gioup invoIvenenl.
Knoving lhe !avnut nf thc rnnm's wnrk saccs viII nake lhe chiIdien feeI noie
conpelenl. LxpIain il lhe fiisl dav: This is voui voik space. We shaie il. Diaving aiea
heie, naleiiaIs kepl heie, culling aiea heie, liash heie, ieusalIe naleiiaIs heie. If vou
expecl lhen lo lake caie of lheii ovn naleiiaIs, lhev viII.
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Session 1: WOW em!
Total Time: 90 Minutes

To heIp sludenls expiess piioi knovIedge aloul aichilecluie and design
To luiId lheii knovIedge lase of aichilecluiaI vocaluIaiv:
To legin luiIding posilive ieIalionships lelveen sludenls
To inlioduce lhe puipose and pIanned pioducl of lheii WOW
To give sludenls a fiisl, successfuI design expeiience.

Cieale a desciiplion of lhe cIienl and a Iisl of his needs. Deleinine hov nanv snaII
gioups of sludenls viII voik on lhe hands-on Inlioducing lhe WOW aclivilv. Make a
Iaige, sinpIe lase nap oi fIooi pIan of lhe sludv sile on easeI-sized giid papei foi each
gioup. Ioi each gioup aIso nake a sel of vooden lIocks. Iiinl a cIienl need on each of
6 - 1O lIocks: and have 1O oi so exlia lIocks avaiIalIe foi each gioup.

Gather sample architectural drawings, plans and sketchbook pages. A collection of visuals and
real objects to facilitate the Form Follows Function discussion: photographs or slides of
buildings, landscapes, community spaces; products and graphics.

Wiile lhe agenda foi lhis session on an easeI sheel: incIude a Iisl of sludenl skiIIs
oljeclives foi lhis session: and Sleps lo WOW, (Iisling vhal lhe sludenls viII have lo
gel done lhis veek lo gel lo lheii WOW.)

Handoul lo use: Ma|ing a Sca|c |igurc
Lach sludenl viII need: skelchlook, penciI, eiasei naleiiaIs foi scaIe figuies (see
insliuclion sheel: pipe cIeaneis, faliic pieces, vain, index caids)
AIso have on hand: easeI-sized giid papei, lhin naikeis, vooden lIocks, slapIei and a

IntrnductInns |5 mInutcs]
iiefIv inlioduce vouiseIf, and shov lhe sludenls a fev pieces of voui voik, voving
lhen vilh sanpIes of spaces vou have designed. Have each sludenls inlioduce
lhenseIves lhiough a quick nane gane.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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5kctchbnnk RItua!s
The opening iiluaIs suggesled in lhis guide use lhe foIIoving foinal: sludenls do a
liief skelchlook aclivilv - diaving, viiling oi adding giaphics lo lheii skelchlook.
This eslalIishes lhe use of skelchlooks lo iecoid ideas: and eslalIishes a iouline of
shaiing ideas. |Nole: lhe skctchbnnk rItua!s aie desciiled in each session. To faciIilale
nodificalions vou nav vish lo nake lo voui appienliceship pIan, lhe opening iiluaIs
have aIso leen Iisled logelhei in lhe appendix.!

LspeciaIIv in lhe eaiIv sessions, ask foi voIunleeis vho aie viIIing lo shov lhe gioup
vhal lhev diev and viole, and lo leII lhe gioup aloul lhal space. Iionpl lhe speakei
vilh queslions lhal inlioduce lhe idea lhal design ideas can le desciiled lv using lhe
5 Ws: Who used lhis space` Whal did vou nake il oul of` Whal did il feeI Iike`
When did vou use il` Wheie vas il` Whv did vou cieale il` Have lhe gioup Ieave
lheii skelchlooks open on lheii desks, and ask lhen lo do a liief vaIk-aiound lo
ensuie lhal eveivone has a chance lo see eveivone eIses voik.

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 1 |10 mInutcs]
Iieface lhis aclivilv lv shoving lhe sludenls sone aichilecls skelchlook pages: and
nodeI lhe aclivilv foi lhe sludenls, diaving voui ideas on an easeI sheel and laIking
aloul voui ideas as vou diav. LxpIain lhal lhev nav diav in anv viev vilh vhich
lhev feeI confoilalIe: and lhal skelchlook diavings need nol Iook piofessionaI oi
finished, lhev aie neieIv a pIace lo legin foining up design ideas.

To legin, ask lhe sludenls lo visuaIize thelr fatorlte |ace ln uhlch to send tlme. Nexl,
have lhen each diav sonelhing aloul lhal space on a skelchlook page. Then have
each sludenl desciile lhal space in one of lhiee vavs: 1. veilaIIv (desciile lheii
diaving): 2. IhvsicaIIv (acl oul lhe sliucluie of lhal space: acl oul leing in lhal space):
3. VisuaIIv (hoId up lheii diaving: have olheis guess vhal and vheie lhe space is).

Agcnda RcvIcw |10 mInutcs]
Have sludenls iead off agenda ilens and lhe session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl. Ansvei
queslions as needed. CIeaiIv slale vhal is expecled of each sludenl foi lhis
Appienliceship: iefei lo lhe canpus lehavioi iuIes and svslens.

5cttIng 5tudcnt Pcrfnrmancc ExcctatInns: "Fnrm Fn!!nws FunctInn" |10 mInutcs]
Shov exanpIes of designed oljecls, luiIdings, giaphics and Iandscapes. Ioi each, have
lhe sludenls desciile ils funclion fiisl, lhen ils foin. HeIp lhen lo see lhal, as lhe adage
savs, foin foIIovs funclion.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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|xanp|c 1: a penciI conlains a naleiiaI lhal viiles on papei: il is lo le heId in a hand,
and viillen vilh |funclion!. Hence lhe penciIs shape (vidlh, Ienglh, iidges foi lellei
giipping): and hence lhe giaphile shafl encIosed in a shafl of vood.! To exaggeiale lhe
poinl, hoId up an oljecl vhose foin vouId definileIv nol nake a good foin foi a
penciI: oi ask lhe sludenls lo lhink up an oljecl lhal vouId nol nake a good penciI.

|xanp|c 2: dooivavs veie invenled so lhal peopIe couId enlei and exil a space: vhen
lhe dooi is cIosed lhe space is cIosed off: vhen lhe dooi is open lhe space can le passed
lhiough |funclion!. Hence doois aie nade of ceilain naleiiaIs, of ceilain sizes, vilh
hinges, handIes, Iocks, and so on |foin!. Whal vouId nake a good dooi` Whal vouId
nake a pooi dooi` Whal if il veie a dooi in oulei space` A dooi foi a nouse` And so

Ask lhe sludenls lo liv lo veilaIize vhal lhev envision viII le lhe func|icn of lheii 1O-
veek aichilecluie appienliceship. |v lhe end of 1O veeks ve viII have ciealed and
piesenled lhis pailicuIai connunilv design piojecl. ve viII have successfuIIv gollen
lo oui WOW. and so on.! Nexl, ask lhen lo lhen define sone delaiIs aloul lhe fcrn
of lheii appienliceship: Whal viII ve need lo do, individuaIIv and as a gioup, lo heIp
us ieach lhis goaI` |We viII need lo expIoie aichilecluie and cieale lhings. So ve viII
need lo pav allenlion, give olheis lhe chance lo expIoie and cieale, voik logelhei, and
so on.

Wiile lheii connenls on func|icn and fcrn on an easeI Iisl foi fuluie ieviev. Oi, have a
sludenl viile each iesponse on a vooden lIock: lhen have lhe sludenls voik
coIIaloialiveIv lo luiId a sliucluie vilh lhose lIocks. Take a pholo of oi olheivise
docunenl lhe sludenls ideas.

IntrnducIng thc WOW/ Hands-nn ActIvItIcs |50 mInutcs w/ 5 mIn. brcak]

To inlioduce lhe design piocess and lhe sludenls design piogian
To offei hands-on aclivilies lhal heIps sludenls idenlifv vilh lheii cIienls
To inciease sludenl undeislanding of lhe conneclion lelveen peopIe and
designed spaces.

To legin, posl and discuss lhe S|cps |c lOl Iisl. LxpIain lhal lhev viII le voiking on
a design piojecl lhal adds ieaI vaIue lo lheii connunilv: and cuIninales in a pulIic
WOW vheie lhev viII piesenl and ceIeliale lheii acconpIishnenls. Shov exanpIes of
olhei Aichilecluie WOWs.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Nexl, desciile lhe design piolIen, leginning vilh delaiIs aloul lhe cIienl. Have lhe
gioup nake a Iisl of aII of lhe peopIe lhal nav le inpacled lv lheii WOW design
piojecl. The cIienl(s) viII le diieclIv invoIved, lul vho eIse nav evei use lhe sile, vaIk
lv lhe sile, and feeI lhal lhal sile is a pail of lheii connunilv` LxpIain lhal lhev viII
neel lheii cIienl in lhe nexl session.

Shaie infoinalion aloul lhe sile vilh lhe sludenls (a piepaied lase nap oi fIooi pIan,
phologiaphs, naps.)

ActIvItv: MakIng C!Icnts:
Have each sludenl nake lvo scaIe figuies as diiecled in lhe Sca|c |igurc handoul.
Depending on lhe design piogian, lhe scaIe figuies aie lo iepiesenl lhe cIienl(s),
connunilv nenleis, and/oi lhe sludenls lhenseIves. Aflei slapIing each scaIe figuie
lo an index caid, have lhe sludenls viile a fev voids on lhe caid lo desciile lhal figuie
(e.g. nane, age, occupalion, cIienl oi connunilv nenlei.)

ActIvItv: PrInrItIzIng C!Icnt Nccds:
Soil lhe sludenls inlo snaII gioups. Cive each gioup a Iaige lase nap oi fIooi pIan of
lhe sludv sile: lhe vooden lIocks vilh cIienl needs viillen on lhen: lhe exlia vooden
lIocks: and lheii scaIe figuies.

Have lhe gioups 1. Sel lheii scaIe figuies on lhe lase nap: 2. voik logelhei lo slack lhe
cIienl need lIocks on lhe nap in oidei of inpoilance, nosl inpoilanl need on lhe
lollon, nosl inpoilanl on lhe lop: 3. sel lhe ienaining lIocks on lhe lase nap lo
iepiesenl anv iniliaI ideas lhev nav have foi lhe sile (e.g. vaIIs, ioons, vaIkvavs,
fences, lenches, focaI poinls and so on.)

Have each gioup liiefIv desciile lheii design and lheii decisions. Take phologiaphs of
each sile nap nodeI: phologiaph oi nake a Iisl of each gioups slack of piioiilized
cIienl needs...

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Reviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session. Ask if soneone in
voui faniIv asked vou vhal vou did and Ieained lodav, vhal vouId vou sav` Have
each sludenl pass aiound a laIking slick and conpIele lhe senlence Todav I Ieained
hov. Iieviev lhe nexl sessions aclivilies.

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C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea

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Session 2 Field Trip
Total Time: 90 minutes

To inciease sludenls avaieness of seIf, pIace and connunilv:
To piaclice skiIIs of olseivalion and iecoiding: lo deveIop a connon Ianguage
and vocaluIaiv of design.

The fieId liip is a shaied expeiience foi lhe sludenls. Il cieales a connon sloiv upon
vhich lo anchoi sulsequenl nev Ieaining aloul design. TaiIoi lhe vaIking loui lo focus
on specific design eIenenls lhal ieIale lo lhe sludenls upconing WOW piojecl.
Considei incoipoialing a shoil VIsIt tn an ArchItcct's 5tudIn inlo lhe loui session.

Visil lhe loui sile. Take cIose-up phologiaphs of delaiIs on vhich vou viII vanl lhe
sludenls lo focus. Iind pholos, fIooi pIans, sile pIans, slieel naps and/oi if vou can, of
lhe sile: and anv infoinalion indicaling vhal lhese pIaces Iooked Iike in lhe pasl. Make
a lianspaiencv and/oi Iaige copv of one nap of lhe aiea.

Decide on a ioule foi lhe fieId liip: piepaie a rnutc ma (see sanpIe) lhal has lhe
sludenls slopping al specific slalions lo olseive, conpaie, and iecoid lheii olseivalions
(lv viiling, neasuiing, napping, diaving, laking phologiaphs, and so on.

TaiIoi lhe IdcntIfvIng archItccturc, c!cmcnts & rIncI!cs nf dcsIgn, bcIng a structurc,
natura! fnrms In archItccturc and drawIng archItcctura! dctaI!s handouls lo voui loui
sile: lake oul fealuies fion lhe sheels lhal do nol appeai in voui ioule, add diavings oi
phologiaphs of luiIdings oi pIaces lhal vou vanl lhe sludenls lo nolice. In lhe packels,
aIso incIude: lIank sheels foi exlia diavings: giaph papei foi napping: aiea slieel nap.

