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(List of appoin
Conf Pam #417

Richmond, V^,, Jamuiry 13. 1864»

To tke House of KepreieiUatives :

In response to your resolution of tho 12tli ultimo, 1 heke with trans-

rait, your information, a communication from the Secretary of
War, covering a list of those persons who have been specially noticed
and promoted from the ranlcB for qnllantrv in tho field.


C. S. A., War DEi'AKTMf:NT, ^

Richmond, Jan. 12, 1864. V
To THt Prlsident of THi: Confederate States :

Sir ; I have received the following resolution of tho House of Rep-

resentatives, referred by your Excellency to tlris department:
" Resolved, That the President be requested to furnish this II >u8e
with the names of such persons in the army as have been specially
noticed by their commanding officerd for gallantry in the field, art
who have, for such gallant conduct, been promoted from the rank^..
and taken the position to which they have been appointed."
In response, I have the honor to transmit a list of such persons as
have been promoted from the ranks for distinguished valor and skill,
prepared by the Adjutant General, from the records of his office.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
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LIST OF APPOINTMENTS made from theranh, for the exhibition
of distinguished valor and skill in the field, and wlw have taken the po-
sitions to lohirh thry have been respectively appointed :


Privnte ^. F. Fambro, appoint<Mi (Japtnin company i^, 3d Georgia

cavalry regiment, June 30, 18G3.

First Ijit'uttnnnts.

i. H. PowolL appointed
Sergeant E. First Lieutenant company K, 12ili
regiment; May 3, ISiiO.
Alabama reg
Corporal D. P. Oglesbv, appointed First Lieutenant company D,
17th Georgia battalion, May lO, 1863.
Private George Bedell, appointed First Lieutenant company E, l3t
Alabama cavalry regiment, June !, 18()3.
Private S. D. Buck, appointed First Lieutenant company H, 13tb
Virginia regiment. May 21', 1S63
Sergeant J W. Lapsley, appointed First Lieutenant company E,
51 St Alabama regiment. June 20, 1813,
Private James S. Semple, appointed First Jaeutenant company I,
'>Ist Alabama regiment, July 13, 1^03.
Sergeant J IL Figgatt, appointed First Lieutenant company F,
Ir^th Virginia cavalry, August 29, 1863.
Robert A. Bright, appointed First Lieutenant company B, 53d
Virginia regiment. October 3, 1863.

.Slecond Linitenants.

Sergeant W. H. Barker, appointed Second Lieutenant company C,

IstSouth Carolina regiment, Janunry 31, 1863.
Sergeant W. H. Blackweil, appointed Second Lieutenant Lynch-
burg artillery, January 23, I86;i.
Private J. T. Proctor, appointed Second Lieutenant company C, Ist
South Carolina regiment, January 13, 1863.
Sergeant E. Fl. Trout, appointed Second Lieutenant company H,
52(1 A^irginiaregiment, December 6, 1862,
('orporal M. Kent, appointed Second Lieutenant company H,

22d Virginia battalion, January 18, 1863.

