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never forgive//

never forget:
mark “migs” neiweem is a
snitch and will always be one
We live at an historical moment in which we We remind you of this crucial aspect of soli-
can only discern who our allies are by knowing who darity because there is a snitch in the Chicagoland
our enemies are. As anarchists, we know that the po- area named Mark “Migs” Neiweem, who is under the
lice are one such enemy that, no matter the situation, impression that he can be an anarchist organizer after
always work towards the management of our lives bragging about his involvement with federal authori-
and the containment of those who seek to be ungov-
ties a year ago. The worst part is that a number of
ernable. It is crucial to remember, however, that cops
anarchists in Chicago, including NW Side Anarchist
don’t always come with uniforms and guns. From
union bureaucrats to activist “leaders,” policing has Black Cross, have chosen associate with him again.
taken far more insidious disguises, but a particularly Let’s make sure to remind Migs and his supporters
crucial form of policing utilized by the State-- that of that there is no space within their reach that snitching
federal informants, undercover police, and those for- and snitch apologism will be tolerated.
mer comrades who testify to have their friends locked To aid in protecting our social circles and
up-- has remained one of the most powerful tools of organzing endeavors from Migs and his dangerous be-
crushing those who wish to pose a danger to systems havior, we are providing as much information possible
of domination. to make sure that he cannot pose a threat. On the back
From Brandon Darby to Anna the Medic, we side of this flyer, you will find the callout by Chicago
know of the stories of far too many snitches and
Anti-Racist Action of the ways in which Mark Nei-
informants who have put away our friends in cages.
weem spoke of cooperating with federal authorities.
From this experience, we know our only option in the
face of state repression: absolute non-cooperation While we do not have pictures of Migs, a main iden-
with the State, and the total isolation of anyone who tifying feature is being covered in anarchist tattoos,
would choose to cooperate. Perhaps total isolation most noticeably sporting a large black and red flag
is even too kind. Regardless of how we choose to tattoo on his neck. He ironically works with NW Side
express our hatred of policing, however, standing in Anarchist Black Cross, despite a number of prison
solidarity against snitches who think that they can penpals wanting nothing to do with him once he had
be re-integrated into anti-authoritarian spaces is the the nerve to brag about his snitching exploits to them.
bare minimum that anarchists can do to maintain our If you come into contact with this person, make sure
struggle against repression and the policing of our that everyone around you knows what he has done and
what he is capable of doing again.

our greatest weapon against snitching

is our solidarity with each other
This is a statement about a person named
Mark Neiweem also known as “Migs” or “Multiple
Migs.” He is a 25 years old white male who lives in
Chicago Area Fox River Grove (and formerly Arlington Heights). He
is covered in anarchist tattoos and has regularly at-
tended protest marches and anarchist gatherings for
Mark Neiweem the past few years (often decked out in full black bloc
complete with football helmet and black flag). He was

“Migs” Admits to recently arrested by himself for felony assault on a

police officer charges in a non-protest related incident
in which he served a few weeks in Cook County Jail

Being an FBI which is when he first said he was questioned by the

On 7/21/2010, Mark admitted to our faces that
Informant he has been meeting and cooperating with the FBI
regularly since his recent release from CCJ. He said
that he was going to continue to cooperate and active-
ly work with them - although he has said that he was
June 6, 2011 not targeting anarchists, he has alluded to the fact
that “the FBI already know all the Chicago anarchists”.
This was a statement put out last year on We don’t know the extent of his cooperation with the
Chicago Indymedia but has since been removed for feds as he has told multiple inconsistent stories and
unknown reasons. Since this article, ‘Multiple Migs’ it’s possible, based on his dishonest history and prior
has been trying to reconnect with others in the anar- sketchy behavior, that it has been going for longer
chists scene and was recently kicked out of his wife’s than he admits.
house and is living somewhere in Chicago. We would Prior to us knowing about his explicit involve-
like to say that although it is unknown whether Migs is ment with the FBI, he has continuously tried to get
still working with the feds, and that we are not aware into conversations with people about committing
of any arrests that have resulted with his cooperation, outrageous unplanned illegal actions(not only face to
that this is not the point. face but several times over the phone). He has been
The facts are clear: Migs talked for hours sev- asked several times to not discuss such things and
eral times with feds (even after being told to contact to practice better security culture, but he has ignored
a lawyer), said openly to our faces that he was go- this. He has also frequently been vague about his le-
ing to work for them and has always been extremely gal history - telling people crazy stories about how he
dishonest and sketchy. So sketchy as to make phone once beat murder of a cop charges in Florida. He has
calls to several people attempting to discuss plans also been advised to contact a lawyer but has made
for direct action and describing actions he claimed to no effort to do so.
have been a part of, even after believing his phone For these reasons several Chicago organiza-
may have been tapped. He has said to some that he tions, including ARA and members of NW ABC, disas-
knows that he has messed up in the past, so he was sociated themselves from Migs over six months ago.
asked to make written public statement detailing the At that time people thought he was sketchy, had very
extent of his collaboration with law enforcement and poor security culture, was dishonest, had drug and al-
his recklessness towards security culture, however cohol problems, was mentally unstable, and otherwise
nothing has materialized yet. reckless - but no one at the time was suspicious that
We feel he is absconding responsibility by he was explicitly working for the feds.
telling other people different stories and attempting We would normally be hesitant to make such
to cover up his history (such as having Indymedia public accusations about someone’s sincerity as
remove the original statement about him). Because an activist based on perceived sketchiness without
Indymedia removed the original article, and because legitimate evidence suggesting otherwise - but in this
Migs is still actively trying to work with other anar- case, Migs admitted to our faces that he was work-
chists in the city without taking responsibility for his ing with the FBI. We suggest people cut off all ties to
history, here is the original statement about Migs. Migs/Mark and to reevaluate security protocols in light
of this information especially if you have had prior
contact with Migs.

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