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Programa de Formación en Idiomas PFI

English Writing Workshop Level I Teacher Juan C. Hurtado

Student’s name: ______________________________________________________ Date: Nov 15 – 19, 2021 Score:

Estimad@ Estudiante: El taller que va a presentar es una prueba completamente individual. Las respuestas deben ser producto de su análisis y aplicación de lo
aprendido en las sesiones virtuales. El fraude o el intento de fraude está prohibido y sancionado tal como lo estipula el reglamento estudiantil.

Write a composition about yourself.

Take the writing rubrics into consideration. Remember that an essay or paper should be organized logically, flow smoothly and be relatively error-free.
Also, it should be related to the main idea and be illustrated through examples, details, and descriptions. In other words, everything in the writing
should make sense to a reader. Include at least from 120 to 150 words in your writing.

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