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I’m the happiest I’ve Pep ee (oer ever been ee EEREADING a CB Look at the pictures. Which of the people are. famous in your country? What do you know about them? bb Read the quctes. Which person is talking about these life events? CD staring a tamty 2 Fe ty getting obder 3 [Jbecoming a celebrity 4 E]making fms 5 [Jreocing a ito-changing nove b Brad Pitt {always thought that ff wanted to have a family, | wanted itto be big. These days have very fein fy ftiends. Ihave a handful of close ‘fonds and Ihave my family | am the Happiest Ive ever baer.” © Read the quotes again. How did the life events in Ib change each person's life? d CQ Which quote do you like most? Why? “When | closed that book, | was a different GRAMMAR ‘man. it improved my powers of thinking and Comparatives and superlatives _sa-eontrol and my ationstips let prison more informed than when I wert in.” @ Complete the table with the (AIBRNghIEd comparative and superlative forms from the quotes. Comparative | Examples ‘Superlative Examples short adj+er shorter theadi+ est the Kindest adjectives = *the ‘adjectives adj —y+ fer funnier the adj—-y + fest the siliest ending in y healt the ¢ Jane Goodall, Primatologist tong mor + ad} | rmore important | the mest ad] the mostinerestng NW» gortekwlog adr and adjectives oie | ie sometimes | see the chimps, and regular mores av moreeasily the most = adv sometimes don‘... 'm not as adverbs 6 the most polity fitas | was, soif they're way up ‘i ~~ atthe top ofthe mountain, 1b Read Jane Goodall’s quote again. Match sentences 1-2 with the meanings a-b. ‘feu 1 Eltamrotas ftasiwas. a‘ haven't changed. 'm equaly fit now. 2 Elliam as fit ast was. Ie changod. I'm less ft now. © > Now go to Grammar Focus 7A on p.154 d Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the adjectives and adverbs in brackets. 1 My life's than t was fve years age. (goca) «5 Tries the _ town Ive ever Ived in. (rg) 2 tm the Ive ever been, (confidend 6 Myhome these days. (tidy) 3 earn than wher | was younger. (siowh) 7 | work ow than id five years ago. (hard) 4 Tatas as | was a yeer ago, (busy) 8 | speak English than | did a year ago. (good) e © Listen and check. Practise the sentences. Clare the sentences in 2d true for you? Why? My life is better ‘Well, (have my then twas five | Why?) own flat, Out stil see years ego. ny friends and family all the time too, 68 | d Beyoncé “Motherhood has changed EALISTENING a Cid Read about two famous people. Do you know anything else about them? How do you think their lives were different before they became famous? Born: April 19, 1972, Paulista, Braz Rivaldo is 2 Brazilian ex-foatball gp fehes played for some of the biggest teams in the word and in wo Were Cups. 5 Born: ly 6, 1938, New York, USA Sylvester Stallone isan Ametican ctor writer and dector He ia most ‘amous fois tebe nthe Rocky "end abo fs. b @)EEH Listen to the stories of the two people. Which information di you already know? ¢ GREE Listen agsin, Are these sentences true about Rivaldo (2), Stallone (S) or both men (8)? Compare your answers with 2 partner. 1 DUH ite was afi it when he was young 2 [At one time in is fe, he couldn't ford to buy food. THe sold something that he loved THe was stil poor after he got tn jb no wantoo [L] some people cia not believe ne could be 2g star. [THis suecess happened very suddenly [THe cared about something else more than money. fF) evs ae 7B Ask and answer the questions. 1 Which person had the mest difficult experience, do you think? and then became rich? © Ruport Grint “You grow up bul I've bec people do everything for me: [ive wanted to forget about his career after asad event. 2 Do you know about any other people who started Ife poor 1 Psy “My paren er relly proud. My fathers happy because now he sees het am than Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-aeneral of the United Nations. He was ‘he most famous Korean before me” than other teenagers less Independent, because EXVOCABULARY get collocations 8 © HEH Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrases in the box. Listen and check. get job getanffer get paid get rch ss an actor, ‘Sylvester Statone couldn't 2. Rocky won an Oscar and Stallone 3. Rivaldo from Paulistano football club, 4 He didr't___ much and he sometimes walked to training b Now go to Vocabulary Focus 7A on p.138 SPEAKING @ Think of a person you know and put their most, importani and interesting life events in order on the timeline. Use expressions with get and any other events you like. (co a) == 1) 2B Work in pair you chose. Tell your partner about the person ¢ (2 Ask and answer the questions. Look at the life events ia the box. ‘a place at university get engaged get married have children getrrich get 2 jod get old 1 Which of he life events have you experienced? When do you think you will experience the other events? 2 Which life events do you think charige people the most? Hoa do people change? — oo CCT MaRS Or 1 healthy food READING a C2 Look at the photographs from the 1950s. How do you think daily life was different then? Think about: + men (women / children ‘= food and drink / shopping / vrtk / health end exercise 5) © Read sentences 1-4 about the 1950s. Do you think they are true (7) or false (F)? Compare your answers with a partner. Inthe 1950s, 1 [people were thinner than they are today. 2 people spent more time at tie ayn than tocay 3 Cipeopte lived lrger ves than they da today 4 [people smoked more cigarettes than today. © Read the article, Check your answers to 1b. d Read the article again. Answer the questions. In the 1950s, what dc the government say people shouls drink? 2 How is government advice about food diferent today? 3. How much time do UK women spend on @ cie these days? 4 How did women in the 1950s exercise? 5 Why do poopie put on weight more easily tecay 6 Inthe 1960s, when did people vist tre doctor? 7. Which heaith problems are more common teday? 8 Why didn’ people stop smoking in the 19505? 9. Where ist ilegal to smoke in the UK? @ C2 Think about the information you have ead, Do you think people are healthier now than in the 1950s? Why / Why not? 70 Learn to describe health and lifestyle changes Owed to fee eres People didn’t use to worry about how many calores they ate. The ‘government advised people to eat meat, cheese, butter, cereal and bread every day. They algo recommended two glesses of milk a ay. Today the aovioe has changed. They sey we should eat more vegetables and less meat, chee: are butter. But we don’t listen, Not many of us @aililthgiaet 60% of us are now overneisht. Inthe Uk, the average woman will pend 31. years of her life Omi. For a man, its 28 years. ixercise Most women used to RBSBIIRISEEHE| naturally by doing housowork he average housenife did three hours of housework every ay. Thoy didn’t noed to go to the gym to [@SBNWGIaht and gotlit ‘Today, busy working lives make it harcer to get enough exercise. Inventions like washing machines, freezers and cars have made our ives easier, 60 I's now much easier co [BUSERIUBIERT. e Pooole did't use to lve as long ac ‘we do today. Hospital operations were much lass common and people only used to goto the cecter wnen they ware seriously il. Today, we live longer, but ‘we have new health problems. In the 419508, most kids drank milk and ate peanuts Rene AVERAGE AGE AT DEATH ROUSE in ihe 1950s: 65 but more (FAVES 79 people RELIES to various foods today. ‘And the number of people who have diabetes is also increasing, because more people er GveNveliht Cigarettes ‘Smoking used to be very popular. ‘The big Hollywood stars like James Deen and Audrey Hepburn all smoked on screen. In the UK, 80% of adults were FEQUBTEMOSES. People just cldn't know how dangerous it was and didn't tty to EUOIUBISMORIAE. Today, wo all know the dangers, and It's now illegal to smoke in public places lke offices, sehools and restaurants. eae ae unit 7 VOCABULARY Health collocations 8 Work in pairs. Look at the fIBHIGMIEM! phrases in the article. Which do you think are ... ? 