Copv one sel of handouls inlo a vaIking loui packel foi each sludenl. IIan lo deveIop
and piinl copies of lhe vaIking loui phologiaphs aflei lhe fieId liip, foi use in
upconing sessions.

Lach sludenl viII need: skelchlook, penciI, vaIking loui packel. You nav aIso vanl lo
liing: pholos and naps, exlia penciIs, diaving and giaph papei, naikeis, caneias:
neasuiing lapes, a conpass.

|See aIso: piepaialion foi Sile AnaIvsis.
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|Nole: Session 2A offeis a iainv-dav aIleinalive pIan.!

Agcnda RcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl:
ansvei queslions as needed.

PrcarIng 5tudcnts fnr thc FIc!d TrI |5 mInutcs]
Reviev lhe vaIking loui packels vilh lhe sludenls. Idenlifv design fealuies lo le found
on lhe vaIking loui: inlioduce vocaluIaiv: and shov lhen lhe pIanning nap of lhe
sludv aiea and lhe suiiounding aieas.

Sel expeclalions foi lhe fieId liip. Connecl lhis lo lhe Ioin IoIIovs Iunclion
discussion fion session 1: Whal foin do ve need lo foIIov as individuaIs, and as a
gioup, lo achieve oui oljeclives foi lhe fieId liip`

Wa!kIng Tnur |60 mInutcs w/ 5-mInutc brcak]

Al poinls aIong lhe designaled ioule, have lhe sludenls:
Check off lhe design eIenenls fion lheii vaIking loui sheels
Wiile, diav, lake phologiaphs
Acl oul lhe sliucluiaI eIenenls and foices lhal lhev see.
Do a sile anaIvsis (see leIov)
Map galevavs and ciossioads (see leIov)
Considei Whal is lhe funclion of lhis space` Does ils foin foIIov ils funclion`
Look al: Iislen lo, sneII and feeI lhe naluiaI and luiIl enviionnenl aiound lhen.
Whal adjeclives desciile lhis space: open, encIosed, quiel, noisv, foinaI,
infoinaI, confoilalIe, unconfoilalIe, veIconing, and so on`
Lngage in discussions (see exlension ideas, leIov)

ActIvItv: 5Itc Ana!vsIs
To gain infoinalion aloul lhe sludv sile: lo piaclice olseivalionaI and napping

Iind lopogiaphic and pIanning naps of lhe sile and suiiounding aiea. Visil lhe sile,
noling sile dinensions and soIai oiienlalion: and pie-figuiing a scaIe foi lhe sludenl
sile pIans. If vou lhink diaving accuiale sile pIans viII le loo difficuIl foi lhe sludenls,
pie-diav sone eIenenls of a lase nap
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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The sludenls viII need: skelchlooks, penciIs, eiaseis, diaving papei, giaph papei,
cIiploaids, iuIeis, neasuiing lapes, conpasses. You nav need: (liaffic oi gvn) cones,
sliing, chaIk.
Sheels lo use: Si|c Ana|usis. Sanp|c Si|c P|an (and lase nap of sile, if appIicalIe)

|Resouice nole: Map Making vilh ChiIdien and WaIk aiound lhe Iock offei nanv
napping lechniques, fion sinpIe lo conpIex.!

To legin, liing lhe sludenls and naleiiaIs oul lo lhe sludv sile. Have lhe sludenls vaIk
lhe enliie sile -- vilhoul caiiving anvlhing, and vilhoul laIking, lhev shouId Iook,
Iislen, sneII and louch lhe sile. Aflei lhev have vaIked foi a fev ninules, ask lhen if
lhev noliced anv pallein lo lheii vaIking - veie lheie pIaces lhev naluiaIIv vanled lo
vaIk, pIaces lhev veie noie IikeIv lo slop in, pIaces lhev avoided`

Woik logelhei lo sel oul cones (oi use slakes and sliing, oi chaIk) lo divide lhe space
inlo giids foi easiei napping. Nexl, eilhei hand lhen each a copv of voui pie-diavn
lase nap, oi have lvo-sludenl leans nap lhe geneiaI oulIine and dinensions of lhe
sile on giaph papei. HeIp lhe sludenls lo see hov mcasurIng and cnuntIng thcIr accs
can give a good eslinalion of a dislance. HeIp lhen lo eslinale a luiIdings size lv
neasuiing one vindov, and exliapoIaling fion lhal dinension. Then have lhen:
Diav in pioninenl sile fealuies such as liees, fences, focaI poinls and so on
|sludenls seen lo Iike invenling svnloIs and ciealing nap kevs.!
Nole noilh, soulh, easl and vesl: and discuss hov soIai oiienlalion affecls a sile.
ReIale lhe sile space lo a space lhev knov: hov nanv cIassioons couId fil lhe

Have lhen each fiII in a sItc ana!vsIs sheel, noling naluiaI sile fealuies, loundaiies, and
so on.

A!tcrnatc MaIng ActIvItv: Gatcwavs and Crnssrnads
Have lhe sludenls Iook al hov an aiea is oiganized: Can lhis space cIeaiIv le
consideied lo le oiganized aIong an axis, iadiaIIv, oi in a giid`

Whal spaces aie Iike galevavs, saving lhis aiea slails heie` Whal spaces connecl
peopIe, liing lhen logelhei` Whal fealuies sepaiale peopIe, cieale laiiieis, encIose
lhen, oi give lhen piivacv` Wheie aie lhe kev inleiseclions, lhe ciossioads lhal give
peopIe lhe choice of noving one vav oi anolhei` Whal heIps peopIe nove fion one
pIace lo anolhei`

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Discuss vhal geogiaphic oi nan-nade shape nav infIuence lhe design of lhe vhoIe
aiea (e.g. a sliaighl nain slieel nav define a nainIv svnneliicaI aiea, vilh sloies on
each side: a cuived iivei nav foice lhe ioads and luiIdings lo foIIov lhal cuive: a
nonunenl nav seive a focaI poinl, vilh lhe iesl of lhe fealuies of lhe aiea iadialing oul
fion lhal focaI poinl.)

ExtcnsInns -- DIscussInns a!nng thc rnutc
DcsIgn fnr A!! Pcn!c: Unitcrsa| Dcsign. cr nunan-ccn|crcd dcsign. is lhe design of
pioducls, infoinalion, luiIdings and Iandscapes lo neel lhe needs of peopIe of aII ages
and aliIilies. Discuss: Do lhe pIaces and spaces in oui designed voiId voik foi aII
peopIe` ShouId ve expecl oui connunilv spaces lo neel lhe needs of aII peopIe`
ShouId a pIace le confoilalIe and accessilIe lo voung chiIdien, and lo peopIe vilh
ieduced aliIilies (lenpoiaiiIv oi peinanenlIv) lo vaIk, heai oi see` Which peopIe have
lhe iighl (and/oi olIigalion) lo pailicipale in design decisions aloul a connunilv`

A 5cnsc nf P!acc: Sonelines peopIe sav a pailicuIai space has a sense of pIace. Ask
lhe sludenls vhal lhev lhink is neanl lv lhis. Iind a fev pIaces aIong lhe ioule lhal do
oi do nol, in lhe sludenls opinions, have a sliong sense of pIace.

Changcs nvcr TImc: Discuss vhv, ovei line, peopIe liansfoined lhis aiea inlo vhal il
is lodav - vhal design decisions, foi lellei oi foi voise, Ied lo lhe Iook and feeI of lhe
aiea lhal is nov heie`

|Resouice nole: Changing Aneiican Cilvscape is a sel of seven posleis delaiI lhe nanv
changes in a ficlionaI cilv, veais 1875 lo 199O. A snaIIei veision vas pulIished as a
look enlilIed Nev Iiovidence.!

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 2 |10 mInutcs]
Ask each sludenl lo visuaIize lhe space lhal nosl slicks in his nind fion lhe fieId liip:
oi a pIace he vouId nosl vanl lo go lack lo. Have hin skelch one viev of lhal
luiIding oi Iandscape eIenenl, and viile a fev voids desciiling hov lhal space feeIs.
Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo see vhal delaiIs each sludenl chose lo

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
ack in lhe cIassioon, ieviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session.
Have each sludenl cieale a sel of caids, upon vhich lhev have viillen vocaluIaiv
voids Ieained duiing lhe session, and lheii neanings. Suggesl lhal lhe sludenls lake
lhe caids hone lo shaie vhal lhev have Ieained vilh faniIv nenleis.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Iieviev lhe nexl sessions aclivilies. Discuss lhe pIans foi deveIoping oi piinling fieId
liip pholo inages foi use in sulsequenl sessions.

C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs:
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Session 2A - Rainy Day Field Trip Alternative Session
Total Time: 90 minutes

To inciease design avaieness
To open a diaIogue aloul designed spaces
To deveIop a connon Ianguage of design

Calhei visuaIs and oljecls foi avaieness aclivilies:
Magazine pages shoving aichilecluie (inleiiois and exleiiois) foi cIipping.
SIides oi lianspaiencies of one oi lvo inleiesling luiIding facades.
NaluiaI oljecls lhal have counleipails in aichilecluie (e.g. lianch, honevconl,
spiiaI sheII).
Hands-on oljecls foi lhe sliucluies aclivilv: vooden lIocks, sliing, papei

Iie-cul a sel of giaphics (squaies) fion lhe handouls (Iisled leIov) foi lhe coIIage
Considei naking sels of giaphics pasled on index caids foi Ialei sludenl use.

Lach sludenl viII need: skelchlook, penciI, eiasei, and scissois
Have on hand: vhile gIue, Iaige poslei loaids (1 pei gioup), sIide piojecloi: oveihead

Handouls lo use:
|dcn|ifuing arcni|cc|urc / ||cncn|s c princip|cs cf dcsign / 8cing a s|ruc|urc / Na|ura| fcrns in

Resource note: The look Aichilecluie: Ioin Space and Oidei, a good souice of
giaphics, goes a Iong vav in expIaining hov specific eIenenls of aichilecluiaI design
conline lo nake successfuI luiIdings. v Naluies Design fealuies phologiaphs of
naluiaI design eIenenls. ooks on sliucluies incIude The Ail of Consliuclion and vhal
il feeIs Like lo e a uiIding

Agcnda RcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl:
ansvei queslions as needed.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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ArchItcctura! Awarcncss ActIvItIcs |30 mInutcs w/ 5 mInutc brcak]

To legin, piojecl sIides oi shov phologiaphs lhal shov exanpIes of lhe leins in lhe
sludenl handouls. Have lhe sludenls idenlifv lhe inages lhal lhev see. Considei
aIleinaling shoving a seiies of sIides vilh sone of lhe foIIoving aclivilies and

IdcntIfvIng ArchItccturc & thc E!cmcnts and PrIncI!cs nf DcsIgn
The sludenls shouId le faniIiai vilh lhese concepls lhiough Ail cIass. Thev can lhink
of lhe eIenenls as ingiedienls in a design, and lhe piincipIes as lhe iecipe, i.e. hov
lhose eIenenls voik logelhei.

Sctcn ||cncn|s: VaIue, CoIoi, Ioin, Shape, Line, Space, Texluie
Sctcn Princip|cs: Conliasl, Rhvlhn, Unilv, Lnphasis, Iallein, Movenenl, aIance

Discuss lhe fcrns lhal lhev see, and have lhen desciile lheii func|icns.

ul aichilecluie is noie lhan foin and funclion. Aeslhelics cone inlo pIav. Discuss
vhal pIaces, luiIdings oi aichilecluiaI fealuies did lhe sludenls innedialeIv Iike as
lhev vieved lhe sIides and vhv lhev lhose inages appeaIed lo lhen.

A luiIding has hainonv vhen eveivlhing aloul il~ils shape, ils vaIIs, ils
vindovs, ils doois~seens jusl iighl. Lach nusl le a peifecl conpanion foi lhe
olhei. When each suils lhe olhei so veII lhal lhev cone lo leIong lo one anolhei,
lhe luiIding is a voik of ail.
(Round uiIdings, Squaie uiIdings, uiIdings lhal WiggIe Iike a Iish)

ActIvItv: BcIng a 5tructurc
To luiIding posilive ieIalionships lelveen sludenls
To enalIe lhe sludenls lo kineslhelicaIIv expeiience sliucluiaI foices
To inciease vocaluIaiv

Shov a fev visuaIs lhal iIIusliale each sliucluiaI lein lhen have lhe chiIdien use lheii
lodies lo denonsliale lhe leins on lhe 8cing a S|ruc|urc sheel:
CoIunn / Iosl and ean / Aich / VauIl-lunneI / Done
CanliIevei/IIving ulliesses / Tiusses / Tension / Conpiession.
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Sludenls can lake luins acling oul lhe sliucluies: lhe gioup guesses vhich sliucluie lhe
sludenls aie living lo le.

