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En el campo de las Ciencias Sociales el cuerpo de un proyecto de investigación suele estar conformado por :

ABSTRACT – es el resumen del trabajo

INTRODUCCIÓN – constituye la primera parte del proceso, en donde se establece la dirección del artículo y se traza
exactamente lo que el trabajo de investigación tratará de lograr.

MÉTODO- es una revisión punto por punto del diseño y metodología utilizados para realizar la investigación.

RESULTADOS- En la investigación cuantitativa, consiste en una presentación de la información y resultados

numéricos, mientras que en la investigación cualitativa debería ser una discusión más amplia de las tendencias, sin
entrar en demasiados detalles. En el caso de la investigación que genera una gran cantidad de resultados, se suele
incluir tablas o gráficos de la información analizada y se deja la información sin procesar en el apéndice, de manera
que un investigador pueda hacer un seguimiento y comprobar tus cálculos.

DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIÓN - se analizan e interpretan los resultados. Se vinculan los resultados con la hipótesis de
investigación para confirmarla parcial o totalmente, refutarla o incluir falencias que pudieron haber invalidado los
resultados. Por último, se menciona el alcance de las conclusiones a otros contextos de aplicación.

BIBLIOGRAFÍA / REFERENCIAS - contiene todas las fuentes utilizadas en la investigación. Debe ser presentada según
APA, MLA u otro formato indicado, lo que permite que cualquier investigador interesado pueda hacer un
seguimiento de la investigación.

Los siguientes fragmentos corresponden al artículo de investigación “Assessing the Global Economic and Poverty
Effects of Antimicrobial Resistance” Identifique a qué secciones del artículo de investigación pertenecen










Ahmed, Syud Amer; Baris, Enis; Go, Delfin Sia; Lofgren, Hans; Osorio-Rodarte, Israel; Thierfelder, Karen E.. 2017. Assessing the
global economic and poverty effects of antimicrobial resistance. Policy Research working paper; no. WPS 8133. Washington, D.C. :
World Bank Group.

Esta técnica consiste en hacer una lectura rápida del texto e identificar ideas o frases claves. No es necesario leer
cada palabra del texto. Por lo general se lee la primera oración de cada párrafo, que suele ser la oración tópica.
También se tiene en cuenta otras pistas de organización como el título, subtítulos, apoyo visual, forma del texto,
letras en negrita, letras cursivas, palabras escritas con mayúscula, palabras repetidas, palabras similares (misma raíz),
título, etc.

Con esta técnica no es necesario leer cada palabra del texto, solo aquellas que nos dan respuesta a la pregunta o
cuestionamiento inicial.

¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizó para realizar el ejercicio anterior? ¿Por qué?


¿De qué se trata el texto?



Relea los textos y haga los ejercicios que figuran a continuación

 Escoja cinco cognados que se relacionen directamente con el tema principal del texto y explique a qué se

 La palabra “POLICY” (excerpt 4), es un cognado o un falso cognado? ¿Cuál es su equivalente en español?


 ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes elementos referenciales?

THESE (excerpt 1) _______________________________________________________________________________

THESE REASONS (excerpt 4) _______________________________________________________________________

 ¿A qué se refiere la SIGLA AMR? ¿Es importante para la comprensión de los textos? ¿Por qué (no)?



 ¿Qué ideas unen los siguientes conectores?

DESPITE (excerpt 1) IDEA 1 ________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ________________________________________________________________________

BUT (excerpt 4) IDEA 1 ________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ________________________________________________________________________

HOWEVER (excerpt 5) IDEA 1 ______________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ______________________________________________________________________

 El conector NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO … (excerpt 4) expresa adición. Explique qué ideas relaciona




En inglés se pueden formar frases negativas con prefijos negativos añadidos a adjetivos, sustantivos o verbos. Los
prefijos negativos en inglés incluyen: a–, dis–, il–, im–, in-, ir–, non–, un–.

¿Cuál es el equivalente en español de las siguientes palabreas?

UNCERTAIN (excerpt 1) _____________________________________________________________________

UNCHECKED (excerpt 4) _____________________________________________________________________

UNFOLDING (excerpt 4) _____________________________________________________________________

UNFORESEEN (excerpt 4) _____________________________________________________________________


Relea la siguiente oración:

Regarding the methodology: a better framework is needed to model the snowballing effects of multiple factors and
their uncertain propagation and interactions. (excerpt 1)
Estas oraciones están en VOZ PASIVA. En inglés la voz pasiva se forma con el
auxiliar TO BE en el tiempo correspondiente y el participio pasado del verbo que
se conjuga. Por ende, el auxiliar es el que indica el tiempo en que se realiza la
acción en voz pasiva.
La voz pasiva se utiliza en inglés cuando el que realiza la acción (sujeto de la voz activa) no es tan importante como la
acción en sí y sus complementos (verbo y predicado de voz activa). Por lo tanto, equivale en general a la forma
impersonal en español y requiere, en la traducción, un cambio del orden de los elementos de la cláusula, recordando
que la posición de los elementos de la cláusula en español es siempre menos rígida que en inglés, de modo que en
general caben varias posibilidades, incluso una traducción literal en voz pasiva, aunque esto no es lo más frecuente
… a better framework is needed to model …
… se necesita un marco mejor para mostrar …

Es importante resaltar cómo el orden de la cláusula es siempre el El sujeto de una oración en voz activa va
mismo en Inglés: SUJETO + VERBO EN VOZ PASIVA + PREDICADO. después de BY en la oración pasiva y se lo
Sin embargo, en español el orden varía. llama AGENTE.
En estas oraciones el autor, o sea quien realiza la acción, no está Usualmente la voz pasiva se utiliza cuando
mencionado. no se conoce quién realizó la acción o bien
En otros casos, aun cuando se menciona al autor, se usa la voz cuando éste no es muy importante
pasiva para hacer hincapié en el tema de la oración. En ese caso la
traducción es generalmente literal:
La atención se centra en el informe, pero se
The report was done by the World Bank incluye el complemento agente porque
El informe fue realizado por el Banco Mundial contiene información importante

Sólo los verbos transitivos (verbos que exigen la presencia de un objeto directo para tener un significado completo)
se pueden usar en la voz pasiva.
La voz pasiva con GET se forma con GET + ADJETIVO o PASADO PARTICIPIO

El uso de GET en la voz pasiva es informal y a menudo describe un proceso. No se la suele utilizar en escritos

 ¿Cuál es el equivalente en español de la siguiente oración?

The magnitude of AMR’s future global impact depends on many variables with uncertain evolution and with
repercussions that may be felt throughout the global economy. (excerpt 2)



 ¿Qué dejó al descubierto el brote de ébola en Guinea, Liberia, y Sierra Leona en 2014?



 ¿Cuáles son algunas de las sugerencias que se proponen en esta investigación?



 ¿Cómo cambiarían las estadísticas si no se logra controlar la resistencia a los microbianos o RAM (AMR)?


“… the target would be harder to reach …”

WOULD es un verbo auxiliar que se usa en inglés para hablar sobre situaciones hipotéticas en afirmativo, negativo e
interrogativo. Literalmente, la palabra “would” no significa nada. Sin embargo, se usa para crear las terminaciones
–RÍA (sería), –RÍAS (serías), –RÍAMOS (seríamos), –RÍAIS (seríais) y –RÍAN (serían)
 Este auxiliar se usa para todos los pronombres personales sin excepción alguna.
 Después de “WOULD” debemos usar la forma base del verbo: BE / FIND etc .

“… there could be an additional 24.1 million of extremely poor …”

COULD se utiliza no sólo para expresar aptitud en el pasado, también se usa para especular sobre posibilidades
futuras como es el caso de esta oración. En este contexto, COULD es similar a MIGHT.
Uso de paratexto en la introducción de artículos académicos

TÍTULO: refiere al tema global tratado

Las esferas de reconocimiento en la teoría de Axel Honneth

Felipe Hernán Tello Navarro
Universidad de Chile
ámbito académico de circulación del texto

El presente trabajo describe la noción de esfera en la teoría del reconocimiento de Axel RESUMEN:
Honneth y analiza algunos problemas que surgen al tratar éstas como esferas presenta el
diferenciadas. El argumento que se intenta demostrar es que existe, de forma implícita,
una primacía de la “esfera del derecho” por sobre la “esfera del amor” y la “esfera de la tema y la
solidaridad” en la teoría de Honneth. Lo anterior, debido a que la esfera del derecho hipótesis
provee un criterio de carácter universal utilizable no sólo en dicha esfera sino en todas que
ellas. Con la ayuda de los trabajos de Habermas sobre el derecho, se argumentará la
necesaria relación entre las esferas de reconocimiento en la teoría del autor. Como desarrolla el
estrategia de argumentación,y con la finalidad de contrastar nuestros planteamientos, se artículo
utilizarán ejemplos de casos hipotéticos.

SUBTÍTULO: refiere a la parte del texto que cumple con la función de presentar
tema, hipótesis, objetivos, datos sobre la problemática, plan de la obra, etc
Axel Honneth es el actual director del “Instituto de Investigación Social” de la
Universidad de Frankfurt del Meno, conocida también como la “Escuela de Frankfurt”. Es
quizás uno de los autores más connotados de la llamada “tercera generación” de la Escuela
y discípulo directo de Jürgen Habermas. Honneth resucita a partir de los escritos del -CIÓN DEL
joven Hegel la noción de reconocimiento, condición fundamental según el autor de la TEMA
subjetividad humana. Honneth es así enmarcado dentro de los teóricos del reconocimiento,
donde también se posiciona actualmente, aunque presenten diferencias sustanciales
(Ricoeur, 2005), a autores como Charles Taylor (1993) y Tzvetan Todorov (1995).

El objetivo de este trabajo es exponer la noción de “esferas” dentro de la teoría del

reconocimiento de Axel Honneth y discutir algunos problemas que surgen al describirlas
como esferas diferenciadas. La interrogante que se intentará responder es si existe
primacía de una esfera por sobre otra. Puesto que el objetivo de Honneth es elaborar una
teoría sociológica-moral del sufrimiento humano –producto de la falta o el mal
reconocimiento– y de éste como posible motor de las luchas sociales –luchas por el
reconocimiento–, el autor se centra en los daños –psíquicos– al interior de cada una de
estas esferas, no estableciendo si existe una jerarquía entre ellas. Si bien Honneth PLAN Y
(1997) señala que la esfera del amor es el sustrato de las restantes esferas, y que la OBJETIVOS
esfera del derecho entrega unos parámetros necesarios para el desenvolvimiento de los
sujetos en las distintas esferas de reconocimiento, el autor no establece una jerarquía
entre ellas, señalando que esto se remite sólo a una elección de carácter personal,
cuestión que se profundizará más adelante. Sin embargo, y este es el argumento que
intentará demostrar el presente trabajo, la imposición de parámetros de carácter
universal que entrega la esfera del derecho por sobre las restantes esferas de
reconocimiento la posiciona como la esfera más relevante al interior de la teoría del

Con el fin de demostrar lo señalado, este trabajo se dividirá en tres partes: primero se
expondrá de forma resumida la teoría del reconocimiento de Axel Honneth, centrándose en
la descripción de las esferas de reconocimiento. Se señalará que en ciertas ocasiones, en
las cuales relaciones sociales determinadas pueden poner en conflicto los criterios de
reconocimiento de las distintas esferas, la esfera del derecho se torna preponderante;
luego se demostrará por medio de ejemplos hipotéticos cómo se manifiesta la primacía de CIÓN DE
la esfera del derecho y se argumentará que este fenómeno no ocurre sólo en casos HIPÓTESIS
determinados, como señala el autor, sino que siempre. A su vez se expondrá, con la ayuda
de la concepción del derecho de Jürgen Habermas, la necesaria relación entre las esferas
de reconocimiento; por último, y a modo de conclusión, se intentará algún tipo de
explicación de este fenómeno a partir de propios supuestos y omisiones del autor

REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGÍA – Universidad de Chile (ISSN 0719-529X) Nº 26, 2011, 45-57


confirman el ámbito de circulación de este
artículo y área disciplinar
Los siguientes textos son fragmentos que corresponden al documento de trabajo “Conflict and Poverty in
Afghanistan's Transition” ¿A qué parte de la introducción corresponden?


¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizará para resolver este ejercicio: skimming o scanning? ¿Por qué?

 Escoja seis cognados relacionados con el tema de esta investigación

El sustantivo “paper,” (texto 1) ¿es un cognado o un falso cognado? ¿Por qué? ¿Cuál es su equivalente en español?


¿y el verbo “gain”? _________________________________________________________________________________________

 ¿Qué ideas unen o contrastan los siguientes conectores?
ALSO (text 1) IDEA 1 ________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 _______________________________________________________________________________

YET (text 2) IDEA 1 _________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ________________________________________________________________________________

NOT ONLY … ALSO (text 2) IDEA 1 _____________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ________________________________________________________________________________

FURTHERMORE (text 2) IDEA 1 _______________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________

THEREFORE (text 3) IDEA 1 ___________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________

HOWEVER (text 3) IDEA 1 ____________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________

 Identifique un ejemplo de voz pasiva en el texto 3 y explique el uso de SHOULD en ese contexto



 ¿Qué factores contribuyeron al crecimiento económico de Afganistán?




 Explique la situación de los sectores más vulnerables a pesar de dicha expansión económica



 De acuerdo a lo expresado en el texto 3, ¿se puede asegurar que la intensidad del conflicto aumentará en el
futuro? ¿Qué verbo modal indica esta posibilidad?



1. BIBLIOGRAFÍA: Autor, lugar de publicación, tema, materia.

2. TÍTULO, subtítulos, apartados etc.
3. PARATEXTO: gráficos, tipografía, notas a pie de página, elementos que llaman la atención
4. HIPÓTESIS GENERAL: Tomando la información obtenida de los pasos anteriores anticipamos el
contenido del texto.
5. Palabras / frases claves: Utilizando la técnica de lectura “Scanning” se trata de detectar palabras /
frases claves relacionadas con la hipótesis y/o con la información obtenida.
Salteando partes, (Skimming), y dejando de lado lo que es más difícil de entender, se centra la
6. Se INTERRELACIONAN las palabras / frases claves llenando los espacios conceptuales, utilizando
la INFERENCIA y la intuición INTELIGENTE de cómo podrían estar relacionadas por el autor.
7. Se detecta la ESTRUCTURA del texto: primera oración de cada párrafo, párrafos importantes, postura,
conclusión del autor, ejemplificaciones, citas.
8. HIPÓTESIS ESPECÍFICA DE LECTURA: Después de haber realizado todos estos pasos, nuevamente
se relaciona, interrelaciona, infiere, y vincula semánticamente y conceptualmente la información y se
redacta una hipótesis específica de lectura.
9. Se LEE más detenidamente para verificar o rechazar la hipótesis de lectura.