Sergeant C. P. Toney, appointed Second Lieutenant company B,
loth Georgia regiment, January 2, T'^Go.
i'iivatc \V. II, UufF, appointed Second Lieutenant company E, 6th
Missouri regiment, November 26, 1862.
Serpp3nt J M. Spencer, appointed Second Lieutenant company F,
20th Mi'Sispippi regiment January 20, ISG.'i.
Sergoai.t J I). F. Tl oinpson, appointed Second Lieutenant company
K, til Krntiirky rp;rimtMit, Janiia:y M. 18'«3.
Ser^< :uit John J D(mpsl<r. ap[> inted Second Lieutenant company
E, Oth Virjiiitiia regitnt'nt, Ffbrumy 4, I8G3.
Scrj/cint J T appointed Second Lieutenant company
Suiith, B,
29th MiHsi!»-ippi regiment, Jiinmry 2I>, 1863.
Serg<;in4 J. D. 'I'alhert, nppomted Second Lieutenant, company K,
2f ih .Missi-nippi r»'jri»noni. Jatiunry '2M, I.s63.
Sergeant J.imr54 G. Lvrll. appointed Sorotid Lieu'.enant companv D,
4~th Viiginii roc' 'i< nt. Dt'Ctmher 10. I8tj2.
Str^'H!. ..t T Wilkerson. appoioted Second Lieut '^•nnnt conip.iny B.
4?th repjimerit, December 10, iMG'i.
Sfi^cuit i C Tompkins, appointed Si'cond Lieuieuuut company
. A,
tuth Georgia regimetit. January 13, I8G3.
Sprgt'ant John M. Kidd, appointed Second Lieutenant, company C,
S5ih Georgia regiment. October 12, I8G'2.
Sergeant John R Morrill. apf>ointed S-'Cond Licutennnt company A,
I4th 'it'orgia regiment, October I, 1862.
Sergeant \Vjlli:)ra Shelton. appointed Second Lieutenant company
H, o.Sih Virginia regiment, Fehruar. |(>, 1863.
Private H. K. Morri»5on, appointed Srrond Lieutenant company (i.
58th Virginia regiment, January 20 1863.
Sergi-ant W. Fitzgerald, appointed Second Lieutenant company C,
9th Missis-ippi ba tulion, January 6, 1863.
Sergeant B. H, Cody, appointed Second Lieutenant company Ci,
15th Ahibama regiment, February 23. 1863.
Sergeant J ^L Lauderdale, appointed Second Lieutenant company
D, 4? ill Tenncppee regiment. March 12, 1863.
Private \J. L. E»heridge, app linted Second Lioutenaivt company F,
5th Alabiima regiment, March 23, 1863.
Seigeaut L. G upline, appointed Second Lieutenant company B, 25th
Louisiana regiment, April 5, 1863.
Sergeant J. 11, Prater, appointed Second Liotitenant company C,
25th Louisiana regiment, April 5, 1863.
Sergeant J. Singleton, appointed Second liieutenant company (i.
6th Kentucky cavalry regiment, March 20, 1863.
Sergeant R. J Jordan, appointed Second Lieutenant company F,
2l8t Virginia regiinent, May 20, 1863.
Sergeant Si. L Hudgins, appointed Second Lieutenant company F,
2l8t Virginia regiment, May 2ti, 1863.
Sergeant II. N, Clarke, appointed Second Lieutenant company G,
•Jth Florida regiment, April 26, 1863,
Serge: nt J. S Addison, appointed Second Lieutenant company G,
4th Florida regiment, April 25, 1863.
Serge;int II. il. MoCridy, -i] pointed Second Lieutenant company
D, 4ih Virginia regiment, Ma^ 22, l.'^63.
Ci'ipofal Diuiy Lucy, uppoinied Second Lieutenant company 1,
23d Virginia regiment. May 21, 1863,
Sergeaut W. A. Ryan^ appointed Second Lieutenant company £,
8lh Alabaraa rogimfnt, May 2, KS63.
Si^ri^eaiit J. W. Norwocd, appointed Second Lieiitenant company A,
3d Virginia cavalry regiment. Mmj '2, 1863.
Sergeant D. E IJatea, Alibana, appointed Second Lieutenant Jeff.
Davis artilk-ry, January '2i', IS6J.
Private (j. (J. Forisingtr. appointed Second Lieutenant company I,
36th Virginia regiment. May 22, 1863.
Private C. Berkley, Virginia, appointed Second Lieutenant Mc-
Clenahiin's battery. May 2, ISG3
St-r^eant 0. J. Yournaiis, appointed Second Lieutenant company C,
2d South Caroli! a regiment. >'ay 2, 1 "63.
S;;rgeiint B. F. ONtal, appointed Second Lieutenant company K,
12th Alabama regiment, Mny 2, lb63.
Sergeant M S. Stringfcllow, appointed Second Lieutenant company
A, 13th Virginia regiment, May 3i>, 1863.
Private J; A. W;ilker, appointed Second Lieutenant company K,
45th Virginia regiment, June 1, 1863.
Sergeant W. S. Williamson, appointed Second Lieutenant company
A, loth North Carolina regiment, May 20, 1863.
Sergeant J. N. Williamson, appointed Second Lieutenant company
A, 13th North Carolina regiment, May 21, 1863.
Sergeant Joh.i W. Glenn, appointed Second Lieutenant company
H, 23d Nofth Carolina regiment. May 22, i863.
Sergeant D. E. Wright, Tennessee, appointed Second Lieutenant
1st battalion artillery, Hardee's corps. May 2G, 1863.
Sergeant Joe Turner, appointed Second Lieutenant company K,
oth Texas regiment, June 6, 1863.
Sergeant E. Borland, appointed Second Lieutenant company E, 6th
Virginia regimenr. May 3i), 1863.
Sergeint L L. Ducat, appointed^ Second Lieutenant company C,
7th Louisiana regiment, June 2, ii863.
Sergeant J. DeRoopc, appoi^'^d Second Lieutenant company D,
Tth Alabama regiment, June 1 1, 1863.
Sergeant B K. Cocke, appointed Second Lieutenant company B,
4Jth Virginia regiment, June M, 1863.
Sergt-anr, H. W Fulienwirler, appointed Second Lieutenant company
E, -^3ii North Carolina regiment, May .21, iiiG3.
Sergeant li. A. McClelland, appointed Second Lieutenant company
C, ?ih Alabama regiment, June 1 1, 1863.
Sergeant W. M Law^on, appointed Second Lieutenant company II,
Ist Virginia regiment, Juno 21), 1863.
Sergeant N 11. Farley, appi inted Second Lieutenant company I,
6(hh Virginia regiment, June 2o, 1^63.
Sergeant M. C. Tonia, appointed Second Lieutenant company A,
60th North Carolina regiment, July I, 1863.
Sergeant H W. Cooper, app- in ted Second Lieutenant company C,
3d Alubau^a eavalry regiment, June 26, 1.^63.
Sergeant W. T. White, appointed SecoU'4 Lieutenant company K,
60th North Carolina regiment, July I, 1863.
Serf^eant R. McC. Joiu's, appointed S«?coiul Lieutenant compAnj C,
l5t Virginia ro>ritnent. July 0, 1863.
Serjeant R. G. Rurgess. appointed Second Lieutenant Maspenhnrg
battery, July 17, lc»G3.
Sergeant L. S. Peyton, appointed Second Lieutenant company C,
60th Virginia regiment. July -'3. IS63.
Serjeant F. (i. Oltcncliain. Virginia, appointed Second Lieutenant
Rottetourt battery. May I. I.i63
Private A. S. Murphy, appointed Second Lieutenant company C,
1st Louisiana cavalry regimont, May 2, 18C.^».
Sergeant A. J. Cross, appointed Second Liontcnant, company D.
olst Alabama regiment, July 25. 1863.
Private H. R. Ruhrnian, appointed Second Lieutenant company F,
Gllth Virginia regiment, May 2. 1863.
Sergeant J. H. Dubo.'se, appointed Second Lieutenant company I,
51 St Alabama regiment, August -1. 1863.
Sergeant J. Cnmmings. appointed Second Lieutenant company B,
Mth Louisiana battalion, August 29, I8G3.
Sergeant Hugh Davis, appointed Second Lieutenant company F,
2()th Alabama regiment, September 1, 1863.
Sergeant G. W. O'Rear, Mi^souri, appointed Second Lieutenant
Barrett's battery, September 21, 1863.
Sergeant T. M. Cornill, appointed Seci>nd Lieutenant company A,
14th South Carolina regiraont, SepteHibrr 2\, 1863.
Sergeant P. M. Peed, appointed Second Lieutenant company I, 9tti
Virginia cavalry regiment, October 5, 1863.
Sergeant W. A. Mickler. appointed Second Lieutenant company B,
2d South Carolina cavalry regiment, October I.*, 1863.
Sergeant S. L Blackwell. appointed Second Lieutenant company F.
16th North Carolina regiment, October 22, 1863.
Sergeant H. Carter, appointed Second Lieutenant company E, l8t
Louisiana cavalry regiment, October 27, 1863.
Private W H. Hiatt, appointed Second Lieutenant company C, 3d