Then have sludenls use connon oljecls lo denonsliale each lein: e.g. 3 vooden
lIocks lo shov Slonehenge-Iike conpiession: sliing lo shov lension: a cuive of papei lo
shov a vauIl lunneI.

Natura! Fnrms In ArchItccturc
HeIp lhe sludenls lo nake conneclions lelveen lhe luiIl and naluiaI enviionnenls.
Have sone naluiaI naleiiaIs on hand lo faciIilale lhe discussion. Ask: Whv does naluie
use spiiaIs, hexagons, and exoskeIelons lo luiId ils sliucluies` Whal naluiaI design
eIenenls, such as lianching, have ve copied inlo oui ovn aichilecluie` Hov is a
coIunn Iike a liee` Hov aie oveiIapping shingIes Iike lhe scaIes on a fish` Hov is a
spidei vel Iike a suspension liidge`

Cu!mInatIng ActIvItIcs |40 mInutcs]
To ieinfoice sludenl Ieaining.
Nole: lhese aclivilies aie aIso effeclive in a Ialei session as sludenl ieviev.

ActIvItv: Cn!!agc
Shov lhe gioup lhe giaphics (squaies) vou have pie-cul fion lhe aichilecluiaI
avaieness handouls. Sel lhe giaphics pieces on a Iaige lalIe, aIong vilh lhe
aichilecluiaI nagazine cIippings. LxpIain lhal lhev viII le voiking in gioups lo cieale
coIIages lhal conline giaphics, vilh nagazine cIippings lhal iIIusliales lhose fealuies.
Have lhen liin each cIipping, gIue lheii giaphic squaie on lop of il (as a IaleI), lhen
gIue lhe cIipping lo lhe poslei loaid.

Lncouiage discussions as lhe sludenls conlinue lo voik, nalching noie giaphics lo
cIippings and adding lhen lo lhe poslei loaid. This aclivilv aIIovs lhe sludenls lo
denonsliale vhal lhev aIieadv knov: and il is a good aclivilv lecause il can le slopped
al a IogicaI poinl oi go on foi a vhiIe. Il aIso nakes a good fiisl-dav piojecl lo save as a
lackgiound dispIav foi lhe sludenl piesenlalions.

ActIvItv: DrawIng a Facadc
Iiojecl a sIide oi lianspaiencv of an inleiesling luiIding facade onlo a chaIkloaid,
vhileloaid, oi easeI sheel (oi use lhe Faadc tn Tracc sheel). Have sone sludenls liace
lhe aichilecluiaI, sliucluiaI and naluiaI fealuies lhal lhev see. Then luin off lhe
piojecloi, IaleI and discuss lhose fealuies.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 2A |5 mInutcs]
Ask each sludenl lo visuaIize lhe space lhal nosl slicks in his nind fion lhe session.
Have hin skelch one viev of lhal luiIding oi Iandscape eIenenl, and viile a fev voids
desciiling hov lhal space nighl feeI. Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo see
vhal delaiIs each sludenl chose lo diav.

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Reviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session. Cive each sludenl, oi
have lhen nake a sel of caids shoving lhe giaphics fion lhe handouls. Suggesl lhal
lhe sludenls lake lhe caids hone lo shaie vhal lhev have Ieained vilh faniIv nenleis,
and lo Iook foi aichilecluiaI eIenenls in lheii neighloihood. Iieviev lhe nexl sessions

C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea.
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Session 3: Client Interview
Total Time: 90 minutes

To give sludenls piaclice in invesligaling lheii design piolIen
DeveIoping and asking queslions
And svnlhesizing lhe nev infoinalion.

Aiiange an inleiviev line vilh voui cIienl. If possilIe, neel al lhe design sile.
Have lhe pholos fion lhe vaIking loui (oi nagazine cIippings oi aichilecluiaI fealuies)
avaiIalIe foi use.
e piepaied lo lvpe lhe finaI Iisl of queslions and geneiale copies of lhe queslions foi
each sludenl.

Lach sludenl viII need: skelchlook, pen oi penciI, vhile Iined papei.
|See aIso: piepaialion foi skelchlook iiluaI.!

Have voui oiiginaI sel of vooden lIocks IaleIed vilh cIienl needs on hand, aIong vilh
spaie lIocks, pen and IaleIs.

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 3 |5 mInutcs]
PrcaratInn: Co lhiough lhe vaIking loui phologiaphs (oi nagazine cIippings),
seIecling phologiaphs lhal shov a faiiIv lioad viev oi a slieelscape |e.g. a sidevaIk
vilh a luiIding lehind il), oi expanse of Iandscape oi paik -- vievs in vhich peopIe
couId le doing lhings, as opposed lo cIose-up inages of aichilecluiaI delaiI.!

ActIvItv: Sel lhe phologiaphs oul on a Iaige lalIe. Have each sludenl: 1). seIecl one
phologiaph (and liin if necessaiv): 2). Tape lhal phologiaph onlo a skelchlook page:
3). Take a ninule lo inagine one peison oi a gioup of peopIe using lhal space: 4). Wiile
a fev senlences lhal ansvei lhe queslions: Who nighl use lhis space` Whal nighl lhev
le doing lheie` When` And Whv` Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie

Agcnda RcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl:
ansvei queslions as needed. Sel sludenl expeclalions foi lehavioi en ioule lo, duiing,
and aflei lhe inleiviev.
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Dcvc!nIng thc C!Icnt IntcrvIcws |30 mInutcs w/ 5-mInutc brcak]
Ask lhe sludenls vhal func|icns a cIienl inleiviev nighl seive (vhal do ve need lo
knov noie aloul lhal lhe cIienl nav le alIe lo leII us.) Then ask vhal fcrn lhe cIienl
inleiviev shouId lake. (ShouId ve deveIop a Iisl of queslions, and lhen decide lo lake
luins asking lhose queslions` Who viII iecoid lhe ansveis` In vhal foinal`)

Have lhe sludenls ieviev vhal lhev aIieadv knov aloul lhe cIienl and sile. |Use lhe
vooden cIienl need lIocks.! Sel piioiilies foi lhe inleiviev: vhal do ve nosl need lo
knov, vhal vouId le good lul nol vilaI lo knov, and so on`

Then have lhe sludenls voik logelhei, in snaII gioups fiisl, lhen as a vhoIe, lo
geneiale, discuss, and iefine lhe inleiviev queslions. Having lhen lake luins rc|c-
p|auing |nc uucs|icns is a good vav lo iefine lhe queslions and nake lhen noie
confoilalIe vilh lhe inleiviev piocess.

Ask Whal viII ve do vilh lhis nev infoinalion` Decide vhelhei il vouId le
leneficiaI foi soneone lo lvpe and nake copies of lhe inleiviev iesponses so each
sludenl couId iefei lo lhen in upconing sessions.

IntcrvIcwIng thc C!Icnt |40 mInutcs]
Meel lhe cIienl. Have each sludenl inlioduce hin oi heiseIf. Have one sludenl liiefIv
sunnaiize voui inlended design piojecl. Then have lhe sludenls ask lheii inleiviev
queslions and iecoid lhe ansveis. Iinish up lv asking lhe cIienl(s) if lhev have anv
queslions foi vou: lhank lhe cIienls, and invile lhen lo lhe WOW.

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Reviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session. If line aIIovs, have
lhe sludenls voik logelhei lo cieale noie vooden lIocks IaleIed vilh cIienl needs lo
add lo lhe oiiginaI lIock coIIeclion. Iieviev lhe nexl sessions aclivilies.

C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea

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Session 4: Defining the Design Problem
Total Time: 90 minutes

To enalIe sludenls lo coopeialiveIv define lheii design piolIen
To use viiling, veilaI and diaving skiIIs lo deveIop lheii ideas
To check sludenl undeislanding of voiking in scaIe

Whelhei lheii finaI pioducls aie diavings, viilings, pIans, piesenlalion loaids, scaIe
nodeIs oi olhei nedia, lhe sludenls viII succeed if lhev use vhal lhev knov and foIIov
lhe sleps of lhe DcsIgn Prnccss Chcck!Ist. The checkIisl viII heIp lhe sludenls lo focus
lheii voik: once lhev define lheii design piolIen lhal is lhe piolIen lhev shouId soIve.
Hcu lhev soIve il nav change and deveIop lhioughoul lhe piocess, lul lhe piolIen
lhev aie soIving shouId ienain lhe sane.

Decide vhelhei lhe sludenls viII voik individuaIIv oi in gioups. Have lhe sludenls
save lheii piocess voik, i.e. fiisl skelches, inspiialionaI cIippings, elc, as lhev couId
lecone pail of lheii piesenlalion loaids.

Iion lhe skiII-luiIding aclivilies in Sessions 4, 5, and 6, seIecl aclivilies lhal viII give
voui sludenls lhe skiIIs lhev need ieIevanl lo lheii design piojecl. Considei selling up
wnrk statInns lo faciIilale sludenl line vilh naleiiaIs.
Iie-seIecl pholos foi lhe s|c|cnocc| ri|ua|.

Iiepaie sludenl copies of lhe siles fIooi pIan oi lase nap foi lhe Dcsign Prcccss S|cps 3
and 4 aclivilies.
Using lhe Sca|c Ru|crs handoul, copv and cul (fion lhickei caid slock, if possilIe): one
foi each sludenl.

Lach sludenl viII aIso need: skelchlooks, penciI, eiasei, lhin lIack naikei, papei foi
viiling and diaving, and lheii scaIe figuies. AIso have on hand: sliing, giaph papei,
neasuiing lape, snaII loxes
Sheels lo use: Dcsign Prcccss Cncc||is|. Sca|c Ru|crs. Pccp|c Spaccs

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 4 |5 mInutcs]
PrcaratInn: pie-seIecl one phologiaph fion lhe vaIking loui lhal shovs one
inleiesling cIose-up delaiI of a luiIding (e.g. one vindov, a cuived nelaI liackel, a
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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poich iaiIing.) Tape lhal pholo onlo lhe cenlei of a piece of papei, and nake one
pholocopv of lhal papei foi each sludenl (lIack and vhile copies aie fine, if vouve
seIecled an inage vilh enough conliasl).

ActIvItv: Ask each sludenl lo exlend lhe Iines of lhe phologiaph levond ils fiane (oul
onlo lhe lIank aiea of lheii papei) and cieale a diaving of vhal lhev lhink exisls
levond lhal inage (e.g. lhe luiIding facade suiiounding lhe vindov). ModeI lhe
aclivilv foi lhen using a phologiaph. Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo
shaie ideas.

Agcnda RcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl:
ansvei queslions as needed.

DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 1: DcfInc thc DcsIgn Prnb!cm |15 mInutcs]

Have lhe sludenls ieviev vhal lhev knov aloul lhe cIienl,
sile, and cIienl needs. Then, as a gioup oi individuaIIv,
have lhe sludenls fiII in lheii Dcsign Prcccss cncc||is| sheel.

Whn: desciile lhe cIienl(s) vho have lhe design need. e
suie lhev add lhe nev infoinalion Ieained duiing lhe
cIienl inleiviev.
LxanpIe: Senioi cilizens and pie-schooI chiIdien, slaff,
faniIv nenleis. space shouId le accessilIe lo peopIe of
aII ages and aliIilies.

Whcn: vhen nighl lhe design le luiIl: vhen viII lhe
space le used
To le luiIl in 2OO6: space lo le used 8:OO an lo 6:OO pn, Mondavs - Saluidavs, aII veai

Whcrc: desciile lhe sile (geogiaphv, cIinale, specific lopogiaphv)
In enplv Iol on A Slieel, lelveen senioi cenlei and pie-schooI cenlei. Lol is 1OO vide
lv 2OO deep. Il is sunnv nuch of lhe dav. e suie lhe sludenls add lhe infoinalion
lhev gained fion lheii Si|c Ana|usis.

Whv: define lhe func|icn of a space. Oui cIienls need pIaces and spaces lo: le logelhei,
voik in a gaiden, ieIax, nake and seII gaiden ilens: posl connunilv nolices: enlei and
exil lhe sile safeIv: le piolecled fion sun and lhe iain, and sloie sluff.
Who7 ____________________
When7 ____________________
Where7 ___________________

Why7 Our
cIienf(s) need
pIoces ond
spoces fo: ____

Whof7 ______

Whof eIse7 __________________

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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What? Woiking diieclIv fion lhe veils in lheii Whv coIunn, have lhe sludenls fiII in
lheii What coIunn vilh ideas of vhal lhev couId design, fiIIing in lhe phiase . so ve
viII design..