1. Se lee el texto detalladamente para comprender su contenido en profundidad

2. Se responden preguntas de comprensión para verificar la hipótesis de lectura
3. Se analizan las estructuras léxico-gramaticales que presenten dificultad de comprensión


1. Se vuelve a leer el texto prestando atención a su mensaje

2. Se reconstruye el texto por medio de una síntesis o redactando una idea central

Es importante redactar una IDEA CENTRAL en una sola oración. Debe ser específica y no general. Debe incluir
de manera jerarquizada los conceptos relevantes y / o fundamentales del texto.

 Complete el siguiente cuadro con información del texto a continuación


 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información utilizada en el cuadro anterior

Research offers new hope for gender equity in STEM fields

July 18, 2017 by Linda B. Glaser

Men are reported to be much more likely to earn a degree in STEM (Science, technology,
engineering and mathematics) fields than women, despite efforts made over the last few
decades. New research from Cornell's Center for the Study of Inequality (CSI) on fields of
environmental study offers unexpected hope in closing this gender gap.
In a study of nine million degree recipients in the United States between 2009 and 2014,
Dafna Gelbgiser and Kyle Albert, M.A. '11, Ph.D. '16, found that the student population of
green fields of study is systematically more gender-equal than other fields of study, both in
STEM and non-STEM disciplines. It is suggested that because these new fields lack
traditional gender norms and stereotypes, they attract a balanced gender population. Their
findings are reported in "Green for All? Gender Segregation and Green Fields of Study in
American Higher Education," published July 6 in the journal Social Problems.
"The underlying implication of our results is that universities can likely increase the
representation of men, or women, in gender-imbalanced fields like engineering or education if
they emphasize their potential relation to the environmental movement," says Gelbgiser, a
postdoctoral researcher at CSI. "Our findings suggest that gender balance in STEM fields is
malleable and these emerging fields can be a force leading to greater equality in higher
One explanation for the gender gap in STEM is that women are more drawn to care-oriented
and humanistic fields rather than technical and scientific disciplines. However, the
researchers write, "As a new social phenomenon, the environmental movement enables fields
to emerge outside of existing paradigms – for example, being simultaneously care-oriented
and technical, or both humanistic and scientific – and therefore transcend traditional gender
The 21st century has ushered in explosive growth at higher education institutions of such
green fields as sustainability studies and environmental science; the total number of degrees
awarded in green programs has increased by about 81 percent. Although some of these
fields are rooted in the life sciences – the STEM area with the greatest gender balance – most
of them evolved from other fields, such as architecture, law and engineering, which have
traditionally been male-dominated. The researchers found the greater the gender
imbalance of the parent field, the greater the difference in the gender composition of green
"Just by institutions changing how academic fields are framed, they can create better gender
balance," Albert says. "If universities carefully frame their curricular offerings to emphasize
different themes, they can reduce the level of gender inequality in course enrollments."

Provided by: Cornell University
 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con la hipótesis y / o con la información obtenida

 Escoja seis palabras transparentes (cognados)

 ¿Qué puede decir sobre la estructura del texto?





 Teniendo en cuenta la información obtenida en los ejercicios anteriores, elabore una hipótesis específica de


 Lea el texto más detenidamente y verifique o rechace la hipótesis de lectura



 Elabore una lista con palabras que contienen prefijos negativos e incluya sus equivalentes en español

 ¿Qué significan las siguientes siglas?

STEM __________________________________________________________________________________

CSI ____________________________________________________________________________________

M.A. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Ph.D. ____________________________________________________________________________________
 ¿Qué ideas conectan los conectores recuadrados en el texto?

despite Idea 1 _________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _________________________________________________________________________

Las CONJUNCIONES CORRELATIVAS conectan grupos de palabras o palabras similares, pero siempre se presentan en

both … and … Idea 1 ____________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 ___________________________________________________________________________

because Idea 1 __________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 ___________________________________________________________________________
RATHER THAN suele usarse para dar más
rather than Idea 1 _____________________________________ importancia a una cosa o persona cuando se
comparan dos alternativas o preferencias. Se
lo puede utilizar al comienzo de una oración.
Idea 2 _____________________________________
Cuando va seguido de un verbo, usamos el
infinitivo sin “to” o (menos frecuentemente)
However, Idea 1 ______________________________________ con la terminación –ing (gerundio).

Idea 2 ______________________________________________________________________

Although Idea 1 _____________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 ______________________________________________________________________

 ¿Cuál es la referencia de las siguientes palabras / frases?

this gender gap ________________________________________________________________________

these new fields ________________________________________________________________________

our __________________________________________________________________________________

them _________________________________________________________________________________

they _________________________________________________________________________________

Las oraciones subrayadas en el texto son ejemplos de IMPERSONAL PASSIVE VOICE:

Men are reported to be much more likely…

It is suggested that because these new fields lack traditional gender norms and stereotypes…

Se utiliza cuando se quiere describir algo de manera impersonal.

Esta estructura se utiliza en medios de comunicación, informes y escritura académica en general

Este tipo de voz pasiva se forma utilizando verbos relacionados con la percepción: suelen ser verbos de discurso y
En las oraciones de voz pasiva impersonal al utilizar verbos intransitivos como acción principal, no existe objeto que
pueda cumplir esa función y por ello se utiliza el pronombre IT.

Utilización de reporting verbs

El principal problema de la pasiva en el estilo indirecto tiene que ver con la utilización de "reporting verbs" en
pasivas impersonales (los utilizados para introducir el estilo indirecto) a la hora de expresar convicciones, opiniones
o sentimientos sobre algo.
La primera diferencia respecto a las pasivas "normales" es que sólo se utilizará un complemento agente cuando sea
estrictamente necesario para entender la oración. Los "reporting verbs" más utilizados en pasiva son, entre otros:

Ejemplo: "His friends think that John has disappeared". Sus amigos creen que John ha desaparecido.
Para oraciones de este tipo, tenemos dos estructuras posibles:

1. It + "BE" en el mismo tiempo que el "reporting verb" + pasado participio del "reporting verb" + THAT + la segunda
oración tal y como está.
Nos quedaría: It is thought that John has disappeared. No sería necesario añadir el complemento agente.

Otro ejemplo: "Her friends believed that she had been fired." Sus amigos creían que la habían despedido.
Sería: "It was believed that she had been fired." Se creía que la habían despedido.

2. Una estructura mucho más utilizada sería la siguiente: Sujeto + BE + reporting verb + infinitivo con "TO".
Ejemplo: "I think that John lives in France"
El primer paso sería comenzar la pasiva con el sujeto de la segunda oración, en este caso “John. “
El segundo paso consistiría en poner el reporting verb (THINK) en pasiva y en el mismo tiempo que en la oración
En este caso, el reporting verb (THINK) va en presente simple, luego lo pondremos en presente simple, pero en voz
pasiva: "John is thought...."
Para finalizar, pondremos el verbo de la segunda oración (LIVE) en infinitivo (TO LIVE), seguido de los complementos
(si los hay): "John is thought to live in France"
Recordemos que no es necesario el complemento agente.

Es fundamental recordar que para completar este tercer paso, en este tipo de pasivas tendremos que elegir entre
cuatro tipos de infinitivo de acuerdo con el tiempo verbal que nos encontremos en la oración activa:
1) Simple: TO LIVE (vivir) 4) Perfect continuous: TO HAVE BEEN LIVING
2) Continuous: TO BE LIVING (estar viviendo) (haber estado viviendo)
3) Perfect: TO HAVE LIVED (haber vivido)
¿Cómo sabremos cuál de éstos cuatro utilizar?

1) Si el verbo de la oración activa hace referencia al presente o al futuro, utilizaremos el infinitivo simple, como en el
ejemplo que acabamos de ver:
Activa: "I think that John lives in France"
Pasiva: "John is thought to live in France"

2) Si el verbo de la oración activa hace referencia al pasado, independientemente de que el tiempo verbal sea
"simple past", "present perfect" o "past perfect", utilizaremos el infinitivo perfecto:
Activa: "I think that John lived in France", "I think that John has lived in France" o "I think that John
had lived in France"
Pasiva: "John is thought TO HAVE LIVED in France".

3) Si cualquiera de los tiempos anteriores apareciese en forma continua, nos quedarían las otras dos opciones:
1) Acciones presentes o futuras: Infinitivo continuo.
Activa: I think John is living in France right now.
Pasiva: John is thought to be living in France right now.

2) Acciones pasadas: infinitivo perfecto continuo

Activa: I think that John was living in France
Pasiva: John is thought to have been living in France

Ciertos verbos tienen unas formas en pasiva especiales.

1) Algunos verbos de los sentidos, como "hear" o "see" (que en activa pueden ir seguidos de un infinitivo sin "to" o
de una forma en -ING), en pasiva podrán ir seguidos tanto de un infinitvo con "TO" como de una forma en -ING:
Activa: I heard her shout/shouting. La oí gritar.
Pasiva: She was heard to shout / shouthing. La oyeron gritar / Se la oyó gitar.

2) El verbo "LET" (permitir), no tiene forma pasiva, por lo que se lo sustituye por "ALLOWED" seguido de un infinitivo
con "TO." También se pueden usar “PERMITTED” o “GIVEN PERMISSION”
Activa: My parents let me stay at Peter's. Mis padres dejaron que me quedara en casa de Peter.
Pasiva: I was allowed/ permitted / given permission to stay at Peter's. Me dejaron quedarme en casa de Peter.

3) "HELP" y "MAKE": aunque en activa estos verbos van seguidos de un infinitivo sin "to", en pasiva deberán ir
seguidos de un infinitivo con "TO".
Activa: My parents made me clean my room. Mis padres me hicieron limpiar la habitación.
Pasiva: I was made to clean my room. Me hicieron limpiar mi habitación.

 ¿Cómo traduciría las oraciones en pasiva que aparecen en el texto?

Men are reported to be much more likely to earn a degree in STEM (Science, technology, engineering and
mathematics) fields than women, despite efforts made over the last few decades.


It is suggested that because these new fields lack traditional gender norms and stereotypes, they attract a balanced
gender population.



 Indique otros casos de voz pasiva en el texto y dé su equivalente en español







Lea la siguiente oración extraída del texto y decida si se refiere a una situación que siempre es verdad o
"If universities carefully frame their curricular offerings to emphasize different themes, they can reduce the
level of gender inequality in course enrollments."


IF + Present simple , Present Simple There are emergency distress lines
that people can call IF / WHEN they
Verdades universales / have heat-related problems
Hechos o situaciones que
siempre son verdad Years ago IF / WHEN people
IF + Simple Past , Simple Past travelled a long distance, the journey
took days

El "zero conditional" se utiliza cuando el tiempo al que nos referimos es ahora o siempre y la situación
es real y posible. Este tipo de condicional suele emplearse para hablar de hechos generales. El tiempo
verbal de ambas proposiciones es el "simple present". En las oraciones condicionales de tipo 0, el término "if"
puede normalmente sustituirse por "when" sin que cambie el significado.

Lea estos ejemplos de CONDITIONAL 0 y complete la regla

 Encuentre en el texto otro ejemplo de conditional “0” en el texto y realice su traducción



 ¿Qué reveló la última investigación llevada a cabo por el centro para el estudio de la Desigualdad de la
Universidad de Cornell?


 ¿Qué descubrieron Dafna Gelbgiser and Kyle Albert? ¿Por qué se piensa que esto es así?


 ¿Cómo se podría disminuir la brecha de género en las universidades? ¿Por qué?


 ¿Cuál es el motivo de la disparidad de género entre los estudiantes de carreras conectadas con la ciencia,
tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas?


 ¿Cómo se diferencian las carreras ambientalistas de las más tradicionales?



 Reconstruya el texto redactando la idea central del texto en no más de dos oraciones.


 Realice la traducción del anteúltimo párrafo del texto
















The role of empowering women and achieving gender equality to the
sustainable development of Ethiopia
Author: Endalcachew Bayeh ¿Cuál es el equivalente en español de “as” en
esta oración?
[…] a. cuando b. como c. porque

The issue of women's empowerment and gender equality is at the top of agendas across the world, as gender inequality is
widespread in all cultures. In developing countries, gender disparity is highly rampant compared to the developed countries (Ahmed
et al., 2001). Most importantly, in Ethiopia, 1gender-based discrimination and inequalities are very much apparent, although the
government is working aggressively towards alleviating such problems. As a result, low empowerment of women and high gender
gap still impede the development process of the country (Environmental Protection Authority, 2012). Even though the country is on
the path of development in various respects, the likelihood of its sustainability is in question, given such a large gender disparity.
Hence, this study reveals the need to empower women and achieve gender equality for the sustainable development of the
¿Cuál es el equivalente en español de
[…] “apparent” en esta oración?
a. aparente b. evidente
Conceptualization of terms
2.1. What is women's empowerment?
Empowerment can be defined as a “multi-dimensional social process that helps people gain control over their own lives. It is a
process that fosters power in people, for use in their own lives, their communities, and in their society, by acting on issues that they
define as important” (Page and Czuba, 1999). In the same way, women's empowerment refers to “women's ability to make strategic
life choices where that ability had been previously denied them” (Malhotra et al., 2009). Accordingly, empowerment is central to
the processes of maintaining the benefits of women at individual, household, community and broader levels (Malhotra et al., 2009).
It involves the action of boosting the status of women through literacy, education, training and raising awareness (Alvarez and
Lopez, 2013). Hence, women's empowerment is all about allowing and equipping women to make life-determining choices across
different issues in the country.
¿Cuáles son ejemplos de PASSIVE VOICE?