1 good for your nealtn 2. bed for your heath EH Complete the sentences with phrases from the article. Then listen and check, He_____ because he was doing so much exercise. He decided to__smoking, because Ii was a very exoensive habit ‘iter my hoidey, | was five Klos. It’s easy to if you work in an ofice and don’t get any exercise, I'm very healthy — | ___by running every day. |1was a for years, but then I decided to stop. | never Go any exercise but I'm thin because | ‘She's __ again - this ime she's only eating bread and carrots for a week. |___two —_ animal hair and bee stings. Carvonrene ¢ (® Which of the ideas in 2b are common in your country? Do you think people are generally healthy in your country? Why / Why not? d Work in pairs. Find and underline all the words and phrases in the article related to health. Add them to the lists in 2a, GRAMMAR used to @ Look at the sentences about the 1950s. Are these things the same or different today? Simoking used ta be very popular, People didn’t use to know it wes dangerous. ‘Women usad todo three hours of housamrk every day. They didn't use to goto the gym. b Look at the sentences in 3a again and complete the rules. To talk about something that was diferent inthe past we use __+ infritive.. The negative is + infinitive, ¢ GlEEH Pronunciation Listen to the sentences in 3a. Notice the pronunciation of used to/iu:sta/. Does the pronunciation change in Negative sentences? Now go to Grammer Focus 78 on p.154 @ Complete the sentences with used to and a verb in the box. “walk be think spend not suffer not ext When | was a che |__—t schoo every 6a. When | asa teenager, my parents I was lay. 1 2 3 ‘rom allergies, but now | co. 4 People in my country a lat of fast food, but they do now. 6 | more time outdoors than | do now. The health service in my country bettar than itis now. 4 QW Change the sentences in 3e so they are true for you. Compere your answers with a partner. used to go to. school on foot. EA SPEAKING Communication 78 Work in pairs. Go to p.128. ANTENA aide Lan UR pee eee sd Poe fon eo reed EE VOCABULARY At the doctor's @ 2B Look at the health problems in the box. Which have you had in the last six months? backache acold a temperature a broken log asetious stomachache the flu rash b QQ What do people in your country do for each of the health problems in 12? Choose ideas from the list and add more of your own ideas. + gota prescription trom a doctor + take pil or other medicine «have some tests + 800 the hosoitel + 0 tothe chemists + have an operation + puton cream EALISTENING a @ER Watch or listen to Part 1. Answer the questions. 1 Why has Leo gone tothe doctor? 2 When cid the problem start? b @EED Watch or listen to Part 1 again. What other information does the doctor get from Leo about his back problem? Compare your notes with a partner. 6 OB Ask and answer the questions. 1 Do you ever suffer from the same health problem as Leo? 2. Wht causes it? 3. What treatments would you racemmend? EA USEFUL LANGUAGE Describing symptoms a ©REA Complete the phrases with the words in the box. Then listen and check. exhausted all the time back painful get to sleep hurts My bh © xz Listen again and repeat. © Make eight more phrases with 1-5 in 3a and the words in the box below. “wien [walk uncomfortable concen arm run terrible itchy sick When do people get the symptoms in 3a and 3c? Talk about your ideas with a partner. People feel sick Some people hen they eat bad feel sick on car food. Journeys EALISTENING @ G\BEI Which treatments do you think the doctor will suggest for Leo? Put a ¥ or a X. Then watch or listen to Part 2 and check your ideas. 1 Distey in bed 2 [ldo the things you normaty do 3 D)stay in the same position for ¢ long time 4 Dido some exercise 5 [take pil forte pain b GBEM Wetch or listen again. Are sentences 1-6 true (1) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1 [eos going tthe gym alt zt tne moment. 2 Fiteo sis down 2 ot or his job 3 [Leo isn't taking anything for the pain 4 Leo has to take two pills every vo hours. 5 [Leo shoulant take mare than 24 pilin aday. & [Leo might need to see the doctor again ine week CONVERSATION SKILLS Showing concem and relief Look at the underlined phrases in the conversations, Which phrases show that Leo is ... 7 1 happy with what the doctor says 2 worried about what ihe doctor says Doctor | don't think its anything to worry about. Leo Phew, That's good to haar. Doctor But you shouldn't stay in bed — that's not going, tohelp. leo Oh dear Really? Doctor | really don't think is erything to worry about Leo What artic! b GAMA Listen to the phrases in Se. How do we pronounce phew? Repeat the phrases c¢ ©@ Work in pairs. Take turns to say the sentences. Respond using the phrases in 5a Student A 2 | Gont thinks serious 2 | thnk you'l need te sae another doctor. 3 You should feel bette in 48 hours Student B 1 (need you to take a fon test, 2 Your tots defritely not orokon 3 | thnk is usta cole, no: te fu [GI USEFUL LANGUAGE Doctors’ questions a @IBER Match the doctor's questions with Leo's answers. Then listen and check. 1 [}so, what’ the prociem? 2 Llvinen oi tis problem sear? 3 E]vinece does it hur? 4 Lcen havea lock? 5 [JDo you do any exercise? 6 [Are you taking anything for the pain? 7 [Do you have any alergies? 2 About three or fou days 260 b Hete. This rea Yes Ive taken come ascii {No | dent think so, e sure. Wil, | usually goto the ey, but | haven't been recently & Well, my back huts b ©raM Listen to the doctor's questions. Choose the best answer (a or b) for each question. 1 a Yes, Ive tzken some tablets. b- My leg hurts 2 a No retofien, b Yes, ofcourse 3 2 Igoruming bl work in an office. 4 a Notmuch, b Icentteat fish, 5 a lledltredallthetime. bo, nothing. 6 a Alay. About a week ago, 7 a tthurtsale. Here — under my arm. uNiT7* PRONUNCIATION Tones for asking questions a GBH Listen to the questions. Does the doctor's voice 20 up (A) or down (\) at the end of each question? 1 So, what's the problem? 