Our c|lents need |aces and saces to. So ue ul|| deslgn.
Woik logelhei in a gaiden A gaiden foi peopIe of aII ages and
ReIax enches
Lal logelhei TalIes and chaiis
Make gaiden/ciafl ilens Woik lenches
SeII gaiden ciafl ilens SaIes loolh
Iosl connunilv nolices uIIelin loaid
e piolecled fion lhe sun and iain Aieas foi shade liees: ioofed vaIkvavs,
Sloie sluff Caiden shed

What E!sc? evond funclion, vhal eIse do lhe voung designeis vanl lhis design lo le`
(WeIconing, leaulifuI, svnloIic, connecled lo lhe connunilv.)

Nntc nn DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 2: InvcstIgatc thc dcsIgn rnb!cm.
Aflei lhev define lheii design piolIen, designeis invesligale lheii design piolIen.
Thev nav:
Ceneiale queslions foi, and inleiviev peopIe vho ovn, use and nainlain lhe
Do ieseaich fion piinl and vel nedia, fion pioducl and Iandscape calaIogs.
Visil lhe sile lo do a sile anaIvsis, lake phologiaphs, neasuie, nap, and diav.
In lhis Ci|izcn Scncc| cuiiicuIun nodeI nuch of lhis voik has aIieadv leen done in
session 1, 2, and 3.

ActIvItIcs nn 5ca!c |10 mInutcs]
SeIecl fion lhe aclivilies Iisled leIov:

Have lhe sludenls use lhe sca|c ru|crs lo neasuie lheii scaIe figuies. If eveiv =
1 and a scaIe figuie is 1.5 inches laII, hov laII is lhe ieaI peison lhe scaIe figuie
iepiesenls` 6 feel. |Nole: CouId vou change lhe scaIe of lhese figuies` Yes, vou
can nake figuies foi 3/8 = 1 and even = 1 nodeIs fion a pipe cIeanei.

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Ask: In = 1 scaIe, hov nuch ieaI space vouId a 1 x 1 iepiesenl` Have
gioups of foui sludenls use lheii lodies and a 16 Ioop of sliing lo denonsliale
vhal 4 x 4 of ieaI space Iooks Iike. Whal vouId fil inside lhal space` Hov nanv
4x4 spaces vouId il lake lo covei lhe vhoIe cIassioon` |Nole: sludenls need
lhis quick aclivilv, as nanv of lhen have difficuIlv ieIaling scaIe space lo ieaI

Cive each sludenl a snaII lox oi seveiaI vooden lIocks. Using lhe scaIe iuIeis,
have lhen deleinine hov Iaige lhal luiIding vouId le in ieaI Iife if lhal lox
veie a nodeI in = 1 scaIe: = 1 scaIe, and so on. Conpaie lhose
dinensions lo lhe size of voui cIassioon.

Refeiiing lo lhe Pccp|c Spaccs iIIuslialions, have sludenls use nasking lape oi
chaIk lo Iav oul, in fuII scaIe, v nuch space a peison in a vheeIchaii needs lo
cIeai a dooivav, and lo navigale a luin.
DcmnnstratInn: Bubb!cs and Tracc |5 mInutcs]

To denonsliale hov lo deveIop 3-d aichilecluiaI ideas in 2-d giaphic foin
To have sludenls expeiience hov pIans evoIve and hov spaces aie oiganized.

Handoul lo use: 8uoo|c S|c|cncs
You viII need: an easeI sheel of papei, a lIack naikei, and a fev Iaige sheels of liace

One vaIue in having sludenls slail desciiling lheii spaces vilh lullIes is lhal diaving
aliIilv and sliaighl Iines aie nol an issue--eveiv sludenl can le successfuI al seeing his
ideas on papei. Anolhei vaIue is lhal lullIe skelches heIp sludenls lo lhink of lhe
vhoIe ialhei lhan lhe pails. Wilhoul lhis slep nanv sludenls viII Ialoi lo diav a
fIooi pIan of one coinei of a luiIding, and have no idea hov lhal space ieIales lo lhe
iesl of lhe luiIding. Al sone poinl lhe design viII legin lo faIlei and lhe sludenl nav
veII feeI lhal he is nol doing a good jol. So slail vilh lullIe skelches - sonelhing al
vhich eveivone can succeed.

To legin deveIop a lullIe skelch of an inleiioi space oi an exleiioi sile. When lhal
lullIe skelch is done, slail a nev Iavei, oi Iaveis, of liace-papei lullIe skelches. Have
sludenls cone up lo lhe loaid and assisl vou vilh lhe diaving piocess. Ask is lhis
pIan gelling anv lellei` Denonsliale lhe olhei neiils of liace papei - hov fIipping il
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ovei can ieveise a fIooi pIan: and hov lo diav one fealuie, e.g. a sel of slaiis, on a sciap
of liace and nove il aiound undei lhe liace papei Iavei.

Add a nev Iavei of liace and slail luining lhe lullIe skelch inlo a noie defined fiisl
diafl, (e.g. iough diaving Iines foi vaIIs, svnloIs foi vindovs and doois.)
Denonsliale hov lhese skelches, ovei sulsequenl diafls, can lecone a finished f!nnr
!an oi sItc !an. Ask foi voIunleeis lo diav as lhe skelched evoIve.

DcsIgn Prnccss 5tcs 3 and 4 |40 mInutcs w/5 mInutc brcak]
To enalIe sludenls lo use viiling, veilaI and diaving skiIIs lo coopeialiveIv
geneiale ideas, and choose one design soIulion.

DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 3: Gcncratc Idcas: braInstnrm, !Ist, skctch

To legin, have each sludenl, oi design leans of sludenls, ieviev lheii Dcsign Prcccss
cncc||is| sheels, and lhen liainsloin soIulions lo lheii specific piolIen. Lel each
nenlei of a design lean expiess lheii ideas in seveiaI vavs - laIking, viiling and
diaving in lheii skelchlooks, doing lullIe skelches, and so on.

DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 4: Chnnsc Onc 5n!utInn and DcscrIbc that 5n!utInn

The sludenls nav need lo coopeialiveIv deveIop one design soIulion fion lheii nanv
ideas. Have eveiv sludenl, one lv one, piesenl lheii ideas lo lheii gioup: lhen have one
lean nenlei, vilh consensus, conline sone oi aII of lhe ideas inlo one skelch. The
sludenls nav coIIaloiale noie easiIv if lhev agiee lhal lhe design piojecl can onIv have
one lig soIulion vilh lhiee lig ideas. As Iong as each sludenl has had his oi hei
individuaI ideas heaid, chances aie lhev viII voik logelhei veII.

The sludenls nav deveIop a gioup lullIe skelch, lhen a iough fIooi pIan oi sile pIan
(noie on fIooi pIans and sile pIans in lhe nexl session). Oi lhev nav lenefil fion
deveIoping lheii ideas in noie hands-on vavs:

If lhev aie designing a luiIding lhev nav cul and shape papei oi oak lag, and/oi
use snaII loxes oi vooden lIocks lo quickIv foin up 3-d nodeIs lo heIp
visuaIize lheii ideas.

If lhev aie designing an ouldooi connunilv sile lhev nav diav a quick pIan of
lhe sile, in scaIe, on a Iaige, easeI-sized sheel of giid papei. Then lhev nav 1).
Cul shapes oul of consliuclion papei lo iepiesenl Iandscape and luiIl fealuies
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(e.g. a hexagon-shaped papei couId iepiesenl a gazelo: a cuive of lIue papei
couId iepiesenl a sliean: a sliip of lIack papei couId iepiesenl a slieel). 2). Iav
lhe shapes on lhe easeI giid papei, noving lhe shapes aiound and nodifving
lhen unliI lhev cone up vilh a sile pIan lhal neels lheii design iequiienenls.

When lhev aie done, have lhe sludenls do a vaIk aiound lo viev lhe
skelches/nodeIs, and discuss lhe diffeiences and siniIaiilies in each gioups ideas.

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Reviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session. Suggesl lhal lhe
sludenls lake eaiIiei diafls of lheii lullIe skelches hone lo shaie vhal lhev have
Ieained vilh faniIv nenleis. Iieviev lhe nexl sessions aclivilies.

C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea
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Session 5: Communicating ideas through drawings
Total Time: 90 minutes

To enalIe lhe sludenls lo voik in coIIaloialive design leans lo choose and
desciile lheii design soIulion
To denonsliale schenalic diaving: lo have lhe sludenls connunicale lheii 3-d
ideas lhiough 2-d schenalic diavings (in scaIe and in pIan viev).

Iion lhe skiII-luiIding aclivilies desciiled in lhis session, seIecl lhose ieIevanl lo voui
sludenls design piojecl.
Calhei lhe naleiiaIs lhev viII need, as Iisled in each aclivilv. Have lhe vaIking loui
pholos (oi nagazine cIippings) on hand foi lhe s|c|cnocc| ri|ua|.

Lach sludenl viII aIso need lheii skelchlooks Dcsign Prcccss Cncc||is|, lullIe skelches,
diaving papei, penciI, eiasei, and scaIe iuIeis.

Considei piepaiing a prcjcc| |inc|inc lo heIp lhe sludenls see vhal lasks viII lake lhen
lhiough lhe end of lheii piojecl.

Nole: You nav le alIe lo incIude sone of lhe foIIoving sludenl diaving aclivilies in a
vIsIt tn an archItcct's studIn.

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! |5 mInutcs]
Lav lhe vaIking loui phologiaphs oi a coIIeclion of nagazine cIippings oul on a Iaige
lalIe. Ask lhe sludenls lo seIecl one oi lvo phologiaphs lhal lhev vouId Iike lo use as
an inspiialion foi a pail of lheii cuiienl design piojecl. Have lhen lape lhe pholos inlo
lheii skelchlooks. Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

Agcnda RcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl:
ansvei queslions as needed. Inlioduce lhe prcjcc| |inc|inc.

DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 5: Crcatc thc 5n!utInn: DrawIngs
Theie aie nanv vavs lo do lhe voik of ciealing a design soIulion. Aichilecls diav lheii
ideas, nake scaIe nodeIs, and so on. The sessions aclivilies focus on lhe voik of
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ActIvItIcs: CrcatIng 5chcmatIc DrawIngs |70 mInutcs w/ 5-mInutc brcak]

ActIvItv: CrcatIng F!nnr P!ans
To give piaclice in lhe diaving of aichilecluiaI ideas in scaIe and in pIan viev.

Read lhiough lhe foIIoving aclivilies, and seIecl lhose lhal viII lesl piepaie voui
sludenls lo do schenalic diavings of lheii ovn. You nav choose lo scaffoId lhe
aclivilv, i.e. piovide lhen vilh a lase fIooi pIan oi sile pIan aIieadv diavn lo scaIe, and
have lhen concenliale on nodifving lhal pIan and/oi adding lheii design delaiIs. .

Nole: Mosl sludenls shifl lo leing alIe lo lhink and diav in p|an ticu lv giade 3-4 oi so.
Mosl sludenls aie alIe lo confoilalIv voik in sca|c lv giade 5. Thev nav laIk if lhe
nalh Iooks loo conpIicaled, lul lhev can do il.

Lquip each sludenl vilh: giaph papei (11 x 17), liace papei, penciI, eiasei, iuIei,
and a pennv. If sels of diafling looIs aie avaiIalIe (loaid, T squaie, liiangIe), considei
having lhe sludenls use lhen. Despile leing lhe conpulei geneialion, chiIdien Iike
voiking vilh diafling looIs: and lhev veiv nuch Iike using scaIe lenpIales lo diav in
fuiniluie and fixluies. If diafling looIs aie unavaiIalIe, liv lo find a pIaslic liiangIe foi
each sludenl lo use. IeipendicuIai, paiaIIeI, and even sliaighl Iines aie lellei diavn
vhen sludenls use liiangIes. Sludenls shouId use a conpass oi a lenpIale, vhen
feasilIe, foi cuived Iines.

Sheels lo use: Drauing a ||ccr P|an. Sunoc|s. If vou pIan on using lianspaiencies, have
an oveihead piojecloi on hand.

To legin, seIecl fion lhese aclivilies:
Iiojecl a lianspaiencv of, oi diav, a sinpIe, dinensioned fIooi pIan on lhe
loaid. Wilh lhe Drauing a ||ccr P|an sheels lo guide lhen, have lhe sludenls
diav lheii ovn copv of lhe sanpIe fIooi pIan on lheii giaph papei. The sludenls
shouId le alIe lo do lhe nalh necessaiv lo figuie oul hov Iaige lo diav lhose
dinensions, in scaIe, on lheii papei. (L.g. a 4O vaII in ieaI Iife is diavn as 1O).

Cive each sludenl a copv of a fIooi pIan and liace papei. Have lhen liace lhal
fIooi pIan.

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Sel up a wnrk statInn equipped vilh diafling looIs and have lhe sludenls iolale
lhiough a liacing a fIooi pIan aclivilv, aIongside olhei quick aclivilv voik
slalions fion lhis skiII-luiIding seclion.

