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 Denominación del Programa de Formación:

 Código del Programa de Formación:
 Nombre del Proyecto ( si es formación Titulada)
 Fase del Proyecto ( si es formación Titulada)
 Actividad de Proyecto(si es formación Titulada)
 Competencia:
 Resultados de Aprendizaje Alcanzar:
 Duración de la Guía: 8 Horas


Queridos aprendices, la presente guía aportará habilidades a su formación profesional desde

actividades de aprendizaje de carácter técnico en el idioma extranjero Inglés. Estas actividades
técnicas son la base para continuar con la adquisición de conocimientos indispensables en su
carrera profesional. Esta guía contiene ejercicios y explicaciones técnicas específicas y útiles para
llevar a cabo lo propuesto en cada competencia.

La guía se desarrollará desde una parte reflexiva, participativa y explicativa de los temas a
trabajar; y una segunda parte en la que pondrán en juego dichos conocimientos, que involucran el
idioma extranjero Inglés y el vocabulario técnico del programa en formación. También es
importante relacionar los conocimientos previo que se tienen como lo aprendido en el ejercicio
del diccionario para afianzar los nuevos conocimientos. Se les invita a realizar un trabajo juicioso, a
consciencia y colaborativo siempre que sea necesario y aporte a nuestra construcción de


 Ambiente Requerido: Ambiente virtual (sesión sincrónica por Google Meet)

 Materiales: Guía de aprendizaje y anexos; equipo de cómputo o celular; conexión a
internet; lápiz y papel.
GFPI-F-019 V03
Actividades de Reflexión inicial.
Momento: “Antes de aprender”

Your name is Eduard. A reporter just asked you, ‘’What are you going to do next weekend?’’
Read aloud your answer.

Oh, that’s an easy question! On Saturday, I’m going to sleep in until nine o’clock. Then, I’m going to have
breakfast with my family. I love to make weekend breakfasts for my wife and two kids. After breakfast,
we’re going to go to a park near our home. We almost always do that. We love kick a ball around and fly a
kite. We’ll probably have a late lunch around one o’clock, and then we’ll go home. In the afternoon, I’ll help
my kids with their homework. Tom is in grade two, and Kelly is in grade three. On Sunday, I really want to
bring my family to a theater to see a movie. The movie is about a dog that walks five hundred miles to get
home to his family. After the movie, we’ll go home and have dinner and go to bed early. My kids have
school the next day!

Aswer the questions about the text

1. What time is Eduard going to get up on Saturday? He´s going to sleep in until nine o’clock
2. Where is Eduard going to go after breakfast on Saturday morning? He is going to go to a
park near his home
3. What is Eduard going to do after he returns home on Saturday? He will probably have a
late lunch
4. What does Eduard want to do on Sunday? He want to bring his family to a theater to see a
5. What will Eduard and his family do after they go home on Sunday? They will have dinner
and go to bed early

Actividades de contextualización e identificación de conocimientos necesarios para el

“Antes de aprender”

Find out about the meaning of these words and classify in VERBS and NOUNS
GFPI-F-019 V03
Close - drag and drop - save - Windows XP - boot up - Document - motherboard -
arrange - icon - file - desktop - customize - use - web page - task bar - wallpaper
- change - e-mail - download - update - security code


close Cerrar
save Guardar
motherboard Placa madre
icon Ícono
Windows XP Windows XP
Download Descargar
update Actualizar
Wallpaper Fondo de pantalla
Web page Pagina web
drag and drop Arrastrar y soltar
Boot up Arrancar
Document Documento
Arrange Arreglar
File Archivo
Desktop Escritorio
Customize Personalizar
Use Usar
Task bar Barra de tareas
Change Cambiar
e-mail Correo electrónico
Security code Código de seduridad

Actividades de apropiación del conocimiento (Conceptualización y Teorización).

Momento: “Mientras aprendo”

Es momento de poner en práctica lo que se ha aprendido. A continuación se presentan una serie

de ejercicios que continúan con el proceso de aprendizaje de los aprendices, los cuales serán
presentados, explicados y socializados dentro de la sesión virtual preparada para ello, en la
plataforma GOOGLE MEET. Cada anexo desarrolla de manera precisa y breve algunas habilidades

Anexo 1 Simple Future with Will and Be Going To.

GFPI-F-019 V03
Use the correct form for Simple Future Tense: WILL or BE GOING TO.

Beliefs about future:

I’m sure you will_ enjoy the applications.

The heardphones will_ be usefull.
She thinks the file _will__ be in the recycle bin.
Try pressing the restart buttom. I’m sure the computer _will_ run.

Plans or intentions:

I am going to keep all my digital photos in a folder called ‘’PHOTOS’’

She is going to send me an important document
I am going to uninstall Adobe Acrobat
We aren´t going to install that application because we don’t like it.
The files are going to be move to a new folder. We aren´t going to delete them.

