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GOBIERNO DE ARAGON DRPMEHYEMDDEAKIEK YONA Pu 27 de abril de 2016 i) 1.0) BAA oumannte TERCER EJERCICIO DE LAS PRUEBAS SELECTIVAS PARA INGRESO EN EL CUERPO EJECUTIVO DE LA ADMINISTRACION DE LA COMUNIDAD AUTONOMA . DE ARAGON, ESCALA GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVA, EJECUTIVOS DE INFORMATICA (CONVOCATORIA 18/03/2015) Pagina 1 de 2 ‘Tien Cldacr dae rst Sten paige ‘GOBIERNO oxy ensmrnasenaneeratn DE ARAGON. cease ems Ror Resolusiin 18/00/2016 - BOA 62 — 1410080 Desconecte el teléfono mévil, reloj con sefiales actsticas, agenda electrénica, mp3 0 cualquier otro dispositive electrénico. ‘Compruebe que con'la presente. hoja de instrucciones se le entregan: * Unsobre grande. : + Unsobre pequefio, * Una ficha de datos personales. Cuando lo indique el responsable de aula, rellene la ficha de datos personales reseflando con letras mayésculas apellidos, nombre y D.N.I. firmela e introdizcala en el sobre pequefio cerréndolo. En este sobre no escribird marca, sefial o indicador alguno, El ejercicio se calificaré de 0 a 1 punto y el opositor dispone de treinta minutos para su reallzacidn, Se avisaré cinco minutos antes de la finalizacin. Debe realizar la traduccién al espafiol del documento proporcionado La traduccién se realizaré en las hojas en blanco que se le facilitan. No se firmardn los ejercicios, Al finalizar el ejercicio, los opositores que lo deseen podran presenciar la, numeracién de sobres y hojas de respuestas, para lo que deberdn permanecer en silencio en la sala de examen. Pagina 2 de 2 More secure transactions on the Internet Regulation (EU) No $10/2014 on electronic identification and trust services (elDAS) creates anew system for secure electronic interactions across the EU between businesses, citizens and public authorities. It aims to improve trust in EU-wide electronic transactions and to increase the effectiveness of public and private online services and e-commerce. It applies to: + Electronic identification (el) schemes notified to the European Commission by EU countries; ‘+ Trust service providers based in the EU. It removes existing barriers to the use of elD in the EU. For instance, it would now be straightforward for a Portuguese firm to tender for a public service contract in Sweden, while EU funding grants can be managed wholly online. KEY POINTS Electronic identification: elD issued in one EU country must be recognised in all others. ‘An elD scheme must specify one of three levels of assurance (low, substantial and high) for the form of electronic identification issued under that scheme. Mutual recognition is mandatory only when the relevant publi¢ sector body uses the ‘substantial’ or ‘high’ levels for accessing that service online, Notification: When notifying the Commission of elD schemes, EU. countries must provide information on aspects such as: the level of assurance and the issuer of eID under that scheme; the applicable supervisory. and liability systems; the body managing the registration of unique personal ID data. Cooperation and operability among EU countries: National elD schemes notified must be interoperable. The- interoperability framework must be technology-neutral, not favouring any specific national technical solutions for elD. ‘Supervision: EU countries must select one or more bodies for the supervisory activities under this regulation. All trust service providers are subject to supervision and to risk management and security breach notification obligations. ©

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