2 When dig this probiem star? 3 Where does it hur? 4 Can | heve a lok? b Which question in 7a does the doctor already know the answer to? Complete the rule ‘+ In questions where the soeaker doesn't know the answer, the voice usualy go2s up/ dawn, ‘+ In questions where the speaker knows the answer, the voice usually goes up / down, © Listen to the questions in 7a again and repeat. EW SPEAKING a C2 Work in pairs. Student A: you are a doctor. Listen to your partner's health problem and give advice, Student 8: choose a health problem from the pictures ‘and explain the problem to your partner. Give details. re: when aid this stort? lve gota Yesterday. after stomachache. dinner. But it happens ‘quite often. Isee... b 2b Swap roles. Student A: choose a new health problem. é ——— Skills for Writing After that, | decided to make a change HEILISTENING AND SPEAKING a (P What kind of things do people sometimes. want to change about themselves? Think of one example for each area + dict + study + money + exercise + bad nabits relationships b GEES Listen to Jeff, Silvia and Lucas. What change did each person try to make? Were they successful? ¢ GRE Listen again. Complete the table. Jeff What was their problem? | How did the problem happen? [What aia hey cranes? [itt wasts the esut ofthe cranes? d Think of something you would like to change in your life. Make notes about the questions. 1 What is the chonge? 2 Wry doyou want make the change? 3 Hon could you make the chango? 4 What do you hope the sul wl be? @ CB Work in pairs. Talk about the changes you would like to make. I think | should eat lesstastfood. How often do you eat it? READING a Simon wrote about a change he made for the Living to Change blog. Read the blog and answer the questions. 1 What was Simon lke before he made e change? 2. What kind of oxorcise did he start doing? 3 Wrat was the result? b Are these sentences about Simon true (7) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1 simon had problems with his weight just ater he stopped smoking. 2 (Jie started exercising before he stopped smoking, 3 [He chose running becouse he liked it when he was younger 4 JH teund it citfcut to run when he started 5 [When he hurt his foct, he was pleased to have 2 break from running. 6 [He now thinks he might enter @ running race. 74 Pech ie ere ees ©) Linking: ordering events Talking about how you got even better! CHANGE ‘About three years ego, | used fo smoke and | was overweight. Lwas really unit and | cida't feel very good about mysetf, 0 decided to make a change TORRGHWAR | gave up smoking vinich wasn’t too ctfiout. But then | started eating instead cf smoking, and I started putting on lot of weight. | was getting heavier and heavier ‘and | wasn’t doing any exercise. 'm about 1.78 m tall and my weight went up to 98 kg. So, fei | desided I needed to start exercising, too. When | was at secondary schoo! Used to enjoy running, 80 | thought that would be an easy way for me to got fit, ABI, | could only run for ‘atiout thiny seconds and then | hed towalk, It was terrible. So that's how | oot started ~I went for walks and every few days | made the walk a bitlonger a WRITING SKILLS Linking: ordering events @ Complete the rules with the words in the box. Use the FighIIBAEED words in Simon's blog to help you. to begin with after tat at first after awhile soon then in the end ‘To show the order of events we use . or ___to alk about the fist thing thet happened or or _ to mean next — forthe final action, event or result b Which word in 3a means ... ? 1 after a short time 2 after a longer time period © Complete the text with words and phrases in 3a. | stopped drinking cotfe, , | got headaches and really missed it (This the frst thing that happened.) , I started drinking just one cup 2 day. (This is what happened next.) the headaches stopped (This is what happened a short time later.) . | started drinking green tea during the day. (This is what happened afier a longer pertod of tno.) , forgot to make coffee in the morning one day, (This is what happened next) , Healised | dint need coffe at all (This s the lest thing that agpened.) ‘SHEREIWIRIC, | bouan feeling fitter and that’s when | started to run and valk. But then, one day, fell cover and hurt my foot when | was running anc | had to stop for about twa weeks. | wes surprised how much | missed it However, when | started again, twas much easior than | thought. S6dH, | found | dian’t nead to walk ‘any more and | found | couks run further and further ite id, Iwas abe to go for a 10 km run without problems. 've lost almost 20 kg and I now weigh just 80 kg. feel so much better anc 'm planning to run a merathon next year. These ays, instead of spending all my money on cigarettes, | spend mongy on going utor buying unit 7" d Complete the text with the time linkers in the box. Use each linker once. after that soon in the end to begin with after a while then About a year ago, | was vralking neara river end | slipped and fell in. | couldn't sim and | vas really frightened. | was lucky because a friend was there and she helped me. So | decided that I needed to learn to-swim. 1 , Ihated getting into the water at the swimming pool. My teacher told me to take e shower bofore getting in, so | was alroady wet. This was @ Good idea. 2 , Hound it easier to get into the water. 3 started with very easy exercises like putting my head undennater. I elta litte bit stupid. But my teacher made it fun and we laughed a lot. 4 | ound it easy to put my heed underwater. Learning how to breathe in and out underwater was, difficult and it took 2 long time. 5 it got easier and made good progress. Hearnt how to ‘swim. 'm not a great swimmer, but I'm not afraid of the water like | used to be And''m a lot more careful near the river nov WRITING @ You are going to write an article for the Living to Change biog. Think about a difficult change you made or something difficult you tried to do. Choose Cone of these topics or your own idea. = health = money > education © bad habits = Work = relationships Make notes on your ideas. Use questions 1-5 to help you, 1 What did you want to do? How did you start? Did your plan change? What was diffcuk? What was easy? id anything you didn’ expect happen? ‘What happened in the end? How do you feel about i? Use your notes to write an article about the change you made. Use time linkers to show the order of evens. Work in paits. Read each other's articles. Did you write about similar topics? Did your partner use time linkers? x 73 UNIT 7 Review and extension IMGRAMMAR a Complete the sentences using the comparative and superlative forms of the words. 1. Top speed: Kawase 130km/n, Shumike 140kmv/n, TTR 150knmh ‘The Shumika is fasterhan the Kawasa, but the TTR is hetastast (fest) 2 Room price: Grand Hote! 80 euros, Hotel Central 100 euros, Hotel Europe 120 euros The Hote! Central is ___ the Grand Hotel, but the Hotel Europe is (expensive) 3. MP3 players: Soundgood °°", MusicPro ****, iListan * The MusicPro is the Soundgood, but the iListen is (good) 4. Number of fans in the word: Border FC 20 milion, DK Jets 100 milion, AK Dynamo 200 lion DK Jots are ___ AK Dynamo, but Border FC is __. (Popular) b Complete the text with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the box. lan notbe buy notopen nothave see Thirty years ago, we !