Then, once lhe sludenls have denonslialed a lasic knovIedge of lhe nelhod of
diaving fIooi pIans, have lhen voik lo liansIale lhe ideas on lheii finaI lullIe skelch
inlo fiisl a iough diafl, lhen a second diafl of a fIooi pIan.

This oidei of diaving has pioven lo le successfuI vilh sludenls of lhis age:
1) Lxleiioi vaIIs, inleiioi vaIIs |iepiesenled lv lvo paiaIIeI Iines 1/8
of an inch apail!
2) Doois, vindovs, slaiis, |diavn as shovn on handouls!
3) DelaiIs~fuiniluie, elc. can le nealIv diavn in, oi diavn vilh lenpIales. |If vou do
nol eslalIish an oidei foi diaving, nanv delaiIs viII gel diavn fiisl, and lhe vaIIs nav
nol gel diavn al aII.!

To assisl lhe piocess, ask hov nuch space do peopIe lake up as lhev nove lhiough a
space` If sludenls ciovd loo nuch inlo lheii fIooi pIans, have lhen lake Thc Pcnnv
Tcst: In = 1 scaIe a pennv is a ciicIe vilh a 3-fool dianelei. Sludenls lake ieadiIv lo
lhe idea of sIiding a pennv acioss lheii pIans, using lhal 3-fool space as space foi
haIIvavs, dooivavs, vheeIchaii access, and so on. Reviev lhe conneclion nade vhen
lhe sludenls used a 16 Ioop of sliing lo expeiience 4 x 4 of ieaI space (1 x 1 of scaIe

Have lhe sludenls save lheii piocess voik in lheii foIdeis foi possilIe incIusion on a
piesenlalion loaid.

ActIvItv nr DcmnnstratInn: DrawIng wIth CAD
If vou piefei, leach lhe sludenls lhe lasics of hov lo diav a sinpIe fIooi pIan using a
CAD piogian. IncIude a CAD denonslialion and a sinpIe hands-on CAD aclivilv
duiing lhe sludenls vIsIt tn an archItcct's nffIcc: oi sel up a CAD voik slalion.

ActIvItv nr DcmnnstratInn: DrawIng E!cvatInns
WiII voui sludenls need eIevalion diavings foi lheii piojecls` If so, nov nav a good
line lo denonsliale hov one is diavn. As a hands-on aclivilv, lhe sludenls couId cul
lhe foui eIevalions oul fion lhe c|cta|icns sheel and see foi lhenseIves hov lhese pieces
can le iaised up aiound lhe fIooi pIan lo nake lhe leginnings of a 3-d nodeI.

Again, vou nav le alIe lo incIude a denonslialion and aclivilv aloul eIevalions inlo
voui vIsIt tn an archItcct's nffIcc, oi inlo a wnrk statInn sel-up.

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ActIvItv: CrcatIng 5Itc P!ans
To give piaclice in diaving sile eIenenls in pIan viev
To have sludenls denonsliale lheii aliIilv lo voik in scaIe
To have sludenls voik as a design lean: lo sinuIale soIai oiienlalion.

Lach sludenl viII need penciI, eiasei, iuIei, giaph papei
You viII need lianspaiencv of Sanp|c Si|c P|an. oveihead piojecloi
Sheels lo use: Sanp|c Si|c P|an

Ioi lhe 3-d sile nodeI aclivilv, vou viII need a Iaige lalIe, gieen papei (oi gieen pIaslic
lalIecIolh), consliuclion papei, scissois, sliing, pipe cIeaneis, snaII lIocks oi loxes, and
a fIashIighl.

Cive each sludenl a Sanp|c Si|c P|an and liace papei and have lhen liace lhe sile pIan.
Ask lhe sludenls lo leII vou vhal infoinalion lhe sile pIan connunicales, and vhv lhal
infoinalion needs lo le connunicaled. Then have lhe sludenls oiienl lheii papeis lo
noilh, soulh, easl and vesl, lased on lhe ioon lhal vou aie aII in. If lhis ioon vas
nagicaIIv picked up and pIaced inlo lhe cenlei of lhal sile, vhal vouId vou see vhen
vou Iook oul lhe vindovs`

3-d sItc mndc!: lo exlend lhe sile pIan aclivilv, have lhe sludenls galhei aiound a Iaige
lalIe coveied in gieen papei. Have lhen neasuie, cul and Iav consliuclion papei
shapes onlo lhe lalIe lo iepiesenl lhe sile fealuies (e.g. lIue foi valei). The sludenls
viII need lo do lhe figuiing necessaiv lo change lhe scaIe of lhe sile pIan lo fil lhe Iaigei
lalIe space. As lhis is neanl lo le a quick nodeI, lheie is no need lo gIue anvlhing
dovn. Use connon naleiiaIs Iike pipe cIeaneis oi lissue papei lo nake quick
iepiesenlalions of liees.

To shov lhe inpoilance of sn!ar nrIcntatInn in siling a luiIding, have lhe sludenls
pIace snaII lIocks oi loxes on lhe nodeI sile lo iepiesenl luiIdings. Move a fIashIighl
acioss lhe sile lo sinuIale lhe sun: discuss hov sun and shadovs faII on diffeienl faces
of a luiIding lhioughoul a dav. To sinuIale lhe penelialion of Iighl in vindovs, cul a 3-
d papei shape vilh cul-oul vindovs, and pIace lhal on lhe sile.

Once lhe sludenls have denonslialed a lasic knovIedge of lhe nelhod of diaving sile
pIans, have lhen voik lo liansIale lhe ideas on lheii finaI lullIe skelch inlo fiisl a
iough diafl, lhen a second diafl of a sile pIan.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Have lhe sludenls save lheii piocess voik in lheii foIdeis foi possilIe incIusion on a
piesenlalion loaid.

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Reviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session. Iieviev lhe nexl
sessions aclivilies.

C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea

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Session 6, 7: Communicating Ideas through Models
90 minutes each session

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 6 |10 mInutcs]
PrcaratInn: galhei a coIIeclion of snaII and veiv snaII, pIain loxes, vooden lIocks,
caidloaid lules, and pIaslic packaging of vaiious sinpIe shapes. Have one sheel of
easeI-sized giid papei avaiIalIe.

ActIvItv: aiiange 6 lo 8 of lhe alove ilens on a lalIe, as if lo iesenlIe a nodeI of a
luiIding, luiIdings, and/oi an ouldooi space. Ask each sludenl lo a). Diav a viev
(pIan, eIevalion, oi peispeclive) of lhal aiiangenenl,
l). viile vhal lvpe of pIaces and spaces he inagines lhal nodeI lo iepiesenl: and c).
TeII vhal size he inagines lhe luiIding lo le in ieaI Iife. Do a vaIk-aiound and a
liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 7 |10 mInutcs]
Calhei lhe sane coIIeclion of loxes, elc, used in Session 6s Opening RiluaI. Sel lhe
coIIeclion on a lalIe. Ask lhe sludenls lo liainsloin a skelchlook aclivilv using lhe
loxes. HeIp lhe gioup lo agiee on one aclivilv. Have lhe sludenls do lhal aclivilv. Do a
vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

Agcnda RcvIcw: |5 mInutcs]
Ioi each session, have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session
skiIIs oljeclives Iisl: ansvei queslions as needed. Discuss lhe gioups piogiess in
ieIalion lo lhe prcjcc| |inc|inc.

DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 6: Crcatc thc 5n!utInn: 5ca!c Mndc!s
|65 mInutcs cach scssInn, w/ 5-mInutc brcaks]

To connunicale lhe design soIulion in 3-dinensionaI scaIe nodeIs
To ieinfoice voiking in scaIe.

ModeI-luiIding can le line-consuning. Having one nodeI (aIongside olhei piojecl
pieces) foi lhe vhoIe gioup nav le enough of a goaI. Ioan coie nodeIs aie
piofessionaI-Iooking, lul Ieaining lo skiIIfuIIv cul and assenlIe lhe pieces nav le a
chaIIenge noie suiled foi high schooI sludenls. We discuss a vaiielv of nodeI-luiIding
nelhods, heie: choose vhal viII suil voui sludenl and piojecl needs.

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Lach sludenl oi design lean nav need:
asic diaving naleiiaIs: skelchlooks, sca|c ru|crs papei, giaph papei, iuIeis,
penciIs, naikeis, ciavons, eiaseis
MaleiiaIs foi nodeI lases and vaIIs: caidloaid, oi nevs loaid (chiploaid), oi
foan coie, snaII pIain loxes of vaiious shapes and sizes
Consliuclion papei, oak lag, scissois, lapes, gIues: Iainl and liushes, if vou
vanl lo go lheie.
A vaiielv of nodeI-naking naleiiaIs foi luiIdings and Iandscapes:
SnaII pIain loxes, faliic, luiIap, sandpapei, vaIIpapei.
RecvcIalIes: acelale packaging, foan pieces, snaII vood sciaps, lollIe
Tissue papei, ciafl slicks, loolhpicks, cIav, pipe cIeaneis, coffee sliiieis..
Tvigs, lhin viie, luiIap, iaffia, diied leans.

Tn bcgIn, ta!k abnut sca!c
HeIp lhe sludenls lo deleinine vhal scaIe in vhich lo voik. LxanpIe: vou vanl lo
luiId a nodeI of a dovnlovn infoinalion cenlei. In ieaI Iife lhe cenlei is a one-sloiv
luiIding 2O vide lv 12 deep. Il sils on a Iandscaped sile lhal is 6O vide lv 32 deep. Il
has nanv inleiesling fealuies lhal vou vanl lo shov peopIe in delaiI.

In " = 1' sca!c lhe nodeI vouId sil on a piece of caidloaid 15 x 8
lhe luiIding vouId le 5 vide lv 3 deep: a 4 laII peison vouId le 1 high.

In " = 1' sca!c lhe nodeI vouId sil on a piece of caidloaid 3O x 16
lhe luiIding vouId le 1O vide lv 6 deep: a 4 laII peison vouId le 2 high.

In 1" = 1' sca!c lhe nodeI vouId sil on a piece of caidloaid 6O x 32
lhe luiIding vouId le 2O vide lv 12 deep: a 4 laII peison vouId le 4 high.

Shifl voui scaIe lhe olhei vav and vou zoon oul: a nodeI of an enliie neighloihood,
Iandscapes, slieels and aII, can fil onlo a sheel of caidloaid, lul lhe luiIdings viII le
quile snaII. In 1" = 10' scaIe a 4 laII peison vouId onIv le 4/1Olhs of an inch high.

BuI!dIng a sItc
Sludenls can luiId siles fion Iaveis of caidloaid, luiIap, faliic, consliuclion papei, elc.
ScaIe liees can le nade fion lhin viie, papei, and lissue papei. Iipe cIeaneis fil inlo
coffee sliiieis aIso nake foi lhe leginnings of good liees. Siles shouId incIude
iepiesenlalions of lopogiaphic fealuies and conpass diieclion/soIai oiienlalion.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Have lhe sludenls luiId fion lhe giound up. Manv viII le so eagei lo gel lo lhe
luiIding lhev viII lhink of Iandscape onIv as an afleilhoughl. HeIp lhen lo fiisl
deleinine vhal size caidloaid lase lhev viII need, lhen have lhen do Iandscaping as a
fiisl slep, lhen nove on lo lhe luiIdings.

BuI!dIng a mndc! nf a buI!dIng
Have lhe sludenls concenliale on conpIeling lhe lasic sliucluie of a luiIding, ocfcrc
lhev gel Iosl in adding delaiIs. Adapl lhe sca!c ru!crs lo heIp lhen slav in scaIe.

Thin nevs loaid (oi chiploaid) nakes good nodeIs: il nav le cul vilh a papei cullei,
and hoIds painl veII.

Ioan coie needs lo le caiefuIIv cul vilh shaip knives againsl nelaI sliaighl edges, on a
culling suiface.
Denonsliale safe culling lechniques: and lhen have each sludenl shov vou lhal he oi
she can cul safeIv.

Sludenls in oui couises nake nanv nodeIs oul of snaII and veiv snaII loxes. The
loxes aIieadv have a sliucluie: conlining lhen in ciealive vavs can nake foi an
inleiesling luiIding, and sliips of oak lag oi caidloaid can lecone poich ioofs, cuived
vaIIs, and can exlend oi join spaces lelveen loxes.

One sinpIe vav lo add a nodeI-luiIding conponenl is lo have lhe sludenls luiId
diieclIv up fion lheii fIooi pIan. Thev can A). CIue a copv of lhe fIooi pIan lo a
caidloaid suiface: ). Add oak lag oi nevs loaid sliips foi vaIIs: C). uiId scaIe
inleiiois fion caidloaid, vood sciaps, faliic, elc: D). Add exleiioi delaiIs.

