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Thursday, June, 2011


French Exam Notes

Syed Kamran

Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School



Final Exam

Reflexive pronouns are a special type of pronoun used with a verb and a subject to convey that the action of the verb is being preformed on oneself. Me, Te and Se can change to M, T, and S if it is in front of a vowel or mute H. Reflechi Pronom Je Tu Elle/Il Nous Vous Elles/Ils me te se nous vous se

In french writing in the past tense is either done using avior, or etre, these are the two auxiliary verbes. Passe Compose is written in the following form. You have to use etre only if the verb is in Vandertramp. Subject + Auxiliary Verb in present form + Past Particle Je + ai + parl = Jai parl

Le Participe Pass
For regular verbs the participe pass is as follows: -ER verbs remove er and add . E.x. parler parl -IR verbs remove ir and add i. E.x. russir russi -RE verbs remove re and add u. E.x. vendre vendu For irregular verbs refer to Verb de Jour collection on CourseCentral. (There is no pattern in irregular verbs they follow their own thing.

Syed Kamran


In French verbs are conjugated to match the subject, the verb can be conjugated in Present, Past, Future, or Future Proche.

For regular verbs the present tense is as follows: ER verbs Je Tu Elle/Il Nous Vous Elles/Ils e es e ons ez ent RE verbs s s Just remove re ons ez ent IR verbs is is it issons issez issent

Futur simple
For regular verbes take the infinitive and add avoir in present to the end. Futur simple Je Tu Elle/Il Nous Vous Elles/Ils ai a as ons ez ont

Future Proche
For future proche you must conjugate aller in present and keep the verb as an infinitive. Future Proche Je Tu Elle/Il Nous Vous Elles/Ils vais + infinitive vas + infinitive va + infinitive allons + infinitive allez + infinitive vont + infinitive

Irregular Conjugations
For irregular conjugations please check the Verbe de Jour collection on CourseCentral.

Syed Kamran


Prepositions are placed before the infinitive verb. You are required know the following: Prposition Commencer Continuer Refuser Essayer Dcider Oublier de de de de

Conjunctions provide a link between two words, for the exam you are required to know the following: Definition Car Et Mais Cest - - dire Donc Dailleurs Ou because and but that is to say therefore moreover or

Syed Kamran


We use pronoms to prevent repetition / On utilise des pronoms pour viter la rptition

Les promons dobjets directs

These pronouns replace people or things that recieve the action of the verb in a sentence. (If there is no a, au, or aux, then it is direct). Le pronom dobjet direct (qui? Quoi?) Fminin, singulier Masculin, singulier Fminin, pluriel Masculin, pluriel La, l Le, l Les Les

Example 1 :

Je veux voir la figurine. Je veux la voir.

Example 2 :

Elle donne les cadeaux. Elle les cadeaux.

Example 3 :

Tu lia le livre? Te le lis?

Le pronoms dobjets indirect

Le pronoum dobjet indirect repond aux questions a qui? Ou a quoi? / These pronouns replace people in sentence to/for whom the action of the verb occurs. Le pronom dobjet indirect (a qui? A Quoi?) Fminin, singulier Masculin, singulier Fminin, pluriel Masculin, pluriel Lui Lui Leur Leur

Example 1:

Amanda parle son amie. Amanda lui parle.

Syed Kamran


Subject Pronouns
The subject of a verb is the person or thing which performs the action of that verb. The subject pronouns are as follows: Subject Je (I) Tu (You) Il (m)/ Elle (f) : He, she , it Nous (We) Vous (Group of people) Ils (m)/ Elles (f) : They

Adverbial Pronouns Y et En
Y refers to a previousl mentioned or implied place, it normally means, there in English. Y usually replaces a phrase beginning with something like a, chez or dans. Example 1: Il tait chez Jean. Il y tait. Example 2 : Nous allons au magasin. Nous y allons. En replaces the du, de la, de l or des + noun + something (stuff). It is equivalent to some or any in English. Example 1: Il a envie dune pomme. Il en a envie. Example 2: Je nai pas besoin dune aide. Je nen ai pas besoin. Example 3: Nous avons achet 10 cahiers. Nous en avons achet 10.

Syed Kamran


(Note meilleur replaces bon and describes something, mieux replaces bien and describes how something is done.) Comparative : Comparatives express relative superiority or inferiority. That is something more or less than something else. (Plus, mieux, meilleur) * for our test its only plus. Example : Lordinateur/ la tlvision : tre amusant Lordinateur est plus amusant que la tlvision. Superlative : Superlatives express ultimate superiority, claiming thing is the most of all. (le/la/les plus, le mieux) Example : Katie Perry/Lady Gaga : bien chanter Lady Gaga chante le mieux.

Syed Kamran

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