____ any bg sunermarkets in my town ‘There were some smal shops anc |@___ everything tre. | liked itbecause always °____ paople Ikra, soit was very friendly. But it wasn’t perfect - there *__ lat of diferent products. And the shops ® __on Sunday or late in the evening, so|§__ my week careily VOCABULARY @ Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. aplace intouch onwell paid to know 1 I'm going to get____with an old friend this week 2 I get much more now than in my old job. 3 Id like to get ata univers ina cifferent city 4 When I was younger | wasn't ery close to my parents, bbut nowr we get __. 5 I got most of my close friends when | wes at school b Match the sentence halves. 1 [)! go running twice a week to keep overweight. 2 [im neatry now, but used tobe b cn adiet 3 Eli pretertadserercisetien gsc ‘ft 4 [Alot more people cday have weight 5 [Wren I study alot, lofen puton € allergies. 76 @ Is change a ver or a noun in sentences 1-8? 1. | just want to change into something a tit more comfortable, 2 \heve a dificult train journey to work | have to change twice and take a bus. 3 You've gven me the wrong ehange —| gave you $10, not $6. 4 vo changed my mind — I'm going to stay In tonight 5 | took the Shift back tothe shop and changed it or anather one. 6 | alvays keep some change in the car to pay for parking, 7. We normally go shopping on Saturdays, but we're playing footbal for a change, 8 Could you change my €20 for two €10 notes, please? b Match the words in bold in 3a with meanings a-n, Verts 2 DJestatt a rain, us or plane and get on a diferent one b Dlretum something and get 2 new one © LJput different clothes on 4 Clexchenge money for different notes or coins © Fimake a ciferent decision Nouns £ CJoeceuse you want anew experience Docins 1 [the meney a shoo assistant returns to you Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box. change trains change my mind change some money keep some chenge the right change change into for achange change 1 Lalways in my pocket 2 normally — comfortable clothes when I get home in the evening. 2 Ihave to (on my way home, 4. | normally go to the mountains, but this year I'm going on a beach holiday 5 think i's better to before you go abroad 6 Idon't ofen ___ ater I've made a decision. 7 Ws easy to something after you've bought itin a shoo. ‘8 When | buy things, | aivays check the shop assistant aves me, #d SB Which of the sentences in 3c are true for you? Realm Cea aN) How well did you do in this unit? Write 3, 2 or 1 for each objective 3 = very nell well 1=not so well Describe health and lifestyle changes Talk to the doctor ‘White a blog about an achievement oooo Senne Cache Seer Pee Suc ee Dea crey DRC GETTING STARTED a (2B Describe what you can see in this painting, b CW in pairs, ask and answer the questions. 1 Where do yu think this wes painted 2 What co you tick his painting What do you thik ofthe painting? ¢ @)HEH Listen to someone talking about the painting. Are their ideas the same as yours? (2 In pairs, ask and answer the quest 1. Where can you a it Wher 2 Who goes to see if? Why do they go you Ive’ AEN eM Te a SER eR RCA VOCABULARY Art and music 2 Qin pairs, match pictures 1-10 with the types of art and music below. (Wseres Cnovet (sculpture Ejarchitecture Ffilm (E ohetosranh E]peinting [Jalbum — FJelassical music BEE Listen and check. Listen again and underline the stressed syllable in each one. Then listen again and repeat. ¢ (QR Which kinds of art and music are you interested in? EAREADING a CB Look at the pictures and titles of each thing in the article Six of the best, biggest and most popular Which of them have you read, seen or listened to? Do you like them? b Read the article. Which things ... ? ‘> took many years to become popular ‘+ has sold mote than any other ‘= people have committed 2 crime to onn/ see. © Read the article again and add the missing sentences a-f But the most popular single novel is ‘much older. 'b_ its so popular that, in 2012, over 160 baby girs were named Khalees! ~ the name of a character in the show, But now most people recognise the farnous da da da dah introduction d_ He was wrong it sold over ten milion more than that 2 The author sad the story for only a dollar Mtv taken by Vincenzo Peruggia, an Italian who wanted to return it to Italy 1d Work with a partner. Look at the IIBHIEHIEd words and phrases nthe article. What do they mean? @ QW are you surprised by any of the things on the most popular list? 78 (Ceaem Leam to talk about music, art and literature yee eae ‘The most popular album Thriller by Michael Jackson Atte time Jackson starved writing his Dest solling album, Thrill, he was upst Decause his previous altum, OF the Wal, hadn't von a Grammy award. He wrote on the mirorin his room that his next album wonld cell 50 million eopies. Bven today rewind 180,000 apie are sold in the USA every year. The most famous classical music. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony When Beethoven was alive, his Finn | Symphony wasn’t his most popular piece > otmusic. tn the rwentioth century, the ls four HARES were use by other ‘musicians to make clectro dance, hiphop, surfrock, rock and roll and disco tracks, The most famous painting ... La Gioconda La Cioconda (which is called the Mona ‘hisain English-speaking countries) was not alivays so famous. Itonly became really Welllan@Wh whon it was stolen rom the Louvre in Pais in 1911.2 The painting was found two years later and itis now kept behind glass to protect it The most popular novel ... ATale of Two Cities Many people thin that the Bestselling bool of al timo is ne ofthe Harry Poster hooks Jes true that all the lary Potter books together have sold about 45)million copies.«__A Tole of Tio Citica waa writen by Charles Dickens in 1850 and has sold 250 million copies. Ie tells the story ofa group of inary revolution. The most popular film | The Shawshank Redemption ‘The most popular fl ever didnt ral mitch money a the cinema. The Shavishank Retempttin only became poplar later on video, DVD and TV. The | film — W6téd “Best Film’ on the website IMDb - was bases on a booicby Stephen ‘The most popular TV series ... Game of Thrones ‘The number one TY series on IMDb ss eurrently Game of Thrones The fantasy drama was also the most illegally: downloaded sories of 2012 and 2015 —people aroun the world couldn't wait to sec it, 60 they downloaded the programme 2s soon as it was shown in the USA.° UNIT a GRAMMAR The passive: present and past simple Look at the sentences and answer the questions. ACTIVE Chatles Dickens wrate 4 Tale of Two Chiesin 1859. Passive 4 Tale of Two Cities was written by Charlos Dickens in 1859. 1 Is the information in the active and passive sentences the same or different? 2 Which sentence is about the book? —__ Which sentence is about the writer? 