3. Why should we empower women and achieve gender equality?

A number of studies have shown that sustainable development is impossible without women's empowerment and gender
equality. Consequently, it is asserted that gender equality is both a human rights issue and a precondition for, and indicator of,
sustainable development (Alvarez and Lopez, 2013). It is also affirmed that gender disparity is prevalent across the cultures of the
world and that without serious steps to tackle it, sustainable development cannot be achieved (Stevens, 2010). Furthermore, UN
Women (2014) rightly outlined that to create a just and sustainable world and to enhance women's roles in sustaining
their families and communities, achieving gender equality is paramount. On the other hand, if gender equality is not
maintained, it will retard the country's development. In line with this idea, Stevens (2010) interestingly underlines that “an
increasing number of studies indicate that gender inequalities are extracting high economic costs and leading to social
inequities and environmental degradation around the world.”

 Complete el siguiente cuadro con información del texto


 El texto que va a analizar es un artículo de investigación. ¿Cómo se diferencia de un artículo de divulgación


ARTÍCULO DE DIVULGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA: texto expositivo en el que se da a conocer o se

hace pública información que sólo pertenecía a la comunidad científica


 EJEMPLOS y CITAS – demuestran o aclaran una teoría o concepto
 ANALOGÍAS y COMPARACIONES – ayudan a que un concepto abstracto se vuelva más cercano y comprensible
para el lector
 CLASIFICACIONES: incluye las diferentes categorizaciones o agrupaciones en torno a las cuales se organiza el
contenido del artículo
 DEFINICIONES: ofrece una explicación o descripción del concepto trabajado
 LENGUAJE: claro y entendible para todos. No tienden a usar palabras muy técnicas
 Suelen publicarse en revistas, periódicos y en determinados sitios web
 Puede ir acompañado de fotos o imágenes que ilustran o explican.

 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información utilizada en el cuadro anterior



 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con la hipótesis y / o con la información obtenida
 Escoja seis palabras transparentes (cognados)

 ¿Qué información espera encontrar en el texto?



 ¿Qué sabe usted sobre Etiopía y la posición de las mujeres en ese país?


 Lea el texto más detenidamente y verifique o rechace la hipótesis de lectura


 ¿Cuál es la referencia de las siguientes palabras / frases?

such problems ___________________________________________________________________________

this study _______________________________________________________________________________

It _____________________________________________________________________________________

their __________________________________________________________________________________________

It ____________________________________________________________________________________

 ¿Qué ideas vinculan los siguientes conectores?

and Idea 1 ________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 __________________________________________________________________

although Idea 1 _____________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 __________________________________________________________________

As a result, Idea 1 __________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _______________________________________________________________________

Even though Idea 1 _________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _______________________________________________________________________

 Indique los premodificadores, postmodificadores y núcleo del siguiente bloque nominal

“the development process of the country”

 ¿Cuál es la idea central del texto? ___________________________________________________________


Lea la siguiente oración extraída del texto:

“… if gender equality is not maintained, it will retard the country's development.”

Esta oración expresa,¿ una verdad universal o una posibilidad de que algo ocurra en el futuro?

El primer condicional se utiliza para expresar una condición posible y su resultado probable.


Hechos o situaciones IF + Present

If the conditions are met, you will be granted a visa for 90 days
que son posibles o simple ,
probables en el futuro
Promesas y If it happens again, I'm going / I'll go straight to the Town Hall to
advertencias complain

 Traduzca la primera oración de los ejemplos


Son aquellos que indican condición para la realización de algo. Algunos de ellos
son: if, whether, unless, provided, as long as, in case, in case of.

IF - si PROVIDED / PROVIDING - siempre que, mientras

WHETHER - si AS LONG AS - siempre que, mientras
UNLESS - a menos que IN CASE - en caso de que

 ¿Por qué es tan importante empoderar a las mujeres de Etiopía y lograr la igualdad de género en ese país?



 ¿Cuál es el significado de “empoderamiento de las mujeres” según el texto?



 ¿Cómo se logra?



 Explique la importancia de lograr igualdad de género




 Realice la traducción del texto en negritas



En inglés, los guiones se emplean para unir palabras o partes de palabras. Por lo general, se encuentran:

en palabras compuestas (por ej. merry-go-round; ice-skate; chat-room)

uniendo prefijos a otras palabras (por ej. self-serve; ex-president)
en particiones (divisiones) entre palabras
Interioriza y pon estas reglas en práctica para convertirte en un experto de la escritura de guiones en inglés:

→ 1. Usa el guión siempre en palabras con los prefijos ex-, self-, y all-.
Ej.: ex-girlfriend; self-evident; all-inclusive.

→ 2. Por lo general se usa el guión para unir dos o más palabras cuando vienen antes de un sustantivo y modifican y actúan
como una idea única. Esto se denomina un “compound adjective” (adjetivo compuesto).
Ej.: State-of-the-art facilities; all-too-common mistake; English-speaking teacher

→ 3. Cuando se habla de años, meses o cualquier otro periodo de tiempo, se deben usar guiones, salvo cuando ese periodo
de tiempo esté en plural:
Ej.: Con guión: We have a six-year-old child./We have a six-year-old.

Sin guión: The child is two years old.

→ 4. Usa guiones cuando sea necesario para esclarecer. Nunca dudes en añadir un guión si soluciona un problema
potencial de interpretación o comprensión.
Ej.: Con guión: I have a few more-important things to do.

Confuso: I have a few more important things to do. Sin el guión no se entiende si la oración se refiere a “a few things” que
son más importantes o bien a “a few more things” que tienen igual importancia entre sí.

El guión también es necesario, para distinguir palabras que sin éste pudiesen tener otro significado.
Ej.: re-sign / resign; re-creation / recreation.

→ 5. Salvo algunas excepciones, no uses guiones con palabras con los prefijos non, un, in, dis, co, anti, hyper, pre, re, post,
out, bi, counter, de, semi, mis, mega, micro, inter, over, y under (entre otros).
Ej: nonemergency, disorder, coworker, copayment, antismoking, hyperactive, hyperrealism, prejudge, resubmit,
posttraumatic, outpatient, bimonthly, counterculture, decompress, semifinal, misprint, megabyte, override, underestimated.


No uses un guión a no ser que tenga un propósito. Si un adjetivo compuesto no puede malinterpretarse o su significado ha
sido establecido por el uso, entonces no es necesario, por ej.: health care reform; freshen up.

Escritos, los números y las fracciones siempre llevan guión, por ej.: twenty-two, fifty-one; one-fifth, three-quarters.


camera-ready listo(a) para la cámara

ex-mayor ex alcalde
fair-skinned de piel clara
family-owned de propiedad familiar
fine-tune afinar
first-class de primera clase
friendly-looking de aspecto amigable
good-hearted de buen corazón
late-night de madrugada
low-budget de bajo presupuesto
mother-in-law suegra
self-assured seguro de sí mismo
top-notch de primera categoría
well-being bienestar
X-ray rayos X
¿A qué partes del artículo de investigación “Protection of Women against Domestic Violence:
A Study of Working Women in Udaipur District” pertenecen estos textos?
MISUSE = use wrongly ¿Cuál
es su equivalente en español?
______________________________________ ¿Cuál es el equivalente en
Es MIS- a sufijo o un prefijo? español de “LONG-LASTING”?

Domestic Violence can be described as when one adult in a relationship misuses power to control another. It is the
establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse. The violence may involve
physical abuse, sexual assault and threats. Sometimes it’s more subtle, like making someone feel worthless, not letting them
have any money, or not allowing them to leave the home. Social isolation and emotional abuse can have long-lasting effects
as well as physical violence. Domestic Violence isn't just hitting, or fighting, or an occasional argument. It is an abuse of power.
The abuser tortures and controls the victim by calculated threats, intimidation, and physical violence. Although both men and
women can be abused, in most cases, the victims are women. Children in homes where there is domestic violence are also
abused or neglected. Although the woman is usually the primary target, violence is sometimes directed toward children, and
sometimes toward family members and friends. Many women in India are the victims of domestic abuse. Domestic violence
can take many forms and variations and can happen once in a while for all at the same time. Domestic violence can be
Psychological Abuse, Social Abuse, Financial Abuse, Physical Assault or Sexual Assault. Violence can be criminal and includes
physical assault or injury (hitting, beating, shoving, etc.). Acts of physical violence by the husband against his wife include:
pushing, shaking, throwing something at her, slapping, arm twisting, hair pulling, punching, kicking, dragging, beating, trying to
choke or burn her on purpose, and threatening her or attacking her with a weapon. Acts of emotional violence by the husband
against the wife include: saying or doing something to humiliate her in front of others, threatening to hurt or harm her or
someone close to her, or insulting her or making her feel bad about her.

¿Cuál es el equivalente en ¿Cuál es el equivalente en

español de “ONCE IN A WHILE”? español de “AT THE SAME


This Research paper is an attempt to assess Domestic Violence against women. The objective of this research paper was
to study the domestic violence against working women in Udaipur district. Primary data were collected through questionnaire
based on four point response scale. 50 married working women of 20-40 age group was selected for study to know their
relationship with their partners. The total of the points revealed the extent of abused environment in women’s domestic life.
While assessing the domestic violence against women, the responses of respondents have been analyzed to discern the extent to
which they are abused by their partners. The research revealed that many women are the victims of domestic abuse. There are
different forms of abuse, and not everyone experiences all of them. Domestic Violence can be described as when one adult in
a relationship misuses power to control another. It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence
and other forms of abuse. The violence may involve physical abuse, sexual assault and threats. Sometimes it’s more subtle,
like making someone feel worthless, not letting them have any money, or not allowing them to leave the home. Social
isolation and emotional abuse can have long-lasting effects as well as physical violence.

A questionnaire was designed to decide if working women are living in an abusive situation. The questionnaire was carrying
questions based on 4-point response scale ranging from “Frequently”, “Sometimes”, “Rarely”, to “Never”. Each possible answer
had assigned points to it. The totaling of the points helped in scoring abused index.


1. “Addressing violence against women and achieving the Millennium Development Goals” *World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva,

2. “Declaration on the elimination of violence against women” (UN General Assembly resolution, document A/RES/48/104, UN, New York,

3. L. Heise, M. Ellsberg, M. Gottemoeller, Ending Violence against Women (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, MD, 1999).

4. L.Heise,C.Garcia-Moreno, in World Report on Violence and Health, E.G. Krug et al., Eds. (WHO,Geneva, 2002).

5. S. Kishor, K. Johnson, “Profiling domestic violence: A multi-country study” (ORC MACRO, Calverton, MD, 2004).

6. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control “Costs of intimate partner violence against women in the United States” (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention,Atlanta, GA, 2003).

7. “Milestones for a global campaign for violence prevention” (WHO, Geneva, 2005)


The extent of abusive situation among respondents in their domestic life has been concluded in the figure no.1

Figure no. 1 shows that 48% respondents live in a non-abusive situation. They scored in 0-14 points. 26% respondents have
experienced some level of violence and scored 15-36 points. The seriously abusive category includes those respondents who
scored 37-93 points. Lastly, there are 9% women who faces dangerously abusive environment.

 Complete el siguiente cuadro a partir de la información que le brindan los elementos paratextuales que
acompañan a los fragmentos en la página anterior.

 ¿Qué sabe usted de Udaipur?


 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información del paratexto


 Escoja cinco cognados que estén directamente relacionados con el tema principal de los textos

 ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes elementos referenciales?


 ¿Qué ideas vinculan los siguientes conectores?

AS WELL AS Idea 1 _________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _________________________________________________________________

ALTHOUGH Idea 1 _________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _________________________________________________________________

AND Idea 1 _________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _________________________________________________________________

OR Idea 1 _________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _________________________________________________________________

 ¿Qué puede decir sobre los dos verbos subrayados en el texto?

CAN _____________________________________________________________________________
MAY _____________________________________________________________________________
 Indique los premodificadores, postmodificadores y núcleo del siguiente bloque nominal
“A Study of Working Women in Udaipur District”


Los sufijos son partículas que se colocan al final de la palabra y, en general, sirven para cambiar su
categoría gramatical (de verbo a adjetivo, de sustantivo a verbo, etc.).
Por ejemplo los sufijos –ment, -er, -ion y -ure cambian una palabra de verbo a sustantivo; -ful, -
less, -able, -al, -y convierten un sustantivo en adjetivo; -dom altera la naturaleza de un sustantivo,
y -ness cambia un adjetivo a sustantivo.




 Complete la última columna con ejemplos del primer texto

 Confeccione una pequeña lista con palabras que considere clave y se relacionen directamente con el tema
principal del texto

 Lea el primer fragmento detenidamente y verifique o rechace la hipótesis de lectura.

 ¿Cómo se define a la violencia doméstica en ese párrafo?


 Complete el siguiente cuadro con información de ese fragmento

La violencia puede implicar ________________________
Formas más sutiles de violencia ________________________
________________________ pueden tener efectos __________________________
La violencia doméstica incluye __________________________

El abusador tortura y controla a la víctima por medio de ________________________________

La mayoría de las víctimas de abuso son _____________________

Tipos de violencia doméstica ________________________________


Actos de violencia física del esposo hacia su esposa:

__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
__________________________ __________________________ __________________________
Actos de violencia emocional del esposo hacia su esposa
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________
 _______________________________________________________________

 Redacte la idea central del texto en no más de dos oraciones


 Realice la traducción de los renglones en negrita del segundo fragmento









Students’ Cell Phone Addiction and Their Opinions

Tessa Jones

Strategic Communications Elon University


Cell phone plays an essential role in communications throughout the world. The technological revolution that many Americans
have experienced has drastically changed the way humans interact and communicate with one another. The author conducted
field observations to examine Elon students’ behavior while walking around campus, along with an online survey. Findings
suggest that students seem to be addicted to their cell phones, with 64 percent of students observed on campus interacting with
their device one way or another. Nevertheless, a survey of students found that they believe that the need of self-gratification
achieved through excessive cell phone use has negative psychological effects on them. Overall, this research would impart
insight into the addictive world of technology, and the impacts cell phones have on students’ behavior.