BuI!dIng an Entrvwav mndc!
Ioi enlivvav nodeIs, nuch can le done vilh caidloaid oi foan coie Iaveis and
connon ail naleiiaIs. CoIunns can le decoialed vilh inpiessed Iaveis of cIav. The
facade vaII can le defined vilh ail naleiiaIs: aie lhe suifaces shingIed, painled, liick,
slone` A slanding cuive of oak lag slapIed lehind lhe enlivvav/facade piece can cieale
a ioon oi viev one can see as lhev peei inlo lhe enlivvav. Ioi an enlivvav lo an
ouldooi space, cieale sone eIenenls of lhe suiiounding sile, loo - sidevaIks, gales,
fences, paik lenches, pIanlings and so on.

At thc cnd nf scssInns 6 and 7: RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Reviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session. Iieviev lhe nexl
sessions aclivilies.

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C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea

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Session 8: Preparing for the WOW Presentations
Total Time: 90 minutes

To enalIe sludenls lo connunicale and sunnaiize pIanning ideas in a giaphic
To have sludenls voik coIIaloialiveIv lo diafl oiaI WOW piesenlalions

iing in sanpIe design piojecl loaids.
Lach sludenl oi design lean viII need: skelchlooks, penciI, eiasei a lacking
loaid -foan coie, 24x36
asic ail naleiiaIs: vhile papei, giaph papei, iuIeis, penciIs, naikeis, ciavons,
consliuclion papei, scissois, lapes, gIue, iullei cenenl

Lquip lhe sludenls voiking on lhe oiaI piesenlalions vilh vhile Iined papei and pen: a
conpulei and piinlei: considei pioviding a lape iecoidei as veII.

Sheel lo use: Sanp|c Prcscn|a|icn 8card

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 8 |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls go lhiough lheii piocess pieces in lheii foIdeis (e.g. eaiIv liace
papei skelches). Have lhen lape one eaiIv skelch (oi a cul poilion of lhal skelch) inlo
lheii skelchlooks. Have lhen viile in lheii skelchlooks: a). vhal lhe idea vas lhev
veie skelching al lhal poinl in lhe piocess: and l). vheie lhal idea is nov (hov lhal
idea has evoIved). Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

Agcnda RcvIcw: |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl:
ansvei queslions as needed. Discuss lhe gioups piogiess in ieIalion lo lhe prcjcc|

Grnu !annIng mcctIng |10 mInutcs]
Reviev vhal has leen acconpIished so fai in lhe couise. The sludenls nov have a
lackgiound in aichilecluiaI avaieness, and hov designeis oiganize spaces. Thev have
lecone skiIIed in connunicaling lheii ideas lhiough schenalic diavings and nodeIs.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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The sludenls WOW piesenlalions viII le dcsigncd in nuch lhe sane vav as lhe
sludenls piojecls veie. Ask lhe sludenls lo veilaIize hov lhese lvo piocesses aie
siniIai and diffeienl. Whal func|icns viII lhe WOW piesenlalion seive, and lhus vhal
fcrn shouId lhe piesenlalion lake`
Who is oui audience`
Whal needs lo le connunicaled`
When (in vhal linefiane)
Wheie (vhal viII lhe piesenlalion sile le Iike)
Whv (is oui goaI lhe cIeai connunicalion of oui ideas`
Hov shouId lhe infoinalion le oiganized`
And so in vhal foin vouId oui design piojecl lesl le piesenled`

Considei having haIf of lhe sludenls voik on lheii piesenlalion loaids (a hands-on
aclivilv) vhiIe lhe olhei haIf of lhe gioup diafls lheii oiaI piesenlalions: lhen having
lhe gioups svilch lasks.

ActIvItIcs: PrcscntatInn Bnards & Ora! PrcscntatInns 60 mInutcs w/ 5-mInutc brcak

ActIvItv: CrcatIng a PrcscntatInn Bnard
DeveIoping giaphic sunnaiies of design ideas can nake a good sland-aIone piojecl,
and viII aid lhe sludenls in piesenling lheii ideas lo cIienls and connunilv nenleis al
lheii WOW piesenlalion.
Ask lhe sludenls vhal infoinalion lhev lhink an aichilecl nighl convev on a
piesenlalion loaid. Then shov lhen sone sanpIe loaids.

Lach loaid of lhe sel can expiess a diffeienl lhene:
Sile / Lxleiiois / IIooi IIans / LIevalions / Inleiiois...

Have lhe sludenls ieviev aII of lheii design voik - viilings, naps, lullIe skelches,
diavings, phologiaphs, as veII as lhe aichilecluiaI avaieness sheels lhal shov lhe
eIenenls and piincipIes of design, and so on. AII of lhese can le souices of giaphics foi
lheii loaids.

Sludenl piesenlalion loaids nav conlains sone of lhese conponenls:
Logo of Design Tean / Iiojecl TilIe, Localion, Dale
Texl (paiagiaph sunnaiizing vho, vhal, vhen, vheie, vhv)
Diavings (eaiIv skelches, liace skelches, sile pIans, fIooi pIans, eIevalions.)
Ciaphics - phologiaphs of nodeI / peispeclive diavings / conpulei-geneialed
Lxleiiois - phologiaphs and cIippings shoving exleiioi delaiIs and naleiiaIs
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Inleiiois - phologiaphs and cIippings of inleiioi delaiIs and naleiiaIs
Landscaping - phologiaphs/nagazine cIippings of Iandscape fealuies

Discuss: Aie lhe sludenls ieaIIv seIIing an idea lo a cIienl, oi couId Cilizen SchooIs
piesenlalion loaids convev lo lheii audience |nc prcccss lhal lhe sludenls venl lhiough
duiing lheii appienliceship` Iusl as sludenls lend lo le anazed vhen lhev Iook lack al
lheii eaiIv piocess pieces - fiisl skelches on liace papei, foi exanpIe~so shouId lhe
WOW audience have lhe chance lo appieciale lhe jouinev each sludenl has nade.

Have lhe sludenls:
Choosing fion lhe conponenls, alove, agiee on vhal viII le incIuded on lheii
Agiee on a Iavoul foi lheii loaid (skelching liiaI Iavouls fiisl on papei).
DeveIop each giaphic eIenenl on sepaiale sheels of papei.
Considei fianing each giaphic eIenenl (and unifving lhe eIenenls) lv
lacking il vilh conliasling papei.
Lav oul lhe giaphic eIenenls on lheii loaid.
Do a nini-evaIualion - does lhis Iook good - is il undeislandalIe - il loo
ciovded - does il sav vhal ve vanl
Il lo sav - shouId sone pieces le iedone oi ieaiianged`
NealIv gIue conponenl pieces lo loaid.

ActIvItv: Dcvc!nIng thc Ora! PrcscntatInns
A piesenlalion shouId incIude slalenenls aloul lhe piolIen, lhe piocess, and lhe
soIulion: Oui design piolIen vas. lhese aie lhe sleps ve look lo soIve il.. heie is
oui soIulion. Have lhe sludenls voik logelhei, in snaII gioups fiisl, lhen as a vhoIe,
lo geneiale, discuss, and iefine lhe pieces of and lhe sequence foi lhe oiaI piesenlalions.

Have lhe sludenls choose an efficienl nelhod foi iecoiding lheii lhoughls, aiianging
and ieaiianging lhen, unliI a finaI diafl eneiges. Wiiling ideas on index caids is one
nelhod: viiling fIov chails on easeI papei is anolhei.

Theii piesenlalions viII quile naluiaIIv faII inlo leins of vho, vhal, and vheie, and
vhv (Heies a snaII space vheie a peison can sil and iead oi laIk lo a fiiend: ils nexl
lo lhe cuived vaII and lhe lig shade liee.) Inlioduce lhe piocess of dcbrIcfIng: have
each gioup seIecl lhiee lig ideas lo laIk aloul: lhen have a spokespeison foi each
gioup denonsliale hov lhose ideas aie connunicaled in lheii piojecl.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Having lhen lake luins ioIe-pIaving pails of lhe piesenlalion, even in diafl foin, is a
good vav lo iefine lhe lexl and nake lhen noie confoilalIe vilh lhe piesenlalion

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw
Reviev vhal vas Ieained and acconpIished duiing lhis session. Iieviev lhe nexl
sessions aclivilies

C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl
1) Oiganize his peisonaI ilens - skelchlook, handouls, diavings and looIs
2) CIean up his voik aiea (lalIe and fIooi)
3) Woik vilh lhe gioup lo ieluin aII connon naleiiaIs lo lhe naleiiaIs aiea

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Session 9: Preparing for the WOW presentations
Total Time: 90 minutes

To give sludenls a foiun in vhich lhev can deveIop and piaclice lhe
piesenlalion and pulIic speaking skiIIs lhev need lo piesenl lheii WOW.

CIeai lhe ioon of exlianeous piojecl naleiiaIs. Aiiange lhe ioon lo iesenlIe a
peifoinance space (aiiange chaiis inlo an audience selling: define a slage aiea foi
lhe piesenlalions: sel up lhe dispIavs.) Have anv audio-visuaI equipnenl and/oi
conpulei equipnenl on hand lhal lhe sludenls viII need foi lheii piesenlalions.

Have aII of lhe piesenlalion naleiiaIs on hand, lhose conpIeled and lhose in piocess, as
veII as lhe viiling and ail naleiiaIs lhe sludenls used in lhe Iasl session.

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua! 9 |5 mInutcs]
Have each sludenl Iook lhiough lheii skelchlooks and seIecl lhe one page lhev Iike lhe
lesl. Have lhen shov lhal page lo lhe olhei sludenls and expIain vhv lhev chose lhal

Agcnda RcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Have lhe sludenls lake luins ieading off agenda ilens and session skiIIs oljeclives Iisl:
ansvei queslions as needed.

DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 6: Eva!uatc thc sn!utInn |15 mInutcs]
A successfuI design is one lhal soIves ils design piolIen. Have lhe gioup crItIquc
each piojecl:
Does nv soIulion soIve lhe design piolIen`
Hov veII does nv soIulion soIve lhe design piolIen`
Does lhe design cIeaiIv connunicale lheii ideas (is il undeislandalIe)`
ShouId il le iedesigned oi nodified`

HeIp lhe sludenls lo ieaIize lhal lhev have leen, lv using lhe sleps of lhe design
piocess, evaIualing lhioughoul lhe piocess. The ieason lheii piojecls cone oul so
veII is lhal lhev look lhe line and caie lo lhink lhe piojecl lhiough~lhal is vhal lhe
piocess heIps lhen do.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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ActIvItv: PractIcIng thc rcscntatInns |55 mInutcs w/ 5-mInutc brcak]
Discuss lhe acluaI peifoinance space: and lhe facl lhal voui ioon has leen aiianged lo
iesenlIe lhal space. Have lhe sludenls iesponsilIe foi naking a finaI Iisl of, and
galheiing, aII of lhe piesenlalion naleiiaIs (piesenlalion noles, niciophone, olhei AV
needs, piesenlalion loaids, and olhei dispIav naleiiaIs) lhev viII need foi lheii

To legin, nodeI a good piesenlalion (speaking sIovIv and ailicuIaleIv: keeping eve
conlacl vilh lhe audience: knoving lhe infoinalion lhal vou aie shaiing: no fidgeling).
|Oi nodeI a nol-so-good piesenlalion and ask foi suggeslions foi inpiovenenls: lhen
nodeI a good piesenlalion.!

Nexl, have lhe sludenls piaclice lheii pails individuaIIv. Then have lhe sludenls iun
lhiough lheii piesenlalions in snaII gioups. Lncouiage each sludenl lo inlioduce lhe
nexl speakei once lhevve finished lheii piesenlalion. Aflei each piesenlalion have
gioup nenleis kindIv ciilique each piesenlalion, and offei suggeslions foi

IinaIIv, have lhe vhoIe gioup iun lhiough lhe enliie piesenlalion piocess.

RcvIcw and PrcvIcw |5 mInutcs]
Iieviev lhe Iogislics foi lhe WOW piesenlalions.

C!can-u |5 mInutcs]
Have a finaI cIean-up, and pack lhe dispIavs foi liaveI lo lhe piesenlalion space.
Cive each sludenl a copv of lheii oiaI piesenlalion noles, and keep an exlia sel of
copies, jusl in case.
Send hone sludenl naleiiaIs lhal viII nol le needed foi lhe WOW
And le suie each sludenl knovs vhal he oi she viII le laking hone aflei lhe
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Session 10: The WOW!
Total Time: 90 minutes

Thc DcsIgn Prnccss 5tc 7: Prcscnt thc 5n!utInn

The finaI slep of lhe design piocess is lhe finaI aclivilv of Cilizen SchooI
appienliceships. Al lhe WOW! sludenls use lhe piesenlalion skiIIs lhev piacliced in
session 9 lo piesenl lheii design ideas lo cIienls and connunilv. The audience viII
lenefil lv seeing lhe sludenls prcduc|s (lheii piojecl ideas connunicaled in vaiious
foins) and lv Ieaining aloul lhe prcccss lhe sludenls venl lhiough lo define, deveIop
and connunicale lhose ideas. Ioi piepaialion sleps, see P|anning Ycur lcu |tcn|
lcr|sncc| in lhe appendix.