3 How does the vert: change in the passive? What are the two parts ofthe verb form? Ee b Now go to Grammar Focus 8A on p.156 © Underline five more examples of the passive in the article, (There are seven more altogether.) EA VOCABULARY Common verbs in the passive @ Complete the sentences using the past participles of ‘the verbs in the box. Not all the sentences are true. set (2 siory somewhere) design (@ building) paint (e painting) base (a fim on a book) perform (a piece of music) play (a character) write (songs, music) direct (a film, a TV show) 1 Allthe songs on Thrilerwere witzen by Michael Jackson. 2 When Beethoven's Fifth Symphony was. for the first time, the audience didnt like it ory much, 3 The Mona Lisa was by Michelangelo. 4 The 2012 Batman film The Dark Knight Rises was fon the book A Tale of Two Cities. 5 The main character in The Shawshank Reclemption was by Morgan Freemen. by Peter Jackson, director of Lord of the Rings. 7. The Harry Poter stories are in Britain in the 19905 by Salvador Dal & Casa Mi was. b @EEB Which sentences from 4a do you think are true? Tell a partner. Listen and check. SPEAKING @ Complete the sentences so they are true for you. My favourite album is Apainting | lke is The best book I've ever read was... ‘ATV show / fm I've seen more than ance is song | sometimes sirg is A poem | studied at school was ‘A sculpture / building which is famous in my country is b CB Talk about your answers to 5a in small groups. x 79 eee CO CU MN ECU RG Tan Perce te ae ec (ceo ore since | was at school Soe GI SPEAKING 2 C2 How de you know when someone is ying? Think of three different ways and tell a partner. Think about + whatthey say + voice + eyes» bevy b EALISTENING 2 ©IHEI Listen to the introduction to a radio show called can't believe it! Answer the questions. 1 What topic are the players gong to tak about? 2. How mary les will each player tell? 2B Do you know any games where you have to lie? 1b Micheel, a player on I can’t beliove itl, is going to talk about Usain Bolt. What do you know about him? ¢ OPE Listen to what Michael says. Which of the sentences 1-7 do you think are his two lies? Tell a partner. 1. Usain Botts the fastest man in the world His tam mates cal him Giafie Runners as tall as Usain con't usualy win, He's held the wold record for the 100 metres end 200 metres since 2008: He mes the frst person to win both races in two Olympics 6 He forgct to tie his shoes in the 100 metres final in 2012. 7. He slowed down atthe end ofthe 100 maties fi 1d @RA Listen and check your answers to 2c. @ CW Look t the men inthe other mo pictures, Answer the questions 1 Were ya hiriceach ian sain? 2 What sport/activity is each man doing? 3 What word records do you think trey broke? { © Listen to Alice and Neil talking about the men. Check your answers to Ze. (© Listen again. Answer questions 1-2 adout each man 1 How dic he become famous? 2 What has he done since? hh Ce compare your notes with partner. What do you think the lies about each man are? Tel your partner. onishiki Yasokichi Captain Joseph Kitinger Let: _—_ iss, (ee e2: i © Listen to the next part of the programme and check your ideas in 2h. j CB which of the three record breakers in the programme do you think isthe most interesting? Why? 80 UNIT 8° GRAMMAR SPEAKING Pre: ‘fect with for and since BeDnDS # @ You are going to talk about sports and activities, Look at the sentence about Konisniki Yasokichi Make notes about (1-4) first. Does he have a radio show now? ‘sport or activty yeu co + hen you do it + ho you do t with b Complete the rule with the words present and past. + hy you He's had his onn radio show for many ye 2 Assport you are a fan of + wy you ike it ‘+ hove long you've been a fan ‘+ any teams or players you like We can use the present perfect to talk about something that started in the and continues in the —_. © Look at two more sentences from the listening. , ‘Choose the correct words. Then complete the rules. 2 ee ee ined: Baten ies he for! since over 50 yeats! ee 1 itinge has held his record for since over 59 yeas! = why you didn't ike it 2 He's been in the Jamaican Olymric team for/ since 2008, 4 A sport you hate watching With the prosont perfect: why you doe ike + we use to say the time peried, «hen you started hating it 8 fen minutes, three years. * we use ___ fo say when something started, b C2 Werk in small groups. Compare your interests eg yesterday, year aga, ‘and experiences. Which person in your group are you most similar to? 4 B Now go to Grammar Focus 8B on 9.156 Complete the sentences with the past participles of ENS Rae nego She the verbs in brackets and a time phrase with for or s rey ee since, Write four true sentences and two lies. 1 ve (ive) in my housatat But ove yoga. its Me too. | prefer 2 lve (be) a stusent hare relaxing. Maybe you football 3 lve (have) my moble phone ‘went to a bad class. 4 le ero) —— 5 lve (went) 8 lve (own) my { Qh Read your sentences to a partner. Can your partner guess which two sentences are lies? EAVOCABULARY sports and activities Look at the pictures on the page. Which sports and. activities can you sea? Make a list. b C2 Have you ever tried any of the sports in the pictures? Would you like to? © D> Now go to Vocabulary Focus 88 on p.138 AAC a a(t I'm really sorry | haven’t called ELISTENING 2 WW Do your friends sometimes do any of these thines? + not al you back + vrait unexpectedly {not reply text messages oF eras If yes, does it annoy you? Do they do anything else that annoys you? ©IBED Look at the pictures. What do you think is happening? Watch or listen to Part 1 and check your ideas. rE Watch or listen again. Answer the questions 1 What excuse does Leo give first fr not caling? 2 Is Annie happy with Leo's first excuse? What does she ask him? 3. What excuse does Leo ge nea? 4. What ld Annie think the problem was? 5 Why does Leo say he was working so much? 6 Does Annie think this was a good idea? ‘(2 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. When was the last time you apologised to someone? What happened? Do you thnk its necessary to apologise if you're ten minutes tate when you meet someone ‘= you don't reply to someone's text message the same cay 2 2 FAUSEFUL LANGUAGE Apologies and excuses a @Bxw Listen and complete the sentences from haven't called you |_—call or send you a message. 1_____tocall you, but I couldn't find my mobile. to make you worry. you after | went to the doctor ‘work that much, no excuse, 1 No, In which of the phrases in 2a is Leo ... 7 1 apokgisire 2 giving an excuse (© Listen and repeat the phrases in 2a. Complete the excuses with words from 2a. Lt = goirg to textyou, but | didn't have my phone. 21 to tel you, but I forgot. 31 work at the weekend, because my bos asked me. at fo be so rude. 5h ‘come to your party, because | was il. 82 ‘© you forgat someone's birthday ‘= you have to cancel because you're ill © GEA Complete the phrases Annie uses to accept Leo's apologies. Then listen and check 1 Itdoesnt 2 Well i's not your 3 Dor about it 4 No really, i's @IEED Listen and repeat the phrases in 2e. 2B Work in pairs. Take turns to apologise for the situations and to give an excuse. Resgond and accept your partner's apologies. Use ideas from the ‘boxes or your own ideas. Siwations ‘© being late for a meeting ‘= notarworing an email forgetting to pay back some money xcuses + lctsofratic = didn’t get paid = very busy + missed the bus/train EX PRONUNCIATION Tones for continuing or finishing @ ©) Listen to two sentences. Does the voice in the underlined parts (1-4) go down then up (S17) or down (M)? ‘was going o-callyou, but ma-phone was dae | meant to call you, but! had to work ot 3 4 b Complete the rule. Wher a speaker wanis to show that they have something more to sy, their voice eflen oes down then up / down, When a speaker wanis to show the information they're giving has finished, voice often goes down then up / down, their © GEM Listen to four sentences. Do you think each speaker has finished or has something more to say? 1 Ididnt see John 2 | won't have time tomorrow 3. 