I. Introduction
In recent years, the use of cell phones has played a vital role in communication across the globe; citizens of the United
States, like people in other countries, are currently consumed in the technological revolution. It is hard for members of
Generation Y, who were born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s, to imagine a time when instant and constant
communication was not a main focus for them socially. A generation ago, people left their homes without any form of
electronic device; made plans in person; wrote personal, hand-written letters; and knocked on neighbors’ doors to see if
they were home. These things, of course, still happen. But today “more than 90 percent of American adults have a cell
phone of some kind, and for people under the age of 44, that number is closer to 97 percent.” For those with phones,
particularly smart phones that allow individuals to instantly connect to anyone via the World Wide Web, personal, face-
to-face connections seem to be disappearing at a rapid pace. In reaction, the McMillan family, of Ontario, Canada,
conducted a social experiment where they “instituted a ban on all technology invented after 1986.” This year-long
experiment was not designed to punish the children, but rather to show them a simpler way of life, before the world was
instantly connected. Brean quotes McMillan, as saying, “The basis of the project is to feel what it was like when I was a
kid before everything was connected,” The McMillan family is just one example of people who are trying to disconnect
from the technology that they feel has become addictive. This research attempted to determine whether Generation Y’s
seemingly constant connection via technology can be classified as an addiction. It tried to determine whether members
of this generation are losing their ability to interact in personal, face-to-face contact with others without somehow
returning to their “devices” in the midst of real-world interactions.
Over the past several decades, the number of cell phone subscriptions in the United States has grown significantly as
people’s reliance on this technology has increased. Over the past several decades, the number of cell phone subscriptions
in the United States has grown significantly and 326.4 million in December 2012. As late as December 2002, there were
no houses that relied solely on wireless devices, but in 2012, 35.8 percent of U.S. households were wireless only.
Throughout this study, the author tried to address questions related to cell phone addiction and analyze its consequent
psychological effects.
II. Literature Review

Before analyzing human interactions with cell phones, it is important to understand the definition of addiction and addictive
characteristics. Alaghemandan explained that all entities capable of stimulating a person can be addictive. In his article,
“Behavioral addiction versus substance addiction: Correspondence of psychiatric and psychological views," he found that
“whenever a habit changes into an obligation, it can be considered an addiction.” The Department of Internal Medicine
conducted an experiment that evaluated how behavioral addiction correlated to substance addiction. According to their
research, “Behavioral addiction such as internet addiction is similar to drug addiction except that in the former, the
individual is not addicted to a substance but the behavior or the feeling brought about by the relevant action.”

Mozes introduced the concept of materialism and the factors that contribute to society’s obsession without devices. In his
article, “Can Excessive Cellphone Use Become an Addiction,” published by U.S. News & World Report, Mozes stated, “The
way we treat and interact with our devices is often impulsive and uncontrollable. Roberts also explained that there are
benefits to cell phones, but, “like anything, if we go overboard it can become a problem.” Roberts explained that numerous
factors including materialism and impulsiveness play a role in turning cell phone use into an addiction. Roberts was quoted
by Mozes as saying, “That’s particularly true when we use them excessively in public, . . . Because when we do so we’re
signaling that we’ve got this shiny object, this status symbol, our iPhone or Android or Blackberry, and that we’ve got
important people to talk to or text, who may be even more important than the people right in front of us. And that we’re so
important that we have to talk everywhere and all the time in front of others.”

The article, “A Biblio Analysis of the Scientific Literature on Internet, Video Games, and Cell Phone Addiction,” published in
the Journal of the Medical Library Association, concluded that the considerable amount of cell phone use in today’s global
society isn’t as much an issue of addiction and dependence, but rather it is an issue of controlling impulses. The study
stated, “One behavioral addiction that has received considerable media attention is the pathological use of certain
information and communications technologies (ICT), such as the Internet, cell phones, and video games.” If humans
learned to control their impulses related to cell phone use, they would be given the opportunity to interact and
communicate with the present environment in which they are surrounded.

Morrill studied the changes in adolescent development since cell phones have become an integral aspect in American
society. In the article, “Cell Phone Use and Psychological Development Among Emerging Adults,” Morrill explained the
issues surrounding the ability for adolescents to solve problems, trust, and have positive self-affirmation due to cell phone
use. Young adults feel a sense of entitlement and status with a cell phone. Morrill compared cell phones in today’s society
to technology from older generations. Morrill added further explanation:

“Like the television in the 1950s and Internet in the 1990s, mobile telephony has emerged as one of the
defining technologies of our time” (Campbell & Park, 2008, p. 371). Cell phones are having an impact on society
in many ways including time use, privacy issues, and constant accessibility (Rainie & Keeter, 2006). In 1995,
close to 34 million people in the United States had a cell phone; as of 2007, the number of subscribers was 255
million, or 84 percent of the U.S. population (Statistical Abstract of the United States Census Bureau, 2009).
One of the biggest surprises surrounding the growth of technology is the worldwide acceptance and intense use
of cell phones among youth (Ling, 2005). With cell phone ownership becoming so widespread, society is starting
to see and question the impacts of cell phone use on adolescent development.

Morill added that the younger population have become the primary users of cell phones in America, and “the value and
meaning of a cell phone for an adolescent will most likely carry strong social implications within their peer group.” Morrill
explains that “Measuring the constant connection and distraction; the amount of time spent in voice-to-voice
communication and text messaging; as well as the length of cell phone ownership may identify the impacts on an
adolescent’s psychosocial development during one of the most critical periods in their life. An individual’s identity
development may influence how cell phones are used to explore, make commitments, and resolve crises during this
turbulent stage in development.”

Brian conducted an experiment with two teens who would go without phones for 48 hours. She published her research and
findings in the article “Two Days with No Phone.” Prior to conducting the experiment, Brian asked the two teens about their
phone habits and the amount of time they spend with their devices. She found that the two students woke up several times
during the night to text. One student even slept with his phone beneath his pillow. “It’s common for teens’ sleep to be
interrupted by texts. Sometimes teens even send texts filled with nonsense words when they don’t wake up all the way,”
Brian claims that many teens have troubling problems when they try to go without cell phones or technology.

In Brian’s study, students had to give up their phones and electronic media for 24 hours. The results showed that, “One in
five people experienced changes in their bodies or emotions that are signs of possible addiction.” Participants thought they
heard their phone ring or vibrate, even when it wasn’t with them, they had strong cravings to reach for their phone to check
missed messages or calls. Some people were fidgeting and unable to be still, in addition to feeling anxious, worried and

These feelings of stress and anxiety due to an absence of technology are new to teens across the globe. This addiction has
altered the way humans personally interact with one another, and has created a distance in the ways in which we
communicate. These devices have driven a wedge between intimate and direct conversation and communication. It is
becoming an addiction that is impeding personal well-being, causing unnecessary anxieties and pressures. The research
suggests that there needs to be a balance between time spent with these devices, and without them. Without a set
balance, people will continue to become more obsessed and consumed by technology, and there is a concern that humans
will lose all closeness and affection that can come from personalized conversations.

Based on the literature review, the following three research questions were asked in this study:
RQ1. Are college-age students addicted to their cell phones?
RQ2. What are obvious traits that show addiction to cell phones?
RQ3. What psychological effects do people feel when they are disconnected?

 Complete el siguiente cuadro sobre el texto dado. ¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizará para realizar esta actividad?


 Teniendo en cuenta los elementos paratextuales ¿podría definir qué tipo de texto estamos analizando? ¿Cuál es su

 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información utilizada en las actividades anteriores



 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con la hipótesis y / o con la información obtenida

 Escoja seis palabras transparentes (cognados)

 ¿Qué nombres propios aparecen en el título y en el abstract? ¿A qué / quién se refieren?



 ¿Qué ideas contrastan o unen los siguientes conectores en el abstract?

along with IDEA 1 _______________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 _______________________________________________________________________________

Nevertheless IDEA 1 ____________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ____________________________________________________________________________

 En la introducción se habla de la “Generación Y” ¿Quiénes pertenecen a esta generación?


 ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes elementos referenciales en la introducción?

It (line 2) ____________________________________________________________________________

them ______________________________________________________________________________

they _______________________________________________________________________________

It __________________________________________________________________________________

this generation _______________________________________________________________________

its _________________________________________________________________________________

 Analice el siguiente bloque nominal:

“particularly smart phones that allow individuals to instantly connect to anyone via the World Wide Web” Indique
núcleo, pre-modificadores y post-modificadores.


Realice su traducción ______________________________________________________________________________

 Identifique los tiempos verbales de las oraciones en el cuadro y las palabras que lo ayudan a determinarlos

In recent years, the use of cell phones has

played a vital role in communication across the
citizens of the United States, like people in
other countries, are currently consumed in the
technological revolution
A generation ago, people left their homes
without any form of electronic device
These things, of course, still happen
Over the past several decades, the number of
cell phone subscriptions in the United States
has grown significantly
Over the past several decades, the number of
cell phone subscriptions in the United States
has grown significantly
As late as December 2002, there were no
houses that relied solely on wireless devices

 A qué se refieren los siguientes números?

90 %

97 %

326.4 million

35.8 %

 Explique el experimento que los McMillan llevaron a cabo y cuánto duró. ¿Qué se pretendía determinar?





 Utilice la técnica de lectura que considere apropiada para completar el siguiente cuadro con los títulos de algunos de
los artículos analizados en este trabajo (“Literature Review”)
Alaghemandan, Hamed

Mozes, Alan

Morrill, T. B.

Brian, S. J.

 En la misma sección se han recuadrado distintos verbos modales. ¿Cuál es su uso según el cuadro en la página

Alaghemandan explained that all entities capable of stimulating a person

can be addictive.
who may be even more important than the people right in front of us
we’re so important that we have to talk everywhere and all the time in
front of others
the amount of time spent in voice-to-voice communication and text
messaging; as well as the length of cell phone ownership may identify the
impacts on an adolescent’s psychosocial development
Brian conducted an experiment with two teens who would go without
phones for 48 hours
students had to give up their phones and electronic media for 24 hours
The research suggests that there needs to be a balance between time
spent with these devices, and without them
CAN PERMISO You can talk now = Ahora puedes hablar

POSIBILIDAD That can be dangerous = Eso puede ser peligroso

HABILIDAD She can sing very well = Ella puede cantar muy bien

SOLICITUD DE PERMISO Can I go aut tonight? = ¿Puedo salir esta noche?

CAN´T IMPOSIBILIDAD You can`t be serious … did she really say that? =
No puedes hablar en serio … ¿dijo eso de verdad?
COULD HABILIDAD EN EL PASADO I could dance all night long when I was younger = Podía (=
COULDN’T era capaz de) bailar toda la noche cuando era más joven

POSIBILIDAD EN EL FUTURO It could rain later = Podría llover más tarde


Could you bring me some water, please? = ¿Podría traerme un
poco de agua, por favor?
MAY PERMISO You may go now = Puedes irte ahora
POSIBILIDAD (afirmativa) She may be right = Puede qe tenga razón

It may rain in the afternoon = Podría llover a la tarde

May I come in? = ¿Puedo entrar?

MIGHT POSIBILIDAD REMOTA (en He might come tomorrow = Podría venir mañana
MIGHT NOT el future)
MUST (presente) OBLIGACIÓN / ORDEN You must hand in a report = Debes entregar un informe
HAD TO (pasado) (presente o futura)
He isn’t here today. He must be ill = No está aquí. Debe estar
I must go home = Debo ir a casa.
MUSTN´T OBLIGACIÓN NEGATIVA Visitors must not smoke = Los visitantes no deben (no
CAN’T (PROHIBICIÓN) pueden) fumar
SHOULD DAR CONSEJO You should read that book = Deberías leer ese libro
DEBER / OBLIGACIÓN Young people ought to respect the elderly = Los jóvenes
MORAL deberían respetar a los mayores
HAVE (GOT) TO NECESIDAD / OBLIGACIÓN I have to go to the office early = Tengo que ir a la oficina
I have to prepare an oral presentation = Tengo que preparar
una presentación oral
DON’T HAVE TO AUSENCIA DE NECESIDAD U You don’t have to / don’t need to wear a uniform = No tiene
DON’T NEED TO OBLIGACIÓN que (la obligación de) usar uniforme
WILL SOLICITUD Will you help me, please? = ¿Me puede ayudar, por favor?
WOULD OFRECIMIENTO / Would you like some tea? = ¿Querés té?
PREFERENCIAS I would like to write a book = Me gustaría escribir un libro

Would you mind opening the window, please? = ¿Te

SOLICITUD MUY importaría abrir la ventana, por favor?
I would never do it = Nunca lo haría
terminación “–ría”
SHALL OFRECIMIENTO It’s cold. Shall I close the window? = Hace frío, ¿cierro la

SUGERENCIA Shall we go to Paris next year? = ¿Vamos a París el año que


PEDIR CONSEJO Shall I tell him? = ¿Debería pedírselo?

 La siguiente oración se refiere al artículo “A Biblio Analysis of the Scientific Literature on Internet, Video Games, and
Cell Phone Addiction” :
If humans learned to control their impulses related to cell phone use, they would be given the opportunity to interact
and communicate with the present environment in which they are surrounded.

Esta oración, es una verdad universal, es una situación posible o probable en el futuro o expresa una situación hipotética?

¿Qué tipo de condicional es? _____________________________

¿Cuál sería su equivalente en español? _________________________________________________________________


If she had more time, she would travel
Situaciones hipotéticas sobre el more often. (= Si ella tuviera más tiempo,
viajaría más a menudo.)
IF + Past simple , WOULD + infinitive If they worked for that company, they
COULD might get better salaries. (= Si ellos
trabajaran para esa compañía, podrían
tener mejores sueldos.)
Pedido amable
If you could deal with this matter, I
would be grateful (= Si pudieras
IF I WERE YOU, + WOULD ocuparte de este asunto, te lo
If I were you, I would stop drinking so
much coffee. (En tu lugar, dejaría de
tomar tanto café)

 Lea los siguientes textos sobre mitos de la antigüedad y subraye ejemplos de “conditional 2”
 ¿Cuál es la referencia de los siguientes elementos?

his _____________________________________________________________________________

their (line 6) ______________________________________________________________________

She ______________________________________________________________________________

their _____________________________________________________________________________

they _____________________________________________________________________________

 Responda las siguientes preguntas sobre la revisión literaria del texto

o ¿Cómo define Alaghemandan la adicción y las características adictivas?



o ¿A qué conclusiones llegó el Departamento de Medicina Interna?



o ¿A qué se refiere el concepto de “materialismo” que menciona Mozes?



o ¿A qué conclusiones arribó el artículo “A Biblio Analysis of the Scientific Literature on Internet, Video Games,
and Cell Phone Addiction”?



o ¿Con qué compara Morrill los teléfonos celulares?


o ¿En qué consistió el experimento “Two Days with No Phone”? ¿Quién lo llevó a cabo? ¿A qué conclusiones se
llegaron? ¿Cuál sería la solución a este problema?