Dn Nnw! 5kctchbnnk RItua!s LIst

1 Ask lhe sludenls lo visuaIize lheii favoiile pIace in vhich lo spend line. Nexl, have
lhen each diav lhal space on a skelchlook page. Then have each sludenl desciile lhal
space in one of lhiee vavs: 1. veilaIIv: 2. phvsicaIIv (acl oul lhe sliucluie of lhal space:
acl oul leing in lhal space): 3. VisuaIIv (hoId up diavings: have olheis guess vhal and
vheie lhe space is). Iionpl lhe speakei vilh queslions lhal inlioduce lhe idea lhal
design ideas can le desciiled lv using lhe 5 Ws: Who uses lhis space` Whal is il
nade fion` Whal does il feeI Iike` When do vou use il` Wheie is il` Whv did vou
cieale il`
Have lhe gioup Ieave lheii skelchlooks open on lheii desks, and ask lhen lo do a liief
vaIk-aiound lo ensuie lhal eveivone has a chance lo see eveivone eIses voik.

2 Ask each sludenl lo visuaIize lhe space lhal nosl slicks in his nind fion lhe fieId liip:
oi a pIace he vouId nosl vanl lo go lack lo. Have hin skelch one viev of lhal
luiIding oi Iandscape eIenenl, and viile a fev voids desciiling hov lhal space feeIs.
Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo see vhal delaiIs each sludenl chose lo

3 Co lhiough lhe vaIking loui phologiaphs, seIecling phologiaphs lhal shov a faiiIv
lioad viev oi a slieelscape |e.g. a sidevaIk vilh a luiIding lehind il), oi expanse of
Iandscape oi paik -- vievs in vhich peopIe couId le doing lhings, as opposed lo cIose-
up inages of aichilecluiaI delaiI.!

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Sel lhe seIecled lhe phologiaphs fion lhe vaIking loui oul on a Iaige lalIe. Have each
sludenl: 1). seIecl one phologiaph: 2). lape lhal phologiaph onlo a skelchlook page: 3).
lake a ninule lo inagine one peison oi a gioup of peopIe using lhal space: and 4). viile
a fev senlences lhal ansvei lhe queslions: Who nighl use lhis space` Whal nighl
lhev le doing lheie` When` Whv` Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie

4 Prc-seIecl one phologiaph fion lhe vaIking loui lhal shovs one inleiesling cIose-up
delaiI of a luiIding (e.g. one vindov, a cuived nelaI liackel, a poich iaiIing.) Tape
lhal pholo onlo lhe cenlei of a piece of papei, and nake one pholocopv of lhal papei foi
each sludenl (lIack and vhile copies aie fine, if vouve seIecled an inage vilh enough

Ask each sludenl lo exlend lhe Iines of lhe phologiaph levond ils fiane (oul onlo lhe
lIank aiea of lheii papei) and cieale a diaving of vhal lhev lhink ieaIIv exisls levond
lhal inage (e.g. lhe luiIding facade suiiounding lhe vindov). ModeI lhe aclivilv foi
lhen using anolhei phologiaph. Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie

5 Calhei a coIIeclion of snaII and veiv snaII, pIain loxes, caidloaid lules, and pIaslic
packaging of vaiious sinpIe shapes. Have one sheel of easeI-sized giid papei avaiIalIe.
Aiiange 6 lo 8 of lhe alove ilens on a lalIe, as if lo iesenlIe a nodeI of a luiIding,
luiIdings, and/oi an ouldooi space. Ask each sludenl lo a). Diav a viev (pIan,
eIevalion, oi peispeclive) of lhal aiiangenenl, l). Wiile vhal lvpe of pIaces and spaces
he inagines lhal nodeI lo iepiesenl: and c). TeII vhal size he inagines lhe luiIding lo
le in ieaI Iife. Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

6 Calhei lhe sane coIIeclion of loxes, elc, used in Session 6s Opening RiluaI. Sel lhe
coIIeclion on a lalIe. Ask lhe sludenls lo liainsloin a skelchlook aclivilv using lhe
loxes. HeIp lhe gioup lo agiee on one aclivilv. Have lhe sludenls do lhal aclivilv. Do a
vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

7 Lav lhe vaIking loui phologiaphs, oi a coIIeclion of nagazine cIippings oul on a Iaige
lalIe. Ask lhe sludenls lo seIecl one oi lvo phologiaphs lhal lhev vouId Iike lo use as
an inspiialion foi a pail of lheii cuiienl design piojecl. Have lhen lape lhe pholos inlo
lheii skelchlooks. Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

8 Havc lhe sludenls go lhiough lheii piocess pieces in lheii foIdeis (e.g. eaiIv liace
papei skelches). Have lhen lape one eaiIv skelch (oi a cul poilion of lhal skelch) inlo
lheii skelchlooks. Have lhen viile in lheii skelchlooks: a). vhal lhe idea vas lhev
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veie skelching al lhal poinl in lhe piocess: and l). vheie lhal idea is nov (hov lhal
idea has evoIved). Do a vaIk-aiound and a liief discussion lo shaie ideas.

9 Havc each sludenl Iook lhiough lheii skelchlooks and seIecl lhe one page lhev Iike
lhe lesl. Have lhen shov lhal page lo lhe olhei sludenls and expIain vhv lhev chose
lhal page.
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Resources for Teachers and Students

Manv of lhese iesouices aie avaiIalIe foi use al lhe oslon Socielv of Aichilecls Iiliaiv,
on lhe 4
fIooi of lhe Aichilecls uiIding: 52 ioad Slieel, oslon, MA. To visil, caII 617-

Gcncra! rcsnurccs that cnvcr manv tnIcs:

Aichilecluie in Lducalion (Ioundalion foi Aichilecluie, IhiIadeIphia)
A conpendiun of sensilIe, specific aclivilies lo inciease aichilecluiaI avaieness and
undeislanding - chapleis focus on vocaluIaiv (vilh iIIuslialions): design (shapes,
pallein, scaIe, peispeclive): naleiiaIs: sliucluies: hone: inleiiois: exleiiois:
neighloihoods and slieels (napping, vaIking louis): cilies.

Aichilecluie and ChiIdien Sludio Design ModeI CuiiicuIun (Anne TavIoi, Ih.D)
The sevenleen posleis and acconpanving chapleis in lhe leacheis guide lake educalois
and chiIdien aII lhe vav lhiough lhe design piocess. Sone chapleis couId le lhe lasis
foi appienliceships: enlivvavs: piefeiences (cIassioon design): Iandscapes (schooIvaid
design). Olhei usefuI Iessons focus on visuaI vocaluIaiv: pIans and peispeclives:
sliucluie: vou aie aichilecluie: coIois and lexluies: design in naluie: foin in
aichilecluiaI hisloiv: liidges: supei vaII giaphics: and cilv pIanning. A visuaI suivev
foin is incIuded foi laking vaIking louis.

Aichilecluie is LIenenlaiv (Winleis)
Lxlend sludenls visuaI lhinking lhiough aichilecluie. Concepls and aclivilies fion
sinpIe lo conpIex. CIeai lexl, fine giaphics.

Aichilecluie: Ioin, Space and Oidei (Ching)
Hov does an aichilecl lake space and fashion il inlo a leaulifuI luiIding` Whal
eIenenls and piincipIes of design aie al voik in lhe piocess` A sequenced aII-giaphics
conpendiun--eveivlhing vou evei vanled lo knov aloul aichilecluie-and lhe visuaIs
lo expIain il aII.

Sludenls, Sliucluies, Spaces (Aaseng)
The Iessons (incIuding handouls) focus on: Tuning inlo lhe Lnviionnenl: The
Connunilv Wheie vou Live: IeopIe Spaces: Sliucluie and Space: UsefuI TooIs and
Techniques. Specific aclivilies covei: hov spaces feeI: diaving fIooi pIans: connunilv
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suivevs: cognilive napping: schooI spaces: pace: scaIe: vocaluIaiv. |Oul of piinl, lul
Iook in a Iiliaiv svslen!

Round uiIdings, Squaie uiIdings and uiIdings lhal WiggIe Iike a Iish (IhiIIip
Iholos and lexl voik peifeclIv logelhei lo convev lhe povei and lhe leaulv of
aichilecluie. A unique and vaIualIe look, an avaid-vinning chiIdiens look, suie lo
inspiie educalois and chiIdien aIike.

A Changing Aneiican Cilvscape (Renala Von Tschainei)
Seven 11"x33" coIoi posleis delaiI lhe changes in a ficlionaI cilv, veais 1875 lo 199O.
Cuide incIuded, lul lhe vondeifuI posleis speak foi lhenseIves.

Tn Invn!vc vnuth In cnmmunItv studv, !annIng and dcsIgn:
ox Cilv: an inleidiscipIinaiv expeiience in connunilv pIanning (CUL)
WaIk Aiound lhe Iock (CUL)
Map-Making vilh ChiIdien (David SoleI)
Iicluie This! (CUL: cuiiicuIun vilh sIides and/oi video)
Vievfindeis and Vievfindeis Too (Dunn Ioundalion: visuaI avaieness
cuiiicuIun, sIides)
Youlh IIanning Chaiielles (AIA - Aneiican IIanning Associalion)

Mnrc grcat rcsnurccs:
ChiIdiens SpeciaI IIaces (David SoleI)
Aneiican Aichilecls (Ioanne CuiIfoiI: cuiiicuIun and pholo piinls)
IIaces and Space in Ail (Ioanne CuiIfoiI: inleidiscipIinaiv K-2 aichilecluie
Iiank LIovd Wiighl foi ChiIdien (K. Thoine-Thonsen)
v Naluies Design (Muiphv/NeiII)
Aneiican SheIlei (Les WaIkei)
Designing IIavgiounds (Ian Han)
A Iuepiinl foi Ceoneliv (Lonlaid/IuIlon)
I Knov lhal uiIding (Iane D'AIeIio)
Aichilecls nake Zigzags (Roxie Munio)
Whv Design` Iiojecls fion lhe NalionaI uiIding Museun (SIafei/CahiII)

Bnnks nn structurcs and mndc!-makIng:
The Ail of Consliuclion (Maiio SaIvadoii)
LxpIoialoiiuns Cuide lo ScaIe and Sliucluie
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Whal if IeeIs Iike lo le a uiIding (WiIson)
uiIding Toolhpick iidges (I. IoIIaid)
Iock uiIding foi ChiIdien (Les WaIkei)
ModeI naking: a asic Cuide (Mailha SulheiIand)

Wcb 5Itcs:
Leaining v Design in Massachusells / oslon Socielv of Aichilecls
CUL (Cenlei foi Undeislanding lhe uiIl Lnviionnenl) vvv.culekc.oig
(ox cilv, vaIk aiound lIock, Iesson pIans)
Aichilecluie in Lducalion (IhiIadeIphia) vvv.aiaphiIa.oig/aie (Iesson pIans)
SaIvadoii Cenlei vvv.saIvadoiicenlei.con (aII aloul sliucluies)
Design Lducalion: vvv.designeducalion.oig
AichilecluiaI Lducalion Resouice Cenlei (iesouice calaIog)
Cieal uiIdings: vvv.giealluiIdings.con

NOTLS -- Handouls:

1 Making a scaIe figuie

2 Idenlifving aichilecluie (2 pgs.)
LIenenls & piincipIes of design
eing a sliucluie
NaluiaI foins in aichilecluie
Sile anaIvsis
SanpIe ioule nap

3 none

4 Design Iiocess checkIisls
ScaIe iuIeis
IeopIe spaces
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ullIes and liace

5 SanpIe fIooi pIan
SanpIe sile pIan
SvnloIs and Iandscape svnloIs

6, 7 none

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Architectural Design Education and the
Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks

The Massachusells CuiiicuIun Iianevoiks oulIine vhal specific acadenic skiIIs
sludenls shouId have nasleiv ovei lv a specific poinl of line. The Iianevoiks cul
acioss aII cuiiicuIa unils incIuding nalh, LngIish Language Ails and VisuaI Ails.

The Uilan Design Appienliceship piovides sludenls vilh aulhenlic ieaI voiId Ieaining
oppoilunilies lhal can heIp sludenls slienglhen lheii undeislanding of lhese concepls
lv acliveIv engaging lhen in lhe Ieaining piocess.