battalion Alabama legion, October 1 3, lc>63.

Sergeant J. W. appointed Second Lieutenant company A,
14th Souih Carolina regiment, JSovember 5, 1863.
Sergeant W. T. Durisoe, appointed Second Lieutenant company D,
14th South Carolina regiment, November a, 1863.
Sergeant R. G. Shaw, appointed Second Lieutenant company E,
'Jth Flori ia rcgiifK'nt, November !), I86J.
Sergeant J. \V. Hughes, appointed Second Lieutenant company K,
44th Virginia regiment, November 9, 1863.
Sergeant A. C. Hargrove, appointed Second Lieutenant Lumden's
battery, November 12, 1863.
Corporal J D. Road, appointcl Secon<l Lieutenant company K, 45th
Mississippi regiment, Novem't er 13, 1863.
Sergeant C. R. Smith, appointed Second Lieutenant company C,
.51st Alabama regiment, November 19, 1863.
Sergeant W. W. Courtney, appoiuted Second Lieutenant company
D, 3id Tennessee regiment, Hoveraber 24, 11863.
Private B. C. Washington, appointed Second Lieutenant company
B, 12th Virginia cavalry regiment, December 3, 1863.
OBoial: S. COOPER,
Adjutant and Inspector General.
A. & I, G, Office, Rlchmoiidy Va., >

January 9, 1864. \
pH 8.5

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