 La siguiente es la conclusión del trabajo de investigación

V. Conclusion
Observations and a survey of student’s on Elon’s campus showed that Elon is not an exception to the phenomenon that cell
phone addiction is affecting many young adults. People are becoming more aware of their own personal habits and
behaviors regarding interaction with their devices, and some people believe the obsession surrounding instant and
constant communication will diminish by the time Generation Y parents have their own children. Some people claimed that
these addictive behaviors and habits arise because they don’t want to be disconnected from their friends and family. They
need to have their cell phones so they are able to respond, or reach out to people instantly, and impulsively. Others believe
that the use of technology to communicate has decreased our ability to communicate with one another in person. As one
survey participant put it, “I think people often forget how to interact face-to-face because we use technology as a crutch to
avoid true interaction.”
All it takes to see the truth behind this is observe families and friends at a restaurant. Try to find one group of the targeted
individuals who can go the entire duration of their meal without reaching for their cell phone. People also tend to feel
much more comfortable behind the screen of a cell phone than in the presence of another person. This is where people
lose the ability to face difficult issues and have vocal confrontations with one another. Scientific studies and surveys have
shown that there are negative psychological effects related to cell phone addiction. Many young adults need validation
that they are pretty or popular, and they use social media, accessed through most cell phones to achieve this self-
gratification. Many individuals feel a heightened level of stress and anxiety when they are with their phones, because they
are so used to constantly having instant access to communication; others feel free without them because it gives them a
chance to disconnect and think their own thoughts without interruption. Overall, it is clear that many members of
Generation Y are aware of addictive behaviors they picked up and the accompanying negative consequences.
 Complete el siguiente cuadro con
Término Equivalente en español
un adverbio
un nombre propio
un bloque nominal
un conector
un ejemplo de “Present Perfect”
una palabra que tenga guión
un sustantivo formado a partir
de un verbo + sufijo
un adjetivo formado a partir de
un sustantivo + sufijo
Una palabra con prefijo negativo

 Elabore una lista con las conclusiones más importantes a las que se llegaron











Why Do Couples Start to Look Like Each Other?

By Amber Angelle | June 26, 2010

While you may be familiar with the old saying, “opposites attract,” in reality, what the
heart wants is someone who resembles its owner – and that resemblance increases the
longer two lovebirds stay together.

University of Michigan psychologist Robert Zajonc conducted an experiment to test this

phenomenon. He analyzed photographs of couples taken when they were newlyweds and
photographs of the same couples taken 25 years later. The results showed that the
couples had grown to look more like each other over time. And, the happier that the
couple said they were, the more likely they were to have increased in their physical
similarity. ¿En qué tipo de
condicional está esta
oración? ¿Qué
Zajonc suggested that older couples looked more alike because people in close contact indica?
mimic each other’s facial expressions. In other words, if your partner has a good sense of _______________
humor and laughs a lot, he or she will probably develop laugh lines around their mouth _______________
— and so will you.

Other evidence has also shown that men and women may be initially attracted to
partners with similar personalities. In 2006, scientists at the University of Liverpool asked
participants in a study to view individual photos of men and women and judge their
personalities. The participants did not know who in the photos was married to whom, but
the couples that had been together the longest were judged to have more similar
personalities. The researchers concluded that, “possessing personality traits that are
attractive may be causal in making a face attractive.” It turns out we could even be hard-
wired to fall in love with people sporting DNA that is similar to our own in some ways.

In a study of twins, University of Western Ontario scientists found that not only did the
study participants tend to pick partners with similar genes, the spouses of the identical
twins were also more alike than the spouses of non-identical twins.

Couples may start to look like each other because in some ways they already are like each
 Decida si el artículo “Why Do Couples Start to Look Like Each Other?” es un artículo informativo
o un artículo de investigación. Justifique su respuesta



 Complete el siguiente cuadro sobre el texto dado. ¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizará para
realizar esta actividad?


 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información que le brinda el paratexto



 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con el tema principal del texto

 En el texto se mencionan tres universidades diferentes, ¿qué importancia tienen en este artículo?

 ¿En qué tiempos verbales están las siguientes oraciones? Explique por qué


[…] what the heart wants is someone who…

Other evidence has also shown that men

and women …
In 2006, scientists at the University of
Liverpool asked participants in a study to
view individual photos of men and women
and judge their personalities.

 Identifique oraciones en voz pasiva en el texto. ¿Esperaba encontrar más o menos? ¿Por qué?
 ¿Cuál es la referencia de los siguientes elementos?

its __________________________________________________________________________________

this phenomenon _____________________________________________________________________

each other ___________________________________________________________________________

their ________________________________________________________________________________

 ¿Qué ideas vinculan los siguientes conectores?

While Idea 1 ______________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _______________________________________________________________________

because Idea 1 ____________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _______________________________________________________________________

and Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 ____________________________________________________________________

but Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

La siguiente oración: “The results showed that the couples had grown to look more like each other
over time,” ¿se refiere al presente, al pasado o al futuro?
En esta oración hay dos verbos conjugados: “showed” y “had grown”; cronológicamente, ¿cuál de
las dos acciones ocurrió primero? Complete la línea de tiempo

El pasado perfecto (en español equivale al pretérito pluscuamperfecto -había comido- o al pretérito anterior -hube
comido-) se usa para referirnos a una acción o evento que comenzó en el pasado y que es anterior a otra acción
también en el pasado. La acción que ocurrió primero es en pasado perfecto y la que sigue en pasado simple.
I had already woken up when the alarm clock rang at 7am. (Ya me había despertado cuando sonó el despertador a las 7.)

Con algunos verbos usamos el “past perfect” para situaciones que empezaron en el pasado y que siguieron hasta un
punto específico en el pasado.
I‟d been depressed for a long time before I changed jobs. (Había estado deprimido durante mucho tiempo antes de que
cambiara de trabajo.)
Sujeto + HAD (NOT) + participio pasado
Expresiones de tiempo que suelen usarse con el PAST PERFECT:

En esta oración también hay dos verbos conjugados en diferentes tiempos verbales. Complete la línea del
tiempo con dichos verbos e indique en qué tiempos verbales están

“the couples that had been together the longest were judged to have more similar personalities”

 Indique la función de los siguiente verbos modales

 … men and women may be initially attracted to partners with similar personalities.
 “possessing personality traits that are attractive may be causal in making a face attractive.”
 It turns out we could even be hard-wired to fall in love with people sporting DNA that is similar to
our own in some ways.

 En el texto se utilizan distintas frases y estructuras para hacer COMPARACIONES. Encuentre ejemplos
de las siguientes formas:
THE + SUPERLATIVE: ___________________________________________________________________________
BE LIKE: ______________________________________________________________________________________
LOOK LIKE: ___________________________________________________________________________________
LOOK ALIKE: _________________________________________________________________________________
SIMILAR (TO): ________________________________________________________________________________
THE+ COMPARATIVE, THE + COMPARATIVE: _____________________________________________________

THE (MORE / LESS) + (noun / noun phrase) subject + verb , THE (MORE / LESS) + (noun) subject + verb

THE + comparative adjective + (noun) + subject + verb, THE + comparative adjective + subject + verb

 ¿Por qué la autora de este artículo utilizó las palabras en negritas?

 Zajonc suggested that older couples looked more alike because people in close contact mimic each
other’s facial expressions
 Other evidence has also shown that men and women may be initially attracted to partners with
similar personalities.
 Couples may start to look like each other because in some ways they already are like each other.
Una de las características de los textos académicos es la utilización de elementos lingüísticos y
retóricos que sirven para diferenciar hechos de afirmaciones o argumentaciones. Dichos elementos
permiten atenuar lo que se afirma y expresa “vaguedad” o “grados de certeza” entre otros. Por
medio de este recurso el autor puede justificar la interpretación de los resultados con cautela y
anticiparse a posibles críticas.

Ejemplos de estructuras y expresiones que se pueden usar para este fin:






¿Hay otros ejemplos de “hedging” en el texto?


 Confeccione un glosario con ejemplos de léxico académico general, es decir, palabras que se
suelen utilizar en artículos de investigación o que sirven para ordenar paradigmas, ideas o

TO CONDUCT (verb) Llevar a cabo

 ¿Cómo traduciría el siguiente bloque nominal?

…”people sporting DNA that is similar to our own in some ways” ____________________________________________


 ¿Cuál es la idea principal del texto? ¿Qué oración u oraciones en el texto pueden ayudarlo a
realizar este ejercicio?



 ¿Quién es Robert Zajonc? ¿Qué hizo? ¿Cómo? ¿Cuál era su presunción?




 ¿Qué otro estudio se llevó a cabo en 2006? ¿En qué consistía? „A qué conclusiones se llegaron?





 Explique qué investigación se llevó a cabo en Ontario



Instructor Impact on Student Dropouts

Jace Blackburn
Hannah Bowles
Matt Bittner

Huntington University

The number of teenagers dropping out in high school is a social problem that is often not talked about or researched enough. A
great, working teacher-student relationship is vital for student success in the educational system. This research study looks at
some of the different variables that influence teenagers to drop out of high school, focusing on the question of whether or not
teachers have an impact on the decision. The purpose is to raise awareness about the qualities of high school students who
typically drop out, so that those statistics may decrease in the future. definición que se utiliza en Norte América para
definir las edades educativas comprendidas entre el
Introduction "Jardin de Infancia" (Kindergarten) y el "12º grado"
Research has shown high school dropouts to be lacking more economically and socially than those who have completed full K-12
education. A high school dropout earns less money, is more likely to be in jail, is less healthy, and is less likely to be married. To
sum it up, a high school dropout has an overall lower quality of life than a high school graduate (Messacar & Oreopoulos, 2013).
Some believe that still being able to earn a GED makes dropping out of school better. Today's society does not put enough focus
on the negative consequences that come along with a student's decision to drop out of high school (Hickman, Bartholomew,
Mathwig, & Heinrich, 2008). General Educational Development Test: certificación para el estudiante que
haya aprendido los requisitos necesarios del nivel de escuela preparatoria
estadounidense o canadiense

In 2012, an article by Zajacova, researching 25 different health problems, found that those who complete their high school
education had significantly better health than dropouts. The study also showed no significant health increase between a dropout
and a person that received a GED. The lower overall health is due to lack of seeking health-care, insignificant healthcare
coverage, unaffordable vaccinations, and an inability to afford healthy food (Zajacova, 2012).

Violence plays a key role in deciding whether or not a child will graduate from high school. Bullying is a form of violence often
found within the school, whereas gang and peer-related violence can be found outside of the school environment. A national
survey indicated that approximately 28 percent of United States adolescents reported bullying at their schools during the past
school year (Cornell, Gregory, Huang, & Fan, 2013). Bullying can be a form of peer aggression where a power imbalance exists
between the aggressor and the victim. With new technological advancements, cyber-bullying has been invented. A study
published by the Journal of Educational Psychology showed a significant correlation between bullying and academic
performance, which in turn can be related to dropping out (Cornell, Gregory, Huang, & Fan, 2013).

Bullying can be found in every high school, but inner-city schools often experience a different form of violence. Inner-city
violence is directly related to peer-status. Studies have shown that popular students often receive better grades than unpopular
students. People are influenced by their friends and the people they spend most of their time with (Ehrenreich, Reeves, Corley &
Orpinas, 2012). Unpopular students often resort to violence to gain some form of respect among their peers. This is very
prevalent in underprivileged teenage boys. "School failure and frustration motivate lower-class boys to join oppositional
subcultures that embrace and reward violence and aggression" (Staff & Kreage, 2008). This violent subculture often leads to
further punishment in the form of a fine or juvenile arrest.

Whenever students go to a juvenile detention center or correctional facility, they are pulled away from school and their peers,
which stigmatizes them and causes a severe disadvantage in their educational careers. While incarcerated, the quality of
education they receive is severely lower, which leads to students getting behind in their classwork upon returning to public
school. Because of the helplessness and frustration caused by being behind, the probability of the student dropping out in the
future increases. Incarceration in a juvenile detention center has also been shown to lower the chances of that student applying
and/or getting accepted to a higher education institution. A disruption in students' educational trajectories rather than social-
psychological factors can be responsible for the correlation between arrest and education (Kirk & Sampson, 2013). Disrupting a
student's educational trajectory such as today's juvenile punishment makes it more likely to be disconnected when returned to a
normal education. As a result, the social disconnect created from "correctional facilities" increases the likelihood the student will
drop out in the future.

Another reason the high school dropout rate doesn't catch the public eye is because many people consider high school students
dropping out as a choice rather than a social problem. We often put the blame on the individual, when really the school system
should be looked at to find behavioral patterns in children's lives (Hale, Bartholomew, Mathwig & Heinrich, 2008). A child
experiences the most change between ages 6-10 and 11-14. These periods in students’ lives often dictate how interested they
are in school until they graduate due to environment and parent engagement (Englund, Egeland, & Collins, 2008). An early sign
of a future dropout is disengagement and the inability to fit in. Teachers, mentors, and parents should all be aware of how
important their role is to a child during adolescence (Schoeneberger, 2012). It is extremely important for teachers and other
adults to look for negative indicators and report them to the guidance counselor. Simple measures like this could have a
significant impact on the high school dropout rate (McCallumore & Sparapani, 2010; Strum & Boster, 2007).

The final factor that has a major impact on the likelihood a high school student will drop out is poverty. Families living in poverty
often have a hard time gathering the basic needs to survive (Tas, Bora, Selvitopu, & Demirkaya, 2013). Students coming from
impoverished families are often disengaged at school due to the problems waiting for them at home. Education becomes less
important to those whose basic needs are not being met. Parents of poverty stricken families aren't uninterested in their
children. Instead, they are busy working more than one job to provide for their families. High school dropouts are also more
likely to live in poverty. They live month to month financially and often rely on government aid for food and other necessities.