11Was going to tel you what happened 4 Idian't call her EALISTENING a @ERA Watch or listen to Part 2. What does Leo. agree to do? DIA Watch or listen again. What are the three other suggestions Annie makes? Why doesn’t Leo like them? Suggestion 1: Leo’ response: ‘Suggestion 2: Leo's response: Suazestion 3 Leo's response: c © What do you think of Annie's suggestions? Can you think of anything else to suggest? SPEAKING a CD Work in pairs. Look at the sentences. Who might say each one? ‘You stil haven't given me the report | asked you to do. "You were driving 70 km an ‘hour. The speed limit is 0 km” ‘Vim at the café, Where are you? Is everything Ok? "You can’ sit ere unless You order something.” "You torgotta buy again b C2 what excuses could you give for each situation in 5a? ¢ CB Swap partners. Take turns saying the sentences from a to your partner. Apologise and give an excuse. Whose excuses are better? You sti haven't “yen me the tim sony | was. report lesked ate meeting al you to do. rmoming. just lari thave tine. That's OK. It's ‘not your feut. But Ineediit this week & (CHECK YOUR PROGRESS ——$—$—— | ‘You can now do the Unit Progress Test. lr oes ©” Skills cys Tan ee a ee mo ee {© Positive and negative comments; although, however ea ea em ee HELISTENING AND SPEAKING a CB Look at the book covers. What do you think the stories are about? b Read the summaries of the stories and match them with the book covers. Are they similar to your ideas in 1a? 1 Ina small vilage, Megan and Hum fallin love. But Huw has to go abroad end they meet again 50 years later. 2. Aman in Florida is out in hs ‘ishing boat and a hurricane is coring. His daughter ‘must tell him before it's to late 3 In Scctlend, a woman is murdered. A man hhas just escaped from arison and the pol think he is the murderer .. butis he’ isten to three people talking bout the books. Answer the questions. 1 Who has finishod the book an who is sti reading? 2 What do they think about the stories? d © Listen again and answer the questions, Two Lives 1 Why does the men leave the village? 2 What has happened while he was away? Eye of the Storm 3 Did everything in this story happen in real ‘A Puzzle for Logan 5 Why do tne police trink the prisoner is the murderer? 6 What does Inspecior Logan try to @ Think of a book you are reading or a book you remember. What happens in the Story? Make notes about: + the charecters the kind of story it is + what happens / the matn points what you think / thought about it { Cl Work in small groups. Talk about your book and say if you liked it. Have any other students read it? Would they like to read it now? 84 EAREADING Read the online reviews. Match them with the books in the pictures. ‘Ae The first reviewer gave the book three stars (= quite 00d). How mary stars do you think the other reviewers gave? HOME NEWS REVIEWS REGISTER This book is quite exciting. Even after the first few pages you want to know who killed the woman, and you don’t know until the end. Its $80) {WHER and the characters are really interesting and FRBHGHC. However, the story is quite HARGROHOIGW because there are so many different people, so [didn't enjoy it as much as T expected. This is the best book I’ve ever read in English! It's a beautiful story, although it’s also very sad and it made me cry. The man and the ‘woman are SGfideHMil characters and they are described very well. You can really understand how they feel. Tdefinively recommend it! This book is OK, but it's BBE BINAHE. The story is quite interesting and it’s easy to read. However, it's HOINSEyEXCILINg, because you know from the start that the girl and her friend will save the girl's father from the storm and they will all live happily ever after. I also thought the characters were albit dill. In real life, people are not good and kind all of the time! I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting to read and it describes Edinburgh very well, so you can really imagine what the city and the people are like. Although the story is (HISESMPIEAE, you should keep going because the ending is very clever. You can’t guess who killed the wornan until the very last page. I S5Uldi puts bao OW ntl I gor to the end! T can recommend it. unit 8° WRITING SKILLS Positive and negative comments; Linking: although, however 2 Look at the [IBHIIGHEEM phrases in the book reviews. Are they positive or negative? Make two ists b Look at the examples and answer the questions. re really interesting and realistic the story is quite hard to follow, Tre although the story is quite hard to foloa, haracters are really interesting and realistic, 1 Do the words however and although... 2 2 jin similar ideas b contest two different ideas 2 Which werd ...2 begins a new sentenc Joins the ideas in the same sentence —__ © Underline four examples of however and although in the tents d Where can although come in the sentence? 1 only in the middle 2 at the beginning or in the middle © Look at the two sentences in comments 1-4. Join the twa sentences in each comment using, however or although. There is more than one possible answer. 1 Lean recommend the book. 2 The storys a bt boring Th 3 tsan exciting story. I's not t 4. Its fiction. Its based on o true stoy WRITING @ Think of a book you've read, (Use the one you chose in le or a different one.) You're going to write a review of the book. Answer the questions. 1 What are the good and bad points? Think about. «+ the characters = the story = the deser 2 What phrases in 3a can you use to describe the story? 3. How can you use honever or although to join your ideas? ditfcutt to reed, races are interesting best story I've ever bb Use your ideas in 4a to write a review of the book and give 2 star rating (1-5) © Work in pairs. Read your partner's review. Check their work. Does it do all these things? Tick each box. [tet you about te characters [lene a descrcton of the story [Dluse honever and aitrough rectly Read other students’ reviews. Choose a book you ‘would like to read and tell the class why. 85 UNIT 8 Review and extension @ Match the sentences with by (1-4) with the meanings (ad). 1 Have you heard the new song by Arcade Fire? EN GRAMMAR 2 Can | ney by creditcard? 