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 Increising rate of ciber crime

Hacking is the practice of modifying the features of a system, in order to accomplish

a goal outside of the creator's original purpose. The person who is consistently
engaging in hacking activities, and has accepted hacking as a lifestyle and philosophy
of their choice, is called a hacker.

Computer hacking is the most popular form of hacking nowadays, especially in the
field of computer security, but hacking exists in many other forms, such as phone
hacking, brain hacking, etc. and it's not limited to either of them.

Due to the mass attention given to blackhat hackers from the media, the whole
hacking term is often mistaken for any security related cyber crime. This damages the
reputation of all hackers, and is very cruel and unfair to the law abiding ones of them,
from who the term itself originated. The goal of this website is to introduce people the
true philosophy and ethics of hackers, hopefully clearing their name and giving them
the social status they deserve.

introduction : 
introduction Hacking is the process of illegally corrupting or extracting private information from
a computer system or network. They are generally of malicious intent, wishing to render
networks unable to function by overloading their systems with traffic and causing them to crash,
or steal data such as credit card details and security numbers. As such, Hacking is considered a
very serious crime. Computer hacking involves some degree of infringment on privacy of others
to damage the computer based properties such as files, software, etc.

Hacking history : 
Hacking history 1971 - Cap ‘n Crunch phone exploit discovered 1988 - Morris Internet worm
crashes 6,000 servers 1994 - $10 million transferred from CitiBank accounts 1995 - Kevin
Mitnick sentenced to 5 years in jail 1969 - Unix ‘hacked’ together 2000 - Major websites
succumb to DDoS 2000 - 15,700 credit and debit card numbers stolen from Western Union
(hacked while web database was undergoing maintenance) 2001 Code Red exploited bug in MS
IIS to penetrate & spread probes random IPs for systems running IIS had trigger time for denial-
of-service attack 2nd wave infected 360000 servers in 14 hours Code Red 2 - had backdoor
installed to allow remote control
HACKER ? A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to
stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum
necessary. One who programs enthusiastically or who enjoys programming rather than simply
theorizing about programming.

Types of hackers : 
Types of hackers Professional hackers Black Hats – the Bad Guys White Hats – Professional
Security Experts Underemployed Adult Hackers Former Script Kiddies Can’t get employment in
the field Want recognition in hacker community Ideological Hackers hack as a mechanism to
promote some political or ideological purpose Usually coincide with political events Criminal
Hackers Real criminals, are in it for whatever they can get no matter who it hurts Disgruntled
Employees Most dangerous to an enterprise as they are “insiders” Since many companies
subcontract their network services a disgruntled vendor could be very dangerous to the host

Types of hackers : 
Types of hackers

Basic needs of hackers : 

Basic needs of hackers Everyone has heard of one individual or another that was caught while
hacking computers that belonged to this or that organization. Because hacking into computers is
highly illegal, it should be mentioned that this article will not mention any real specifics about
the subject, and this author would rather gladly encourage you to become a real hacker –
professionally. A hacker who want to hack any information from any computer or from any data
source, he want some very important information which might cause any incidence.

Types of Attacks : 
Types of Attacks Internal – like Technical attacks External – like Social Engineering
Hackers motivation : 
Hackers motivation Desire to embarrass Experimentation Self Gratification Problem Solving
Exposing System Weakness Fun Profit Extortion Technical Reputation Scorekeeping
Revenge/maliciousness Intellectual

Computer hacking tools : 

Computer hacking tools Tweak Manager 2.12  Panda Security Demo PC Activity
Monitor Standard 7.7.1  Word Extractor - a binary to text convertor 2.1  Arctor File Repository
Free  Invisible Secrets Encryption Software 4.6  Geek Superhero 1.3  FolderAccess 2.0 
DataSafe PS Net 3.0 PC Activity Monitor Pro 6.5.1 NetPeeker 2.83 MailMonitor 1.6.3
SpyRemover Pro 3.05  Spam Nullifier BestCrypt Corporate 1.12

Is computer hacking is a crime? : 

Is computer hacking is a crime? Computer hacking is broadly defined as any action that results in
unauthorized interference with a computer, computer system or network. Computer hacking
includes breaking into a computer with the intent to steal, damage, modify or monitor data or
settings within the system. Significance Computer hacking is considered a crime in all 50 states;
it is also a crime under federal and international law. Because a computer may be accessed from
anywhere, a person may be charged with computer hacking on the state, federal and international
level. Types Hacking often involves more than just unauthorized access to a computer. Computer
hackers may access a computer in order to: steal financial information such as credit card access
numbers; steal personal information (identity theft); harass (swatting); vandalize; gain access to
other computers; launch computer attacks; or place malicious software (malware).