To make or talk about offers and promises:

My brother will fix my printer.

I will send her the information.
My boss will give me a new password.
The companies will help us to update the programs.

Predictions based on evidence:

Don’t eat when use the computer. It is going to get dirty!

You aren’t using those applications. The computer is going to crash.
She didn’t charge the laptop. I am not going to do my homework.
I could’t install Microsoft Office. The files aren´t going to run.

Complete the dialogues using ‘will’ or ‘going to’ + infinitive:

1. A: I’ve decided. I am goint to (look) for a new job.

B: Good idea! I will (help) you prepare a good CV.

2. A:When will you bring (you/bring) those books that you promised to lend me?
B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot about that. I will bring them in tomorrow morning.
GFPI-F-019 V03
3. A: So, you’ve decided to buy a new car. What type of car are you going to choose? (you/choose)?
B: I don’t know.
A: Mark knows a lot about cars. I will ask him to phone you later on.

4. A:What are you going to get John for his birthday?

B: I am going to buy him a digital camera. And you?
A: I haven’t decided yet. Perhaps I will get him an iPad.

5. A: are you going to Paul next Friday?

B: I don’t know yet. I will call you tomorrow to let you know.

6. A:What are you going to do for New Year’s Eve?

B:We are going to eat a fancy restaurant.

7. A:Why have you turned off the music?

B: I am going to lie down for a while. I was feeling a bit tired.
A: OK, I will not disturb you then.

8. A: Have you decided where you will to stay on your trip?

B:Well, I am not going to at the Siesta Hotel, that’s for sure. It’s too expensive.

Actividades de transferencia del conocimiento.

Momento: “Después de aprender”

Choose some words from the box above. Write as many sentences as you can in Simple Future

Discuss the questions below with a partner.

1. What are you going to do after class? I am going to go to Espinal city

2. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? I am going to be in class
3. What are you going to do tomorrow night? I am going to do homeworks
4. Is anyone in your class going to have a birthday party soon? No, nobody is going to
5. What time are you going to get up tomorrow? I am going to get up at 7 o´clock
6. When are you going to exercise next? I am going to do it when I finish this exercise
7. Are you going to watch TV tonight? If ‘yes’, what are you going to watch? No, I am not going to
watch tv
8. How are you going to get home from school today? Bus? Taxi? …? I am going to go home on my
9. Are you going to do homework tonight? Yes, I am going to
10. Finish this sentence: “Tomorrow, I’m going to do homeworks because I have many”

IN TO THE FUTURE. Ten years from now…

GFPI-F-019 V03
1. … how old will you be? I will be 27 years old
2. … what country or city will you probably live in? Why? I will live in USA because I really like this
3. … will you probably be married or single? Why? I will be married
4. … how many children or grandchildren will you probably have? How come? How old will they
probably be in ten years? I will not have children
5. … will you have a car, or will you have a motorcycle, or will you have both? What kind(s)? Why?
I will have a car
6. … what kind of job will you probably have? What will your salary be? Do you think you will like
your job? Why? / Why not? I will have a job as a civil engineer with a very good salary
7. … will you still study English? Why? / Why not? Will you study something else? What? Why? I
will still study English because I love it
8. … will you probably be happy? Why? / Why not? Yes, I will be happy because I will have a lot of
9. … will you be famous? Why? / Why not? No, I don´t like this
10. … will you have more free time or less free time? Why? I will have less free time because I will
be bussy in mi work


Tome como referencia la técnica e instrumentos de evaluación citados en la guía de Desarrollo


Evidencias de Aprendizaje Criterios de Evaluación Técnicas e Instrumentos de


Evidencias de Conocimiento: Técnicas: Information

gathering, creación de
Comprensión de lectura Usar el tiempo del futuro
simple en su cotidianidad y
Evidencias de Desempeño:
en su ámbito laboral.  Instrumentos: Rúbrica
Completar oraciones con el
auxiliar correcto.

Evidencias de Producto:

Ejercicio conversacional.
Responder pregunts sobre
información personal

GFPI-F-019 V03

Ambiente virtual: Plataforma web utilizada para administrar, distribuir o realizar tareas
involucradas en procesos de enseñanza – aprendizaje.

Anexo: Documentos que complementan un proceso, permitiendo mayor claridad o


Dinamizar: Hacer que algo se desarrolle o se active.

Sesión sincrónica: Intercambio de información por internet entre personas en tiempo real,
mediada por la computadora.



- Marks, J. Computers and Information Technology. A&c Black.




Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Autor (es) Laura Alejandra

Instructora Bilinguísmo Junio de 2021
Lizeth Alvarez

GFPI-F-019 V03
Tatiana Ávila

8. CONTROL DE CAMBIOS (diligenciar únicamente si realiza ajustes a la guía)

Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha Razón del


Autor (es)

GFPI-F-019 V03

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