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1 Lliçó:

He après a fer servir els adverbis de freqüència ( Adverbs of frequency )

El verb Can/Can´t.
Vocabulary: Formal, Daily Routine i Otro vocabulario.

Adverbis de freqüència:

Sometimes----------------------------a vegades.
Occasionally---------------------------de tant en tant.
Ever------------------------------------alguna vegada.
Seldom---------------------------------Poques vegades.
Hardly ever-----------------------------Garirebé mai.

1. I always brush my teeth. Siempre me lavo los dientes.

2. I always go to school on foot. Yo sempre vaig al institut andan.
3. They have never eating macarroni. Ells mai han menjat macarrons.

S´utilitzen darrere del verb to be, darrere d´un verb auxliar i davant d´un verb principal.

Verb Can/ Can´t:

Es un verb modal. Va sempre seguit d´un infinitiu sense to i te la mateixa forma per a
les persones.

Can----------------------Saben/Poden correr.
Can´t--------------------No sap/ No pot correr.


He apress algunes paraules del Vocabulari:


Good Afternoon: bona tarda.

Goodbye: adeú.
Good morning: bon dia.

Daily routine:

Brush your teeth: raspallar-se les dents.

Do the washing up: fregar els plats.
Do your homework: fer els deures.

Other Vocabulary:

Exiciting: Emocionant.
Go shopping: Anar a comprar.
Table tennis: Ping-pong.
Netball: Joc semblant al basquet, practicat per dones.
Teenager: Adolescent.

2 Lliçó:

N´hi han dues formes de dir perqué:

 Why....?/ Per qué?

 Because.../perquè...

En angles utilitzem el pronom interrogatiu Why? Per preguntar la causa. La resposta la

solem formar amb la conjunció because.

Ex: Why are you happy?

Per què estàs content?

Because tomorrow is a holiday.

Perquè demà és festa.

Object Pronoums:

Pronom subjecte Pronom Objecte

I me
You you
He him
She her
It it
We us
You you
They them.


Did you go for a walk with them? Fuistes a dar un paseo con ellos?

Present Continuos:

Formem el present continu amb el present simple del verb to be + el verb principal
acabat en –ing.
I am going to the shop. Vaig a la botiga.
I´m not going to the shop. No vaig a la botiga.

Afirmativa:: Negativa:: Interrogativa::

I am... I am not... Am i ...?

You are... You are not... Are you...?
He is... He is not... Is he ...?
She is... She is not... Is she...?
It is... It is not.... Is it...?
We are... We are not... Are we...?
You are... You are not.... Are you...?
They are... They are not... Are they...?



Blouse: brusa.
Coat: abric.
Jacket: jaqueta
Jeans: Pantalons texans.
Shorts: Pantalons curts.

Clothing accessories:

Boots: botes.
Cap: gorra.
Gloves: giants.
Hat: barret.
Scarf: bufanda.


Blonde: ros.
Brown: castany/a.
Curly: arrisat.
Dark: moreno/a.
Straight: llis/a.

Other Vocabulary:

Effort: esforç.
Hard work: treball dur.
The average student: l´estudiant mitjà.
Think: pensar.

3 Lliço:


Countable and uncontable noums:

 Countable nouns: Els substantius compatbles tenen en singular i plural.

 Uncontables nouns: Els incomptables no tenen plural i van precedits de some,
any, demostratius this, that, adjectius possesius i els determinants de quantitat
a little, much, a lot of, ect., però mai no apareixeren amb l´article a / an.

 Ex: countable nouns: singular: a lamp.

 Ex: countable nouns: plural: some books.
 Ex: uncountables: i´d like a little for dessert.

Quantifying expressions:

How much...? / How many...?

El pronom interrogatiu How much? Va seguit de substantius incontables i How many?,

de substantius comptables en plural.

Should/ shouldn´t:

Utilitzem el verb should per donar consells.

You shold eat healthy food...: Hauries de menjar més saludable.

Shouldn´t és un verb modal, té la mateixa forma per a totes les persones i va seguit d
´infinitiu sense to.

You shouldn´t smoke...: No hauries de fumar.


Basic food items:

Bread: pa.
Butter: mantega.
Cereals: cereals.
Chesse: formatge.
Eggs: ous.


Beans: mongetes.
Carrots: pastanages.
Lettuce: enciam.
Onions: cebes.
Potatoes: patates.


Apple: poma.
Banana: platan.
Fruit: fruita.
Orange: taronja.
Pear: pera.


Bacon: bacó.
Chicken: pollastre.
Ham: pernill.
Hamburgers: hamburgeses.
Pork: porc.

Beer: cervesa.
Coffee: cafè.
Orange juice: suc de taronja.
Water: aigua.
Wine: vi.

4 Lliço:


Afirmativa: Negativa: Interrogativa:

I was i was not was i....?

You were you were not were you...?
He was he was not was he...?
She was she was not was she...?
It was it was not was it...?
We were we were not were we..?
You were you were not were you...?
They were they were not were they...?

Infinitiu passat simple participi passat traducció

Cut cut cut tallar

Read read read llegir
Run ran run córrer
Say said said dir
Send sent sent enviar.

5 Llicò:


Must/ mustn´t:

El verb modal must té la mateixa forma per a totes les persones. Sempre va seguit d
´un infinitiu sense to.

Ex: You mustn´t talk. No has de parlar.

Have to/ don´t have to:

Formem aquesta estructura verbal amb el verb to have + to+ infinitiu.

Ex: He has to sweep the floor. Ell ha d´escombrar el terra.

Very good synthesis of basic stuff we have learnt this year, Anaïs. I would have loved a
to hear a more personal voice, and reference to other things appart from the textbook

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