3 You need to bring the car back by eight o'clock 4, He was standing by the window locking atthe rain. @ Complete the text with present and past simple passive forms of the verbs in the box. 2 neer or next to cs Eo b using not perform show write love sell direct film created or writen Se © notlater than ‘The two most popular DVDs ever are very different. The best- seling DVD is Finding Nemo eight milion copies ‘\__ Match questions (1-5) with replies (2-2). ‘on the frst day it was avilable. Most ofthe voices for the 1 [Ere ou ating fo read your seen fom card? main characters 2 by famous actors, but they °____by 2 EEcen' borrow a:pen? children al over the world, Pulo Fetion —the second best 4 Eilichritusieistend vourtert nesseee, seling OVD ever =e « much more adv fr tb 4 [ila sexitecommend a good lian resteurent here? Quentin Terantno and it °__in Los Angeles. t's an unusual: § F]Cen | put this jacket in the washing machine? film, because the action °___in a strange order ~ you see the _ end of the story at the beginning. Audiences loved the acting; a There are ees es Eira erento by fen ife tes ‘most ofthe charecters ”___ forthe actors who piayed them. © No, Fm going to learnt by heart. Yes, ofcourse. Oh, by the way, cid you soeak to Siva? b CB Work in pairs. Describe a film you like. © No, you need to wash it hy hand Sony, was for someone alse. | sentit to you by mistake © Complete the sentences with the active or passive i forms of the verbs. © Which phrase in bold in 3b do we use to start 1 This sculpture in 1870. (crated talking about something different? 2 ee ore es fans ohiegent: (ee) Fd Match the other phrases in bold in 3b with the 3. The film on attrue story. (base) ecnings (1-41 4. Spike Joharsen the film while he was stl a stusent, (Girect) 1 without wanting to 2 without using a machine 5 The author ___ the story in a single day while he was on holiday. (wite) 3. much more than anything else —_ 6 The car____by a company in Milan. (design) 4 so you cen remember it nithout reading — d Correct the mistakes in these sentences. £@ Complete the sentences with expressions from 3b. 1 We live here since 2014. 1. Hello! Are you enjoying the party? My narne’s Mark, 2 She's studied English since two years, 3 I've nad my job trom 2010. 2 limsory, | turned on the washing machine 4 They're been football fans al their Ives. now | cant stop it. 5 We've been married for 2012. 3. This form doesn’t work on the computer, s0 I have to and 6 loved their music since | san them at @ concert cannes 44 [think that isthe best film in the cinema at the - moment, BA VOCABULARY 5 When | was at school, we learnt poems and repeated them tothe class @ Complete the sentences with the words in the box, Cl What is something you ... ? poem sculpture series concert architecture Pb asthe abil <1 en do tyre There's @ famous ___ in an art gollery near where | ve. Ie ine must, £01/go oat east month. Bary oi iis as Ee > REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Lean stil remember wrote when | vas a child 2 2 lwschattar 4 ew nl did you do nhs unit te 3, 201 for each objective. 3=verywell 2=well 1 | don't really like the in my town. jot so well bh CX Which of the sentences in 22 are true for you? Complete the names of the sports and sports activities, CAR 7 ey ee Talk aiout music, at and Hterature Go 2g—--— 2 ‘Talk about sports and leisure activities Oo 3 wi. 7g___ ‘Apologise, make and accept excuses a ae SS Wite a book review o "es etorcons Meena ee ees i) CT a SST e:1 ssene EEVOCABULARY Degree subjects ac 1. Do mest people in your country gota university? What are three popular degree subjects? 2 Isitimportant to go to university? Why / Why not? °W Ask and answer the questions. @ IEE Look at the pictures. Match the university degree subjects with the pictures. Listen and check. Obew (crama_ Limedicine (Gat Fpsrehotogy — Ejengineesing (business manegement EJ educalien ¢ CB Are the subjects in 1b common degrees in your country? Why do you think people study each subject? BA READING AND SPEAKING a (2® Read the introduction and look at the names d CQ Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. of the degree subjects in the article. Which degrees 1. Which obs do you think people can do withthe degrees in have you heard of before? What exactly do you think fh etiie? What kind of companies: could they work fo? students learn in each of the degrees? Could they be eef- employed? 2 Which degree in the artcle do you think would be the most bb Read the article and check your ideas in 2a. Uncerline fl ni your county? Which would be the least useful? the werds which tell you what the students study 3 Which degree woul be the most fun or interesting fr you? Which woul you dowel at? ¢ CB Discuss the meaning of any new words you underlined in the article with a partner. Se degrees ‘Are you thinking about going to university? Do you think mathematics, physics and history sound boring? Well there are o lot of unusual degrees that you might not know about. Here are some of our favourites. Football Studies Citrus Studies ‘Yes, you can do a degree in oranges, lemons znd lines! Students lear to grow citrus fruits, which, ues a lot of chemistry and ‘ology You'l get really healthy from ‘ll tha fresh frit! dents learn about football and business, society and the mada, ‘They also study sports injuries and ‘coaching. You don’ need to play football to apply - thore won't be ary footballs in the exam room. hot ieee Not realy to grow up yet? Then ating eake or bisculs is probably raybe you'd like to lear how to ‘samething you do for fun. But for design toys for children. But don't ‘stirlents doing this course, is part thine c wil be easy Just because you fof studying Students learn about ‘see the word ‘tos’ Students on this chemistry and how to manage course study child psychology, 3D ‘production, There is abakery at the fesign and mnecharteal engineering. “university So stidents ean pracciso ‘hat theyre leaming. VOCABULARY Education collocations Look at the words and phrases. Which refer to good students? Which refer to bad students? Write G or 2. [)pass your exarns [fail your exams Leetlow grades [_Jtake notes Orerise (hand an essay in late bb B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 9A on p.139 LISTENING 2 @IHE Listen to five students talking about their studies. Which speakers have good study habits? Which have bad study habits? good habits bad habits b HEB Listen again. Which speaker .. 1 D)has just finished all their exams 2 Dis worried about an exam 3 E)has to make an important decision 4 [iis finding it citicutt to complete piece of work 5 Liknows what subject they want to stusy at university ¢ CW Which students in 4a are the most similar to you when you study? TO UME TaN eT Sinvdenis who do this degree jst listen to pop music all ay: But thats not true. Pop rusic involves the setence cof sound, production and engineering. Students get lectures from some rally important peoplein the Ifyou tke using your hands, then a course in cranes might be for you Students learn now to produce all kinds of ceramics from fine at to dimer plates ‘They don'twnite any essays ~alltheir grades are for exhibitions oftheir work. unit 3° GRAMMAR First conditional 2 © Listen tothe sentences and complete the missing words. 1 if|___., I'm going to have e dig party! 2m soon, il miss the deadline. 