Student dropout rates have not changed over the past three decades. Society has failed to adequately address this corrosive
social problem. Individuals that have chosen or will choose to drop out of high school are more likely to struggle with various
other social problems such as unemployment, violence, and an overall lower quality of life. Students who make the decision to
dropout are often unaware of the consequences their decision has on their overall quality of life in the future. We believe
further studies are needed to pinpoint the exact age at which students are most likely to turn towards dropping out of high
school. Adult intervention in the form of a mentor or counselor may lower the risk of students dropping out. The problem with
our current system is that these adults have not been trained to detect early signs of a high school dropout. Middle school and
the freshman year of high school are the ages at which adults have the most influence. Our study will focus on middle school
teachers to see whether or not they have been involved in any type of training to detect the signals correlated with high school
dropouts. We hypothesize that teachers are unaware of how to reach out to students who are on the verge of dropping out.
 Complete el siguiente cuadro sobre el texto dado. ¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizará para realizar esta actividad?


 Teniendo en cuenta los elementos paratextuales ¿podría definir qué tipo de texto estamos analizando? ¿Cuál es su

 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información utilizada en las actividades anteriores



 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con el tema principal del texto

 ¿Qué significan los siguientes números que aparecen en la introducción?

2012 28 %

25 6-10 y 11-14

 Identifique los tiempos verbales de las siguientes oraciones e indique qué palabras le ayudaron a identificarlos


Today's society does not put enough focus on

the negative consequences …
Bullying is a form of violence often found within
the school
In 2012, an article by Zajacova, […]found that
those who complete their high school …
Student dropout rates have not changed over
the past three decades.

 Identifique oraciones en voz pasiva y complete este cuadro




 En la introducción se han recuadrado distintos verbos modales. ¿Cuáles son sus usos?

Bullying can be a form of peer aggression

Teachers, mentors, and parents should all be aware of how
important their role is to a child during adolescence
Simple measures like this could have a significant impact on the high
school dropout rate
Adult intervention in the form of a mentor or counselor may lower
the risk of students dropping out.

 Analice el siguiente bloque nominal:

“a form of violence often found within the school” Indique núcleo, pre-modificadores y post-modificadores.

 Identifique palabras que estén unidas por un guión y decida si es una palabra compuesta o es la adición de un prefijo.


 ¿Qué ideas vinculan los siguientes conectores?

also Idea 1: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________

whereas Idea 1: ________________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________

and Idea 1: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________

or Idea 1: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________

 Señale en la introducción las oraciones tópicas en cada uno de sus párrafos

La ORACIÓN TÓPICA es aquella que

 ¿Cuál es la idea central del texto?
habla de la idea principal de un

 Según el texto, ¿qué riesgos se corren al abandonar la enseñanza media?

___________________________________________ ____________________________________________

___________________________________________ ____________________________________________

 ¿Qué factor determinante se menciona en el texto como causante de deserción escolar?


 ¿Qué tipo de violencia se observa en escuelas de zonas marginales?



 ¿Qué sucede cuando un estudiante es enviado a un centro de detención juvenil o a un correccional?



 ¿Cuáles son los indicios de un futuro desertor escolar?

________________________________________ __________________________________________________

 ¿Qué otro factor influye en la deserción escolar? ____________________________________________________

 ¿Cómo se podría reducir el riesgo de deserción escolar?


 A continuación podrá leer la interpretación de los resultados del trabajo

Based on the results from the survey, the original hypothesis seems to have been proven wrong. The teachers who responded to
the survey considered themselves actively involved in their students' lives and academic careers and felt that although they
have an influence, they are not the reason that students decide to drop out of school. It was interesting to see the results of the
question that asked if teachers had an influence on this decision compared to the results of the question that asked the reasons
or people who most influence teenagers to drop out of school. In the first question, 78 percent of the teachers said they strongly
agreed or agreed that they had an influence on the decision to drop out or to stay in school. In the question regarding who had
the most influence, only 21 percent (6 respondents) responded saying teachers had the most influence. It was interesting to see
that when a similar question was worded in a positive way, the respondents gave themselves credit for it, but when it was
worded with possibility of blame, the majority didn't want to put that on themselves. One respondent explained him or herself
well in a comment: "If I can help students see that their future has greater opportunities by getting educated, they may be open
to staying in school. The challenge is getting them to see beyond their current circumstances. We are often products of our
family models and environments."
¿Qué tipo de oración condicional es? ¿Cuál es su uso? Realice su traducción

When looking at the school system as a whole as having more of an impact on this growing issue, teachers seemed to agree with
this possibility more than some of the other ideas that were brought up on the survey. No teachers strongly agreed when asked
if students' needs are being met by the educational system, and more than one-third disagreed or strongly disagreed with this
statement. Numerous teachers mentioned in the comment section that more efforts need to be made to get teaching back to
the original goal of making sure students understand the material and feel valued, rather than teaching things quickly so that
standardized test scores will be higher. Sixteen teachers agreed that changes should be made to the school system to better
serve the needs of students, and the majority of the comments reflected the need for a true alternative school that could
provide more one-on-one or small group help to get homework done. Huntington County has an alternative school set up for
middle school and high school, but it is more for the students who have behavioral problems. Although these students are
definitely considered high-risk for dropping out, the teachers who commented on the survey questions alluded to the need for
an alternative school specifically to satisfy the needs of the students who truly are behind academically because of other
environmental issues, rather than behavior issues, that could potentially distract other students in the alternative school.

As with most research projects, there are several steps that could be carried out better in the future. For this survey, 75 teachers
were selected to be participants, but only 28 responded. This is about a 37 percent response rate. In the future, research should
be broadened to other school districts, maybe some that include inner-city schools and also varying sizes of schools to get a
larger sample size. Another idea recommended for future research is to meet face-to-face with all school principals before
distributing the surveys. The school principal who met with the researchers for this study had 24 of the 28 respondents
complete the survey, while the other school whose principal had 4 respondents. The researchers believe that if they had met
with the other school principal, more teachers would have responded to the survey.

 ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes números?

78 % 75
21 % 28
1/3 37 %
37 24
16 4

 ¿Cuál es la referencia de los siguientes elementos?

they ________________________________________________________________

themselves __________________________________________________________

I ___________________________________________________________________

their ________________________________________________________________

it ___________________________________________________________________

these students ________________________________________________________

 ¿Cuál es el uso de los siguientes verbos modales?

Numerous teachers mentioned in the comment section that more
efforts need to be made …
Sixteen teachers agreed that changes should be made to the school
system to better serve the needs of students
the majority of the comments reflected the need for a true
alternative school that could provide more one-on-one or small
group help

 ¿Qué ideas vinculan los siguientes conectores?

although (line 2) Idea 1: _________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________

or Idea 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Although Idea 1: ________________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________

but Idea 1: ________________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2: ____________________________________________________________________________________

 El trabajo de investigación que estamos analizando finaliza con la siguiente inquietud:

The researchers believe that if they had met with the other school principal, more teachers would have responded to
the survey.

Esta oración, es una verdad universal, es una situación posible o probable en el futuro, expresa una situación hipotética
o se refiere a una acción pasada que no se puede cambiar?
¿Qué tipo de condicional es? _____________________________
¿Cuál sería su equivalente en español? _________________________________________________________________

If you had been able to afford it, would
you have liked to go to university? (¿Te
Condición en el habría gustado ir a la universidad si lo
pasado que no ha hubieras podido pagar?)

IF + Past Perfect , WOULD + HAVE + pp If Suzanne had gone on a diet as her
doctor recommended she wouldn’t have
COULD had a heart attack. (Suzanne no hubiera
tenido el infarto si hubiera hecho dieta
Condición imposible MIGHT como su médico le recomendó.)
I would have done things differently if I
Arrepentimiento OUGHT TO had known then what I know now. (Si
hubiera sabido en el pasado lo que sé
ahora, habría hecho las cosas de manera
 Read the text below and highlight examples of Conditional Sentences type “3”

WHAT IF … Chinese explorers had landed in the Americas first?

Once, China led the world in technology. Centuries before Europe, they had printing and gunpowder. They also had
the compass, which meant they could navigate without relying on the position of the Moon. Furthermore, they
were brilliant shipbuilders. This ability to build large, strong ships went hand-in-hand with their other talent:
In 1405, a Chinaman called Zheng He went on a jourey. The idea was to create new trade routes for China. On his
first trip, he took 28,000 men in 62 ships. Zheng He landed in India and brought home many things that were new to
the Chinese: plants, animals, even people.
Zheng He made seven westward journeys. If he had continued to explore, he would probably have reached the
Americas before Columbus and the Europeans. However, for political reasons, China stopped exploring. Its leaders
believed that China didn’t need to trade with these simple, uncivilized people so the country became isolated.
Now, let’s imagine Zheng He had reached the Americas first. What would have happened? He would have seen the
incredible size of the land and the riches in the ground. He probably would have returned with more men and
farmed the land. They would have got rich. The new Chinese colony would have grown and grown, and perhaps
they would have later spread to other lands.
Would China have created the next great empire if Chinese explorers had landed in the Americas first? We will never
 Elija 4 oraciones en voz pasiva y dé su equivalente en español

Oraciones en voz pasiva Equivalente en español

 ¿Cuál fue el rol de los docentes en este trabajo?



 ¿Qué sugirieron la mayoría de los docentes?



 ¿Cómo se piensa mejorar la investigación en el futuro?



 Realice la traducción del abstract






In 2014, Americans Feared Walking Alone at Night. Now They’re Worried about
Government Corruption
A survey on American fears by Chapman University sociologists has produced some surprisingly frightful results

By Lorraine Boissoneault
October 20, 2017

What keeps Americans up at night? For three Chapman University sociologists, the answer turned out to be far more surprising than
they had expected.
Christopher Bader, Edward Day and Ann Gordon started the American Fear Survey in 2014 as a way of finding out whether Americans
really understood the state of crime in the United States. Bader and Day specialized in criminology, and knew crime rates had fallen
precipitously over the past 20 years—but suspected the average American was far less informed.
So they engineered a public opinion survey asking respondents to rate on a four-point scale how fearful they were of a variety of
subjects. These included some of the obvious phobias, like snakes or clowns, but also more serious topics—things like crime, natural
disasters, and political and economic issues. They also asked broader questions about the participants’ news habits and knowledge of
basic science.
The researchers’ goal was to get a sense of where crime ranked in the vast landscape of fears, higher or lower than spiders or loved
ones dying. In the survey’s first year, which polled 1,500 respondents, results indicated the highest percentage of respondents, at 56
percent, were afraid of walking alone at night. They also found that more than 50 percent of people felt unsafe asking for help from a
stranger if they ran out of gas on the side of a road.
The results were almost exactly what the researchers had anticipated. Crime was perceived as a pervasive problem. “When people
become too afraid, they tend to isolate themselves, which has negative personal consequences” and also ripples out into the
community, Bader says. If the group could combat the scourge of fear, it might bring positive impacts that stretched far beyond the

Bader, Day and Gordon began thinking up strategies for disabusing the American public of their unsubstantiated beliefs on crime and
safety, from publishing information on the lower crime rates to working with government agencies on how to inform the public about
disaster preparedness. But to really tackle the underlying fears of American society, the survey would need some longevity.

Which brings us to 2017, the survey’s fourth year and its most surprising results. PHRASAL VERBS

“This year we saw some big changes. Fear has really gone up,” Day says. “Prior to this year, there was only one item where the
majority of Americans said they were afraid or very afraid, and this year there were five.”

And now, those fears have little to do with crime (or the paranormal). What the three Chapman researchers have built is an annual
barometer of what scares Americans, and as with so much in the country today, it’s become intertwined with our politics. For the third
year in a row, corruption of government officials has topped the list—only this year it jumped 13 percentage points, from 60.6 percent
of Americans identifying themselves as afraid of government corruption in 2016, to a whopping 74.5 percent being afraid of the same
in 2017.

“Our previous lists had more to do with disasters and crime, and that naturally lent itself to the type of messaging *about crime] we’re
doing,” Bader says. “The list this year is fundamentally different in the sense that it’s showing a great fear of some of the things
happening in this presidency.”

Fear of North Korea using weapons came in at number nine on the list, with 44.9 percent marking themselves as being afraid. The
survey has asked about nuclear attacks since it first started; this is the first year North Korea was listed specifically. “It’s very difficult to
curb people’s fears about North Korea when frankly, North Korea and how it’s being addressed is very scary,” says Bader.

Another first this year was environmental concerns appearing in the top ten list of fears, of which there were four: pollution of oceans
rivers and lakes; pollution of drinking water; global warming/climate change; and air pollution. And the survey was conducted before
Hurricanes Harvey and Maria and the ongoing California wildfire crisis, with questions sent out from June 28 to July 7. The researchers
ascribe the increased environmental fears to media coverage of President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate
Agreement and cut funding to the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as coverage of the lead in the tap water in Flint, Michigan.

The survey results have opened up new opportunities for the Chapman researchers. They’re at work on a book about American fears,
and have even adapted the survey to probe new angles into the sociology of fear.


“I don’t feel a lot of optimism about the findings, but I feel good about the survey’s trajectory,” Bader says. The group is on their way to
becoming experts on fear, and they plan to continue running the survey annually for as long as possible.

And even when the results are mostly doom and gloom, there’s still something fun to be found. This year it’s the paranormal.

“Clowns and zombies are both down,” Bader says. “But the survey was done before *the movie+ It was released.”

 Complete el siguiente cuadro sobre el texto dado. ¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizará para realizar esta actividad?


 Teniendo en cuenta los elementos paratextuales ¿podría definir qué tipo de texto estamos analizando: un artículo
informativo o un artículo de investigación? ¿Cuál es su fuente?

