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Hay personas a las que no les agradas por una

opinión política, otras no te apoyan porque te
gusta el rap y el baile callejero.
Hay personas a las que no les gustas y realmente
no saben por qué. A otros no les caes bien porque
piensan que no te caen bien.

Hay personas a las que no les gustas porque son

demasiado y tú eres muy poco. A otros no les
gustas porque piensan que son demasiado
A algunos no les gustas porque les gusta alguien a
quien no le gustas. Otros porque una vez
escucharon a alguien hablar mal de ti.

Algunos dicen que no les gusta, pero es

conveniencia, alojamiento o demasiado vago para
pensar. Otros simplemente están por malicia,
retribución o para aparecer.
Hay personas a las que no les gustas porque
cuando te miran, ven lo que no pueden soportar
por sí mismas. Otros no te quieren porque eres lo
que no pueden ser.
Así como es difícil explicar el amor; También es
inútil tratar de entender (sin hablar) por qué no les

(Monteiro. Walmir. Pensamiento existencial (en


There are people who don't like you because of a

political opinion, others don't support you because
you like rap and street dance.
There are people who don't like you and don't
really know why. Others don't like you because
they think you don't like them.

There are people who don't like you because they

are too much and you are too little. Others don't
like you because they think they're too small.
Some don't like you because they like someone
who doesn't like you. Others because they once
heard someone speak bad things about you.
Some say they don't like it, but it is convenience,
accommodation or too lazy to think. Others is just
out of malice, retribution or to appear.
There are people who don't like you because when
they look at you they see what they can't stand in
themselves. Others don't like you because you are
what they can't be.

Just as it is difficult to explain love; it is also
useless to try to understand (without talking) why
they don't like you.

(Monteiro. Walmir. Existential thinking (in press).

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