3 | might fal the year she ‘me more te, a It tne questions too hard, | might be OK Vm sure Il get the grades I need if |___ hard b Look at the sentences in Se. Answer the questions and complete the rules. 1 Are the students talking about the present or the future? 2 Ace the events possible or certain to happen? 3 What tense are the verbs in the if clause? Complete the rule. ‘We use iF+ subject +___ to talk about a possible future situetion, ‘We use a future form io talk about the result of this situation, © D> Now go to Grammar Focus 9A on p, 158 d GiB Pronunciation Listen to the sentences, Notice the pause ( between the two parts of the sentences. 1 fitrains this weekend, (1 stay at home. 2 If don't study herd, 1 might net pass the exam. 2 If see you after class, / 1 give you the book 4 woke up at 10 am tomorrow, i'l be in trouble at work. 5 I have enough money next year, im going to buy 2 new car. € ©IEM Listen again and repeat. Look at the sentences in ¢ again, Change the second half of the sentences so they ae tue for you g Cl Work in pairs. Student A: read a sentence from 5d. Student 8: ask an /fquestion. How many exchanges can you make? SPEAKING @ Think about your own future. Write down four important plans. that you have, Think about: © hobbies = travel + telationshins b 2 Work in smal groups. Tel the group your plans. Listen to the other students’ plans and ask if questions. will you move to London ifyou get the job? 89 | managed to stop feeling shy 9B SPEAKING AND LISTENING 2} Which ofthese situations do you find easy? Which do you fel shy in? MT speaking opeonieyou fl 2 speaking toa stranger] pennies eantnaeae Ears rr feared b C2 Read the sentences about shy people. Do you think they are true (7) or (F false? 1 L]Wore people are shy now than in the past, 2 E)shy people ere not interested in telking to other pooplo. 3 CJ Tecnnciogy ike tne internet can help shy peoole 4 (Shy people often have negative ideas abou the future © GIR Listen to an interview about sayness with Dr Lamb on @ news programme. Check your answers to 1b, d @iHA Listen again. What does Dr Lamb say about ...? 1. when shyness becomes 2 problem 2 why technology may cause shyness 3 the worries shy peoole have 4 how she helps shy people ¢ QR What do you think of Or Lamb's advice? What do you do if you feel shy or nervous? 90 READING a CB Are you interested in the lives of celebrities? perked reece con fone Sopot agente ey ‘Why / Why not? Which celebrities are you interested in? ‘2B Look at the pictures of the celebrities in the article, Which problems from the list do you think each celebrity had? + family disagreements + language problems shyness ‘© not finishing schoo! bullying Read the article. Check your answers to 2b. You might think that the rich and famous have easy lives. But many had serious problems before they became successful. Lady Gaga ay Gaga's fou ona unusual tos ann amazing pertrmances. Bats says fa she's actly ery shy and she aids ‘mocting thor artists. Sho says, might not i a shy with people rat kro, but with opie that I dont know | am very sy! Michael Phelps ‘Michael helps wes buted at schoo), Other chiiren laughed at Fis big ears and long arms ~ the ‘same long arms with whieh no won 18 Olympic gold medals. But Philos sys the experience belped him te become a ‘champion. "kind ot laugh at it ow he says. "think itmade m= stronger going through that’ Salma Hayek ‘When Mexican actress Salma Hayek moved to America ste cower speak Engi. St alo nas dyslexia, so she found it difficult to read and write. But Selma fused civ un. Sh lero spook Exgion uly an ines han yoar se was nner fst Enosdanguage fm, Se sys, Some people read really fast, but you'll ask them questions about the script and they! forget. | take a long time to read art bt reer orca? Cover the article. Can you remember who these sentences are about? He often wears dark glasses and a hat in public He went to university to do a degree in business. He has managed to win six Oscars Other children taughed at his big ears and long arms. She learned to spaak English quickly. She avcids meeting other artist, Read the text again and check. 2 CB Answer the questions in pairs. 1 Wh does Lady Gaga feel chy around? 2 Does Satna Hayek think its batter to read a script cic? 3. How did buying aft Michael Phelps's cares"? 4 Did Johnny Denp want tobe famous? '5 Why did PetocJackeon leave school young? 6 What did Benicio Del Too's father want rim to co? { © Who do you think had the most difficult problem to deal with? Do you admire any of the celebrities? Why / Why not? Johnny Depp ‘ohnry Dapp ene o the most recognised actors in the world. But he dees ia being famous. Ho often ners cork lasses end anat in public. Ho s,m shy hate Fame ve done ovoything | oan o exc t Peter Jackson When Poter Jackson — the director of Lord of The Rings was nine years ol, ne sew the 1833, fim King Kong, and from that moment he was ‘iways thinking abeutmakind films. He [ovealising tne tami video camara and at nly 16 he lft schoo just ane flue? ‘ut of schoo! and into a job, any ib, so that could Staisaving monoy for the next piece of fim equipment’ Witnout going to fim school he has managed to win six Oscars and he has ramade King Kong with a $207 milion ‘bllar budget. Benicio Del Toro ‘Oscar winner Bonicio Del Toro came trom a family cof layers, Hs father wanted him to become a anger too. He went to university todo a dearee in business, but betore he tnshed he GGA TOTEAVE to suxty acting. But Del Toro oesrtrearet not rising university. ‘My dad \wanteé me to go to law school part-time and ‘work on my acting the ret ofthe time. But | couldn't do that. ‘hae made up my mind to bbecernean actor’ unit GRAMMAR verb patterns Look at the sentences below. What verb form follows the inderlined verbs? 1 He decided to leave to study acting 2 Ho loved using the family video camera Look at the table and the [IGBIIBBIE! words inthe article. Complete the table with the verbs. Verbs followed by to + infinitive | Verbs folloned by verb + -ing ec low © DB Now go to Grammar Focus 98 on p.158 VOCABULARY Verbs followed by to + infinitive / verb + -ing @ Find four more verbs in the article that are followed by to infinitive or vero + -ing. Add them to the table in 3b. b ld Work in pairs. What do the verbs in da mean? © B Now go to Vocabulary Focus 9B on 9.139 EA SPEAKING Choose five topics from the list below. Think of an idea for each one. Write key words in each of the boxes, for exampl {A place you've arranged ta go io s20n. Something you regret doing vihen you were younger. Something you promised to do but did Something diicult you managed todo recently. ‘Something you're avoiding doing at tne moment ‘+ Something you forgot too tht was very important A place you would recommend visting i your town or ciy. + Something you enjoy deing when you have some free time. + Something that you miss doing [arkneanS| b Cb Work in pairs. Try to guess your partner's ideas from their key words. Use the words in bold in Sa to ask questions. ‘Are you avciding Yisiting your parents? Did you forget to: visit your parents?

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