 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información utilizada en las actividades anteriores



 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con el tema principal del texto, tres de las cuales deberán ser cognados.
Incluya su equivalente en español


 ¿Qué ideas contrastan o unen los siguientes conectores?

but IDEA 1 _______________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 _______________________________________________________________________________

So IDEA 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________

also IDEA 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ________________________________________________________________________________
 ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes elementos referenciales?
They (line 2) _________________________________________________________________________________

they ______________________________________________________________________________________

The researchers’ ______________________________________________________________________________

the survey’s first year _________________________________________________________________________

which ______________________________________________________________________________________

it _________________________________________________________________________________________

this year ___________________________________________________________________________________

we _______________________________________________________________________________________

 En el texto hay 6 verbos recuadrados:

turned out ____________________ finding out ____________________ ripples out _________________

gone up ____________________ came in ____________________ sent out ____________________

Esta combinación de verbo + partícula se denomina en inglés “phrasal verb” o “multi-word verb”


Estos verbos son verbos compuestos que consisten en un verbo + un adverbio ó en un verbo + una preposición, como „on‟,
„up‟ o „down.‟ Al añadirle la partícula al verbo, éste cambia de significado completamente y no tiene ni el significado del verbo
ni el significado de la partícula. Por ejemplo: LOOK (=mirar) + AFTER (=después) = LOOK AFTER (=cuidar)
Muchos “phrasal verbs” tienen un sinónimo más formal (que generalmente viene del latín) y que los que hablamos español
podemos entender más fácilmente. Ejemplo PUT UP WITH = TOLERATE

Los verbos frasales son muy comunes en inglés informal tanto hablado como escrito

Estos son algunos de los verbos frasales más usados en inglés

En Español En Inglés Buscar Look for

Darse prisa Hurry up Regañar Tell off

Esperar Hold on Ahorrar Save up

Continuar haciendo Descubrir Find out

Carry on
Tolerar Put up with
Despegar (avión) Take off
Investigar Look into
Despertarse Wake up

Entrar Get in

Crecer Grow up

Levantarse Get up

Romper(se) Break down

Salir Go out

Date prisa/Vamos Come on

Dejar de hacer algo Give up

Escapar Run away

Cuidar Look after

 ¿Cuál es el equivalente en español de los verbos frasales en el texto?

 Analice el siguiente bloque nominal:

“an annual barometer of what scares Americans”
Indique núcleo, pre-modificadores y post-modificadores.


Realice su traducción ______________________________________________________________________________

 Indique el orden en el que sucedieron los eventos mencionados en estas oraciones :

… the answer turned out to be far more surprising than they had expected.

[Bader and Day]knew crime rates had fallen precipitously over the past 20 years

The results were almost exactly what the researchers had anticipated

 Relea el texto y responda las siguientes preguntas:

o ¿Cuál es la idea central del texto?


o ¿Cuál fue el objetivo de la primera encuesta (2014)?



o ¿Sobre qué temáticas debían responder los encuestados?



o ¿Qué representan los siguientes números en dicha encuesta?

1,500 _________________________________________________________________________________

56 % __________________________________________________________________________________

50 % __________________________________________________________________________________

o Según los sociólogos que desarrollaron este estudio, ¿qué le sucede a la gente cuando tiene miedo?


o ¿En qué estrategias pensaron los investigadores para mostrarle a la población que sus creencias sobre la
delincuencia y la seguridad eran infundadas?

o Complete la siguiente oración:
El temor principal de los estadounidenses en 2014 era __________________________________________,
pero en el 2017 es _______________________________________________________________ .
o ¿Qué problemas ambientales se agregaron en la última encuesta?


o ¿Qué otro tema se incluyó en este estudio por primera vez?


o Según los autores de esta investigación, ¿a qué se atribuye dicha inquietud?




Se usa en contenido oficial, literario, académico, etc. Se usa en situaciones cotidianas y personales.
Se usa típicamente en escritos cuidadosos y editados – Se usa típicamente al hablar “improvisadamente” –
cuando el escritor tiene mucho tiempo para pulir el texto: cuando el hablante está hablando sin preparación,
artículos de investigación, informes, ensayos, cartas como en una conversación (en la vida real o por
formales, etc El inglés formal también ocurre al hablar, teléfono). El inglés informal también ocurre al escribir,
usualmente cuando el hablante está tratando de decir usualmente cuando el escritor está escribiendo rápido y
algo que ha preparado de antemano (por ejemplo, leer sin editar (por ejemplo, en una sala de chat por internet o
las noticias o dar un discurso oficial). al escribir emails rápidos).
Las oraciones son más largas y complicadas. Las oraciones son más simples y cortas.
Algunas frases son consideradas correctas (o por lo El inglés informal es “improvisado.”
menos aceptables) en el inglés informal, pero son Los hablantes (y a veces los escritores) suelen hacer lo
consideradas equivocadas en el inglés formal. Por siguiente:
ejemplo: - Usan “expresiones de relleno” para darse tiempo. Por
Informal: I have made less mistakes. ejemplo: “Well, I think they should have asked us first,
Formal: I have made fewer mistakes. (He cometido menos you know?” (= Bueno, yo creo que debieron
errores) habernos preguntado primero, ¿sabes?)
Informal: I feel real good. - Usan “expresiones de corrección” para corregirse a sí
Formal: I feel really good. (Me siento muy bien) mismos: “He‟s not well. I mean, he‟s not sick, but he‟s
very tired.” (= Él no está bien. Es decir, él no está
enfermo, pero está muy cansado.)
- Usan “expresiones calificativas” para mostrar que lo
que acaban de decir no es exactamente correcto:
This whole blogging thing is getting kind of old. (=
Toda esta cosa de bloguear se está volviendo un
poco vieja.)
El inglés informal contiene “frases cotidianas” útiles, como
por ejemplo:
“Here you are.” “There you go.” (cuando se le da algo a
“Excuse me?”, “Come again?” (para pedirle a alguien
que repita algo)
“What do you mean?” (para pedir una explicación)
“So, you‟re saying that...?” (para pedir confirmación)
“Exactly!, I couldn‟t agree with you more.” (para hacerle
saber a alguien que estás de acuerdo con él/ella)
“By the way...,” “Anyway...” (para cambiar de tema)
“See you.” “Take care.” (para despedirte)
Una gran cantidad de palabras y frases en inglés se usan Una gran cantidad de palabras y frases se usan
principalmente en el inglés formal. Por ejemplo: principalmente en el inglés informal. Por ejemplo: dude,

nevertheless, to disclose, to constitute, to undertake, freaking, uh-huh, nope (= no), to puke, trashy, grownup,
daunting, impervious, anew, truly, solace, to enchant, awesome, to chill out, stuff, hard-up, to tick somebody off,
frantically, sizeable, to clutch, heyday, as it happens, to sell like crazy.
upsurge, retrieval
- Los verbos frasales son, en general, evitados. - Los verbos frasales se usan frecuentemente. Por
- Voz pasiva ejemplo, en situaciones informales, la gente suele decir
- Verbos latinos “found out” en vez de “discovered”, “came across” en
- Connectores vez de “encountered” y “got away” en vez de
- Inversión con expresiones adverbiales negativas o “escaped.”
restrictivas en inglés - También se usan las contracciones (they’re, he’s got,
- Expresiones idiomáticas y “slang” Ej: “Could you give
me a hand?” (¿podrías darme una mano?); “20 bucks”
(= 20 dólares)
- Exclamaciones: “Wow!”

Las palabras y frases a veces son pronunciadas en forma

corta y simplificada. Por ejemplo: “Lemme go!”, “I’m
doin’ fine”, “Whassup?”, “Whatcha gonna do?”

 Lea el siguiente texto sobre el mismo tema y compare su grado de formalidad respecto al primer texto.

Chapman University engaged SSRS to conduct the 2017 wave of The Chapman University Survey on American Fears
(CSAF). Chapman University initiated this nationwide poll on what strikes fear in Americans in 2014. The primary
objective of this survey is to collect annual data on the fears, worries and concerns of Americans, the personal,
behavioral and attitudinal characteristics related to those fears, and how those fears are associated with other
attitudes and behaviors. The CSAF is a project of the Earl Babbie Research Center in the Wilkinson College of Arts,
Humanities, and Social Sciences at Chapman University. The Earl Babbie Research Center is dedicated to using a variety
of social science research methods to examine critical social, behavioral, economic and environmental problems. CSAF
was conducted online via the SSRS Probability Panel and invited adults age 18 and older to participate via the web. It
included 1,207 participants and data collection was conducted from June 28 to July 7, 2017. This report provides
information about the sampling procedures and the methods used to collect, process, and weight data for the 2017
wave of the CSAF.

 ¿Cuáles de las características mencionadas en el cuadro comparativo se observan en este texto?





 Compare la utilización de la voz pasiva en este texto y en el artículo “In 2014, Americans Feared Walking Alone at Night.
Now They’re Worried about Government Corruption” ¿Cuáles son sus conclusiones?


 Realice la traducción de los dos primeros párrafos del texto: “In 2014, Americans Feared Walking Alone at Night. Now
They’re Worried about Government Corruption”


BMC Vet Res. 2013; 9: 102.
Published online 2013 May 13. doi: 10.1186/1746-6148-9-102

Pet ownership, dog types and attachment to pets in 9–10 year old children in
Liverpool, UK
Carri Westgarth, Lynne M Boddy, Gareth Stratton, Alexander J German, Rosalind M Gaskell, Karen P Coyne, Peter Bundred, Sandra
McCune, and Susan Dawson

Little is known about ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic differences in childhood ownership and attitudes to pets. The objective
of this study was to describe the factors associated with living with different pet types, as well as factors that may influence the
intensity of relationship or ‘attachment’ that children have to their pet. Data were collected using a survey of 1021 9–10 year old
primary school children in a deprived area of the city of Liverpool, UK.


One thousand and twenty four children completed CLAP questionnaires, and this represented 94% of those attending. Reasons
for non-completion were lack of time to survey all the children or very occasionally lack of capability of the child to complete the
questionnaire due to non-English speaking or learning difficulties. Three questionnaires were discarded at the data entry stage
for looking non-reliable; thus, CLAP questionnaire data were available for 1021 children (94%). Some schools opted to keep the
consent forms on their premises and, therefore, complete demographic data were available for 88.6% of the total intended
sample (n=967).

Sample demographics
Two hundred and eighty-nine children (32.2%) reported that they also spent time living somewhere else as well as the main
home they were answering the questions for. Nine hundred and seventy-nine (96.9%) children lived in a house, as opposed to a
flat or other type of accommodation. One hundred and eighteen children (11.7%) were single children and 374 (42.8%) children
stated that they were the youngest of their siblings. Five hundred and thirteen (53%) children were male. Six hundred and eighty
three (84.1%) were white (UK) ethnicity and 17 (2.1%) Black (UK), others being of African (8), Indian (9), Pakistani (6),
Bangladeshi (6), Chinese (8), Somali (10), mixed or other ethnicity (69).


Previous pets owned

Children who did not currently own a pet were asked to indicate whether they had owned a pet in the last five years, and 168
(52.2%) indicated that they had. Fifty seven indicated (17.8%) owning a dog, 28 (8.7%) a cat, 21 (6.6%) a rabbit, 30 (9.4%) a
rodent, none owning a horse, and 93 (29.1%) an ‘other’ pet.


Attachment to pets
Six hundred and one children (88.4% of those who had pets) indicated their ‘favourite’ pet owned: 90 (15.0%) indicated a cat,
311 (51.8%) dog, 12 (2.0%) horse, 29 (4.8%) rabbit, 58 (9.7%) rodent, 74 (12.3%) fish and 27 (4.5%) ‘other’ pet (e.g. birds, lizards,
tortoises and turtles, snakes, frogs). Thus, compared to the proportions of pet types owned, dogs were more likely to be
indicated as the favourite pet owned, although they may have been the only pet.



Data on childhood pet ownership is scarce but essential if we are to understand the impact of the common phenomenon of
growing up with pets, in terms of both benefits and risks. This study provides evidence that, at least in this region, gender,
ethnicity and socioeconomic status are associated with pet ownership, and sibling status is associated with level of attachment
to the pet. There is also evidence that ownership of dogs, particularly bull breeds, is associated with increased deprivation. This
increases our understanding of who is likely to own which pet types, and the nature of relationships that children can have with
their pets.

 Complete el siguiente cuadro sobre el texto dado. ¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizará para realizar esta actividad?


 Teniendo en cuenta los elementos paratextuales ¿podría definir qué tipo de texto estamos analizando: un artículo
informativo o un artículo de investigación? ¿Cuál es su fuente?

 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información utilizada en las actividades anteriores



 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con el tema principal del texto, tres de las cuales deberán ser cognados.
Incluya su equivalente en español


 ¿Qué ideas contrastan o unen los siguientes conectores?

as well as IDEA 1 _______________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 _______________________________________________________________________________

or IDEA 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________

thus IDEA 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 __________________________________________________________________________________

although IDEA 1 _______________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 _______________________________________________________________________________

but IDEA 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________

both IDEA 1 __________________________________________________________________________________

IDEA 2 __________________________________________________________________________________

 ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes elementos referenciales?

their premises ______________________________________________________________________________

their ______________________________________________________________________________________

they _______________________________________________________________________________________

this region __________________________________________________________________________________

This _______________________________________________________________________________________

 Analice el siguiente bloque nominal: “the impact of the common phenomenon of growing up with pets”
Indique núcleo, pre-modificadores y post-modificadores.


Realice su traducción ______________________________________________________________________________

 ¿A qué se refieren los siguientes números?







 Identifique oraciones en voz pasiva y complete este cuadro





En la oración “Children who did not currently own a pet were asked to indicate whether they had owned a pet in the last five
years,” el evento “had owned a pet” se refiere a un evento que ocurrió ¿ANTES o DESPUÉS de “did not currently own a pet” ?

I had saved my document before the computer CRASHED

He WAS exhausted Because he HADN’T SLEPT well

El PAST PERFECT en inglés corresponde al

pluscuamperfecto del español. En general, hace "PAST PERFECT" + JUST
referencia a un tiempo anterior al pasado reciente. Se 'Just' se utiliza con el "past
emplea para señalar que un evento ocurrió antes que perfect" para referirse a un evento
otro en el pasado. La acción que ocurrió primero es que sucedió muy poco antes de
en “past perfect” y la que sigue en “simple past”. otro evento situado en el pasado,
También se usa para acciones que ocurrieron antes de e.g.The plane had just left when I
un tiempo específico en el pasado. arrived at the airport.