Slide 12: 
Considerations Hacktivism is when computer hacking is used to promote a political, religious or
cultural cause or agenda. When an individual or group uses computer hacking to make a
politically motivated attack it is called cyberterrorism. When one country uses computer hacking
to disrupt, destroy or damage another country's computers, it is called cyberwarfare. Famous
Ties On January 12, 2010, Google announced that it would no longer censor its search results in
China. One of the reasons for Google's decision was that it found evidence that Chinese hackers
had broken into its email servers in an effort to get information from the email accounts of
Chinese human rights advocates.

Ways to prevent hacking : 

Ways to prevent hacking 1- implement a Frewall.2- Develope corporate security policy3- Install
antivirus software4- Keep operating systems up to date.5- Do not give out any information to
unreliable sources.6- do not open spam emails.7- Do not give out personal information

conclusion : 
conclusion The word "hacker" carries weight. People strongly disagree as to what a hacker is.
Hacking may be defined as legal or illegal, ethical or unethical. The media’s portrayal of hacking
has boosted one version of discourse. The conflict between discourses is important for our
understanding of computer hacking subculture. Also, the outcome of the conflict may prove
critical in deciding whether or not our society and institutions remain in the control of a small
elite or we move towards a radical democracy It is my hope that the hackers of the future will
move beyond their limitations and become hacktivists. They need to work with non-
technologically based and technology-borrowing social movements in the struggle for global

H A C K I N G - Presentation Transcript
1. Is a illegal break into computer and network systems, according to the
negative meaning of the term popularized by the mass media. However, the term is
also found in the jargon of at least three major hacker subcultures that are
characterized by their distinct historical origin and development and that are
centered around different, but partially overlapping, aspects of computers (with
different ideas about who may legitimately be called a hacker, see hacker
definition controversy). In computer security, which the mass media refer to, it is
someone who focuses on security mechanisms. Parts of this subculture see their
aim in correcting security problems and hence use the word in a positive sense.
This use is contrasted by the different understanding of the word as a person who,
in a broad sense, adheres to a spirit of playful cleverness and, in a more specific
sense, loves programming. It is found in an originally academic movement
unrelated to computer security and most visibly associated with free software and
open source. In a third meaning, the term refers to computer hobbyists who push
the limits of their software or hardware. Hacking…
o the latter while the primarily and strongly emphasize the general act
of circumvention of security measures, with the effective use of the knowledge
(which can be to report and help fixing the security bugs, or exploitation for
criminal purpose) being only rather secondary. The most visible difference in
these views was in the design of the MIT hackers' Incompatible Timesharing
System, which deliberately didn't have any security measures.
o Contrary to the academic hacker subculture, networking hackers
have no inherently close connection to the academic world. They have a
tendency to work anonymously and in private. It is common among them to
use aliases for the purpose of concealing identity, rather than revealing their
real names. This practice is uncommon within and even frowned upon by the
academic hacker subculture. Members of the network hacking scene are often
being stereotypically described as crackers by the academic hacker subculture,
yet see themselves as hackers and even try to include academic hackers in
what they see as one wider hacker culture, a view harshly rejected by the
academic hacker subculture itself. Instead of a hacker–cracker dichotomy, they
give more emphasis to a spectrum of different categories, such as white hat
(“ethical hacking”), grey hat, black hat and script kidd.Contrary to the
academic hacker subculture, networking hackers have no inherently close
connection to the academic world.
The history…
4. It is important to know about hacking because… It can fight computer crime
and protect your important documents information..
5. There are a number of ways for schools to minimize potential for hacking..
Schools need to clearly establish acceptable use policies and delineate appropriate
and inappropriate actions to both students and staff. Students and staff need to
instructed regarding hacking, the mentality associated with it, the consequences of
various hacking actions and possible consequences of interacting and forming
online relationships with anonymous individuals who claim to be proficient in
invading others’ privacy. The use of filters may be considered in reducing access
to unauthorized software serial numbers and hacking-related materials,
newsgroups, chatrooms and hacking organizations. Teachers need to be aware of
student activities in the computer labs and pay special attention to things they hear
in terms of hacking behavior. Many schools have taken intiative in having teachers
work with technology-oriented students who exhibit many of the characteristics
which may eventually lead to hacking-type behaviors. Recent web-based activities
and competitions, including ThinkQuest, Web to the Edge and ExploraVision, are
outstanding opportunities for these and other technologically oriented students to
utilize their interests, energies and abilities in a postive way.

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