MA VIsua! Arts 5tandards
VisuaI Ails Coie Concepls & Cuiding IiincipIes - Sludenls viII:
AppIv inaginalion and ialionaI lhinking lo lhe naking of Ail:
Undeisland lhe hisloiicaI and cuIluiaI conlexls of lhe Ails:
Make conneclions anong lhe Ails, vilh olhei discipIines, and vilh Ails
iesouices in lhe connunilv.

MA VisuaI Ails Slandaids -- Sludenls viII:
Denonsliale knovIedge of lhe nelhods, naleiiaIs and lechniques
unique lo lhe visuaI ails. (Sld. 1)
Denonsliale knovIedge of lhe eIenenls and piincipIes of design.
(Sld. 2)
Denonsliale lheii poveis of olseivalion, alsliaclion, invenlion and
expiession. (Sld. 3)
Denonsliale knovIedge of lhe piocess of ciealing and exhililing
ailvoik: diafls, ciilique, seIf-
Assessnenl, iefinenenl and exhilil piepaialion. (Sld. 4)
Desciile and anaIvze lheii ovn voik and lhe voiks of olheis using
visuaI ails vocaluIaiv. (Sld. 5)

MA VisuaI Ails - Conneclions Sliands -- Sludenls viII:
Desciile lhe puiposes foi vhich ail and aichilecluie vas ciealed:
(Sliand 6)
Desciile lhe ioIe of ailisls/aichilecls in connunilies: (Sliand 7)
Denonsliale undeislanding of concepls of slvIe: (Sliand 8)
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AnaIvze hov ailisls/aichilecls use naleiiaIs, invenlion and lechnoIogies in
lheii voik: (Sliand 9)
AppIv lheii knovIedge of lhe ails/aichilecluie lo lhe sludv of Ianguage ails,
hisloiv and sociaI Science, nalhenalics, and science and
lechnoIogv/engineeiing. (Sliand 1O)

MA 5cIcncc & Tcchnn!ngv Framcwnrks
LifeIong Ieaineis aie alIe lo undeisland and appIv lhe design piocess and lhe use
of lechnoIogv in socielv. Thev use lhe design piocess lo soIve, juslifv and
connunicale soIulions lo piolIens. Thev:
Idenlifv a piolIen oi design oppoilunilv,
Iiopose designs and choosing anong soIulions,
InpIenenl a soIulion lhal confoins lo lhe design consliainls,
LvaIuale lhe soIulion and ils consequences againsl pIanned ciileiia,
Redesign lhe soIulion as needed, and
Connunicale lhe piolIen, piocess, and soIulion.
(The Design Iiocess: Undeislanding and Using TechnoIogv in Socielv)

Sludenls viII deveIop a sense of slevaidship and caie - a sense of iesponsiliIilv foi
piolecling hunan leings and lhe enviionnenls lhal suslain lhen nov and foi
geneialions lo cone.
(MA Science & TechnoIogv Iianevoiks: Halils of Mind)

MA MathcmatIcs Framcwnrks
Sludenls viII use:
IiolIen soIving |appIving lhe piocess of nalhenalicaI nodeIing lo
ieaI-voiId piolIen silualions!
Connunicaling and ieasoning |inleiacling vilh olheis lo soIve
piolIens and shaie slialegies!
And conneclion |appIv nalhenalicaI lhinking and nodeIing lo soIve
piolIens in olhei discipIines!.
(MA Malhenalics Slandaids - Coie Concepls)
Sludenls viII use neasuienenl, eslinalion and nunlei sense in
eveivdav piolIen silualions.
Sludenls viII use geoneliv and spaliaI sense lo: visuaIize, iepiesenl
and desciile lhe phvsicaI voiId and inleipiel and diav lhiee-
dinensionaI oljecls: and soIve piolIens.
(MA Malhenalics Slandaids 3.2: 3.3: 3.5: 3.9)

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Pathways to a Career in Architecture

Whal is aichilecluie`
Aichilecluie is lhe inaginalive lIend of ail and science used in lhe design of
enviionnenls foi peopIe. IiolIen-soIving, decision-naking, lean Ieadeiship and
ciealivilv aie kev eIenenls in naking aichilecluie and Iead lo lhe lienendous
excilenenl lhal cones fion seeing a design idea lecone a phvsicaI ieaIilv.

Whal is an aichilecl`
Aichilecls nav design, diav, luiId scaIe nodeIs, viile, supeivise oi nanage. Thev aIso
nav leach, peifoin ieseaich oi consuIl.

Mosl aichilecls do nol consliucl lhe luiIdings lhev design: lhal is usuaIIv done lv
consliuclion fiins. Hovevei, snaIIei piojecls such as houses aie oflen luiIl lv lhe
aichilecl vho designs lhen. Aichilecls aIso nav deveIop piojecls on lheii ovn, aIone oi
in conjunclion vilh financiaI advisois, ieaI-eslale deveIopeis oi olheis.

Aichilecls do noie lhan design space: lhev seive as consuIlanls on a lioad iange of
cIienls' needs such as Iong-lein lusiness pIanning, ieIocalion pIanning, hunan
iesouices and space-use pIanning, faciIilv nainlenance piogianning and hundieds of
olhei seivices. The piaclice of aichilecluie is eniiched lv lhe cuIluiaI and elhnic
diveisilv of lhe nen and vonen vho join lhe piofession.

Whal olhei piofessionaIs voik vilh aichilecls`
Olhei piofessionaIs vho voik vilh aichilecls incIude sliucluiaI, civiI, eIecliicaI and
nechanicaI engineeis, Iandscape aichilecls, acouslics and Iighling consuIlanls, inleiioi
designeis, exhilil designeis, ailisls and phologiapheis, cilv pIanneis, faciIilv nanageis,
iegionaI pIanneis, deveIopeis, ieaI-eslale fiins, socioIogisls, denogiapheis and nanv

Hov do I lecone an aichilecl`
To lecone a Iicensed aichilecl, vou nusl neel lhiee slandaids: educalion, expeiience,
and exan. Iiisl, vou viII need lo gain a piofessionaI degiee in aichilecluie fion an
acciediled highei-educalion aichilecluie piogian: second, vou viII need lo conpIele an
inleinship (voiking undei lhe supeivision of a Iicensed aichilecl): and lhiid, vou viII
need lo pass lhe nine-pail ARL (Aichilecl Regislialion Lxan). Aflei conpIeling lhe
lhiee "Ls," vou aie a "Iicensed" aichilecl. The enliie palh lo Iicensuie lvpicaIIv iequiies
eighl lo len veais lo conpIele.

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Al vhal poinl in high schooI shouId I lake aichilecluie-ieIaled cIasses`
If vou aie inleiesled in a caieei as an aichilecl, il is lesl lo legin eaiIv. Youi ovn
enviionnenl ~ al hone, in schooI, and in voui connunilv ~ is a good Ialoialoiv foi
sludv. v Ieaining lo "see" luiIdings, spaces, and lheii ieIalionships, vou viII lecone
sensilive lo lhe lhings lhal concein aichilecls. Nolice lhe effecls of coIoi, lexluie, Iighl,
and shape ~ lhe "looIs" of aichilecluie ~ and considei hov spaces and pIaces "feeI"
vhen vou aie in lhen. AnaIvze voui posilive and negalive ieaclions and see if vou can
connecl lhen lo design eIenenls. Look foi ihvlhn and pallein, sinpIicilv and
oinanenl, oId and nev in voui enviionnenl, and nolice lhe vaiielv in voui connunilv.
Think aloul lhe vaIues expiessed in lhe design of voui house, schooI and cilv haII.

Whal kinds of skiIIs shouId I have`
When in high schooI, vou shouId pIan a coIIege piepaialoiv piogian sliong in LngIish,
hisloiv, sociaI sludies, nalhenalics, phvsics, and foieign Ianguages. If vou can, add
couises in lusiness and conpulei science. Il nav suipiise vou lo knov lhal fieehand
diaving skiIIs viII le noie usefuI lo vou lhan diafling aliIilv. Conpulei Iileiacv is

Ieihaps lhe lesl alliilules aie lo le alIe lo Iislen, lo speak and viile (connunicale)
effecliveIv and lo le alIe lo oiganize voui lhoughls and aclivilies.

Musl I go lo a coIIege lhal has an aichilecluiaI piogian`
Theie aie lvo diffeienl educalionaI palhs. One is a five- oi six-veai piogian lhal
usuaIIv Ieads lo a acheIoi of Aichilecluie. The olhei is a foui-veai undeigiaduale
piogian, nol necessaiiIv in aichilecluie, foIIoved lv a lvo- lo lhiee-and-one-haIf-veai
giaduale aichilecluie piogian lhal Ieads lo a Maslei of Aichilecluie.

Whal kind of saIaiv can I expecl`
Lnliv-IeveI jols oflen pav in lhe iange of $12-15/houi (vilh a piofessionaI degiee: 1999
figuies) and usuaIIv invoIve diafling and/oi nodeI-luiIding. OlviousIv, lhis viII
depend on voui skiIIs and expeiience lo dale: sunneiline and pail-line jol expeiience
aie ieconnended as a vav of slailing al a highei IeveI upon giadualion.

Lnliv-IeveI jols foi hoIdeis of acheIoi of Aichilecluie oi Maslei of Aichilecluie
degiees pav fion $25,OOO lo $4O,OOO (1999 figuies). Six lo len veais oul of giaduale
schooI, vou nav eain $45,OOO (1999 figuies). CeneiaIIv, lhe onIv vav lo eain
sulslanliaIIv noie is lo ovn voui ovn fiin oi lecone a pailnei in a Iaige fiin. Lven
lhen, lhe aveiage incone iange is fion $7O,OOO-1OO,OOO (1999 figuies).

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Whal aie ieIaled caieeis lhal aichilecls nav puisue`
In addilion lo "liadilionaI" caieeis in aichilecluie, an aichilecluiaI educalion nav Iead
lo a nunlei of olhei caieeis, such as:

Ccns|ruc|icn Managcrs ~ AIlhough lhev hoId a vaiielv of jol lilIes, consliuclion
nanageis pIan diiecl consliuclion piocesses incIuding lhe seIeclion, hiiing, and
oveisighl of speciaIlv sulconliaclois.

|n|cricr Dcsigncrs ~ Inleiioi designeis pIan, design, and fuinish lhe inleiioi of piivale
hones, pulIic luiIdings, and conneiciaI eslalIishnenls such as offices, ieslauianls,
hospilaIs, holeIs and lhealeis, eilhei as nev consliuclion oi ienovalion. Wilh a cIienl's
lasles, needs and ludgel in nind, inleiioi designeis deveIop designs and piepaie
voiking diavings and specificalions foi inleiioi consliuclion, fuinishings, Iighling and

|andscapc Arcni|cc|s ~ Landscape aichilecls design iesidenliaI aieas, pulIic paiks and
pIavgiounds, coIIege canpuses, shopping cenleis, goIf couises, paikvavs and
indusliiaI paiks. Thev pIan lhe Iocalion of luiIdings, ioads and vaIkvavs as veII as lhe
aiiangenenl of fIoveis, shiuls and liees. Thev oflen coIIaloiale vilh aichilecls,
suivevois, engineeis, enviionnenlaI scienlisls, foiesleis and olhei piofessionaIs.

Whal can I do lo deveIop nv inleiesl in aichilecluie`
You aie encouiaged lo visil lhe design sludios of a schooI of aichilecluie, loui lhe
offices of a IocaI aichilecluie fiin and iead looks and nagazines on aichilecluie lo gain
a lioad undeislanding of lhe naluie of an aichilecl's voik and lhe vaIues of lhe
piofession. Manv schooIs of aichilecluie offei sunnei piogians foi high-schooI

You nav aIso le inleiesled in allending The SA's annuaI Caieei Dav. Il liings
sludenls, paienls, guidance counseIois and educalois logelhei lo discuss coIIege
piogians and caieei palhs in aichilecluie, inleiioi design, Iandscape aichilecluie and

Adapled fion Youi Caieei in Aichilecluie, piepaied lv lhe oslon Socielv of
Aichilecls vilh assislance fion lhe Consoiliun foi Design and Consliuclion Caieeis.

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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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Design It! A reference guide for designing high quality apprenticeships
2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
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2005 Citizen Schools Inc.
. All rights reserved.


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308 Congress Street
Boston, MA 02210
Tel 617.695.2300
Fax 617.695.2367

Citizen Schools, a leading national nonprofit provider of out-of-school learning programs
for students in the middle grades, uniquely mobilizes business, civic and community
volunteers to participate in education by teaching hands-on apprenticeships. Our
programs integrate these authentic learning projects with activities that build academic,
leadership, and study skills, preparing adolescents for achievement in high school,
college, the workforce and civic life.

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