Lea las siguientes historias sobre mascotas. Subraye ejemplos de past perfect y a continuación complete los cuadros
y realice su traducción

We were hiking and let our dog Gracie off the leash for the first time. She did great until we heard a commotion ahead of us
where we could not see her.
Gracie had entered a small family’s picnic and helped herself to one of the sandwiches.
The family was very gracious about the whole ordeal, and now Gracie remains on her leash on our hikes.
– Lance McClelland, Damascus, Ore.


"I've actually had many occasions after having put my oldest dog down, we could hear his 'snoring' at night time, long after
he had died. He spent so much time in that spot, I guess he had to come back and make sure we were all ok." --


"We had a full blood Chow named Sheena, she was given to my mother by my father on Mother's Day the year I was born.
About 10 years ago Sheena got really sick. The vets couldn't do anything for her because she was pretty old. The day
before we were scheduled to take her in to put her to 'sleep,' she didn't wake up. Sadly, Sheena had died in her sleep. As
creepy as this sounds, Sheena used to sit next to my mom's couch and would scratch herself. You'd hear the jiggle of this
little charm/name tag she had. We still have the couch and if you sit on the right cushion at night you can sometimes hear a
"jiggle" of a chain. This has actually brought my mother to tears before and I've heard her say 'Go to sleep Sheena' and it
would stop."

While transporting our newly adopted cat home from the pet adoption day at PetSmart, we were pulled over by the local
police. The officers could hear him howling at the top of his lungs and thought we had kidnapped someone.
Over time, Max the Cat came to love car rides, especially in our motor home camping trips.
– Dan Stiel, Irvine


 ¿Cuál es la idea central del texto?



 ¿Qué razones se argumentaron para no completar el cuestionario?



 ¿En qué tipo de vivienda residía la mayoría de los menores encuestados?



 La mayor parte de los niños que respondieron, ¿tenían hermanos mayores o menores que ellos?


 Tache lo que NO corresponda:

o La mayoría de los niños encuestados eran VARONES / MUJERES
o La mayoría de aquellos que no tenían una mascota al momento de ser entrevistados NUNCA ANTES
o La mayor parte de los niños que sí tenían mascotas tenían UN PERRO / UN GATO / UN ROEDOR

 ¿Qué conclusiones se desprenden de este estudio?


 Realice la traducción del primer párrafo (“Background”)




Small Jurassic Dinosaur May Have Flown Without Feathers

By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD APRIL 29, 2015 ¿Cuál es el equivalente en
español de esta frase?
Over the last two decades, scientists in China have paraded one
surprising dinosaur discovery after another, enough to rewrite textbooks
and even impress dinophile first graders. Some of the smaller newfound
¿Qué significa el
creatures, it turns out, had feathers, which shifted expert thinking to the
sufijo “-less”?
dinosaurian origin of birds.

Now a discovery of 160-million-year-old fossils in northeastern China, reported Wednesday in the

Las journal Nature, calls attention to a dinosaur species that may have tried to take to the air on
preposi- featherless wings. It was one of presumably many experiments in early flight that failed the test
ciones en of time and was eventually abandoned. Scientists are not even sure how it was supposed to work.
inglés van
seguidas After studying findings by a Chinese-led team of paleontologists, Kevin Padian, an American
de –ing dinosaur authority, said he could only think that the attempted flight innovations “have just gone
o de un from the strange to the bizarre.”
vo The fossil remains belonged to a previously unknown species of an obscure group of small
dinosaurs, related to primitive birds such as the famous Archaeopteryx. It had feathers, but they
TOO es un seemed too insubstantial to be useful in flight. Then the scientists said they recognized the
adverbio que unusually long rodlike bone extending from each of the two wrists: curving structures possibly
indica que supporting an aerodynamic membrane.
¿Cuál es el equivalente en español de esta frase? ____________
hay una
cantidad más Sure enough, patches of membrane tissue were detected along the bone supports. So, the
que scientists concluded, their specimen must have had wings somewhat like those of bats or flying
suficiente. EJ squirrels. Nothing like this had been found before in dinosaurs.
You are too
young to The research team, led by Xu Xing of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and
understand. Paleoanthropology in Beijing and Zheng Xianoting of Linyi University in Shandong Province,
(Eres named the specimen Yi qi (pronounced “ee chee”), meaning “strange wing” in Mandarin.
joven para “No other bird or dinosaur has a wing of the same kind,” Dr. Xu said in a statement issued by the
entender.) Beijing institute. “We don’t know if Yi qi was flapping or gliding, or both, but it definitely evolved a
wing that is unique in the context of the transition from dinosaurs to birds.”

Yi qi belongs to a group of carnivorous dinosaurs found so far only in Chinese fossil beds, and the
few related species had no apparent flight capabilities. The group is called scansoriopterygids. In
adjetivo /
adverbio (+
an aside, Dr. Xu said Yi qi may be the shortest name ever given to a dinosaur.
TO infinitivo)
In a commentary in Nature, Dr. Padian, a paleontologist at the University of California, Berkeley,
who was not part of the discovery team, said the examination of the fossils, found by a farmer in
Hebei Province, had been meticulous “to be sure none of its elements had been faked or restored.”

He said the researchers wisely did not commit themselves to whether this animal could flap its
wings or glide, or both, or neither. No evidence presented so far, he added, showed that Yi qi had
the ability for powered flight. The preservation of the wing membrane was incomplete, and there
is still uncertainty about the configuration of this wing support apparatus.

Also, most of the dinosaur’s body below the rib cage is missing. This leaves unanswered the
important question of whether the animal’s tail created lift or drag in any kind of powered flight.
Other discoveries will have to be made.

“We are left in a quandary,” Dr. Padian concluded. This dinosaur has a strange wing structure, he
said, “that looks like it could have been used in flight, borne by an animal that otherwise shows
no such tendencies.” And so far, he continued, “there is no other possible explanation for the
function of this structure.”

Dr. Zheng, an author of the journal report, noted that Yi qi lived in the Jurassic Period, in the
middle of the Age of Dinosaurs and early in the evolution of flight on the line to birds. “It reminds
us,” he said, “that the early history of flight was full of innovation, not all of which survived.”

 Decida si el artículo “Small Jurassic Dinosaur May Have Flown Without Feathers” es un
artículo informativo o un artículo de investigación.

 Complete el siguiente cuadro sobre el texto dado. ¿Qué técnica de lectura utilizará
para realizar esta actividad?


 Elabore una hipótesis de lectura considerando la información que le brinda el paratexto



 Elija seis palabras o frases claves relacionadas con el tema principal del texto

 Elija seis nombres propios y explique a qué o a quiénes se refieren

 ¿En qué tiempos verbales están las siguientes oraciones? Indique qué palabras le
ayudaron a identificarlos


Over the last two decades, scientists in

China have paraded one surprising dinosaur
discovery after another
Now a discovery of 160-million-year-old
fossils in northeastern China […] calls
attention to a dinosaur species

After studying findings by a Chinese-led

team of paleontologists, Kevin Padian, an
American dinosaur authority, said …

 Identifique oraciones en voz pasiva y complete este cuadro





 ¿Cuál es la referencia de los siguientes elementos?

their __________________________________________________________________

it _____________________________________________________________________

this animal _____________________________________________________________

he ____________________________________________________________________

This ___________________________________________________________________

 ¿Qué ideas vinculan los siguientes conectores?

but Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _______________________________________________________________________

or Idea 1 _________________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 _______________________________________________________________________

neither Idea 1 ____________________________________________________________________

Idea 2 ____________________________________________________________________
and Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

Also Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

Idea 1 _______________________________________________________________________

 El título de este artículo es “Small Jurassic Cuando los verbos modales se utilizan con la
Dinosaur May Have Flown Without Feathers.” forma infinitiva del perfecto (“have” +
El verbo modal “may” indica que estamos participio pasado), los verbos modales
hablando de una posibilidad, pero nos indican especulación sobre cosas en el
referimos al presente o al pasado?


CAN‟T HAVE Certeza de que algo no They had a lot of work to do and little time.
ocurrió o que no era They can’t have finished everything. (Tenían
verdad en el pasado. mucho trabajo que hacer y poco tiempo. No
podrían haber terminado todo.)
COULD HAVE Posibilidad en el pasado She could have run faster, but she wanted to
pero que en realidad no save her energy. (Ella podría haber corrido más
pasó. rápido, pero quería ahorrar energía.)
COULDN‟T Certeza de que algo no He couldn‟t have known the truth. (Él no podia
HAVE sucedió haber sabido la verdad)
MAY / MIGHT Posibilidad en el pasado. I think it may have worked, but we gave up
HAVE Suposición sobre algo too soon. (Creo que podría haber funcionado,
pero nos rendimos demasiado pronto.)
que pasó
anteriormente. I don‟t know, it might have been different if
Incertidumbre you were there. (No sé, podría haber sido
diferente si tú hubieras estado allí.)
MUST HAVE Certeza o conclusión Frank failed the exam. He must not have
lógica sobre algo que been paying attention in class. (Frank suspendió
ocurrió en el pasado. el examen. No debió haber estado atento en la
Expresa más certeza clase.)
que “may have” o
“might have”
SHOULD HAVE Un consejo que no fue He should have listened to me. (Debería
seguido en el pasado. haberme escuchado.)
Expectativas que no
fueron satisfechas en el
SHOULDN‟T Crítica que se dio tras You shouldn‟t have gone to the party. ( No
HAVE una situación deberías haber ido a la fiesta)

Las siguientes oraciones contienen modales perfectos. Señale cuáles son y cuál es su función en cada oración.
Luego realice su traducción.

a dinosaur species that may have tried to take to the air on featherless wings.


their specimen must have had wings somewhat like those of bats or flying squirrels.


This dinosaur has a strange wing structure […] that looks like it could have been used in flight


PRÁCTICA: Lea el siguiente artículo informativo y señale los verbos modales que encuentre. Indique función y
haga su traducción


Life in the Roman Empire

Published: September 22, 1987

Discoveries on Cyprus have provided a ''snapshot'' of everyday life in the late Roman Empire.

Digging this summer, archeologists from the University of Arizona found the skeletons of two men who must have been
killed instantly by the earthquake in the year 365 that destroyed the Roman city of Kourion in one of the great disasters of
antiquity. Seven other skeletons and a wealth of artifacts were found there in earlier excavations.

One of the skeletons was of a man in his early 20's who was apparently alone at a workbench when the roof caved in on
him. Coins and ceramic pots lay about. In the next room of what was probably a row of live-in shops was the skeleton of
another man. A bronze pot was sitting on an open oven. A finely fashioned bronze oil lamp was lying at the doorway.

''At this rate, we estimate that at least 500 people must have been killed,'' said David Soren, a University of Arizona
archeologist. ''In every place where people might have lived, we're finding skeletons.''

Exploration of the ruins at Kourion, once a bustling Mediterranean port, is being conducted under the direction of the
Cyprus Department of Antiquities and is supported in part by the National Geographic Society.






 Explique a qué / quiénes se refieren los siguientes nombres propios


Kevin Padian

Xu Xing

Zheng Xianoting

Yi qi

 Complete el siguiente cuadro con información sobre el ejemplar hallado en China




 ¿Cuál es la idea central del texto?



 Realice la traducción del cuarto párrafo.




ABOARD A bordo de (tren,
IN En, dentro, dentro de; hacia adentro
colectivo, etc)
ABOUT Acerca de, respecto a,
sobre, alrededor de, INCLUDING Incluyendo, inclusive, con inclusión de
ABOVE Encima, encima de, más
de, por arriba de, por INSIDE Dentro, en, dentro de, en el interior
encima de
ACROSS A través de, al otro lado Dentro de, hacia dentro, hacia el
de, a lo ancho de interior de
AFTER Después de, detrás de,
NEAR Cerca de
según, tras
AGAINST Contra NOTWITHSTANDING A pesar de, sin embargo, no obstante
ALONG A lo largo de; junto con OF De; en; por
ALONGSIDE Al lado de, al costado de OFF Fuera; de; de encima
AMID En medio de, entre ON Sobre, encima de; de; al; en
AMIDST En medio de, entre ONTO Sobre
AMONG En medio de, entre OPPOSITE Contrario
AMONGST Entre OUT Fuera de; afuera de
AROUND Alrededor de, en torno de OUTSIDE Fuera de, afuera de
AS Como Encima; encima de; a más de;
ASTRIDE A horcajadas sobre, con
PACE Con el perdón de
una pierna a cada lado
AT En, a PAST A lo largo de, más allá de
ATHWART De través, a través PER Por; a través
ATOP Encima, en la parte
superior, en la punta
BARRING Excepto, salvo,
BEFORE Ante, antes de, delante de REGARDING Relativo a, respecto a, tocante a
BEHIND Detrás, detrás de ROUND Alrededor de
BELOW Debajo de SAVE Excepto, excepción hecha de, fuera de
BENEATH Debajo, abajo, por debajo SINCE Desde
BESIDE Junto a, al lado de THROUGH A través de; dentro de; por
BESIDES Excepto, fuera de; además Por todo, en todo, a lo largo de;
de durante todo
BETWEEN Entre (entre dos o más) TILL Hasta
BETWIXT Entre TO A; en; hacia; hasta; para
Más allá; fuera de; además
Sino, sin, excepto, salvo,
BUT TOWARDS Hacia; en dirección de
BY Al lado de, por, junto a UNDER Bajo; debajo de; en; por; mediante; so
Alrededor de, cerca de (para
CIRCA UNDERNEATH Debajo, abajo, por abajo, por debajo
CONCERNING Concerniente a UNLIKE A diferencia de
DOWN Hasta (el último detalle, ) UNTIL Hasta
(Movimiento) por; en lo alto de; hacia
DURING Durante, en el transcurso de UP
arriba; arriba de
Sobre, en, encima de; por encima;
EXCLUDING Excepto, con excepción de VERSUS, “VS.” Contra; frente a

FAILING En falta VIA Por; mediante, a través de; via
Con; por medio de; mediante; de;
Para; por; a causa de;
FOR WITHIN Dentro, dentro de; entre
FROM De, desde, a partir de WITHOUT Sin; fuera, fuera de; desprovisto de
GIVEN Dado,-a, teniendo en cuenta


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