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BOOK OF ZtlFFANIAK — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-8

June 20, 1994 (5) This is thine answer, for thou art forgiven of thy sins against God and against thy fellowman. Rejoice and
be glad for the day of salvation cometh for thee to exclaim the mercies of a tender God toward thee. Be at peace; be at peace
for thy God is over all. Be at peace. Be at covenant peace, even as thou art found prepared to enter into greater covenant
with thy Lord thy God. Be at peace; be at peace with thy Maker and thy God. [June 20, 1994 (5)]
June 25,1994(1)
June 25,1994 (1) Praise be unto God for thy desire to serve thy fellow brethren, even that ye would prepare documents of
the words of the Lord to prepare the people for righteousness. Ye will prepare to see those prepared surfacing to thy view;
and ye shall recognize them as they will recognize thee in the battle for the souls of men who have yet declared allegiance
unto the Father and the Son Jesus Christ Ye shall be forwarded in thine understanding even that ye would be prepared to
stand firm hi the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ found across thy brow unto perfect peace. Ye shall stand firm in the
knowledge that thy God is over all; and ye have partaken of the spirit of revelation and prophecy, even that thy God is over
all the meek who desire to testify of the Beloved Son of God, even Jesus Christ, unto the dispelling of falsehoods and
suppositions which plague the wicked in their unbelief. Ye shall stand forth when ye are called to stand forth and ye shall
declare thine allegiance unto God in that ye shall with peace written across thy brow declare thy testimony of the living Son
of God who redeemeth the sons and daughters who believe in him from the hell of captivation and the misery of having lost
their foothold in faith in the name of Jesus Christ; for the damned partake not of peace, neither do the damned partake of
rest in the presence of the Lord. Ye shall be found prepared to minister unto those of little faith, and ye shall not forsake thy
desire for righteousness in the presence of the enemy, those who seek to dissuade thee in thy desire for righteousness. Let it
be known that as ye desire righteousness, ye shall be furthered in thine understanding of spiritual things even that ye would
be found prepared to minister unto my children in the name of the Lord God Jehovah. [June 25, 1994 (1)]
June 25,1994(2)
June 25,1994 (2) Ye shall be favored by the Lord and given a commission of knowledge, a gift or an esidovmeat of purpose
to function in the rest of the Lord even that ye would not be unprepared with knowledge concerning the purposes of the
Lord for thee. Ye shall not flounder not knowing the will of the Lord for thee. Ye have been prepared to minister unto the
children of the Father who have faith hi the Son of God, even the meek of the earth who rely upon the direction given of the
Holy Ghost unto the fulfillment of the prophecies which declare their readiness and faithfulness to participate in the mercies
and adjunct blessing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ye shall have thy faith tested as ye prepare with singleness of
heart and mind. Ye shall prepare for the battle because of thine increased faith on the name of Jesus Christ. Ye shall prepare
thy heart for greater sorrows because of the lack of faith of those who will seek to destroy thine offering; but as prophets of
old, ye will pay them no heed as ye partake of the tender mercies bestowed upon thee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ye shall feast in the presence of thine enemies and ye shall partake of the plenty of sacrificial offerings even that ye would
be prepared to feast in the presence of God upon those things offered in the name of righteousness, even that the offering of
the Son of God hath redeemed thee from the death and hell even that ye have been snatched from the hell of denial of the
words of Jesus Christ even that ye have been redeemed by the literal sacrifice of thy Savior and Redeemer, even Jesus
Christ. So be it written and given unto thee that thy praise shall be the praise raised up from the dead to declare glad tidings
unto a generation of vipers who rely not upon the Lord Jesus Christ and the mercy of the Lord unto the salvation of men. and
women in the flesh. [June 25,1994, (2)]
June 25,1994 (3)
June 25, 1994 (3) Peace be unto thy soul; for ye shall arise with healing in thy breath of wisdom even that ye would speak as
an oracle of God in that thy witness shall be testified to even by the Holy Ghost as ye declare thine unfailing witness that
God the Father doth dwell in heaven and the manna of righteousness doth feed the five- thousand in the name of the Lord.
The miracles of heaven do not end when the greatest miracle is redemption from the realm of Satan and sin. The greatest
miracle wrought upon the earth is the atonement of Jesus Christ; the greatest Deliverer is the Son of God, even Jesus Christ,
even the Ransomer of the penitent who have forsaken their sins and desire restitution in the presence of God. Be at peace;
for thy God doth fight thy battles for thee and has prepared the way that ye would witness to the world even as ye declare
thine allegiance in the name of Jesus Christ by thine example of purity and righteousness. [June 25, 1994 (3)]
June 27, 1994(2)
June 27,1994 (2) [I write in the name of the Lord with the name of the Lord upon my countenance. I feast upon living
manna given in the name of the Lord God Jehovah.] Ye come to this day having prepared thy heart and mind. Ye have cause
to rejoice as the heavens are open and ye receive the true light which lighteth every man who cometh unto God in that basic
desire to be brought into the presence of the Lord. Ye shall bask in the fullness of priesthood ordinance having prepared
thyself to partake righteously of the name of the Lord in revelation through the gift of prophecy and of revelation. Ye shall
be made mindful of the understanding given to thee is prepared before the foundation of the earth to enlighten and sanctify
according to the faith exhibited in the name of Jesus Christ Ye shall arise up with healing in thy voice of wisdom and ye
shall be found worthy to expound doctrine unto those who have ears to hear and who feast upon their faith in the name of

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501 (c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
worid through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arion Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Maione Southard. Draft_E-8

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